How To Build a Clover-stack! A Cities: Skylines Tutorial

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well well well what have we here looks like our highways are about across each other this calls for a system interchange guys welcome back i'm yumble we are going to build a another system interchange today today we've got two highways crossing one another this is the same map that i did the stack on and a stack a four level stack is one of the most common and popular interchanges to use but what if you wanted to do something a little different what if you wanted to build what's called a clover stack so a clover stack has the has the what would you call this kind of a corkscrew a cloverleaf i guess so it has the cloverleaf element of the road wrapping around itself to go up or down a level similarly it'll do that on the diagonal but then just like on the stack there's going to be two flyovers so the left hand turns from i imagine let's see i imagine this side and this side will have flyovers like a stack and this side and this side will have clover leaves to connect the left hand turns and it's kind of a mixed interchange it's a really cool idea and it's just a little a little different from the stack but it's an equally effective way to connect to connect vehicles to a highway to connect highways to themselves let me get this kind of set up and we'll start going okay so i've decided that this road here will be the sunken one so the road that isn't built yet will be the sunken one and this one is going to be for through traffic at grade level you know at ground level i want to show you how i approach syncing a highway i'm just going to use anarchy to connect these using two lane roads we're probably going to go from three lanes down to two lanes or four lanes down to two lanes with a two lane split i'm not sure how the math is going to work out but i do prefer building with the two-lane road initially and what i want to do is take this these center four nodes and i want to sync them down to negative 12 meters because that's guaranteed to fit all of the trucks and all the vehicles they can all work at negative 12. so if you do a a non-tunneled road down to negative 12 meters and just select all these guys boom and we're going to do you can see here in move it is the mod you can do the the tool box here the height tools to object height and click the object that you want it to go to and boom that looks great right that looks so it doesn't look great and there's a reason for that in the short term i'm just going to take all all these roads that are these are still grounded that's what a grounded road looks like when it's in the air there's no texture below it to fill it in so all you have to do is elevate it by upgrading each of them and there we go it's a bit unrefined but the uh but it all works out the pillars are happened to be in the right place which is nice but yeah the negative is all figured out and eventually we're going to slope this nicely this is a bit steep for my taste right now but what i want to really do is is i want to measure up and see how the curve is going to look here we're about to have a this is going to branch out and we're going to do a cloverleaf shape in these corners you can do this in any direction it doesn't matter but this this just happens to be what i've picked you know it is what it is um let me do some calculations and we'll see how that's going to look all right executive decision so this is the ramp i'm going to turn off curved roads because we really don't need it road bending is what it's called not helpful in interchanges so i'm going to build a guide road here because i think this is where the cloverleaf is going to end not exactly here but this will this will give us our origin point kind of i'll show you in a second so what we'll end up with is this guy will branch out at the same height we're going to go three units over great so that's our starting point for this ramp and this is just a guide road just like this one up here it's just a guide so we can get everything even i'm going to bring this up to right where this one is and that will determine the beginning of our of the clovery port portion of the cloverleaf and of course this is going to be a bit messy until it until it's not anymore but we're just going to run run this a 7x7 curve up to the top i just wanted to see where this starts and this is going to be a lot like there's another video that we did called the um oh my goodness it's my interchange what's it called the uh the single point partial clover leaf this is going to look a lot like that as it's built um as we go around the technique is going to be very very similar but that's our starting point i know i'm going to do a seven by seven curve on the clover leaf so i've gone seven units up because we have to that's that's just where it starts and then we'll do seven units this way and just for appearances i'm actually going to do page up a few just so we can see what this might look like eventually so that's the beginning of our 7x7 curve i'm going to do another 7x7 curve and we're going to go up to you know about ground height at this point we'll probably re-slope this later to clean clean up the appearance or we'll definitely re-slope this later it's very steep here and very shallow here but that came out good right that was a 7x7 i take it yes and this should be the last curve on the 7x7 it happens to coincide with this that is that's just a coincidence that's not actually a uh not actually a thing you know that was that was just dumb coins dumb luck on my part but it happened to work out where the 7x7 starts there and ends there i'm going to do the same thing on this side um so give me just a moment to take care of that okay so the clover leaves are doing we've got we've got clover leaves on each side these are the same shape i'm not i don't know how they're going to connect yet it doesn't really matter the point is we're going to get it all figured out and then we'll get the slopes right and then we'll get the the slope of this road right don't worry about that but here's what i'm thinking we're about to make our left hand turns so really these um the clover leaves here are left hand turns if you think about it because it's just this road trying to make a left onto this road and if you curve it around the right turn the right-hand turn becomes a left turn so we're doing that on both sides now the other two left-hand turns are the stack turns right so they're the stack the if you saw my previous video you saw that you can make a stack that goes up and over the whole thing what i think i want to do i i just figured this out to determine where the stack is going to go why don't we just draw a line there and that'll actually give us a node on this road and we can start our we can start our drawing process from here so just to imagine this is just a just an epiphany just a just an idea i want this to be elevated so we're gonna use elevated road we're gonna go up to 12 meters high i suppose here right that's three units away yeah that's good and we want it to end nice we want it to end over here i think let's make sure this works this is the first time i've done it this way um actually this is about the first time that i've done a clover stack but i've done enough with partial clover leafs and stack interchanges that i'm pretty sure that i got it you know i'm pretty pretty sure it's gonna work out so here we go what if this one started here as promised we're gonna do elevated we're gonna do elevated to positive 12 which should be three units away from that it is and then we're gonna we're gonna curve it using the free form road tool go in this way all the way over to here and that should give us a perfect curve it does look at that there's our three units let's let's measure this just to be just be perfectly sure three units 24 meters it's not it's snapping weird but yeah excellent that is going to be the stack part of the whole thing and now we can do the same thing on this side let me let me do this side too and then we'll we'll continue in just a second this is exciting okay so the stack portion is set up so it's essentially equally as set on both sides we still haven't figured out right hand turns yet i'm not sure how that's going to go but right now i'd love to do this just get this get this situated there's going to be a ramp here or a a bridge rather and it should be 18 i think 18 units will give us a pillar right in the middle yes cool so that's just good measuring if you look at the where the hill stops i stopped this thing right where the hill stops that's a good good thing to do so let's do 18 units across on both sides i'm going to turn off road guidelines for a second because they're not really going to help us here we're going to go three units up and this should be exactly the same 18 units across and that'll give us a pillar right in the middle because that's the dead center it's just creating that extra pillar so underneath you get you get the clean um there's enough pillars under the thing to hold each of these roads up that's good stuff so this is going to come up a little bit further now let's let's see what we can do with this i love it when things work out the way that they're supposed to and by that i mean i love it when i can use pre-existing guidelines to like to get us where we want to be so i'd love to see if we get a perpendicular node that's just a that's just a quick thing if we get a perpendicular node here is that three units away it is can we curve this up to this road now that we see where this is coming across let's do a grounded road the length doesn't matter this is a bit of an experiment i'm not sure what the result will be stay tuned we're gonna do uh this this off ramp road okay so it'll actually be this road splits off so this road's gonna come back to here and that'll be the splitting off point and i want to mimic this curve if possible so we're gonna do the same thing on this one just to create a node there so we have a guideline to tell us when to stop but i suspect oh you know what it's a lie it's not real this is too wide oh shoot let me recalculate i'll be back in just a second okay i think i got it i think i got it so what i really want to do is just mimic this corner and i've done it it looks a bit weird because it is a bit weird but i've i've just mimicked the corner so using this as a guideline cut that there so it's the same same stopping point for the for the beginning of this of this ramp and it goes around and it ends at the stopping point of the other side and i think that's a very clean way to do it so just to show you how i how i pulled that off we can let's say we go up to here this one stops there we'll use that as a guideline and a stopping point and we want it to stop perpendicular to this one and a real easy way to do that is to just snip that there you'll find me doing that a lot i always want to make a little little snip where i know we need to and it's going to come around and it's going to hit this road actually it's a bit weird uh because we're going to have to use move it to solve this to to fix it but i just want them to end at the same spot because that means that these are perpendicular and the curves from above are going to look really nice because we're going to have perpendicular curves on either side um this doesn't mean one really so now the trick is going to be that is the beginning of our right hand turn for this these merge here of course they're going to merge back to the highway somewhere in here i can figure that out but what we really need to figure out now is how far are these ramps going to go let me go figure that out i'll share my findings with you this can be different on different interchanges by the way like different if the angles are not totally perpendicular all this goes right out the window so none of this is set in stone i'm just kind of feeling it out doing what i want it just looks nice here if this curve is the same angle as this one you kind of get that repetition i think it's going to look really nice when it's all done give me just a minute to figure out where these connections are going to happen so i think i got it we're almost there so check this out my solution to figuring out where these ramps end and how this is going to connect was to just go i'll i did it here let me show you how it looks when we do it on this side if we go i believe i did three units off of this node yep so that's your first measure measurement is three units it should snap to it but i want it to be at ground level so three units away and this actually makes a 45 degree angle on either side which is good this is a this is good geometrically this whole thing is sound i like it and what we're actually going to do is just connect these ramps to this and then delete the little extra bit so with straight slope turned on and elevated turned on as well starting at our positive 12 road we're going to cut the road there and delete that little extra bit because it's not necessary same deal over here this one's going to come down it's going to stop where the 45 occurs some of these are backwards so we'll turn them the right direction here grounded grounded grounded grounded cool this one is backwards and these are backwards as well nope those are correct so that is that so this will determine the the end here and probably the way i'm going to do this is maybe it's a maybe it's a 23 unit thing usually is what i go with 23 or 24. oh let's make it longer here 33 is looking good i like that cool so 33 there makes sense to me this already it already has a node here so that just kind of works out and that means that this guy the sloping is going to be all wrong here so please ignore please excuse the appearance of everything as this goes look at that it's it's so messed up we will we'll solve all that in just a second that's going to turn out fine i just want this to end at the same place because it makes it look way better in my opinion it doesn't always have to end at the same place but i think that interchanges kind of kind of should i think it looks right now if this is 33 over here that would be kind of that'd be kind of cool right 32 um that is absolutely close enough the end is like the least this part nothing else hinges on this as far as the the angles or anything so we're gonna do the same thing over here if i really wanted to take the time to refine that i could but one meter in this game is an eighth of a unit the units are this big one eighth of that is is not that big a deal honestly so face this this away this one's also going to go down here for this connection there's a lot of sloping and fixing to be done but at least we can get everything looking looking similar we can get it all squared off of course this one goes over here let's see where this one and so now we've got a guide node there and of course this is also this is all regular two-lane road i haven't even upgraded anything to highway yet we'll see when that happens and this we wanted to do the 33 unit curve 32 i see that 32 and i say i say we go for it 32 33 what's the difference one meter in this game is like nothing especially when we're at like the end of the end of the build like this the hard part's over now it's just like refining it getting the slope right i like how that breaks off actually that's going to be that'll be a good little angle for cars to break off at we'll probably expand that note a little bit um i'm going to connect the last side here and i'm going to start cleaning stuff up and we'll see how it looks in just a moment so here we go it needs a little beautification and a little bit of love and maybe some some plant life and some rocks and stuff but functionality wise we're up and running so if you couldn't see the vision before now you kind of see the whole picture where it's kind of like a stack these are identical to a stack but instead of stacking even higher we end up taking these left hand turns and instead of going up and over these already existing lefts you just kind of do a gentle circle so it's a bit longer of an interchange i'd say than a stack similar in difficulty to build probably but i think it's cool it's kind of refreshing it's got a different look to it um everything's up and running i'm just going to beautify it a little bit and we'll see how good it can look so here we have all the usual suspects we've got we've got our key wall acting as a retaining wall you know you need key anarchy and a custom key to do this you can do a regular key but there's a lot of really good looking walls uh yeah put a rock in the middle of it why not pretty classic a bunch of trees obviously pretty pretty simple uh if you get node controller and intersection marking tool i did a whole video on intersection marking tool so feel free to check that out it makes these merges make a lot more sense where these two are are smooth together and then they exit this way let's go to one where the traffic's actually entering and exiting it makes it very obvious where the exits are lane math wise i opted to do two by two by two here so the the whole journey would be they can cross the bridge these guys come up and around here now they both have to merge these two roads have to merge so there's a merge here for traffic coming from this direction going right they merge here and then all of them have to merge so two plus two equals four and then they'll merge back down to three because that's our standard highway length and i think that's i think that's an elegant way to do it somewhat elegant these guys go right here if they want to make a left then they're going up and over the fly over there they want to make a right then they stay stay low through this kind of row of trees here i also opted along with the intersection marking tool and node controller the keys the rocks the trees i opted to add a bunch of pillars pillars in places that make sense so the game doesn't if you're using anarchy the game often won't add pillars in places because they don't want it to go through a road so you kind of have to find the places that make sense fortunately for us i was able to just line up these sets of pillars so in between these two central pillars if you use move it and click three objects and then click align objects it'll put this right in the middle and that spot happens to be exactly where it needs to be so that looks really nice from from below at least like if vehicles are going through it let's see nope you're going right no one's going through it right now if this guy wants to go left we'll take a look at it if not i'm gonna give up the chase hey there we go okay so you come here so now you can see from from the driver's perspective going underneath all the pillars are are aligned nicely and they're all in in in their place and this is instead of a fly over here this guy he he could have gone on a flyover if this were a stack but instead it's a clover stack so you get those those little not quite roundabout pieces but you get that three-quarter of a roundabout and then grade separated it goes over itself but yeah that's the clover stack it's a good alternative to many other interchanges i really don't like cloverleaf interchanges for as much as i talk about like partial cloverleafs and uh you know partial clover leafs and and partial uh what's it called single point park lows that kind of thing as much as i talk about those i don't like their namesake the cloverleaf because it's really really bad this is another free-flowing interchange so it's free-flowing on all sides very effective and it looks really good too might even look better than a stack i don't know we can argue about it in in the comments if you want but we'll call that a day guys thanks for for watching the video my name is yumble i stream on twitch twice a week we also have a really great discord where you can come and ask questions and post pictures of your cities and and videos if you want stuff like that um yeah let me know if you have questions in the comments feel free to see me on twitch couple days a week that's all i got guys thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: YUMBLtv
Views: 46,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stack, cloverleaf, cloverstack, interchange, roads, network, city skylines, Modded, tmpe, move it, anarchy, Tutorial
Id: JmE6JBv1cdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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