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If a zombie apocalypse broke out during your  class field trip, what would you do?   We’re stuck out in BFE with no way of calling for  help. If any of us are going to make it out alive,   we’ll have to scrape together as many brain  cells as possible to survive, or at least   enough to keep from shooting ourselves  in the foot at every possible turn.   I’m going to break down the mistakes  made, what you should do, and how to   beat the man made Zombies in UNHUMAN. Ever is in need of some extra credit,   and you know what that means: an  extra credit field trip. Of course,   to get there, she’ll have to survive  a brief car ride with her best friend,   Tamara, which doesn’t sound so bad until  you see how this chick drives.   Way to keep your eyes on the road  there, Danica. Oh, well. Serves   him right for not looking both ways. Fortunately for Tamara’s safe-driver discount,   Roadkill Randall shakes it off the second  he realizes who’s behind the wheel. Yes,   I’m sure a lifetime of back problems is  totally worth brushing off a car accident   to ham it up for your crush. Face it, dude.  Your only chance with her is to milk this for   all it’s worth. If I were you, I’d get back on  the ground and start writhing around in pain,   really play up that sympathy card. However, just when Randall thinks he ran   into romance, the popular kids cruise by  to remind him of his station in life.   Nice one, bro. Keep that up and he’ll  be saying the same to you in the hallway   next semester, or maybe even sooner. Having had a good laugh, the girls leave the   geek to his fate and get back on track, arriving  at the bus just as the insufferable Mr. Lorenzo   is rounding up cell phones. Yeah, no way I’m  trusting my lifeline to society with this tool,   especially knowing our little scholastic  excursion takes place out in nature. It   should be simple enough to tell him we  don’t have one, which for some reason only   Ever thinks to do. Too bad she’s not smart  enough to actually be lying about it.   Sure, whatever, screens are destroying  civilization. You live in an age where   it’s possible to purchase a tiny supercomputer  with prepaid service for less than $100 at   Walmart. Just pick up a shift somewhere if  Mommy won’t add you to the family plan. It   could literally save your life one day. And wouldn’t you know it, that might be today,   cuz it turns out Tamara isn’t the only  one around here who sucks at driving.   Jesus Christ, it’s Jurassic World all  over again. “Gotta swerve to escape the   blindness.” It’s almost like he was trying to get  everyone killed. Then again, with a bus full of   bratty teenagers and Lorenzo breathing down his  neck, the temptation must have been real.   It seems the fun’s just getting started, however,  as all of a sudden, someone or something starts   stomping around on the roof, and that’s not  all. Before the danger can reveal itself,   an emergency broadcast message bellows out over  the speakers. Evidently, there’s been a chemical   attack of some sort, which would certainly  explain all the fog that seemingly rolled   in out of nowhere. Well, except for the fact  this is hardly the kind of densely populated   area one would expect someone to target. Seems  like a waste of a war crime if you ask me.   Whatever the case, without any other information  to go off, we need to treat this like the real   deal. First order of business is stuffing up  any and all vents and crevices with whatever   we can find, most likely clothing. By the looks  of it, some of the gas already made it inside,   but fleeing into a dense cloud of  indeterminate size isn’t a great idea,   especially with an unknown creature prowling  around the area. I mean, I guess whatever it   is probably wouldn’t fare any better in the gas,  but I’d rather not find out the hard way.   Next up, and this won’t be popular, we need  to fashion some PPE out of clothing to help   filter out any contaminants. Not so bad, right?  Yeah, here’s the thing. Among the substances   most available to non-governmental actors for  this application is chlorine, so just in case,   we should take our improvised face coverings  and urinate on them like our forefathers did   in the Great War. It’s not foolproof, but absent  a case of M50 gas masks under the driver’s seat,   it’s pretty much all we’ve got. Once that’s settled, I’m heading to the front   of the bus and fishing a phone out of the bag to  call 911. Sure, if it’s truly a wide-scale attack,   they’ll probably be too overwhelmed by other  calls to send help, but it’s always worth a   try no matter what. I mean, the mere fact that Mr.  Lorenzo didn’t immediately think to do this after   the bus ran off the road demonstrates not only  his total ineptitude as an educator, but also as   a human being in general. And just wait until you  see what he does next. Remember all that noise on   the roof? Well, look who’s come for dinner. Hmm, I wonder what the lesson was here. Probably   something along the lines of “never pick up  hitchhikers.” Either that or it’s about acting   decisively to restrain your more idiotic group  members before they expose everyone to poison   gas and/or face-eating metalheads. As for where we go from here, it’s time to   get tough, people. I know watching a grown man  get half his face ripped off is scary and all,   but the alternative is running out into the  cloud, and while it didn’t seem to slow the   attacker down all that much, it might have  something to do with his bizarre eating habits.   If I’m the bus driver right now, I’m grabbing  the fire extinguisher he’s legally required to   keep nearby and bludgeoning this weirdo until  the twitching stops. Might have to do the same   with Mr. Lorenzo, ya know, for safety. Oh, well, I guess we’re taking our chances   with door number two. Never mind that it was  just a single unarmed man versus like twelve   of us. Better to just abandon our only sanctuary  from the agent of unknown lethality and go running   aimlessly into the thick of it. Yeah, don’t  even bother covering your face or anything,   just breathe deep and think about the  rabbits. It’ll all be over soon.   However, by some divine intervention,  Randall spots a nearby tweaker motel the   students can post up in. Well, the ones we  care about anyway. The rest apparently just   stuck around to get munched on. I’m sure  we’ve seen the last of them, right?   Of course, now that we’ve found ourselves a  creepy, dilapidated tetanus museum to post up in,   everyone immediately splits up to go poking around  the maze-like interior for weapons and build   materials. Anyone got a problem with that? Yeah, what is this, your first abandoned   building? Seriously, though,   this dump looks like something from Condemned:  Criminal Origins, and there’s no telling if we’re   actually alone in here. Not to mention the fact  this place is far from airtight. Sure, none of us   have started convulsing or puking up our insides  yet, but there are some chemicals like mustard gas   that can go hours without taking effect. Until we know for sure what we’re dealing with,   we need to stick together and find an interior  room deep within the structure we can fortify,   preferably on the top floor as chemical  weapons are often denser than air. Oh,   yeah, we’ll also want to remove our clothing  during this time as it may be contaminated,   thereby prolonging our exposure to the gas  even after we’ve left the danger zone. Hey,   it’s not my fault this is happening. Do you  want modesty, or do you want to live?   From there we just hang out quietly until  this whole crap-storm literally blows over,   at which point we can focus on the other half of  this equation. Yeah, I get no one wants to use the   “z” word right now, but rocker boy sure had all  the hallmarks. Whatever his deal was, we have no   idea if there aren’t more bath-bomb enthusiasts  prowling around the area, so we need to keep an   eye out for potential weapons. I mean, it’s not  like I expect to find a Left 4 Dead weapons cache   lying around, but even a few 2x4’s would be  better than going at them empty handed.   Bruh, seriously. You found a perfectly  crafted spear and your first thought   is to use it to reinforce the door? Take a look around. This place is entirely   indefensible. Even if you manage  to secure a single point of entry,   there’s countless more they can file through. It’s  basically late-round COD zombies in the sense that   boarding up the windows is at best a minor  inconvenience for them and at most a complete   waste of time. Even worse because you won’t even  be earning points towards the mystery box.   Right now, our only chance of holding back the  horde is to make sure they don’t know we’re   here in the first place, and that means, as far as  we’re concerned, there’s only two kinds of people:   those of us on the inside, and those that  are pretty much already dead. Case in point,   young brace face limping around out there. Yeah, getting serious 30 DAYS OF   NIGHT vibes from this one. For real, this is the oldest trick in the book:   wound one and let their agonized screams  draw in the rest for a multikill. Besides,   even if this freakshow lacks the cognizance to  set this up, he clearly already sees her, so only   a complete and utter moron would think she could  be saved without giving up our hiding spot.   Hey, great work. You totally saved her. Did you guys seriously learn nothing from what   happened with Mr. Lorenzo? The moment someone in  your group states their intentions to do something   fatally stupid, you need to dogpile them and hold  their mouth shut until the opportunity passes. Oh,   and just to make things worse, it looks like  the bus driver’s crossed over to team zeke.   Fantastic. Ya know, this would be a great use  case for the spear if someone hadn’t thrown it   away the second we found it. A lot of good it  did holding back a human battering ram.   Still unable to comprehend their overwhelming  numbers advantage, the students flee deeper into   the building and barricade themselves inside the  Jackson Pollock suite. Gotta wonder how a place   like this would still have power… and working  glow sticks. Okay, clearly someone came through   here recently. Let’s hope whoever that might be is  sincere about all those welcome signs. Then again,   I’d rather not meet anyone who enjoys  bumming around this crap hole. Either way,   we’d better find some weapons fast, cuz  it turns out we’re not alone in here.   Yeah, group hug and all that. Here’s  the thing, if he could get in here,   then so could the zombies, which is why we  should have started clearing this room as a   group the second we got inside. And sure enough,  here comes the freak parade, only it looks like   there’s a few new members in the form of  our fallen classmates. Better find a way   out quick, or we’ll all be singing Thriller until  the end of days. In the meantime, the larger and   stronger members of the group need to kick it up  a notch with some crowd control. Without weapons,   we’ll have to resort to hand to hand like Danny  and Hunt. However, these new recruits don’t seem   quite as agile as the other two, so we might be  able to rip down some of that plastic sheeting   everywhere and wrap it around their heads  for a little hockey punch action.   Lucky for us, Randall is still on a roll.  Too bad it wasn’t fast enough to keep Hunt   from getting dragged off to the other side. Now  down to only seven, the gang runs a little bit   farther before stopping in yet another unsecured  room. This one even creepier than the last.   Weird, it’s almost like you’re all a bunch  of generic high school stereotypes.   I’m joking, of course; this isn’t  good. It seems whoever’s shacking   up here has been keeping tabs on us, and  judging by the inclusion of a Ryan dummy,   this is extremely recent. Hmmm, come to think of  it, if his mannequin is up, why would Hunt’s still   be around unless the person who put these together  left before he got got, ya know, right around the   time Ryan joined our group. No to mention the  fact he just happened to “stumble upon” our   exact location in a massive complex. Yeah, maybe walk us through how you made it   off the bus one more time, cuz right now it’s  looking like you might have had a hand in all   this. Of course, that still doesn’t explain  the zombies, or the apparent chemical strike,   but it does mean we should keep an eye on him  going forward, and that pretty much goes for   all our fellow survivors. Just saying, there’s  been an awful lot of coincidences today, and   we shouldn’t be taking anything for granted. In any case, sussing out the imposter is going to   have to wait, because it turns out the zombies  haven’t quite forgotten about us yet.   Well, it’s about gosh darn time. Where was all  that raw animal instinct when there was just one   of these things back on the bus? Whatever,  at least they have sense enough to go for   the coup de grace, although we might want to find  something a bit more robust to hit him with. Sure,   he might look dead now, but given our general lack  of information, I’d feel a lot better if his head   were rolling across the floor right now. Unfortunately, a quick search of his pockets   doesn’t produce a cell phone, although our  findings do certainly explain his terrible   driving. However, it seems the syringe  wasn’t purely recreational, and judging by   Danny’s rapidly deteriorating condition, I’d say  whatever was in there is pretty fast acting.   Oooooh. Yeah, don’t look, Jacey, we’re gonna have  to beat your boyfriend to death with mannequin   pieces before he becomes a liability. That  said, who’s ever heard of a zombie virus that   spreads by injection? I mean, I guess, it’d be  just as effective as a bite, but are we really   supposed to believe a mindless reanimated corpse  retained the dexterity to pull out a needle and   jab someone with it while rolling around on the  ground? No, this doesn’t add up at all.   I’m starting to wonder if the bus driver  wasn’t in on it the whole time. After all,   he is the one who crashed the bus, and he pretty  much just stood there doing nothing while Mr.   Lorenzo was getting snacked on like a foot away.  Oh, well, I guess now’s our chance to ask him,   cuz it turns out Randall’s flimsy double  tap didn’t quite do the trick.   Hey, looks like our Danny problem just solved  itself. Oh, no, never mind he got back up.   Having lost yet another named character, Ever  decides enough is enough. The way she sees it,   the only way out of this nightmare is by leaving  the building and going back for their phones. Only   problem is, the gas still hasn’t dissipated. Haha,  nah, everyone’s already forgotten about that. The   real issue is that Randall really enjoys playing  the leader, and he’s not about to let someone else   take the wheel. Well, that and there’s a decent  chance they’d all be brutally killed.   Fact is, the whole reason we chose to hold  up in this pile was to get out of the mist,   so I definitely wouldn’t make a run for it until  that clears up. Once that happens, I think a   hybrid approach is best here. After all, it’ll  be a lot easier for one or two people to slip out   undetected than all six. Everyone else can find a  room to barricade and sit tight for a while.   Ultimately, this is the approach they end up  taking, with Ever and Steven going for the   phones while everyone else stays hunkered down.  I gotta hand it to them, firebombing the van was   a good distraction; however, waiting until  dark to head out is where you lose me. Sure,   it’ll make them harder to see, but the same goes  for the zombies. Plus, good luck navigating a   dense forest at night without even so much as a  flashlight. The school bus might as well be on   the friggin moon, it’ll be so hard to find. That is, if they weren’t the main characters. They   actually find it immediately, but it’s not  quite the W they were hoping for. Turns out   at some point all the phones got smashed to  crap. Wait, all the phones? How is that even   possible? All right, either these are the smartest  zombies we’ve ever encountered, or we’re looking   at the mother of all senior pranks, cuz this  right here was definitely no accident.   The trip isn’t a complete loss, however, as  Ever suddenly remembers the basics of disaster   survival and checks the bus’ radio for news  from the outside world. Evidently, this chemical   attack wasn’t all it seemed to be. Yeah, and I’m thinking I know who.   Gosh dang Steven was in on it this whole time.  Guess that explains why he was so quick to join   Ever’s rescue efforts; had to make sure she  couldn’t actually succeed. Oh, and that’s not   all. Here comes Randall to incriminate himself  while loudly discussing the plan, along with none   other than the head zombie himself, some random  local burnout named Chip. Well, you all know what   this means. Brace for exposition dump. So, we find out Randall and Steven were sick   and tired of getting Slurpied by a bunch of  dumb jocks, so they concocted an over-the-top,   scared-straight plan to show them all who’s boss,   and win over a couple ladies in the process. Of  course, they couldn’t do it all by themselves,   so they brought in Chip and the bus driver to  make sure it all went according to plan.   After deliberately crashing the bus, the  driver would play the emergency broadcast tape,   at which time Chip would show up in costume to get  the party started. From there he would inject all   the quote-unquote rando students with some kind  of psy-op serum to turn them all into mindless   drones they could whip into a zombie-like  frenzy. Meanwhile, Randall would ensure the   others made it into the abandoned building so  he and Steven could run around playing Chris   Redfield while the others looked on in awe. Now, you’re probably wondering why two grown men   would even consider wrapping themselves up in some  teenaged fever dream. Well, it seems they both had   a personal bone to pick with Mr. Lorenzo, which  is where things started going off the rails.   Oh, okay, Brando. You realize that little  stunt left your DNA all over the wound,   right? That means even if by some miracle  you guys manage to make it out of here,   the instant someone in your family does a 23 and  Me, you and everyone else running this dumpster   fire are gonna wind up behind bars for the rest  of your lives. Well, except for the bus driver,   but that’s because he already checked out. As for the “zombies,” the plan was to let the   green stuff wear off under the assumption  they’d all just forget what happened and   move on with their lives. And they would  have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t   for their plan being so incredibly stupid. First of all, this entire ordeal hinges on none   of the other students sneaking their phone in at  the very beginning, something you could not have   possibly controlled. Second, what if one or both  of you got seriously injured in the crash? Not to   mention the possibility of everyone rushing Chip  and stomping his lights out the moment he got on   the bus. At that point, you’d have to pretty much  call the whole thing off and just go with it,   or jab everyone with the goop and hope they  all forgot about it. Speaking of which,   unless this halfwit personally conducted rigorous  human trials with this crap, there’s absolutely   no way he’d be able to predict how all these  different people might react to it. For all   he knew at the time, some of them could have  been allergic and died on the spot. Either way,   betting the house on it working like some kind of  amnesia potion, was painfully optimistic.   When it comes right down to it, there is literally  no way this scheme ever could have succeeded. It   relies on too many things working perfectly to  even have a chance. Not to mention cornering   the world’s supply of dry ice to create twelve  plus hours of fog across a massive area. For   Christ’s sake, whatever happened to staging  a purse snatching or faking a major illness.   I could think of a million ways to generate  artificial popularity that don’t involve mass   poisonings and bus crashes. And if it’s just  about getting revenge on the popular kids,   it’s called time. Go ahead and check in on some  of your classmates who peaked in high school. I’m   sure they’re all doing great right now. Of course, Randall and the gang are in way to   deep to turn back at this point, which is  why things are about to get messy.   Ah, yes, I’m sure Plan B is every bit as  well thought out as the original.   Since they can’t count on the “zombies” to forget  everything, Chip has them all caged up for the   final showdown between good and evil. The idea is  to get them all jacked up on back ally Mountain   Dew and turn them loose for Randall and friends  to cut down in “self-defense,” ya know, cuz a   pile of hacked up bodies all containing the same  mystery substance isn’t going to draw an enormous   amount of police and media attention. Stupid or not, it’s really bad news for young   Ever, as she’s seen farther behind the  curtain than anyone else at this point,   which is why instead of immediately pumping her  full of enough Minotaur to put Ozzy down, the two   masterminds leave her alone with Chip and just  assume he’ll take care of her. I mean, it’s not   like your futures depend on it or anything. Fortunately for Ever, her plot metabolism allows   her to shake off the dose while the would-be  executioner is getting properly motivated,   but it’s not enough for her to make it out in  time. Dang, should have tried crawling under   the seats to make yourself harder to spot. Oh,  well, I guess that’s it then. Looks like the bad   guys are taking this one. Having fun winning  Prom King, and then spending the rest of your   lives in constant fear of being found out. Nah,  you know Chip’s just gonna toss her around like   a ragdoll until she lands next to something  she can hit him with, like this boombox.   Ugh, finally. I hated that song. Now, obviously she’s going to heroically   run back inside to try and save the day, but for  the love of God, at least try searching Chip’s   body for a cell phone you can use to get some back  up on the way. Sure, they gave you the rundown on   the bus, but there’s no telling what’s going on  in there right now, and with these morons at the   helm, pretty much anything is possible. Speaking of which, back inside, Randall has   finished psyching up his canned horde for  the main event. All that’s left to do now   is rally the troops and have Steven open  the cage at just the right time. However,   just as he’s about to free the beasts, youknowwho  comes in out of nowhere and knocks him on his   butt, throwing herself in the line of fire  right as the crusaders enter the room.   Yeah, saw that coming. I mean, you can’t exactly  blame someone for thinking that when it looks   like she just crawled out of Raccoon City. It’s a good thing Ever is still lucid enough to   blow the lid off Steven and Randall’s insidious  plan. Otherwise, this might have ended with   her own best friend tragically misreading the  situation and giving her the Darktide treatment.   Of course, it also helps they didn’t bother  juicing up Danny so he can back up her story.   Now on the defensive, Steven grabs a syringe and  just tries the same thing over again. Ain’t broke,   don’t fix it, right? Only it turns out he opened  the cage door after all. Yeah, say what you will   about their smooth brained scheme, they whipped  up some pretty convincing zombies, at least enough   to dish out a little poetic justice. As for Randall, dude has like three false   death scenes before they finally manage to  keep him down, all because no one here is   old enough to remember Rule #2. Check this  out. First, he gets knocked clear across   the room by his own crush: Ya know that’s gotta hurt.   I mean, I can honestly understand why they  might have thought that was the end of it,   considering she hit him hard enough to get  him airborne. Still, dude somehow shrugs off   the TBI and comes back for more, this time  slashing Danny across the chest after he   heroically leaps in front of Tamara. Yeah,  don’t worry though, he only slashed him. I   made an entire video a while back explaining  why that’s not such a big deal. Of course,   Jacey doesn’t know that, which brings us to false  death number two: Gordon Freeman Edition.   Okay, at this point, I gotta wonder why no  one thought to at least separate him from   the broadsword. He already shrugged off  one devastating head injury. What makes   you think he won’t come back after that one? And sure enough, here he is for round three. Looks   like it’s Ever’s turn this time. In keeping with  the fitting punishments, she straps up with Chip’s   Fauci-Kruger glove and dodge, duck, dip, dive,  and dodges her way past Randall’s brain damage   sword swings to administer the final dose. Okay, this one they should have seen coming. I   mean, the needles look like they just barely  grazed his scalp; she didn’t even get any skull   penetration with that. See, look at all the green  lighting, now he’s got superpowers, not that he   didn’t at least already have Deadpool regeneration  with everything he’s been through so far.   Seriously, what’s it going to take to put this  scrawny teenager down for good? Do we have to have   Donny Donowitz come show us how it’s done? Nah,  they got him this time. I promise. It just takes   four girls simultaneously beating the crap out of  him, followed by another beating from Ryan ending   in a body slam, and then a good old fashioned  Mordhau from Ever using his own sword.   Please no. Let’s just get this over with. Having foiled her classmates’ sinister plot to   disrupt the social hierarchy and freed all the  randos to return to their lives of obscurity,   Ever and friends emerge triumphantly from the  ruins to hopefully earn that extra credit. And   with that, the field trip is finally over. Oh, and on the subject of people inexplicably   surviving crap that clearly should have  killed them, guess what. Randall and Steven,   totally fine. Not only that, but it turns  out Chip is still alive, and braces girl,   and even the bus driver. What gives?  Are you telling me that after all that,   not a single person bought the farm?  I mean, what about Mr. Lorenzo?   Nope. Looks like he’s a-okay. In the end, literally everyone survived,   even the bad guys. I honestly don’t know if that’s  ever happened before. However, had even a single   one of the students thought to sneak their phone  onboard the bus, they could have uncovered the   hoax early enough to bypass the slums entirely  and summon help. Otherwise, had they immediately   resorted to extreme violence after Mr. Lorenzo  got face munched, Chip would have been pretty much   powerless to stop them all, thus sparing everyone  the hours of torment that would follow.   Moral of the story, there’s no  such thing as zombies… for now.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 575,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, how to beat, unhuman, cinema summary, dead meat, the critical drinker, zombies
Id: qVR0C14LUbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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