How I Beat Hitman 3 Without Killing ANYONE

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in most Hitman missions you have one objective kill your target but killing is wrong and I don't want to do that so I'm gonna complete the game without killing anyone including my targets however since they do have to die for me to beat the game I'm gonna make it so every single death is the result of someone else's choices whether the target simply isn't paying attention or someone else has it out for them I will never shoot stab poison or in any way deal the final blow to my target here's a quick example with our first mission and Target in Dubai our Target is Carl Ingram and he has a pretty simple solution to our problem if I disguise myself as a different Hitman and take out a reporter for Carl non-lethally of course he will invite me up to his penthouse for a lovely drink the thing is I happen to loosen a Guard railing around here and it is now visibly loose and hanging off the side of the building despite this obvious danger Carl invites me out and decides that he wants to lean on that railing in particular thus falling to his demise as a result of a bit of tampering but most importantly Carl's negligence I'm gonna find a way to beat every every single mission in this way is it possible let's find out you may have noticed that there's another Target in Dubai I haven't mentioned yet Marcus Stuyvesant there's a good reason for that he is the problem child for this run the way I had to get him to die from negligence is so ridiculous I'm gonna save it for the end of the video because everything else is just gonna seem easy in comparison so let's just move on to our next Target Alexa Carlisle Alexa Carlisle lives in a big fancy mansion where she's faking her own death while simultaneously investigating the death of her brother Zachary Carlisle there's a whole murder mystery investigation that I can go down but by role-playing as a particularly incompetent detective I can actually get Alexa to die by hands other than my own in two different ways the first is by disguising myself as the detective and accusing the butler of murder allowing the real murderer to Target Alexa and take her out for me this being said I'm pretty sure that with Landa Butler a very long time in jail so I'm gonna go with option number two this option once again has me become the detective but I can be even lazier this time the mystery I'm supposed to solve is that of a murder disguised as Zachary offing himself but the thing is I can just immediately rule the case of suicide and since I found this old letter in a secret room Alexa immediately believes her brother took his life because of her poor choices and throws herself off the highest balcony in the manner allowing me to get the case File I need and leave mostly guilt-free now for my personal favorite mission for this challenge Berlin when I first started this run I thought for sure that Berlin would be by far the biggest roadblock when getting every Target to die from their own negligence the reason I was so concerned is that this Mission takes place in a seedy nightclub and the surrounding forest with the goal being to kill 5 out of 10 different targets who are all armed and searching for you at first it seemed impossible there's no way five of these people could die from their own poor choices but that's when I realized something nicotine since we're in a CD nightclub and everyone hunting me is a grizzled guard tons of people here will smoke cigarettes whenever they get the chance they don't care what's near them while they smoke and that's the secret to this Mission by loosening this valve one of the guards ends up smoking next to a visibly leaking gas canister causing him to blow himself up and throw his body into the murky water below this trick could easily be done for three other guards using propane tanks one is a sniper who will casually lean up against a stack of wood for a smoke another a guard on a roof who leans against a railing to smoke and a fourth who will stop to smoke by some grass somehow none of them paid enough attention to see that they were standing on propane tanks that were leaking a white gas and making a loud noise and thus all of them blew themselves to Smithereens and now we're on to the final guard I just needed to get one more guard who absent-mindedly smoked and I'd be home free but as I followed each guard through their complete cycle I slowly realized none of the other guards will ever smoke none of them ever walked near dangerous water they could slip into did anything Reckless nothing these guys were on their A-game I thought the Run was over until I thought maybe if their recklessness won't kill them someone else's will enter this guard and just for fun let's call him Terry tear Harry's a terrible guard he does nothing except lounge around his base watch his cooking show play video games drink and you guessed it smoke Terry smokes roughly every two to three minutes and it just so happens that one of my targets walks right next to Terry every minute or two by putting a propane tank down right where Terry smokes and my target walks to with plenty of time for both of them to see it of course no last second throws for me I can get Terry to kill my target for me and thus completing my goal of killing five Targets in Berlin without actually killing anybody myself I rode my bike into the night and moved on to my next mission this Mission would take me to Chong King I had two Targets Imogen Royce and a man named hush I decided to take down Royce first she resides in an underground laboratory with all sorts of cool sciencey stuff in it but right now I really don't care about any of that I'm disguised as a man who's getting a tour of the area since I might invest in it after a while of touring around Royce takes me to a room and tells me all about her predictive modeling system that can predict with frightening accuracy what an individual will do one once they're fired none of it's guaranteed of course just likely she then proceeds to leave me alone in the room with a big panel that lets me fire anybody I want I proceed to fire three individuals first I fire Alicia Reynolds and engineer after that I fired Jeremy bold a guard finally I fire Sharon Reed the operator of the core without these three in place my target walks into an area that's just had the safety mechanism deactivated by an angry Alicia Reynolds and a destroy all biological matter inside button that has been pressed by Sharon as she was told to do before my target can react her and her guard have gone up in Flames all just from me firing a couple people now for hush similar to Royce he has all sorts of sciency things happening in his building but this time I care a lot Posh is trying to develop mind control technology and like the moral man he is he's testing it on homeless people outside his building with the promise of money of course he neglects to tell them that most subjects end up with fried brains but that's hardly important by disguising myself as one of the test subjects hush will try to control my mind in an experience government however 47 is far too mentally strong or something like that because it doesn't work this causes hush to become Furious and try to take the experiment to dangerous brain cooking levels however his assistant doesn't let him saying it's too dangerous after I convinced her to take some time off I headed back inside for another round of testing this time hush has a new assistant except I think this one's on my team because she will not stop encouraging him to turn the machine onto brain fry mode and get some results what she does causing you guessed it his brain to fry she starts panicking about basically getting her boss killed and I head on out of there now I don't know about you but after all that brain cooking I could go for a drink so for my final real Mission I headed down to Mendoza Argentina to attend a party at a winery my targets are Don Yates and Tamara Vidal both significant figures in a crime syndicate to throw me for a loop my Ally Diana is also there she's here to talk with one of my targets Tamara about joining her group she's attempting to join the group and take it down from the inside Tamara oblivious to this fact agrees to set her up with a meeting with Don Yates and some other important members since I didn't want to miss out on the fun I disguised myself as a winery tour guide and told them all about the fancy machines in the worst way possible the sugars in the wine are converted to alcohol this is also where we squeeze the must into a fine juice using our great compressor come along eventually I got myself into the meeting where Diana is being initiated into the group when something unexpected happened Don Yates tries to kill Diana but with Tamala thinking they're friends she tried to defend her causing Yates to accuse Tamala of being a traitor and getting his guard to kill her while taking Diana hostage while Yates got everyone's story straight to cover up the death Diana was then taken upstairs I subdued all the guards and hid their unconscious bodies and waited for Yates to come upstairs to talk with Diana I'm disguised as a guard so once he enters the room he doesn't care that I listen in they talk a bit and eventually Diana stabs Yates she shouts for me to finish him off but I don't I just kept sitting there and then I stood and walked around a little bit Yates was rolling around on the ground moaning in pain and bleeding and eventually after I bmed him a little bit he just died it was a pretty straightforward Mission all I really did was give a tour about wine and both my targets eventually just died lastly it was time for the final mission of the game taking down the leader of the organization I've been after this whole time while he's on a train in the Romanian Mountainside I'm making this all sound intense but this was such a straightforward Mission it was boring I basically just snuck past a bunch of people on the train and when I confronted my target he gave me a needle to erase my memory as if I would actually choose to do that so I just used it on him and never actually killed him so I want to talk about the real boss Marcus Marcus was the most frustrating Target by a mile because I was so sure he'd be one of my easiest to get killed by sounding an alarm I can get both targets to skydive off the building but the thing is you can get people to slip on banana peels in this game so I figured it would be easy to just get him to slip right before jumping and he'd fall off the building easy right wrong turns out Marcus's banana proof when skydiving the other Target Carl isn't banana proof when he's jumping but Marcus just goes right through him I tried everything and I could not get him to slip while jumping but despite that that was fine I had a backup there was a way I could dress his Marcus's guard and lead him wherever I wanted I would just take him to the side of the helicopter had on the edge of the building and get him to slip there nope he decided that area wasn't safe enough and refused to go anywhere near that spot actually he decided he wouldn't go anywhere near the side of the building including the spot we just came from eventually I realized that inside the building there's some weird light showroom inside that room are water decorations deep enough for someone to die when they fall in but of course I could have just get him to slip on a banana peel because he refused to walk near the edges and the edges he did walk near were guarded by weird Cube lights what I instead had to do was get him as close to an edge as possible then get him to slip on a banana peel falling in a way that got him as close to the water as possible I then put down a banana peel so that when someone went to help him they too would slip and fall as they fell their leg flew in front of them kicking Marcus so that he was now partially submerged in the water after that when a guard came over to help he helped of the person who tried to help earlier and when they got up they accidentally pushed Marcus into the water killing him when I told you the way Marcus died was ridiculous yes I meant it and with that I had done it I completed the game about killing people without killing anyone and if that's not worth a like in a sub I don't know what is so thank you so much for watching Everybody I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: OnionButter
Views: 7,793,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F2st02Ms2es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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