Better than Neosporin? We think so! DIY Triple-Healing Ointment

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winter is the perfect time for healing and what I mean by that is spiritual emotional and physical in your home you have the opportunity with Christmas and the new year on its way this is the time to be preparing your family for the days ahead now today I want to share with you a super easy recipe that any of us can make that's actually a replacement for the brand name of medication neosporin it doesn't actually have that same ingredient of neomycin that neosporin holds in it so I can't technically call it that but it is a very healing restorative balm that you're going to be able to use just as you would neosporin but it's going to be much healthier for you and your family so let's get right to it if you're like me on any given day you can cut yourself burn yourself have a couple of scrapes and bruises for you and almost anybody else in your family and so neosporin is something all of us have come to really rely on as one of the go-to products in our homes for the healing of those little cuts and scrapes however there are a few things to be a little bit cautious of for one thing neosporin has a few ingredients that a few people are actually allergic to you probably already know if you're one of those people but even beyond that it's in a base of petroleum jelly and there are a number of doctors out there increasingly who are saying listen petroleum jelly makes us think we're having a moisture moisturizing effect on our skin but in reality it's a very fake product that's almost like just rubbing some sort of a smoothing plastic on your skin that that coats the surface of it I don't want anything to do with plastic if you remember and so that's one more reason why I want to make my own homemade DIY version this is a super simple recipe and so even those of you who are not cooks can probably make this but let me show you the four recipes the the four ingredients that you're going to need for this recipe first of all you're going to want beeswax and you can get it in several different forms this is in those little tiny pestle little tiny dots worth of it or you can get it in a larger kind of a puck shaped version they're all different I've seen it in a little squares whatever works for you get yourself some of the best highest quality beeswax because that's going to be the base that makes this thick but also creamy and then you're going to want a good oil now you've got a couple of options here luckily I'm going to be using the highest grade of extra virgin olive oil that I can get my hands on however I am going to add my personal favorite extra ingredient to that and that is a double infused version of extra virgin olive oil with comfrey now comfrey is something we'll talk about in a whole nother episode because it's so valuable I will absolutely debt and dedicate an episode just to comfrey and how to make your own comfrey salve which is known to be so healing it even heals bones go out and do some of your own research but this is what comfrey looks like when you get it dried and kind of in a ground-up version of those leaves what I've done is actually infused some olive oil for months sitting in comfrey leaves I've got about half of the little two cup container full of leaves of comfrey and then the rest of it filled up with the extra virgin olive oil and I let that sit for a few months and then do it again so we've got a cold double infused version of the comfrey oil and it's so valuable for healing in so many different ways that's what I'll be using today but I want you to know you can make this just fine with olive oil or if you'd like to use coconut oil that is extremely healing or you can use something like almond oil or even towba oil whatever you've got on hand in your home that's a high-quality healing oil that's going to be a carrier for the rest of the ingredients so you've got your beeswax your oil and then you're going to want to put a couple of these extra healing property essential oils in the first one I love you know is going to be this tea tree oil because it is so excellent at being an antibacterial agent and an antifungal antimicrobial agent this is fantastic for that very healing also vitamin E is one of the most soothing oils you can get and it soaks right into your skin and is very nurturing and healing so I'm going to put vitamin E oil in and the last one you get to pick so whatever works for you is up to you and many folks I would say use lavender or chamomile essential oil me personally though I'm going to be using clove oil and the reason I do is just because I love the little bit of numbing that it has if you remember this is what we use when we have a toothache and it numbs that and has been used for centuries to do that I love that but it's also very anti bacterial and antimicrobial it's very healing so I'm going to use some clove oil as our last ingredient alright we're ready to get started and it's this simple what you're going to want is 8 ounces of that oil that you've chosen and half an ounce of the beeswax pellets and I'm going to be melting them today in my little copper pan that's perfect for melting things like this so I'm putting in 8 ounces of the oil and 1/2 of an ounce of the beeswax pellets and we'll melt that up and then we'll stir in the others it's that simple to make it easy for myself I've got a little electronic scale here that's going to help out and I've zeroed it out with my pan on the scale already so now it will only count whatever I add to it so I'll start with that eight ounces of infused oil and you can see the comfrey floating around in there and so I need to use a little sieve here to make sure that I don't have anything extra in that oil when I get it in here I'm going to put eight full ounces in again remember you can use straight olive oil it does not have to be comfrey infused that's just my extra-special little ingredient that I add to it to make it very strong there it is we've got our eight ounces we've got it zeroed out again and let's put in our half an ounce of the beeswax this is very small amount so here we go there it is just a little bit remember that the oil can be several different oils but the beeswax I don't want you to substitute anything else for that beeswax it's very important and now we're going to set this over low heat until it all incorporates and melts together this is going to melt relatively quickly and I'm going to be patient with it and keep it on low partly because my vessel that I'm doing it in is so small but also just because I want to keep as much of the properties the healing properties and efficacy of the comfrey that I've got in there I want that to be really nice and strong and the higher the heat the more that's going to break down a little copper bottom to pot is perfect for this kind of thing but I would especially advise that you use a wood spoon to stir it or these bamboo skewers are a perfect little alternative all right I've got it fully melted it took just a couple of minutes to get that done it looks like it's perfectly melted together and incorporated that only took maybe about five or six minutes on low for it to do that so I'm going to remove it from the heat and now we should have about ten minutes before it sets so we've just got those other couple of ingredients to add to it now and it will be ready to put in our little containers it's time to add our next two oils and we're going to put in exactly one half of a teaspoon of each of these which is pretty easy to measure out especially since I've got a dropper on this tea tree oil I'm just going to measure out exactly half a teaspoon and stir that in be aware of the bubbles like I've got there those act like they're taking up space that they're not alright and then we'll get the vitamin E oil and it is quite a bit thicker incidentally vitamin E oil this is probably over 20 years old and it's just as potent as the day that it came and I love that about vitamin E oil and the last ingredient that is your choice of favorite essential oils that are going to be healing but I'm using clove oil and I'm going to put somewhere between five and ten drops of that in here alright we've got all the oils to put in together and now we're just going to stir it up all of those oils and that wax together you can't really see any difference at all because it's so clear the comfrey only adds just a touch of green to it all and if you don't have that in it I would assume that you're going to just have almost a clear product all right we've got those all well incorporated and all we have to do is get them put into their own little containers now as you know neosporin most often comes in something like this and you can actually order little empty tubes about like this that can be used for toothpaste or some sort of thing like that right off of Amazon so if you'd like that you can do that yourself what I like to do is recycle everything that is all glass and has a metal lid and at Christmas time it's the perfect time when people send you those little sausage boxes with cheeses and sausages and jams or hot mustards those containers are perfect for recycling I use them for things like this or for when I am saving seeds these are perfect for saving seeds so never throw away those little wonderful jars that you get in those gift packages at Christmastime that's what we're going to use to bottle up our neosporin and if you don't have either of those you've got a couple of options you could use a little Altoids tin those are handy or some folks even buy chapstick bottles the thing I would say about this is a little tube of chapstick this is almost too soft to work in that so even if you have those this is going to be pretty soft and melty and so I wouldn't recommend it I'm just saying some folks like to do that I'm gonna say if you've got some just small glass jars with good metal or glass lids you can also use those you want to make sure the inside of those jars is sterilized let's go ahead and get a little funnel out and pour these full until we've got it all put in and we will just wait for those to set up should be about 10 minutes I am thrilled with how this recipe turned out it made a great batch of about 4 or 5 small little jars that are going to last me for quite a while and quite a few bumps and bruises and scrapes around the homestead let me say this it does have at least a 5 year shelf life so it should be very strong and healing for your family for a good number of years until you've got all of that batch used up this is actually a great gift for you to make here around Christmas time and give it to family members even those who aren't hardcore prep stutters are going to be blessed because if you're like me so many of our homes go through so much neosporin on a daily basis this healing ointment is going to be an excellent addition to anyone's home now it's your turn this time of year there are so many people who are discouraged and downtrodden or just plain only and this is your chance to give them just a pinch of hope so I am going to challenge you this week go out find someone who is weary someone who's tired or discouraged or alone and give them a hug or a smile or some type of encouragement and be a blessing to someone this week thanks for joining us and we'll see you next time bye bye [Music] hey there before you go I would love to share with you just a bit of scripture out of the book of Proverbs and it's chapter 24 verses 19 and 20 it says this fret not yourself because of evil doers and don't be envious of the wicked for the evil man has no future and the lamp of the wicked will eventually be put out now go spread the word [Music] [Music] you
Views: 127,657
Rating: 4.9520473 out of 5
Keywords: Survival, Homesteading, Prepping, Preppers, prepsteaders, wisdom creek, Neospsorin, Recipe, Tea Tree Oil, Clove Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Comfrey, Beeswax, Healing, Survival medicine, Healing Salve, Organic, DIY
Id: bYEabStkgOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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