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youtube what's happening it's your boy demetrius b aka demetrius brown um i'm back again with yet another video today we're going to be talking about my full experience how i got started in this business i'm going to break down every single aspect of my business to you guys and give you the full details from when i started to where i'm at currently we're also going to talk about in this video and my notes right here so it's going to be kind of structured um the total cost of how much it costs to start this business we're going to be talking about my expenses my overhead we're going to talk about my truck how i acquired it and you know a way that you guys can acquire it too we're going to talk about signing up for amazon and we're going to get into how i made twenty thousand dollars in four weeks gross my first month in business and i'm going to give you guys some strategies on especially if you already signed up with amazon on how you can consistently get those from amazon too so i'm gonna break that down in the next section let's get to it all right so starting off i'm gonna tell you guys a little bit about me welcome to the channel if you are new i appreciate you for being here and if you are excuse me if you are returning i'm glad that you're back make sure you guys go check out my other videos as well give you some insight on how amazon works but again i'm going to start off by talking about me my name is demetrius brown i'm 24 years old i'm a box truck owner operator i also own a couple more businesses as well that i'm currently building i'm going to talk about that later on too so i'm from cincinnati ohio currently i'm based out of atlanta georgia so really glad to be here and creating content for you guys and just you know i want to provide value man that's that's really why i'm here because when i first started i wish there was this kind of content out here for box truck owner operators or people that are looking to become box truck owner operators so that's why i'm here that's why i'm here to create this kind of content for somebody that is looking to do exactly what i'm doing as well so that's enough about me we're gonna get into it so how i got started i initially started doing my research on the trucking industry about a year ago this was pre-covered probably like december of last year initially i was going to do get my cdl and start driving semi-trucks or start a trucking business doing that but then i came across the box truck game essentially on instagram shout out to sheldon box truck coach he kind of i took his seminar and he basically showed and broke down to me how the box truck game worked so some of the information that i'm telling you guys about came from him so i just wanted to plug him really quickly all right so i started my business i actually i applied for my authority in october of this year i think it was october 9th so this is this this is all kind of brand new to me as well started october 9th my authority went active on the uh the third of november yeah third of november so all right we're gonna talk about how much it costed me to get started in this business so i had to buy the truck um there's many options you can do to get started you can rent you can lease that wasn't for me i had the money to go ahead and you know thank god i was able to purchase my truck outright i paid twelve thousand five hundred dollars for my truck it's a 2012 kino 268 i recommend that if you're trying to look for a truck make sure you get a hino 268 or you get a a freightliner with a cummins engine and an allison transmission though that combination will is very reliable for the most part stay away from internationals with max forces stay away from those you don't want them problems trust me i don't know about the dt466 uh internationals i don't know much about those but hino268 or a freightliner with a cummins engine within alice in transmission is going to be your best bet preferably ahino though because hino is toyota's commercial vehicle line so essentially it's a toyota pretty much and you know it has toyota's reliability so that's about my truck um i paid 12 500 for my truck again and i had to put some money into it like the engine and transmission were in pretty good shape for the most part they're actually in really good shape but i had to put some money into needing brand new tires so i had to spend money on six tires and needed wheels as well like both of the wheels at the front were bent guys and i bought this truck and i had to get like some suspension work done i had to do an oil change i had to do filter changes just to just to bring it kind of back to life so i spent another six thousand dollars okay on getting my truck just getting it right before we were ewa but even able to hit the road so um all in from my truck i'm into it for eighteen thousand five hundred dollars that's the total that i got so the next thing is insurance i had to put down two thousand one hundred and fifty one dollars for insurance that was the down payment so um yeah that's how much that cost and then i had to pay for the authority which is the mcusdot that was only 300 like the biggest portion of this money to start like your business guys is probably going to be the truck everything else outside of insurance that's kind of expensive too and it can vary but everything else is kind of on the smaller scale and you can actually do those things most of these things before you even like fire truck or get insurance so that's good to know um the ucr which is a unified carrier uh registration that was 63 dollars paid for boc3 it's 25 bucks that's to file your insurance to the fmcsa and i had to get a eld so i can be compliant with fmcsa as well or dot excuse me not fmcsa but d.o.t uh registration um actually i paid zero dollars for my registration um because i am a used car dealer so what i did was i bought it from a dealer and basically what happened was i signed the truck to my dealership and then i sold the truck to my business for zero dollars so i paid zero dollars registering my truck sick save so i had to buy a pallet jack for sixty 166 dollars it's used pallet jack got it from pallet rack warehouse here in atlanta georgia shout out to them i had to paint uh medical cards for me and my father that was 250 so the total that i have to get started in this business 21 490 now that's going to vary again depending on your guys situation and which route you decide to take for me personally i like ownership i like owning my stuff outright i believe in keeping as little overhead as possible in my business i'm going to talk about that later on i'm going to talk about that probably right after this so um actually i want to touch on something real quick how i found my truck uh actually i found it uh through a private seller i was speaking with actually me and my dad were going to look at trucks at the auction to potentially buy and another dealer came up to us presented us with the opportunity to purchase his truck is exactly what we were looking for a hino with a 26 foot lift gate so i suggest you guys instead of buying from penske or rider because they're gonna charge you you know thirty thousand to forty thousand dollars for a decent truck i suggest you guys go and try to find a truck through a private seller also um if you guys are looking to purchase a truck make sure you dm me on instagram i'm going to try to find you guys some trucks because i feel like that's probably the hardest part of starting this is just getting a truck period because there's so many different avenues that you have to get through whether you're trying to finance your truck you know you got to have two years in business at least kind of ran into that issue as well or you have to be able to go to a bank get a loan for a truck and that can be stringent as well so we're going to work together i'm going to try to help you guys out to find trucks so go ahead shoot me a dm if you're having some issues finding a truck i'll do my best to try to help you out all right so we're going to talk about my expenses the expenses in my business so my insurance is 14.60 a month which is you know it breaks down to 375 a week i take out for maintenance i try to take out 250 dollars a week for maintenance and for the other of the only other uh fit the only other fixed expense that i have is the eld which is 35 that's it guys that that's what it costs for me to run this business every single month and really the main is is not a fixed expense that can be variable but i just like to go ahead and leave it as a fixed expense it's just good for me you know um and i can use that money later on for other things in my business too so the variable cost gas um off the top of my head that's really all i can think of as far as the variables go that's really about it gas so and i usually spend depending on how many loads we do i usually spend about i'd say between four and five hundred a week like during peak season it was four to five hundred a week during the slow season which is right now i've been spending about i'd say a hundred to two hundred dollars a week so and i'll kind of talk about my strategy later on in this video on how i'm approaching slow season with amazon specifically so we'll get into that all right so on to the next topic yeah let's uh i think i already addressed this one as well talk about the truck okay so my truck is a 2012 hino 268 with 300 and i believe i purchased it it had 344 000 or 34 000 miles on it so that's my truck all right so signing up for amazon so to sign up for amazon you have to meet their insurance requirements um a million in auto liability i believe a million in auto liability a hundred thousand cargo 2 million in general liability and a 1 million aggregate workers comp is going to depend on your state i'll leave a link in the description for anyone that wants to sign up for amazon relay that's what it's called amazon relay it's for semi trucks and box trucks so let's get into it how i made twenty thousand dollars in four weeks i'm gonna switch over to my laptop now and i'm gonna give you guys the full details on how that went down let's get it all right here we are you know when the computer comes out man things are about to get real spicy so we're in my payments right now um i'm gonna show you guys just this is proof right here okay this is the exact proof now i know you're looking at saying hey okay this is six weeks like what do you mean only four weeks when you got six weeks up here but i'm going to explain so the first two weeks okay the first two weeks were trash not gonna lie first two weeks they were trash okay and there's a good justification why with amazon you have to prove yourself as a carrier right so and how you do that is by getting a performance score now you don't get your performance score until two weeks after so the third week you're gonna get your performance score but the first two weeks you're going to be in the hole okay so the first two weeks we only did three loads that made sense enough in order for um us to do them from a rate per mile perspective so i'm gonna click on performance real quick i'm gonna show you guys our performance score then we're gonna come right back to the payment section i'm gonna show you guys the total so my score right now is 98.9 percent currently so the better your score is right the more access you have to better loads basically those loads show up first on the lower board for you also for we also utilize poster truck um which is something where you can set a certain criteria for the load that excuse me you want so you can set your rate per mile how far you want to drive and yeah that's what we do every single night to get loads consistently and the better your score is the faster you'll be able to they give you those loads they give priority excuse me they give priority to carriers that have a good performance score so i'm going to show you for this week for example today is actually christmas eve so for this week right here every single low that is on this screen right here right now i've gotten from poster truck with the exception of this one right here which is the last one i just did so that's the power of poster truck guys if you're doing amazon right now and you know you're not using poster truck i suggest you do figure out what criteria works for you okay figure that out anybody that says you know amazon is trash this that in the third like they obviously haven't done enough research or they haven't read or attended even 10 probably haven't even attended the training as to how amazon works okay amazon pays extremely well extremely well so learn how to use the relay app that's my best advice you gotta learn how to use the relay app you have to learn how to use the board that's what's gonna make you successful in this okay so the total for this i got it on my phone right here actually the total i made is 20 555 51 20 551 4 weeks first two weeks we had to put in for our performance score that was the first two weeks and the next four weeks after that made 20 bands that's it guys that's it so we're gonna switch back over to my camera and i'm going to give you guys a little q a for some of the questions that you asked me in my previous videos we're going to go over those so i will see you there all right let's get into this q a really quickly i'm just going to run through all of these questions real fast so this is from kennedy and tweet he says i have a quick question do you need workers comp um yeah i believe i replied to this this comment already but depending on your state you will need workers comp so make sure you talk to your insurance agent and he'll be able to or he or she excuse me we'll be able to answer that question for you they should be able to so go ahead and do that okay all right have some questions regarding your truck yona s with g1 how did you get yours and did you pay for it outright lease or finance pay for it outright and when it's not peak season how consistent are loads using the load board and how long did it actually take you to start applying all right so the loads are still consistent a lot as long as your performance score is high enough so as long as you have a high enough performance score you should be able to get loads consistently using post a truck now they may not be uh as frequent because during peak season we were doing about two loads a day maybe even three sometimes but right now we're only be we're only doing one because it is slow season so again and i'm going to talk about that probably not this video but another video probably my next video i'm going to talk about slow season and my strategy for slow season and what makes sense for me and my business so do you do any more low boards such as d80 no i i don't do any other low boards i've only been doing amazon strictly since i've had my authority and here's my reason why we're running into issues right out the gate trying to get loads from brokers they were saying that because we were brand new we didn't have a safety score yet that they wouldn't allow us to run loads and they were giving loads to other people so with amazon they are very very flexible when it comes to new carriers and the best part about running for amazon is that you get a hundred percent of the loads that you carry and they pay you net seven so that's the best part about this whole thing every friday we get paid for the loads that we did for the previous week there's no dealing with factoring companies no waiting around no taking percentages none of that everything we do is for us so right out the gate that's why i suggest for all people if you don't have a sort of direct contract situation i suggest you go ahead sign up for amazon the insurance requirements the extra requirements they really don't cost that much per month extra i believe for us it was about 250 a month extra on top of our our premium that we originally established so i suggest you start out with amazon at least for your first 90 days that's your best bet unless you have a direct contract which is something that you know i eventually want to get is a direct contract that's where i see myself heading i don't want to be on amazon's little boards forever keep it real with you guys that's not the move i want to have consistency in my business so that way i can scale it and i can replace myself in the business and allow somebody to drive for me so i can go do other things so that's that's the whole plan that's the plan for next year is to find a direct contract and replace myself maybe buy a couple more trucks that's the goal all right right here let me go somebody actually dm me on instagram so i'm gonna talk about their question real quick okay and it was just about um the track that i bought so all right i'm just gonna run through one more time through both of the videos i posted and see if there's any more questions are those all one-way loads yes yes um all of the lows for amazon are one-way loads do i have my cdl no i don't have my cdl if you have a 26 000 pound and under a commercial vehicle you do not have to have a cdl oh i believe somebody asked too that do you need three trucks for amazon no you do not you do not need three trucks for amazon to be able to sign up all you need is one that's it so um yeah that's all you need is one guys okay that's pretty much it that's uh all the questions for the most part if you have made it to the end of this video this was a long one okay really informational i hope i have provided some sort of value to you guys throughout this entire video just please do me a favor go ahead and subscribe again i'm going to be trying to pump out as much content as i possibly can to shed insight to shed some light on this space on this area because nobody else is doing this and again i wish i had this kind of content when i was doing research it would have definitely helped me out in my decision making process so if that has helped you please do me a favor go ahead and subscribe make sure you like the video also go ahead and check out my other videos especially the first video that i posted that'll show you kind of how the process works for amazon loading and unloading pulling up to the facility what you have to have in that video there's a lot of gems so thank you very much for watching i will see you in the next video where we're going to talk about the slow season my approach to that my strategy for the slow season um so yeah that's pretty much it have a good day guys it's actually um today is yeah today's christmas eve so if i don't upload tomorrow then um it'll probably be either the 26th or the 27th merry christmas to you all stay blessed be safe out here if you're an owner operator and i'll see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: DemetreusB
Views: 386,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trucking, Box Truck, Semi Truck, Owner Operator, Amazon, Box Truck Owner Operator, Hotshot
Id: zO8Mf-xqk_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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