How To Beat Every DEATH GAME In "Alice In Borderland"

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Everyone in Japan has disappeared. And now, you're  trapped in a deserted city, and forced to compete   in terrifying games, where every mistake is  fatal. Everything in this world is designed   to eliminate you. Well, we can outsmart it with  five simple rules to stay alive. And by the end,   I will show you how to beat every single  death game that they have to face.  I'm going to break down the mistakes  made, which you should do in how to   be the death games of Alice in Borderland. We meet this guy, Arisu, who's living life   one game at a time. He looks like a loser, but  looks can be deceiving. He's an experienced gamer,   which makes him a strategist. He reads  textbooks on math. He's familiar with mechanics,   and this digital dexterity is impressive. Now, this might look like a useless hobby,   but these games train your brain to make fast and  practical decisions in high-pressure situations.   Also, being told you're a disappointment every  day by your family is going to put a serious chip   on your shoulder. And sometimes you just need  the right scenario to unlock that part of you.   He joins his friend, Karube, the  bartender, and Chota, an IT guy.  All of them have had some bad luck today and wish  they could hit the reset button on their crappy   lives. Karube here imagines what they would do  in a zombie outbreak, and he's convinced that   his friend, Arisu, has the most potential  to survive. This guy seems to understand   everyone's strengths and weaknesses. And this  immediately makes him a leader when things go bad.  He does have a massive weakness, however, and  that's situational awareness. As they run out   of the road, the IT guy hears a loud boom from  it looks like strange fireworks. The noise gets   the attention of everyone else on the sidewalk,  including the station police. Thinking they're in   trouble, they hide in a bathroom stall. The lights  go out mysteriously, and don't come back on.  And everything outside has gone quiet. What  just happened? The friends leave the stall to   find the entire city is completely abandoned. And  what's even creepier is that their phones aren't   even working. This is seriously unsettling. But  the important thing right now is to stay calm.   There's a lot of information out there  because we have a whole city to ourselves.  We don't know what else has disappeared.  So, I would scout the city to look for food,   fire, water, animals, and any signs of life. We  won't find all the answers, but at least we can   confirm what we have to work with in this new  reality. That night, a nearby building lights   up with a message, welcoming players to a game  and guiding them to the GM building. The only   place in the neighborhood with any power. Okay. We obviously shouldn't trust any of   this. So, I'd first want some protection. Japan  has stricter gun laws, but you can buy rifles.   And there's a shop right here called Shibuya  Firearms Inc. only five minutes away from them.   I'd also grab a battery powered flashlight and a  backpack before investigating what's out there.   They arrive to the location, but nobody is there. Now, I would scuddle the perimeter of the building   before entering. We have no idea what this is. And  we might find out more from our surroundings. They   enter the building, and then only pass-through  lasers trapping themselves inside where they   find a table full of phones. They actually work,  and they all have facial recognition, but they   don't have any signal. This is highly suspicious. A computerized voice starts a two-minute countdown   waiting for other players to join. That's when  this foxy lady waltzes in and drops a truth bomb.   They're now players in a game and running away  is not an option. This guy's ID tag got shot   with a laser, and it came straight down from the  top of the building. But it's important to keep   calm because critical thinking and observation  will be more important to you than before.  If we were cautious, and been more suspicious  of our surroundings, we might have expected   that these lights were luring us here for  a reason. We won't survive this new world   without learning how to be observant of every  detail, no matter how small. Another girl runs   in and passes the laser grid trapping herself  in with the rest of them. If this is a game,   then these are either our teammates or opponents. Now, everything must be thought about in terms of   competition and survival. And whoever realizes  this first will have the advantage. I would   immediately start looking for weaknesses in my  opponents. This woman is dressed to impress,   but it means she's more about perception  than practicality. She also knows a lot,   but doesn't seem helpful. So, she won't share  knowledge without a trade-off for her benefit.   And all this means, we can't trust her at all. They step out of the elevator into a square room   with two doors, live and die. And all they have  to do is pick the correct one within the time   limit. It's got a difficulty rating of three of  clubs. And if they win, they'll be released from   the building. The IT guy starts recording from  his phone. This is a great idea because they   can keep track of information as it happens. But they should have been doing this from the   very beginning. The woman tells them to choose the  door on the right, but doesn't give any reasoning.   Now, behavioral psychologist will look  for signs of lying from shifting weight   to defensive posturing and avoiding eye  contact. This woman is showing all three,   so there's no way of walking through that door. But we should first think about the bigger   picture here, which is geometry and space.  We need to figure the bounds of the arena and   its rules before anything else. This is a fake  ceiling. I would get on my friend's shoulders,   and see if I could remove the panels to get a  better view. There's an obvious possibility that a   trap is waiting in the next room. So, I would even  consider unscrewing the light bulbs, and throw   them into the rooms to see they trigger anything. Smoke begins pumping through the floor. They're   going to suffocate if they don't do something.  The woman pressures the school girl to pick a   door quickly. She panics and rushes through a  door, getting killed on the other side. This is   a death game and the stakes are real. All three  men are horrified, but the woman doesn't blink,   and picks the other door. They follow after  her as the room behind explodes into flames.  And this time, they have 10 seconds less, the  woman tries to manipulate the others to open   the next door, and Arisu here nearly falls  for it, but he's too scared. The bartender   Karube decides to take a wild guess, and they run  through. As the group escapes another close call,   each room has given them less time than  before. And they've been lucky so far.  But unless they find a pattern here, they're  all going to die. Now, with deductive reasoning,   we can extract quite a bit of information to  help us decide which doors to choose next.   We know there are at least three rows of rooms for  the door patterns, from where they've been so far.   And that one left most end of the building  because there are never doors on this wall.  Also, the rooms are square. So, the  three rows can make a grid of nine or 12,   depending on the shape of the building itself. But  observation here is the key to beating this thing,   because if we were paying close attention to  our surroundings, we would see it from the   evacuation map that the building is square.  Therefore, it must be nine rooms total.  And by the process of elimination, it tells us  which rooms are safe, or where we've already been.   Arisu here, figures this out another way. Since  he's a car fanatic, he remembers the model and   length of the BMW downstairs, and uses it  to calculate the buildings that mentions.   He then measures the room size of his feet to  extrapolate the complete layout of the game.  This is the moment that hooked me into the  series, strategies like this just blow my mind,   and the theory works perfectly, as they make  another escape. Until they reach the last room,   we need to realize that something is wrong.  They're in the back-left corner of the building.   The dyed door doesn't lead anywhere at  all, but if they take the leave door,   they'll be back in the trap room where the  school girl died. He's completely stuck. Okay.   Every building is required to have a stairwell  for fire escapes, and we haven't seen one yet.   Based on the evacuation plan, we can be  confident that the exit is to the right.  But if I wasn't sure, I'd encourage the woman to  open the door first. She's more likely to trust   me if we made it this far, but if I'm wrong, at  least it's on me or my friends that pay the price.   The gamer remembers his friend was recording,  and asks to look. The friend's video recording   confirms that there's no door on the  other side of the room, and they barely   make it out as the IT guy burns his leg. They finally exit the building, and get a   message that they've beaten the challenge. The  woman finds a playing card, the three of clubs,   and their phones say they've each earned  a three-day visa, which begs the question.   If they're not in Japan, where are they?  Suddenly, another player walks down the alley,   say his visa expires today. The group watches as  a laser falls from the sky, killing him instantly.  That's when the power to the whole building  shuts off again. They've got to find another   game to play to extend their own visa, because  if they don't, it's game over. Okay. It looks   like we could be here for a while. So, now  is the time to start thinking about shelter,   food, weapons, and lifestyle changes. Canned food  is the obvious choice to start because it's quick,   stores well, and there's a lot of it. But it's not going to last forever.   And we'll need to learn how to hunt, cook,  and guard it. Long-term, I would designate   a nearby park to plant and harvest vegetables.  Squash, potatoes, and beans are filling high   nutrients and easy to grow a lot of. If there's  no electricity, it means no refrigerators. So,   cabbage will be good because it can be fermented  into kimchi, and stored for a nutrient-rich meal.  That night at dinner, the woman tells them she's  been here for three whole days, when the guys   have only been here for one. So, when everyone  disappeared, it happened two days earlier for her.   How is this possible? Arisu realizes this means  time doesn't work the same way here. The IT guy   thinks there might've been an EMP bomb because  after he saw the explosion, the lights went out.  But with all the missing people and the death  lasers from the sky, we should know there is   no natural explanation for any of it. Somehow,  we've crossed a border outside the normal world,   and we're playing by different set of rules.  Every game has a designer, and we have to find   out who that is. The only way to do that right  now is to play more games to look for clues.  On that note, we can't assume every game will be  exactly the same. Others might be different types   of challenges, and we need to be ready. Now, we  can actually tell a lot on the system they chose.   This was the three of clubs, which is a low card.  So, it tells me there are a lot more games to   play, and they're going to get a lot harder. I  would be training to improve my conditioning.  Work on improving memory functions, and  observational skills and common techniques,   like I was in a MARSOC special forces bootcamp.  And for a gamer who sits in a chair 14 hours a   day, this is a major adjustment that needs to  be worked on immediately. Later that night,   the two friends make a plan. They'll join  a game, hoping to win. And by the time,   they'll find a doctor for their friend's leg. This IT guy is an asset, but if he doesn't heal,   he could get them all killed in a game. This is  why friends shouldn't enter games with each other,   because there might be serious injuries that  affect the group, or even games that only have   one winner. If we split up, we can all be winners,  and learn from each other about the other games.   Mining information faster is  how we all survive and thrive.  They joined a game where they get new phones,  and see a lot more competitors than last time.   This one is going to be intense. This guy is even  using the electricity to charge his music player,   which is smart to take advantage of the  electricity while we have it. But those   old cassette players are battery powered.  Something suspicious is going on there.  These guys look battle-tested, and have probably  been here for a really long time. I would try to   learn everything I can for them to better adjust  to this place because people and knowledge are   the most valuable resources here. They're also the  most dangerous. The game is a five of spades. The   number represents its difficulty. While, the  suit represents what kind of challenge it is.  In this case, it's a game where physical ability  has the advantage. A player tells him clubs   represent team battles. Diamonds are challenges  of intellect, and hearts involve games of trust   and betrayal. This one is a game of tag.  Everyone must run away from the attacker,   and they've got 20 minutes to find a  safe zone before the building explodes.   They all spread out looking for a strategy. As the attacker reaches the top floor and begins   the hunt. Now, this guy wants to funnel players  downwards because there's a laser blocking the   exit below. And a chase is always easier downhill.  That's exactly why I would position myself   at the top floor in the corner near this pole  because I can slide down, or climb up quickly,   and I can access it from every floor. It also leads me to the roof, which keeps   me completely safe. These guys check the rooms  for a safe zone, but they're all locked. They   hear gunfire upstairs and peek around the corner,  nearly dodging stream of bullets. The guys run   and hide behind a wall as the killer continues  downstairs. It's risky, but this is the perfect   time to strike. We can't run forever, and the  majority of this building works in his favor   because they're long narrow hallways. But the stairwells give us the advantage   because he can't shoot around corners. I would  sneak up behind, and push him down the stairs,   and into the wall. He'll probably put his arms  up to stop his fall, and it might free the gun,   giving us a chance to grab it. The gunman goes on  a killing spree, taking a few more contestants out   as the two friends move to a better vantage point. The killer turns to their direction, but doesn't   see them. And the gamer realizes the mask  impairs his vision. Now, they know his weakness.  The gamer yells to the other players that if  they call out his location, they can find the   same zone as a team and stop the bomb. This girl  is the first to try. As she yells out the killer's   location, and climbs up to the next level. This girl is scaling the building like a   freaking Ninja. The bartender wants to  ambush the killer and this guy agrees.   He's also a tactical genius because he's able  to figure the killers, height, weight, and level   of training just from watching him. But Arisu  here notices something else. Both this soldier   and his henchman have locker key wrist straps. Even though this is a life and death situation,   this little detail is important because  it might mean they have valuable things to   lock up and hide. If either of them dies, I'm  coming back, and taking it off their wrists.   The climber girl offers to help, check the first  and second floor for the killer and jumps down.   The gamer goes looking for the safe  zone with the climber girl's help.  While, the soldier and the bartender plan to  ambush the killer. It's a good plan because   the killer will be distracted away from the  main objective, and they can beat the game.   This guy lures him out of the stairwell,  but the soldier doesn't come to help. And   the guy gets shot to death. He's devious. He was  waiting so the killer would empty his magazine.  Suddenly, the soldier sprays the killer with  a fire extinguisher, dodging a wild spray of   bullets. And now, he's out of ammo. They take  turns fighting him, and this killer is tough.   Even taking several stabs from the bartender,  like it's nothing. And he slices a bloody wound   into the man's side. Meanwhile, Arisu here  tries to figure out where the safe zone is,   and spots a door the killer shot at. It doesn't make sense that the gunman   would shoot from far away unless he's protecting  something. He's also not the only one who realizes   this as another player shows up. It's the same  guy with the music player. Arisu here slowly   opens the door and takes a look inside.  A quick note, if I'm opening this door,   I'm doing it from the other side because  I don't know what's coming out of there.  It doesn't hurt to have some metal in front of  you until you can confirm there's no threat.   Inside, they spot a door and investigate, but  there's another killer, and the two survivors   have to run. But the player slams a taser into  his side, and the killer collapses. Earlier,   what we saw was him actually charging his taser,  which he made from scratch. This guy is really   clever, but it wasn't enough to keep him down. He runs into a room, and realizes he's now trapped   in the safe zone, where he sees two buttons  to stop the bomb, but both must be pressed   at the same time. He yells at the location of  the safe zone and that he needs a hand. Now,   I would still give this a shot. I can't search  far enough, but I could take off my shoes and   throw them hard at the buttons to beat the game. The killer breaks in, and Arisu here tries to   fight him off. Luckily, the climber chick  hops to the window, and stuns him with the   stranger's disguised taser. With one second  left, they jumped for the buttons, making it   just in time. The killer takes her mask off and  looks terrified as the collar suddenly explodes.   These killers were actually players, and they  were playing against us for their survival.  Downstairs, the bartender finds a walkie-talkie on  a dead player, and hears two phrases, the answer   is in her hands, and returned to the Beach. And  he's not the only one looting. This guy finds   a note on the killer with a strange design. It's  not clear what this means, but this is a lot more   important than you might think. I would definitely  be checking every dead body for anything useful,   or maybe even something I can learn from  them.Every piece of information is valuable,   especially when answers are so hard to come by. The friends return with a warm welcome. They're   grateful to be alive. And the group discussed  what to do with the information the bartender   heard on the walkie-talkie. Okay. This thing  is really useful because we can now listen in   on our opponents. We need to use everything  to gain a competitive advantage over others.  They might talk about game strategies, or food,  and weapon storage locations. All this information   could make the difference between life and death.  The next night, the group leave for Shibuya   to enter another game hosted at the Shinjuku  Botanical Garden. And this one is going to be   unlike any other. They walk in and see a table  of weapons and some high-tech headsets. Okay.  If there's only four people here, and they're  laying out weapons, I'm thinking this isn't   going to go well for any of us. But when  push comes to shove, and you have to kill,   weapon selection is important here. It needs to  be light enough to wield and run with, but also   very sturdy. It also doesn't say you can't choose  two. I would pick the hammer and the hand axe.  Both are single hand weapons, easy to swing, and  neither of them will break from heavy impact.   When they put on the goggles, the headsets lock  around their necks and turn on, recognizing the   players with an advanced eye-tracking feature.  The game they will be playing is simple,   hide and seek. Difficulty, seven of hearts. And  we know hearts are about trust and betrayal.  This is about to get real ugly. One person will  be the wolf, the rest lambs, and whoever finds the   Wolf becomes the new one. However, to win this  game, you must beat the wolf by the end of 15   minutes. Whoever is the lamb afterwards will die.  Okay. This is terrifying and trust is so important   here. As soon as I see that this is a game of  hearts, I'm keeping a close eye on this woman.  We saw her throw someone under the bus in the  first game, and she'll do it again if we aren't   paying attention. The first Wolf was Chota,  the IT guy, and tries to remove the collar,   but he's warned he might explode if he does.  He turns and makes eye contact with Arisu here,   and suddenly, he becomes the wolf. Realizing  the pattern, this one gets everyone's   attention, tricking Arisu to look at her. She steals the wolf role and runs away. The wolf   is not the hunter, but the hunted. Because only  the wolf will be alive by the end of the game.   The bartender chases her, but he's too far  behind. She ducks behind a bush to hide from   the man trying to stay the wolf until time  runs out. This girl is all about survival,   but she needs a better strategy to hide because  she's wearing heels, which make distinctive   marks that they could use to track her down. If I was the wolf, I might consider climbing   a tree. Nobody can lock eyes with me even if  they climb up to get me. And I can kick them   down when they try. The bartender finds her,  and doesn't hold back. But the woman slams a   rock to his wound, and they end up making  eye contact. Now, he is the wolf, except   his friend arrives, and locks gazes with him. He gets cornered by the two of them who fail   to convince him to switch roles. This is  why they call it a hearts game because the   game designers want you to choose between your  life or your friends. There might not be a way   for all of us to win, but we have to try. This  is a botanical garden and there's water here.   So, maybe if we all look at the same  point in the water at our reflections,   everyone's headset will register eye contact,  turning us all into wolves and we'll all survive.  The woman goes to attack him, but his injured  friend tackles her to the ground and tells him   to run. Arisu here dashes off to hide and tries to  remove the headset. He's about the clip it, when   he remembers seeing the collars explode in the  previous game and refuse to go out like a coward.   Karube here is distraught and starts hunting  for his friend. Arisu here is very emotional,   but he doesn't want them to go out fighting,  and tells them he will sacrifice himself.  The bartender hears this and has a change of  heart. Since the very beginning, he always knew   his friend Arisu had the most potential of them  all, and he must survive. The gamer tries to find   them, but they've all gone silent. He finally  finds his friend, but by then, it's too late.   His collar explodes, leaving Arisu here, the  sole survivor, and lucky winner of this death.  This is the worst possible outcome. But  keep in mind, these games won't stop.   I'm taking all of these weapons back with me. This  is seriously tragic, but if I were Arisu here,   I would channel my grief and rage into the games.  From now on, I'm building a prebuilt strategy for   each suit of cards, and training every day  so that this never happens again. Workouts,   aerobic, endurance, solving riddles,  and building a new team I can trust.  This is what I'm focused on. That way, my friends  won't die in vain, and I get more time on my visa.   The climber girl from the tag game finds the gamer  lying in the street and looking miserable. So,   she takes him back to her shelter for  food and a pep talk. Even though she's   been through her own hardships, she still  keeps going, and he should too. Whether   he's ready or not, his visa will expire today. And they both must join another game to stay   alive. That night, the two of them had to the next  game in this tunnel, where they find a bus in the   road. Inside, there are three other men on board,  and one of them has an injured leg. They find out   this game is called distance with a difficulty  four of clubs, and clubs is a team game. Now,   his injured leg is looking like it might  put them all at risk if he can't contribute.  Their phones tell them to reach their goal in  two hours, and it shows a distance counter,   which starts at zero. This is the  time to explore the parameters of   the game. I would walk both backwards and  forwards to see how the steps are counted,   to get a clear indication of which direction  the goal is. One of the other players realizes   that this older bus doesn't need electricity  to start so they could drive to their goal.  Unfortunately, there's no gas. So, they'll have  to run. The injured man tells his friend to go on   without him, reassuring them that he'll find his  own way to survive, and they leave. Personally, I   hate running. So, I would have spent a little more  time investigating gas options closer to the bus,   maybe even pushing it to the next car  so we don't waste time going back.  We also don't know how far away the goal is.  So, this bus might be early option. If this   is a clubs game, I'm inclined to strategize as a  group. So, I might have them all scout the tunnel   to find gasoline or other working cars with keys  left inside. By the time they reach 5,000 meters,   they're exhausted. Okay. This is already a  clear sign that you're doing something wrong.   So far, you're physically drained,  and you're not working as a team.  And if this is a clubs game, that  you need to rethink your approach   because the strategy needs to match the card suit.  They push forward, making good time on their jog,   but then they see something coming in the  distance, and realize it's a panther. They   split up dodging underneath cars and behind doors  as one of the guys gets a mauled to death. They   find a flare inside of a car and manage to  scare it off, but they have to keep going.  Managing to escape, the remaining survivors  see a truck with Royal Enfield on it,   a motorbike that uses a diesel fuel, and  can be started without electricity. They   don't have the key, but the gamer realizes  that if they can take this back to the bus,   they can refuel it and take the  injured player straight to the goal.   The girl and the player keep going, while  Arisu here runs back with the motorbike.  Diesel engines use compression ignition and  gas-powered cars use a spark plug to ignite   the fuel, but they can still use regular gas to  power diesel cars. So, using this motorcycle was a   great idea, but it's also completely unnecessary.  The other two have made it to the end only to   find the steel wall leaking out water, and it's  about to burst. They're duped. This is no joke.  Water like this can crush you quickly because one  liter weighs a full kilogram. I would've jumped in   the car because a steel frame could protect  me. And I might be carried down the tunnel.   The man trips, and gets caught in the incoming  flood, leaving the climber to her impending death.   But then, she see the bus in the distance,  Arisu over there has managed to refuel it,   and leans out the catch her arm. She grabs onto him in the nick of time   as the waters tip the vehicle over, knocking them  out. They climb out of the bus. They see that it   was the goal this whole time. Those numbers were  indicating how far away they were from it. Now,   if we had looked for the gas tank door to begin  with, we would have seen the giant sign that says   goal. But even if we miss that, pushing the  bus to the next car for gas, which showed the   distance meter remaining at zero, giving us clear  indication that we're fine exactly where we are.  Outside, the gamer tells her about a place called  the Beach is unheard about on the walkie-talkie   and proposes they look for it. They don't  exactly know what to expect, but they're   bound to find some answers. But I got to say,  if I figured all this out about diesel cars,   you can be sure I'm not going to be riding a  bike anymore. Leaving the greater Tokyo area,   they're further from the convenience of the city. They're low in supplies, and the gamer has three   days on his visa. They spend the night in  the park, and the girl teaches him how to   hunt and track wild boar. There's a lot we  can learn from this girl. She's a survivor,   and has more experience in nature, climbing,  hunting, camping, and cooking. We need to   learn as much as we can because you never  know when you might lose another friend.  I would also be scouting all the  possible venues on my new surroundings,   because the more familiar we are with them,  the more advantage we will have in the games,   like places to hide, or technical positioning.  That night, he spies a group of participants   about the play of death game and realizes these  players are all wearing locker keys on the wrists,   just like those guys in the tag game. Something is going on, and they have to   get to the bottom of it. This is clearly an  organized society of players, and I wouldn't   trust any of them. Life and death scenarios  bring out the worst in groups, because they   collectively take advantage of others, finding  ways to blackmail and trap you in. They followed   them to a hotel that surprisingly has running  power, unlike everywhere else in the city.  But as they're spying, someone sneaks up from  behind, and knocks them out. I would really try   to be a little more secretive about it. I would  have taken the locker bracelet from the killer   in the tag game, and used it to try passing  as a member to find out more. They wake up to   these people in swimsuits interrogating them.  The gamer admits they're here to find answers.  And this guy, Hatter, claims he has them,  as he reveals this wall lined with giant   playing cards. He explains that if they  clear the games and get all the cards,   one lucky person can go back to the normal world.  This is where the Beach was created to form a   giant team of players to collect cards, and they  have no choice, but to join up. I'm not buying it.  What if a single person needs to earn all  52 cards himself in order to escape. This   rule isn't advertised, and they simply don't know.  Groups like this aren't interested in governance,   or equality, or representation. It's always about  power and survival. Don't get involved. This   is fool's gold. And the truth is the more people  around you, the more to stab you in the back.  On the plus side, these guys have fuel,  electricity, water, and guns. So, if we're   caught, we should take advantage. They have three  rules. Everyone must wear swimsuits. As that way,   no weapons can be hidden. Any cards won in the  game will be taken. And if anyone breaks the rules   or betrays the mission, they'll be executed. They  want to test Arisu here to see what he's made of.  And this scientist woman is here to observe his  decision-making. The group entered this room,   filled of water in a massive transformer above  them. The name of the game is light bulb.   Difficulty, four of diamonds. The goal, find out  which of these three switches turns on this light,   but you can only flip one switch with the  door open. However, if someone is in the   room with the bulb, the door won't close. They can only answer once in it. And if   they get it wrong, or the water touches these  electrical wires, they die. The water begins   to rise an Arisu here isn't sure what to do. But  he thinks he can eliminate a wrong answer easily   by flipping the first switch with the door  open. The problem is if it doesn't turn on,   the door will close, and they won't be able to  confirm which of the remaining switches works.  The lady challenges him. Is it worth risking  all their lives on chance? The water's up   to their waist, and they have the time to  argue. So, Arisu over here goes to flip A,   but he thinks about what's been said. There's  one chance to keep the door open, to confirm that   the light is on or not. And he has an idea,  to close the door first, and flip switch A,   then flip switch B with the door open, no light. He has the player touch the bulb, and it's hot,   switch A is the. Arisu here solves the puzzle  in the nick of time, and he's proven his worth.   There is one thing they didn't think of though.  This game gave them phones with waterproof cases,   and we saw the first game that they can record  video. I would put the phone in the room,   and face it at the light, close the door,  and flip every switch, recording the sequence   on the phone to tell which one the light is. All players return to the Beach, and the leader   wants to talk with the gamer. He's impressed by  his wit, and invites him to a meeting with the   executives. In the meeting, the leader brings up  that he needs to renew his visa, and the soldier   shares a look with his men. These people are  dangerous, and it looks like there's a rivalry   that we do not want to get in the middle of. And if I'm Arisu here, I don't want to be caught   in someone else's drama. Because if we get close  to someone else's enemy, then we put our lives at   risk. The strategic move is to stay low, stay  humble, and wait for your chance to slip out   unnoticed and forgotten. The next day, the girl  warns the gamer that the militants are keeping an   eye on them. And they start thinking about escape. He goes around to asking different people what   they know about this world, and learns that there  might be lasers surrounding the entire country.   He scouts out the compound and  here's gunshots. Around the corner,   he sees some of the militants near a dumpster.  Waiting for them to leave, he peeks inside,   and finds a pile of dead bodies. Then a stranger  shows up, the same person from the game of tag.  He explains that this is what happens when you  betray the Beach, and wants to do something about   it. He has a proposal for the gamer, steal all  the cards from the leader, and leave this place   for good. It's a dangerous plan, but he feels he  must do something. The gamer agrees and tells his   friend the plan. Luckily, she knows where the  guns are stored, but they're heavily guarded.  Later, he's called to an urgent meeting,  and finds out that the leader of the Beach   is dead. He died from a bullet wound, and  they all wondered, did he die from the games   or was he murdered? The militants threaten the  others to elect the soldier Aguni, and they have   no choice. This is the time to steal the cards  and escape. Arisu here is upstairs looking for   the safe and after finding it, it inputs the code  that this guy tells him, but it doesn't open.  The militants catch him in the act. This was all a  part of this guy's plan. The gamer was being used   to find out where the actual safe is being kept in  the room. We should know that all people shouldn't   be trusted and everyone is dangerous. There's  also a better way to escape. In the Beach's regime   change, everyone will be distracted enough for two  involuntary members to escape.I would be looking   for that opportunity more than worrying about  the legacy of a place I don't even want to be in.  Arisu was gagged and bound in a room. He's going  to be here until then visa expires, and no one   will be coming to rescue him. Meanwhile, the  stranger returns to open the real safe, find the   box of all the playing cards collected. The girl  gets dragged into a room by the second in command,   and this guy is ready to do some terrible things. When luckily, the power in the entire resort goes   off. Confused, they all look around  and find a game sign in the room.   All the exits to the Beach have been closed  off with lasers. The entire hotel has become   the arena for a whole new game. Difficulty,  10 of hearts, the last remaining numeral card.   Everyone rushed to the lobby to grab a phone. But  in the middle of the chaos, the girl sees a woman   has been stabbed and everyone goes quiet. The game is called witch hunt, and they   have two hours to discover who killed  the girl, and burned them to death.   The members interrogate the dead girl's friend.  They find it suspicious that she wasn't with her   since they're practically inseparable. She claims  she was in her room, but they don't believe her,   and get ready to burn her at the stake. And she's saved when the executive members step   in. Okay. This is a classic who done it. And we  have some information to work with here. First   of all, this is a hardscape, the most dangerous  kind, because the game maker wants everyone to   turn on each other. And that's exactly why we  can't do that. There might be an obvious choice,   but it also might be a trick of the game. Now, this girl was stabbed with an ordinary knife,   and all the militants have firearms and  samurai swords. We also know where they   dumped the dead. So, I don't think it's  them. The best answers are with a friend,   because we can learn about any behavioral changes,  or if someone was stalking her, or even if she was   being blackmailed to do something. They all  start accusing each other when the soldier   Aguni finally steps in and threatens to kill  everyone if the real witch doesn't step forward.  His second in command fires gun and sends the  crowd scattering. Okay. The key to winning here   is to understand the game maker's design. They  will play tricks on the mind, and have you so   focused on your own survival that you don't see  the big picture. So, first, we have to consider   if there's a way where no one has to die at all.  Now, we already conveniently have a dead body.  I would throw her into the fire first to eliminate  every possibility before extreme measures are   taken. The girls run away to look for the gamer  who is still tied up. Meanwhile, the swordsman is   pouring gasoline in the basement. They're going to  burn this place to the ground. And the dreadlock   girl finds the forensic scientist snooping around.  She's looking for super glue to get prints off   the murder weapon, which is really smart. But I would tell her to find out where the   knife came from and find out who's been there  recently, instead. The second command gets   into to a faceoff with the shady guy who points  out the power supply at the Beach has changed   since this witch hunt started. Meaning, someone  working for the game has infiltrated the resort   to switch the power. And the only people who have  access to the power supply are the executives.  The shady guy rushes the gunman and sets him  on fire with a DIY flame thrower. Meanwhile,   Arisu here scrapes the tape off his mouth and  calls out for help. Luckily, his friend hears   him cry and tracks him down to this door. She  rescues him, and catches him up to speed. He   thinks the witch is also a player in their own  game having to kill the girl and stay undetected.  That's when he realizes he's looking at this the  wrong way. He should be thinking like the game   designer. They knew the leader died, and used  the chaos to set this game up. The witch could   have moved the victim's body an hour before this  all started, and he thinks he knows who it is.   There are 15 minutes remaining, and  the witch still hasn't been found.  The remaining members are cornered in the lobby,  where the leader orders his men to kill everyone,   but they're stopped when the gamer arrives. They  know he's not the witch because he's been tied   up the whole time. He begs the leader to work  together to find the murderer and gets attacked.   Surprisingly, the soldier confesses that  he's the witch. And Arisu calls him a liar.  But he knows the soldier did kill someone, and it  wasn't the girl. It was Hatter, the Beach's old   leader. The soldier's eyes tell him all he needs  to know. The night had Hatter went to renew his   visa, the soldier shot him in self-defense. Arisu  here has figured out there's one way to beat this   game without killing anyone. And that's that the  girl killed herself. This revelation makes the new   leader outraged as he starts fighting everyone. But they're running out of time. It must put   an end to this before they all die. The  witch's friend knows a way to stop this,   and getting everyone's attention announces that  she's the dealer of this game. A laser pierces   through her head and kills her instantly, shocking  the Beach in this silence. Okay. What the hell is   a dealer? There's clearly some things that  others know about this game that we don't,   and she just got killed for telling us. The forensic scientists appears and confirms   that the murdered girl did in fact kill herself  because the fingerprints had a reverse grip on   the knife. Then, someone starts shooting at  them. It's the second in command still alive.   He fires into the crowd, but his rampage is  stopped by the soldier taking several bullets as   he picks him up and carries them into the smoke. With three minutes remaining, the group carries   the witch's body to the fire. And they all  clear the game, watching as the beach resort   burns up. But the shady guy comes back inside  to add the 10 of hearts to his collection. All   that's left are the face cards and it will be  a complete set. The next day, the gamer and   the climber girl look for answers. On it, they  find a confession that they were both dealers,   a group specially chosen to set up the games. Sometimes acting as taggers or pretending to be   other players, they'll be killed if anyone finds  out who they actually are. There must be other   people who are dealers pretending to be players.  This really sheds a new light on everything we've   seen. Maybe this chick was a dealer and wanted to  make sure everyone was killed in the hearts game.  And this guy who willingly stayed on the bus and  insisted his friends leave was actually a dealer   who set up the game for his own benefit. We need  to be more suspicious of others than ever before.   In one of the videos, the two girls go to the  subway, and revealed the dealer's secret base.   It's a massive surveillance room where  others like them watch the games.  And just like the players, these dealers have  to play games for their visas too. They trace   the girl's step navigating the metro tunnels, and  find the door to the secret base has been opened.   Someone has gone here before them,  finding the dealers are dead,   and their computers powered down. That's when  the shady guy in the dreadlock girl find them.   He realized the drawing on the note he found  was actually a route map of this subway station.  And came here to find out what happens when they  get all the cards. But instead found these people   dead and concludes that there's someone above  the dealers who is controlling the games. The   computer screen suddenly turned on for a special  urgent broadcast. And to everyone's surprise,   it's presented by one of the Beaches executives.  She worked for the games this whole time.  She congratulates all the players for the victory  and announces there's a prize courtesy of her   team. Tomorrow at noon, there will be a new round  of games, but this time they're playing for the   face cards. They now begin to see there's a grand  design to this whole thing. And this woman has the   answers that they're looking for. As they make  their way outside, they look up and see a giant   blimp carrying a massive king of spades. Citywide, more of these zeppelins fly   in with face cards of their own. And  the next stage has officially begun.   But what do you think? How would you beat the  death games in Alice in Borderland? Let me know   with a comment down below. Thank you so much  for watching. Leave a like, and subscribe, and   check out the how to be playlist for more videos  like this. Until next time. Have a damn good day.
Channel: Cinema Summary
Views: 15,395,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, explained, alice in borderland, review
Id: 05gCLHlpzTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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