How We Beat The Password Game

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Holy fuck!!!! That was so interesting! Well worth the watch ๐Ÿค˜

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Impressive_Sun_2300 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 15 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
this is the password game at first it doesn't seem like much all you have to do is choose a password but every time you complete a rule for your password a new one appears as you go further with each rule you start to realize how insane these password requirements are until they start conflicting with each other and things quickly devolve into madness many players and streamers have tried to beat the password game fighting whatever random crap it throws at you going from requiring the most optimal chess move to literally setting your password on fire stop oh this game is so hard that as of making this video Neil the creator of the game hasn't even beaten it himself however me and my friends manage to beat all 35 rules in the password game and today I'm going to show you how it's possible and how we completed the entire thing password we're starting with Weezer no horrible start already the first four rules of the password game are what you'd expect when creating a password for anything online at least five characters a number an uppercase letter and a special character rule five is when things start to become weird all digits in your password must add up to 25. for now this can easily be solved by typing five fives but let me just tell you that this rule becomes incredibly annoying later down the line rule six has you include a month of the year so we pick May because it's the shortest same thing with rule 7 and 8 which make us add a capital V for the required Roman numeral and Pepsi because apparently Pepsi is now sponsoring passwords rule 9 requires that all Roman numerals multiply to 35 but because we're too lazy to do math we just type XXXV because that's literally just the Roman numeral for 35. rule 10 introduces a captcha but thankfully none of us are robots so we're able to type it in but this is the first rule that starts to show how other rules could conflict with each other because the captcha includes numbers that go against rule 5. this means we have to adjust the numbers to add up to 25 every time there's a rule that adds numbers the next rule is definitely unexpected including the answer to today's Wordle that's simple enough all we had to do was solve the daily Wordle I managed to get it on my third try which is pretty good I think after adding a two-letter symbol from the periodic table and an emoji of the current phase of the moon because why not the game presents us with geoguessr the password must include the name of the country shown in Google Street View but unfortunately I am garbage at geoguessr after guessing a bunch of random countries and failing to spell Philippines five times we managed to find the answer right Ghana after rule 15 if you aren't good at geoguesser you better hope you're good at chess rule 16 presents a randomly generated chessboard and not only does it make you find the most optimal move it also requires you to type it in algebraic chess notation I don't know what the hell that is luckily the game links a Wikipedia article on how to write algebraic chess notation we managed to determine that the best move was literally just moving the queen one space ahead to H3 but apparently qh3 was in valid notation you see when writing algebraic chess notation there are a bunch of rules you apparently need to consider before just typing the chess piece and grid coordinates if the move takes out another piece such as this Pawn you add an X after the first letter and if you put the king in check you add a plus at the end of the notation after taking too much time figuring out that I had to add both of these we managed to clear the rule next is Paul he's a chicken egg that we have to take care of surely he won't become a problem later right after testing your geography and chess skills the game then decides to throw chemistry at your face and asks that you include elements in your password with atomic numbers that add up to 200. if there's one thing this game is good at it's giving you a bunch of annoying work to do anyways after Bolding all the vowels in our password because again why not our next rule starts burning our password are you serious we end up losing about half our progress because the game literally burned it away after spending even more time fixing it we were presented with our next rule yay okay to cheer us up though rule 22 had us type I am loved in the password and after all of that happened I probably needed that but it doesn't matter anyway because Paul has hatched and oh my God I hate this stupid chicken every minute we need to feed him three worms or else he literally dies and you lose all your progress if we overfeed him he still dies and so for the rest of the game I have to spend half of my attention copy and pasting worm emojis for this dumb chicken thanks Paul the next rule randomly picks a length of a YouTube video and requires you to include it in your password and honestly at this point I'm not even surprised by these rules anymore the easiest way to find a video with the correct length is to search the exact duration on YouTube and hopefully get lucky enough to find one but before we were able to pass the rule I did something incredibly stupid copy the worm again 8 Minute 49 yeah oh no there's no way to go there's no way to go back he just he just calls the password yeah I closed the tab for the password game obviously it was an accident and I promise you I'm not throwing for Content we had to redo all of the same rules again but lucky for you I'm just going to skip to where we caught up just feel bad for me okay anyways back to rule 24 just searching 5 minutes 31 seconds in YouTube helps us find a video so we pick one with the exact duration and copy and paste it into the password it's important to note that you need to be incredibly lucky and find a YouTube link that has very low numbers no Roman numerals and little to no Atomic elements because the game becomes 10 times harder later down the line if you do and if limiting your YouTube link wasn't enough now we have to sacrifice two letters this means we literally cannot use them in the password at all we ended up choosing the letters j and z because we didn't have them in our password and they're pretty uncommon to use this next rule requires that the password must contain twice as many italic characters as bold but this is easily done by italicizing every vowel that's already bolded as well as one extra character but we're not done changing it yet because now we have to turn 30 of the password into the wingdings font you know the font that's made of a bunch of random symbols at this point our password is starting to look like something you'd see from an analog horror video now before I talk about rule 28 and how awful it is remember how earlier I went on a rant about Paul this dumb little chicken well at this point in the run I forgot to feed Paul Paul's dad the problem with Paul is that I constantly have to feed him every few seconds just so I don't risk losing all of my progress it's incredibly easy to focus on the current rule while also forgetting about him in fact he's so annoying that on my attempt right after I lost to him again for the rest of our playthrough I've given my friend Zach the very special job of Paul Duty which is just reminding me to feed him a worm every 10 seconds he's hungry he's so hungry and he need worm two hours have been spent on us trying to beach the password game so far so as you can imagine we've been going insane trying to feed Paul 24 7 while also dealing with the other rules foreign anyway it's time for colors our password must include the colors shown on rule 28 in HEX which is a six digit code that represents the RGB values of a color rule 28 is probably the most time consuming rule we have to deal with but I'll explain why later for now to find the hexadecimal code I managed to screenshot the color pull it up in Microsoft Paint and use the built-in RGB system to find the hex with that out of the way rule 29 is actually pretty easy we literally just have to change the font of our Roman numerals to Times New Roman but then rule 30 shows up and reminds you how tedious this game is well as if the previous 29 rules didn't already with rule 30 the font size of every number in our password must be equal to its Square this sounds kind of confusing at first and it is but essentially every number in our password has to have its font size change to the number that it is squared for example the number three needs to have its font size changed to 9 pixels because nine is the square of three now the problem with this rule is that the small numbers in our password become ridiculously small and have you ever wondered what a zero pixel font size looks like it literally doesn't exist and to top it all off the next rule makes us change the font size for every repeating letter after we're finished with both of these rules our password um looks a bit funky to say the least but everything starts to fall apart now because these next two rules are so cruel that they made us rethink everything rule 32 our password must include the length of our password and Rule 33 the length of our password must be a prime number because of these two we must have our password length either be 101 103 or 107 because they're prime numbers and we need to include one of those numbers in the password but because we have to add these numbers conflicts start happening with other rules remember Rule 5 from the very beginning of the game where all of our digits had to add up to 25 well now it's come back to haunt us because we already have the numbers from our leap year algebraic chest notation and most importantly our YouTube link we need to change our color to a hexadecimal code that has no numbers that way we could have enough digits for including the length of our password this is where we spend almost half an hour going back to rule 28 just to find the color that's almost identical to White because pure White's hexadecimal code is entirely just letters after testing multiple colors over and over we just need Pure White oh holy in a stroke of luck we finally got the shade of white we were looking for this is a huge breakthrough for us because of this hex code we are able to add the prime number 103 make our password length exactly 103 characters long and do all of it without breaking rule 5. Now we move on to rule 34 and oh it looks like there isn't a rule 34 actually I wonder why however this means we have reached the final rule of the entire password game and everything all our hours of work all our worms fed to Paul comes down to the single rule your password must include the current time the stakes are the highest they've ever been the tension in the voice call is tight and our lives might be on the line here it's past midnight and now the game wants us to include our time in the password that's insane if we add the current time not only does Rule 5 become broken but the length of our password isn't a prime number anymore it's practically over but wait there's hope my friend Zach started brainstorming how we could beat this Rule and the entire game he realized it was almost about to go past 1am and noticed that we had an extra number 3 in our password if we were to get rid of it and include the time 102 in the password we could have enough numbers to add up to 25. however we must keep our password length at 103 characters for the prime number so in order to have room for the time we managed to find three unnecessary characters in our password and deleted them the last step in order to make everything work was to have Paul eat a worm yes seriously if Paul eats a worm and leaves two left that means we end with 103 characters exactly then we can pass Rule 5 rule 32 rule 33 and most importantly the final rule all we have to do is wait until the time turns to 102 am and hope that everything works foreign [Music] [Music] hours of trying to beat the password game dealing with the insane rules and having to restart multiple times this was the final stretch once the time hit 102 am a box appeared asking if this was our final password when we clicked yes a second text box appeared below our final password requiring that we retype it to confirm everything was this actually the end of it all would we be able to finally beat the password game well I'll let you see for yourself I imagine he removed it maybe you've been watching some streamers from one day we did it oh I want to cry we did it [Music] and here's when you say and just like that and just like that and just like that we beat the password game thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: thatsnomoon
Views: 3,038,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ruTrhftEHIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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