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If you woke up in the middle of  a massive cornfield and had to   solve a series of puzzles to MAYBE find  your way out, what would you do?   Left with only the clothes on their backs and a  single seemingly random tool each, our six maze   runners will have to work together if they want  any chance of making it out alive. Easier said   than done when they’re constantly finding excuses  to remain at each other’s throats. One thing’s for   sure. Whatever they do, it’d better be quick,  because food and water are extremely limited,   and they’re not the only ones out here. I’m going to break down the mistakes made,   what you should do, and how to beat the  endless corn in ESCAPE THE FIELD.   Sam is in a cornfield, and she has absolutely  no idea how or why that is. However, this isn’t   your typical post-bender teleportation. It  seems someone or something brought her here,   and now it’s up to her to get herself out. Well, better get to it. First order of business,   figuring out where that spider went. Last thing  we need is that sucker crawling inside our ear and   whispering FUD at critical junctures to lower our  morale. Fortunately, we have an old Smith & Wesson   Model 10 in case he won’t go quietly. Only  came with one shot, though, so I guess this   means we’ll be making a difficult decision at  some point down the road. Although it looks   like that might be sooner rather than later. Yeah, I don’t know about this guy. We’ve covered   two other movies he’s been in so far,  and in both cases, he was a huge piece   of crap. Not to mention the way he’s holding  his hands below his shoulders in the universal   sign of “I’m about to try something.” This potential snake in the grass is Tyler,   and like Sam he also just woke up without  any clue as to what brought him here,   or so he says. Can’t say I blame her for not  immediately taking him at his word. After all,   unless this cornfield’s the size of a kiddie  pool, what are the odds he just happened to   stumble upon us? And even if he spawned in nearby,  Sam wasn’t exactly making much noise, so I guess   we’re just supposed to believe he randomly  chose to start walking in our direction.   Hey, we don’t know you’re not an imbecile.  Maybe you dropped it after dragging us out   here, and now you’ve come back to get it.  Besides, how do you know we were given a gun,   and didn’t pack it from home? Well, about that. Apparently,   he was stripped of everything but a parting  gift he found lying next to him upon waking up,   so it stands to reason she got the same  treatment, which she did. Although, man,   talk about getting screwed on that one. He gets a  tube of waterproof matches, and she gets a friggin   revolver? Who’d he anger on the way out here? Ultimately, he’s not looking for much. He just   wants to go wandering aimlessly through the corn  and invites Sam to join him if she so chooses.   Normally, I’d say this is a terrible idea, since  blindly trailblazing into the unknown could take   you even farther away from civilization  and leave you exhausted in the process,   but this isn’t a typical survival situation.  Someone brought us here on purpose, and I’d   rather not stick around for when they come back  through in a combine. Plus, it’s just a field, so   unless we were taken to the corn dimension, we’re  going to find the boundaries eventually.   Oh, okay, princess. What a bunch of coddled  garbage. “Even though I have zero means of   communicating with the outside world and no  one but my kidnappers actually knows I’m here,   certainly someone will be coming to  save me.” It’s Finny all over again,   or at least it would be had she not dramatically  changed her mind at the last second.   As skeptical as I am about Tyler’s story,  he’s not asking us to trust him implicitly,   and him volunteering to walk in front of  a visibly armed stranger is as reassuring   as it is foolish. Fact is, we have no idea who  or how many attackers we’re dealing with here,   so having an extra pair of hands could make all  the difference, especially since we only have a   single round of .38 Special to play with. Speaking of which, it’s imperative we know our   piece is in working order. When Tyler isn’t  looking, I’d quickly remove the cartridge   and shake it beside my ear to make sure  it actually has a powder charge. If not,   then we’d better be prepared to run away or go  for the pistol whip if things get crazy. Also   couldn’t hurt to block up the empty cylinders  with something easily removable like corn husk,   so it’s not immediately obvious to those  downrange we’re only packing one round.   Getting back to our new best friend, we’ll want  to keep him far enough ahead he can’t readily   turn around and swat our gun away, but close  enough he can’t easily vanish into the corn   and stage an ambush. About six or seven feet  ought to do it, but any time he turns around,   he’ll be getting a facefull of steel. All that aside, he doesn’t necessarily have   to have ulterior motives to get us killed. “Hey, over here. Come right into our kill zone.”   What, you never use prox chat before? Seriously though, you were dragged and dropped   into a cornfield against your will. For all  you know, you’re being hunted for sport by   a bunch of rich psychopaths MOST DANGEROUS  GAME style. Sure, I get other people might   have more information and/or supplies  we could use to get out of this mess,   but we shouldn’t go blindly walking up to anyone  without spying on them for a bit, or at very least   listening in on their conversation. Fortunately for our heroes, they aren’t   immediately shot dead upon waltzing into the  open. Instead, they meet three fellow prisoners,   Ryan, Denise, and Ethan. The three of them woke up  with a lantern, knife, and compass respectively,   the last of which they’ve been following  northbound some three kilometers in hopes   they eventually reach open ground. Yeah, quick note on that. I’m not saying   it’s a bad idea, but it’s worth acknowledging  that whoever’s responsible for this probably   isn’t going to let us simply walk out of here.  Think about it, they captured all five of us and   brought us here without so much as a single one  seeing anything in the process. These aren’t your   ordinary Ethan Hawkes we’re dealing with here,  and it stands to reason they’re keeping an eye   on us to make sure all their hard work doesn’t  go to waste. Not only that, but the fact they’re   letting us walk around unrestrained indicates  they’re pretty confident in their ability to   keep us penned up, so we should probably keep  an eye out for traps and get ready for a fight,   especially if we see what looks like an exit. As for the items they gave us.   Yup, that’s a symbol all right. I’d say it’s as  sure a sign as any we’re all in the same boat,   as if that were even a question at  this point. Furthermore, each of   us having something different suggests we’re  supposed to work together in some way. Well,   either that or brutally Tarkov one another to  extract with as many things as possible.   In any case, we should accept Ryan’s offer to join  their group; however, before we proceed, we should   try and get a look over the top of the corn  to see if we can spot… well, anything. I mean,   come on. You three have been walking together for  over half an hour and at no point did anyone think   to climb on top of someone’s shoulders to see  what’s out there? Assuming we’re on flat ground,   which would be ideal for growing corn, if  we could boost someone’s line of sight to   around three meters, we’d have visibility out to  over six kilometers in every direction. I mean,   I’m not going to do it in case someone’s watching  with a rifle, but I’m sure we can convince someone   else in the group to stick their neck out. Having joined forces, the gang continues   bushwhacking through the field until a distant  tornado siren stops them dead in their tracks.   Awesome. Hopefully, it means pretty much anything  other than what it sounds like. Oh, well, no   point worrying about that, because it looks like  we’ve found a scarecrow, and that’s not all.   Seriously? Only the single most  normal thing about this place,   although I guess it is kind of creepy. What’s abnormal, at least according to Ryan,   is that fact the newcomer is the only one without  an item, something he finds suspicious. Yeah, it’s   a good thing Tyler was there, or she might have  joined Mr. Scarecrow. I get it makes her the odd   one out but given we’re only dealing with a sample  size of six here, who knows whether that’s to be   expected. Besides, as panic stricken as she was,  who’s to say she didn’t get up and start running   without even looking around. Might be worth it to  have her lead us back to her spawn point in case   she was given a machete or frag grenades. The Brit here is Cameron, and as is tradition,   she doesn’t remember jack. Whatever. Welcome  to the club. The real question here is why   everyone just walks off without stopping  to strip search the scarecrow. I mean,   for Christ’s sake, one of us isn’t even wearing  pants, and with our grossly limited resources,   even something as simple as the pole he’s held up  with could be a valuable asset. At the very least,   we should mark him with the knife in case we lose  the compass or otherwise get turned around.   And it doesn’t stop there. A few minutes later  they come to a wooden fence line in the middle   of the field, and everyone just blows right by  it like it’s a total inconvenience instead of a   potentially invaluable resource. Not only could we  use some of the handier-sized planks as weapons in   a pinch, it provides us a direct line of sight  through the corn in two directions. Screw the   compass bearing. The direction we picked was  totally arbitrary in the first place. Let’s   walk along the fence line so at least we don’t  have to worry about constantly beating our way   through insect ridden corn stalks. That can’t  be helping the exhaustion at this point.   I’m honestly surprised they bothered to pull some  firewood off of it instead of just sitting around   Tyler as he burned through his matches one at  a time. Of course, the problem with a campfire   is that it makes you easier to find. Yeah, you all saw the ghillied-up monster   with piercing red eyes drag that dude  off to certain death right?   Apparently not, because almost immediately  Ryan and Tyler go running in after him. I   mean it’s not like it’s virtually invisible  and has the strength to drag a grown man off   at a break-neck speed. Just let him go. You guys  aren’t even armed and there’s no telling how many   of those things might be out there. What’s most  important is what we can learn from him.   Before he got, got, dude counted us off and  remarked how it’s the same, meaning we aren’t the   first group of six he’s seen out here. Also, in  addition to the exact same lantern and revolver as   we have, he was wearing a metal flask on his belt,  which is an item we haven’t seen so far. In fact,   it could be a sign Cameron’s holding out on us.  Finally, right before he showed up, we heard   that siren again. Could be that it sounds when  players are approaching one another, but we didn’t   hear it when we met up with Ryan and company, so  maybe it goes off whenever the creeper’s nearby.   We’ll probably need more data for that one. Speaking of that freak show that attacked him,   we all saw it vanish back into the corn,  so why in the heck would anyone think that   leaving the open area to sprint blindly  into the field would be any safer?   Honestly, it’s a miracle they only  ran into each other. Although,   I guess a stake through the abdomen isn’t  all that much better than being hauled off   to oblivion by a living salad. Chick’s toast. Oh, well, at least now we get to see Sam’s special   doctor powers in action. Of course, without any  equipment, the best we can do for her is bandage   around it with excess clothing to help control  bleeding and keep it in place. From there, we’ll   just have to light one up to the patron saint of  maze runners and pray we can get her to a hospital   within the next few hours, because barring serious  medical intervention, she’s not going to last   long. I mean, sure you could try pulling it  out, ya know, if you want her to die.   Huh, ya know what, maybe she  worked in the morgue.   From what I can find online, the only reason  you’d remove an impaling object in the field   would be if it was obstructing the airway,  and/or preventing CPR. And, given she was   just talking and now screaming, I don’t think  either of those conditions applied.   Uncorking her like that is just going to  exacerbate blood loss and make the wound   even worse, along with leaving a trail  of jagged splinters through her insides.   Better to just leave it place and hope we  can make it out before the peritonitis sets   in. Of course, let’s be real about this.  That’s probably not going to happen.   By morning, the big concern on everyone’s  mind is the lack of water. In the short term,   I’d recommend licking the dew off leaves, or even  trying to squeeze it from the corn stocks. You   could even get some degree of hydration by eating  the corn itself, although as we find out later,   it’s pretty much all completely rotten.  Then again, they only opened up like two   ears from right next to each other. Ya know, for  people stranded out in the middle of nowhere,   they sure seem reluctant to make full use of  what few resources are all around them.   Another thing they’re failing to take  advantage of is one another, although   I’m sure part of that’s because no one has any  idea what each other’s strengths and weaknesses   are. Heckl, it’s already been a day since they  linked up, and only just now does anyone even   think to mention their own background. And you’re just bringing this up now?   One of the first thing’s we should have done  as a group was go around and share the basics   of who we are. Not only could this shed some  light on why we might have been taken, but it   would allow us to gain a sense of who’s capable of  what. It’s not even a show-don’t-tell issue. Any   reasonable group of people would want to figure  this out right off the bat, as it would greatly   facilitate resource allocation and group decision  making. For example, in a survival situation,   it’s generally advisable to appoint a leader,  which would have been a no-brainer had we found   out Ryan was a squad leader in the military. This  way we also could have learned that Sam was really   a butcher before we had her treating someone’s  traumatic injuries. Gosh dang people.   This could also help shed some light on what  exactly we’re supposed to be doing. The fact   they rounded up two professional geeks and  a student in the form of Denise, Cameron,   and Ethan, suggests we’re supposed to think our  way out of this, and the fact we have a soldier   and a criminally negligent doctor means there’s  probably going to be a lot of danger along the   way. Of course, no one ever even thinks to ask  Tyler what he does for a living, but given the   way Denise was hiding her extremely relevant  experience from the rest of the group, dude   probably designs death games for a living. And On the subject of holding out, it seems   Denise wasn’t the only one as Ryan soon  discovers during a bathroom break.   Well, looks like he called it. Goes without saying that hiding valuable   resources from your commiserates in a crisis  isn’t going to win you any popularity contests,   especially after they saved your life and  kept movement to a crawl so you wouldn’t   be left behind. Sure, at only half full  it would hardly keep the group hydrated,   but even in sips, that much water isn’t going to  keep you going all that long either. Better to   be forthcoming with something like that and  buy yourself the brownie points. After all,   right now the last thing you want to do is  isolate yourself, like poor Denise here.   And so the Green Meanie strikes again. Yeah, great going doctor. Weren’t you supposed   to be watching her back? Least you could  have done is told her you were going to   check on Cameron and gave her the option to tag  along. Of course, given what we saw last night,   even being only slightly apart from others  is enough to get yourself got, so we really   should have put decency aside for the sake of  survival and dropped trow next to the group.   Also worth pointing out is the fact this  is the second time the monster showed up   after we heard the siren, so next time it  goes off, we should immediately circle the   wagons just to be on the safe side. Naturally, by the time everyone fights   their way to Denise’s last known position,  she’s nothing but a bloody stain on a field   jacket. Yeah, cue Sam wanting to put everyone’s  lives at risk going after someone who’s clearly   already dead to make up for her own failures.  Take a look around, he could have dragged her   off in a near infinite number of directions, and  the fact we can no longer hear her screaming means   she’s probably already halfway to roasting on  a spit. Let’s just call this a lesson and try   not to repeat our mistake in the near future,  which we already know you’re going to do.   Oh, spare me your hyper-compassionate bullcrap  right now. You’re no better than Scottward’s idiot   daughter from Army of the Dead. “Let’s just pause  the whole mission and throw our lives away chasing   a corpse.” God, I hope you're next, but let’s  be real, chick’s a classic case of Protagonist   Personality Disorder if I’ve ever seen one. Fortunately, for those of us left alive,   our ship’s about to come in. It turns out  Ethan’s compass wasn’t pointing North, or in   any fixed direction for that matter. Apparently,  the whole point was to lead us to a water spigot,   and the compass itself serves as a handle. This  gives Sam an idea. What if the items themselves   are clues as to where we’re supposed to go? She  then calls out the tree printed on the flask,   claiming it resembles the tree she saw earlier in  the… wait, you saw a tree and didn’t think to tell   anyone? What the heck is wrong with you? Given  we’ve been surrounded by nothing but corn for   24 hours, seeing a tree is a massive development,  even if it’s only just a way for us to climb up   for a better look at our surroundings. I swear, no one actually wants to get out   of her alive. Case in point, they walk by yet  another scarecrow without bothering to dismantle   it. Huh, something’s different about this one,  although I can’t quite put my finger on it.   Wow, gotta get me one of those.  Why scare crows when you can just   inject them with melted gumdrops. For real though, let me guess. You’re   not going to tell anyone about this, huh? The  thing waited to strike until you were all alone   with your back turned. That means it was actively  watching you and waiting for the best opportunity.   This is something everyone needs to know about,  and reason number 9000 why you should be tearing   these things apart every time you see them. I  mean, if it can shoot darts, who knows what other   useful items it has rattling around in there.  Not to mention the fact whatever’s in that thing   could cause you to drop dead, or start wigging  out, which the other’s definitely need to know   about if they’re supposed to rely on you. And of course, even once he starts feeling loopy,   it still doesn’t occur to him that he should  bring this up, although after the entire group   watches him one-hand Dr. Sam out of danger  like she was a lunch box, they should probably   realize something’s up. Now, tell me. If you  saw someone perform a virtually impossible   feat of human strength right in front of you  while also acting somewhat unhinged, would you   openly antagonize this person? Because apparently  that’s what Cameron thinks she ought to do.   What’s that? Sorry, I’m having trouble  understanding your accent. Are you saying, “put me   down?” Cuz I’d be happy to oblige. For real, dude,  next time drop her. Let the punji pit finish what   Sam’s abhorrent medical malpractice started. However, as annoying as she might be,   re-impaling her in front of the entire group  would definitely paint a target on your back,   although given his newfound superpowers, he’d  probably give the creature a run for his money.   Speaking of which, everyone saw Ryan’s  eyes glowing bright red, right? Ya know,   just like the thing that’s going around grabbing  people. This can only mean one thing. They’re   injecting people with Las Plagas from Resident  Evil 4. We saw the same thing with Leon when   he was starting to turn. Yeah, hate to say it, dude,   but it’s starting to look like the purpose of  Sam’s Smith & Wesson is for telling someone   about the rabbits once they catch the ugly.  Sure, his immense strength could be an asset,   but there’s no telling when he might tear someone  in half like a phone book just for looking at him   funny. Fortunately, it seems he still has the  clarity to recognize his own behavior.   Yeah, now he tells us. By the way, you  completely failed to mention where that   dart actually came from. Might be useful  information considering those human effigies   are all over the place out here. Hey, props to him for sharing with someone,   but after that outburst, this is  something everyone needs to hear. I mean,   I get the need to keep up morale, but at  this point speculation will be running wild,   and we all know Sam isn’t gonna say anything. Getting back to the palisade trap for a second.   Anyone from the management, to our fellow  players, to even the creeper could have dug   it. Whatever the case, we should keep an eye  out for more, and stick to established paths   as much as possible for better visibility.  They’ll have to cover them with something,   so any piles of leaves or cornhusks should be  treated as potential traps. Also couldn’t hurt   to cut down a few corn stalks and use them like  walking sticks to probe the ground ahead.   Sometime that night, the group finally makes it  to the tree, and right away the decision pays off.   Underneath the bark, they find a map etched into  the trunk, and with the lantern oriented properly   on a nearby fencepost, they’re shown a clearly  marked path towards… something. Well, that’s good   enough for me. Still, we shouldn’t get our hopes  up too much. There’s nothing about this crudely   drawn “map” that suggests we’re going to an exit.  If anything, it's probably just another puzzle   we’ll need to solve with our monopoly pieces. As for now, we should make camp beside the tree   and set out first thing in the morning.  This way we can climb up to get a sense   of what lies ahead. Well, that and we have a  corn demon stalking us from the shadows.   Oh, sure, just stand with your  back right up against the corn.   Have you completely forgotten about what  happened to Denise and the rando?   That said, we didn’t have the benefit of the  air raid siren to remind us we were in danger   this time, so either the horn guy fell asleep  at the wheel, or it has nothing to do with the   attacker’s movements at all. Who knows, maybe  the Red Baron's zipping around out there.   Whatever the case, it’s a good thing Super  Ryan was there to lay a smackdown on the   beast before Tyler was too far gone, but he’s  not exactly the picture of good health. Plus,   now he has to endures Sam’s bass-ackwards  medical training making it all worse. “Diagnosis:   the stab wounds are all in your head. Try  lying down and eating more hazelnuts.”   Meanwhile, it looks like Cameron’s gone full  Velma while running away from the closest   thing to safety she could possibly find out here.  Seriously, the tree was the one place you know the   freak show wasn’t. You’re just making yourself  an easy target. Oh, well, thank God the blind   girl has a dangerous weapon she can swing around  recklessly. Can’t see that going wrong.   Oh, no! It totally went wrong. But at  least she has the sense not to immediately   wrench the blade from his still-beating  heart, unlike some people out here.   Whatever. Serves him right for going after her  in the first place. The tree is life. Stay at   the tree. Climb up into the branches if you need  to, but for Christ’s sake, don’t just go running   aimlessly into the darkness. Which, by the way,  is exactly what Ryan’s doing right now.   Yeah, good luck killing this thing when you have  no weapons, no flashlight, and no idea where it   could possibly be. If you want it dead so bad, you  should dig a few dead drop traps like the one back   on the trail and lure it in with one of your  dead or injured teammates. I’m looking at you,   Ethan. Going full Martin Sheen and duking it out  in the bush is as dumb as it is stupid, especially   now that you know he’s got a knife. Of course, with everyone’s all spread out,   Sam decides this is the perfect opportunity  to buddy carry her grievously injured teammate   into the night. Yeah, no point trying to  regroup back at the tree or wait for sunrise,   or anything. After all, it’s not like we’re  a slow-rolling double kill right now.   However, by some miraculous plot convenience,  they actually make it to morning, arriving at the   specified location to find yet another scarecrow,  only this time, someone finally thinks to take it   apart, or at least undress it anyway. Turns out  the map from the tree was printed on each of their   shirts, and that’s not all it’s got going on. Hmm, that looks important. Man, if only we’d   thought to try something like that before. Then again, it stands to reason this one might be   special given its prominence on the map, and that  certainly seems to be the case. After entering the   combination off an attached card, a hidden path  suddenly Photoshops itself into the corn. At the   same time, we get treated to the familiar wailing  of the air raid siren, only this time it seems   we’re standing right by the source. Huh, so does  that mean we’re the fourth team to make it this   far? If that’s the case, let’s hope whoever’s  up ahead is doing a Paragon playthrough.   Eventually, Tyler and Sam come to a raised tunnel  in the corn that seems to form some kind of maze.   Wait, hold on a second. Did it seriously  take you guys all day to get here? Jesus,   I know the going must be slow with Tyler  limping along like that, but that’s a long   time spent walking away from your teammates. Like  it or not, we’re almost certainly going to need   their items to progress at some point, especially  given we had to sacrifice the compass to power   up the scarecrow. We haven’t used the knife for  literally anything at this point, well, anything   besides what it’s normally used for I mean. Fact is, this is why we should have waited for the   others after our last run in with the lurkatron.  Now we might very well be a full day’s walk away   from them without any idea if they’re even still  alive. As much as I hate to say it, time to think   about ditching the dead weight and going back to  look for them. Will it be extremely dangerous?   Absolutely, but we shouldn’t have put ourselves  in this position in the first place.   Awesome. Well, looks like we’re in it now.   The good news is there’s a surefire way to  beat this one using the Left-hand method,   and, no, I don’t mean the one from my Alice in  Borderland video. Besides, in Tyler’s condition   that definition won’t be necessary. Basically, for those who don’t know,   you just put your left hand on the left wall and  keep walking until you eventually make it out.   This works because you’ll never touch the same  part twice, ensuring success is inevitable if   not very time consuming. And, yes, Redditors,  you can technically use either hand; however,   in the United States we always use the left one  so that the right is free to hold our firearm,   lefties notwithstanding. Of course, the last thing we   want to do is split up as there could easily be  some kind of threat roaming around inside…   …or death traps. For real, you already had  a hidden door close on you from the very   beginning. You really didn’t think  there might be more of them?   Fortunately for Tyler, quicksand usually isn’t as  bad as people think, and it’s certainly possible   he could escape on his own if Sam doesn’t come  through. The first thing we’ll want to try is   backpedaling closer to the ledge we fell in from  in case we can reach solid ground. If that’s not   possible, we should try to slowly lean backward  into a sort of back float position to maximize   our surface area, thereby slowing the rate  at which we sink in further. From there we   need to start gently moving our feet upward and  let the goop fill in underneath them. Mind you,   this could take quite a while as we’ll want  to move in very small increments to keep from   sinking back in, but at this level of screwedness  it’s really our only chance. Once we’re more or   less flat on our backs, we can slowly reach for  some of the corn accessories lining the wall with   which to gradually pull ourselves to safety, and  there you have it. No Collie dogs required.   Ultimately, Sam is able to find the symbol on the  door pointing to an underground release lever,   and it’s a good thing too. By the looks of it,  Tyler totally panicked and started flailing   uncontrollably, which would certainly  explain how he sank almost completely   out of sight in like thirty seconds. In any case, it seems Tyler’s little brush   with death was actually a blessing in disguise,  as he seems to have dredged up some kind of maze   map on his way out. Sure enough, this  quickly leads them to the other side,   where they find their next puzzle hidden inside  a shipping container. Looks like some kind of   elaborate computer system, probably why they  left us with not just one, but two computer   geeks from the very beginning. Too bad the only  one left is currently curled up in the fetal   position God knows how many miles away. Absent professional help, the two smooth   brains are able to get through the first couple  stages using the bullet and the switch card. Huh,   I guess it’s a good thing we didn’t choose  violence along the way. However, it seems they’re   missing the requisite item to complete the next  phase. Any guesses as to what that might be?   Oh, no crap. Although, you also don’t have the  lantern or the flask, either. Just staying,   we’ll want to grab everything we can when we  go back. What, you didn’t think this was going   to end without Sam having to run all the way  back to the others by herself, did you?   Yeah, sit tight, Tyler. We’ll  see you in two days.   Nah, I’m sure she can move a little  bit faster minus the dead weight,   and provided she counted their paces and  maintained a clear sense of direction,   she can even bypass the maze altogether. As long  as she knew which grid square it started in,   this would give her at least some idea of where  the tree might be relative to her position,   although it would only work if we  actually took the time to measure   out the width of each individual grid square. If we’re lucky, the route from the final scarecrow   leading to the shipping container backtracked  quite a ways towards the tree. Otherwise, we   might wind up running a marathon to get there and  back before Tyler gives up the ghost. Mind you,   neither of them have had literally anything  to drink since they left the others the night   before. Piece of cake, right? Well, however she does it,   Sam finds her way back almost immediately, and  by the looks of it, just in time for dinner.   Well, at least we know Ryan’s still kicking. More importantly, however, it seems Ethan’s body   is still wearing the combat knife from  his run in with Cameron, and you gotta   believe Sam knows just what to do with it. Of course, we can’t go strolling into the campsite   like we own the place, only a complete and utter  moron would do something like that. After all,   judging by the choice of cuisine, this is clearly  where the green dude calls home. Instead, we need   to follow Ryan’s lead and camouflage ourselves so  we can stake the place out without being spotted.   Ideally, we’ll want to wait until after Ryan  springs his attack to go for the steal. Otherwise   there’s no telling when he might show up, and  he might even be using this overtly conspicuous   bonfire to lure in potential prey. I would also circle around to the opposite side   where we’d be closer to those two piles of junk  beside Ethan. Not only are they slightly farther   from the light, but assuming we can find a knife  in one of them, it’ll be much easier to swipe,   especially since it turns out School  Boy hasn’t quite checked out yet.   Hmmm, strange he would stab the mortally  wounded person who hasn’t moved for over   a day and not the relatively healthy  woman crouched right next to him. Not   to mention the fact he was able to get within  an arm’s reach without her even noticing.   Oh, well, every good manhunt needs bait,  and it looks like we’re it right now.   Apparently, Ryan needs to work on his aim, or,  ya know get closer. Shooting is generally most   precise when the muzzle is placed directly  against the intended target. A little pro-tip   for all you armchair operators out there. Luckily for Sam, it keeps the creep distracted   long enough for her to grab the knife and make her  escape, only she didn’t bother grabbing any of the   other items. Jesus Christ, do you really want  to risk having to make another trip out here?   In fact, we should have grabbed as many as we  could possibly carry. I mean, as far as we know,   you have to arrange 12 lanterns in the shape  of a snowman to trigger the next event.   As for Ryan, looks like he finally gets what he  wanted. Well, almost. After a mostly one-sided   bout of CQC, the stalker realizes he’s  been beat and retreats into the corn,   and you know Ryan has to throw caution to the wind  and go right in after him like a total dumby.   Bruh, how did you not see that coming?
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 743,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, how to beat, escape the field, cinema summary, dead meat, the critical drinker
Id: 8cjybot4-fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 33sec (2133 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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