Dogecoin, Netflix Stock, Investment Q&A

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we're no longer muted well here it's monday what's up what's up what's going on good people dude what's going on too what's going on earnest flood the building what's going on what's up with you a glorious monday somebody raised their hand already what's up people it's monday so you know what time it is market mondays is back in full effect what's going on you putting the basket in a lot right now bad signals going out ah somebody just said dan crenshaw what up what up crenshaw shout out to cali what's going on how y'all doing what's the deal man how y'all feeling oh we great bro y'all looking glorious well well uh hydrated but banks say i've been in la for a day down see no seeds no i could see yeah shout out to california man always a good always a good time when we get out here you know it's all it's crazy because it's daytime and usually we're used to doing market mondays it's nighttime eight o'clock because five o'clock on the west coast so it's always gonna wrap this up early watch rashad gonna have us all 25 minutes all right troy let's go it's weird it's like bedtime aftermarket mondays you get like maybe you can eat your dinner then go to bed and i was like wait the sun's still up what are we supposed to do now yeah i know right how about that all the earners out here man we working on something for the earners exclusively working on an exclusive networking event just for earnest yeah yeah so hopefully we can put that together before we leave cali so if you're in the southern california area and you are in ewl university we definitely you know working on something for you guys for sure yeah shout out to everybody that pulled up on us we were seeing my mic is low turn your drain up over there you sound good yes yeah yeah you good bro yeah man uh we was walking on uh melrose up yesterday and a couple people stopped us in traffic man shout out to everybody that's been supporting and telling a friend to tell a friend or about the message of financial literacy um it's really life-changing i told you the fuel is the people and so every time somebody stops us to tell us an experience that he had when coming in contact with us all the information it's really powerful so keep fueling us we're going to keep delivering that's a fact i keep bringing that troy joy i'ma make you write that book man oprah please call troy gail somebody yeah so all right let's get into it um we have a jam-packed week this week at earn your leisure tomorrow big episode shout out to my boy buster legend so we talk about sports cards if anybody follow me you know i brought my first sport card investment a few weeks ago so he's talking about sports cards he's talking about nfts he's talking about online marketing so he has this uh um site called hoops nation a million followers on instagram five million followers on tick tock he is the voice of the crew league if you watch revolt's crew league he's actually a commentator of that he's a highly respected sports card collector and um he's big into nfts and he's 20 years old so he's one of these guys that's like a whiz kid incredible special super smart super smart so that's interesting that's a different asset class maybe we can talk about that on market mondays one day but that's a whole different asset class within itself sports sports memorabilia um it's huge i mean oj went to jail for sports memorabilia trying to get it back yeah that's a fact they stole this jerry put all of your life at risk the sports memorabilia i remember like i know when i was young they used to have these things where it's like joe montana is signing jerseys and like the county center like everybody's coming up to that that kind of died i don't see that as much i feel like that's not really happening as much but the sports memorabilia is still as popular as it's ever been and mixing it with nfts nba top shot something that we definitely have to talk about on market mondays because that's something that's huge right now nba top shots killing it right now yeah it's about making the experience unique and so rather than going to a physical place for you to meet and greet the person now they'll sign it and give a piece of their jersey as part of the card and so it makes it a really unique experience um so we're definitely invested i got a i got my first shipment two weeks ago i got a new shipment i think i got some jackie robinson cards and mickey mantle cards it's it's got a nicki minaj yeah yeah man i was a card collector um and then yeah i don't think people know your sports love oh yeah yeah it's right up your alley we love we love sports man and we also uh luca dantic his his card sold for 4.2 million dollars that's his rookie card that's the most that's the most ever paid for a sports card ever basketball basketball club mickey mouse got the the highest okay 5.3 million ridiculous numbers yeah so luca is in his third year in nba but that's what i'm saying that unique experience i think he put a a piece of his jersey and a signature and it's part of the card and it's a one-on-one one-on-one is only wonderful yeah so yeah interesting episode and then of course we back on thursday with our boy john henry the legend himself yeah wednesday too we got we got that's the bean coming on oh for a while university yeah university we got we got sabine coming on um you know we got we gotta cover all the all legal bases and um thursday we back on youtube with john henry so jam pack week um make sure you guys tap in and i'm looking forward to it yeah it's gonna be a good one i ian let me just do a disclaimer can i do that of course yes sir that's cereal so united works do your own research our content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only it's very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances you should take independent financial advice from a professional in connection with or independently research and verify any information that you find on our show and wish to rely upon whether for the purpose of making an investment decision or otherwise this is a message brought to you by the good folks that are in your leisure and the good brother ian dunlap the master investor do your own research do your own homework it pays like that it pays yeah that's hard that's the way to end it got well done how you guys doing happy monday i appreciate you guys so much to have some fun i got you that i appreciate it all right let me know if you guys can see my screen and then i will get started yeah i'm going to be quick and then i want to come back to uh to go over some prices and entries for you guys too so uh of course doge took off like crazy so i want to walk you guys through the secrets of mastering the market regardless if you're into crypto long-term investing features let's get right into it so you guys asked uh for entries for crypto um if you that's something you guys are interested in type yes in chat and maybe we can cook something up for you so if i can put this crystal ball uh entire to crypto and give you some interest if that's something you want let me know and if you are an accredited investor please let me know send me an email at ian um i have something that i want to show you something that we may be taking public um so yeah send me a message there let's get right to it the most important thing and we talked about this endlessly please write this down i need you to hold for a five year period that is the minimum time frame you need to hold if you want to get rich so um shout out to john but if you held ethereum for five years you'll be up 273 grand uh bitcoin 148 000. shout out to troy rashad who locked all of their coinbase and every binance account on earth and then came back to it and was up 97 000 but honestly though if you guys go look at that fidelity strategy the people that who lock their accounts and don't open them or unfortunately have passed on because they let the money sit they have done a hell of a lot better so um and kudos to my goddamn he's up a bunch uh and some of his friends were as well shopify forty one thousand tesla fourteen thousand so can we all agree the five year period is the minimum time frame that you want to hold if you get want to get rich so 10 000 into bitcoin five years ago would be 1.2 which is insane to think about um 10 000 in tesla five years ago would be 149 524 put yes in chat if you wish you would have had tesla five years ago and put 10 grand into it and uh this weekend i was a shout out to window i was talking to bueno yesterday and i brought up a point like i want all my creatives and entertainers and artists to listen up when you started breaking down the numbers for what the label deals were and of course x passed and made me think of rough riders right and it made me think of when i wish we could have got the jaw dmx and j album back in the day but man that would have been legendary um but i was thinking like okay great what if certain artists don't make it but what if all of them invested a certain amount of money and in 2001 of rockefeller had invested into apple now they have 2.86 billion dollars so for all my creatives and and i know everyone's like yo you don't know that apple was gonna be the predominant company yes you did because steve jobs tore apart the music industry by himself single-handedly and you guys let him you kill chris sacco with napster but did the deal with steve jobs god god bless your soul they knew that apple was going to be the predominant player but for whatever era that you're in so shout out to the good people of quality control if anybody who is listening that is an artist now please tie your money to one of these major corporations that you are fighting um so you can get the money on the back end the secret that i want to keep telling you guys is that they keep all the entertainers and all of us that are black or latino and they'll tell us hey beef is okay you don't have to partner so then they can rob us blind while they're doing this and jay already made his billions but he would have got there a hell of a lot faster so these are the key lessons i want you to take away and this applies to crypto as well one you need to hold for five years if you want to be rich two ten years if you want to be free 20 years if you want to be wealthy put 5 10 and 20 in chat i know some of you have flipped 500 and made you know 72 000 off those i'm proud of you i will get to that later but five years if you want to be rich 10 if you want to be free 20 if you want to be wealthy put generational wealth if you wish your grandparents knew to do this uh in the 1950s 60s and 70s and if it would have impacted your life positively um i saw this on cues pages like look at the 20 returns for apple 41 000 amazon 40 000 nvidia 5 000 the longer you hold the better you'll do and then nike we made nike popular buying all the resale js and all the jc got remix and came out we already know what to buy we have the power um inside of us just through the culture so i want to walk you guys through 10 ways to be able to buy stocks crypto real estate or any asset because i see some of you be like hey you know you guys do the show but you don't tell us how to get in sorry if you didn't see the other 900 episodes feel like we put out but let me put it for you on one list one use a 72 ema you can use this on trading view think or swim ninja trader whatever 72 period moving average two 200 period moving average number three you can buy 50 off of the high because all these indicators do is take a mathematical formula and apply them to the charts you can do that with a calculator number four eighty percent from the high number five we haven't talked about this in detail but averaging up in a winning position so if you have a position that is winning already to continuously to add to it a lot of people will average down when they're losing and i know some of you don't want to mess up your price basis but if you're you are in the asset that is doing well it would help you if you continue to add to it for so for those of you that continuously bought gbtc past 2017 or bitcoin past 2017 you were averaging up number six sniper setup so for those in the sniper program use that same setup for your long term write this down look at the day or the weekly chart to make your entry right then we have the perfect setup number eight this is really key triple ema so you can prepare a 20 moving average with a 50 moving average and a 72 ema number nine a quintuple so you can have a 200-day moving average 72 at 50. a 20 and a 10. okay and then the last way you can do it is all fibonacci retracement so just literally at the top make it 100 your bottom is zero the key levels to buy are at the 10 percent level and the 23 6 level and 50. anything above that usually is too high if you want to have the best return absolutely possible these are the type of assets that you want under your possession and i won't read them all off but some that are key so hard cash is great that you can be able to invest endowment policies we haven't talked about a lot number nine land plots are very key and the thing that i want you guys to be able to have is a fortress that protects you financially it's not just having one thing residential property is key commercial reits stocks startup funding if you guys are looking to get into that space um jason calacanis has a book called angel that is pretty damn good that you should check out um of course stocks that we talk about all the time etfs mutual funds and then commodities like wheat corn gold and of course crypto so let's get right to it doge so elon april 15 at 12 33 talked about doge and then sent it to the moon right and i want to go to those chart real quick so i want to and we'll get to that so um respectfully respectfully right cause we gotta have a community conversation at some point but shout out to the king and we can see those took off to the upside great i want you guys to type these in for exits five hundred percent and then one thousand percent what i don't want to happen is this thing goes up to the moon and then when it comes crashing to the ground because this weekend when it dropped some of you were calling like crazy like what do i do what do i do you have to have your plan beforehand now of course doge is not back to anything but if you have your money in it of course there's a little bit of euphoria that starts to kick in i get it write this down i have to know my exit before i enter my position how many times have you been in a trade or been in an investment and you're asking other people when do i get out you have to have the exit in mind any business that you start you have to know when am i going to hang it up before you begin right for those of you that hit it big great i'm super proud of you and i'm glad and i want to get to uh mr respect for these posts right so this weekend i reposted this and some of y'all went crazy um and the truth is like a lot of people are talking about the market and i'm happy that we're getting in so don't take it as me hey and b was a friday i thought the joke was funny right um but the thing that i want to stress is that it says stock not crypto secondly i want you to do this i want you to get out of your feelings and get on the charts so if you got a win on doge amazing i'm happy for you i want you to get your coins i only want you to know no matter what happens because elon of course is a great catalyst but if that's the only catalyst that you have for getting into it if the thing falls back 80 what are you gonna do for those of you that are up a thousand percent i want you to start to mark off if it drops down and you're only up 500 to start to liquidate and then for those of you that are up 500 to get out at 250 return and you'll be good so this is the blueprint i want you to use even for crypto screenshot this same setup 72 ema with the 200 now the great thing about crypto because it moves so fast you need to go to a lower time frame to be able to catch it so one hour is great anything lower than out one hour you're going to be jumping in too much to get context what time frame do i want you to use it's the one that i always tell you to go to first please type it in chat start there then look week then look day then look at one hour then you can plot where you're going to get in you don't want to get caught up chasing and holding the bag because somebody said that you should have it 200 ema same thing five year month first then week then dated an hour that's your progression if you believe in an asset i don't care what anyone says including me if you believe an asset hold it because i was talking about futures and believing in futures before anybody of rq was talking about and how you guys feel about crypto i feel about uh futures because it pays way more than everything else 5x growth is when the exit 10x growth is when you definitely should exit but here's what i want you to know the hedge fund's running this up too like how they did gamestop so go look because now and we'll talk about it later the reason that the prices of real estate and is going up and i talked about this in the stock club or red panda hedge funds are buying all of these properties and pushing these values up you think nationwide during a pandemic and a slow crisis recession that people have enough money to bid 30 and 50 000 over market price no there is no more asymmetric risk to reward that is great in the stock market and now they're going to real estate to get the gains be careful because when you get caught holding that real estate back you're going to be crying and then same thing two in crypto they're the reason that the market is going up respectfully number eight if you really love it then buy it every month i don't care what i say what troy says rashad says all of the investment that you're making any business if you truly believe in it buy it every month build your base accumulate the asset every month and from those of you that are in real estate look at these shares as doors so the more doors or more stocks you can have paired together the better you'll do tell my creatives artists and entrepreneurs i need to tell you this invest fifty percent of your income or you're gonna die slow ruling death let's be honest your clients customers and fans don't give a damn about you they love you now everybody loves schmurder when he came home and then his bae got revealed no one loves murder as much anymore what happened nah he said it wasn't his man it wasn't his girl but you know he had a um like four pictures with it right happened wow yeah he had a queen that was holding him down while he was in she wasn't of our hue what he had a caucasian sister yeah yeah yeah yeah i didn't even hear about that yeah and she was she was on the she was on the sprinter that that uh he had when he came home shout out to bobby schmidt a man he's actually a good guy i saw his interview i saw his interview with mano and um you can tell he really has his head on his on his shoulders he was speaking a lot of positivity i didn't hear about this situation a thousand said yeah but i get the perception and then also too fans if you love somebody how can you then turn your back if you say yo he's solid and then turn your but that's why i tell you you have to my dad used to always tell me protect yourself at all times anything can go wrong so he better get on the line with mustard or somebody real quick and come out with a slap otherwise you know cancer yeah but he said you know what's interesting about him i mean he's 26 years old still a very young man uh but he said the number one thing he's doing right now is looking into real estate on music but the real the real estate is what he you know he was studying while he was in prison so hopefully you know we can get him on it he's good shout out to man um you know kids he's good he's a good kid yeah good guy he's a good guy man so i don't want to get into the whole relationship whether you should you know that's none of my business but but for my creatives what i want to tell you when you're at the mercy of the people what jay said same sort they knight you with they're going good night you would it's only half if they like you protect yourself and here's the thing notice no music labels no movie houses went out of business because they was investing in buy-up real estate and buying crypto and buying investing and buying stocks you have to protect yourself even from the fan base that you have built because at some point your fan base has turned on you and i got to say this too with all y'all entertainers with all these big ass followings stop beefing because only in our community will we beef with each other and not have the financial freedom that we want but if we can partner together we probably can buy some big ass like if i can get eight of us together we can buy probably about soundcloud or something and make billions in a year but everybody want to be for clicks and likes and then you turn around and get canceled and our culture i want us to stop beef and focus on the thing that matters the most freedom and solidarity so here's the 10th step blueprint to master in the market number one i said it before two hours a day on the chart for my fellows there is no thing as as unconditional love for us it's a fallacy once you go to puberty that unconditional love goes out the window shout out to my mom i'm sorry for the times i ain't take out the trash and i'm supposed to i'll do it all over again i'm sorry love you two hundred pages per day reading for those of you that want to master investing you're not gonna master this by looking on instagram i'm gonna be real with you number three master one setup i don't care like i don't like rsi but if rsi is part of your setup master it look at 1 000 2 000 charts and know when if it says 70 if it truly is gonna drop or if it's 30 it's gonna go above you probably should adjust your settings to 95 and 5 instead that's more reliable but master won't set up number four 300 practice rates how many of you wish last year you would have practiced more and did 300 trades and now your actual trades would be a lot more profitable because guess what happened market conditions change the market is drier now and everybody's rotating a lot faster and they're not telling you when they're rotating they're telling you after the fact and now you're getting slapped but they've already profited number five please write this down this is key trade selection is more important than asset allocation in your long term even if you pick bad stocks like i don't like four but if you hold on a fort long enough you may eke out 15 out of it you take nine or ten bad trades i don't care what assets you're trading and you're using leverage you can destroy your entire account and this and never never never never tie your long-term assets in with your trading money that's the quickest way to i've seen people burn through 12 and 13 years worth of gains and a quarter doing so number six four stocks for long term number seven 24 swing trades max per year so that's two per month that's all you need 24 intraday trades if you're trading futures because most are on discipline and shout out to the snipers and the dream team if you guys took 24 trades per year how many would you win put it in chat and if that number is above 20 or at 20 why the hell would you take more ego number nine this is key you need to have a symmetric risk to reward ratio that is skewed so far in your favor that damn near feels nefarious in nature but it isn't like you need to have a risk to return ratio that is so high a damn it feels illegal you want to risk one to make 50. so those you that are indulged like you're up so much it almost feels like it's too good to be true right that's what you need to start to take profit but one or two of those in your lifetime can help change the trajectory of your family and then ten for my traders who really want to master this so this is one of my keys that i did that i've never told nobody about every sunday thinkorswim will put out new indicators go learn how to use every indicator on every platform that you use see you can't talk your way through that so go look at everyone for those of you that are quiet killers like troy because every time i call him his ass be on the charts i'm like bro when do you sleep good god go study every indicator and then you'll see how to use them and then even if your primary setup loses his edge you can then turn around and be able to dominate in the market last year we talked about this and i want to remind you again just because uh the world is opening back up do not lose sight of this you need 16 months to save and shout out thank you guys for the shout out in black enterprise salute and this one for those of you who like that's just unrealistic for anybody black it punched me in the gut too when i heard it and i told you the guy showed me the money in his business account and his personal account it changed the way i looked at life he was like if a recession lasted five years like i'll be okay i know at some point in five years i'll be able to make some money so you need a level of security and some of you are asking is it liquid or should it be an investment it needs to be able to be liquid but you can have it in stocks that is the form of liquidity you'll be fine i know for those of you who are not there yet i'm going to be real all the financial people that had tv shows and books that told you three to six when i talked to them properly they had them near 80 months there's a difference between information that are sold so you can buy the product versus what they're actually doing i'm not gonna pile on dave and because grant did that enough right but dave ramsey has more than three to six months of liquidity just in case some happens um real quick on esoteric so if you look at the gains leading up to the moon cycles go google it the gains are a little bit higher leading so for those of you who want like a two or three percent edge you can look at the calendar even in thinkorswim they do have the moon cycles in there you can look and tie it with your technical indicators to get a two to three percent slider edge for those of you that work in hospitals you already know you get a little bit of craziness going on around the time when we have full moons and leading up to it and this does have an effect on our stock market secondly the number of pyramids that are present on earth you should go google what that number is you can use that number as a target for the dow and nasdaq and it's an easy target to hit your stop loss should be the same once it gets halfway there you can lock in 20 ticks and let it run go do your homework and see how many pyramids how many pyramids are there on earth please let me know and then last buying stocks at the close will give you an edge opposed to buying at the open so if you wait to the end of day and then for those of you that have access and you can see when hedge funds are buying towards the close so for those of you that trade the nasdaq future or the dow or es you'll often see midday will slump down and then end of day will pop up higher that is a lot of buying at the end you should probably be buying your stocks that you want in your long-term portfolio at end of day opposed to open so you're not having that drawdown and lastly buy me a week during deep crashes that will give you a percentage as you post about it on monday and friday because mondays and fridays have the highest probability of going up tuesdays and wednesdays typically are lows you should buy middle of week and you'll be good and then crypto also has a cycle for when you should be buying and it's not monday and friday look midweek or look on the weekend to be able to get an edge so take this run with it execute i want us to be rich i want to be wealthy in 10 years i want all of you that are watching to be millionaires from some of the insights that we've given you here but that will only be a reality if you execute that is it i love you all outstanding yeah yeah that was that was a lot man i i actually took a few notes there and i'm glad you said that because a lot of people who are trading crypto are looking at the weekly chart or they're looking at the monthly chart or the year it may not ever drop there and the space moves so fast i'm glad you said that you should switch over to the hour at the most maybe three or four hours because it's four hours nice yeah it just moves so fast like you can commit something like we saw over the weekend uh dogecoin get down to 25 and it was like whoa if you look at the weekly chart it's just like you're going to miss that you know what i mean the devices might not be there for you so i'm glad you said that and then that rsi little piece that you're doing even though you didn't like it that 95 to 5 that's pretty good so that's the spread of overbought to oversold so a lot of people like that overbought to oversold so the 95 would be obviously overbought and the five would be oversold so those are good places to get into the companies i was doing that's that's pretty tough man i was doing 80 20. if if it hit that 20 line i'm like all right this is a good spot to get it imagine hit that that five though if it hit the five now that's super yeah yeah you load the boat and then shout out to everybody in red panda also too when you got i don't want you guys to look at volume but if you do you should probably put fibonacci retracements over the volume so you can see when there's peak cycles and bust cycles in the volume as well but also getting you give you an indication bye but that's what i know let's talk about yeah let's talk about this a little bit before we go um my guy ready to skedaddle right now where you going santa monica show's over ladies and gentlemen guys pull the car up i know right um um so dogecoin let's let's just talk about this a little bit because it's the elephant aroma i'm glad you spoke about it during your presentation and we're going to talk about safe moon also um oh yeah yeah so all right this dogecoin situation unavoidable at this point um it is uh quickly becoming bigger and bigger it seems like every day passing multi-billion dollar companies every day top 10 crypto market cap number five yep yep um okay so we specified what's the reason we spoke about doge a couple months ago yeah got clip on it on uh youtube so let's revisit this conversation for all the people that say you don't talk about dogecoin so all right how do we feel about dogecoin can we first say congratulations to the people who have made money congratulations that's one thing like people is weird like it's like um you're not going to build your brand off talking about us well that's not even that's like sometimes people will be like like they'll make money like anybody that didn't get indulged y'all just hey i i i i'm never gonna be mad at somebody from making money that's we created the position illegal yeah we created the platform for people to make money so i respect everything i respect anything that you're going to do to make money as long as it's legal you're not screwing nobody over so kudos to everybody out there that's made money on doge um they were like i told you i got my whole kid's house tuition i'm like yo i'm happy for you congratulations congrats like you made some money but depending on what brokers you use some of you are now having issues liquidating the 150 that you made they they they chop your wi-fi up a little bit yeah but um we'll make it work we'll make it work um okay so dogecoin it started off as a joke everybody knows well maybe everybody doesn't know the story for this the dogecoin actually started off as a joke um and it actually had a run even like years ago i remember 2018 something like that they told my doge and they were saying it was a joke and and it was like doing well at that time relative to how weight actually debuted so dogecoin is not new dogecoin has has actually had runs before it's just that this is like the bigger run and um you know you obviously got elon musk for some reason that's fascinated with dope it's interesting to see what his fascination with doge is um but that's actually helped a lot obviously so the thing about the crypto space is that there's still a lot of coins that really have no use case including bitcoin shout out to hill harper we met with him yesterday uh we said that so yeah that's dope we said that last week and we actually met him yesterday yeah shout out to him oh we're working on something big to end so i'll let you know after this so so we was talking yesterday and i'm like well because you know he's an enthusiast for bitcoin and um i'm like bitcoin really doesn't i i'm invested in bitcoin myself and i said but bitcoin doesn't really have any use case he said well gold doesn't have any use case if you really think about it what's the use case for gold outside of wearing it as jury um it's a store of value it's it's somewhere to put money um instead of you know fiat currency and i say yeah you're right if you think about it like that so it was like you know as far as i say that to say dogecoin from my understanding doesn't really have a use case at all something doesn't does something doesn't need a use case to go up in value even art yeah can make the same comparison about art so could it potentially keep going up of course because human emotion and the markets move have people we see this with gamestop whatever people want if enough people want it to go up it's going to continue to go up the problem the problem with this and the same thing with safecoin safe moon um once again safe mode if you're making money on it congratulations but i think we have to have a certain level when you when you when when you're talking about things you have to be cautious because you don't want to lead sheep to the slaughterhouse and at least me personally i never want to be responsible for somebody losing their life savings or losing their money just because i'm just promoting on something that doesn't really have any usage safe moon was just created three months ago um has really no use case and it's like okay it's going up so cool like you know what i'm saying but what is if safe mode went away tomorrow would the world change anything be affected so what i what i'm saying by this is just just be intelligent you know investing isn't gambling but it can become synonymous with gambling when you apply gambling principles and when you just invest in something just because it's going up that's not really the best way to go about it but you can make money doing that but i'm just not comfortable promoting something like that because i can't justify other than saying it's going up right now i can't justify you know why it's going up yeah i think there's an ian i think you said this and i'm sure you have there's a difference between an investment and a trade yeah it's a great trade right so it's a great trade right if you can put money in something and it goes uh 2 000 in two months that's a great trade is it a great investment i don't think so right and that's why we won't say that hey you should go after that we're saying if you're making money great make sure you know your exit points but the thing with the difference between um bitcoin which we said has no purpose really right we don't have a fundamental use for it and and dogecoin which also has no fundamental use is that bitcoin has a limited supply and so does joint has no limited supply it's 129 billion coins even ethereum doesn't have a limited supply though well it's gonna it has a usage though right so that that may it changes there's a use case for it yeah and then also too like yeah i got it now i was gonna say so it's five but they have 129 billion coins they're producing 5 billion every year and what's the purpose of it right so it's tough for me to really invest in something i don't really understand and so if people are making money great i'm just on the sideline thinking okay well hopefully people don't get burned and if they make money they'll take it out and and hopefully do the right thing with it invest in that fundamental understanding of yeah can we tell the truth about what's going on i mean look man most people that are in the investing industry there are some that are great and we talked about them before ackman um howard marks aq capital there's a few that are like legendarily amazing in terms of performance so when the winklevoss twins got pushed out of facebook because they got robbed by zuckerberg they were the one who started to push for bitcoin and they're the one who got everyone involved on the institutional side then it got discovered that the hedge funds were not working as hard as everyone thinks and everyone's like hey if i'm getting better returns while i turn my money over to them and then bitcoin began to rant off and we talked about it last year like if bitcoin got institutional adoption it would take off like crazy i think we talked about this last october or september um and now that the gains are there everyone's trying to run up to offset the losses and they are trying to keep themselves from losing clients don't you guys think is interesting on monday and fridays when when funds are typically reporting to clients or end of quarter or top quarter the market is going up like crazy then middle of week or middle of quarter we're sliding down for a long period of time i want you guys to be able to see every part of the game so you don't get used so if you're making money on a trade i'm not mad at it i'm happy for you i want you to get your money but all this was happening because it got exposed that hedge funds prop firms and managers were not producing returns and were not even trying to get better returns for people and then once the league got taken off they're trying to catch up so now that they miss bitcoin they're running to everything else to prop the market up and what's not being talked about is these gains are being printed really fast because the market is not driving the value that it showed and then the job market is not as good as it should be so i'm in new york city right now i've never seen this city look more dry than it does now but if you looked at the market you wouldn't be able to tell so if i get you to focus on this hand but i'm robbing you here with the job market and then when we have another recession in 2027 i think the job market will be done and we will go to ev i mean i put it up today but like with the thing i told you guys about like the no email thing cal newport is really gonna push for tech companies and not doing the email at all then it's going to be a very hard line of performance-based kpis that are ridiculous to maintain so they can fire you and then push automatic automation even heavier please be careful this is not a conspiracy theory this is people i'm talking to in tech that are telling me this so be careful um for those of you that are in your trades know when you're going to get out and want to take profit because i don't want you to be up 200 grand and then in six months you're down 30. it can't happen be careful that is the truth about about what's really going on so i think it's dope that everybody's running up and it's to the moon and everybody's high-fiving great but we had a huge draw a drawdown on saturday thank god to recover but what if we went through a drawdown period for three months most people would be wiped out but the headphones would be taking profit before it gets there use those markers of 5x and 10x to be able to get out and go look at what the price of dogecoin was in january compared to where it is now you'll see what the multiple was yeah yeah all the hedge funds in one place you said a drawdown for three months tried three years we we were in this thing in 2017. and we watched our accounts get slaughtered but you know what we just said all right we're just when i opened up my coinbase for a year and a half we're gonna stay here did i talk did i talk about that last time yeah you mentioned it you could talk about it again i just wanted last last thing on dogecoin so ian this is crazy so think about this right it's market cap is over like 60 billion right now right so it's worth right now it's worth more than walgreens it's worth more than las vegas sands and it's worth more than crowdstrike right now with no purpose interesting stuff no i didn't talk about that last time i talked about event when i was in a financial planning call okay so yeah the power of buy and hold so if anybody knows my story about crypto um you know binance um when they stopped their access to america and i couldn't move my coins off and i kind of just kept them there um i you know i'm not locked out but i just can't move my coin i just gotta you know take some time to actually move them off but long story short i you know i in 2017 i just i got a lot of these all coins and the vast majority but not the batman a lot of them i lost everything or a lot of them went to zero that's why when they talk about these safe moves and all of that like i've actually been through this before like i've seen coins go to zero it's not hypothetical i actually saw it happen and i lost money myself but that's why i said i'm not going to lead uneducated vulnerable investors into a position where they can get taken advantage of but it's not really too much to talk about the safe coins of the world like if you want to buy it it's no technical now there's no there's no analysis that we can't give you a fundamental breakdown of it it's like hey buy it if it goes up great if not just you know hold your shirt long story short um the power of buy and hold so i forgot so i went into finance and i had like five times more money than i had two months ago and i'm like yo where did all this money come from so just yeah i had a lot of coins that went up in value but vet v-e-t um v-change um who knew i had 23 000 v chain coins i didn't even know i never even i didn't even realize i was actually holding the coins they were like six thousand dollars in v-chain it was crazy it was up like 40 one day so when doge and all these other coins was going up v chain was going up crazy like 40 one day 30 one day and i'm like yeah i just got sick i ran them six thousand dollars and 23 000 vet coins but the moral of the story is that sometimes you never know i never sold it i held it from 2017 forgot about it i actually literally forgot about it yeah went into my my binance and what do you know yeah over the past year it's up 614 percent surprise sometimes you never know yeah and then if you guys just take the top five that you love the most in crypto and hold them you can essentially make a makeshift etf and just hold the principles i know i only go over long-term investing that's also for risk mitigation on the legal side too use the strategy and apply it to everything else so even in neighborhoods like for those in real estate look at that building the top four in crypto it's like comps so if you take the top four and you hold them for a five ten year period and the great part about real estate investors they already know this when it comes to trading and investing they trick all the traders into doing short term positions for higher commissions for the company like you guys have to be able to see every part of the game because everybody has an agenda even me i just want to help you guys win so much that if i decide to run for president of mars or something you'll vote for me i did right by you on earth it will be good on mars let me know um space says yeah like make your own makeshift etf investing for hold them like i know buy and hold isn't sexy but that is done intentionally like i was telling wendy when i was talking to him yesterday like everything that is exciting to us guns drugs entertainment football relatively makes no money the things that are boring venture capital angel investing stock market commercial real estate plots of land they tell us it's boring and all the wealth is there you think that's accidental you got to see behind the curtain and see the other side of the game yes and one last word about um crypto is uh dollar cost averaging there's one thing we talked about with hill harper yesterday was like you know if every black family puts five dollars a day into bitcoin he got like this whole formula that he that he was like it could like raise the black wealth by like 60 billion or something yeah the great it would be a great presenter the greatest gainer of wealth in the history of man confidence that's something that i don't think people you can dollar cost average with crypto and um you buy a certain amount every single month but bitcoin ethereum whatever you believe in but just buy it because over the course bitcoin i'm one of the quality ones bitcoin will be two hundred and fifty thousand dollars within the next couple of years high price a high probability high probability he actually broke it even down even like bitcoin is going to get so high at one point it's really going to be satoshi's that's really satoshi's is like fractions of bitcoin and that's what people are really gonna you know that's the use case even more than actual bitcoins because bitcoin once bitcoin is like five hundred thousand it's like you know people ain't really gonna be looking at it like that really i'm just gonna like go he actually brought up a lot of good analogies where it's like a brick of gold at one point we actually used to look at a brick of gold how much is a brick of gold worth but now once the brick of gold got so so out of touch for most people financially now we measure gold by ounces so now you go by the ounce of gold so here's his theory is that once bitcoin reaches you know six figures 500 000 we're gonna use satoshi's to really we're gonna talk about satoshi's more than we talk about bitcoin the same way we talk about ounces of gold more than we talk about a brick of gold yeah so each each bitcoin will have like i think he said something like a million satoshi's inside so i think the supply was up to 18 almost 19 million is that the the number for bitcoin i believe so and so inside that you're going to have satoshi's coming from it so he said actually he went higher than 250. he said 500 000. 100 000 man over what a 10-year period well yeah eventually well i say 250 like within the next couple five four years yeah but it's definitely gonna hit yeah i mean it's one of these things where there's no stopping stopping the train on a consumer side like if you there aren't any gains and people are not settling for seven to twelve percent and you need a higher you need like a iron clad asset that's going to drive like that's going to be the predominant player like bitcoin is like the dow of crypto so it's the safest thing more institutional buy-in i can see that but you guys got to be careful and i know we always say do your own research but master this i know some of you got other jobs and stuff but you have to put the time this is the most important job that you have hey real quick real quick just real quick he said another thing about bitcoin i was interested was like you know a lot of um you know a lot of fear has always been a government regulation government regulation and it's like governments can shut it down governments can stop it and that's what happened in 2018 and that really hurt the market but he was explaining to us how in nigeria bitcoin is illegal um but in nigeria bitcoins are selling for 89 000 that's another thing two people don't realize bitcoin is different they have different prices depending on where you are in the world so in nigeria bitcoin is selling for 89 000 even though it's outlawed by the government you can't stop it governments can't stop it and the reason why i saw him for 89 000 is because it's outlawed so it's even harder but um governments can't stop it nothing can stop crypto pay to pay a transaction nothing can stop crypto and nothing can stop bitcoin i'm on the record of saying that yeah i just want a quick shout out really quick because i was actually in a crypto class shout out to everybody at uil university and everybody that was in the crypto class big shout out to allison i watched this this gentleman teach um every i mean he broke down like even how to make interest of investing in crypto which was fascinating um and i had known about uh pancake uh c-a-k-e is the ticket um but the way he broke it down was incredible like you can make interest off of owning the asset and so that's a whole different game it was it was an advanced conversation and i was just happy to be part of it so shout out to alice i just want to give him his project remember we had that conversation with jason lewis um in 2017 when he was saying because that's what i was talking about like bitcoin like what's the like you have all these bitcoins but what are you going to do i'm not selling bitcoin because i think it's going to go up in value but lending and that's what he was talking and that's what hill harper was talking about without mike novacek novograph novogrix is a bitcoin billion one of the three he's a he's a bitcoin billionaire and there's only a few of them in america remember i said that you don't know who i know gbtc and for those who are looking at the state 37.77 is not a bad place to get in uh on the house instead of depending order you'll be good all right crystal ball is coming out y'all we have talked about crypto i hope you guys are happy we have and for those of you who are gonna watch later i'm not changing my stance on anything i the thing with that i want to show you is how to invest in everything i don't care if it's wheat corn palladium platinum cornmeal donkey hooves i don't like you should know how to price and plot it and know what the overall market value or market cap up it is and know how to be able to extrapolate money out of it um because what if a market does get locked up so i want you to be able to show you how to work your way through um anyone but yeah let's get to it and then for those shout outs everybody's gonna ask questions you probably should ask about some stocks and entries because y'all didn't do that last week and i was ready to go crazy so precursor can we talk about that yeah yeah we're gonna talk about in the earnings report but yeah everybody knows that i'm bullish bullish on disney uh just because of everything they represent prior to corona but even more so with the streaming service and so tomorrow netflix is going to be reporting and i read an interesting article about consolidation in the streaming service industry and so they said about 37 of people are now ending their subscriptions because the the space has gotten so large and so you got amazon prime you got disney got peacock hbo max apple tv and um interestingly enough netflix is about to report that they're gonna have six million new subscribers for the first quarter which is less than half less than half think about this less than half than they had last last year so they have 15.8 million people subscribed this year they're doing about 6 million and so that's the interesting look at what's happening in the streaming space it i i'm very interested to see how what netflix does um i still believe in it i still believe them and disney obviously are the one and two in the space but that's making a heart hbo amazon prime is making it hard uh have you watched them no yeah i could i couldn't yo what is it what's it called them yeah i couldn't what's it about the plight the fight the yeah yeah fight of what black people yeah yeah jordan peele did it so you know there's always lessons shout out to jordan pill he's a legend yeah that's on amazon but all these streaming services have came into the space and now netflix which was so far ahead the 10 12 years ahead of them the the subscriptions have dwindled a little bit so i'll be interested to see what their earnings are what's your thoughts here are they'll be they're faced with a bunch of competition it's no different than any other service like and i put it earlier like the ultimate competitive advantage that you can have is having no competition um so you can build a base and end up being a pioneer in the space and end up not being uh the one who gets the line share the market they'll be great i mean like my long target for netflix is 760 105 in three years so they'll be okay but they they have some serious pressure i mean like netflix is like drake but disney looking like little baby you know so it's there's a lot of competition that they're going to face and they're going to give up now if they have half the subscriber base you know just prices maybe they can do something but man that rev the amount of debt they have taken on to make um original content yeah that i think would be the thing that eventually will take them down because if people don't know it wasn't netflix alone that put blockbuster out of business it was the debt that blockbuster had that allowed netflix to be able to come in and then take that space that's why even in business i'm like no debt is amazing and i don't grant like yo debt i get it but some of the biggest businesses have gotten taken over or overrun or corporate takeovers have happened because there was too much debt on the balance sheets and that's what killed blockbuster so it would be kind of interesting or a little bit of karma if they died the same fate and got put out of business for the same reason that blockbuster did so i stand corrected i said i said jordan appeal leader you know wait did you join me bill did not he didn't do it did not 1 000 did not write that shout out to the child to hush out to the shot another yeah but you know it's a story about a family i don't give everything away but they moved to compton and so we think of compton present day it was like predominantly black families um we think of obviously the people the great people have come from compton but it's interesting to see the dynamics of how they've painted compton in the early 20s and so it's it's a tough watch um but an interesting watch nonetheless there you have it yeah yeah you know what you know and to add what you said about netflix they're trying to change up so like you said they had to lease a lot of their content early on they're trying to make newer original content i think that one of the things they're going to do now is try to make weekly original content which is something that they hadn't done they put seasons out you watch them and then you have to wait for the next show to come out smart and so one of those things that they're trying to do is a weekly original so we'll see we'll see they got to keep up they got to keep up disney's not playing and hulu obviously hulu roku all these other services as well i'm not going to stop with these safe moon questions huh let's get rich quick i mean it's one of these things that it appeals to humans human nature everybody wants to get rich quick and you can and that's that's it you know it's one of these things everything is funny until it's not what questions they have about about it uh there's no question there's no questions to have only question is should should you is it going to a sense should i get it that's it that's the only question there's no question there's no question that you can ask because there's nothing nobody's asking what does the coin do um what's the white paper if you are invested in cryptocurrency and you don't know what white papers are you should not be invested in cryptocurrency you get you're gambling i'm gonna be honest with you that's not you but sometimes you only learn through losing no but these are the things that nobody's gonna tell you oh yeah these are the things like until you just just buy safecoin yeah but it's like it's like when our parents were like don't hang out with with ray ray because and then we hang out like damn mom you were right like sometimes for me all the best lessons that i got about investing came from me making dumb decisions and then writing them down i'm like dear heavenly father i swear if you let me out of this trade i never did this again then i do it three weeks later i'm like lord i know what i said forgive me you know but sometimes it takes that misery and heartbreak and i don't want you guys to gamble but sometimes these lessons won't resonate until you actually lose and it's unfortunate i mean but you have to go do homework like if you go look yeah i mean it's on the same kind of tear and could it get to one cent yes but looking at the chart now you have to go see who is moving okay put this and i want you guys to answer this what is the reason that safe mode is going up and who is the hedge fund that is benefiting the most from safe moon rising right now somebody to answer that for us please i gotta tell you once you have to know everything and every action that any human takes financially it benefits somebody so you have to know who the players are that are going to benefit to also know when you can exit don't chase just be chasing but you can do whatever you want what's great talk about the wrestling you can do whatever you want to talk about white paper man those are hard stories yeah so white paper is pretty much the instructions like if you think about like when you open a package or you buy something that you have to build there are instructions on how to do it and so the white paper is that for the cryptocurrency space it tells you the functionality it tells you the purposes it tells you the team the team who's built it it tells you to circulate and supply it tells you all the things you need to know about the coin um it's really it's really great if you like to read um because like even stocks a lot of times don't have that much information and they're like really compact like they'll have the teams i thought they even have pictures like this is the team behind the project this is what the project seeks to accomplish this is how many coins are in circulation gives you pretty much all the information that you need about a cryptocurrency so that's what i'm saying if you don't even know what that is and it's no shame i mean you know we we all come from a certain level of ignorance and we are coming into knowledge well i'm still ignorant each day like we learned half the way but the worst thing in the world is prideful ignorance prideful ignorance is extremely dangerous because when you when you when you have prideful ignorance that's when you just you think you know something that you don't really know and you're going to hurt yourself but hey who am i go look somebody said where can you find the white paper and so we were using this this uh app crypto pro and so like if you go on crypto pro you you click on the asset there's like these three little bars inside of it it'll tell you it'll have like a dress calculator and it'll tell you white paper and so you can go there sometimes you can get these things and read them before there's an ico um and so that's always interesting because these coins really sound like this thing can change the future so we've read a lot of them like a lot y'all know i'm talking about do your homework like i'm a lot keeping me up all night reading i'm like this can change the world this these this is going to change everything in any industry i remember there was one in the medical field that i was just like i got to get behind this man it was medic coin and i'm like i'm doing this two months later bye-bye it was going um so you got to be careful but um you know do your due diligence for my traders that are super serious go to their all-time chart or since inception as we try to refer to it put on a 23.6 so go from high to low and then also they have fib extensions so if you go look on trading view when you have a thing called fip extensions it those give your targets so one target you can use very easily is the 4236 that'll give you a multiple 4.236 that'll tell you when to get out so you're not gambling you have to wait for it to come down to your area now if we put the high at 100 to low at zero once we get past 261 percent you have to wait for the market to pull back that is too high that is like you paying 150 000 for a house that's valued at 160. a lot of it is just knowing what to get in on a price basis and hold them for a long period of time but i hope it helps and safe mode actually has penalties for leaving early too so that's something that you should be aware of um that's interesting yeah so should i do an earnings report yeah let's do it all right so this earners report too is brought to you by a ladder i tell everybody when i was 26 years old 26 years old my best friend in life made a decision for me he said you need to sit down you need to get life insurance i remember the day shoddy and his father sat down with me and it was a powerful decision and one of the things they told me was life insurance is not for the people who dies for the people who live so on that note it makes sense why people get into life insurance especially term coverage which is surprisingly affordable why not pay a bit a month to protect the ones you love if you're asking yourself this question choose ladder that makes it impressively fast and easy to get covered no hidden fees cancel any time and since life insurance costs more as you age now's the time to cross it off your list so check out ladder today if you're uh and get instantly improved go to ladder life dot com slash market mondays that's ladder l-a-d-d-e-r market mondays market mondays all right so we got quick earnings like i said on tuesday we netflix will i'll be very interested to see what happens tomorrow chipotle will be reporting on wednesday uh shout out to my brother trap at uh i should say chipotle if i'm gonna say his name dr japoli uh one of his and then you know what on thursday snap a company we spoke about like i think in episode two or three snapchat and we we were saying like you know what i don't think it's going to survive but it has recovered nicely and it's actually thriving long-lived snapchat yeah long-lived snapchat we would i i'm here to say that yeah that's what i was wrong about yeah we were wrong about snap we were dead wrong about snap so shout out to them and amex um i remember probably in september they announced a deal that they're going to be an exclusive user in china and i thought this is going to be a great deal um this this could really help american express grow and i think it was like at 92 dollars then and so it is surpassed 100 mark which i think i had of course american express yeah i have american express stock yeah yeah it's a good one it's a good one and so those are the ones we're looking at and then we know yeah we know what next week is what's that the big boss players come out next week and so that earnings the big boss players the fang stocks will be reporting next week so i'm gonna be excited about that let's let's get into some questions if we can you guys better ask a bunch of questions and fire these stocks off break guidelines tonight so we can wrap up real quick all right let's go to shanique shout out to everybody on youtube 7 500 people um if you can hit the like button please shanique what's going on i'm yourself hey guys hey hey hey how are you guys what's going on nice to meet you guys and you're amazing keep up the good work and then um for troy and rashad you guys are amazing thank you for eating for the community um i have a question about long-term investment so right now i'm more so maxim maxing out my roth ira so i have a three fun portfolio um so i do total market i have a total market index fund and then i also have a um international index fund and a bond index fund which ones you have fidelity so i have um the index funds through fidelity now i know last week you guys said that um they're gonna go ahead and probably set up a um a bitcoin etf yeah they applied yeah so if that comes through and i want to add bitcoin for diversity through my roth array what should my allocation look like well i'll give my two cents on this uh if somebody just talked about this with retirement plans who said this did we say this this is like deja vu i just have we just had this part or was it yesterday yeah because right now my allocation is 54 36 and 10. no no he did say this yesterday he was talking about when um retirement plans actually he said to you oh yes yes yes that's crazy right you're right that's crazy you're right you're all right he just had this conversation and he was he was putting it at it he was like he was like all right he's like i watched market mondays i saw you guys was talking about um you know bitcoin being added to etfs he's like now what do you think is going to happen once retirement plans start allowing bitcoin allocation right in their retirement plan you had to we had this absolutely yes absolutely you're right so um it's interesting that you bring that up um it's still a ways out it's not it's not ready you know because even if when it has the etf retirement plans have to allow it to be in a retirement plan so that'll take probably a couple of years but um it's something that cryptocurrency and retirement plans this is something that's going to be big in my opinion um in the next decade the next two decades for sure because cryptocurrency will be a major part of our lives and um i think people will want exposure to crypto in their retirement plans off the bat like i said this is all hypothetical but i wouldn't really have more probably than like 15 of my allocation 20 max um but yeah that's something that it's not it's not you're not able to do that right now but um as the bitcoin etfs come out get approved the retirement plans are going to come soon that's going to be interesting so so for example right now i'm at 54 in the total market in the index fund then um 36 in the uh international index fund and then too much international i'm not a big fan of international what's the ticket for the international one um i don't have it open now i'm sorry it's it's just like a fidelity index fund that it's low price that follows that's too much exposure yeah that's too much into international international funds international stocks have underperformed domestic stocks for the last 10 years maybe even longer and i'm not really a big fan of international stocks that much i feel like we have enough um domestic because the thing with international stocks is that you know you you're on the mercy of so many of these governments that change so quickly um and there's so much different things that's not reported properly you talked about that with luke and coffee you know how you keep bringing it up no it's a good it's a good it's a very valuable case study i don't really trust a lot of these international and they just haven't performed as well so i think that 36 is way too much um in your portfolio in my opinion okay so i'll go ahead and fix that um so i was just curious about the etf i'll i'll keep a lookout for it but i really want to diverse a little bit since it's um going to be a part of the options to now diverse and as well as i'm just concerned because it's very volatile so i don't know what the allocation should be like but no more than 20 percent no more than 20 because if you have a heart yeah if you have a hard drawdown it's going to affect your account too much so even if you do 50 50 like even most people that believe in crypto they won't do 50 or 60 of their money into bitcoin even if they love it because the swings are too violent um but you can do great scale bitcoin trusts gbtc until um it becomes available and then you'll be okay um but also too like once you get past 100 000 for those who did like kind of study the dial and s p 500 once bitcoin goes to 100 000 definitely cracks around 200 and all the fun starts to get into it the gains are going to be throttled just like when amazon went up and hit those highs last year it's hard to then print higher and higher returns so like if it becomes available uh get in early because once we hit certain key levels it's not going to be able to continue to go up so a great job thank you so much thank you thank you that's a good one hey ian i actually we had to shout out to my boy francis we have actually had this conversation on the phone the other day you know uh amazon has a new ceo uh what do you what are your thoughts about amazon potentially coming into the crypto space amazing and then the ceo that is now taking the reins is like their tim cook like aws is probably the most powerful entity that they have there he was the head of that i i think i mean i'm not trying to be salacious or give a high take but i think the company would be better um over a long period of time um jeff was probably one of the greatest ceos of all time but i think when there's not as much media attention on a ceo and then if they're operations based and they solely focus on the mission they can probably execute a hell of a lot faster um you know and i loved him on the operation side i think this guy at amazon would be just as good um he'll be like a 1b to that so they're going to do great and hopefully with jeff not being a ceo the stock is split that was that was the next part it was like everybody is waiting on that does it split does it split yeah i'll see we can see somebody on youtube said this they spelled my name wrong they had a you but they said rashad show your portfolio before you give advice to somebody else i don't think people are fully educated on what's going on here i'm actually a financial advisor like this is before instagram like i've been a financial advisor for 13 years so people can i can actually charge somebody to look at their portfolio i never have to show anybody my portfolio ever in my life like i don't i actually do this for a living like this isn't i'm not just like an internet person that's just coming on just giving my two cents like you can actually look you can come to my office like what i'm saying and google the situation so i don't really think sometimes we really have to be careful how we speak to people because once again ignorance prideful ignorance you're just saying things and you don't even have a complete understanding of what you're saying i literally do this for a living like look at people's portfolio and give my advice what you choose to do it is up to you i'm not saying that i'm god and i have all the answers but me giving my advice is not just like i'm like shooting somebody's dreams down like that's like saying like a doctor like who are you to give heart advice let me see how your heart looks let me see your last people just say anything you really got to be careful how you speak to people though shout out to the bleachers uh roderick we're coming to you i'm mute yourself you've been unmuted peace family how y'all doing can y'all hear me all right yeah what's going on bro good listen man first of all i've been waiting to get on this and i'm gonna say brooklyn we did it i appreciate you so i'm sorry if i'm not gonna ask a question that is uh ian level question but i gotta get this off i'm a new earner i just joined on tuesday right before the price went up to 6.99 i think so i quoted on tuesday i heard rashad say something about like yeah the price is going up i was like yeah i'm not playing with y'all no um so i jumped on it um i've been following y'all since like 18 night um 2018 2019 shout detroit i'm a doe employee as well i'm a teacher so i used to watch out on my preps all the time [Music] all right one thing i gotta ask because i know rashad hit me with the uh um what is it oh god what happened to the merchant size 3x 3xl i'm six seven dude that 2xl is not gonna work we're gonna make something special just for you bro roger we gotta keep got something damn you hear that i appreciate y'all i just sent the emails like yo i've been i've been wanting to walk around my assets over liabilities sweatshirt forever but now it's just in my head all right gotcha we got you bro roger here's what i want you to do i want you to email vincent at earn your leisure and type in brooklyn we did it email about insult brooklyn i got it um also um i started investing in june of 2020 so um just you know back in you know i'm 49 be fit in in october other than my you know doe tda and pension um and life insurance and stuff like that i've never really jumped in the stock market but you know we were in um covet you know we were in the pandemic i had a little you know what i took i took that first um stimulus check and i took the whole thing me and my wife and i just kind of dumped it into stocks i followed what trap said and i pretty much jumped into anything that i used especially if it was a dividend right so um but now i kind of want to upscale a little bit i know i'm a little bit older and i want to be able to at some point retire before i need to retire but i'm gonna be honest with you all of y'all the three kings yo trading scares the out of me and i'm sorry i i really wanted to say something else i feel like like i'm a i'm an avid reader at my old age so but i just feel like it's so much like i'm like in i i'll be writing your notes and everything everything y'all say i'll be writing notes and by the time i'm finished with y'all at 9 30 10 o'clock i have to have my wife put my brain back in my ear because i just feel like it's it's so much man and i just so i'm just i guess i'm just going to be a long-term investor and we're not yeah i i and i i um i took your advice um i was in i started in stash and i had a ride on that account so just recently i took all of that and i pushed the tv america so everything is in one place so i can see and plus those didn't allow me to have it where it was me and my wife because it was both of us investing the money so i moved it to td ameritrade and did not not even really realizing that i had etfs from stash all of those that they named those crazy names those etfs i'm in ivv and voo um you know small amounts of stocks but um i'm just like it's a lot man i love y'all like i love watching market mondays i'm so glad that i became an earner man it was the best money i could i could um spend in the last week i was in the financial planning call on saturday in my car i had to pull over got the way i was supposed to be late because i was trying to make sure i listened i was writing notes but i appreciate y'all man i love you all just keep doing what you're doing um any advice for me as a long-term investor other other than two index to tech i do um i do own it's only one share apple at this point um and i do own uh like i said i have vo i have ibv i have a couple i have two other in the um etfs in uh ets so yeah all right let me give you this piece of advice don't feel bad for not being a traitor watch these comments can you guys name me 10 hedge fund managers in history that outperformed the market for a 10 year period by trading only put them in the comments par tutor jones is one watch how quiet these comments are all the real money is on the long term side short term investing or trading is just an accelerant to when you are drawing down you so even for those of you that love bitcoin so like when your mother got in the winklevoss twins really started that trend all the money is on the long-term side so for those of you that want the same kind of joy you can use the indicators to get in write this down but even for those of you that are long-term investing you can use the one hour or snipers you can use the 20 minute to buy your long-term investments to get in at a better price but the more time you have on your site the better don't feel bad for not trading because you won't find many people that have made all their money from trading um and there's not one other others both but you have a higher probability of winning the long-term game same thing like for my people to invest in real estate do any of you buy a property and then just flip it the next day with all your properties and for those of you that do do you wish that you would hold some of those properties for those you got here in new york do you wish you would have held that brown stone instead of wholesaling it or flipping it there's more money on the back end you'll be a lot and then also for those of you that are truly talking about generational wealth why are you looking to flip over a one-month period if you talk about generational wealth you got to pick one goal yeah you're good hey roger i i think you you're not giving yourself enough credit there's probably thousands of people who are listening right now who haven't even executed on information you have executed it it's at your own time you're not late you're not too old you're right on time for what you need to be and so now your thing is just keep adding information if you're taking the notes if you're in the saturday class if you're in the the personal finance class if you're in the crypto club it's a wealth of information you're going you're you are what you listen to all right so you just keep feeding your brain like that man you're going to be out of here give yourself more credit yeah and grow you got a community here that's willing to grow with you everybody in here saying that they love you already so give yourself more credit man and congrats for executing on information most people don't that's the first step and you're already there yeah the real estate analogy is a good one because um you can make money flipping homes you can make a lot of money flipping homes but it's a lot of work um you have to dedicate a lot of time and most real estate investors that have really become wealthy um they're not making they're not becoming wealthy from flipping home they're becoming wealthy from buying and holding even hedge funds that's just the reality of it um you know cesar pena guy has like 300 400 properties yeah probably um and those are all long-term buy and hold situations and look at from this lens let's say we're competing but i love you i'm not competing against you let's say we are in an investing contest and i know if i hold for a three or four year period i'm going to win if i convince you to sell in 20 days am i your friend or your enemy and then all the hedge funds are hauled for a long period of time even the ones that they're rotating in like if you go look at kathy's portfolio the ones the positions that she's trading in and out of on a daily basis and using algorithms they're different from the ones that she's holding for a long period of time look go look anybody who tells you the long term is not the way they do not want you to actually be free they want to use you for their own freedom you can do whatever you want to do just telling you how the game goes it's a bar that's a bar carol we coming to you i'm mute yourself you've been on muted what's going on mpw not bad at 1786. by the way they're not even asking you i'm gonna start asking hey hello hello hello yes hello hey carol how are you can you hear me yes yes how are you okay yeah my question was uh i have binance and uh and coinbase and i bought ichira on the coinbase i didn't realize that it's very expensive would you suggest that i leave it there and or transfer stress transfer to ban i definitely would not suggest transferring it to binance for a variety of different reasons a unless it's binance uh us you can't even transfer it into binance right now um with the old binance setup and uh coinbase is it once again going back to this international thing um finances is based in asia i think hong kong i believe i believe it's a hong kong um company and um it's just like sometimes you just gotta go with the americans um no disrespect to anybody that's not from america but you know it's like whatever regulatory environment is different yeah it's just like you just wake up one day and it's like can't get in i don't know that's a feeling that's a funny so you know at the very least you know coinbase just got on the stock market they're legitimate they're going to have some issues but you can sleep at night it's an american company and i'm speaking from first-hand experience because i can't take my coins off of finance right now we were in a bunch of them um gate io that's american though that's american gay i o is american i'm just saying just a different one gemini is another one but binance there was another one that we was involved with uh we were in cue coin we was in metadots remember that one you got to watch the liquidity not binance but some of these other like smaller ones you got to watch the liquidity because a couple of them got wiped out a couple of them um people stole bitcoins and stole cryptocurrency that happened before too that wiped a couple of exchanges off um so do your research on this crypto situation because a lot can happen and being in it for a few years we saw like we saw when crypto exchanges got wiped out because 50 million worth of bitcoin was it stolen who you gonna call nobody you gonna cry like me when i got caught up in mountain there's nobody it's nobody to call when you yeah we were in liquid liquid liquid the whole platform is going the coin they give you an email like the platform's gonna be closing in two days hey guys okay make sure you get all your money off and if you missed that email goodbye to your money that's a fact xpl is pretty decent at 85.89 jamal still can't log into binance because he forgot his two two-way authenticators google he got a new i told him not to do this i told him i said bro don't get a new phone i told him i said bro i said bro don't do this because when i the thing about it is the google authenticator i had this i dis i disabled my google authenticator to make sure there wouldn't be an issue when i got my new phone and i told him that and he didn't listen and he got a new phone didn't didn't take off his google authenticator he can't get in yeah he can't get into binance yeah the google authenticator that's that's like the two-step process and so if you if you don't update that or disable it and then update it on your new phone you're going to be in the same predicament shout out to smalls though yes cc is decent at 9103. that's crazy my brother uh let's see jimmy harris we're coming to you i'm yourself you've been on youtube thank you carol thank you what's good what's good family how are we living good how are you doing man where you from oh man man i'm from cali baby boy come on man it's l.a okay okay we out we're in your city right now man shout out to canada oh man blessings blessings i gotta stop buying spotting and uh venice on abbot kinney called may but that's my spot i gotta take a good carry over there what's it what's it called it's called neighbor neighbor neighbor yes sir yeah yeah it's a spot don't trip just just a little plug for you for your time out you know i appreciate you fellas okay all right now we're gonna pull up for sure appreciate you all right back back uh so so quick things uh number one end i gotta make sure we get connected on stock club so we can get that settled it's all paid for everything's taken care of just gotta make sure we get the email together or what have you just email me right now and just put um emergency in the title and then i'll get you as soon as we get off so the secretary title yeah got it got it got it okay uh so let's talk about some entries i need to know about first of all i'm deep uh we're talking about on the amd on your instrument and you've been watching it all i've been watching for the past month it looks good on the daily but um on the daily but the monthly and the weekly is still pretty high 68.75 if you need a secondary entry 7411. okay now obviously my big thing that i've been watching for eons and m's i've been waiting for coinbase to happen i tried to jump in early didn't get in early enough took a little l on that small l but you know took it l nonetheless and i'm trying to figure out where we're gonna get it on because it's clearly a future it's clearly got math on it i'm looking for 10 years deep on coinbase so i got to figure out where we're at all right give me one second um you can do 3 13 28 but you got to wait like 60 days so it has enough data printed and then yeah give it 60 but i mean at some point it probably dropped 288 but give it 60 and we'll come back to it well what's the next one you got we're going to break all guidelines repeat fire so excel i'm i'm hyped on the on the superconductor so so xoxo smh we gotta look at those i appreciate that um 2858 for so xl and then smh two fourteen fifty three two fourteen fifty three now okay the quick question when it drops you'll be good okay bad okay so quick question regarding the queue now i'm i'm curious about the triple level q the tqq is that something we should be dancing with or we stay away from it because it's leveraged do you have kids i got a little girl 12 years old i don't want to dig into your business but like you have enough if a year passed and nothing else came in you'll be straight don't i do okay if you do you're good if you do you're good if not don't gamble because i'm right about there though i mean it's it's a gamble it's what you're saying no no it's not a gamble but i want you to hedge because you know when you have kids like the world pounds on you at one time so let's say triple q's fall apart it'll fall apart then you have a hospital car bill then you have auntie nine ounce that you don't know about uh that's gonna help right so it's gonna power on at one time if you are okay um 70 41 is a decent price to be able to get in um i personally will load the boat at 56.67 or 6628 that is not i'm not your financial advisor investing that's risk please do not do it unless you are capitalized um but tqqq and tcl were two of my favorites last year it's at the highs now we gotta wait for it to pull back and wait for those prices but it's going to be a couple days where those two make you scream um when they're drawing down but the long time is pretty damn pretty damn amazing okay so on the side note if we can step away from stock just for one second i have my own line i have my own merchandise i have my own um clothing line that i want to make sure that i'm just learning everything i can learn about how to make sure i'm getting my product i'm marketing it correctly i'm meeting margins because obviously when you're a young company starting out you don't make the minimums so you're paying extra to make sure you can even get product out there in the first place and i'm just curious if uh if your fellows had any education on how i can make sure i can execute or if there's a better plan or there's a better uh concept or or a road map to make sure i'm getting my feet off the ground and my brand is you know because because what i built i don't build anything less than excellence i want everything associated with us and our brands to be excellence let's do this let's do this we are having a meet and greet in la for um for earners for all ewow university members in southern california so bam the head of our merch department is actually with us in california so if you want to if you want to actually build with us personally well once we get this this thing finalized we'll put it in the facebook group come out and we can actually have a conversation in person about it because it seems like you know that kind of situation we need a little bit more information might not have enough time and probably not the best to have it like in a public forum with your business no problem absolutely we could build in person okay and you know a great resource jimmy we we just did um part of our limited series uh podcast with uh john harry we just talked about brand that would be a nice place to start watch both of those episodes shout out to john henry man that's a really for any entrepreneur both of those episodes are tremendously valuable the one it's on youtube and and it's on the podcast um last thursday and two thursdays ago ever we're doing it for the whole month check those out check those out yeah i'm hyped on john henry i'm hype on luke i'm hype on john henry i think he's a brilliant mind i think he is uh you guys are sleeping on john i'm gonna be real and it's just a small plug just a small plug the brand is called nobodyville mbdyvle no bodyville it's how we're gonna come together as a family and uh make many hands do light work and i'm just i'm so appreciative of what y'all doing here um i can't even express it enough the gratitude that i have for mentorship black leadership it's so necessary in our community you feel keep doing what you're doing blessings and love for you but all three neighborhood thank you i appreciate that you guys need to invest i can't tell you what to do but you need to consider to invest in maybe 25 of all gross revenue that comes into a bigger clothing line that is publicly traded like maybe louis vuitton because while the fans are not buying the merch or buying the product at least you can be making money from a company so i always ask the question like if i can walk you into in this case louis vuitton to get you a grant for your business would you take it everybody says yes but they won't tie their money in because every creator's like yo i want to build it on my own i want to do it on my on my own build on get out the mud no one builds any business on their own it's a balance excuse me was like you can't it's impossible to build anything on your you gonna buy from yourself and market to you and then finance to it doesn't work like that that is a tale that gets told in our community so we never get told how to actually raise capital and then actually grow a business do it on your own right it's a great point louis vuitton yeezy gucci iceberg back in the day tommy figure ralph lauren no brand builds anything on their own it's impossible it's actually our brand mantra it's called the texas village because it does powder money up until they put into the villages some of them stops so until it takes yeah and then while you're building the brand and waiting for people to buy you'll still have some revenue that is a factor jimmy ladies and gentlemen actually i'll let you guys know this now next one because i'll be getting this question a lot we're going to bring it back next at the end of the month every wednesday we do ewo university open enrollment which is on youtube for anybody that wants to watch so next week we got none other than the legend himself wall street trapper is going to teach stocks one-on-one this is this is going to be beginning beginning level because i realized that a lot of this information flies over a lot of people's heads and everybody's coming in at different points so we're going to bring it back to the original essence of it and we're gonna break it down from the beginning beginning level stock um so yeah that's gonna be next wednesday eight o'clock eastern standard time with wall street traffic big trap shout out to trap man um when platinum in the streets that's a fact man i get that really rock fast that is a fact but um yeah okay [Music] let's uh wrap this up my guy ready man you about to be all over the county gonna be fresno tomorrow where you going oh man you know i love l.a man i love that you're ready rap yo my boy hungry man oh deep my boy shout out to callie man what's the weather like out there oh you wanna follow me too no clouds perfect that's that's the weather report perfect wait wait let me can i ask you this this is gonna be good how's new york treating you how's the weather the people are amazing the weather terrible like it is every time i come here man i see our capone and noriega made all them gritty tracks with alchemists back into this cold right here man good lord and everybody like oh it's not that bad it's not that good 73 at night at houston i'm like man market mondays yes no show like it man no show like it you know it's different man it's the greatest show on earth man market mondays man it's a it's a shout out to my boy chad from 85 south show he was like yo tuesday your tuesday shows i'm gonna earn your legion he's like that's like financial journalism he's like yeah that's like financial journalism y'all like on some 60 minutes while he's like my market mondays is like it's like a rap battle like it's just that nothing like it's like a live show so it's it's a whole different energy you know so it's dope to have both of those kind of shows they kind of play off of each other but market mondays is a it's an adrenaline rush every time i get a chance to do this man it's it's because you never know what's going to happen that's the beauty of live shows people think like doing a podcast is easy but it's a lot of stuff that goes into doing it and um you never know what's going to happen in a live show so and one thing that we we always take for granted is that we travel and so the there is no home base really like when we're on the road we're dealing with a lot of things we got to make sure the wi-fi is good we got to make sure the lighting's good so those are some of the very pelican bags through the oh that's all the time that 80 pound pelican case they didn't want to give me that um today that was a whole nother situation but shout out to everybody that was in fedex they would there were some earners in fedex like i love you guys shout out to you hey rest in peace the black raw or wrestling please yeah i heard myself actually sad yeah we're losing a lot of people man so take care of your health health is wealth um real quick before you before you go there uh well he ready to jump out the scene why not not because he brought up chad and i want everybody to shout out to uh our guy josh brown who is a marketing uh monday's uh guest um he actually had the 85 south hat on so go to his instagram yeah that was funny fishing with the 85 chelsea's like that i'm like this thing is this thing is avalanche shot he was trying to tell y'all six months ago that's a fact troy just completely interrupted my health his wealth conversation i was saying help health health health is well fellow and um it's extremely humbling experience um nothing is more humbling than when you when you're sick be humbling um because no matter how much money you have no matter what you did in life um when you're saying that's just being sick on a like small level like if you got like pneumonia or if you got you know i'm saying something where it's like bronchitis or something it's like you got stomach pain and it's like it's extremely humbling so imagine people that have cancer imagine people that's on that death bed imagine how humbling that is that's extremely extremely humbling knowing that you know you you could potentially die at any given moment i say that to say um just be a good person that's the golden rule in life do as to others as you would want others to do upon you because one day we're all going to be humble no matter how much success we have um we all will be humbled and we all will be tested with our wealth we all will be tested with our children we all will be tested with our spouses so we all go through trials and tribulations in life trolling has one spouse thanks ian are wise versus wise [Laughter] man go ahead my bad i'm gonna cut your point hold on yeah you know just think about that man take care of yourself take care of yourself it's something that's extremely important and um something that we're going to be pushing a lot more you know if you follow my instagram i'm real big on the fitness ewild fitness comments are you training for creed3 yeah yeah shout out to rich man shout out to my trainer so yeah i just wanted to leave the people with that because you know we're losing a lot of legends we lost dmx we lost black rob um and a lot of people's passing away man they're not even that old dmx 50 years old black rob probably i would have been same age so that's not even that old man so you know we got to take care of ourselves we got to eat right we got to work out we gotta you know limit that you know yeah i know people talk about a rapper's union but that's not gonna happen like the labels are gonna have to start investing the money to be able to have some but also like they will spend a lot of money on promoting artists and stuff like that and they may not have the capital to do so like i think for those who listen that are in the industry you got to invest the money man because we were having some of our legends pass too soon and going through heartbreak and then also to be at this peak of you know financial freedom and then to lose it that sense people like to hear that he didn't even have a place to stay i'm like like how are you a fan of somebody and then he didn't even have a like that's demoralizing man that's heartbreaking so i think we need to do more to be able to help our legends out um and give these insights so they can be free the music industry and entertainment has to change man like all this user that they do and it's heartbreaking yeah it is um so yeah just wanted to say that um and you know condolences to his family his friends and uh his children blessings to everybody that you know him and um tomorrow tomorrow is a big episode for earn your leisure um the first time ever that we've ever talked about sports cards collectibles yeah collectibles the first time that we really had an in-depth conversation on the podcast we talked about the nf nfts on market mondays but first time we had an end-up conversation on the podcast with somebody about nfts um and you know we're big sports fans so anytime we get to talk about the sports especially in nba extremely extremely and if you are a fan of the nba you probably know hoops nation huge huge so and he came bearing gifts he did he did he did shout out to buster man good guy right there young lady really quick before we wrap up have you guys that are listening did you go study sotheby's business model so when you get into the collectibles market you can know how to navigate through hey southern bees if not go do it please do your research kanye west number one shoe of all time one million dollar valuation on it the nike grammy uh kanye i think two limited edition i think it was a one of one million dollars on celebrities right now a little little sneaker lesson yeah you have it ladies and gentlemen all right man good santa monica enjoy i'm not about to go skateboarding and everything that's that's tomorrow yeah it's called it's called back red panda family i'll see you at like 20 minutes it's called the beverly hills bosses are back man y'all about to go have a blast this long i thought we was going to do 15 minutes it's called cali it's called the bel air we're here fuel cells you're gonna get a company to invest in fuel cells probably gonna fall back down to a dollar thirty five don't touch it it's a good trade not a good investment the fresh prince of bel air yo hey call somebody call somebody please call somebody reach out call somebody one conversation one text can change the trajectory of somebody's life uh and like we just said about the black rob situation had more people knowing his situation was dire i'm sure more people would have reached out um and you never know you never know what somebody's going through so please i i encourage you i implore you reach out close your mind do it now love y'all peace peace yes y'all ever going all right panda family let's go stock club call shawty go have a blast
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 99,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dogecoin, Stocks, Cryptocurrency, Crypto, Bitcoin, Investing, Investment
Id: iy6JYqxm_A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 28sec (5968 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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