The Cloverstack CRUSHES Traffic in Cities Skylines

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[Music] everybody welcome back i'm yumble and today we get to tackle the clover stack interchange this is a really exciting one it's like a four level stack but it's only two levels high because of the use of loops and speaking of the loops today i get to show off a new technique for measuring out loops on a given overpass something a little more realistic something a little more plausible in real life because real loops are typically not circles what you generally want is something that has a more consistent g-force when going around the whole thing so traffic is allowed to slow and speed up at a at a decent rate i'll show you how that works and more in just a moment feel free to subscribe if you want to everyone thank you for being here let's build the clover stack our story begins as all good stories do with a highway overpass no good stories start that way but ours certainly does let's uh let's do this i want to show you how to make the loops that are required for the clover stack there are two opposing loops i used to make them circular in nature but now i've discovered there's actually a better way i've got these perpendicular roads crossing here of course 12 unit overpass all good standard start for things what i want to do is use the road guidelines from one of these parallel roads to make a a shape i'm going to show you this is our new curve this is called a clothoid loop and i'll start by making kind of a half circle and this happens to be seven by seven which is a rather large curve but that's exactly what i want for this this is a system interchange it's going to take up a lot of space but it's also free-flowing so it's worth taking up the space if your city needs it so we have a 14 unit diameter and what i want to do is take that value do whatever value you want for your curve but take that diameter and send it down away from the edges that you've just created away from the the ends of the curve what that gives us are these points at the bottom we're only doing this as scaffolding to get this point now we can take our freeform road tool go off the end and connect to the bottom there so you end up with a 14 by 14 curve going to the bottom we can do that on both sides very nice and this should look fairly familiar not just from highway ramps but also from roller coasters a cloth wide loop this is an approximation of it it's not a real cloth with loop but essentially what amounts to a clothoid loop is what's used on roller coasters to help ease traffic into the narrowest part and then out of the narrowest part right the the most the tightest radius of this is found up here and then this lower radius is twice as much so traffic gets eased into and out of the cloth with loop on both sides it's very advantageous for roller coasters highway ramps uh trains may also use this type of design but it's very useful to know how to create it now we just have to move the cloth with loop into position over here i know we're not actually going to need these bottom sections so i'm going to get rid of them and even these lower sections are not necessary this is the portion that matters though that last little bit is gonna happen on the highway itself you'll see in a moment so we'll take our horseshoe uh i did it perpendicular to this road so that i can select the whole thing hold alt right click it and then drag for 45 degree snapping so i've rotated it 45 degrees i know we're going to need it here and here in these opposing corners and this is really just to measure so check it out i'm going to move it into position i want the road i want it to be centered in such a way that this node here matches up with these roads give or take which also happens to be uh it makes the crossing happen about here so where these roads intersect the can the roads that we're connecting with the loop so too shall the the clothoid aim at basically but yeah that's about what it's going to be from this i need three measurements i need to know three things or two things really one thing that i need to know is how far is it from this point to this point 45 degree angle just about and 20 units give or take yep that's good i eyeballed the moving of it so this measurement is not going to be exact but 20 units is pretty good looking and then where do the connection points occur is the second question for this one it's about seven units away you know just round numbers yeah give or take seven units should be the same for both so the distance from this point to the crossing highway should be about seven units or for this i'm going to take the edge of the ramp and we'll do that so it's about three units away from the edge of the ramp so i'll make a marker at each of those spots there's already one there but that's okay so that's the end points and we know this one's 20 units away what i'll do now is actually delete the thing because i know my numbers and i know we're going to end up 20 units diagonal to get this right i'm going to turn off road guidelines because they are going to get in the way so 45 degrees 20 units away that gives us the origin point of the kind of the apex of the clothoid this is not a math channel and i'm not actually that good at math but i do care deeply about highway ramps so this stuff became important to learn at some point i guess so i'm going to remake our 7x7 curve but this one is now in position accurately the other one i was doing was would not have snapped the way that i want it but this one's in place accurately and we love that now we just have to get these ends to connect here so i'm going to use the freeform road tool going off the end of this straight and we're going to click that point that we measured out it's probably going to look a little weird no it actually looks awesome marvelous so that exists same thing on the other side freeform road tool click the point that we marked off and delete that hopefully it doesn't look horrible yeah it's you know it'll look better with a little a little node controller a little bit of love but that is essentially the highway loop that i want of course it looks a bit funky but like i said a little little bit of love from node controller would would solve that generally here's the rough pass and there it is so you can see how traffic would exit sort of comfortably kind of slowly easing out and then hitting the hard part of the radius and then easing back in again the loops are in thank you for bearing with on that uh explanation of the clothoid loop it's a bit more technical than what i usually do but i figured it was worth worth going into especially when that's like the point of these ramps so i figure i'll be adopting that more in the future that takes care of the left turns for the underpass so that's left turning traffic going under but the that's the clover part the stack part is big loops that go around the outside of these so the way i'm going to do the loops let's turn on road guidelines i'm going to go five meters in the air and i want to go three units from the ends of those circles so just to get a kind of a measuring point i want that point on both sides so three units away using node snapping or using road guidelines rather great now the distance between these two we need to figure out this is the diameter so about 52 units give or take more or less about 52. so half of that is 26. so let's do this 20 let's go 90 degrees off of that your your measurements will vary but what we want here is for this assuming your highways are perpendicular should hit about in the center of the highway so 26 units up and we want this to be elevated too 26 units up 26 units over i swear it's not as complicated as i'm making it sound all right 26 units very nice and then we can finish this curve actually here let's do this we'll do a freeform road tool from here and i'm just going to complete this curve as if this were the destination it is not actually the destination but i'm completing it as if it were because close enough cool so we've got that i'm going to finish off this loop by doing the same thing on the other side so 26 units perpendicular by perpendicular i mean straight off the end perpendicular to the guide road of course 26 by 26 and freeform road tool back from this one will give us the complete loop [Music] now there's a magic point or two down here that's going to end up being sent to negative five negative five is the low point on this build as i've decided so i'm going to send these down preemptively knowing that they're going to have to get down there eventually and a lot of these are going to become grounded as well let's delete our markers here let's turn these roads the right way entirely the wrong way we've made a big circle that's disconnected from the rest of it that's okay that's what it's supposed to be for now for all of the right turns it's going to be the same process repeated four times so we're going to take the apex of this external curve and all of these will have it based on the way i've made this all of these points exist where there are just these exterior nodes going all the way out and we're going to go three units out from the last one that we just made and what i want to do is use freeform road tool go sideways and do whatever kind of looks nice i don't know maybe maybe about there how many is that 124. yeah that looks good so about 15 units that gives us a 28.8 degree connection on the node side on the on that road there that is fine 28.8 15 units 124 okay so we'll stick with that and i'm gonna do the same thing on the other side here make a nice easy corner shooting for as close to 124 as possible there we go turn this around if you want it to look slightly nicer i think you can take node controller or sorry move it hold alt and kind of refine that center point of the curve and then absolutely with a bit of node controller here anything can happen i typically here's my process i make the node as small as possible and i hit make ends straight and then i extend the this one as far as i want usually in increments of 10 so maybe that's what it looks like that's pretty good i'll end up sloping it and changing the heights of things in a little while but for now i'm just going to make all of those all of those right turns many of you have probably noticed that the giant loop does absolutely nothing and is absolutely connected to nothing that is clearly not going to be the case for long let me show you how to actually set this up so we're going to delete these what amounts to two segments for me so those are going to go away and we are going to reconnect them differently the destination point was important but now that's that's no longer what it needs to be so we're going to use the freeform road tool and i'm actually going to connect it to this node over here i think i like that one i usually like to work with whatever nodes already exist i mean this we've been relying on this center node for everything so i think that's a really good spot to hinge this off of so that works for me and this road is going to be an overpass elevated that connects uh yeah we'll see how this split works out by the end but it is important that these two roads cross so this will go back the other way that will go that way very nice very nice that exact same thing has to happen over here as well but this is important don't forget to do this the other thing is for height reasons i'm going to align this destination with the the low end so negative 5 and this one should already be positive 5 meters nice and on all sides i'll end up using the network multi-tool to slope these this is going to have no slope yeah it's going to be just 0 to get under there that's fine and then we'll get this going down to the bottom here it already is that's good and as long as this looks like it has enough clearance for vehicles i think it does i don't have a measuring stick on me let's see if we have a perhaps a truck do i have a truck or a van i'll always see one later but do i have a van ice cream van yeah if it works for the ice cream van it works for me the trucks are not drastically taller than this than this model though it would be nice if i had some custom trucks around because then i could do this but yeah that's that's plenty of space for most vehicles i think i'm gonna do this on the other side and then we will fix these little bridges here not a bad set of bridges in my opinion that worked out okay let me show you what i did to get to this point on this side so i'm actually just gonna delete all of the highways that that are uh in place right now in favor of just making new ones for the way that i've done this it works out to uh 15 units away from this five units up of course there we go and it'll be a seven unit overpass so we're gonna elevate it seven units to get over that looks good and then i'm gonna ground it again and reconnect it to the end so let's let's reverse that we'll go right to the point here snap to it very nice elevated for seven units grounded again back to the bottom looks good to me uh if you ever build something and you notice that the edges don't really line up it's probably because node controller is trying to do stuff that you don't really need it to do so what i like to do on these is just click each of them and click the delete button even if nothing happens it'll make sure there's no anomalies and the the edges will line up so that cliff will line up and the road is pretty much centered between the two so i like how that looks a lot if you ever notice empty patches like this same thing click it with node controller hit delete that will fix it so speaking of node controller i'm going to go around and fix all of the lane math in some places there will be four lanes coming in in some places there will be two lanes and some places there will be two lanes i'm just going to go in and adjust all of the roads and the nodes and it should help loads and here we have it the completed clover stack it is quite large and that's okay that's uh that's kind of how system interchanges tend to be so cloverleaf interchanges stack interchanges this one is also free-flowing all free-flowing interchanges tend to be very large because they need to accommodate these looping movements or these large left-turn flyovers that type of thing so it's got elements of a cloverleaf it's got elements of a stack it's a clover stack it's big it handles as much traffic as the game can throw at it i sign off on this as long as your lane math is decent you shouldn't really run into into any traffic problems as every vehicle has its own lane uh to travel in there are a few merges so there's a few spots where i i merged two lanes together into a two-lane road and then merged it back down to one before re-emerging with the highway a lot of merging going on but generally i like to keep the lane math on point generally i just really didn't want to go up to four-lane highway overall so it's designed to be three-lane highway and then expands to four lane in certain spots where necessary it expands to a four-lane situation so that you have kind of a departing lane that appears right before the exit but overall i'm very satisfied with the result the curves are doing their job you'll notice that vehicles are eased into the curve and then they go around the sharpest part and then they're eased back out and able to speed up again city skylines doesn't really represent that very well but in real life that's that's an important thing is to not make a circular ramp i've seen a few actually dubai has some interchanges that have uh it might even be a clover stack actually but it has interchanges that are circles which is interesting to me they're probably just huge if it's so huge that it doesn't matter then that's fine these are fairly modest loops i would say and overall the scale of this is probably similar to how these operate in real life so it is very large in game but system interchanges are large that is that is how they have to be uh but this was very fun to build hopefully i can i can get it in the steam workshop soon within the next day or two it'll be in the description uh but there it is pretty cool right i like the clover stack a lot it takes up a ton of space but it moves traffic like crazy and it's only two levels high so i think that's very very cool also that cloth with loop that whole technique for making the cloth wide loop really um looks much better in my opinion functions a bit better with traffic going around it consistently i'm a big fan little discoveries like that make a big difference in my opinion everyone don't forget to subscribe here feel free to like the video if you enjoyed it i also stream twice a week on twitch so feel free to come by for a live stream and we have a community discord if you want to join up feel free to chat in the meantime that's all i've got everyone thank you so much for watching the whole video i've been yumble i'll see you in the next stream or the next video [Applause] [Music]
Channel: YUMBL
Views: 57,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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