Forbidden Techniques that DESTROY Downtown traffic!

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everybody welcome back my name is yumbl and this is an intersection it is quite the intersection i think we can all agree there is too much traffic trying to make it through and everything is bottlenecking but what if i told you i could get all of the traffic through without increasing the footprint of this intersection we're going to increase traffic flow 10 fold by building over and under the intersection to essentially make what i would call kind of an interchange but within the footprint of an intersection pretty incredible the solutions i'm going to be offering today will take a bit of patience and a bit of skill so please bear with as i as i get this together one variant is going to have a roundabout one is not and that is totally fine everyone sit back relax enjoy the solutions all of the tricks that i'm showing you today are going to be revolving around a mod pack or an asset pack called vanilla overpass i've featured this before and it's very very useful it's not the kind of thing i would do all over the place in your city but you have if you have a problematic junction or two this is a really great option like if you have a major arterial meeting another major arterial and you find it's backing up this is a sure-fire way to eliminate that traffic so right now i'm going to vanilla over use vanilla overpass two-lane road to go over top of this we're going to use the bridged version i recommend figuring out where your intersection is first and then building right off the right off the edge of the intersection let's see there we go so i'm just going to do six units for the overpass as i said before we're going to be going over and under so this one's good what i have here i think i've measured it out 12 units away yep so i have a i have a spot 12 units away that's going to be sort of the landing point for our ramps so there is the overpass uh let let's make the underpass next so what i'm actually going to do is i'm going to add our vanilla overpass project 2 2 2 that's what we're going to be dealing with the all these with the 2 2 2 at the bottom this is let's see i'll use the b segment first the b segment is a connector of sorts so this one is nodeless and i'm going to go six units of nodeless and then six units of the same thing but with node so that's the c segment and there's that uh one thing that i forgot to say is for the two lane road if you make it uh elevated instead of bridged it will seal up that spot there so you can't see the so you can't see the thing i'll show you one more time here how that works but this covers up the connector point that a nodeless segment creates and you can see no this is the result of a nodeless segment as well i'm just going to delete that road entirely it would be a bit cleaner if i leave that on the end so to do that on this side it's going to be the segment segment b because we have 12 units here i'm going to go six units over so halfway there living on a prayer and then i'm going to do segment c and you'll notice i'm making a little checkpoint i don't want segment c to consume segment b which can happen with node nodeless networks so you can always make a little checkpoint to avoid that from happening get rid of the end so you can see that there's a uh let me just let me just get the cars out here i'm just gonna unpause it and let these disappear very ugly or even better yet no i well i want to leave some of the traffic because i want it to disappear that's the whole point uh you can see that this is what the nodeless segment does when connecting to a node a noded segment so the solution to that as stated before is to convert our overpass ramp to be elevated instead of bridged and that just covers up that ugly ugly spot and you can see i've left just enough space here for a little island on both sides there's going to be a traffic light in the middle initially i suppose the final step to this side is to take our a piece for the 222 vanilla overpass linked in the description i'm going to turn off node snapping and i'm going to use our guide here and i want to go two units away you can see with precision engineering it's a two unit segment any longer than that and this texture will start repeating so i want to go two two two that's good it can go a little longer than that but three units is too long i promise you that if we if we were to do the same thing but three units away you can see the chevrons start repeating and the texture gets kind of weird so it's easier for me to go two units away click it there we go that is probably the easy part not too bad i'm going to delete a couple segments here and we're going to make our underpass so this is the the overpass of the intersection all complete the underpass we're gonna use that same vanilla overpass two-lane road and this time it's gonna be a tunnel but i'm gonna do all the same measurements so i think i did eight units up here oh i did nine meters high interesting that's fine uh we can go nine minute uh nine meters under as well it doesn't really matter to me for this one so we're underneath tunneled that's important tunneled to nine meters and i'm just gonna go six units across measuring from the the center of that intersection there using our uh road guidelines in combination with the grid and that's great and i think it was nine units to get from there to there yep nine units so i'm gonna do the same measurements here still in tunnel mode i'm gonna turn node snapping back on we're gonna go nine units over and i'm gonna hit the home button that's important if you have a keyboard in front of you hit home to go back to to go back to terrain height save you a lot of time save your keyboard a lot of trouble nine units over take it home beautiful so it looks a bit funky right now that's because the terrain is trying to conform to this it actually doesn't matter it's actually going to work out great regardless so i'm going to do sort of a similar technique to what we had before i'm going to take our b road so the nodeless road and we're going to go over 6 units once again because 6 is half of 12. it's 12 units to the road for the numbers i'm doing and it's important here to make sure that this absolutely does not connect to the road underneath it is it is crucial that it does not connect to the road so i'm going to move my mouse around all kinds of places if you see a negative 4 you see that height negative 4 meters there if you see that in precision engineering that means you're about to connect to your underground segment certainly not what we want so i've moved my mouse to the side to keep it flat that's great i'm going to make a little marker there so we don't lose that and the c segment goes to the middle beautiful and that looks awesome all of the math has worked out you can see the the b segment has an opening which is exactly what we want and the c segment has a cover for the tunnel so perfect to do it again on the other side the b segment six units over i see that negative four i want to avoid that negative four at all costs uh and also make this make a marker there scaffolding whatever you wanna call it i wanna preserve this node so i do a perpendicular piece and then we're using the c segment delete the scaffolding same deal this side has an opening for the tunnel because of the nature of this b segment and then the c segment has a covering the dimensions of this are actually a little bit different from the vanilla four lane road so it is important that you use the included roads from the pack and the final step on this one is to do the a segment turn off node snapping same deal i'm gonna go two units away i'm gonna turn that's good two units away boom the reason that i'm starting this away from that piece and going towards it rather than starting here and going two units over is because the chevrons are backwards so the lane math will be all wrong visually everything will be off if you do it that way so it's crucial to start two units somewhere between two and three units away and then go towards that node now we just have to connect it with our six lane road a lot of these steps will be very similar for the roundabout so i'm probably going to skip over some of them for the roundabout version of this and this is easy enough you'll just end up connecting your vanilla six lane road to the end the mod is called vanilla overpass it is not vanilla it's vanilla by name but by name only that is a hundred percent setup the traffic manager setup on this is going to be a left turn and a right turn i'm actually going to use lane connectors for this so left turn to the closest lane on all sides left turn to the closest lane and right turn to the closest lane on all sides as well pretty simple i just don't want them to pick their lane because if they choose poorly they're going to run into the right turning traffic and vice versa so we just want that kind of pattern in the middle you will also have to go around and connect each of these so that they don't mess up connect this one by hitting control s this one here control s will automatically do it this one is a little ambiguous to traffic manager so you have to manually do it control s will give you a mess and i recommend doing this one as well just because you don't really want traffic messing around this close to the intersection it'll cause problems same thing on this side control s for that one control s for the close one this one if you control s it gives you mush the game has no idea what this is trying to accomplish visually it's obvious to us the game does not know cool i'm going to go around and do this to the other two sides and we'll figure out the intersection in just a moment okay all the lane connectors are in place everything's good you'll still notice that this is not able to flow all of the traffic uh the center lane is already benefiting you can see the point of this is that the the center lane straight through traffic just gets to skip the intersection on both sides very very powerful though the left turning traffic is always going to have a bit of trouble so we're going to help them out by implementing a traffic light a timed traffic light the vanilla traffic light is not configured for this type of thing but in quick terms just to show what i did there i've i've got another video specifically about traffic lights uh but what i've done here is i clicked on that click timed traffic light in traffic manager click on the intersection add step and i'm gonna hit change mode on all sides we want that that right turn that straight right turn to exist i'm going to use a minimum time of 5 seconds maximum time of 15 seconds these are just loose numbers your mileage may vary you can probably reduce this in some situations or reduce both of them that is fine i'm also going to reduce the flow sensitivity down to 0.3 for longer red and green phases that's all good to me now phase one well here actually on both phases you can turn on the straight slash right traffic that is just for the right lane so the right lane is always free-flowing they can always get out of there get out of the way of everyone else so that's good the first phase is going to have the lefts go in one direction opposing left specifically hit add and then add step again turn off those lefts and allow the other directions to turn left now i should be able to hit add start another way to increase the throughput on this guy is to is to turn on let traffic into block junction cars can just fly into the intersection with the light they can just trust the light and that's great one final thing to note i'm going to use intersection marking tool just to visualize this but we need these left turns to miss each other as well you'll you'll see that the as soon as this clears we can kind of see it now that the left turns are hitting each other on both sides so what i'm going to do is i'm going to use node controller and we're going to bump this up until they miss each other so 21 looks okay 22 looks even better i'm going to go for an even 22 on that and now we should see all of this clear out fairly rapidly and there you have it a very capable downtown intersection that you can make fairly quickly once you get the hang of the assets i think it's not that bad to work with helps a lot if you're very familiar with the node system and know how to kind of manipulate roads in this way i can't think of a solution that takes up less space that works better than this i think this is the most capable downtown intersection that you can make in city skylines without it being much much larger so i'm very satisfied with that result the markings make it work as well you really get to see where the cars belong and and drivers in real life would probably appreciate the markings as well so you're not getting into trouble with the oncoming traffic i'd like to show you how i approach doing this same thing but with a roundabout in the middle instead of the two-phase light let me get that set up okay here is the roundabout version of the vanilla overpass kind of bypass situation i'd call it a bypass roundabout probably um things to note i had to move the pillars back a little bit so this became a little bit wider as you you can't make a roundabout in the same amount of space at least not a roundabout of this capacity in the same amount of space as the four-way intersection so it does take up a little more space and the overpass itself is a bit longer which means the ramps may be a bit steeper so use your use your best judgment you can always take a truck and and wait till it's underneath the overpass and then you know height to taste as long as nobody's losing their antenna underneath that's fine um other thing to note is that this same situation here will yield a sort of a bit of concrete kind of an overhang there you can get rid of that by using move it hold alt to snap and it'll snap and stay straight and that is totally fine right there so same thing on the other side we've got that little concrete overhang from the c segment so we can just oop if you don't hold alt that's what happens so we can just nudge that until it's until it's hidden away other than that it's very similar traffic manager setup is going to be about the same hold shift hold control click normal roundabout setup that conveniently also added some added some lane things selectively oh it added right before the roundabout is taken care of same rules apply over here though you you still have to go back and make all these connections on each side so that the so that the traffic knows what to do with the bottom of the ramp uh let me finish the traffic manager setup and i'll let it run so i've been letting this run on three speed for maybe 10 or 15 minutes now hoping for the best it appears to be backed up all the way on these two opposing sides at least it's not doing well on these sides it's trending longer and longer though not as long as the the other sides as pointed with the mouse there um things of note the the vehicles are following the rules which is good i'm glad they're making the three-quarter turn i must say though that a roundabout of only left turns is never going to be the ideal scenario i think that a light will beat an only left turn roundabout even though there's a bypass i thought the bypass might be enough to fix this uh let me let me play around with this and see if there's maybe any way to to salvage this maybe adding extra lane or adding a second exit lane or something to that effect give me just a moment to see what that might look like [Laughter] [Music] okay so hear me out if it's stupid and it works is it actually stupid here's the solution that i've come up with it's a two-way road going into this i don't want to call it a roundabout anymore going into this circular network the the function of this is the same as a roundabout where the left in this case the left turns yield though it's not the same as a roundabout at all um these cars see oncoming traffic and they yield to it the oncoming traffic gets out for free the roundabout or the circular network does not need to support traffic going straight across so that frees it up for just a left and a right turn and the reason i think this works is because a left turn only roundabout is a terrible idea i even tried a counter-clockwise roundabout that's how i got to this point i tried a bunch of iterations to try to make this thing work this actually works it's been up and running for quite a while now and it's it's succeeded so once again if it's stupid and it works it's not stupid is it dangerous [Music] no more dangerous than making a left turn onto a priority road probably less dangerous i would say but yeah no more dangerous than making a left turn onto a priority road that is going to have to conclude this one i'm not sure what to call this feel free to put your entries in the comments for what this thing is um other than a monstrosity or a or cursed i know it's cursed i know it's a monstrosity tell me something i don't know what would you call this legitimately everyone thank you so much for hanging out thanks for letting me do another video about vanilla overpass i have a previous video feel free to check that one out uh doing some different stuff with this set of assets but this was a lot of fun to make i also stream twice a week on twitch so definitely follow me over on twitch if you want to hang out live and be in chat of course subscribe here if you want additional city skylines content that's all i've got for today everyone thank you so much for hanging out i've been yumble i'll see you in the next stream or the next video
Channel: YUMBL
Views: 577,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roundabout, mods, city skylines, detail, vanilla, smooth, smooth roads, node controller, intersection marking tool, move it, anarchy, fine road, pinwheel, interchange, overpass
Id: Ct3nl0lHP8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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