How to Beat the DEATH GAME in "READY OR NOT"

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If the family you’re about to marry into is  a direct recipient of the Devil’s good graces,   and your life once you say ‘I Do’ is  dependent on winning a game of Hide n’ Seek,   what do you do? I’m going to break down   the mistakes made by Alex, Grace, and the cursed  Le Domas family, what you should do, and how to   beat the DEATH GAME in READY OR NOT. Two kids are running through the Le Domas   mansion looking for a hiding spot in an  ultra-wealthy version of hide-and-go-seek,   which seems easier for the hiders since there’s  more places to hide. They must be balancing out   the game somehow... Daniel hides Alex in a  closet, then is confronted by a wounded man   named Charles. Charles begs Daniel to help him  hide. He’s bleeding out from a spear in his gut.   Daniel’s a conniving little shit and alerts  his family, who arrives in ceremonial masks.   Despite the pleas of his bride, Helene,  Charles is shot with a speargun again.   He’s then dragged into a special  room to be ritually sacrificed.   This is one of those situations that once  you're involved in, you stand very little   chance. I’m going to make the bold assumption  that at some earlier point, Charles made some   poor decisions or ignored obvious red flags.  You just don’t find yourself in a deadly game   of hide-and-go-seek in Wayne’s Manor being  hunted down by generations of a masked family   wielding spearguns. I could be wrong though. 30 years later, that little boy named Alex who was   hiding in the closet now runs the successful Le  Domas Family Games company, and is set to marry   Grace, a former foster child after having  dated for just over a year and a half. Alex   offers Grace a final chance to flee with him away  from his self-proclaimed horrible family. Grace   insists that she wants to join their family. On her wedding day, Grace meets the Le Domases:   Alex’s brother Daniel the snitch and his  catty gold-digging wife ironically named   Charity; Alex’s disapproving father,  Tony, and uniquely friendly mother,   Becky, who tells Grace that when she was getting  married into the family she too wasn’t as popular   because her blood wasn’t “blue” enough either.  The most disconcerting member of the family is   Helene with her permanent resting bitch face. It’s  clear she’s poorly coping with past trauma…   Moments later, everyone gathers for the  ceremony, and Grace and Alex are married.   After the wedding the newly wed bride and groom  head back to their room to get intimate. They’re   rudely interrupted by Helene’s freakish scowl.  She ominously tells them that she hopes they can   hide better than that, and reminds them that they  need to join the family for game night now.   Grace scoffs that of course they have secret  doors, which Helene snuck in through. Alex   clarifies that it’s a servants corridor  that runs all through the house.   He then nervously explains to Grace that as per  tradition, since they made their fortune with   games, every new addition to the Le Domas  family has to join the family for a game at   midnight after the wedding. Grace asks what type  of game. Alex lies and tells her he doesn’t know,   that she draws a card to choose. It might be  Checkers, Backgammon, Croquet, or Twister with   Helene. He says she doesn’t have to win, only  to play, and that it means more to the family   than the wedding itself. Grace is puzzled but is  willing to play along to officially be accepted   into the family. She tells Alex that she will meet  him downstairs for the game in a few minutes.   Alex is a royal scumbag for suckering Grace into  what he knows is a game which could end her life   like Helene’s husband, who he heard getting  murdered from within the closet back when he   was a kid. He made several subtle mentions that  his family was horrible, and that they should   run away together and leave his family behind. He  knows the wretchedness that takes place within the   mansion, yet lured Grace in anyways. Earlier I thought that Charles had to have   neglected obvious red flags for him to suddenly  find himself in a sick life and death game.   Now I'm not so sure. Grace and Alex had been  dating for almost two years, she had known   his family for some time prior to the wedding,  and there weren’t any real obvious red flags up   until this point. It all seems like a weird mix  of unsavory characters and traditions afflicted   with proximity to billions of dollars. Grace seems like a cool girl with a full head   on her shoulders. She couldn’t know what was in  the center of the thing was biting into.   Grace enters the music room where the family  is waiting. After Becky scolds someone on the   phone to get here by midnight, she talks with  Grace and tells her that all she asks is that   she brings Alex closer to the family. Seems there  was some animosity and separation for some reason.   Definitely has nothing to do with everyone  despising one another yet bound anyways by   a money cow and the Devil’s traditions. Alex joins back up with Grace. He’s visibly   nervous about the game night, but covers  saying he’s just feeling a little sick.   Alex’s friendly drug-addict sister, Emilie, and  her pompous husband, Fitch, exchange pleasantries,   but are rudely interrupted again by Helene.  Helene’s not a fan of Emilie, or really any   of the ladies. I think we all know why. Tony ushers Grace and the family into a   special room memorializing his great  grandfather, Victor Le Domas.   Tony explains his ancestor Victor Le Domas made  a deal with a man named "Le Bail" to build the   Le Domases fortune in exchange for the family  observing a tradition: every new member draws   a game card from Le Bail's puzzle box on their  wedding night. The family passes Grace the box   to draw a card from it and pick the game. Charity  said she got Chess, while Fitch got a game called,   ‘Old Maid’. Grace takes the box and draws ‘Hide  and Seek’. The room falls dead silent. Alex’s   face goes white, Daniel hangs his head, and Becky  looks worried. Grace, still confused and trying   to stay lighthearted, asks who hides and who  seeks. Tony says that since it’s her initiation,   she will be the one to hide. As everyone leaves  the room to begin the game, Alex quietly tells   her to meet him in their room after Tony briefs  her on the rules. Which are as follows:   1. ‘She can hide anywhere in the house’ 2. ‘They will count to 100 and try to find   her’ as soon as she leaves this room 3. ‘They will turn off all the cameras’   in the house to play the game as  his great grandfather would have   4. ‘She has to stay hidden until dawn to win’ Grace leaves the room totally ignorant of what’s   at stake to go hide while Tony hands out weapons  from Victor Le Domas’s personal collection to each   family member. The game is about to begin. Tony forgot to mention a couple minor rules.   See, Victor Le Domas made a deal  with the devil himself, Mr. Le Bail,   and his offer of fortune came at the cost of a  deadly curse. The rules he left out are:   1. Should the new addition to the family draw  the game, ‘Hide n’ Seek’, the ignorant newcomer   must hide and be hunted down by the family. 2. The weapons used by the family must only be   the traditional weapons kept in the Family Room. 3. The newcomer is to be captured, not killed, and   brought back to the Family Room for the final part  of the ritual. A Satanic incantation performed   followed by their sacrifice before dawn. 4. If they fail to end the initiate’s life   or compromise the game in any way,   all family members will die. Now, how does the family know the   threat is real? 3 possible ways: 1. I’m guessing the dealing of extreme   fortune came as a surprise. Their fortune was  acquired not through skill and strategy, but by   luck and external forces. Their unworthiness of  the wealth signaled the power Le Bail wielded,   thus making his threat credible. 2. Alex later mentions relatives who mysteriously   died after ignoring the terms of the deal. 3. As we later find out, Le Bail made a   supernatural appearance in front of Alex when  he was 5 years old. The other family members   were skeptical that he was young and imagining  it, but this coupled with the mysterious deaths   and fortune were enough to make them think  twice about crossing Le Bail’s rules.   Could Alex have prevented Grace’s twisted  fate some other way? Could the family have   circumvented Le Bail? The way I see  it, they have 7 potential options.   Some are certain death, others might be worth  exploring before murdering innocent people.   1. Not playing the game. This flat out  doesn’t work. It’s established by the   family that previous refusing couples  all suddenly died shortly after.   2. Not formally marrying. Alex later mentions  one of the rules is that marriages have to be   performed at the Le Domas mansion. While Vegas  or common law is out, keeping new additions to   the family as girlfriend-boyfriend or intimate  offshore business acquaintances might be worth   trying. The nuances of what constitutes  an addition to the family is unclear,   and trying to semantically game the system could  easily result in their deaths. Considering what   happened to refusing couples in option 1, none  of them would be inclined to attempt this.   3. Fleeing from family. Alex seemed to think  that this was an option. Before the wedding   he asked Grace if she wanted to just run  off with him and leave his demented family   behind. This is different from option 2 in  that they would no longer be a part of the   family or have access to it’s riches. A total  separation based on what they know could work,   should a family member choose a partner that  is ill-fit to be a part of the Le Domas family.   Which brings me to the next option. 4. Choosing partners carefully. Tony wasn’t   being a jerk for no reason when he asked  Alex if Grace was a Les Domas in character.   This game night ritual with the occasional  sacrifice is clearly a filter so that only   those deemed corruptible or morally impure  will be initiated into the Le Domas family.   Tony, Becky, and Helene are distinctly  aware of why Charles was sacrificed,   and the bumbling fool Fitch or the sociopathic  gold-digger Charity were successfully initiated.   Grace’s unfortunate receipt of the Hide and Seek  card was most likely because she was too moral,   or ‘red-blooded’ as Becky pointed out. Mr. Le Bail  realized she wouldn’t be the soul-selling type,   and chose to have her sacrificed. Alex would have  known all this, and being the CEO of the Le Domas   gaming dominion, he should have figured  out that Le Bail’s game was deterministic,   not probabilistic. The deterministic nature of the  game to root out the moral, the holy disciples,   the good in man, meant that Grace never would  have drawn anything besides Hide n’ Seek.   Alex should never have chosen her as a wife. 5. Let them choose. If he and Grace really wanted   to get married and take their chances, he  should have told her everything so that   she could make an informed decision.  This isn’t a problem as his brother,   Daniel, later is revealed to have told Charity  about the curse prior to the wedding.   6. Only have flings. Tony Le Domas mentioned  that a 3 year courtship process is expected,   which Alex shortened by a year. It’s not clear if  after those 3 years they have to marry, or if you   have to eventually find someone to marry at all.  They could sabotage all relationships prior to   the 3 year mark. Maybe not the most fulfilling  life, but better than the alternative.   7. Keep the bloodline pure. Children don’t  need to go through the marriage game process.   What lengths would you be willing to go to  avoid having to murder a loved one’s spouse?   This is the only non-violent way of  having children and expanding the family.   I never said these were good options. Now that Grace and Alex got married and   she pulled the card, the Le Domases have  to kill her or they themselves will die.   What can Alex and Grace do at this point? 1. While Alex is supposed to stay in the Le Domas   game room while the hunt is completed, if he’s  feeling guilty enough, he can leave the room to   help Grace escape. After Grace drew her card, he  told her to meet him in his room. If she’s there,   he can help her, if not he will have to find  her before his family does while not revealing   his intentions. If they find out he’s trying  to save Grace, they will kill or detain him.   Of course, this would ensure his own death  and the death of his entire family. Which is   also why the Le Domases need to keep an eye on  Alex to ensure he doesn’t fuck them over.   2. Grace has no idea that she’s being  hunted down to be sacrificed to the devil.   There’s nothing she can be expected to do.  Not even to stay hidden until dawn. It’s a   dumb kids game and Tony saying that she needs to  stay hidden until dawn to win came off as a joke,   so why would she stay hidden for more than  an hour. Grace needs Alex to warn her or to   get a lucky break in the initial attack. Grace nonchalantly finds her hiding spot in a   dumbwaiter. The Le Domas’ count  to 100 and begin hunting her,   with the exception of Alex and Charity. Alex  for obvious reasons, and Charity to guard the   entrance to the sacred sacrificial room. Alex leaves the room through the servants   corridor, but is quickly found out by  Charity when she returns moments later.   Grace gets tired of hiding in the cramped food  elevator and leaves to forfeit the game. Luckily,   Alex finds her before the others and quietly  pulls her into one of the rooms. They both hide   behind the bed while one of the maids comes into  their room looking for two young Le Domas boys   running amuck. Grace witnesses the maid get  brutally maimed by a shot to the head.   She then hears the family scolding Emilie  for accidentally shooting the maid instead   of Grace, and how they needed to maim  her, not kill her for the sacrifice.   Tony, Helene, Daniel, and Becky come in to help  move Clara's body because they don’t want Grace   to see it and get spooked. Grace is completely  shell-shocked, but Alex manages to get her into   the servants corridor before Emilie comes back  for her gun. He then tells her that his family   is cursed, and that if they fail to win the game,  which means killing Grace, they will die at dawn.   Grace is understandably pissed the fuck off  that Alex involved her in this. He exclaims that   nobody ever draws that card, that he thought the  chances were worth it, and, this last one's good,   he blames her for wanting to get married and  be a part of his family even though he hid   the part about them being cursed by the devil  and how she may have to be sacrificed.   Alex at least has the decency to help her flee  despite the consequences to himself. He tells her   that he’s going to the security room to disable  the lockdown, and she needs to run the other way   to the service kitchen, which is near an exit  of the mansion that she can escape through.   Alex is an idiot for not realizing  that the game is deterministic,   and a piece of shit for not telling Grace  about Le Bail’s game ahead of time.   The dumbwaiter is an obvious hiding spot,  and one of the first places I'd check if I   was a Le Domas. Then again, Grace couldn’t  have been expected to hide in a good spot   since she thought it was a harmless game. With their lives on the line, the Le Domases   should have guarded Alex better or brought  him with them to keep him in sight. As well   as locked the security room. He has too strong  a motive to cause them to lose the game.   The first of the Le Domases' many  screwups is handing a drug addict   a firearm and sending her out into  the mansion with maids, butlers,   and their kids all running around. And had  Emilie accidentally shot Grace in the head   and killed her, there may have been  dire consequences for the family.   Unfortunately, Grace and Alex’s phones were  confiscated, so calling for help is out.   Alex’s plan is simple but effective.  Disable the locks and get Grace out.   The execution, however, was flawed. Grace is mentally gone right now.   She should not be left alone to navigate the  giant mansion she’s unfamiliar with. She also   can be easily overpowered by a couple of the Le  Domas family members should they find her.   Alex needs to have Grace stay put in the servant’s  corridor, tell Grace how long it will take him to   disable the locks and what to do if he’s not back  in time, and then have her wait for him to come   back so he can guide her to the exit while fending  off any family members that spot them.   If they were hell bent on splitting up for  good, Alex should at least have told her how   long it might take him to disable the security  system so she doesn’t prematurely make a break   for it and get caught at a locked door. This is all assuming that the windows are   made of a strong plexiglass that they couldn’t  throw a lamp through. In which case disabling   the security system is the only way out. Grace rips the bottom of her dress off and heads   down the corridor where she reaches two doors on  either side. She picks the wrong door and walks   out into the hallway Helene, Alex, and Tony  are dragging the maid’s corpse through.   The drugged out Emilie opens fire with  her Pepperbox multi-barreled pistol.   Grace managed to duck out of the way and come  out unscathed. Emilie drops the gun, so Grace   runs past her to get away from the others. She flees into another room to try to escape with   no luck. Alex still hasn’t disabled the security  system. The windows are locked and the phones are   down too. She’s trapped. Daniel walks into  the room, almost ignoring Grace at first.   Being disillusioned with his Satanic family, he  gives her a 10 second head start then alerts his   family. Charity and the others show up. She  tells them that Alex left the game room.   Emilie throws a fit about losing her pistol  earlier. Fitch graciously hands her his crossbow   since he still couldn’t figure out how to use it  after all those videos on the John. Unlike Fitch,   Emilie’s a bit of a natural. When another maid  runs into the room to tell them she saw Grace,   Emilie accidentally fires a  bolt through her mouth.   They try to form a new plan to stop Alex and  find Grace, but keep getting interrupted by   the maid's deathly groans. Helene finally gets  fed up and decapitates her with the axe.   In desperation, their new plan is for Tony  and Daniel to go turn on the cameras to give   themselves an advantage while the rest  fan out to find Grace and Alex.   Since Alex failed to disable the security  system, Grace devises a plan of her own.   She sneaks back to the unattended game room  where all the old weapons were stored and   grabs the elephant gun with it’s bandolier  of ammo. It’s time for some payback.   Grace’s premature exit out the wrong side of  the servant’s corridor is exactly why Alex   should have guided her or told her how long it  would take to disable the security system.   Why are the Le Domases still dragging the maids  body around. Not only are they wasting precious   time, but they are far more likely to be seen  by Grace or leave a blood trail she’d find.   It would be far more effective if  they’d just rolled her up in the rug,   stuffed her in a closet, and locked the door. Emilie needs to get benched. Why they gave her one   of the most dangerous, effective weapons in the  first place, and why they didn’t take it away from   her after she shot the maid is beyond me. She  nearly killed Tony, Daniel, and Helene.   The Le Domases should have planned,  prepared, and trained much better for   this night. They are all splitting up, not  taking it seriously, getting high and drunk,   haphazardly checking random areas instead of  clearing the house directionally, and giving   guns to untrained undisciplined morons. If I’m being honest, the Le Domases fucked   up way before all this by choosing idiots for  partners and poorly parenting their children.   New additions need to be morally corrupt,  not braindead substance abusers.   Turning on the cameras should have  been done from the start. Again,   this ritual is about filtering out moral  newcomers. The only goal that really needs to   be satisfied is sacrificing Grace by dawn. When they fan out to find Grace they should be   paired up, stupid with smart. This way a 2v1  ensures that when they find Grace they can   subdue her, as well as keeping the morons of the  family in check. They also should be directionally   and thoroughly clearing areas to be sure Grace  doesn’t sneak into a previously checked area.   Since the doors and windows are still locked,  Grace’s plan to go back to the game room slash   armory was a good idea. The elephant gun was the  only weapon left, which she promptly picked up.   I don’t think she loaded it though. It’d be wise  of her to practice dry firing and reloading to   make sure she knows how to operate it. The Le  Domas family is pretty big, so she’s going to be   reloading a lot. Grace does have the advantage  that they have to be careful to only maim her,   while she can outright kill them. Grace finally makes it into the service   kitchen. The doors are still locked, who knows  what happened to Alex. There’s no time to wait for   him to do his part. Grace tries to blast the door  open but the gun won’t fire for some reason...   Before she can figure out why, the Butler,  Stevens, arrives to grab a late night snack.   Grace slips around the corner and ever so softly  slides a .577 Nitro Express cartridge into the   breach while the butlers singing. She sees the  exit door getting disabled and makes her move on   the butler. He doesn’t budge, so she pulls  both triggers. Nothing happens. The butler   reveals that she loaded display dummy rounds  and attacks her. Grace hits him over the head   with the boiling pot of water. Stunned, he  grabs a kitchen knife and starts blindly   swinging at her. She can’t make it past him so  she runs off in search of another exit.   Meanwhile, Alex bashes the security system to  prevent Tony and Daniel from reactivating it.   Tony’s not too happy about the situation.  He knocks Alex unconscious, and they   handcuff him in another room. Seriously, why are all the maids,   kids, and butlers wandering around  while the purge is going on.   Not that it would have mattered, but Grace should  have loaded the gun as soon as she picked it up.   It should be obvious that the gun wouldn’t have  been kept loaded. That said, she can’t be blamed   for not knowing they were dummy rounds. The Le  Domases grabbed the guns from the same wall.   It’s unfortunate, because seeing Grace nuke  Stevens with the 8 bore would have been cool.   Alex understandably didn’t want to kill his dad  even though he poses a grave threat to Grace.   He’s too conflicted emotionally. He did do a good  job of destroying the security system though.   Now that the doors and windows are unlocked and  the cameras are off, Grace should have free reign   to pop open any of the exterior windows or doors  and escape. She should also start a fire with the   candles. A large fire would signal emergency  services and disrupt the Le Domases hunt.   Grace’s new plan is to go back and hide in  the same dumbwaiter she originally hid in.   Except another maid is hiding in it. The  maid then starts yelling trying to alert   the family that Grace is there. When  she tries to get out of the dumbwaiter   she accidentally hits the elevator  button, crushing herself in it.   That is a strong food elevator,  damn. Grace is forced to flee the   scene before anyone else arrives. Stevens rejoins with the family to give   his report. He was unable to  repair the security system,   meaning the doors and windows are still unlocked,  and Dora was crushed in the dumbwaiter.   The Le Domas’ feud with each other for a  bit, then head back out in search of Grace.   They won’t be finding her inside though.  Grace is standing on the windowsill just   outside the room they cuffed Alex in. Grace jumps off the roof, somehow managing   to not break her ankle, and sprints for it.  She gets pretty far, but someone’s out there   with a flashlight blocking her path. Grace  decides to hide in the nearby Stable, which   proves to be a poor choice as the person with the  flashlight starts searching it moments later.   It’s Georgie, Emilie’s son. Grace asks  him to help her escape, but Georgie’s   too indoctrinated by his psycho family. He  pulls out a pistol and fires at her.   Luckily he missed anything vital and only blew a  hole through her hand. Grace knocks Georgie out   cold before he can get another shot off. She’s  then startled by a goat, causing her to fall   into the goat pit. It’s not just goats. This is  where the Le Domases dumped the bodies of previous   spouses that drew the Hide n’ Seek card. She one handedly climbs out of the goat pit via   the rickety wooden ladder. It breaks just as she  reaches the top. As her bloody hand slips off,   she slams her wounded hand down on the protruding  nail. The hole in her hand catches the nail,   which Grace uses it to pull herself up. The family might have heard that gunshot.   She quickly bandages her hand up with  a piece of her dress and heads for the   fenceline before others show up. Grace really needs to stop trusting   anyone associated with the Le Domases. Everyone  should be treated as a threat from now on.   Leaping 10-15 feet to the ground in front of  a giant window was dangerous. Not only could   she have twisted an ankle putting herself at  an even worse disadvantage, but if Fitch or   anyone else was looking out that window at  that moment she’d have been caught.   When Grace was cut off in the courtyard by  Georgie with the flashlight, she should have   stayed put and kept behind the tree out of his  view by watching where the light was shining.   They are most likely headed over to the stable  to search it since it’s an obvious hiding spot.   It was stupid of Grace to run over  to it ahead of the searcher. Not as   stupid as revealing herself to Georgie. The Le Domases should have done a much better   job of disposing of the bodies. If anyone got  suspicious of why multiple people went missing the   night of their wedding at the Le Domas mansion,  this would be one of the places they’d check.   Grace was lucky she was able to make it out of  the pit on that old ladder. Once she got out,   she should have thrown Georgie  in the hole and taken his gun.   It was the same Pepperbox that Emilie had.  There might be ammo in it. Even if there isn’t,   it could be used to scare off the Le Domases. Charity see’s Grace run from the stables and   takes a shot with her harpoon gun from the  mansion terrace. Which totally misses.   Grace makes it to the fenceline. She’s too  weak and wounded to climb it. There’s a   broken piece of the fence that she’s able to  fully snap off, creating an opening barely   large enough for her to squeeze through.  She makes it through to the other side,   gashing herself in the process. Grace then  tries to flag down a car, but they speed   off yelling at her to get out of the road.  Grace understandable gets a bit upset.   Catching a ride isn’t working, so she runs off  into the nearby woods. Stevens drives by shortly   after and see’s the broken fence. He reports  back to the family saying that Grace fled into   the woods but that he will find her, and fix  the broken fence in the morning of course.   Meanwhile, Alex finally regains  consciousness. Realizing Grace   must be in danger, he starts trying to saw  his handcuffs through the bedframe.   The butler finds Grace running through  the forest. He runs her down in his car,   tackles her to the ground, and tries to shoot her  with his tranq gun. Grace knocks it out of his   hands, gouges his eye and burnt face, then chokes  him out with her dress's waist ribbon.   She jumps into his car, peels out, and  hits the Onstar button to call for help.   The attendant is a useless NPC that, despite  her cries that people are trying to kill her,   tells her the car was reported stolen  so they have to shut it down.   Grace puts her head down, thinking the police  must surely still be on their way. Stevens   catches up to her before they arrive, breaks the  window, and shoots her with a tranq dart.   Grace completely stumbled at the finish  line. When she made it past the fence,   trying to flag down oncoming cars was far  too risky. It easily could have been driven   by a Le Domas or one of their employees  looking for her. Luckily it wasn’t.   I don’t know how she got surprised by a car  in the dark quiet forest. She definitely   should have seen him coming and hid. When Grace gouged Stevens face, she should   have immediately ran and taken off in the car.  Trying to choke him out was too risky. Stevens   is much larger and stronger than she is, and  easily could have overpowered her, rolled out   of the choke, or pulled the fabric away from  his neck as it is rather wide and large.   Had she taken Georgie’s pistol and shot down  Stevens, finished him off by backing the car   over him or shooting him with the tranq gun,  she wouldn’t have gotten recaptured.   The Onstar Tripsafe service needs to be sued into  oblivion for immediately shutting down a vehicle   with a driver that is in fear of her life. Waiting  in the shut down car was a terrible decision. It   should have been obvious that Stevens was the one  who reported it missing since choking someone out   for 10 seconds doesn’t kill them despite what  most movies indicate. He knows the direction   Grace went in and will be coming after her. Stevens reports back to the family once more that   he captured Grace and he’s making his way to the  rear gate with Grace tied up in the backseat.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 1,494,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, how to beat, how to beat ready or not, ready or not movie, ready or not, ready or not 2019, ready or not explained
Id: QeiAw2FROjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 39sec (1959 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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