There Aren't Enough Trucks On The Road - Alix Burton

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so um how much does it cost to get into a truck like to get into a truck and get it rolling got you uh two different ways that you can come into the industry you can come in as a cash buyer or you can come in on a finance route right i tell people all the time if you're coming in on the finance route as an investor the best way to get into it is having your own relationship with a credit union okay credit unions right now are probably the most ideal way to get in as far as financing goes why interest rates are a lot lower and a lot of times um some of them even cover a 100 of your uh of your truck right um i don't we i'ma tell it and if he doesn't want it out there we can edit it later okay but uh jeremy anderson for example he's probably probably has the best deal i've seen so far really jeremy went through his credit union and got them to finance his truck and his trailer with no money down and his truck note is like and his note is like under like 1300 a month truck in his trailer had an awesome interest rate no money down and he has a truck in the trailer we call jeremy tomorrow yeah yeah let's just call him see what's going on so uh so outside of that though yeah what's the typical situation outside of that there's other costs associated as far as like your down payment for your insurance tax um all the miscellaneous expenses that you can't get around that you have to uh pay for to get into the industry it's gonna run you anywhere from seven to seven to ten thousand dollars okay so best case scenario you can probably get into this game for about seven to ten thousand dollars if you don't have to put money down if you do have to put money down which is if your credit isn't isn't the best credit and you don't have a relationship with a credit union you can definitely go through the dealership financing similar to like when you go buy a car you know you can get your own financing through your bank or you can go to the car and use their banks coming in as an investor you're going to be putting down at least about 30 percent if you have a cdl you consider 30 of what the truck costs the truck is so how much is a truck typically the trucks that we recommend you're getting is going to range anywhere from 45 to 60 thousand dollars five so just know you're gonna put down about ten thousand eight okay so that'd be about eighteen thousand correct if it's thirty percent or sixty correct okay okay i got you gotcha so that that'll take care but that's if you have bad credit though no that's if you have decent credit or if you don't have a relationship with a bank that you can get financing from gotcha that makes sense yeah gotcha okay all right so y'all got that so about 18 000 10 000. so you you need about 30 000 cash to get in absolutely give you a clean two right yes okay so oh and there's a tax right off by the way say it again that portal is the tax right okay okay cool cool yeah all right so how soon do people typically get their money back and it is no typical right because everybody some people yeah everybody's situation is different um best case the best case scenario the best case in worst case best case um 10 months 10 months to a year worst two and case half three years worst case to get your money back yeah worst case so how how do you create the best case scenario what is the the habits that people have that yo i get it and i make my money learning how to negotiate which is what the trade the portal trains you on knowing knowing not to take cheap freight having a good driver the portal is going to train you on how to attract drivers the hiring process but most importantly how to keep good drivers okay that's what's going to make the difference of you uh that's the difference between the super successful trucking companies versus the ones that just get by is that driver because obviously we can have the best truck in the world right we can have a 2019 truck we could have a contract with you know coca-cola but if we don't have a driver that's going to get in there and grind it's going to it's going to make a difference right so i see the difference with companies who have good drivers or a good driver versus the ones who have just a dual trying to get home every other day when you're really hustling like that so that driver is definitely like that pivotal point of what what separates the super successful from the ones that just kind of make it so what's what's a typical load i mean what's the average load that you can take um what do you mean like i mean so i i get a truck and i say jt is driving right house so jt owns the truck he gets me to drive okay and he how much is the load how much are typical lows that he's telling me to take um we try to stay above two dollars a mile you know i tell people all the time as long as you stay above two dollars a mile you'll be here to make it you don't say anything above two dollars is gravy you know i've gotten loads that paid three four five dollars a mile during peak season you know we got different seasons in trucking um so let's say three dollars a mile what's an average run like um what i like to do is loads that pick up on a monday and deliver on a tuesday i the quicker we get that load off that truck the quicker we can get some more money on it right so a good load for me is about 500 miles 550 miles okay that way we can get loaded early monday morning get to that destination by that night shut down reload in the morning because see drivers have a certain law of how many hours they're able to drive right department of transportation requires you to only be able to drive 11 hours that's how long a truck driver can legally drive but he's allowed to be on the clock for 14 hours meaning on duty so those extra three hours outside of that 11 hours can be used for getting loaded getting unloaded getting gas etc right so the goal is to maximize that 11 hours drive time to get to that destination they have to go to sleep for 10 hours it has to be documented once they shut down they need to be able to wake up in that morning deliver that load get reloaded okay same thing again on wednesday so every time you take a load from atlanta you go to let's say charlotte virginia they drop that load off and they're they always pick up another load to bring back to orlando connected they don't have to come back to land that's the thing we try to find drivers that are flexible and can stay on the road for at least a couple of weeks so it's literally connecting the dots so we can go to virginia and then my dispatcher is a trade to find the best paying load out of virginia going to for example tennessee right but we're also not just booking lows just off the dollar amounts we're looking at okay if we go to tennessee what's the market in tennessee because we want to make sure that we're thinking long run as well too not it's just not about today it's about okay once i get to tennessee how's the market in tennessee so we're able to actually go and see the whole country and see where the freight is hot and where the freight is cold this is what i train on the portal as well to show you how to read the market you know it's not just about booking loads it's about knowing how to position your trucks you know different times of the year the freight changes you know right now the south is on fire right now atlanta believe it or not is the number one market in the country right now today as far as lows right now i looked this morning there was 7 200 loads in atlanta yesterday and there were only 316 trucks dang so we can get money right here you got 10 i got 10 you got 10 j i got 10. so i'm gonna say it again it was 7 200 lows in atlanta yesterday and 1300 trucks what does that tell y'all mark is wide open supply demand the more lows that there is the less trucks that there are that means that they have to pay us more money why because there's 6 000 lows that's not going to get off they dock tomorrow the ones that are going to move are the ones that what you know what here's the thing though and it seems like you can get that money back a lot faster than 10 months though i'm gonna be real with you dave i like to under promise and overachieve all right he told us 10 months because we're going to get the money back and then we're like yo i okay all right all right i like what's going on because if i tell you ten months and you get it back at six yeah you ain't gonna be mad at me right all right everybody's gonna be happy i like this guy yeah under promise and that's with any business y'all under promise and overachieve if i know like for example the next big question everybody wants to know after they understand how much it costs to get into the industry they want to know okay how much do i can i make back a month per truck right absolutely so i'm gonna be real with y'all right now in the last three years my trucks have averaged take home about ten thousand dollars a month each truck each truck gotcha right times 11. carry that one over there that's right i'm gonna be real with you that's how it's been i mean last year was probably the best year in trucking i've ever seen it i mean you know especially the year before that like you know i don't like tragedies but when there's like hurricanes and hurricane harvey's and you're into that oh my god it's ridiculous right oh and they got to pay they got to pay right right so i'm gonna be real with y'all like for me we've been averaging about you know eight to ten thousand dollars take home per truck take home take home after expenses but guess what when people ask me how much um do i expect to take home i'm just gonna tell y'all five six i'm gonna take out five six thousand but guess what even at five six thousand i don't know you know i live a pretty decent lifestyle but that definitely makes a big chunk of my um overhead my personal overhead you bring home eight to ten thousand correct times eleven but i'm gonna tell you guys listen let me tell y'all count on your pocket tonight yeah i'ma tell y'all five i'm gonna tell y'all five there's no reason that if you have a truck that is not breaking down if you have a good driver and you know how to negotiate and you're running a full week four four weeks there's no reason why you should be able to take home five six grand um at the end of the month it's no reason so if you guys do more than five six grand y'all are happy with me so that's that's what i'm that's what i'm telling y'all five six thousand a month and everything else is just a sprinkles on the cone right gotcha okay all right uh whoo so um we're gonna take two questions we're gonna take two questions from our live studio audience we got tonda what you got you've seen um the woman try to operate that and get drivers and have them kind of take advantage of or manipulate or whatever absolutely i'm gonna tell y'all like this man um my portal is made up of about thirty percent women um when i t and if anybody follows me on instagram you'll see like the people like i post my clients i post people when they get up and running uh women are literally taking over this industry and i'm gonna be real with y'all they damn they're doing it better than the men uh you know i feel like women in general are just more thorough creatures you know what i'm saying like [Laughter] like seriously seriously and you teach self-defense you good money okay are you good you're right right right so to answer your question um absolutely not um i don't think that uh women have a disadvantage in this industry at all um you know i got female drivers as well you know i mean i got female drivers out here killing it you know cheryl gwen like they out here like running circles around these guys man for real for real so uh nah you know as long as you know what you're talking about you know you're getting educated and you're having um a conversation with these drivers and they can tell that you know you about your business i don't see it being a handicap at all and don't be intimidated it comes off as a male industry but it's just business at the end of the day it's all numbers business is all numbers don't get intimidated and um i love those are some of my favorite clients is women you know because y'all can do anything that we can do sometimes even better wow i love that arrow okay lost uh questions questions questions tonda again okay trucks that may um you know not as new okay um i definitely don't recommend a brand new truck a brand new truck right now is going to be run it'll run you upwards of 120 thousand dollars there's no reason to get a brand new truck we get trucks that are probably about three to four sometimes even five years old um but we just make sure that we're doing thorough inspections on these trucks because honestly a used truck that's a good used truck is gonna get you the same performance that a brand new truck is gonna get you so instead of spending 120 000 let's get the 50 000 60 000 truck that way we can make our money back a lot quicker and we're just getting warranties we don't get the warranty that covers all the big expenses right as long as you know my clients know you're not buying a truck without a warranty we're gonna get a warranty that covers us for at least three years it's gonna cover all the major components all the expensive parts so that god forbid if it does break down is covered and um and we try to get our investment back as soon as possible because once you get that investment back on your truck now you're playing with house money you feel what i'm saying so now definitely get a used truck um we're gonna get it inspected properly through the dealership or independent uh mechanic and um we just making sure that we invested in that uh and that warranty man i love it i love it aaron what's the biggest setback or expense that your students usually deal with um i mean breakdowns you know i tell people that's the biggest thing right breakdown there's two things that's guaranteed in life uh one is that one day we're not gonna be here and number two your truck is gonna break down you know what i'm saying seriously those are the two things that are guaranteed so what my course what my portal trains on is preventative maintenance right um ever since i implemented a certain schedule of maintenance with my trucks uh my my breakdowns have decreased by 35 little things that you can do because i tell people all the time small problems turn into what big problems so a lot of times people like to take shortcuts we like to put the band-aids on them nah we're not taking no shortcuts if we see a problem get it fixed now because guess what i would rather that problem me pay to get it fixed here in atlanta with my home mechanic then get on the road one of these crooked um roadside assistant guys and they're gonna try to bust us over the head so my goal is to have all my repairs done at my home base wherever you're located at find your mechanic that you can trust and every time my trucks come through atlanta they they pulling up to steve steve got to put eyes on that truck for me i don't care if it's a hose if it look worn out replace that hose we put an extra oil in the truck extra antifreeze all the belts that come on my engine i got an extra set in that truck light bulbs fuses because guess what it could be a little belt that can burst two o'clock in the morning now you stuck you gotta wait on roadside now a 20 belt that you could have had in that truck with a little tool and he could have got out dude fixed it real quick and got rolling now you just spent 800 dollars as a tow company got a two-hour minimum and they charged 200 an hour then they came to the truck find out what was wrong then they had to go find a part like it's just it'd be little things that you can do to save money and again um i always tell people all the time it was a handbook for all the mistakes if there was a handbook for all the mistakes that you could make in trucking i literally went through and did everything so what you guys are paying me for is you're paying me for my mistakes right i'm you guys are paying me to save time and not do the things that i did and what a lot of people do when they come into this industry i did it all for y'all i suffered for you already wow goodness gracious uh one more one more question yo did you figure it out no no okay you got something on the chart you're trying i mean oh yeah you killing real estate but we're going never mind all right um yo so oh for show parking lot yeah what's that an industry is that a thing parking lots right now i pay um 150 per truck per month um at my lot they got this big lot down there in february georgia and it's probably poo it's probably about at least 250 trucks down there so they definitely eat it for sure there's so many ways you find us a lot man at least for god be useful huh yo there's so many there's so many ways there's so many avenues to make money and trucking um one thing that cj told me right he was like look alex before you start jumping in i know you got the money to invest in real estate and do all this he said look diversify within your own industry first right that's what he told me so i've literally created four to five streams of income within trucking so i have my fleet of trucks right that i've delegated train my cousins train my staff to run for me now um i have a dispatch service that when clients get up and running they can either book loads on their own because we do train them on how to do that or they can give us the truck they would book the loads for them for a small percentage ever you run the whole thing yeah you don't run the whole thing i got a whole team of people that i've trained that actually booked the loads for them so they negotiate with the brokers they um get the information to the drivers and they communicate and handle the operations side of things that's that's that's my second stream of income it's a dispatch service so i can buy a truck and you take it over our company can take it over we have a dispatch um department in my company you find the driver too that's a part of the porter that shows you how to do all that but we also have a partnership in the portal that actually places drivers in your truck for you yeah it's a one-stop shop i created a little literally a one-stop shop of everything you need from a to z in this industry and something that has never been done before in the transportation industry so that's the second form of um that's the second stream of income the dispatch service my third source was the one-on-one consultations and now my fourth source of income is this portal right so i've created four strategies in the industry in the same industry before i even stepped out into anything else dang this interview was fired give him a round of applause please so uh thank you so much alex i appreciate it um i i try to end every podcast the same way with predictions okay i want to know um where you're going to be in the next five ten years so that we can look back at this video and say yo i remember it was 2019 five years ago alex said he was going to do this and he actually did it what are the predictions of where you're going to be five ten years from now um five ten years from now i will have all my businesses automated i will be 100 passive meaning that everything that i'm building right now will be able to operate without me having to be there um i'm probably going to max out in about 20 trucks my goal was 10 trucks when i got in business um i hit my goal last year hit my test truck so um now we're on the road to 20. um i'm cool with 20. when you get to 20 are you still going to say you feel me like y'all i'm maxed out 10 that's all i need he gets 11. he's like i got 11. i'm off my number so we got to go to 20. yeah yeah um this portal man um again we just did a soft launch and we did a quarter million within the first six months um so i'm definitely um i like that you know and it's so funny because cj's like look you know this is just the beginning you know what i mean so i definitely want this portal to change lives nationwide i want it to be the go-to um you can't get around it if you're trying to get into the transportation industry this would be the um number one training portal for the transportation industry period um i i need i want to have 100 hundreds of trucks in my dispatch service you know um and um i have a non-profit as well i have the filler truck foundation um we sent three we did three events it's called fill a truck for flint where we sent bottles of water to flint michigan for the water crisis we've done it three times e.t joined me on the last one it was amazing um you know you guys can see that and we also said three 18 wheelers filled with products to houston for hurricane harvey so i just want my foundation to definitely keep doing great things and providing help and resources to places that need help wow it's so dope it's so clear and specific too um and i asked people what they gonna do next month they like i mean oh you feel me so but like he really understands exactly and i'm sure this isn't like something he just came up with he sees it like okay i'm only gonna i'm gonna max out at 20. hundreds of that's that's amazing yeah that's amazing so in any uh parting words you have for us um yo sacrifice y'all um none of this would i wouldn't be sitting here right now without sacrifice as i mentioned earlier that that year in 2013 when i when i stood when i stayed in the house that year when i stopped getting haircuts and i stopped partying and i locked in and did that research without that year nothing would have happened right now it's not going to happen without that sacrifice you know seeds that were planted four or five years ago are finally starting to blossom right now what you guys are looking at was in the overnight from last year this was five years in the making so all i could tell y'all is just start planting today start playing i love it how do they follow you how do you follow your own instagram man um instagram's been really good to me for sure instagrams were really good to me man um you know definitely again went from 700 to 10 000 followers in a year organic followers i just never wanted to buy followers i wanted to be organic i was kind of corny yeah i wanted people to follow me because they wanted to follow me you know what i'm saying so um instagram is alex alix underscore good energy name of my company is good energy worldwide um you know it's a it's a lifestyle that i've transferred over to my business i won't do business with you if the energy is not right i don't want to be friends with you um energy is is important how many of us need to adopt that like i didn't want to be friends with you your energy right i know we've been cool for 10 years but your energy ain't right how many people got some friends they just energies right so it's alex underscore good energy on instagram my website is good energy and um you can go on there book a truck you can um sign up for the dispatch service on there you can also get the information on the consultation on our digital training portal man and uh y'all and i also want to leave y'all with one more thing too um don't hope decide yeah explain that please you know sounds good to be like yo i want to do this i i'm hoping to achieve this when you decide like i have to do it it's like this is there's no plan b decide intentionally what you want to do and and go do it right i don't hope anymore i decide man alex i appreciate you coming through man make sure y'all follow alex good energy you know y'all gonna see me with a truck all right all right was that not phenomenal oh my gosh oh my gosh alex i appreciate it i need a truck you
Channel: Social Proof
Views: 24,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dx36ULfvPF0
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Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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