How to Bake Banana Bread and Seal it in a Canning Jar

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hey there do you need another last minute christmas idea besides the prep stutters calendar i want to share with you a phenomenal recipe for banana bread but this just isn't any banana bread this is scrumptious sealed in a mason jar banana bread so it's perfect for giving us christmas gifts it's absolutely delicious and it's lengthened in its shelf stable lifespan so i'll see you around the corner [Music] all right to get started on this amazing recipe you're going to of course want to set your oven so it's heating up already and i have mine set at 350 degrees fahrenheit if that's celsius for you i think it's somewhere around the 177 mark okay get that warming up and next you're going to want to get your jars out you want to choose jars that do not have any shoulders i like these there's also a version of weck jars that is wonderful that has no shoulders or you can get the really tall version that's skinnier than this those work great just make sure there's literally no shoulder because remember you've got to dump the bread out at the end and it can't get stuck so no amount of shoulder is going to be any good for you you want it perfectly straight i'm going to take these i've got eight of them for this recipe and i'm just going to coat them lightly on the inside with oil you could use coconut oil or just a stick of butter to get that going some people like to also flour them i'm gonna say that's unnecessary and it doesn't make them as pretty so i just put some oil in inside of those eight jars set them aside and they'll be ready when we're ready to pour in our batter next if you have your grandmother's apron put it on if you haven't already you'll be glad you did and if you've got her blender the one with the short and the cord you'll want to use that too this recipe really works well with a blender though you could do it by hand it's really hard to get that whipped butter that we're going to do next so once we've got our blender out in a big bowl and we'll need a second bowl later but we're going to start in this big bowl with three quarters of a cup of butter we're going to want to whip just together before anything else the sugar and the butter now i've put the butter in already the sugar i use you can use whichever kind you want but i particularly am fond of this marina pure sugar it's all natural and unbleached and it also doesn't have the bone char in it if you're familiar with that so we're going to put in two and three quarters of a cup of sugar and then just whip this all together until it's really light and fluffy so i've put two in there's a half of a cup and here's our last quarter of a cup to finish out the two and three quarters cups needed all right let's whip that up [Applause] [Applause] all right i've got it light and fluffy like it asks for me to and now we're going to add the eggs and i'll tell you this for our recipe i'm going to use five small eggs because i didn't have the four large eggs that it calls for you do what you need to it calls for four large eggs i'm going to have five small eggs because that's all i have to work with from the chickens we're going to put them in one at a time and then just incorporate them by blending it further you don't have to whip them completely but make sure they're each stirred in well before you add the next one so here we go [Applause] all right we've got it all creamy and whipped up in that perfect consistency and grandmother's blender with the cord that has the short in it did just fine doing the job for us now the reason i love this is because after a full year of letting them accumulate the bananas that i didn't dehydrate quick enough or eat quick enough or do anything with they ended up in the freezer and so this is their time to shine once the bananas that you have turned brown you probably know this already but that sugar content in them really comes out and that's why it's better to use brown old bananas that are kind of over the hill for eating the way that they are right now they're sweeter than that and that's the way we want them for this recipe we're going to use about two and a half cups worth and that's going to vary depending on how large or small your bananas are generally two cups is about six bananas that are medium small sized so we want two and a half cups for this recipe i'm going to use eight of these bananas and see if that doesn't do the job for us so you've got this ready you're just going to put the bananas right in there they don't have to be added one at a time we're just going to get them all in there and get it all stirred up together [Applause] all right we've got that well incorporated those bananas went in nicely because i had taken them out of the freezer and let them get semi thought out you probably noticed that as i peeled them it makes them easier if they're not completely thawed because then they're just complete mush but you don't want them completely frozen either then you wouldn't be able to get the skins off easily so keep that in mind i've got them put in and they blend it up nicely here's the last part of this that we add that is a liquid ingredient before we put the flour in and this is where you get to be a little bit creative as well the recipe is going to call for three quarters of a cup of water however based on what you've already put in if you seem to think it's just extra runny already if it's just very runny you can go ahead and take a tablespoon or so of that water out don't stress about it it's going to be very forgiving but it does call for three quarters of a cup of water now this is where i like to get a little bit creative because that homemade vanilla that we made a while back it's now christmas time and it's ready for us to use it so i'm going to take out a teaspoon of this three quarters of a cup of water i'm just going to reach in with a teaspoon and take out so i'm just placing the water if if that makes sense to you i'm going to just scoop out a a teaspoon and i'm going to add a teaspoon of my own homemade vanilla and because i love almond extract so much especially in banana bread i'm going to do it a second time and add a teaspoon of almond so just for the record i'm taking out two teaspoons of water i'm adding to this a teaspoon of my homemade vanilla and a whole and a teaspoon of almond extract that's completely optional it's just my favorite way to take it up a notch [Applause] ah all right that's the last we're going to need grandmother's good blender that helped us through this and that is all of our wet ingredients so i'm going to set this aside i'm going to get a clean and new bowl and we're just going to mix all the dry ingredients together before we add them to this to ultimately stir it into the final product here we go for this i love to use king arthur but you could use gold metal or any kind of good all-purpose flour just make sure it's all-purpose and not like self-rising or something like that we're going to put in three and a half cups of all-purpose flour and then we're going to add the yummies to this like the cinnamon and cloves that are going to make it have such a delicious rich taste to that flour we're going to add one teaspoon of baking powder and two teaspoons of baking soda not to be confused one teaspoon of baking powder two teaspoons of baking soda next we're going to want one and a half teaspoons of salt and because i only had the kind that was in rock salt form i went ahead and ground it up into this little cup and you just want to measure out one and a half teaspoons and throw it in there together before we stir this all together i'm going to add one rounded teaspoon of cloves it only calls for one teaspoon but i'm always a little bit extravagant with my cloves and cinnamon and it calls for two rounded or two teaspoons of cinnamon of course if you can get saigon cinnamon or ceylon cinnamon i don't know for sure how you pronounce that but that's going to be the way more delicious than just the regular cinnamon that you'd get in the aisle at the grocery store now we're going to just get this all stirred up so that it's well incorporated before we put it in with the other and just so you know the next thing once we add these all together and stir them up the last ingredient is optional and that's chopped pecans you'll add that once we get this all incorporated but i just want you to know that if you are someone who is allergic to nuts or you just don't like the taste of pecans you can just leave that part out some folks that are very particular like to sift this all together with an actual sifter because then it's very fluffy and light has lots of air to it and is well incorporated i usually just stir it up all right let's get these poured together by the time you get to this stage in the recipe you'll be very thankful you started with a very large bowl over here because now it's time to pour this in and you'll notice we're going to really use every bit of that bowl but let's get this all poured together and we'll just stir it up with this we don't need a blender or anything like that you only need to incorporate this it does not have to be extremely whipped or beaten together or anything like that i'm just going to turn it and stir it until we don't have any more flour showing the nice thing about this recipe is that literally you can make canned bread with any number of cakes like this like zucchini bread is one of my other favorites that you can do this with and it's going to last depending on who you ask as short as a week because you're going to want to eat it or as long as a year and i will promise you i have tried it at over a year in fact i tried it last christmas i found some that had been in the back of the pantry for four years and yes it was over the hill but it didn't kill me it didn't make me sick or anything like that it just didn't taste good at all and i quickly threw it out but i was curious and i had to at least try it some folks are very concerned because when we call this canned bread the concern is that you would treat it like other canned goods that are almost indefinitely shelf stable this is not that kind of canning this is a canning that's going to seal up nicely and be perfect for gifts and even be shelf stable for a while but only perhaps for about four months on the shelf now if you put it in the refrigerator canned like that it can last up to a year but the way we're making it i'm going to say personally i would keep it either in the refrigerator for up to a year or give it to folks and tell them that you recommend that they use it within four months of when you have given it to them all right let's stir in some pecans this recipe calls for three quarters of a cup but you can add as much as one cup of pecans and it should be very happy with that i think i'm somewhere right there in between today but we're going to stir those in and we'll be ready to put this in the jars i want to give you a little secret that's going to help with the success of these it's not mandatory but i think it really does make a difference what you're going to want to do is take the bottom shelf of your oven and put it down as low as you can get it all right and then find some kind of a baking pan and i'm going to put about a cup of water in here and then set that in on that bottom shelf then just above it i'm going to put the next shelf so with this in the bottom with the water coming up it's going to help these glass jars um to handle the heat first of all and it's going to help the cake that's in them the the banana bread to rise a little bit higher these were actually made for water bath canning or pressure canning so they thrive best or whatever you want to they survive best in a wet environment so that bit of water we're putting in the bottom of the oven is going to help however i don't set them into this tray i just set this tray of water in the bottom of the oven and then i've got a big cookie sheet and i'm going to fill them up and set them on the cookie sheet on that next layer above this here we go these are ready to be filled now and they have been sprayed just on the inside with that coconut oil spray so it does look white but i did not put any flour in these i like the oil spray to just kind of turn transparent so that you see the pretty bread in there and then if you've got one of these from your canning supplies this is fantastic a big funnel that's going to make it a lot less messy though there's no way to make it impossibly unmessy we're going to fill each of these just half full promise me you remember that because if you fill it over that i can't promise that they're not going to come over the top you need to just have them half full if any of them have something on the rim i make sure i've wiped that off and we'll wipe it again at the end and we're setting them about an inch apart so they have plenty of room between them to breathe gets the heat all the way around them i actually had enough for just over the eight jars that i planned never never try to bake them with the lid on they need to have it off all right we're ready to put them in again i'm putting them on 350 i'm putting them on that rack on top of a cookie sheet but the rack below has a pan full of at least a cup full of water that's going to evaporate through this process we're going to give them anywhere between 35 and 45 minutes so watch them close if i were you i would set the timer for probably 35 minutes and then just check them after that just as you would regular banana bread you're wanting to have that nice rounded top that's just a little bit golden and when you put a toothpick in it you want it to come out pretty clean you'll know that that's when they're done now while that 35 minute timer is ticking you're going to stay busy because you've got two assignments the first one is if you're going to decorate these at the end you'll want to already find some pretty muslin or cotton fabric that just is perfect for the season cut it into little squares or circles whatever you like and i'm cutting just the right length of ribbon here to decorate each of them as they come out once i've got those all finished i'm going to make sure that the lids are ready so that when they come out of the oven i'm i've got the lids already sterilized and heated up so we're preparing them ahead of time and it looks to me like our breads are done so as we get these pulled out of here and put up on the counter i'm going to set them all out first but work quickly now set them all out you're going to quickly run a wet washcloth around each of the ring rims of those jars so that they're all extremely clean and then take one of those heated lids dry it make sure it isn't wet still from that water and pop it on the top so each one of these needs to have their own lid go ahead and put the rings on them afterward and tighten those down at least finger tight and then we're going to just let them sit our hard work is done you can take a breather you're going to wait for that popping sound we don't decorate them until they're fully cooled because you want to make sure that they've sucked that lid in and have a nice good seal before you decorate the top and give these as gifts this batch came out at just a little over that eight jar mark that i mentioned earlier i thought i would make eight pint jars well this actually was eight and a half so i've cut one of them that smallest little smidgen of a jar i cut and it made perfectly three pieces i wanted to show you and we'll taste test here in a minute but let me make sure you know this don't ever err on the side of letting it be too soft even if you love normally gooey bread this is one that you want to make sure if it's going to stay in a sealed can it needs to be fully done so that toothpick test that your grandma gave you to do on breads when you were young that's going to come into play here make sure it fully passes that toothpick test of not coming out with any of that batter still left uncooked on it that's one thing i want you to remember also know that you can make this with any different kind of that kind of that dessert table bread recipe not the yeast breads like you're used to but zucchini bread or pineapple bread some of you love to make cranberry orange bread this time of year or the same type of bread that makes the blueberry muffins you could make a blueberry bread like this this is what it's going to look like when it's done and it'll be that nice golden brown and you can see around the edges how it's kind of goldenly around it is super moist though this is not overdone at all it pulls away from the walls and comes out very easily when you just dump it upside down as long as you don't have shoulders on your jar because that will just mess it all up but this will just slide right out you'll put just a little bit of fresh butter on it or that clarified butter or ghee that you have that we've made before my mouth is watering thinking about this i hope that you will make some it will be a quick way to make phenomenal gifts that everyone will love it does take about 30 to 40 minutes before you start hearing those lids pop in and tell you that it's finished and that's when you know you've got a good seal if in doubt you can always take the ring off the top of the jar and just kind of hold it with your fingers suspend it from its cap just to make sure that it's sealed well you'll also see a nice concave indention in the top telling you that it's sealed well don't give them away anything different than that remember this is going to last up to four months in the refrigerator i've personally had it last up to a year with no problem but if it starts to smell different or have a different color come into it or you open it and have any doubts don't worry you can just throw it away but because this is not a high acid food that does well in canning and because it has such a high moisture content it does have a tendency to not last much longer than a year even if you've canned it very well so give it to friends make sure you've marked the date that you have made that so that they know what is going to be safe for them to keep and enjoy it that's all i have for you i hope you go out and have the most wonderful christmas i hope that you join us back again next year for some fantastic episodes of prepsteaders we've already got several in the lineup that you're going to just love and we can't wait to see you in 2021 so until i see you then go out find someone to be a blessing to today and we'll see you next year god bless you bye bye [Music] oh it's all about god this morning it's all about god today it's all about god this evening it's all about god always my bible says god loves me can take away my sin but i'll never see heaven if i don't trust in him oh it's all about god this morning it's all about god today it's all about god this evening it's all about god always satan means to do me harm and tempted i may be but christ lends me his loving arms and he said he'd walk with me if you are in trouble you'll lord you need to share you've never had a burden my lord would not help you bear oh it's all about god this morning it's all about god today it's all about god this evening it's all about god always oh it's all about god always [Music] foreign [Music]
Views: 59,132
Rating: 4.9403954 out of 5
Keywords: Survival, Homesteading, Prepping, Preppers, prepsteaders, wisdom creek, Banana Bread, Canning, Gifts, Christmas, Bread, Recipe, Homemade Vanilla
Id: _m7WFwsbfr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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