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we got the back story and um you know you stayed down until you came up but we now want to i'm interested to come up so all right you stayed in in your mom's crib for nine months no haircut just walked the dog just on some real will smith pursuit happiness just figuring it out right all right so what happened like you just had like an epiphany and it's like i got it like what can you explain me how you woke out of that darkness and re-emerge to the sunlight yeah so when i went out of business with the box trucks um my sole purpose of my research was to identify what i did wrong and apply the correct information to my operations and the first thing i realized was like yo i need to get the 18 wheeler like the box trucks is cool but the 18 wheeler is going to definitely like open up my options now it was so funny because when i would be on the low ball with the box trucks i would have to um do the search for 26 foot right i can only look for lows that would fill up the 26 foot of a trailer but i would just sometimes just get curious and like let me see what the 18 wheeler loads look like so it'll be like 80 loads available for box trucks but 4 000 loads available for 18 wheelers yeah and i'll be like man like the 18 whether this is eating so that was the first thing i i realized during my research was like yo i need to get a 18 wheeler so when i got to 18 wheeler and i started rolling with that one it was like night and day it was like night and day you know what i'm saying and um you know i learned how to negotiate i learned how to read the market i learned how to position my trucks so you said that before as far as all right so just to get the first 18 wheeler did you finance that did you lease it how did you my first 18-wheeler i was able to get that for really cheap uh this dude that i know he was going through a divorce and uh i think his wife was trying to take everything home he was like yo just give me your price um i literally paid about 7 800 oh wow first seven eight hundred eighteen how much does it cost like on average uh for a good truck that you you know that we recommend getting it's gonna be anywhere from fifty to sixty thousand and and that's brand new are you not about 2016 2015. all right so use the truck yeah but you always only i got an old one you only recommend use trucks right yeah yeah absolutely why because uh a brand new truck is gonna run you upwards of a hundred something thousand dollars right and it's gonna get you the same um results as a as a semi-used truck you know what i'm saying it's all about getting a truck that um you know the warranty you got a good warranty on it it's inspected and if you get you a really good used truck it's going to get you the same results but you'll be able to you'll be able to make your money back so so between 45 to 60 for use one 50 to 60 50 to 60. um how's the financing on that is there a certain amount you have to leave down to get that type of yeah so it's just different ways so if you're an investor right if you don't have a cdl by the way i don't have a cdl i've never drove a truck before i don't plan on driving you're not trying to drive um you know what i'm saying that's why i got so much respect for drivers because i don't do it i can't do it so um as an investor you're gonna put down an average of about 30 percent down right 30 down is what i've been seeing for the last few years with uh you know these uh uh banks at the actual dealerships right there's different ways that you can come into the game you can actually go through uh the truck dealership right and if you go through that route as an investor it's gonna be 30 but if you have a cdl um it's gonna be a little bit less down let's say around 15 to 20 and the reason why it's less for somebody who actually owns the cdl is because the risk is a lot less for the banks they're looking at like hey look if you're an investor you don't have a cdl you you get a truck and you don't have a driver there's a higher chance that you're going to default on your loan because your trucks is going to be sending versus somebody who has a cdl they could actually just hop in their truck and go generate some money to pay their notes so again 30 is the average down on a 50 60 000 truck for an investor with no cdl and about 15 to 20 down is the average that i've been seeing if you have a cdl we call them owner operators dudes who own their trucks and operate their trucks as well my the what i recommend though the best scenario as far as getting into the game though is just having like decent credit and having relationships with your own bank a credit union for example right some of these credit unions will finance you up to 100 right so you don't have to put um money a bunch of money down for the truck so in those scenarios you'll be looking at getting into the game about with about 10 grand because now all you got to pay for is your insurance down payment um your license your dlt numbers your tags etc um so that's the cheapest way to get into the game is getting financing directly from your credit union just bringing them a bill of sales like hey look this is the bill of sales can you guys finance this truck you're gonna get you wanna get the best interest rate through your credit union and that's the best way yeah i did my first like two cars to my credit union it was just like they take the money right out your check so it's like you never have to worry about it and the interest rate like you said is a lot lower absolutely that's a good round so you said as far as okay reading the market what does that mean reading the market like okay so trucking literally changes every week like literally every week like atlanta could be the hot zone this week as far as freight when i say supply and demand i'm talking about loads to truck ratio you know what i'm saying okay so like for example i think the last time i checked atlanta had about 3 900 loads um and they had about 1400 trucks right there's certain parts of the city right now wisconsin is one of them hot right now wisconsin had about i want to say about 5 000 loads and like 800 trucks available in the last business day what does that mean to y'all it's the supply of supplies you're gonna be able to charge a higher amount because it's not enough it ain't enough trucks trucks out there so now we have all these shippers all these uh shippers that's fighting for trucks now so what what are they gonna have to do to make sure that their load gets moved pay top dollar that's where the negotiating power comes in that so if you don't understand okay this week atlanta virginia tennessee is hot i need to position my trucks up there if you don't know that you're gonna miss out and that's what i specialize and i specialize in knowing knowing where to position my trucks at to get that top dollar because all it is is connecting the docks we're going from one city to the next city to the next city right so a lot of times what i was messing up at is i would just take the big the best paying load going wherever not realizing that when i got there it wasn't no lows there right so i'm thinking like okay i'm about to eat on this 3 000 load not realizing when i get to iowa for example right i'm gonna have to drive probably 500 miles to get to another good low so now i don't put most of my profit back into the fuel tank to get to that next market so it's not just about booking the load that day it's about looking at where the load is going and what that market is looking like as well so you said it changes weekly how do you how do you know like it's like website how do you i think you said something about trucks having seasons like how does that work yeah i mean we got peak seasons we got slow seasons we got times where produce is uh is real high at that time and you know like that's around april to like july it's produce season okay you know what i'm saying the freight rates go up because it's more it's more demand for trucks right but we have we actually have on some of the low boards we actually have a feature that shows you all the hot zones in the whole country so we can literally go on there and see what's going on in the market right anybody has access to those low boards or you have to you have to have an active authority in order to have access what does that mean your d.o.t number oh no the dlc number is the number that's on the side of all the trucks and you have to have that activated in order for you to uh have access to that load board so the general public just couldn't go on and look at the lower board they probably wouldn't even understand it even if they did not it's like reading spanish yeah i mean it's similar to like a search engine for like travelocity like if you're traveling it's similar to that but if you just knew nothing about it you would definitely need to um get trained on how to actually operate with it so you have like a map in your office where you have like okay i'm gonna go from atlanta to philly to new york to chicago and this is gonna like how do you calculate the math on it to sit because like you said that's a good point like you might it might be good money going to idle iowa yeah but now you got to come back to atlanta you don't really have any other stops in between so like do you have a set idea okay you need to hit at least five stops every was it like 500 miles something like that or you don't do more than 500 miles like 50 miles something like that is is that like a formula or well um when i booked it low and i brought a couple here for example just to show you guys right but whenever you book a load um it's important that you know how much money you're going to be making after the load is complete so i just bought like the low we're doing a low right now as we speak one of my drivers picked up below yesterday right the load is picking up in tennessee and leverage tennessee uh picked up yesterday on the 20th and is going to franklin massachusetts delivering on monday right they're paying me 2 400 for that load right so when i look at that load i got to figure out how many miles is from the origin to the destination so i did the math it's about a thousand miles so now i got to figure out how much fuel is it going to take for me to um complete that load so we're going to take the rate that the load is paying so we have 2 400 right and then i know that it's a thousand miles so i have to figure out how much fuel am i going to need to get this uh job complete so we're just going to take a thousand miles we're going to divide that by six miles per gallon because that's the average that each truck uses six months yeah that's what you get six eight eight miles if you got a good truck but i'm just gonna do worst case scenario right so divide that by six right so i know it's going to take me 166 gallons of diesel in order to complete that load from tennessee to massachusetts right so i'm going to do is i'm going to times that times the average amount of diesel the price for diesel which is about three dollars and 25 cents right now right so that's showing me right there out of that 2400 i'm gonna have to use 540 of it on fuel just to get there and get back right so me personally everybody pays their drivers differently i pay my job as a percentage right so i pay my job as 20 of whatever that load is paying so just remember that number right there so we're gonna do 2400 times 20 it's 480 remember that number and then going up there we got tolls so um i'm going to say i think going up there is going to be about 180 in totals right so if we do 2400 minus was it five forty five hundred guys how much was the uh driver maybe 480 minus 180 in totals yeah so we had 11.99 on a profit that's your profit that's my profit that i'll see on monday so she picked up the load yesterday drove this while i'm with you guys right now my truck is driving right now as we speak right and by the time i wake up on monday morning um it's delivering um at 7 00 a.m she's going to deliver by the time i wake up i'll be able to get 11.99 in my bank account about 5 30 p.m that's another thing about trucking that i love is that it's liquid every single day i'm getting deposits in my in our business account you know i don't got to wait 30 days to get paid right we pick up a load on a monday we deliver on the tuesday we get paid on a tuesday so at the end of the day we have a factoring company a factoring company is a third-party bank that literally purchases our invoices from us right now my volume is so high i started off at three percent i'm down to one percent right now so i get charged one percent to get paid same day and they wait 30 days to get paid does that make sense yeah right so when you talk about people who are are in other industries like real estate or they do deals where they need finance you know how attractive it looks to a bank to see daily deposits into your account when i go to my bank they harass me you treat them with the line of credit you sure you don't want a lot of credit today because i'm i'm i'm a lower risk because they seeing that you got money coming in that daily deposit coming in that's dope so all right how do you um get drivers like what's the process to that yeah and that's the hardest part of our industry like i'm not gonna sit here and just tell y'all the good part right you know say if anybody just tells you the good part of anything just run away from them right that's the biggest obstacle in our industry why because we're talking about the human factor right here we're talking about people right personalities um and with the drivers they don't have to necessarily be the most polished people you know we this is an industry where we hire felons you know what i'm saying like we you know they don't have to have education it is what it is right um so the thing about drivers is that this is a very challenging job this job requires them to be away from their families right this job requires them to be driving uh at some times 11 hours straight in a day a lot drivers are only allowed to drive for 11 hours straight they're allowed to be on duty for 14 hours they're allowed and then they have to shut down for uh 10 hours right everybody can't drive for 11 hours straight every single day that's tough right so i got so much respect for drivers man and uh just shout out to you know to the drivers out there man like the world was stopped without y'all you know what i'm saying so i just got a lot of respect for y'all and that's why i treat my drivers really really well um my you know and we're gonna get into the portal and all that without training on um but you know i know sites that i go on sites and i um i put out an attractive ad that's the first thing yeah i wrote it down man when i saw the ad you were like we're gonna pay you more by accident than ever shorten you on purpose and i was like wow that's not even on my ad that's what i tell my drivers actually after i get them but i tell them all the time because one of the biggest things when i'm doing these driver interviews i'm like yo why did you leave your last job like what made you leave and eighty percent of the time it's because a previous employee was playing with their money right that's the number one excuse that i hear why drivers leave companies is they playing with the money so i tell them all the time like look i'll pay you more on accident before i short you on purpose it's my honor to pay you you're helping me feed my family i don't have a cdl i you know we both got a role to play so i i it's my honor to pay you and um just treat them with respect and i don't treat them like they work for me i treat them like business partners you got a role to play i got a role to play your role is to make sure that that load gets there on time right safely and communication and my my job is to make sure that your truck is safe it's operating correctly the loads are there and you get your paycheck yeah one of the things you do with with your your trucks is you put extra equipment inside that truck just in the event that there is something that happens from a mechanical standpoint right maintenance yeah that's what it's called it's not just about reacting when the truck breaks down is how can i decrease my trucks possibility of breaking down you know and and what i've shared with people is how i was able to decrease my breakdowns about 21 in 2019 this is little things that i've done um little little little um extra things that you can do to just help help yourself on that road you know whatever belts that your truck uses right we got to alternate a belt we got an ac belt just put an extra set of belt in extra set of belts in your truck right keep antifreeze keep oil in there keep fuses keep light bulbs keep an extra spare tire or two right little fixes that can have you shut down for five hours waiting on roadside if you already have the part there it's gonna save you some time and save you some money save you a lot of money right they're gonna charge you just to look at it so how do you all right so you have a truck you have the whole operation you have drivers and all that but you gotta have product to move right so is it most companies like freelance or do you have set contracts with people long term is it a combination of both like how does that work so when you first come into this game you know the lower board is pretty much your best friend at that point right when you when you just freshen the game you gotta develop relationships so the lower board is where we started off at the load board yeah that's the website right that's the website and what's it no it's that dot-com d-a-t it's called we have that we have the dac board and we have okay okay those are the two big ones okay so on this low board there's brokers um you know these are the people who have the lows that we have to call and negotiate with right so what i did was we just started we just did good business right we we stressed being on time we tried we we stressed uh delivering a good service and what happened is we would just be meeting all these different brokers every day from booking different loans in different cities and then um uh me personally i i ended up doing this low that i really liked but um it was a low that picked up in georgia and it went to cleveland tennessee and it was twice a day right you would pick up in atlanta you would go to cleveland tennessee which is right there by chattanooga two hours two hours away right they was paying us 750 to go two hours away and back and we was doing it twice a day okay so we was generating 1500 a day going up twice and i loved it right we did it for like a week it was like this project they was working on right and then i looked at the numbers that week i was like yo this is dope so i hit the um broke up like yo how often do i do these these lows he was like man it's funny you asked that man we just got an extension on this project we're gonna be doing this for the next nine months wow right so i'm like wow he was like yeah you know what man we put we had like about five different companies on this unload but y'all actually executed the best y'all communicated whenever something was a delay you called me immediately you let me know what was going on he was like man would you you know how many trucks do you guys have if you guys like to um you know do this full time at the time i think we was at about five or six trucks i was like yeah i'll give you all my trucks and man when i tell you this is 2017. we ran this low we ran this low for the for the whole year right and that was the year i really i was able to level up on my cat that was the entire business it was just that okay yeah there was it was moving one plant from cleveland tennessee to atlanta we was moving an entire plant for fortune 500 company to atlanta that nine months ended up turning into two years oh wow and then then it ended up turning into nine years now how how profitable is is your business as far as like truck or on average like how how much can a truck make um right now and i like to under promise and over achieve right i don't like to give the high numbers i like to give the low ball numbers right um with the way that we do it each truck should be able to generate you anywhere from 1500 to 3 000 a week take home after all expenses are paid that's what a truck that's not breaking down that's what a good driver and that's with a full week of work we don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to at least take home about 1500 a week per truck and of course you can have multiple trucks yes it's a volume game after that dumb that was a violent game that's how you got your trust right the first truck paid for the second truck money management is how you it's how you scale up you know i had to make a lot of sacrifices in the first couple of years and instead of when i made my profits instead of using the money and buying frivolous things i would just reinvest it back into the company i would be invested in new equipment right and then once once you jump up to four five six trucks then the money that's when it gets real crazy caught out of fleet yeah and uh you know i'm saying i said what i've been doing is i've been doing this game for like what six years now and i just really started like buying stuff like this year you know what i'm saying like i just started really like enjoying life and traveling i made my sacrifice i reinvested in my company right that's the common that's the common theme for every almost every one of our guests almost it's funny you say that because literally we've had people from the music and just people from real estate developers trucking now and the one common theme is exactly what you said like you got it's all money in like you got to put the money in and that's something that it sounds simple but nobody wants to do that as soon as you get profit people want to live off that on some selfish like just go to the mall and just ball out and it's like that's not how it works and it's like you try to explain that to people and they still don't understand you got to pay your dues you got to pay your dues man and um you know like i said this yeah i wouldn't bought my dream car i went and what'd you call uh the s63 coupe okay yeah i think you got the mercedes pendant they give that to you that came with it that came with it it's from brooklyn [Laughter] but yeah man you know like we i paid my dues so like any success that i've seen i'm unapologetic for it because i put in the workforce now we never apologize about making a profit that's what we're in business for you you in a business like you said it's a 700 billion dollar industry absolutely and you're like i honestly you're the first person i know that's doing it it's so crazy can i tell you why first black person for sure we are minorities in this industry we're minorities yo let me tell you something i went to louisville kentucky it's this big truck show that they do every year in louisville kentucky it's called a match truck show right um thousands of people i mean they bring these trucks it's like tricked out trucks um they got classes there it's the biggest convention in the trucking industry right every year i went there last year and i'm walking through the crowd y'all and i had a couple of my students with me there's about eight of us right and we played a game the game was how many minorities can you find in this crowd it's it's it's mind-blowing how much of a minority we are in this industry and i'm gonna tell you i'm talking yo they just messed up and let me figure it out they messed up never let me know they said 11 00 yen they messed up letting me in my graduates from my school being forbes back dropped back drop my drop [Applause] backdrop bye
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 119,903
Rating: 4.9592733 out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, entertainment, TRUCKING, ALIX BURTON, TRUCKING INDUSTRY, 18 wheelers, Box truck
Id: _54OHptpaeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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