Tips on Using the Brake Bleeder Pump for Vacuum Sealing

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[Music] hello friends heidi here from rain country god is good all the time and i'm here today to talk about your brake bleeder pump and cover a few of the common problems some people are having in using it so let's start with the brake bleeder pump itself which that is what this is this isn't the brake bleeder it's a brake bleeder pump and when you're going to buy one it's recommended you get the whole kit so you can get all the different little parts and pieces like the short little hose and the little pieces like this and there's a few different ways that you can use those i've always just used the little triangular shaped or cone-shaped pieces for doing the vacuum sealing but there are some other pieces in there that you can use as well and if you're having issues maybe try using some of the other pieces now before i go into any more of this let me talk a little bit about the brake bleeder pumps and ones that you may have bought now this is the very first one i bought and i've had it for four years and i love this thing it's been a champ the only thing that has happened over time is the gauge is a little off and that's why i don't go by a specific number anymore when i'm using it to vacuum seal but it still works great and then i bought this second one as a backup and you can see it looks very similar but if you look closely such as on the gauge you'll see this one here has red in the gauge where this one doesn't now the reason i stopped linking to this particular one was because it went out of stock in the what was it uh early spring and nobody could find it anywhere but there are so many more that are almost exactly the same that i just started linking to different ones this was the second one i bought and i linked to this one for a while and then it went out of stock now i don't know any about anything about the other ones as far as working with them i was just trying to gather links to different ones in case one went out of stock you'd be able to find another one and really you can find these for a lot less money on amazon i'm talking half to one third of the price if you get it on amazon rather than buying it at your local auto parts store however i don't know what your auto parts store carries it may carry a higher quality brake bleeder kit than the ones you can get from amazon this one in general to me seems more cheaply made even though at first glance it looks exactly the same just the way when i'm using it when i'm pumping it i notice the needle isn't always consistently moving like it should be it kind of jumps a lot and i'm not talking about just when using it with the chamber you can expect that when using any brake bleeder on the chamber when you when you're vacuum sealing a jar inside there because it's doing two things it's pulling the air out of the chamber as well as out of the jar so it is going to bounce around a little bit that's to be expected but no this does this even when i'm using the food saver tops so if you get your brake bleeder pump and it's you can't even move that handle i'm thinking there's got to be something wrong with it not unless on your particular pump there's some kind of locking mechanism that's preventing it from moving and if you know anything about that please share your experiences with that in the comments down below now some people have found they've just whether it be mostly when they're using the chamber is where a lot of people have problems with their brake bleeder pump but if they're able to get any kind of vacuum on the pump at all then that says that their their pump is working it's pulling the air out and the chamber is well sealed as it should be and so the problem shouldn't really be with either one of those but then again if it is a real chintzy one like i say this one is a lot more chintzy i use them both and they both work but i just like the way this one feels more solid it has just a little more weight to it as well now this one has been back in stock at least that's what it appears to be i've gone back to you know went into my orders and noticed this one's back in stock for actually six dollars cheaper than what i paid for it and i'll go ahead and link to it down below i'm only hoping though it's the same one that i have here but even if you get a more chintzy one like this it should still be working for you if it's not working it could be faulty and i recommend you sending it back but before you do that let's kind of go over some issues that could be causing you problems whether it be when you're using your foodsaver tops or you're using the vacuum chamber itself so let's start with the foodsaver tops now i have several different jars out here that need to be sealed this one doesn't need to be sealed this already sealed i just brought this one out as a to show you this is the one i sealed in another video and it's still sealed at least from the time that i shot that video nothing wrong with it this is a an olive jar green olive jar i get i like to get the green spanish olives from uh costco or even the the jalapeno and garlic stuffed ones love those things and the jars are the same the lids just have a little bit different look to them but they're designed exactly the same and these seal up very well inside the chamber no problem unless the lid is damaged like the one that i dented because i dropped it and then it lost its seal and i couldn't get it to seal again because i damaged the lid so uh it's still good for storing things i'm not concerned about vacuum sealing but i i don't i can't use it to actually vacuum seal so this one here is is full of pistachios i just got from costco and i'm going to be sealing this but i can only use the chamber i can't use these on there because these are only made to fit the mason wide mouth and the mason regular mouth and that's if you can even find these anymore there is a lady by the name of anita if you haven't seen her comment uh hopefully she'll see this video and she'll put a comment down below if she has any available but she had found a bunch of these and and bought them up so she could make them available for people that needed them so if she still has some available anita please put your comment uh with your email address down below where people can contact you and she's selling them for a good price a really good price a lot cheaper than what you're going to pay especially if you go to ebay and you're paying like 50 a piece which is absolutely outrageous i don't recommend doing that in fact if you're going to do that you'd be better off just buying the chamber where you can put wide mouth regular mouth or even the irregular mouth ones like this here but i'll talk more about that in a minute because this isn't all about the chambers is about using the brake bleeder so let's go over a few things now when you go to seal it with the with the top the food saver top like this you don't have the band on there it won't fit if you put the band on it you just the foodsaver top itself will hold that lid firmly in place as you're vacuum sealing since i have this one set up i'll talk about you might see this little patch job i'll talk about that in a little bit but now since i have two different methods of sealing jars i i use this one keeping this tip in place for sealing with the foodsaver tops like this so one of the problems you may be having is when since this doesn't snap into place like your foodsaver hose right here it's actually if it looks like this it's the grand that goes to the foodsaver top okay and i'm gonna demonstrate that in a minute but if you're using whatever tip comes with your brake bleeder hose you can it'll work the difference is with this you can press it in there and it will stay in place and you don't have to hold it but with this you actually have to hold it in place and hold it firmly it doesn't mean you have to press down with all of your might but hold it firmly in place and press down a little bit keep it totally vertical don't let it go off to the side at all if it's tilted a little bit it's not going to work it's got to get to where it can actually pull the air out of that jar and then simply just start pumping this up and you'll notice on this is the one the cheaper one really see that needle kind of bounce around a little more but it still works i find with this i have to actually press a little harder though into the lid and even with this hose patched together it's still working but i keep pumping until it doesn't get any higher and if you see it's like wanting to drop down press even harder into the lid with your uh the tip of your hose okay that should have done it right there so i don't concern myself about the number i just look at how it's moving and yep it's sealed and then just in case maybe you didn't get a tight seal on it it's a good idea to leave it out for a couple days so you can see it and then check it but even if you have to get it off your counter and put it away write yourself a note to go check all the jars that you sealed that day and make sure that they're still sealed now honestly when it comes to a lot of your herbs if as long as they're really dry there's very little need if any at all to vacuum seal your herbs they're going to keep for years as long as you put just put the lid on tight whether it be in a jar like this like the one that i have like this that's not sealing anymore because of the dent i have some dried marshmallow root i just have the lid on there nice and tight and i'm not worried about it a lot of that stuff will keep really well for a very long time now when you're talking about fruits vegetables nuts and meats then i recommend that you vacuum seal it it's going to keep these things far more fresh and prevent them from going stale and some of them even from possibly getting moldy if you vacuum seal and here's another question i'm going to answer real quick whether or not you choose to use an oxygen absorber that's up to you some people say you should still use it even when you're vacuum sealing personally i see no point in it i've never seen a need for it and i've been vacuum sealing into jars for probably about five years no issues i've had things like such as this jerky from 2016 this is elk jerky and it's vacuum sealed it's still sealed and it's still good they don't any of this white stuff you see in there that is not mold it is the fat from the meat and it's not rancid i know because i recently opened a jar like this that i think was from 2015 and it was still good it still tasted as good as the day i made it up and jarred it up because i do make my own beef jerky and elf turkey i do have a couple of really old videos on making the jerkies so anyway same thing with this this says apricots because i'm recycling the lid i never try to when i'm washing these lids i just wash with soap water in a dish rag a soft dish rag i never try to scrub off the permanent ink with any kind of scrubber because it creates little micro scratches so that when you go to reuse the lid each time you reuse it it makes the ink much harder to get off i don't bother removing that ink until after i've used it to seal something else with for this one i'm going to go ahead and use the chamber and in that situation some people who might be having problems with their mason jars it could be on how tight they're putting on the band in when you're using the chambers it doesn't matter if it's the one you get from us or one that you buy from you know the foodsaver ones just put your band on about that tight i was saying before maybe a little bit tighter than that but i say about the same as you would if you're putting it on a tattler or harvest guard lid just put the band on until the jar turns freely what that's going to do is hold the lid in place whereas when you're using this it already holds the lid snugly in place but when you're using the chamber you don't have if you just stick it in there like that there's nothing to hold the lid firmly firmly in place so you need the band but you don't want to wrench it down like you would a metal lid for when you're pressure canning or water bath canning because the first thing is gonna that's gonna happen is if you have this on tight you're gonna pump this up until the needle stops moving but what's gonna happen is because this is on so tight by the time you go to take that lid off of the chamber itself a lot of the air will have finally had time to come out from under the lid and it's not it's not going to seal so even if you just sat there and waited and you watched that and didn't undo anything you'll watch that needle kind of go back down that's the air coming out of the jar into the chamber and so if you're if that's doing that and you're having to keep pumping it up then what you need to do is take your jar out and loosen that band i say take it all the way off and then put it on like this and then you should have it right now let's go ahead and give this a try now obviously since i'm using the brake bleeder pump i'm using the chamber that has the fitting which is i'm calling the 10 mm which should fit to most brake bleeder hoses one of the other issues some people may be having with their hose is it might be just a little bit bigger than the standard most your brake bleeder hoses are the same size but they can be just slightly different and that can cause the hose to be a little bit too loose now my old one my old one is i looked at the whole thing it is just slightly bigger than the new one the new one actually fits onto the chamber onto this fitting better than this one does but even though this one's just slightly looser it still works just fine for me and so that's why i don't have a tip on there because this is the one i use for the chamber make sure you tilt your your chamber and put your jar in gently like that you don't want to put it on the counter and just drop the jar and obviously you can break your jar you're going to take your lid and and here's another issue i want to cover on this lid since i'm here is if your lid i got to notice seeing that some of them when we get them in are cockeyed like this so make sure you loosen up this wing nut move it around so that it's level and then put that wing nut down until it's holding it all in place then put that in there and then just tighten this down as far as you can get it until you're able to see it feels like it's on there but it's not quite see i try to pick this whole thing up and it comes out that's that shows that i'm not getting it tight enough so that could be another issue again i have a whole video where i did just on some of the problems people are having with the chamber so but make sure you tighten that down until you can pick the whole thing up from the wingnut without the lid slipping off then you know you've got a good seal on it so i just slip that on there you don't have to push it on all the way now remember this one is a little looser so i do push this one on farther than i do this one you really only have to push it up just a little bit past or right at the edge of the first barb and you could look in this picture here that both of the fittings the one that fits to the food saver hose and the one that fits to the brake bleeder hose they both have little barbs on them and if it's a nice snug fit you should only have to put it just up to or just a little past that first barb now this one since it's a little bit looser i do push it on farther now i'm going to put another picture here that a subscriber had sent to me because she her brake bleeder hose was a little bit too big for her chamber fitting and i mean you know we could buy a zillion different fittings but it's not the fittings it's the brake bleeder hoses that all change so even if yours is too loose there's ways around it you can make it fit and she used the clamp again the same thing you're just going to pump this up until that needle stops moving but you will notice a little more movement in this needle on when i'm using the chamber than when i'm using a foodsaver top just keep pumping until it stops moving so in this case i'm there all right so that should have worked i'm gonna go and take this off okay and take the band off i like to hold it just barely above the counter and pick it up because if that lid comes off you don't you don't want it you know to drop it on the floor but you can see that's very well sealed and that's how i always test and this is heavy because it's packed for these figs and it's actually a heavier jug a lot heavier than something like this is full of herbs and then i do like to put the band on snugly after i vacuum sealed anything into my jars all right now let's go ahead and do this jar and let's talk about some of the problems that is that you could be having that are going to have nothing to do with the pump or the chamber again if you're able to get any kind of vacuum at all using the pump and that needle is going up and it's not staying down here if it's going up at all then it's pumping the air out and that also means that the chamber is working as it should that it's well sealed so the issue some people could be having with the recycled lids is again putting it on there too tight i would say tighten the lid up the same as you would your canning jar lid but if you go to pick the jar up and it doesn't and the lid slips right off then you might need to just tighten it a tiny bit more but it shouldn't need to be more than that then again carefully put this into your chamber this is just that right height that when i first set this lid on there you can see it kind of rocks because the bottom of this is actually setting on the lid but when you tighten this down this whole lid will shorten up and then there's no problem so don't worry about that if it's kind of just feels like it's just balanced on there just start tightening it down and then make sure it's tight enough okay i'm going to go ahead and pump this up and then just skip to when it's done and it is sealed i can tell because again just like this one when i sealed it the lid is slightly concave rather than then flat and if i try to turn it see before these kind of lids when they're not sealed they're actually really easy to turn and this is i can't i can't turn this very easily okay so let's come back to some other things that we're going to talk about in making your br brake bleeder be able to work with let's say you want to use the brake bleeder pump but you want this tip on here so that you don't have to hold the tip like this into the top if your food saver came with the hose like this or maybe it has two grands or whatever if it's a separate accessory hose and i know these are really hard to find by the way right now it's hard to find it used to be you could buy a bunch of these from and now apparently they're hard to find i haven't actually personally looked but if somebody knows where you can find these hoses please post down below now this might kind of freak some people out because i've been trying to keep this one whole for the sake of demonstration because i don't use my food saver at all anymore i did pull it out of the garbage can i had it in because i found i could get the pump to work for a little while but then it quit working now too so it's just garbage i keep the i'm still keeping it so i can kind of study it and see how it's put together and so i can find other ways for people to get it to work with various things but at any rate what i'm going to do right now is i'm going to cut this in half so your typical food saver hose or other machine that seal that vacuum seals is going to be a 6 mm which is the outside diameter od by a 4mm which is the inner diameter also known as id so i'm going to just cut that right in half okay and now i'm going to take this this is a 10 mm od by and which is outer diameter by a six and a half mm inner diameter or id and i can do two different things i can patch this back together if i ever need to use both ends at the same time by using that and it works you will have seen that when i was using this one it's patched back together the other way around it's two 10 millimeter hoses patched back together with a six millimeter hose okay and that works okay so i just opened up the calendula jar again so so i don't have to go get another jar again put the foodsaver top on there now i'm coming back to this hose because it is slightly smaller what i have found is with this break bleeder hose even though i can get it to work just fine on the chamber but because it is a little bit looser than this one the patch hose or the foodsaver hose like this fits too loosely inside the old one for it to get a good vacuum but it fits nice and tightly inside this one here and so that's not a problem so in that case i can take this food saver tip which please be careful with those foods say the tips on these they break easily that's why i ended up buying a bunch of these years ago because i kept breaking them and then just pumping up that way now you have a free hand you don't have to hold the tip in place like i normally would do and also notice how i'm resting this against the counter and just pumping using my whole arm not having to rely on the strength of my hand alone to do the pumping and there we go and that was a lot faster okay did you hear that when i pulled that out that's pull the lid off and again i have a nicely sealed jar just to cover this again since i'm here if you're wanting to use your brake bleeder but you got the smaller size chamber that has the 6mm barb on it or fitting then you do the same idea you're gonna take you can you can have your little hose like this and we do sell the little you though you can go buy them yourself i recommend if you're gonna go in person and buy yourself take whatever it is that you need so you can test it to make sure it's gonna have a tight fit but um the measurements i gave you should be accurate but sometimes even then you can order like that whole those hoses that we ordered online should have been the same exact size in fact it was from the same place and for some reason some of them came in a little bit bigger and were fitting too loosely on this fitting here which was weird but anyway you can reverse that whole idea and convert your one with the smaller fitting to fit with your brake bleeder hose so that way either way whichever one you get you can convert it to work with either or and that way you can have both so if it's too hard for you to use the brake builder pump but you like the idea of having options in case you lose power and you can't run the electric machine then you can fall back on your brake leader pump by just putting the uh adapter hoses what we're calling these little four inch pieces and then it's not going to fit on here because this i don't have any i don't have any of the smaller ones available to demonstrate on but then this will just slip onto that fitting and then you can use your brake bleeder pump that way so if you're watching this about the chamber and you're going to order one make sure if you're wanting to if you already have a brake bleeder kit you shouldn't really have to buy the hose like this you should already have a four inch hose that came with your kit that will fit onto your uh 10 millimeter fitting here but if you're just wanting some backup ones yes we offer this size and we also offer the six millimeter make sure that the number of the the size number of the hose matches the size number of the chamber so 10 mm chamber 10 mm adapter hose 6mm chamber 6mm adapter hose some people who might have got the smaller size the 6mm chamber are buying on intentionally the 10mm hose so that if they cut their hose in half they can patch it back together when they need it like that so let's say i want to use this with a foodsaver pump and a lid like this i just patch it back together no big deal it's all taken care of so there's so many different ways you can make this work so mostly what i was trying to show you with some different options with your brake bleeder pump and um try to cover some of the issues people are having when they're buying these pumps i'm hoping i answered all the questions there and covered some of the issues on getting your brake bleeder pump to work with both the food saver tops and your vacuum chamber whether it be this one or another totally different one or one that you've made yourself and one more thing i want to add is if you're someone who's had different issues no matter what they are and getting different things to seal whether it be working with the chamber working with the an issue with your lids an issue with your jars an issue with your hoses or your brake bleeder pumps and you found a solution that made it work for you please share with us down below so other people who are having some of these other issues can read through your comments and find the comment that suits them so they can try that and see if it's working to solve the problems that they are having so we can keep helping each other out so that we can all keep putting up food for long-term storage all right well thanks for watching take care and god bless you
Channel: Rain Country
Views: 6,622
Rating: 4.9436622 out of 5
Keywords: traditional, old-ways, Health, Garden, Frugal, Homesteading, Self-Sustainability, Cooking, DIY, Homemade, natural-living, herbs, prepping, preparedness, food storage, preserving
Id: jKmREnrjRUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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