ACTUALLY Beating Super Meat Boy As Tofu Boy

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this is tofu boy and he's the worst character in Super Meat Boy he's so bad in fact that it is actually impossible to beat the first level of the game with him if you're playing normally but who really is tofu boy in a response to Meat Boy having meat in his name Peta made a terrible parody called super tofu boy this game uh kind of speaks for itself I mean look at this meat boy is happily in love with bandish girl then she dumps him for this hunk right here and Meat Boy kidnaps Spanish girl out of jealousy so then you have to rescue this girl you've dated for like 2 seconds okay not to mention meat boy isn't even meat he's actually just a boy with no skin hence I'm liking bandish girl but anyways team meat took tofu boy's awesome character design and put him in Super Meat Boy because of his major iron deficiency tofu boy struggles to complete pretty much any level in the game you can use glitches to beat a couple more as you can see here the levels in green are the previously beaten Levels by other people the ones in yellow are possible levels that no one has beat supposedly and the ones in red are impossible you need to beat 17 levels in each world to advance that leaves three uncleared levels at most in each world so it's clearly impossible to beat the game by just using tofu boy or is it this graphic was originally from my fellow Horseman's video here but there's actually another video that does a speedrun called pooo per this speedrun is glitchless and they actually beat three of the unbeaten levels this one this one and this one when we add these to the list uh this doesn't look any easier at all this still looks impossible but that didn't stop me from trying so I set my game to the OG version I'll need this to use glitches then boot up the game go to this level unlock a character all this so I can get to the character select screen and type in P file and I get to play as tofu boy let's see how far we can get without using glitches well uh right off the bat there's not a lot we can do we simply can't jump far enough to reach bandage girl we're going to have to whip out our first glitch the first glitch we'll be using is called the jump glitch to do this you press jump hold jump Press Start and that's it now tofu boy is jumping every frame well I still can't reach her the second glitch we'll be using is called the alt glitch to do this you press the alt button and press it again and I'm over here now oh I'm over here now oh I'm over here now oh no that Cliff is too far away no it isn't it really is that simple it might as well be a feature in the game the only thing the alt button is doing here is tabbing out of the game this has some interesting consequences because time is still running the game is still running its calculations in the background it is factoring in your falling sliding the floor you're standing on and other forces acting on your character like fans and stuff it does not factor in walls that you are not currently interacting with and since it only cares about the ground under you when you initially Tab out of the game it basically lets you walk on air and with that we're done with level one now we can move on to the rest of the [Music] game beating the game with tofu boy took a little bit over a month to complete so if you enjoy stuff like this or if you want more content from me please like And subscribe would help a [Music] lot you'll notice that number at the top right corner of the screen those uh colors actually match up with the graphic I showed earlier so green means means previously beaten level possible yellow is theoretical level so a level with theories of how to beat it but no one has done it yet and the red are the impossible levels the levels that there's just no way that no one can ever beat [Music] right here at six you need to Al through this razor it's way too big to jump across [Music] 17 I'll show you a little bit of a demo of a trick I'll be using later here you can do this one a couple ways you can jump up the on the right wall there or you can do it this way oh did you see that don't worry about it I'll let you know much more about that trick later [Music] on her one n if you get on the bottom left corner there and jump it'll take you to this right wall at the same position every time and you'll actually climb up it quick enough so that they don't disappear and make you fall through them that's the only challenge about these disappearing block levels is that sometimes they disappear too [Music] quickly we'll be back to 111 you'll notice me notd in my head on a bunch of these levels I'm actually counting the music beaks to time the alt glitch 113 I really wanted to get this bandage you can beat this level a lot easier if you just go around 114 you don't need to use glitches to beat this one and as a proof I will not use glitches to beat it they really don't help 115 you you don't need glitches to beat this one [Music] either you already saw 116 you just Al through the [Music] wall [Music] this alt is just a little bit precise to get on this wall here and then you have to climb up it faster quick enough so that the razor doesn't swing around and kill [Music] you pretty much all of these all glitches have specific counts assigned to them you don't see it too much early on cuz these levels are not that hard but later on I start getting it to half and quarter [Music] beats it took me a couple of seconds to realize the bandage girl was right there and I could just Al across the hospital this there is one level I cannot beat in this world 2 one pretty standard just all through the gaps that I cannot jump over and make my way to bandish girl you can do this one without glitches but it's a lot cooler to do with this [Music] glitch you can also do the same thing on this one or you would think but there's actually a death barrier on the wall that kills you it doesn't let you fall through it now here's the first impossible level if you're ugly on the fans they'll just keep pushing you up forever the only danger is that if you do it for too long you'll void out through the top you have to do it but not do it enough that it kills you and they take you high enough so you can beat this level two five this one was theoretically possible and it was theoretically possible the exact way I did it you have to get this very precise jump into the fan that just barely L barely lets you take a clear this Gap yeah there you go this oh man that's that was Pixel Perfect I [Music] feel I just jump over to this other wall there you go and these fans you can all glitch across all of them but it's a little bit risky cuz you can Al too far to the next fan you know you'll notice the second fan here the syring is on the roof for bit a little bit wider so you cannot just jump into it so you have to UGL to that one don't ask why I know [Music] that oh yeah and that was the first try of the day that I did that one H that that level took me multiple days to do in this tunnel part here you can Al through the wall on the ride and just fall on bandage girl but I wasn't thinking at the time so I did it this way 27 we'll be back to that one the hardest part of this level is to get up [Music] there this all was a lot of fun couple precise alts through the gaps avoiding the enemies there you [Music] go I kept dying on this level for some reason I don't know why it's not even hard over here I really wanted the bandage but you can just all through to get the to get the key you can actually uh slide down the wall you don't even need the [Music] key 213 there are a couple of ways to do this one I did it the easiest way you go around everything you don't need to worry about the enemies and you just all through [Music] here you saw that enemy actually went outside when you're alting for some enemies they keep going in the game they just keep moving and walking through walls just like you do this jump took me so long to get it's super precise but once you get it you can get up [Music] here and I was a little bit nervous here I really didn't want to die to this guy I feel like I got just a little bit lucky I jumped up just barely squeezed next to him I cheated a bit here I didn't know what what else to do so I saw what what the other guy had done so you all threw here and then uh here here I am cheating again seeing what's next in the level is a checking a couple times and I really didn't want to die 216 theoretically possible level the way is theoretically possible is if you jump up that wall on the right enough and then you do that precise jump over that tip there but then I discovered something interesting here did you see that I saw something I couldn't believe my eyes it turns out when you have the jump glitch active and you use the alt glitch while you're in the air you do a jump in the air kind of like super smash BRS the game thinks you're grounded for one frame when you Al back in this simple trick tore the whole game open for tofu boy a lot of previously impossible levels became trivial not this one though this one was still [Music] hard but it did get easier because when you jump I can start this climb here a little [Music] higher there you go [Music] and the end of this level you have to jump while the Laser's active and then Al and since time is still running in the game you can wait it out while you're tapped out of the [Music] game now we can go back to 111 thanks to this trick this level's not quite as hard as it used to be those blocks disappear it seems like they disappear at random timing so some sometimes is very hard to climb up the walls quick enough and then once you're up there sometimes they disappear too quickly for you to Al and walk across them while they're still there over here I aled and I was like oh no I lost the timing but then you can Pro you can pause to cancel the out glitch as you can see it took a lot of tries now 27 is possible that Gap at the very beginning there was impossible before but thanks to this trick you can jump in the air and reach it even with this trick this level was still pretty hard but I loved it it was these challenging levels are were the most satisfying I would actually I wouldn't mind if there was a game with just stuff like this and just where you just played as tofu boy at this point I do the jump glitch to get up this tunnel a little [Music] quicker [Music] now I'm going to completely ignore the bandage on the right [Music] here I'm going to ignore this bandage here too this level was way too hard to stop by to stop and get a bandage another previously impossible level possible because of the jump in the air trick [Music] the jump glitch is active just jump up there alt make it over those gaps and here you just barely get enough height to jump on that wall [Music] there I did not find the way to beat 21 you can Al over the key but there's still nothing you can do that wall syringes there is way too long for you to jump over and even if you try alting from over here it doesn't help it doesn't get you enough High I even tried jumping from the other side of those keys I tried alting inside of the keys and yeah nothing helped ah world three there are actually three unbe levels here and if I wouldn't have been able to beat even one of the levels that I beat I'd still be grinding to this day 31 starting out very standard alting across this huge salt Gap and then rist repeat so 34 actually possible without glitch is probably the hardest level to beat without glitch but with the OD glitch you can just Al across ah 35 previously impossible level if you Al while you're on these conveyors it actually keep pushing you up indefinitely and just like the fans you have to stop before you void out the top but they'll push you way higher than you think they should 37 possible thanks to the jump on air glitch there you go you can just barely make that jump I made it to this part more than once unfortunately I crashed into a big salt Mound there over here this one's pretty precise but I got it first try boom not even close okay it's not even that precise never mind 38 is actually possible without glitches you just have to be a god gamer you can go across everything here you just have to dodge the bullets [Music] you cannot let those razors go through you just do the rest of the [Music] level oh 312 this level took me forever to beat it was so hard you're against the clock because those razors come back up again they're like kind of like through a cycle you have to get in this Gap next to the Salt waterfall if you're one more pixel to the left there it kills you you have to do this three times and ALT across and here I'm deactivate the jump glitch all to let these razors go through you and get this little tricky jump here to get to bandish girl that was the hardest level so far thanks for the jump all glitch all jump glitch you can actually time this conveyor coming down and jump on top of it this is probably the easiest level that was previously deemed [Music] impossible so 318 you can actually do this level without glitches but I thought it was a lot cooler to jump up the wall on the right side of the screen completely ignore the [Music] bandage is another level possible that [Music] glitches 220 was very challenging that that first alt there was pretty precise and then you have to make these precise all glitches to these little platforms and then you have to time the all with those Rockets you probably can just jump over them to be honest but this works [Music] [Music] too 32 is impossible you can make it to the roof sure but you can't go through the floor and you can't go through the walls while you're in the air so it's impossible to get inside but remember the aish cares about the ground you're standing on when you activate it you can actually make it pretty far in this level with toofab boy but there's one part of the level that you cannot get across and that's this part here that salt Mount is just a little too high to Al across you cannot jump far enough with tofu boy unfortunate so close 315 also very close but there's just one part where there's a jump that's just is just too high for tofu boy to make and it's this wall here there's no way to make it higher from here so 317 if I wouldn't have been able to beat 17 levels already this would be the level I'd be grinding you can make it up here while dodging these bullets and get the key and then get down again but then you have to make it up the wall of Disappearing blocks while dodging that bullet and I just couldn't do it but I'm pretty sure it's possible oh hell there are actually three levels I couldn't beat here 41 pretty standard once again just get up here and then then out glitch across 42 actually had probably the hardest out glitch in the game I have to all glitch at the precise time at the very very edge of this platform I'm actually going to let you hear the endgame audio [Music] here I had to count for exactly 13 and 1/4 Beats so that when I come out of the alt I can just barely make it next to this lava waterfall if you hold it a millisecond too long you void out of the right side of the [Music] screen 48 previously deemed imp possible actually done in the 2% speedrun you can do this one without glitches CU it's just a lot easier if you through that wall [Music] [Applause] there and you can jump up here make it to the very highest point and just barely clear this Gap I jump glitched there so I didn't have to time the landing this level's super easy I just really wanted this bandage come on ah there you go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's a super swag way to do this level and that's [Music] [Applause] it this level took a little bit long to figure out because you have to climb up that wall on the right quick enough so the eye doesn't kill you and to do that you actually have to approach it slow enough if you get approach it slow enough hope boy will get quicker jumps and uh once I figured that I just get up here Al across the big gap and beat the level 415 was my favorite level in the game you have to alt just right out time so that that bullet doesn't kill you and you have to be very quick with it you can see here every single time that thing shot a bullet a wave of tofu boys just died just vaporized [Music] don't ask why that bullet went through [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me this level is actually possible without glitches it takes like a year to do it though it's kind of [Music] [Applause] crazy I wanted to speedrun this level for fun four3 is impossible once you get high enough you can go around these gaps here but there's a a part there that tofu boy just cannot jump high enough to get uh to get over so this would if I was still stuck in World 4 this would be the level that I'd be grinding you can jump over to this platform if you time it perfectly and uh you could probably get some quick jumps up while it's climbing up and make it on top from there you can make it to bandage girl but I just could not do it for some reason you can also alt all the way over here and for some reason while on these platforms when you Al you just fall through these platforms and you can survive in this Little Rock here this is my new home unfortunately this doesn't help you to beat the level at all I just thought it was kind of cool I even tried to Al to get maybe get to other rocks or something like that but none of the other rocks could uh help you survive the lava so 4113 there's so much to say about this level I think there's two ways that this level might be possible one way would be to climb the wall slow enough so that you can destroy that block and the laser doesn't kill you before you hide behind the floor the other way is you go up at once you Al all the way back and then you climb up the wall on the left and somehow make it in one of those holes ah world five is probably my favorite world there were only two levels I couldn't beat in this [Music] world starting 51 not very standard no never mind pretty standard this salting across these light bulbs actually affect how far your aish goes depending how far how close you are to them since they their forces are acting on you they're kind of pushing you back while while you run forward so you itch very slowly and you have to hold out much longer to get the same distance or much less if you're if they're helping you move you can go around here 54 was actually the hardest level in the game this level was a culmination of every single trick i' learned so far you have to jump over here and ALT in this precise and I mean precise spot and hold the alt for just long enough so that it pops you up here from here you jump activate the jump glitch alt right away and then hold it just long enough so that you're on this light bulb and it doesn't kill you and then you alt again so that the light bulb can push you to this next platform and now the light bulb is pushing against you so you have to alt a little bit longer than normal but not too long so that it doesn't take you to the other side of this wall and then you all while the light bulb is pushing you up but not too long so that it doesn't take you off the off the top of the level you see what I mean here this level was crazy it took me multiple days to do [Music] keep in mind this level took me several days so these aren't even all of my [Music] [Music] attempts we can ask slide through the the wall on the razor but I wanted to get that [Music] button thank God there's this Gap here in [Music] 57 if you all here you can actually fall through this platform you can probably do some cool speedrun strats with that that these zombie tofu boys they uh move through the alt just like you do so while you're alting and they're moving they just void out of the [Music] map and thank God for that cuz here they run way faster than you and there's no way to make it past them without all glitching here I do the little light bulb trick where I alt on top of the light bulb and it just keeps pushing you forever make it up here and then I can Al the cross [Music] beautiful another impossible level back to [Music] back you might think that this one is impossible possible the way I did it but you can actually climb up this right disappearing a reappearing wall you don't even need to glitch to get up it you just need to climb quick enough kind of crazy huh took me a way too long to figure that out and then you can UGL through this huge gap here thankfully it's just just wide enough so that this works there you go very satisfying level this one was also very s fine to beat you actually don't need to do this first part because you can just clip through the part that I'm getting this key for but I didn't think of that when I was doing this so I did it this way and I I'm going to be honest it's probably a lot more fun this way this guy just kept coming back [Music] what and this Gap here made me very nervous I really didn't want to hit that salt or those maggot oh man so close 515 was just a little bit tricky some of these all glitches was were a little precise but it wasn't too [Music] bad [Music] so the Horseman's video actually theorized that you could do this level in the exact way that I did it once you get here it's pretty tricky to dodge this bullet but you can do that by jumping across to the other wall [Music] [Music] [Music] this level believe it or not is possible without glitches just have to dodge some bullets and get make your way over here and ride the elevator [Music] y I'm so glad that works it's the final level of the game well that tofu boy can do the developers put this Gap here just for tofu boy at least that's how it feels 510 I don't know if there's any way to do this level you can survive the zombie meat Boys sure but there's this razor here that you just can't jump over and the same thing with this level this would be possible although really hard it is possible to get up here but tofu boy doesn't have the leg power to clear this Gap and yeah that's it I'm going to put the updated graph of what beatable so yeah the red levels now are pretty much the ones with gaps that are way too high for you to jump over and the yellow ones are the ones that were little too hard for me or maybe I just didn't need to beat them for this challenge as I am now making tradition on this channel I'll leave you with some love crafty and tofu boy and Meat Boy [Music] art
Channel: Gosu Garage
Views: 2,594,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hmg19OBDbec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 56sec (1976 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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