[Music] [Applause] alright guys welcome back you why yeah we are in ATL yeah it's your hometown heroes just shot back that's y'all to Atlanta but New York New York twist in Atlanta so you know New York is happy in Atlanta so you know it's all good so this is like New York South down yet yeah sure but before we start we got some exciting news so uh you know as you guys know we've been talking about ey Young University a lot and you know one of the benefits with the podcast that every single week we get to bring on different entrepreneurs different professional from different areas and you know they give so much information and we build personal relationships with these people so we thought like you know we want to kind of build on that and offer more value so one of the things that we're going to be starting it is a monthly workshop series and you know every month we're gonna have a guest come and that's gonna get in person workshops everything that's gonna be an in-depth actual class and question and answers and all kind of stuff like that so it's gonna be in New York City and but we're gonna livestream it so anywhere in the world you can you know see and you can submit questions it's gonna be a real dope situation it's just gonna be an extended version of the podcast book just more interactive so what started out without God mat emptied a mortgage guy and we're gonna do the first workshop and that's gonna be on first-time real estate investors so everybody wants to be a real estate investor right but it's like how do I get in the game it's like double dutch if you don't know what you're doing it's like what do you do so this is going to be the blueprint of how to get started in real estate first time though state investor class that will be October 17th and yes so go to our website on the events tab and we'll have all the information as I said you can do a lot of stream what you do it in person um yes we got a lot of lump coming back too so like that's good that we can say and like everybody that comes on and we got we got a new alum now but we're gonna have a lump coming back to the east one of these events yeah yeah it's a real it's a real family you know it's not just a show or podcast we develop relationships with these people and they become like real real friends of ours so you know so business is all about relationships so you know it's about building strong relationships so yeah make sure you that out go to the events tab but alright without further ado we have a very special guest a very highly recommended guest actually it's something that all you know we come from New York and especially mean I have a career in financing you only think about the trucking industry a lot you know you it's something that at least I never really known about I think the last time I thought about the truck was Optimus Prime it was that and we never thought about drugs again nice right boy Tom a lot of people who's been acts on us to cover the trucking industry so my man Jamal he put me on to the good brother Alex good energy Alex Burton aka Alex good energy and I looked at his page and on my I cool yeah he's a cool dude so I reached out to him and we have him on the podcast so ok I'm here at the voice he said you know this guy's gotta be from the ATL be Oakland yeah so so I'll give you a quick background so alex is a is a guru when it comes to the trucking industry got 11 11 trucks running right now right his 11 trucks but more importantly he actually teaches people how to actually operate trucks and the ins and outs of the business because the trucking industry always tell somebody got the other day like at least for me it's like um do they have a college for that like you how do you learn that like you know saying it's like yeah you don't that's not something that's actually taught in school nothing is stuffed toy school but definitely something like that like you gotta just go and just figure it out on your own so yeah he um he's he's he's doing very well for himself and it's a very lucrative industry arms far as trucking industry and and it's not just for men either women women is making a killing so you know you don't use to be a truck drop at least with Leslie's mother you know that I know that yeah Lisa Leslie's mother um one of the greatest in gay back wmba baseball players of all time her mother was actually a charge what they put on the statue for artists a no lady outside Simpson shoutouts ha ha so so yes so once again thank you for joining us we appreciate you legislature you had a journey to get to this point right and you started on promoting parties yeah so um alright can you thinking give us a quick backstory on on a party promotion cuz now I want to actually about this jagged-edged story well I want to lead up I want to lead up yeah yeah first even before the parties man I was doing telemarketing you know I was doing telemarketing and I was like my first like real job you know I'm saying is uh selling this product called zmax it was just uh this product that you put in your gas tax here you know for better fuel mileage man it was like a boiler room situation and uh you know it was cubicles me and my best friend Jason who's here mr. two weeks out he was literally sitting next to each other man I think the base pay was like seven dollars an hour and then we got Commission or for everything that we sold so uh man I did this job for about two years and he was killing it man he was probably making about $1,000 a week and then my boss he was only two years older than me young dude so you know it was one of the things but you kind of became kind of cool with your boss and you got like a little too comfortable with him and I think that uh you know he we had our ups and downs in our relationship and you know it was things that he felt like I wasn't doing correctly and I was getting a little too comfortable at the job and then one day he fired me he said I missed the car you know he could - all the calls in the call center and he said I was like playing with my phone or something like that and I missed the call that was his reason and he fired me man and I just remember like at that time I had just got my first house I was just I was writing the house for my cousin okay I got locked up and he needed somebody to kind of pay the mortgage while he was locked up so I was renting this house um I just got my first car and I'm this is like my first time like having real bills and I was doing pretty well you know I'm like 20 21 I think at the time 22 and when he fired me it was just like a wake-up call like it he grabbed a rug up under my feet you know I mean I'm like then like I got these bills and I wasn't really saving my money because I was making $1,000 a week and back then I was a lot of money so I'm thinking like you know I'm spending the money cuz I'm like I got another thousand-dollar check coming next week you know sin and um long story short um after I got fired I know what to do I was like yo I gotta do something but I just knew I wasn't gonna work for nobody else I just didn't like the the fact that another man had that much control over my destiny you know I'm saying like it was a very uncomfortable feeling for me I felt very very uneasy at that fact so I know what I was gonna do yeah but I do I was gonna do something so I'm literally just riding around Cornette you know I was in Gwinnett County at the time the north side of Atlanta and five thirty minutes from the city and the spot Carabas it was doing construction I was my spot walked up in there and I met the Asian guy who walked out he was like look you know he bought the Builder arm nightclub and you know this is true story he was like yeah we're looking for promoters and I'm like okay he was like are you a promoter and not literally I'd never forget I was like I seen opportunity the club looked flies I was like yeah I'll give it a shot you don't say I knew I knew a lot of people I was like I might be able to pull this off so I literally walked out the armed spot yeah I just called all my friends like little you know I got a party now each other pull up you know saying pull up bring $10 for two in two weeks let's go and I'm you know I'm just running through it $2,000 2000 some change to my name it was a hard gamble for me like do I hold on to this little two grand or do I go ahead and embed on myself right it's like do I bet on myself and give it a shot and depart for my last you know better change took five hundred got some flyers and I took another 200 pay these little boys that I'll pass them out for me and we are we hit up the neighborhoods and it was so fun I told him I said let go hit all the doors in the neighborhood like do like the people do the Chinese menu right past the gate you know you know yo we are we told a whole city up man like we plastered the whole city with flies man grand opening first nightclub in Gwinnett County did the grand opening 200 people showed up I was a good night made my investment back plus a couple of extra dollars I think it was up me like $3,800 that night and um you know put the grand opened the hike was over at this point we was pushing that y'all was to grand opening this it's the first night it was a big deal you know I'm saying red carpet so I'm like wow so I decided to go to Buckhead and just do like some market research and just try to get some ideas of like you know what other clubs was doing just try to pick they brain a little bit to see how they got things set up man I went down to Buckhead and I was at this club called Club chaos on Monday nights and the DJ was like yo jagged edges in the building and I walked up to him humbly like Oprah like I love y'all music oh my god this nightclub I would love for you guys to come out there and you know host the party remember was never with it it's just Brian okay right yeah what a good twins yeah okay je heartbreak one of my favorite that was all time absolutely hey you know since I worked up some of my yard siege the I never got to perform just show up please you know said I'll give you half the dough I don't really got no budget like that for you and he just loved the way I came at him he was like look are we gonna be out there he knew where it was that he was like yeah I got this chick there little on that Street I know is that do it Sam you go pull up it ain't gonna be the whole group but I probably coming my brother so I was like I'm cool with that and I was so excited I literally left the club and forgot to get his phone number don't forgot his phone number yeah I was beating myself up on the way home that night and um but uh but the way that my man like looked in my eyes and told me he was coming I took his word for it and I was like you know I'm gonna give it a shot I'm gonna go ahead and promote it so it was a little uneasy but I was like I'm gonna go ahead and do it so uh but got the big fly as his time hit the hole I mean we tore the whole city up I did 10,000 flying big joints jagged edge grand opening I mean I grant open but uh jagged edges are coming in Burnet the night came you know the night King uh you know Sam and I got there at ten o'clock while I was already around the building when I got there man you know I'm saying I might have enough security guards but uh you know I was excited I'm like I was going down I knew he was about to make some money this night yeah by eleven o'clock the club was almost filled up twelve o'clock we was that capacity line is still around the building and I just remember with so much money in the cash register I had to take the money out empty it out and go hide it in the back so that we could have space in the cash register it was crazy and um and then 12:30 hit and I started hearing whispers in the crowd like yo man Jack it is a common vision regardless you know he got us yo these dudes and I was like y'all should I just take the money and run closing yeah young man like route 115 this is when the CLS Mercedes just came out and you know she wagons to start except op it out on the streets they just started pulling up it was like three of them man and all they hopped out it was it was Brian his brother and they hopped in oddly hopped out we walked into the club and I had a good time and we did about several hundred people that night and I ended up having to run for about three and a half years man it was one of the biggest parties on Thursday night so it was in Atlanta at that moment when you seen it pulled up you did was it like yeah man that got it yeah it was like seeing Jesus himself did you establish a date with them so you talked today before or not because Parker he just want a bottle of Hennessy how about how much did you make that night you remember I think I made about five to six grand a night oh yes good everything was paying here at that at that time you you weren't Alex you were sincere yeah yeah the reason I switched my name is sincere I just liked how a South one I think the ladies like that but uh another reason was because age he entertainment he's the biggest promoter and uh I think in the country dynasty shot the AG entertainment out here for sure his name was Alex and uh I didn't want people confusing me with him like I think what people have to be like hey which I saw was like I said it's a separate much so I had nothing to do it on belly not what I was huh he's Brooklyn do so he might be a Jake echad to ask oh man you know alright cool so alright yeah that's a crazy story that you actually had enough courage to do that and I honestly not to cut you off when I want to say is that throwing that party for those many years that was like my first taste of entrepreneurship right I went from working at a call center to now I am running a full staff I got security guards I got police officers right I got uh marketing people I got the door girl you know I'm saying it was my first time doing payroll and I and I learned how to become a leader I learned how to take initiative right then it taught me how to braid who taught me how to market I had to convince people to leave the city of Atlanta and coming to the country Gwinnett County yeah they come party with me and we did that so it's a lot of I took a lot from throwing parties man and it came full circle to some of the qualities that I have today even the telemarketer spotty like I had to sell stuff to people on his phone um you know this is before people were hanging right up on teleconference right but I had to call people that convinced them to go today while I get a credit card to give me their credit card number over the phone about this product that they had never heard of before right so when you talk about like sales like it really turned me into a hustle like I had to eat without killed if I can get themselves you we wasn't eating so uh you know I tell people all the time like if you got an out of five right now it's all good but just use it as leverage right yeah take take take the good stuff from that the skills that you're learning and be able to apply that into something that works for yourself and that's what I did so the one thing I like about you is that on you you've weathered the storm yeah a lot of bikes up and downs sometimes you up sometimes you down um so you you had a good thing going in Atlanta and then you went you took your talents to South Beach yeah and you live in a he's living the high life in Brickell yeah shoutout to my end this is this is what year was that this is LeBron James this is like 2009-10 around that time okay so he just got there yeah yeah so he went down there like three months a foul mood I might be a little bit off on the dates but I just know when I moved down there he made the announcement about three months later should I was live on Sunday and I hope this is when like you know Young Money was on fighting they was living down there and live on Sunday started blowing up you know and LeBron was down there you know it's when we put the championships like it was a good time I noticed you said the word was it was good energy so all right so you live in high life out there but um you said like you weren't broke right I'm gonna be real man like I went down and I was living off my savings I'm saying I was like when I get down I got a couple dollars I'm gonna figure something out on my network with some people when I get down to Miami and I'm gonna be real with you man and I know some people might agree like yo Miami you either got to already have your bread together or you know a lot of people are doing illegal things out there you know but I'm I just couldn't find nothing to do I saw which is you know my name is very easy to spend the money out there but if you already already got like your relationships set up if you a if y'all speak Spanish it's gonna be tough yeah it's gonna be a grind and get that network up ideas so um you know I got down on my last after living down there for about three years man I got down to my last five grand and I was like wow like I hadn't been stayin out here like I might have to go back to Atlanta back to my network back to my friends and figure something out you know I'm saying and that's what I did I moved back to Atlanta 2012 I moved back and I'm humbly speaking I moved back with my mother so how is that for you because if anyway does is not familiar you lived in Brickell right over the bridge yeah right I can't Brickell right there well surprise surprise we like that good memories in Miami so if anybody's not familiar that's like you know the whole vibe you seen all the movies is right on the water it's just living the high life right you got you know beautiful beaches beautiful women is so lot of motivation yeah so so you live in it I'm assuming you had a nice spot nice to Congo realize how humbling was that to have to move back in with your mom it was a the most humbling the most humbling experience I'm saying this is when I you know social media was just my son everything they not gonna see me like this like I was living on the top floor you know a little one-bedroom real nice spot overlooking the water you know I'm saying and I'm gonna go from that so living back with my mother it was a definitely humbling man but I told I said yeah I just need six months my like give me six months let me just work on my credit again we can buy credit straight let me save up a couple dollars get for money these bills for a minute right just get my head cleared out for a second and I was like I'm gonna figure son I just give me six months oh my mind you're making like I got it so in short I said no he said Flatbush monster yeah so you know I don't know the American coaches like but my mom was glad to have you back she was excited I wasn't coming back so she got my room every day so you know say but I was like my like don't make me too comfortable you know but uh man I spent them six months is just just figuring out what I want to do next and one thing I did know was I go whatever it is it's gonna be for myself I'm gonna continue being an entrepreneur getting a job was just not even the option for me at that point and linked up with this when I'm this dude named Eric man you know there we go hit me up like yo bro let's go ahead and uh go in on a lot of credit and jump into something maybe a restaurant or a barbershop or something I was like cool he's like I got a couple relationship with some banks you know your credit shirtless guy Dan I'll make something happen so he went got a lot of credit for about 40 I think was like 40 50 grand and we went around looking at restaurants looking at buildings you know saying it was a big deal I was excited I'm about to get a restaurant but every time we would try to lock in on the spot something will fall through the building Cole wouldn't get approved it was something right then we started looking at barber shops same thing this it just wasn't coming together but during that whole process I just kept running into people that was in a trucking industry you know whether it was drivers whether it was a fleet owners it was just like a coincidence so just one dude hit me up I want to see his name cuz I don't know how far this thing you know you know who you are no you are right nobody nobody yeah but I ran into this dude man he was like oh I got this contract without a post office right I got box trucks and I got these lanes and if you get a box truck I'll put you on you know again I'm from New York I'm like it's working like okay in the shop I waiting on me your chunks I literally took some of the money that we got from the line of credit we are waiting got a lot of harm waiting got some trucks got one truck first was a box truck this is a 26-foot trucks like you can get from that u-haul it's like the biggest truck yeah what's up can you explain what a box truck is yeah so a box truck is uh again if you go to you ha you know you're moving and you want to move your own stuff it's the biggest truck that you can get is called a 26-foot box truck so pretty much it's like half the size of an 18-wheel mhm right and these trucks due to the weight they're not required by law for you to have a CDL to drive them right you're only required to have a CDL to drive a truck that's gross over 26,000 pounds okay and a four and a bus to it they have different levels of CDL so yeah so these trucks were like you know not that expensive to get into so I was like yeah I think I wouldn't got when we went at least one actually from Penske man so I hit my man up I'm like y'all I got the truck was good and he's like okay then that was fast cause we talked about people and try to get child on um I hitting on back for like another week or two so I hit him back like y'all was good and then hate to stop answering this phone damn lose my number pretty much just stopped answering his phone like a you know how you meet people they like yeah yeah I don't need to be talking no like good I gotcha but y'all but they'll be thinking the two series they think that you plan yeah so here I am with this truck with this box truck don't know nothing about trucks but I got a truck note around the corner right we got an assurance that we just put on this truck that's around the corner that don't stop how much did the truck cause um we put down I think it was about six grand down on it and it was at least and then we paid monthly right so this truck like sitting outside yeah your mom's crib yeah we got parking lots which uh you know saying so here we are now like yo we don't know what to do but I was like I either had a choice to either sink or swim right and I decided to swim so I went online I'm on YouTube how to run a company I'm on Google how to run a chugging company I'm literally up stressed out trying to figure this thing out and I found out about something called the lower board low board is a database that has every single load coming in and out of every city or real-time okay so you can literally get on their final loads negotiate your rates have your truck go pick it up deliver it and get paid what's up what's a load the load is Frank pretty much okay its Freight those like the merchandise or actually putting on the truck you're getting paid to pick it up and deliver it right so okay this is that it's not too hard I can figure this out you're upset again I did telemarketer I know how to negotiate right and we talked about getting certain skills from the jobs I learned how to negotiate and convince people by doing the telemarketing so I'm like I'm on this board like yo I need this much for my truck this goes I'm booking low as the money is starting to come in and I'm young and look like everything was going okay and so I started looking at my spreadsheets a few months later and I'm starting to look at the and I'm learning with a balance on a P&L statement is now I'm learning what the profit and loss statement yeah right I'm realizing like yeah the money is coming in but this is going right back at home and the reason why is because I'm not negotiating correctly right Here I am coming from live with my mother you know not making no money - now this do is offering me $1,000 for this loan but the longest go from Atlanta to Virginia or Boston right so that doesn't now is after I paid fuel after I pay my driver I'm doing one in a nonprofit organization hmm you know pretty much I'm literally doing a non-profit hook now you know but I didn't realize that yes you will you were low balling the negotiation any time and not even know it was her headquarters crackhead Express you know said my man David said it y'all ready lows for low oh yeah yeah we might have been crackhead Express man whatever Dave's paying he was taking it so then so now I kind of fell apart right for you yeah absolutely after 11 months man he was upside down how many trucks at that time we jumped it before like what are you really doing I got was working I'm seeing the money come in let's get head and get some more some of the five trucks that are doing it all the wrong way so when it fell apart that was another major setback for you right like hot how did that happen like when you realized I gotta pull the plug on this when we was running out of money and we realized he was in the hole deeper than we could get out of right so one thing that's important in business is that you got to know when to exit right you got to stop the bleeding and I decided to stop the bleeding right but people ask me all the time like what made you still give it another shot after you feel so terribly and I tell people all the time I seen the potential in the industry I knew I just did something wrong so I took a whole nother nine months off to figure out what did I do wrong you said in there not cuz about the only the next time when you gonna talk about the resurgence how you roll is like the Phoenix you said like you took not much man to get a haircut at 9:00 I used to I liked it I was and I was in the house man you know I had a dog at the time only time I left my house literally was to walk my dog and it'll be days I forget to eat just doing research I'm just I mean that's a good personal like I'm about to just lay down like like I gotta figure this thing out and I'm getting no haircut for six months you know I call it the year to sacrifice stop partying stop going out stop you know just all the way locked in and I said more time like yo you're not gonna get to it you're trying to get to without that sacrifice it's something that you're doing on a daily basis that's holding you back from getting to where you trying to get to it you gotta identify what it is - just going out on the time partying all the time you know just not just not having money management and so yeah that was the year to sacrifice right there then 2013 yeah correct that's so key as far as what you said as far as just got a recruit sometimes and it's difficult it's difficult but we brought the going to the next segment like I said when we we're gonna talk about the good side you can double all day as long as stay down you you want come up with anyone so today when the tables okay alright so we got the back story and uh you know you stayed down so you came up but we've not wanted I'm interesting to come up so all right you stayed in your mom's crib foot nine months no haircut just walk the dog just want some real Will Smith pursue happen just figure it out alright so what happens just got like an epiphany and is later I got it like what do you explain me how you broke out of that darkness in and re-emerged to sunlight yeah so when I went out of business with the box trucks my sole purpose about my research was to identify what I did wrong and apply the correct information so my operations and the first thing I realized is like yo I need to get the 18 will like the box trucks is cool but the 18-wheeler is going definitely like open up my options down it was so funny cuz when I will be on the load board with the box trucks I would have to do the search for 26 foot right I can only look for lows that would fill up to 26 foot on the trailer but I would just sometimes just get curious and they let me see what the 18-wheeler load was it like so it would be like 80 loads available for box trucks but 4,000 loads available for 18-wheelers yeah and I'd be like man like the 80 where this is Ian so that was the first thing I realized there on my research is that y'all ready to get an 18-wheeler so when I got the 18-wheeler and I started rolling with that one it was like night and day it was like night and day you know I'm saying and I'm you know I learned how to negotiate I learned how to read the market I learned how to position my trucks so you said that before it's fun alright so just to get the first 18-wheeler did you finance that did you lease it how do you first 18-wheeler I was able to get that for really cheap this dude that I know he was going through a divorce and I think his wife is trying to take everything home there's that y'all just give me a price I literally paid about seventy eight hundred dollars oh wow first everything well there's a 19 how much does it cost like on average for a good truck that you know that we recommend getting is gonna be anywhere from fifty to sixty thousand and that's brand no way you lie about 2016 2015 alright so I'll use the truck yeah but you always only I got an old one you only recommend used trucks right yeah yeah absolutely why because a brand new truck is gonna run you upwards of a hundred seven thousand dollars right and this one gets you the same results as a as a semi used truck you know I'm saying it's all about getting a truck that you know the warrantee you got to go warranty on it it's inspected and if you get you a really good used truck is gonna get you the same results but you'll be able to you'll be able to make your money back so between 45 to 16 for you 150 to say 50 to 60 how's the financing on it is there a certain amount you have to leave down to get that type of yeah so it's just different ways so if you're an investor right if you don't have a CDL by the way I don't have a CDL never drove a truck before I don't plan on jobs you're not trying to drive you know say iris that's why I got so much respect for Java says I don't do it I can't do it so as an investor you gonna put down an average of about 30 percent down all right 30 percent down is what I've been seeing for the last few years with uh you know these are banks at the actual dealerships right there's different ways that you could come into the game you could actually go through the truck dealership right and if you go through that route as an investor is only thirty percent but if you have a CDL it's gonna be a little bit less down let's say around fifteen and twenty percent and the reason why it's less for somebody who actually owned to see the others because the risk is a lot less for the banks they're looking at they're like hey look if you're an investor you don't have a CDL you get a truck and you don't have a driver there's a higher chance that you're gonna default on your loan because your trucks is going to be sinning versus somebody who has a CDL they can actually just happen in a truck and go generate some money to pay they notes so again thirty percent is the average down on a fifty sixty thousand dollar truck for an investor with no CDL in about fifteen and twenty percent down is the average that I've been seeing if you'd have a CDL we call them owner operators dudes who own their trucks and operate their trucks as well my would I recommend though the best scenario as far as getting into the game know is just having like decent credit and having relationships with your own bank a credit union for example right somebody's credit unions will finance you up to 100 percent right so you don't have to put money a bunch of money now for the so no scenarios you'll be looking at getting into the game about what about ten grand because now all you got to pay for insurance down payment your license your DLT numbers your tags etc so that's the cheapest way to get into the game is getting financing directly from your credit union just bringing them a bill of sales like this is the bill of sales can you guys finance just trot you're gonna get you won't get the best interest rate through your credit union and that's the best way yeah I did my first like two cars to my credit union it was just like they take the money right out your check so it's like you never have to worry about it and the interest rate like you said is a lot lower absolutely that's a good so you said as far as okay reading the market what does that mean reading the market like okay so trucking literally changes every week like literally every week like Elena could be the hot zone this week as far as Freight when I say supply the man I'm talking about loads it's a truck ratio you know sometimes anchor so like for example I think the last time I checked and Landa had about 3900 loads and they had about 1,400 trucks right this certain parts of the city right now Wisconsin as well of them hot right now Wisconsin had about only say about 5,000 loads and like 800 trucks available in the last business day what does that mean they are its sister sublime so glad I got you gonna be able to charge a higher amount because it's not enough ain't enough truck trucks out there so now we have all these shippers all these I'll ship presents fighting for trucks now so what are they gonna have to do to make sure that their load gets moved to a table that's what the negotiating power comes in there so you don't understand okay this week Atlanta Virginia Tennessee is hot I need to position my trucks up there you don't know that you're gonna miss out and that's what I specialized and I specialized it they know and knowing where to position my trucks at to get that top dollar because all it is is connecting the dots we're going from one city to the next city to the next city right and so a lot of times what I was messing up at is I would just take the big the best pan load going wherever not realizing that when I got there there wasn't no lows there right so I'm thinking like okay I'm about to eat on this three not alone not realizing when I get to Iowa for example right I'm gonna have to drive probably 500 miles to get to another good law so now I don't put most of my profit back into the fuel tank to get to that next market so it's not just about booking the load that day it's about looking at where the load is going and what that market is looking like as well so you said it changes weekly how do you how do you know like he's like website honey I think you said something about trucks having seasons how does that work yeah I mean we got peak seasons we got slow seasons we got times where producers are is real high at that time and you know like I swear out April - like July's produce season okay you know I'm saying the freight rates go up because it's more it's more demand for trucks right but we have we actually have all some of the load boards we actually have a feature that shows you all the hot zones in the whole country so we can literally go on there and see what's going on in the market right anybody has access to those low board so you have to you have to have an active Authority in order to have accurate DLT number or their dlc number is the number that's on the side of all the trucks and you have to have that activated in order for you to have access to that low port so the general public just couldn't go on and look at the low board they probably won't even understand it even if they did not it's like reading Spanish yeah I mean it's similar to like a search engine for like Travelocity like if you're traveling it's similar to that but if you just knew nothing about it you would definitely to get trained on how to actually operate with it so you have like a map in your office where you have like okay i'ma go from Atlanta to Philly to New York to Chicago and this is gonna like how do you calculate the math on it to say cuz like you said I was a good point like you might it might be good money going Idol Iowa but now you gotta come back to Atlanta you don't really have any other stops in between so like do you have a set idea of K you need to hit at least five stops every was like 500 miles something like that or you don't do more than 500 miles like 50-mile on something like that is that like a formula or well um when I buy a book alone I bought a couple here for example to show you guys right but whenever you book a load it's important that you know how much money you're gonna be making after the load is complete so I just bought it like the load word we're doing a low right now as we speak one of my drivers picked up below yesterday right load is picking up in Tennessee and Laberge Tennessee I picked up yesterday on the 20th and is going to Franklin Massachusetts delivering on Monday right they're paying me twenty four hundred dollars for that load right so when I look at that load I got to figure out how many miles is from the origin to the destination so I did the math it's about a thousand miles so now I got to figure out how much fuel is it gonna take for me to complete that low so we're gonna take the rate that the load is paying so if we have twenty four hundred dollars right and then I know that it's a thousand miles so I didn't figure out how much fuel am I gonna need to get this job complete so we're just gonna take a thousand miles I'm gonna divide that by six miles per gallon because that's the average that each truck users six months yeah once we get six eight eight miles if you got a good trouble I'm just gonna do worst case scenario right so divide that by six all right so I know it's gonna take me 166 gallons of diesel in order to complete that load from Tennessee to Massachusetts right so I'm gonna do is I'm going to times that times the average amount of diesel that the price for diesel which is all about three dollars and 25 cents right now right so that's showing me right there I'll add twenty four hundred dollars I'm gonna have to use 540 of it and fuel just to get there and get back right so me personally everybody pays their drivers differently I pay my job as a percentage right so I think my job is 20 percent over living that loads pants so just remember that number right there so we're gonna do 2400 times 20 percent it's four hundred and eighty dollars remember that number and then going up there we got toes so I'm gonna say I think going up there is gonna be about a hundred and eighty dollars and totals right so if we do twenty four hundred dollars - was at 5:45 money we're at how much was the driver every thirty four eighty minus 180 and toes yeah so we got 1199 on the profit does your profit that's my profit that I see on Monday so she picked up the load yesterday drove this wallet with you guys right now my truck is driving right now as we speak good right and by the time I wake up on Monday morning it's delivering on by 7:00 a.m. she's going to live about time I wake up I'll be able to get $11.99 in my bank account about 5:30 p.m. that's another thing about trucking that I love is that it's liquid every single day I'm getting deposited so much in our business account you know I don't got to wait 30 days and get paid mmm right you pick up a load on a Monday we deliver one or two that we get paid on a Tuesday so at the end of the day we have a factoring company a factoring company is a third party bank that literally purchases our invoices from us right now my volume is so high I started off at 3% I'm down to one percent right now so I get charged one percent to get paid same day and they wait 30 days to get paid does that make sense yeah right so when you talk about people who are in other industries like real estate or they do deals but they need finance you know how attractive it looks to a bank to see daily deposits and see your account well I look at my bank they harass me value tree a little on credit because I'm a lower risk because they see in that you got money coming in at daily deposit coming in as though so all right how do you arm good drivers like what's the process of that yeah and that's the hardest part of our industry like I'm not gonna see him just tell y'all the good part right you know see if anybody just showed you the good part of anything just run away from them right that's the biggest obstacle in our industry why because we talk about the human factor right here we're talking about people right personalities armed and with the drivers they don't have to necessarily be the most polished people you know we this is an industry would be hire felons you know I'm saying like you know I don't have to have education it is what it is right so the thing about drivers is that this is a very challenging job this job requires them to be away from their families right this job requires them to be driving at sometimes eleven hours straight in a day I was only allowed to drive for 11 hours straight they're allowed to be on duty for 14 hours they're loud and then they have to shut down for 10 hours right anybody can't drive for 11 hours straight every single day but still right so I got so much respect for job as man and I'll just shout out the you know to the drivers out there man like the world would start without job you know I'm saying so I just got a lot of respect for y'all and that's why I treat my drivers really really well mob you know and we're gonna get into the portal and all that without training on but you know I know sites that I go on sites and I I put out an attractive ad that's the first thing yeah I wrote it down there when I saw the ad you were like we're gonna pay you more by accident and ever shorten you on purpose and I was like wow that's not even on my ad that's what I tell my job is actually after I get them but I tell them all the time because one of the biggest things when I'm doing these driving interviews I'm like yo why did you leave your last job like what made you leave in eighty percent of the time it's because a previous employee was playing was playing with a money right that's the number one excuse that I hear while drivers leave companies is they playing with the money so I tell them all the time like look I'll pay you more on accident before I shot you on purpose it's my honor to pay you you're helping me feed my family I don't have a CDL I you know we both got a role to play so I it's my honor to pain and just treat them with respect and I don't treat them like they working out you don't like business parties you got a role to play I got a role to play your role is to make sure that that Lowe gets there on time right safely and in communication and my job is to make sure that your truck is safe its operating correctly the loads are there and you get your paycheck yeah one of the things you do with your trucks is you put extra equipment inside the truck just in the event that there is something that happens from a mechanical standpoint right I did maintenance yeah that's what it's called it's not just about reacting when the truck breaks that is how can I decrease my truck's possibility of breaking down you know and and and without share with people is how I was able to decrease my breakdowns by 21 percent 2019 these little things that I've done little little little extra things that you can do to just help help yourself on that road you know whatever belts that your truck uses like we got a alternator belt we got an AC belt just put an extra set of belt a exerciser belts in your truck right keep antifreeze keep oil in there keep fuses keep light bars keep extra spare tire or to little fixes that could have you shut down for five hours waiting on roadside if you already have the part there it's gonna save me some time to save you so money save you a lot of money they gonna charge you just look at it so how do you alright so you have a truck you have the whole operation you have drivers and all that but you gotta have a product to move right so is the most companies like freelancer do you have sent contracts with people long-term is it a combination of both like how does that work so when you're first coming to this game you know the low board is pretty much a best friend at that point right you just fresh in the game you gotta develop relationships so the low board is where we started off at the load board yeah that's the website that's the website versus web snowboard calm nice calm DHCS oh yeah we have the DAT board and we have Chuck stop calm okay okay those are the two big ones okay so on this low board there's brokers you know these are the people who have the lows that we have to call and negotiate with right so what I did was we just started to we just did good business right we stressed being on top we track we stressed delivering a good service and what happened is we would just be meeting all these different brokers every day from looking different laws in different cities and then I me personally I ended up are doing this load that I really like but I it was a low that picked up in Georgia and then went to Cleveland Tennessee and it was twice a day right you would pick up in Atlanta you would go to Cleveland sentence he was just right there by Chattanooga I saw I was welcome to I was away right they was paying a 750 to go two hours away and back and we was doing it twice a day okay so we was generating fifteen hundred dollars a day going up twice and I loved it right we did it for like a week it was like this project they was working all right and then I looked at the numbers that we cuz I go this is dope so I hit the arm broke up like if I often be out do these these lows he was like man it's funny you ask that man we just got an extension on this project we're gonna be doing this for the next nine months well right so I'm like wow he was like hey you know what maybe probably had like about five different companies when it's all old which I actually executed the best y'all communicated whenever something was a delay you called me immediately you let me know what was going on he was like man what you know how many trucks do you guys have if you guys like to arm you know do this full-time at the time I think he was at about five or six trucks I was like yeah I'll give you all my trucks and then when I tell you this is 2017 we ran this low we ran this on low for that for the whole year right and that was the year I really I was able to love a lot more my cat that was the entire business it was just that okay yeah it was moving one plant from Cleveland Tennessee to Atlanta he's moving an entire plant for a fortune 500 company yeah to Atlanta that now months ended up turning into two years but and then then it ended up turning into nine years now how how profitable is your business or like truck well or an average like how how much is gonna truck for me right now and I like the under promise and over achieve right I don't like to give the high numbers like to give the lowball numbers right with the way that we do it each truck should be able to generate you anywhere from 1,500 and 3,000 a week take home after all expenses are paid that's what a truck that's not breaking down that's what a good driver and that's what a full week of work we don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to at least take home about $1,500 a week per truck and of course you can have multiple trucks yes it's a volume game after that dumb done was a volume game yesterday that's how you got your trust right the first trophy for the second test I did here money management is how you is how you scale up you know I had to make a lot of sacrifices in the first couple of years in the Senate when I made my profits instead of using the money and buying frivolous things I would just reinvest it back into the company I would be invested in new equipment right and then once you jump up to four five six trucks then the money that's what he gets real crazy and called out a fleet and uh you know say I said what's I've been doing is I've been doing this game for like but six years now and I just really started like buying stuff like this year you know say like I just started really like enjoying life and traveling I've made my sacrifice I reinvested in my company right that's the common as the common theme for every almost every one of our guests it's funny you say that because literally we've had people from the music and his people from Mill estate developers trucking now and the one common theme is exactly what you said like you got it's all money in like you got to put the money in and that's something that it sounds simple but nobody wants to do that soon as you get profit people want to live off that on some selfish like just go to the mall and just bawl out and it's like that's not how it worked and it's like you try to explain that to people and they still don't understand you got to pay your dues you gotta pay your dues but and uh you know like I said this year I went my dream car I went and the s63 cool okay yeah I've seen you know like I paid my dues so like any success that I've seen I'm unapologetic for it because I put in the work for it now we never apologize about making a profit in business for you you in a business like you said it's a seven hundred billion dollar industry absolutely and you're like honestly you're the first person I know this company it's so crazy that's a first black person for sure in this industry where minorities y'all let me say I said I went to Louisville Kentucky is this big truck show that they do every year Louisville Kentucky it's called Matt's truck show right thousands of people I mean they bring these trucks it's like tricked-out trucks they got classes there is the biggest convention in the trucking industry right every year I went there last year and I'm walking through the crowd John and I had a couple of my students with me as are eight of us right and we played a game the game was how many minorities can you find in this crowd this is mind blowing how much of a minority we are in this industry and I'm except I'm sorry just messed up let me figure out never let me they said 11 heavy yeah that's not let me in ice alright so now we're going to talk about how in the next time on how you duplicate it yourself in the educational component of what you got now is how are you spreading the message of the trucking business in all of its benefits all right so we gotta go we gotta go into what you're doing now as far as you can people but I just thought I had a quick question for you before we go into that has amazon affected your industry has it affected or not me no I mean Amazon I mean we read a lot of loads for Amazon especially like earlier this year last year you know it hasn't affected me in a negative way okay yeah I think it's just making the industry bigger well what about insurance so like if you really are carrying a load if something happens to that truck there's there sheriff's policy in trucking we have a minimum insurance that we have to have a million dollars liability okay and on each truck correct okay million dollars and I'm not really that's for the company the company has made our liability right and then we have a hundred thousand dollars coverage on our cargo okay I'm saying so anything that's in our truck like as far as the freight goes it's covered up to a hundred thousand dollars and then we have physical damage on the actual truck in some sense whatever the truck cost of the truck cost sixty thousand dollars we have physical damage in the amount of how much that truck costs all right so we had a guest from Baltimore or shots and I'm and Eric talked in one of our favorite yeah yeah he was a restaurant owner he one of the things that he says you know that I said Alex million it has seven streams of income well his theory was that I don't need to have seven different jobs or seven different businesses to generate seven streams of income he's like I could generally sell in fees an income from one restaurant I can I could be a restaurant owner I could be a consultant I could deliver food I can give classes all kind of different stuff sell merch so I saw you were speaking about the same thing right so you you you took the education component and turned it into a business as well so when went because you're educating people you're helping people but you're also is another form of revenue as well right so we talked about how you got into that because you know you started with just private coaching correct and not as kind of turned into an online portal right so yeah can you talk about the what made you want to take your talents I said okay I'm not just gonna be doing it for myself now I want to you know bring other people in educate them yeah that's a good question I'm a 2015 you know this is when I finally started like making consistent profits right this is when my systems was working and it started things started becoming a little bit more automated at this point right and I just remember one day saying like man if only I would have known in 2012 what I know now I wouldn't a lost all that money right I wouldn't lost all that time so I was just sharing like my journey on Instagram like yo you know this truck just did good I just made this month this amount on this truck and people would literally hit me up like hey can you show me how to do that and I didn't know what the charge I I didn't see anybody else doing it but I was like okay I gotta come up with something just for my time so my first client are Dana she's an attorney she came upon the Johnnie Cochran man she was like hey Alex I'm very interested in getting to the industry that come and should not just pay you just to spend a couple hours with you and I was like yeah we can do 1500 and that was my first client and it's on my page to this day on Instagram 1500 for an hour no just okay yeah walking through how to start her company and show her the lowboy so it's on my Instagram to this day we were sitting in the office just like this and I was showing it to her and she got up and running I think she had like four trucks now but I just remember the feeling that I felt watching her go from not knowing anything about truck into now she's running in on her own she's calling me excited hey I just made this this week that I and I kind of felt so when I shared her story on my Instagram that I was getting a couple more DM as I go I seemed she did fall girl you think you got y'all got a couple dollars you do the same thing for me so then I'm like okay cool so that one client turned into like four to five clients and yo it literally started going crazy after that and then I looked up I was at like 40 clients by like 2017 but I was just being transparent and just sharing with the public like yo I just put James in business I just put her in business I just I just thought it just kept so I went from 1,500 to 2,500 a client then I went to 3,500 a client and then when I looked up and I had a six-month waiting list I was like man I gotta go up some more no see so price went up yeah so by the end of 2017 I was at $10,000 a client I was a $10,000 a client and by last March I had to wait and listen till Christmas how many clients we have about 10 down sir I decided about 20 clients at 10,000 and I had a waiting list for Christmas last March our people are on standby because I would only take a certain amount of clients for a month just to make sure that I didn't stretch myself too thin yeah and I didn't leverage my service to quality and um I met a guy are you guys my normal guy by the name of every time it's Ichi the hip-hop preacher you know just like y'all I have been watching him on YouTube for years you know I'm saying and he was on a cruise last March and I had never seen was speaking person before like when I had went out of business that's why I was listening to to keep me motivated to even give it another shot and yo I paid the money the cruise is like five grand and you know it was like six months out and I was like I'm gonna go ahead and make this investment just go get some motivation right and I went on this cruise man was going to send more in st. Thomas in Bahamas I went on the cruise and I ended up meeting um you know his crew behind the scenes I really go to the tech no picture with him and all that other stuff I just literally went there just to get this to get the information man and I ended up meeting CJ CJ is his right-hand man that really the brains behind every time it's an associates and you know sitting down at dinner one night he was like hey what'd he do I just told him what I did he loved it he was like yo I've heard about people in real estate doing seminars and teaching here but I never seen nobody doing it for the transportation industry he was like yo this is uncharted territory right here he was like so you don't one-on-ones dawg I was like yeah he was like what are you doing with these one-on-one something I gotta go to the dealership with them right I hope they pick the right truck I uh I help them with hire the drivers I do conference calls with hiring drivers with them I go with my mechanics we expect the trucks and make sure that they not buy no BS trucks like I'm holding any hands he was like damn bring he's like yo that's dope he saying you got a waiting list so when he said you know why because you have a dupe get yourself he said in order for you to take it to the next level in order for you to scale your information you have to put this information online and I was terrified I'm like online I like he was like yeah I was like no look that's gonna work I'd be 101 you know saying like this is this is person for me I don't want just put it out in and People v he's like not you have to put it online he's like look this is what you do do to do record the videos create the PDFs let me know you done you know even you immediately said you're not even a computer I'm not a computer person so that's what that was the really intimidating part is cuz I'm like look I'm not even a computer person so just how does this gonna work but um I listened to him I went and locked in for about four months man me and Vitesse we went in locked in and we put the kind another sacrifice another four months of sacrifice locked in right created the content I had CJ up four months later like yo I got it it's done he said y'all pull up on me let me see it when he saw the content he's seen how I leaned it out he was like oh not only am I gonna show you how to put this online I want you to put it on our platform we gonna we gonna stamp it and we gonna put out on breve University so now we launched our platform and it's so funny I you know the dude that I've been looking up to for five years I'm now in business with them now and it's just this is an amazing is that the Masters of the game that's that's something different saying about that next oh good yeah something different so we launched our our truckin digital training portal on October 5th of last year and it's a step-by-step guide like you know when I tell people that I'm like when I have first down to the game yeah this information on youtube yeah this information on Google right but the information is scattered I was like I need we need to create a chronological order of how to not only get into this business how to structure your business but also once you're up and running how to operate properly how to maximize profits but most importantly how to stay in business right so the the course literally walks you from A to Z a to Z on how to do everything and it's a combination of videos and PDFs does people learn differently you got some people that learn better from visualizing or some people I learn better from hearing some people that learn better from reading so we have all three fixes in this protoman and my goal really meant when we launched it October last year was just to get about 50 people I didn't want to even put too much marketing behind I just wanted just kind of like put it out there to my network get a couple people in there and if there was any kinks be able to tweak a little you know some things and add some things in there and then go ahead and go crazy with it so the goal was 50 for the first half of our launch and we ended up doing off 350 people signed up within the first now months oh wow so as far as like people that are who would want to be in the course people that want to get into the trucking industry obviously a lot of people that have experience already and didn't work out are people that kind of put their toe in people that have no experience have no ideas like 101 102 103 like what's the level all the above okay all the above everything you just said this now is my clientele somebody who knows nothing about trucking you know has some funds that they're trying to invest don't necessarily wanna drive want to create a passive income situation it's for that client it's for the client who's already in business but they're not reaching their full potential they're not making what they feel like they should be making a certain things that they need to tighten up on it's for them as well so like as far as putting together the online course right how do you do that like you made the video and then you had to slide so I mean you do that yourself or you work with somebody yeah we have at Eastman you know my thing is this and this is what I felt about my life overall I don't have a store nothing that I do in life so I was like I'm gonna do this it gotta be done right right so I created all the content and I had shot the will shot the Kenny man they flew in from Michigan it's actually the people who do the videos for et another whole camera crew came to my office and they filming he spent three days with me and I just recorded all the content right but T's did all our PDFs structured it real clear real digestible and we uploaded it into brief University and on the platform that we use is probably the best platform out there as far as online trainings the same platform that Daymond John Tony Robbins in all the short ten guys use right so it's very hard for me to call like speed buddy yeah it's called Lightspeed yeah yeah and I invested a lot of money and they're creating it to make it look like the way it looks Masada it's not a small ticket item on the course is two thousand right you have two packages we have a ninety day package that gives them access to all the courses for 90 days because it shouldn't take you more than three months to get up and running if you serious mhm and then we have our monthly mastermind package that gives you everything in our first package all the courses but this one adds our mastermind calls so every other Tuesday I've happened on the loud without members on zone it's a video chat and we discuss different topics in trucking you know we discuss all this filling in all the gaps of the course so it's a 60 or 90 minute call and we're discussing I'm doing a presentation of the actual topic so one week we talked about truck financing second week we talked about insurance options the other week we talked about finding and keeping good drivers I remember that call we had actual real drivers on the line giving insight on what made them apply for a job right what made them want to stay with a company what made them leave a company right just given future fleet owners insight to become better owners from the drivers right so right now there's about 27 calls that we've done so far there's 27 hours worth of calls that people who sign up today on the portal will be able to go back in and listen to and it'll also be able to join us live on our on our upcoming creating more content more content more connectivity how many people are on these calls is anywhere from like 80 to 100 people right now okay I'm Sam and everybody didn't sign up for the monthly you got Steven I just got the 90-day the thing about is you could actually sign up for the 90 day yeah and then or day 89 you can upgrade into the mastermind and then pay $1.99 a month and there's no contract you can cancel at any time and all yeah it's pretty it's pretty dope man so what's your vision as far as um where you want to take it as well as your personal brand business and also to education you want to continue to grow bona fide you want to focus on education and not really a personal only above man at the end of the day I want this this Porter will be it is the Holy Bible man of the transportation industry meaning that we've covered everything from A to Z every if you if you're trying to come into this industry you must go through this portal and get educated because it's education before compensation educational for conversation that's a fact that's a fact people trying to skip steps and not properly educate themselves in life and that's where you make mistakes because you're just jumping out and that's one of the reasons why we started this podcast we feel like you know a lot of times especially in our community we know we don't have mentorships we don't we're not properly educated that's why you make a lot of mistakes right and you just college is how you made a mistake when you first started absolutely didn't you didn't have a mentorship you didn't know what we was doing I wish it was a portal back in 2012 it makes me a lot easier and a lot of times people skim on important things so they'll spend money on items that they don't need but the items that they actually do need than a cheap one so education is something that you should never be cheap about absolutely and we can never apologize for using our talents and our platforms to educate people and to get compensated for that colleges do it all the time and there's no backlash with that you go to Harvard you're gonna pay three hundred thousand dollars over the course of four years but you're getting properly educated and you'll be able to be a investment banker in your program you pay but you're going to be educated on the trucking industry so there's no save you time and it's gonna save you money and you know I brought what he even one of my clients up first loads they just ran a couple weeks ago you know his first Louis from Wisconsin to Massachusetts it was a $2,800 load after he paid his driver his expenses he barely made when he spent on my portal his first loan but now but this Porter was teaching you guys how to fish I'm teaching you how to book loads I'm teaching how to make money for the rest of your life what's $2,000 it learn something that's gonna show you how to make money forever you know you're not like you said you're not you're not selling them how to do you're selling them your mistakes right hold it that's all you have to go through it for mama states if you if you take my class and you avoid making something that book cause you to lose five six thousand dollars you already major that's my bad all my resources everybody that I do business with that runs my fleet from my dealerships where I get my trailers for my insurance companies my factory companies I've literally turned over all my resources tomorrow so my students on the portal so now you ain't got a Google nobody everybody that you need to run your company I've given you the direct phone numbers on the portal all you gotta do is just follow the blueprint once I'm sure let me say this I am NOT the most our riches fleet on it I'm not the biggest trucking company out here right but the companies that are bigger than me and enricher than me they're not sharing a blueprint that's the difference you don't say yeah that was one of the things I mentioned this before when maverick Carter was saying like when people become successful the number one thing they want to do is tell you how they have become successful right and that's exactly what you're doing right so like some people say like you know we need a mentor and that's a vital but you're like you can have a mentor but I'm telling you right here this is it you should be doing this because I made those mistakes already absolutely and I get that question a lot like yo why you do you feel like you creating competition right I show people the sauce like is it possible to create competition I said whoa I'm like you'll never be able to get on the highway and I see the 18-wheeler also shots my man Fernando Lord of the slums legendary real estate investing guys a legend and he came on our podcast and he said he gave his whole blueprint and he's not even selling anything and he said he was like Michael Jordan show you how to play basketball he's still Michael Jordan Tiger Woods to show you how to swing it it doesn't he's still Tiger Woods I can say like people have the misconception sometimes that if I educate somebody that takes away I'm still gonna get money regardless yes because you give away it's enough for everybody to eat if I can say 700 billion you can go get a honey trucks and it still definitely helps me you know show people because I don't I don't lose anything from that you know saying and I just realized that uh it happened so organically then it just came to the point it was like you know what yo God if this what you want me to do like imma listen so I'm gonna obey you like I found my purpose and that's why I don't like work for me no more because it's like when you operate purpose they don't even feel like work no more man you know I'm saying like I realized like this is what I'm here for I'm here I know how to communicate I know how to how to reach the people right I I was I was able to empty mine my brain into this portal that's my purpose like when people say what's your biggest accomplishment getting the testimonials from people as I go look I was able to provide the second social income for my family I was able to quit my job and take care of my newborn now because my I don't have a CDL my job is I did it generating meet income right now because of the information that I got from me that's my biggest accomplishment to date and I got a bunch of those stop lining your life up with bills and start lining your life up with purpose that's my man Terry another gym teacher it's real it's real so thank you for joining us how can the people contact you how can they get information on everything that you got going on social media and all that absolutely when a website is a good energy worldwide calm that's good energy worldwide calm if you're trying to book a truck hit the truck and chap if you're trying to um you know we also got a dispatch service you talk about multiple streams I was able to diversify within my own industry not only do I have the trucking company I also have a dispatch service where we actually book loads for our clients right and then we also have the consultation so you can hit the logistics tab if you got a trucking company already and you wanna you know um you know you want somebody to book the lowest for you so you can kind of be a little bit more passive and if you are interested in our digital training portal click the consultant tab everything is right there all the information you can sign up right there and look my Instagram is Alex underscore good energy and alex is a li x naughty x a l IX underscore good energy and I'm like I did something for y'all man I appreciate y'all inviting me on here okay so what I wanted to do on you know for your followers anybody that wants to sign up for this portal I got a coupon code for y'all man the portal is two thousand you guys saved two hundred ninety nine dollars if you enter the coupon code e yl 299 you il-4 earn your leisure then it is pyl 299 you'll save two hundred and ninety nine dollars I'll just put that in the coupon code yeah thank you you can thank us later joy yes yatta everybody on patreon.com is pity on backslash and your leisure are proud to pay program like we said we have five tiers we got some new members every week it seems like we getting new members but big shout to David he joined at tier five so we're gonna be in contact with him and Cortney as well so shout out to you two for joining again is patreon.com Baxter and you leaves you feel free to join at any two you like we got bonus footage there we got on some outtakes that are pretty entertaining huh so shout to everybody that's on there now and I'll merge shout out to everybody that's purchased emerge asked us about my abilities shirt or the podcast shirt art or shirts that are out there continuous support so we can do more things like this we can travel to Atlanta we can travel you soon we could travel to Philly and DC and spread the word of financial literacy yeah shout out to Atlanta once again it's like a second home for us so you know we'd be out here we will be back out here very soon and don't forget to go to our events tab on our website and our very first workshop which is dedicated to first-time real estate investors first-time real estate investors everything you need to know about financing our money loans all that stuff yeah you got DMV we got Philly and a few other places that we gotta hit before the end of the year so we got my book tip of the week I almost forgot my book tip of the week is a classic it's called how to win friends and influence people it is great great book I read it like three times business is all about relationships life is all about relationships so that's that's a key book with a lot of gems but you had something you wanted to leave I just wanted to end the interview you know what my life phrase man don't hope decide don't hope decide man you know you no longer hope we decide and we execute that that's it it is yeah you have it thank you guys for rockin with us we'll catch you next week peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]