The Indie Icon That Lost It All

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before Pizza Tower before ory 2 before Celeste before cuphead before battle block theater and even before Spanky there was another indie platforming game called Super Meat Boy that really paved the way of future Platformers to come now personally Super Meat Boy is a game I knew about I watched Jack sepai play it almost a decade ago I dabbled with it a bit myself but honestly that's about it it's a game that has just been rotting in my library since 2017 slowly decaying until a month or so ago when some bloke called Bunger commented on my steam profile daring me to 100% it and it made me curious because Super Meat Boy might have been a huge success that people all around the world praise to the moon and back but did you know there is also a sequel that released in 2020 exactly a decade after the original and nobody and I really do mean nobody likes it Yep this is real and it's called Super Meat Boy forever which threw everything about the original game into the trash bin and turn it into a randomly generated Auto Runner and I I don't understand why do do you understand why Bunger from Buck snacks because I'm genuinely perplexed so what I want to do with this video is honestly review the entire series from top to bottom do a deep dive into every game and give you my honest downto Earth opinion on it to see what made people love Meat Boy to begin with but also to see what went oh so wrong and trust me when I say that you definitely want to stick around till the end because we are going to cover some wacky confusing garbage so let's dive straight into the schmuck starting of course with the sponsor of this video which is Opera GX baby have you ever looked at your web browser and said to yourself man this Garba gooo Gaga is lame as hell it could use a little spark a bit of possess a little upgrade well if you think like that then Opera GX is the web browser for you it is absolutely packed to the brain with tons of quality of life features like GX control which allows you to limit the amount of RAM and CPU the web browser uses making it so that it won't eat all your computer resources up like a Hungry Hippo it also has a dozen of customization options ranging from custom sound effects for typing or opening tabs you can give your sidebar a custom color or even add a animated background with some funky music that will pause automatically if you watch something on YouTube or Twitter you aren't sure what customization you want no worries because Opera GX has dozens of custom mod templates that you can download with a simple click you can even Mix and Match multiple things together making it really personal I'll take a Freddy FNAF Bear background with PvZ music and funny hard dog sound effects Perfection so go to opera gx. g/ foco or click the link in the description if you want to support the channel and big boy thank you to oppra GX for sponsoring this video thank you for the money I really do appreciate it all right that's enough let's finally dive into Super Meat Boy Super Meat Boy is a rage inducing Precision platformer about a cube of meat that has to save his girlfriend bandage girl from the nefer is Dr Fus who is a literal unborn baby in a glass jar with a top hat and a monacle absolute Peak character design the game is mostly developed by two people Tommy rafis I hope I'm pronouncing that right and Edmund McMillan now that last name should definitely ring a bell because it's the creator of The Binding of Isaac which is a game that partially raised me when I was a child I've talked about it already in my big Isaac video so if you want to hear me talk more about it you can click the little card thingy in the right upper corner also if you've ever played Isaac you also might have noticed these items which are all references to Meat Boy in case you didn't know now I'm pretty sure that almost everyone that clicked on this video knew what Super Meat Boy is but I'm also pretty sure that a big chunk of you don't know that there is actually a sort of prequel to this game simply called Meat Boy which is usually considered as a prototype the plot and gameplay of Meat Boy are almost the exact same as super Super Meat Boy you are a meaty Cube that has to save his girlfriend from a fetus in a jar but um this version is a lot more janky and comparison because you slip and slide to the other side of the map by just tapping the arrow key for one millisecond you literally just teleport it's so goddamn finicky also as a fun bonus it's made in Flash so you know it's going to be a real piece of garbage PS I Love garbage there are a total of 46 levels that slowly increase in difficulty a to to of 24 bandaids to collect that unlock some goofy characters like Gish from the hit game Gish and the blue knight from Castle Crashers it has an absolutely fantastic and very artistic ending where Dr feeders just takes a dump on the floor it was honestly one of the better flash games back in the day up there with Happy Wheels alien homet and age of War just a simple 2D platformer that is slightly janky but still enjoyable fun fact by the way in this game bandage girl is called the band dat girl but they had to change that for Super Meat Boy because bandid is a brand name and they kind of didn't want to get sued which you know I can understand the final not worthy thing that meat boy did was introduce a level editor which allowed you to you guess did create your own Meat Boy levels to share them around on the internet with a simple code it's also super janky just like the game itself yay the cool thing that admins did with this though is make a user created map pack about two months after the release of Meat Boy Called Meat Boy map pack expansion exclamation yeah it's not the greatest name but it does the job you know and we all know that if you're going to give a level Creator tool to a group of people online that they will only make wholesome little levels and nothing nefarious or evil Just Flowers and Butterflies that make you feel all happy from the inside it introduces a total of 70 new levels some easy some really difficult and uh some really godamn stupid you do have some wholesome little things like this little Pixel Art Level made by Tom FIP himself the founder and owner of new grounds but on the other side you also have a garbage like this like uh do do I need to explain it to you the mapback expansion also introduced some new playable characters all references to new grounds and some new endings which sadly I can't show but all you need to know is that meat boy gets freaky and starts eating ass and sucking toes but yeah um that's flash Meat Boy for you it's overall slightly janky but still a fun little time waster plus the mback expension really dials the difficulty up to 11 if you're into that kind of stuff the best way to play it is on new grounds while using the ruffle plug in you can also get it on Steam since it's included in the basement collection which is a bunch of admin's old flashh games mush together in a nice package but that version of meat boy can only be played in 720p quality so it's it's a bit blurry which can be a little Annoying the basement collection does have achievements for Meat Boy however so if you're mentally insane like me you play this if you have a functional brain you just go to new grounds because it's one free and two it's in better quality but again um both of these dinky little flashh games are considered as a prototype by atmin himself that put down the foundation for what would be Super Meat Boy because this game basically controls the exact same as its flash counter part but it's a lot more refined smooth less janky and with the introduction of a sprint button which allows you to um toggle Sprint yeah I know insane feature so let's finally dive into Super Meat Boy which was originally an Xbox Live arcade exclusive released on the 20th of October in 2010 and it was ported over to steam about a month or so later again it is a Precision rage inducing platformer that starts out rather simp Le but slowly gets harder and harder over time the game consists of very short stages that it rapidly throws at you throughout your playthrough lasting about 10 to 30 seconds each the thing is though a meat boy explodes into a pile of red mush by lightly touching anything even air particles aren't safe for him so yeah and this is basically a game where you die a lot and when I mean a lot I really do mean a lot a lot my playthrough had almost 10,000 deaths in total which in case you don't know you can't count that on two hands it is L impossible so in reality stages can be completed in 20 or so seconds and you will clear a handful of them on your first attempt but um some of the latter stages will take up to about 5 to 30 minutes mostly because the stages get more challenging over time it does this by making the levels more tricky to maneuver through but also by introducing new stage gimmicks and some of these can be quite tough like the black Ms that explode into smaller black Ms there are homing missiles that can turn 180° midair gravity ball pushy thingies that are super unreliable evil Meat Boy clones that mimic your movements you also have laser eyes that follow you around which are really annoying and Edmund actually later on used those same eyes in Isaac as an enemy in the womb and I never ended up forgiving him for doing that it's a very Speedy game you jump into a stage give it a couple of tries beat it see all your field attempts at once and move on to the next there is no real fluff making it really fun yet satisfying to zoom through there are some cutscenes but they are very brief and they only play on Boss levels which you actually only have to beat once they also just try to tell a very barebones narrative to tie the whole game together while making a few silly Jokes which I'm all for a lot of these Cuts scenes are also cute little references to Old NES games like Castlevania or Mega Man which is really neat neat in terms of content though there are a total of seven worlds each consisting of 20 stages and a boss except the end which only exists out of five stages in a boss here's the kicker though if you beat a stage in a certain time frame you'll get an A+ rank which unlocks a harder version of the stage called a dark side stage now you don't need to do a single one of these dark side stages to beat the game if you beat 85 of them however you do get a bonus Cuts scene but for the main ending you need to again beat zero notada nothing you can go through every normal level defeat the final boss and call it quits but that's kind of lame if you're a real gamer like me you want to 100% it for which you need to complete every normal and dark side stage with a A+ rank complete every Warp Zone which are just extra little bonus stages with a retro skin on them and collect every single bandage which unlocks characters from other games with unique abilities which is pretty neat you got Commander video from bit trip Runner you can play as a hat crap from halflife Captain vidiian from VV VV VV is here and yes that's the actual name of the game the kid from that one game that I hate and even Steve from Minecraft so I can add Minecraft in the text of this video now very cool some of these characters however are console exclusive but others are PC exclusive like Minecraft Steve yeah you can only get them on PC but someone like Spelunky guy from Spelunky you can only get on consoles which sucks because Spelunky guy is hella base with that big ass nose look at that nose look look how red and big it is also I can't play on Console anymore because I sld my PS5 it has no games so if you do everything that I mentioned complete every level with a A+ rank complete every Warp Zone and collect every bandage to get every character you unlock the golden god achievement which isn't the end of Super Meat Boy look at you thinking it was over nuh-uh no it isn't now we're getting into the goopy territory this is the place only lunatics dare to step into there are 14 achievements in Super Meat Boy that I like to call the boy achievements because all their names end with the word boy each one of these achievements are attached to either a light or dark side of a world and in order to unlock one of them you need to complete every level in their set world without dying in a game all about D ding yay this is where this game got its insane difficulty status from and why people hate it but also rever it beating Super Meat Boy honestly isn't that hard sure some levels can be tough but it's doable even going for Golden God isn't that difficult it's hard but not impossible but 100 pering it is just stupid and painful this is also why that Bunger bloke challenged me to do this it is an insanely hard challenge challenge that only the most di hard of people are willing to go for completing some worlds in this game without dying takes hours upon hours of Play Time most light worlds are okay and even some of the early Dark Worlds are doable but the latter levels like Rapture and the cotton alley are absurdly rough especially the cotton alley okay don't be fooled by the cutesy facade going for girl boy and impossible boy changes a man but you know me I'm the achievement guy and I don't give up so take that Bunger I I never liked Buck snacks anyway game was a pile of doooo all along overall Super Meat Boy is a good game I wouldn't call it amazing or a masterpiece but but it's good and you should definitely check it out if you're interested the game is like three bucks when it's on a sale which is cheaper than a Big Mac I think it's also very important to know what Super Meat Boy did for the gaming scene it instantly became an icon when it comes to Indies it was already quite well known from the flag version but Super Meat Boy really shot the character up into the stratosphere everyone started to love this little guy and I mean how can you not it's a red cube of Flesh trying to save a ball of bandages while fighting a feet is in a jar with a funny suit that likes to flip people off it's Charming as hell he even started to make appearances in other games like enter the dungeon Portal 2 octo death Geometry Dash and Friday night funkin everyone started to recognize Meat Boy it became a St people and a lot of games wouldn't even be made if it wasn't because of this little cube in short it was a massive hit selling more than a million copies by the end of 2011 and even becoming the face of indie games for a while it also ended up getting quite a bit of support after its release with the introduction of new achievements a level editor just like the original Meat Boy and a race mode DLC in 2018 which is very Nifty after most of the Dust settled though Edmund and Tommy split ways for a bit and while Tommy was uh doing things like I I don't know I couldn't find anything about what he was doing shortly after Super Meat Boy atmans decided to casually hit gold again with The Binding of Isaac which turned out to be an even bigger success than meat boy and I mean for good reason the game is absolute Peak also in case you don't know there are 10 t- boy games 10 and eight of them were released before the Meat Boy sequel which is kind of crazy to think about so let's finally talk about that sequel Super Meat Boy forever this one is a really really dooy one and you have to open an entirely new can of worms to understand why it came out in the way it did this game was originally announced all the way back in 2012 as a end/ auto runner for mobile devices Yes you heard me right this was originally supposed to be a mobile game one thing I want you to understand though is that around 2010 and 2014 n// Auto Runners were all the craze popping up around every corner think about Subway servers Temple Run Jetpack Joy rides Tiny Wings godam Minion Rush and even Mario took a shot at it it was just a very safe route to go down and for a simple and small little spin-off honestly it isn't a horrible idea but then the drama began Super Meat Boy forever was put on the back burner about a year later and then around 2017 Edmund announced that he left team meets because of creative differences leaving the IP behind and in the hands of Tommy now I don't really want to dive into this whole drama between Edmund and Tommy because honestly it isn't any of my business and I don't like to stick my nose into private relationships it feels very icky and distasteful what this meant though is that this game basically restarted development plus it was also going to be a proper console SL PC game masked as a sequel so no longer was it going to be a little spin-off and then finally after a Whole Decade eight years of on and off development the game finally released and it's not good yeah um I just don't know how to word it differently but this title just kind of blows which sucks because you can easily see that some of the deaths put a lot of passion and soul into this project so let's start off with the game play and I'll say it again this is a randomly generated Auto Runner that you completely control with two buttons a and dpad down it makes more sense if you're using a PS5 controller but I like the Xbox controller more so that's the one I'm going to reference the a button allows you to jump and punch when you press it again midair allowing you to hit enemy SL obstacles and use it as a little Dash and dead down allows you to slide or quickly dive down which both also make you able to hit enemies SL obstacles you can also wall jump but like that's all you can do it's absurdly simple and that by itself isn't a bad thing there are a lot of great games with simple control schemes including Super Meat Boy itself but here it feels like you're never fully in charge it's clunky and really annoying to the point of frustration for example when you do a wall jump you start going into the opposite direction so if you accidentally jump on a wall which you do quite a lot you're basically screwed you can't adjust you can't turn back you are running left now which usually just means you're dead you know sucks to suck but honestly that isn't my biggest gripe with this game my big problem is how the game's levels are structured the original Meat Boy had 20 short levels per world but in super me boy forever you have five longer levels per world that are divided into randomly generated chunks and because your stupid dumb little Meat Boy guy can't stop running for no reason you never get a chance to observe the chunk obstacle in front of you so you just throw Meat Boy into it until you beat it which never feels satisfying you're just going through the motion it isn't Fun in Super Meat Boy they went okay so so here is the level here are all the obstacles you know we sprinkled a few wacky enemies around just try to beat it and we'll go to the next level in Super Meat Boy forever they went all right here are the obstacle oh you just died um yeah I don't know do that 20 more times eventually you'll beat it I guess you just can't properly react because one the lack of control you have and two when you see an obstacle you have like one to 3 seconds to react I'm not even joking look at this how was I supposed to see that coming in most of these Auto Runner games your character is usually either at the bottom of the screen or all the way to the left but here Meat Boy is plastered right in the middle all of this space to the left of him is completely pointless 95% of the time yes you do turn around or climb up at times but you know just just make the camera pivot then which it also does just imagine all right if Temple Run was played like this that's Super Meat Boy forever for you and I haven't even mentioned the difficulty dude Super Meat Boy is like super Weenie Hut Jor compared to Forever they made this game way too hard to the point that I wasn't even able to beat the second level of the second Dark World I got stuck on certain chunks chunks not the entire level for 30 plus minutes and eventually I just threw in the towel and look I am super determined when it comes to heart video games my nerdy Heart game complete portfolio is quite impressive in my opinion but forever just takes it too far man fully completing this game takes over 200 plus hours and this isn't like Isaac or Hollow Knight where there's a lot of content to mess with Super Meat Boy forever's gameplay is just too static and I'm sorry okay it it's boring after 3 hours of play time you've almost seen everything it does try to spice things up with new stage gimmicks which some of these are actually pretty cool I really like these piles of needles that you can only be in for an x amount of time but it's still all built on top of this stupid auto running mechanic that isn't Fun and then they also have it in the boss levels and it just doesn't work it doesn't it's absolutely horrendous and I hate it and like why have the levels be randomly generated it add absolutely nothing to the experience it's a stupid stupid annoying feature that is just here to bloat up the game it's quantity over quality and also do you remember those bandages you could collect in Super Meat Boy the ones that unlocks new characters with wacky abilities well they do kind of have that in forever but instead of bandages you collect Binkies and in order to get enough of them so you can unlock the final character you need to replay the game Thrice in one safe all because one playthrough doesn't have enough Binkies laying around what is the point of this not that you're missing out on much though because instead of unlocking cool Indie icons from other games with unique abilities they are just references to classic games here like Mortal Kombat or punchout and they are just skins they don't give you special moves that allow you to do some crazy schmuck it is all cosmetic which is such a huge downgrade in my eyes and honestly I could sit here for another 5 minutes explaining a dozen more things I don't like about this title but I don't want to be a complete dick weat because this game does have a few shimmers of light that I'm quite fond of there is one thing I really like about forever and that is of course its presentation the graphics the cut scenes the art Direction it is genuinely really Charming while Super Meat Boy did have that iconic atment Artistic Touch which is still Timeless to this day it is understandable why they didn't go down that route for for forever since atmans left the project I've seen people online say that they think the art style is really sess but I completely disagree with that it's very different compared to Super Meat Boy that's for sure but forever is still bursting with a lot of character the level select screen changes when you swap between light and dark worlds they have this great transition in the main menu of meat boy just flinging himself onto your screen there were a dozen of these Charming Dr fetus animations at the endend of levels with the ones in the glitch World being really creative custom little mini games referencing all the games Idol animations music sound effects the planets have these funny faces in the world select screen forever also has a more complex narrative where instead of Dr fedus kidnapping bandage girl he kidnapped bandage girl and Meat Boy son named nugget and over your playthrough they get closer and start caring for each other a there's also something about a squirrel doing some Solid Snake cosplay and he teams up with a brain and a big chainsaw tank that they try to turn into an awful plushy that nobody liked and after a while it turns into some confusing time travel garbage the story is a stupid mess and I definitely like the Simplicity of the original game more but the animation of these cutscenes are very very well done and they do deserve a lot of Praise if you look through the credits though it makes sense why the present is spot on because they got names like Paul Tor Tammy Chang and many more extremely talented artists so big thumbs up to them they did a fantastic job and I'm being 100% honest but for a game to be good you need more than fancy art and forever just Falls flat in the gameplay Department it's a boring and really frusterating snoozefest and honestly I'm not surprised that it got such a mixed reception online all they had to do is make more short but sweet Meat Boy levels give it a Fresh coat of paint add a little extra mechanic in there like the punch which is genuinely fun to play with and you would have been golden but instead they turn it into a a mobile game one that isn't even good I jumped into forever with a positive attitude I wanted to give it a fair shot honestly I really did and while the art and animation is very pretty gameplay-wise like this just isn't it Chief and I I'm extremely disappointed also small nitpick why does Dr fedus on the main artwork have four fingers on his left hand but five on his right it's a little goofy all I'm saying so you think that would be it right they made a Bad sequel to an iconic game series which is a shame but you know whatever it happens let's move on well I am here to tell you that this isn't even the go poofier part about the Meat Boy franchise because it is going to get even more confusing from this point out at the end of forever the very very end after the credits there is a cut scene of Dr fetus cloning a bunch of meat Boys cocking a shotgun back and forward and then it jumps to Black and some text fat on your screen saying Dr Fus will return teasing another Super Meat Boy game and that game is uh this it's a PUO puyo clone yeah they really went here Dr fetus mean meat machine this game is the reason why I wanted to make this video why I wanted to do a deep dive into the entire Meat Boy series now uh to be fair though this title isn't actually made by team meat and by that extent Tommy refenes but rather by head up games it does say Tommy wrote the story but the story is Le fetus wants to kill Meat Boy clone the end it's basically just a wet fart now I've played a lot of confusing titles in my years bad sequels weird spin-offs confusing re-releases but this this is such a why type of game and I would put it on the same level of confusion as Benjo kazui nuts and Bs which is the absolute Pinnacle of why make this I already said it but I'm I'm going to say it again this is a PUO puyo clone if you don't know what PUO puyo is it is a tall matching game series kind of like Tetris but instead of clearing rows of blocks you clear them in groups of four or more based on their color and it doesn't have to be in a straight line like beud the blocks just have to touch each other and also this game's title is a direct reference to Dr robotnik's mean bean machine which is a straight uper reskin of PUO PUO on the Sega Genesis so yeah this is B basically just a puyo puyo shoo boyo boyo game the thing that makes these T matching games a lot of fun though may be tetus bed or PUO PUO and why people still play them even after more than 25 years is of course going for those crazy combos chaining moves together and going for a new high score it's a really and I really do mean really simple gameplay Loop but it's really satisfying and sometimes that's all you really need well in this game they threw a little extra wrench into that gameplay Loop AKA Hazard so imagine you're playing puyo PUO okay and then a saw randomly destroys half your board because it feels like it Yi playing this game is like stacking red cops on top of each other and then your little stupid brother comes in and kicks them all over it's just tiresome so they basically made a single player PUO puyo game where it's difficult to wreck up combos which I thought was the entire point of the series to begin with I guess you can go for A+ ranks which are obtained by beating a stage in an x amount of time just like Super Meat Boy and forever but it's just a hassle man and some of these levels timers are just way too tight for their own good I still did it though I fully completed this game for which you have to A+ rank every single level and trust me when I say that 100% in this game gets really goddamn annoying and if I'm honest yeah that's about it there isn't a lot more to say about mean meat machine it's just an annoying version of PUO PUO with a meat boy skin slapped on top of it for no real reason I wouldn't call it awful I definitely had a lot more fun playing this compared to forever but the hazards aren't really fun to avoid you are discouraged from making combos some of the bosses suck big boss it's such a confusing title and I don't understand why they went direction to begin with why seriously why is this a meat boy game and again just like forever presentation wise I really like it it's a visually pretty game it has catchy music funky sound effects the art is very nice I like it a lot Paul Tor knocked it out of the goddamn Park but this is Meat Boy not Sonic or Mario who you can plop into anything and make it work yes this little guy used used to be an absolute icon he was on top of the world but he was also rotting in the ground for 10 years straight and his Revival being these two games completely missed the points that made Meat Boy so beloved there is no real easy way to go around this but when people think of meat boy they think of Edmund McMillan and Edmund is known for making ludicrously absurd games about depression naked crying babies killing in inent civilians based on basic traits and he has made so many crude games and a lot of those I'm honestly scared to show off because I think YouTube might demonetize my entire Channel over it ataman style is literally based on piss and dooky and while Super Meat Boy was a lot more safe and clean in that regard that crude aspect was still somewhat there I mean Meat Boy has a character made out of poop there is nothing more to the joke it's just a guy made out of and again I like forever's and mean meat machines art style I like it a lot they are very pretty games but it just doesn't feel like Meat Boy in any way shape or form not gameplay wise not art Direction wise not even in atmosphere and that's the big problem these games just don't feel like Meat Boy games especially mean meat machines like seriously why did they make a PUO PUO clone it is so baffling to me which finally brings us to the end of this road these days Meat Boy has been moved to the side as a quote unquote Indie platforming icon that honestly not a lot of people care about anymore the series has kind of been replaced with more recent difficult Indie platforming titles like Celeste Pizza Tower or even rain world even Edmund McMillan isn't really known as The Meat Boy guy anymore but rather as the Isaac guy and besides that he has also built his reputation up as someone that wants to take risks when making games he really lets his mind go wild even if you don't Vibe with it and I think people really respect that about him he's currently working on a game called M genenic which is a turn based tactics Rog like about stupid dumb cats and it looks awesome I'm really excited for it he might have had to let go of meat boy but I think it's for the better because this Cub of flesh is just lost in the sauce and he doesn't know how to climb out of it I'm pretty sure that forever and mean meat machine didn't perform well even with all the talent they had behind the scenes forever was also originally an epic games exclusive that they most likely got a pretty nice paycheck out of from epic probably more than a million buckaroos but did it actually sell well ah I don't think so since you don't really see people talk about the new titles at all people don't even know about his existence it is estimated that forever sold about 40 to1 100K copies on Steam which really isn't super amazing for such an icon plus it also only has 1,000 reviews which is quite an amount don't get me wrong but this is Meat Boy not Little Indie guy first outing and almost half of those reviews are negative which I think should really say something about what people think about this title mean meat machine on the other hand did perform poorly I think with only 74 reviews on Steam and a peak player count of less than 40 and on honestly I'm I'm not surprised by that again why PUO puyo just why this is of course just Steam and not including console so I can't make a 100% correct assumption but I think it's also a good estimate to go off on because steam is the most popular place to play indie games and I'm not saying that spin-offs are a bad idea but people want a proper Meat Boy sequel that built upon the original and if you don't do that twice in a row after 10 plus years of anticipation um yeah fans are going to be disappointed and eventually just not care and leave and that's exactly what happens and it's a bit ironic because Edmund actually made a Isaac TI matching spin-off called The Legend of bombo which is actually really fun but the reason why this one works and these don't is because first of all Isaac already had two full flashed out titles a card game and a bunch of DLC release for it and second the game still feels a very isaky gameplay and art Direction wise the spirit of the series is very much still there which is something I just can't say about the two recent Meat Boy games these titles just have a completely different vibe compared to the original and they missed the point what made Meat Boy Meat Boy in lame terms they did a nuts and bolts twice these days Meat Boy has been watered down to makeship plushy campaigns that they spam on their steam news tab including this Abomination and every everyone is annoyed by it and forever got mod support in January of this year which is a really bold thing to add to a game with a non-existing player base the map editor and the original Meat Boy was very Bare Bones but that was also part of the charm plus Edmund bundled a bunch of fan levels in a nice little package with some new characters and endings which was really cute then they did it again for Super Meat Boy which was it was a really messy system that not a lot of people use and now again in forever and the only thing I have to say about this is why would you add a Level Editor to this game at the time of this recording there is literally one one bloke playing Forever on Steam one why would you add a level just one guy it's just one little bloke so this whole video can basically be summarized in one short sentence Meat Boy you kind of fell off okay thanks for watching Everybody check out the second channel for more funny comment content bye-bye
Channel: Foekoe
Views: 425,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rgtc8ftR7Mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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