How To Beat the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE In "The Girl with All the Gifts"

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[Music] if the world was overrun with flesh-eating monsters and you're one of the last remaining humans left what would you do i'm going to break down the mistakes made what you should do and how to beat the fungal zombies in the girl with all the gifts melanie here is going to kill everyone on earth she's secretly looking at pictures of the outside world when suddenly the lights turn on and she hears guards in the hallway commanding her to get ready following orders the girl puts on her clothes and sits down in the wheelchair just before soldiers come in with rifles pointed straight at her head melanie greeks them with a smile but these guards are terrified of the girl and don't answer one of the soldiers straps her to the wheelchair and he pushes her out into the hallway revealing a massive underground bunker she's taken through a corridor along with several other kids and escorted into a large room where rows of children have been parked all of them restrained to their wheelchairs these kids are prisoners under constant surveillance but there's something very mysterious about them as the soldiers clear the room their teacher miss justin no walks in and greets them ready to begin their morning lessons that's when melanie here asks to be read a story and the teacher agrees inviting the students to write their own stories with their hands unlocked the children get to work and the teacher asks for one of the kids to read what they wrote melody raises her hand to volunteer and starts to tell her story but as she reads the teacher begins crying it's the saddest thing she's ever heard and the woman walks up to the girl reaching out to touch her but that's when the door swings open startled the teacher backs away as sergeant park storms into the room scolding the woman for getting too close he decides to teach her a lesson and spits on his arm holding it out for this boy to smell suddenly the student goes feral overwhelmed by the scent of human flesh and it starts a chain reaction as the other kids behind him try to break out of their restraints it's a horrifying reminder that these children are not as they appear and the soldier ends his demonstration rubbing this special gel over his arm okay this is the worst idea in the world this military base is educating dozens of children that are so dangerous they have to be strapped to wheelchairs and it's not safe but it reveals one horrible truth even in a zombie apocalypse adults would still force us to go to school now the soldiers are terrified of the kids so if the situation gets out of control they wouldn't think twice about killing every child on the compound it's clear that we have to escape but since we're restrained for 16 hours a day that's going to be very difficult to do unless we start thinking outside the box now in a situation like this we shouldn't be focused on things we can't control instead we have to identify the things that we can control and use them to our advantage for starters it's important to realize that a military base doesn't spend any time and resources educating children unless they need something out of it this is good news because once we've identified what they need from us then we might be able to leverage it to find a way out now it's very likely that their education is being used as a screening process to select the best candidates for an experiment so that's exactly what we need to use against them if they were me instead of being smart and answering their questions correctly i would be extremely careful to balance this by intentionally giving them wrong answers as well this way we can avoid selection by never being in the top or the bottom percentile of the class we are neither too stupid to dispose of or too smart to be selected for experimentation in the meantime the best thing we can do is inspect our wheelchair this is the only thing that's keeping us locked down during the day and it's sitting right here in our prison cell if it were me i would be spending every night trying to gradually loosen all the screws holding the chair together so that when the time is right i might be able to break out of it i would also try to steal this pencil because we can take out the eraser and flatten the metal holder here to use it as a makeshift screwdriver if things get desperate we could even use the pencil to stab someone in the neck if they get close enough as crazy as it sounds this technique was actually used by oss agents during world war ii who were trained to use everyday objects as weapons and it might help us escape the teacher visits melanie and sees that she's been left strapped into a wheelchair with no one around to help the woman walks into the cell and unlocks the restraints but this was her biggest mistake the girl can smell her flesh and is quickly losing control she screams at the teacher to leave the room and the woman backs off just as the girl jumps out of the wheelchair terrified miss justino rushes outside and locks the door before breaking down into tears there's nothing she can do to help the girl and starts covering her skin and blocker gel to hide the scent the next morning she's woken up by a blaring alarm and prepares her wheelchair but today something is different the sergeant comes into the cell and personally restrains her before reeling her out of the room but instead of taking her to class he takes her into an elevator it's the first time she's been anywhere else and finally gets to see the world above with her own eyes exiting a hanger the girl watches as soldiers defend the military base from a horde of zombies and the only thing protecting them is a giant chain link fence the compound is hours away from being overrun and the sergeant quickly brings her inside a research lab to meet the doctor looking around melanie spots a brain inside of this jar and she quickly realizes that she's not getting out of here alive the soldier locks the wheelchair in place and leaves the room as the nurse administers an anesthetic and the girl quickly falls unconscious moving her to the operating table they're going to cut her open for research but before the surgery begins she suddenly wakes up that's when miss justino barges into the room and sees her favorite student on the table furious she picks up a fire extinguisher making it clear that she won't allow them to cut the girl open the doctor points out that the prisoners only look like children but are being controlled by a fungus in their brain the teacher starts to calm down but suddenly dr caldwell reaches for a can of pepper spray and shoots it straight in the woman's eyes soldiers storm into the room and pick the woman back up onto her feet as the doctor explains she needs to make a vaccine to save the world but can only create it by harvesting melanie's body she orders the guards to take her away and they drag her out of the room leaving caldwell here to start the operation but it's too late she stops in her tracks as an alarm blares across the military base knowing that the infected have finally broken through okay this is terrifying these scientists are literally harvesting children's organs to find a cure for the zombie outbreak and it's completely up but i honestly can't blame them in all fairness if the entire world is overrun and these kids are humanity's last hope then it's obviously the right thing to do it's inhumane but we have to remember that empathy and morality don't exist at all unless humanity actually survives so there's not much of a choice having said that these scientists are already making a huge mistake the doctor here explained that these prisoners only look like children and are controlled by a brain fungus but there's one problem with this theory in order to control every aspect of a human's brain the organism would have to be just as sophisticated as the brain itself but fungi don't have the cellular structure for this to be possible the most important detail here is that these kids are acting completely normal until they're exposed to the smell of human flesh that means the only area of the brain that's being affected is the hypothalamus which controls our appetite and digestive system so it's impossible that the kids are being fully controlled by the fungus what they should do is use existing medical research and take extracts of the fungus so that they can develop an anti-fungal medication to kill it instead they're treating this girl like she's the fungus and it's just bad science now to give the doctor some credit studies have shown that several types of fungi are actually capable of spatial recognition memory and adaptive learning as an example german mycologists measure the effect of temperature changes on the growth of mycelia which are like the roots of a mushroom they observed that when heated up quickly for a few hours the mycelium stopped growing but when the temperature was reduced they grew back by forming smaller colonies in different spots to protect themselves this suggests that they are intelligent enough to develop the fed's mechanisms from past memories but it's just not enough to control an entire brain now none of this actually matters to melanie if she's about to be harvested for organs but if she had been paying attention the girl would have realized she had the perfect chance to escape the night before this teacher came to check on her and took an unnecessary risk to free the girl from her wheelchair it was the humane thing to do but kindness gets you killed in a zombie apocalypse the woman didn't even think ahead to use her blocker gel as a precaution and it was a very dumb decision if i was melanie here i wouldn't have warned the teacher at all because right now there are no soldiers in the hallway the door is open and the only thing standing between us and freedom is this one woman the best thing to do is bite the teacher and run straight out the door it's cold blooded as hell but if you'd rather die to protect someone who's helping enslave you then you've already lost the doctor insists they continue as planned but she's going to instantly regret it the lab assistant activates a security system but as the shutters come down a mutated human breaks through the glass window and bites around the arm acting quickly dr codwell smashes the creature's head before stabbing the second one to deathly glass shark but walks away horrified to see a cut on her hand that's when she notices her colleague has just transformed into a zombie and runs for shelter in the closet leaving melanie alone with the nurse taking her chance she reaches for a scalpel and cuts through the restraints before escaping from the research lab but quickly realizes that outside is even worse the girl is shocked to see the entire base is overrun but for some reason none of the zombies are attacking her as the girl looks around she spots one of the guards hitting her teacher in the head and starts running to protect her furious she jumps on one of the soldiers and bites deep into his throat his friend tries to help and melanie attacks her too killing them both it's her first taste of human flesh but the girl suddenly begins to feel exhausted as she slowly passes out that's when the teacher wakes up and sees melanie lying on the ground next to her stumbling over she picks her up and starts running for safety desperately searching for a rescue vehicle suddenly an armored van shows up and they get inside seconds before the horde reaches them the survivors drive out of the compound as fast as they can leaving behind an army of unstoppable zombies inside the vehicle the girl wakes up panicking as she tries to get her bearings and that's when she notices dr caldwell staring straight at her the woman managed to escape but the only thing she cares about is using this girl to make a cure that's when the van comes to a stop and the sergeant quickly turns around aiming his gun at melanie the teacher refuses to let them kill her and opens the door for the girl to jump out of the vehicle she starts running away but realizes that she doesn't know anything about the outside world and has nowhere to go meanwhile the soldier's radio for help but no one is responding to their broadcast taking inventory of their supplies the group discovers there's no water only a few magazines of ammo and a plastic face mask they'll need to resupply if they want any chance of surviving and the doctor insists they bring the girl with them melanie is the key to finding a cure but they have no idea she'll destroy the entire human race okay this entire situation could have been avoided the camp was already close to being overrun but it seems like all they did was wait for it to happen a proper military base would be expected to have emergency protocols to either protect the compound or evacuate and it seems like they had neither with a fence as flimsy as this one it's obviously not going to be enough to keep a horde of zombies out and eventually they're going to break through when enough pressure builds up on it with this in mind the first thing i would have done was develop a strategy for this very predictable situation before it ever happens the smartest thing to do is have the entire army dig a series of trenches between the two fences here so that we have enough time to get the job done safely when the horde breaks through the first fence they'd walk right into the trench and wouldn't be able to climb back out this filters the herd and we'd be able to kill them off without applying any more pressure to our last remaining barrier if they're all stuck in a trench the next thing to do is light them on fire this army base has at least eight jeeps and two trucks in the compound so i'd be willing to use some of our gas supply to wipe out a zombie horde if it keeps us all alive for another day now as effective as fire is gasoline is far too valuable resource to be using every time we're under attack we need to develop more strategies to kill as many as we can while using as few resources as possible and that's why i would turn this into an electric fence to understand why this would be effective we need to look at what makes these zombies tick without a beating heart it's very likely that this fungus has hijacked the electrochemical charges for neural activity which sends messages throughout the nervous system and allows the zombies to move if we can interrupt these electrical impulses then it might be enough to stop the fungus from interacting with the toast and render the zombie completely useless with this in mind i would take several car batteries from a few of these extra trucks and hook them up to the fence it's a very easy experiment to set up and all we need is a battery jumper cables and a ground pole to make it work if it has the potential to fry hundreds of zombie brains in a single touch it's definitely worth a try the survivors keep the girl restrained in the gunner seat and force her to wear a face mask making sure she can't bite anyone they stop the car in the woods and all the humans get out heading towards nearby lake to fill their canteens but this guy is about to ruin everything as the group holds out their bottles to collect water this soldier gets startled and fires his rifle without a suppressor the gunfire has attracted the attention of nearby zombies and they need to get out of there immediately panicking they all run back to the van as they fight off the infected but one of them attacks the soldier from behind he struggles to break out of its grip and fires his gun wildly catching the sergeant's attention he sees the man on the ground holding the creature back and tells him to push the zombie as high as he can before shooting it straight in the head the survivors finally reach the car but when the man tries to get in the sergeant pulls out his gun the man realizes there's a wound on his arm and insists it's not a bite but the sergeant doesn't believe him he holds the soldier at gunpoint until the man finally begins to turn and shoots him dead without a second thought inside the van melanie realizes the soldier was transformed and the teacher explains to her that he became a zombie-like creature called a hungary they've been infected with a fungal virus that spreads through bodily fluids and melanie here is one of them later the group stops for a break while the sergeant checks under the hood but the man has some bad news a bullet hit the fuel line so the van won't start so they have no choice but to walk to london it's the only way they'll be able to call the military base for help and they all agree to the plan when they finally arrive at the city limits the soldiers begin to survey the area and find that the infected are everywhere the streets are flooded with them but they're still standing motionless waiting to be triggered the sergeant approaches the others telling them they'll have to go through the horde and the doctor reassures them that the blocker gel will make them undetectable they'll need to move quietly to stay safe but things are about to go horribly wrong okay this is not a good idea traveling in a group like this makes it virtually impossible to sneak through hundreds of zombies undetected eventually someone is going to trip or make a sound and will all be trapped with nowhere to run it's way too dangerous and the smarter thing to do would be to send one person to scout for food and a radio signal they donate everyone together for this to happen and the larger the group the lower the chances are of staying alive the teacher is too emotional and the doctor is too important for the survival of mankind so i would send either the soldier or the girl to look for supplies one of the biggest problems is that the yards using this growth to their strategic advantage right now they're treating her like she's a liability but actually she's the best thing they could ask for the girl is half zombie so she wouldn't draw the attention of the infected because they recognize her as their own this means she can easily wander the streets of london looking for useful resources without having to risk anyone else's lives it's an obvious advantage and if i was in the situation it's the first thing i would try now this wasn't their only mistake because the girl could have been made useful much earlier if they were using their brains when the group stopped for water everyone got out of the truck and it was an unnecessary risk first of all there's no clear line of sight and it's a dead end so there's nowhere to run if they get cornered trucks are also extremely loud vehicles which it's guaranteed to attract attention so i would have made everyone stay inside and send the girl out to collect water for us to minimize the risk we also have to consider the best way to fight a zombie because rifles like these are very effective for long range use but when you're stuck in close quarters this is not going to be helpful if our lives are under constant threat then we should have a knife with us at all times because we'll never know when we'll need to use it it's the most basic tool for survival and if this soldier had one he probably would have survived the attack the group makes their way through the horde walking as carefully as they can when the doctor notices something strange one of the creatures is wielding a baby carriage and she gets closer to investigate blocking the wheels from moving she lifts at the blanket and sees a live rat has devoured the body it's horrifying and she gasps in shock alerting the mother who starts attacking her the sergeant quickly shoots the zombie in the head but the sound alerts more of them the group moves upstairs as the infected begin to wake up and the soldiers pick them off one by one until they make it to an abandoned hospital taking shelter inside looking around the sergeant finds a rope leading upstairs and they climb to the floor above the group splits up to make sure it's safe and leaves the girl with the doctor curious melanie asks the woman about her past and if she's human or not the doctor tells her that she's something entirely different and reveals that the sergeant found the children in the hospital their mothers had been infected giving birth to a new generation of carriers who gained an immunity to the disease the children were then taken to the military base and studied by the researchers who discovered that all of them had the fungus covering their brains and the doctors determined to find a cure at any cost the next morning the group discovers a horde has gathered outside the building and there's no way to escape but melanie here has an idea volunteering to go out alone to distract them the doctor doesn't want to take that risk but she knows the infected won't attack her and the girl promises to come back unharmed exiting the building she carefully walks through without alerting the zombies with her first taste of freedom she explores the city's streets but that's when she sees a stray cat run by her instincts suddenly take over and she runs after the animal chasing it into the bushes ripping off her mask she brutally eats it alive enjoying her first meal of the day later the girl searches a nearby house for supplies but as she looks around she hears barking in another room and finds a dog has been left behind she decides to bring the animal back to the hospital but as she's carrying it through the crowd one of the creatures suddenly wakes up thinking quickly the girl lets go of the dog and runs away in terror as the infected chases after it and the entire horde suddenly follows clearing the hospital's entrance okay as simple as it seems this is actually a genius strategy this girl knows more than anyone how a zombie thinks so she had the perfect instincts to clear the horde using a dog might seem cruel but it's going to easily outrun the infected because it's faster it can crawl into tight spaces and the horde isn't smart enough to corner it and catch their prey now the doctor here should have been paying attention because this strategy reveals a whole new branch of study that would be useful to our survival and that is zombie dynamics we often think about zombies as individual entities that react to stimuli on their own but this might be the wrong model to understand their behavior if this infection is being caused by a fungus then it's possible that they operate with something very similar to a hive mind mentality in many species of fungus the spores are released and develop into mycelium which can branch out in all directions some will then grow into wings with dozens of mushrooms each taking on a life of its own but what's fascinating is that they're all still connected to each other and can react as a single organism this is what makes these zombies so scary because there's actually some evidence that they can behave the same way and are connected to each other through this dynamic earlier when the group was trying to sneak through the sleeping zombies some of them seemed to be triggered by nothing at all everyone here was already wearing locker gel to hide their set and after moving up the stairs they weren't making any noise but for some reason several zombies still became aware of their presence as strange as it might seem this is actually observable in the animal kingdom as well scientists have learned that ants use a variety of smell chemicals to communicate and will leave a trail pheromone messages as they walk this allows other ants to follow them discovering if another colony member has found food before they even reach their destination now since the zombies bane trigger is sent it's very possible that it's not just humans they can smell but also a spectrum of other smell messages that communicate when food is nearby it explains why there's suddenly a hoard of them standing outside the building even though the survivors never made a sound insights just like this one will give us more information about our enemies so that we can use it against them and stand a chance of surviving with the area now safe the survivors continue through the city when the doctor notices a tree growing out of the sidewalk she reveals that these have been appearing all over the country and represents the virus's next stage of life it makes the girl worry the same thing will happen to her but dr caldwell suggests that because she's a second generation infected she has a symbiotic relationship with the fungus and needs it to survive later they make it to the bt tower but find it's completely overgrown with vines stretching all the way to the top the doctor explains that all the infected in the area have grouped together and combined into this massive tree seeing thousands of seeds growing on branches she reveals that when they open the fungus will spread and infect everyone on the planet the human race would be completely destroyed and there's nothing they can do but survive one day at a time they continue walking when the group finds something that could save their lives it's an armored truck with a high-tech trailer hitched to it the doctor explains that these were made to act as mobile research labs and since they're solar powered all its electronics should still work opening the door the sergeant leads them inside and turns on the lights as the doctor checks the equipment and to her relief she has everything she needs to make a cure as the others settle in the sergeant heads the driver's compartment and tries to start the truck but the engine won't turn on he thinks it can be fixed and returns to the main room to try contacting the nearby military base there's no response on the other end and to make matters worse they still haven't found any food the gallagher here volunteers to search for supplies but as he leaves melanie starts to get nervous the girl realizes she's starving and is overwhelmed by their smell it's a clear sign she's about to lose control and they have no choice but to let her outside hoping she'll find something to eat the girl searches the streets for food and notices birds flying off a nearby rooftop it's her best chance of finding fresh meat and the girl runs into the building to hunt for breakfast she manages to catch one on the roof and devours the raw but that's when she notices something strange melanie slowly walks inside and sees a group of children playing together they're just like her but suddenly one of the kids runs up and starts sniffing the air none of them can speak but the girl realizes they smell the soldier out on patrol and are about to hunt him down for food okay this is going to be a problem there's a very good chance that there's no one left to rescue us and we're completely on our own so we have to look at this research lab like it's our new base camp for the next few weeks while the doctor tries to make a cure now none of this is going to matter if the sports on this overgrown fungus starts to germinate this thing is the biggest existential threat to us because most sports are actually microscopic they'll spread through the air to be inhaled by the only remaining humans on the planet and that's not a risk we should be taking which is why i would be looking for face masks on average spores have a size of roughly 3pm so a standard mask with a 2.5 pm filter should be enough to block them from being inhaled if the group is near the bt tower here there's a store nearby called the uk prepping shop on cleveland muse which sells gas masks as well as meals ready to eat they obviously don't have google to figure this out but since this area doesn't have roaming zombies it should be easy for them to search the nearby stores and find the supplies they need to prevent contamination this should hopefully protect us from spores and fix our food shortages but the same is not true for melanie here as innocent as she looks this girl is a threat as long she's staying inside lab with us and eventually she's going to run out of animals to eat when there's nothing left her zombie instincts will take over and we need to fix this problem before she starts eating the others now when melanie was living on the military base she was being fed worms which is really smart these creatures feed off of organic matter helping it to decompose and they get their nutrition from microorganisms that live in the soil with the city overgrown in plant life we're going to have a much easier time finding worms to eat instead of stray cats the added benefit is that they're actually a superfood because they're extremely high in proteins iron and amino acids which help break down food and repair body tissue now it's obviously not practical to go out digging for worms every time the girl gets hungry so the smartest solution to this is vermiculture or worm farming it's actually pretty easy and all we need is some kind of basin with soil and a weekly supply of compost for them to eat then after a couple of months we can harvest and let them reproduce all over again it's going to take time but if we start out with enough culture samples we can produce 150 worms for every single one we find in a year which doesn't sound like much but trust me it's a lot considering this is what she was eating at the military base they probably already know how to do this and it's a good idea to continue trying or they might end up as zombie food meanwhile the doctor's wound has gotten worse and when the teacher asks her what's wrong the woman reveals she's dying the cut on her hand has gone septic and there's no way she'll survive desperate the woman tells the teacher that she can make a cure but needs to harvest melanie's body and this is her last chance to save humanity miss justino refuses to sacrifice her student and that's when they hear the girl knocking on the door inside she warns the group that the soldier on the supply run is about to be hunted down by a gang of children they're infected just like her and the kids will eat him alive if they don't find him in time worried he tries to radio gallagher but gets no response the soldier has crawled inside of a supermarket to get supplies and left his walkie-talkie behind suddenly they hear a voice on the lab's radio calling from a military base but there's bad news the voice on the other end tells them they're about to be overrun just before the signal cuts out in another part of the city gallagher here is searching a supermarket when he finds a rack of adult magazines enjoying the well-written articles the man hears something behind him and is surprised to see a feral child he tries to communicate with her but she backs away and leads him through an aisle he's suddenly ambushed as another child slices his legs trapping him with no way to escape the man pulls out a hand grenade and threatens to blow them all up but all they see is dinner as the children rush forward and eat him alive melanie leads the group through the city and tracks the soldiers sent directly to the supermarket lifting up the shutters they head inside and the group is horrified to discover that they've arrived too late the soldier's body has already been ripped apart and that's the girl realizes they've just been lured into a trap going outside she sees the infected children are waiting for them and have completely surrounded the entrance there's no way to escape but melanie knows exactly how to handle this the other children stand back as the girl growls at them and faces off against their leader they start fighting desperately to survive when she suddenly rolls away from him and the kid realizes he's been handcuffed to a bike stand there's no way he can protect himself as melanie takes the bat in her hands and brutally beats him to death okay this girl is savage she just pummeled this kid to protect her friends and it was a very smart decision to make these children are half zombies and half human so they're capable of predicting behavior and responding to social dynamics but they also have zero education they're basic as hell and that means they're only going to respond to the most primitive form of communication which revolve around power hierarchies melanie instinctively realized that establishing dominance would be the most effective way to handle them but she didn't realize that there was an even better way to take advantage of this dynamic right now we can see that all the other children are subservient and the death of their leader creates a power vacuum that will need to be filled that's why instead of running away i would have encouraged melanie to stay behind and become their new leader these humans rely on the city's resources for survival and the wild children aren't going anywhere either they'll keep setting traps around every valuable resource because they look at humans as food but all this changes if melanie can control them if they were me i would take psychologist bf skinner's model of behaviorism and try to use it to our advantage in his experiments he was able to use positive and negative reinforcement so effectively that he could even teach pigeons how to play ping pong with this in mind i would use melody's new power to unify the entire clan of children and start subjecting them to behavioral conditioning earlier we established that worm farming could supply enough protein to satisfy melanie's hunger so we can use this as a reward to put these kids to work and reinforce behavior that benefits us now the biggest threat is actually this massive tree because as soon as the spores are released humanity will be doomed if we can teach primitive children how to climb a fungus tree and pick seeds to destroy them we might be able to save the entire human race and that's a lot more rewarding than just sneaking off from a temporary conflict the children are terrified of melanie and the survivors walk away safely from the supermarket they head back to the research lab but something's wrong the front door has been left wide open and they hurry inside to find out what's happened but that's when they see the doctor pointing a gun straight at them the group realizes they can't breathe and suddenly start choking before blacking out with everyone else unconscious the woman pumps the air back into the compartment and drags melanie to the operating table she disinfects her hand to prepare for the surgery but suddenly turns around to see the girl glaring at her desperate to survive the doctor tells her she can make a cure and keep the teacher from getting infected but only if the girl sacrifices her life melody argues she can help protect them but the woman points out the seeds in the fungus tree are going to bloom they open up to heat and all it would take is a single wildfire to spread the infectious spores killing every last human on the planet convinced melanie decides to help make the cure but before she gets on the operating table the girl asks the doctor if she thinks her body is still being controlled by the fungus considering her question the woman answers that she's not she's a living person and this was the doctor's biggest mistake changing her mind the girl walks away grabbing a box of matches before leaving the lab the doctor tries to chase after her but she's too weak from her wound and can't catch up that's when she realizes the pharaoh children have surrounded her and there's nothing she can do to stop them from eating her alive melanie goes back to the giant tree covering the bt tower and lights a match setting the vines on fire the fungus quickly burns up and dooms the world as the seeds burst open releasing the spores walking back to the lab she sees the sergeant in the street and realizes he came looking for her the girl apologizes to him explaining that everyone on earth will now be infected and the man begs her to finish him before he turns into a zombie taking his pistol melanie shows him the way out and says her goodbyes to one of the last humans on the planet back at the research lab the teacher has woken up and walks through the door approaching the hermetic seal to discover that the spores have already begun to spread the world is now officially over and the teacher is shocked but seeing melanie outside she realizes there's still hope days later the woman prepares her research lab for morning lessons as she greets her new students and they all sit down bummed that they still have to go to school but what do you think how would you beat the girl with all the gifts let me know with a comment down below thank you so much for watching leave a like and subscribe and check out the how to be playlist for more videos like this until next time have a damn good day
Channel: How To Beat
Views: 3,120,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, explained, review, death game, battle royale, high school, highschool, among us, trailer, trap, traps, The Girl With All The Gifts, laughrunfeature, nerd explains, bingeXpress
Id: jp2fLz5l1vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2022
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