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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Shibez__ 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] if you are trapped on an island and forced to play in brutal children's games where all the losers are executed what would you do i'm going to break down the mistakes made what you should do and how to beat every death game in squid game this guy is the unluckiest man in the world gion here has just gambled the last of his life savings on a horse track and manages to win 4 million won collecting the money from the tether he runs out to spend his new hard-earned cash and steps outside to call his family with the good news he's on top of the world but that's when he notices a gang of loan sharks approaching him and realizes his luck has just run out panicking he runs back inside to escape them but crashes into this woman and falls to the ground now realizing that this pickpocket has just stolen all of his winnings the loan sharks finally corner him in the restroom to collect his debt but when he checks his pocket he finds it slashed open and his money has disappeared with nothing to collect be forced to sign his contract with his own blood promising to pay them back in one month depressed the gambler sits on the subway bench to wait for the next train home when this businessman comes over to talk to him he asks segun here wants to play a game and the gambler thinks he's just an annoying salesman but then he opens his briefcase reviewing stacks of cash and two folded paper squares the salesman invites him to play the korean game dakji promising to give him a hundred thousand won every time he wins but he'll have to pay the salesman if he loses it's a ridiculous gamble but with everything to gain giyun decides he's in the man places he folded paper on the ground and the gambler tries to flip it over but he only manages to make the red tile jump he's failed but when the salesman takes his turn he flips it over on the first try gion tells the man he doesn't have the money to pay him but the salesman offers to reduce his debt in return for one slap in the face it's an offer he can refuse and desperate to win he takes the slap to continue playing he keeps losing each round getting smack after smack until finally he throws down his tile and flips the salesman's paper over guillen has just went a hundred grand for playing a children's game but it's not as innocent as it may seem okay first of all let me just say that this guy here needs to be careful because if any of these trains are going to busan then he's going to instantly regret it now as for guild here accepting this game was a terrible idea this man can't stop himself on gambling with money he doesn't even have and against someone who walks in front of a dakchi in his suitcase and is clearly better at the game than him anyone with a brain wouldn't take that bet but once kion realizes that it's free money and only requires a slap in the face to keep playing he doesn't stop to consider that this whole situation is suspicious as hell look at this guy's outfit here this man is strictly on business and since he approached him with such a specific agenda it tells us he already knew that guillen is a degenerate gambler and is targeting him for some hidden reason this salesman gave him every possible chance to make sure he's won some money from him and nobody tries that hard to lose money unless what you're getting in return is much more valuable giyon was too greedy to recognize any of these warning signs and the man let his emotions get the better of him now none of this guy's suspicious behavior matters if you had a proven strategy to play and win dakji is a game that korean school kids play and it's so popular that the game is even televised for mass entertainment but it's not the strongest player who wins this game it's the smartest and most coordinated if you look at this player here he manages to flip the paper in one try and that's because he used the most surface area to make more contact with the other paper if you can strike the target with the flat side of your dak g paper then the momentum will be transferred and carry the paper up on the bounce so that it flips over this might seem counterintuitive but it's just plain physics and you can see this player was not successful because he was trying to use the edge which is not opening strategy if gion here had known the best way to play this game he could hustle his business man for all his cash and walk away without having to get slapped in the process now even though he won this one victory will soon leave the gambler to play in six of the most terrifying death games you could possibly imagine and instead of a slap in the cheek he'll soon be gambling with his life but you don't have to your bank is giving you a hard time you feel exploited used and your bank is partially to blame you are tired of financial institutions hiding information from you who are you what business of yours is all that i am current the future of mobile banking wait current even to sponsor this video that's giving away 5 000 dollars to my viewers yes and if your viewers download the app and use current code how to beat in the next couple of weeks we will be sending 10 random people 500 each guys if you don't know current is banking you can do entirely on your phone with every feature you could possibly ask for early paychecks spending insights and instant notifications there are no hidden fees no hidden anything it's so easy to use and you also get a sleek visa card like this one the rest you can manage on the app and get rewards like points for cashback where you shop current takes away the hassle of confusion out of managing your finances because you guys signed up last time they are sponsoring us again and giving out 500 to 10 more people who sign up go to the link in the description cinema summary to download the app and if you use the code how to beat you might just win five hundred dollars hurry we don't have any spots left thank you current for sponsoring this video guillen here collects his winnings and the salesman tells him he can win more money playing other children's games but he turns down the offer that's when the salesman stands up and reveals he knows the exact amount of money guillen owes to loan sharks and that he'll be killed if he doesn't pay it back the gambler asks him how he knows this and the salesman hands him a business card telling him to call if he wants to join the competition of a lifetime geyon considers his offer but this will be the biggest mistake of his life celebrating his newfound luck he returns back home to have dinner with his mother but the woman knows the money came from gambling she tells him that his ex-wife is planning to move to america and he'll only be able to see his daughter if he has the finances to prove he can care for her gee young is devastated and realizing she's right he decides to call the number on the business card telling the salesman that he accepts his offer to play another game later that night he waits outside to be picked up when a van pulls up to the sidewalk getting inside he begins to notice that all the other passengers are asleep but when the van starts to fill with toxic gas the gambler realizes he's just up big time and gets knocked unconscious when the man opens his eyes he wakes up to find himself lying in a bunk bed surrounded by hundreds of others and cots just like him they're all wearing uniforms and numbers on them and as everyone gathers in the center of the room the front door opens and a team of guards walk inside this man of the square mask tells them they'll be played in six different games and those who make it through all six games will get a cash prize this man demands to know why they were brought here and the guard presses a button playing a montage of several people being slapped everyone in this room is drowning in debt and they've all been invited here to win enough money to pay it off the players all line up to some consent forms with three clauses stating that they must keep on playing that if they refuse to play they'll be eliminated and that the games can be ended if the majority of players agree to stop okay there's nothing more dangerous than a room full of desperate people who have nothing to lose and that's why the real threat are these players not just the games from the video that was played we can see the dakji salesman use the same trick on everybody and they've only invited players who are willing to gamble money they don't have on a game they're unlikely to win it's textbook psychological manipulation and it proves this wasn't a game for cash this was a test that everyone in the room passed and now they know what we're willing to say yes to which should scare the crap out of us if we all agreed to play for more money then we can be sure that the penalty for losing is going to be a lot worse than a few slaps now if you pay close attention to the details of this place you'll realize that guillen here is about to have a really shitty day because this place looks like a death camp designed by ikea and h m even refugee camps don't stack their bunks six beds high and everyone is given a uniform with a number instead of their name so their identities have been stripped from them and it's an immediate red flag that this is going to become a death game if prison rules apply here then there are 455 other people who might kill you to get ahead and it won't matter what game we're playing the best strategy right now is to lay low stay quiet and observe our surroundings to gain more information to make sure we have a competitive advantage a key thing to notice here is that these guards have different shapes on their masks but this could indicate different work roles the circles could be workers and the square mask could be a manager of some kind recognizing power is extremely important because it helps you behave accordingly and pissing off the wrong person just might get you killed now signing this contract is the cherry on top of the death game here because after being drugged against your will and kidnapped this whole enterprise is completely illegal which means the contract can't be binded this is designed to create the illusion of choice and keep you playing even when things start getting really up the fact that nobody here has realized this contract is meaningless tells us they aren't prepared for what's about to happen next after being processed they're all taken to their first game entering an outdoor room with a massive clearing and in front of them is a giant doll standing at the other end of the field gion here recognizes one of the players as his childhood friend sangu and walks up to say hello suddenly the gates behind them locked shut and the competitors are told they'll be playing the children's game red light green light players must run to the finish line while the doll looks away but if it looks back and catches them moving they will be eliminated they have only five minutes to cross the finish line and with that the game begins the players start running across the field but the doll suddenly announces red light before anyone expects it and this player is caught completely off guard it spots the man still trying to catch his balance and a voice announces that he's eliminated suddenly a gunshot rings out and the player collapsed to the ground motionless he's just been shot dead and realized they've been tricked into playing a death game everyone starts running for the exits but the doll is detecting every movement and bullets start flying by the time the shooting stops over 100 people have been murdered and the surviving players are left frozen in fear the doll turns its head back announcing its green light and the group starts moving again determined to make it out of here alive using this guy like a shield this girl cleverly falls behind another player to hide herself from the doll's sight it's the same girl who stole the gambler's money earlier when he was running from the loan sharks and without hesitation she pulls the man down to launch herself ahead of the pack gion here tries to move forward but he's grabbed by the injured player who begs him for help one wrong move and he's going to get him shot but luckily the doll turns back around just in time and he breaks out of the man's grip there's now one minute left and the players are finally starting to reach the finish line the man is only a few meters away from being this game but just as he takes a step forward he trips over a dead body he's about to fall on the ground but another player saves his life holding him up until the doll announces green light with only three seconds on the timer guillen jumps through the air and finally makes it across the finish line the remaining players who haven't crossed are all brutally shot to death and the survivors look up to notice a massive roof close overhead they have no idea they're on a private island in the middle of nowhere and the only way out of here is to win that's one game down with only five more to go okay this is the most horrifying children's game i've ever seen but double01 here is having the time of his life because he understands something that everyone else is too scared to realize this game isn't just about speed it's about how much ground you can cover with enough stability to freeze at any given moment with this in mind the best method here is to walk with feet flat on the ground and a wide stance so our center of gravity stays low and stable this old man was born for this moment because he moved with a very stable gate and it's the best example of how everyone here needs to walk if they want to make it out alive now we can't afford to be frozen and shocked like gion here because there's a lot of ground for us to cover in a very short time this room is designed to deceive you into thinking it's smaller than it is but there's a trick we can use to gauge the distance so that we know how fast we need to walk to reach the finish line before the clock runs out taking advantage of parallax and anatomy you can actually use your thumb to figure out the length of the field the space between your eyes is about one-tenth the length of your arm so if you stuck your thumb out closing one eye after another your thumb would appear to move one tenth the distance as the guards are from where you're standing you can actually try this right now by sticking your thumb out in front of you and closing one eye and then switching to the other eye to see your thumb move if you do the math here this trick tells us that we're at least 100 meters away that means that this place is roughly the length of a soccer field so if we want to make it across in five minutes we can't afford to waste even one second one of the biggest mistakes you can make here is looking at the doll instead of watching where you're placing your feet it's important to remember that we aren't responding to visual cues here we're listening for red light green light we can't risk tripping or accidentally losing our footing so watching our feet helps us shut out unnecessary information so we can concentrate on stability while keeping our ears out for the signals the next thing i would do is try to protect myself and there's nothing more safe in a death game than finding a good old-fashioned meat shield if we position ourselves behind another person then it makes it much harder for the robot to detect any movement if we happen to flinch at a gunshot or react to another player dying close by so walking behind someone is the best insurance we have to hide it now the most dangerous element of the scenario is actually the other players trapped in here with us we have to realize that we are extremely vulnerable to anyone who wants to kamikaze their way out of here if you get pushed over then they're taking you out with them and it only takes one tiny movement to get you killed so we'll need to stay far enough away from people that they can't interfere with their progress the best way to do this is to position yourself along this wall natural human instinct is to seek comfort in crisis and it might be drawn to the shade here so to avoid the other players i would use the sunny side of the wall instead this also gives us another point stability to help us stop in time and we can make it to the finish line without getting killed after the game the guards come in to congratulate the survivors on passing and announced that 255 players were killed it's a horrifying number and afraid for her life this woman steps forward begging the man to let her go home several other players joined her in protest but that's when this massive piggy bank drops in above them and starts to fill with more cash than they've ever seen in their lives the survivors are shocked and the masked man tells everyone that they have an opportunity to win 45.6 billion won but if anyone leaves then they won't get a single penny with that a voting machine is set up in front of them and they all cast their votes but the majority of players agreed to quit the masked man tells them they can still come back if a majority agrees to compete again and the players are sent back home now it turns out that every single one of them realizes their lives outside are much worse than they remember and gion here returns to keep playing but they're all going to instantly regret it because this next death game is even more screwed up than the last the vans take them to the private island where a team of workers dressed them into their uniforms and the players finally wake up back in the same place as if they never left later that night guillen talks with his childhood friend and suggests they team up for the next game to increase their odds of winning the man agrees it's wise to join forces and spawn the player who rescued him last game the gambler insists this man joined them too that's when the old man asks if he can also be a part of their team and guillen happily accepts him into the group but his friend is not happy he invited someone so old to join their team the next morning all the players are led into a new arena and as they pour in they find an oversized playground in front of them a voice instructs them to line up in front of one of the four shapes on the walls and their choices are a circle triangle star and umbrella that's when sangwoo here has a flashback to his childhood and suddenly realizes what this game is but the man doesn't tell anyone what he's just discovered gyun here asks him if they should all choose the same shape but he rejects the idea suggesting they should split up to reduce the risk finally the doors open as the announcer instructs them to take a case of the tables and the players find a thin piece of hard sponge toffee with a shape in the middle they'll have to use the needle to poke out the shape in 10 minutes but if they crack it they'll be executed the game begins and guillen here carefully starts breaking off pieces of the candy but another player immediately cracks his honeycomb in half without hesitation the guard pulls out his pistol and shoots the man dead making him the first casualty of this game it starts a chain reaction as more people are executed without mercy geyun is sweating for the pressure the umbrella is the hardest shape to cut but suddenly the man has a revelation seeing the beats of sweat falling onto the candy he realizes he might be able to melt it with his saliva from the bottle because the outline the shape is thinner than the rest of the honeycomb he starts to lick the toffee while other players begin to follow his lead and with 12 seconds left on the clock gion desperately breaks apart his honeycomb perfectly removing the umbrella from the mold despite all odds he's won again that's two games with four more to go okay this might seem easy but if you pick the wrong shape in this game you have an extremely low chance of surviving for those of you who are unfamiliar this candy is known as taikona and removing the shape without cracking it is a very common game that korean vendors play with kids which is why the players recognize it as soon as they open their tin cans it's made out of melted sugar and baking soda creating a unique structure inside which makes it hard to predict how it might crack in fracture mechanics this is known as strain energy and when it releases other microcracks start to spread making it crumble more easily that is exactly what makes this game so challenging because as careful as you are it just might make your candy crack on you without warning and you'll be shot in the face the more sharp angles there are in the shape the more you are likely to break it and that's why giron here is completely screwed because he chose an umbrella which has the most angles by far this teammate here told everyone to split up to spread out the risk but if you think about it his suggestion is total bull spreading out just makes it harder for the group to work together because they won't be facing the same problems for this reason i would have suggested that we all select the same shape so that whatever solutions we can find we can all benefit from them and win it's clear that this guy is intentionally trying to get the other players killed in order to increase the price pool for himself and that's cold-blooded as hell now there's still a way to increase your chances of choosing the right shape without knowing what the game is look at how these first two players rush in to select a shape before anyone else both of them chose triangle and when nobody's supposed to know what the game is yet it probably means they recognize the game from their childhood now this doesn't guarantee that triangle is the best choice but given they are so sure of themselves when the stakes are life and death it's not unreasonable to assume that someone this confident has probably figured something out if the players were unsure of their decision they would take more time to think about it and if you have no idea what the game is following their lead is going to be your best option now if it just so happens that we get stuck with the worst shape possible there's still hope here because the rules never stated that you could only use the needle and that opens up a lot more possibilities to win using your saliva is a smart move because gideon wet makes the candy softer and you'll be able to cut the shape out without cracking it this might seem obvious but under a craze about a stress like this it's hard to see other solutions if you're already told how you're supposed to solve them and most of the players here were so fixated on using the needle they didn't stop the thing outside of the box this is actually very similar to the candle problem which was a famous psychological test in the 1950s the subjects were given a table a box of thumbtacks some matches and a candle they were then instructed to stick the candle to the wall without letting any wax strip onto the table but they have to come up with a solution as fast as he possibly can what's interesting is that most of the participants didn't consider that the box itself could be used to solve the problem until their time ran out and it had everything to do with time pressure and how the items were presented to them we can learn from this by considering all the tools we have to work with but none of these players realized they might be able to use the tin can here to solve their problem instead of looking the candy to death they could have used the cannon to collect their liquids and soak the bottom of the candy way faster all the players go back to the main room where the results of the second game are announced 79 people were killed with 108 left standing and that's now 34.8 billion won in the bank later the players will gather for lunch time but when the last of them walk up to get food they're shocked to find there's nothing left angry the man yells at the guard for being unfair but suddenly this girl stands up and points across the room telling everyone that these players here cut the line to take seconds the man walks up to the gangster and tries to pull the water out of his hand but he's overpowered and the bottle shatters on the floor furious this guy slaps him to the ground and starts beating him to death as the guards do nothing to stop him all of a sudden the scoreboard announces another player has died and the total cash prize goes up by a hundred million won a couple of guards walk in to take the body away while everyone stares in war realizing that this game just got a lot more dangerous later sangu here tells his team to stay awake tonight in case they're attacked the other groups are preparing for a fight but guild here notices this girl across the room and recognizes her as the pickpocket who stole his money the man approaches and invites her to join the team but she rejects his offer insisting no one here can be trusted that night they all get into their beds and nervously wait for the guards to leave the room once the lights are turned off several people slowly begin to leave their cots searching for an easy kill suddenly this player panics as the thug grabs her and stabs the woman to death this one murder causes a chain reaction and all the other players begin killing each other for cash gyun and his team try to defend themselves but vaginally hear the old man begging everyone to stop fighting and when the lights turn back on the guards run into the room putting a stop to the madness okay this just might be scarier than the actual game so far there are no rules or restrictions here and when you're literally worth more dead than alive everyone in this room has a motive to kill you now with that said this is actually the best thing that could possibly happen there were a total of 27 players who died in the chaos and while those are better odds than any of the death games so far this wipes out a lot of the competition that we would otherwise be facing in the next challenges all we have to do is survive the night and the other players can kill each other off for our direct benefit the best strategy here is to run to the corner of the room and defend your position with a group of friends this might seem counterintuitive but when it's completely dark and you can't see who's coming for you being cornered in like this leaves you with only 90 degrees of vulnerability and that's much better than being in the middle of the room where you would have a full 360 degrees to be attacked from if you don't have a group then we should be hiding under one of the bunk beds as soon as the lights go out the killers won't be able to look for anyone in hiding because it's too dark to see so this just might be the only time i'll ever tell you that hiding under the bed is a good idea and hey i don't mind being called a coward if we end up outliving everyone else as a result the next morning all the players wake up but gion here notices how tired the old man is and finds out he stayed up all night watching over the team in case someone attacked them he's exhausted but there's no more time to rest because the third game is about to begin the players are led into a white room where they're told to divide themselves into groups of 10. sangwoo here realizes that a team game could mean it's a physical challenge and thinks they should find stronger men to join them the group splits up to search for more players but with time running out they only managed to bring in the outcasts realizing that three skinny women and an old man could put them at a severe disadvantage the groups are taken into another room where they see two massive platforms and they're told that today's game is tug of war they'll need to pull in the rope until the other team falls off the platform to their deaths and the guards draw lots to decide who will go first when it's finally their turn geon and his team stand up to see who they'll be facing but find that their opponents are all stronger than them they're completely outmatched and no they won't be able to beat them with brute force but as they ride the elevator up to the platform the old man tells them he knows exactly how to win guillen takes a position at the front to act as a leader with the strongest player at the very back the group stands on alternating sides with their feet pointed forward and as soon as the game begins they all lean back as far as they can using their whole body to pawn the rope with this technique they're able to get the advantage within the first 10 seconds and tug the other team closer to the edge but it doesn't last for long their opponents gain their second wind and the group loses their footing as their drag closer to the edge of the platform but that's when sung u here has a brilliant idea he yells at everyone to take three steps forward at his signal and with no other plan they do as he says the group steps forward knocking the other team off balance and it sends them tumbling to the ground now with the advantage guillen's team is finally able to pull the others off the platform and as the blade cuts through the rope the players collapse just happy to be alive that's how three games they've won and there's only three more to go okay for anyone who's picked last in gym class this one has got to bring back some painful memories because it's immediately clear that the biggest and strongest players are going to dummy in this game if you're weak or old like these guys you're at serious risk of getting your whole team killed now i'm not going to say that they won just because they had plot arm but if i were them i'd be looking for every possible way to cheat because of the players we have it's going to be our best chance at surviving now the truth is this isn't just a children's game tug of war used to be in the olympics from the years 1900 to 1920 and to this day the international olympics committee still recognizes it as an official sport if this seems like trivial information i assure you it's not because unlike silly children's games an official sport has tons of rules with governing bodies to make sure that the game is being played fairly the reason this is important is because these rules are created to prevent teams from gaining an unfair competitive advantage now that doesn't put a smile on your face then you're not paying attention because in a death game like this unfair competitive advantages are everything we could possibly want to stay alive in a death game official sport rules are basically a gift wrapped instruction manual for how to cheat and win because the workers are not going to be holding a training camp on proper tug of war techniques and there's no referee on this platform if we know what the official rules are then it's reasonable to assume that we can break them without getting punished for it the first rule i would break is called locking this is usually done by placing your elbow behind your thigh and it locks up any back and forth movement in the rope normally a tug of war your hands are the only point of contact with the rope and it means that your arms are doing a lot of work but locking helps you easily use your entire body's weight to pull with and this rule break makes it much harder for the other team to win another form of cheating is for the player in the back to use what's called an anchor grip where they wrap the end of the rope around their torso this allows the last player to concentrate on using his full body to pull without even needing to place his hands on the rope there are tons of tug-of-war rules that we can break here that will give us an unfair advantage and it's the best way for a team like this to win no matter what now if we're about to lose we're going to need a hail mary tactic and the best thing we can do is to have the whole team shift to one side while the player in the back ties the rope to this metal bar here this doesn't violate any of the rules stated by the square mask and if we keep pretending to pull while letting our arms recover the other team will have no idea we're cheating and they'll blow their muscles out these anchors can also be used as footholds instead of relying on the friction of the floor to push off of the next morning the players are brought to another room where they're given instructions for the next game they will need to pair up with one other person and they have 10 minutes to find a partner the players immediately start looking for anyone that'll help them win but kyun here notices that they're all ignoring the old man approaching him he reaches out of hand offering to be his partner and the two join up by the end the only person who doesn't have a partner is this woman and with an odd number of players everyone else leaves for the game while she's dragged away by the guards inside the arena the players are led through a room that looks like an old korean neighborhood and are each given a pouch filled with 10 marbles the old man tells his partner that he was good at playing with them as a kid but makes him promise to be ganbu best friends if he wants a chance to survive this game suddenly an announcement tells the players they must use the marbles to play a game of their choice and take all 10 of them from their partner in order to win seong here decides to play a game of odds or evens and his partner has never played before but after only a few rounds ali here manages to get the better of him winning all but one of his marbles the man is devastated and he begs his partner to help him survive asking for one last chance to play against the other teams to take their marbles instead his partner decides to trust him and that's when sang-u asks for the man's pouch placing it under his jacket he secretly switches it out with his own before stripping his shirt to create a sling hanging his pouch around the man's neck he tells him to go searching for others to play against and the man leaves with his partner gone he puts his last marble in the full pouchy stole and hands it over to the guard becoming the winner it's a filthy trick to play but he did what he needed to survive meanwhile guillen plays against the old man cheating in each round until he's down to one less marble realizing he's about to lose he decides to surrender to his best friend and guillen breaks down in tears with all 10 marbles he walks away the winner as the old man gets killed and with four games down there's only two more to go okay this death game has a lot more possibilities than any of the other challenges because for the first time we get to choose how we want to play now the danger here is that there's only 30 minutes on the clock and if your partner refuses to continue you'll run out of time before you've won all their marbles which will get you killed playing a single all or nothing round will solve this problem but it's a risky strategy because if you lose there's no way to win your marbles back now these guys here are playing the game odd or even where your opponent guesses if the number of marbles in your hand is odd or even and if they guess right they get to take them winning this game is based on pure chance and for someone as smart as sangu here he should have realized that this game would give him no way to use strategy to gain an advantage instead of games of blind luck like this we should be looking for something that your opponent thinks they can win but that you know you can win and for that there's nothing better than an ancient chinese game called nim this game has been around for centuries but what makes it special is that there's actually a proven strategy to guarantee a victory if you're not familiar with the game this is how to play first we combine our 20 marbles together into a shared pile and take turns removing either one or two marbles at a time whoever removes the last marble gets to keep all of them and wins the game it's so simple that you'd think there couldn't possibly be a strategy here but the key to this game is to always go first and remove exactly two marbles then whatever they remove you remove the opposite for example if they remove two marbles then you remove one and if they remove one marble then you remove two if we keep this going then you're guaranteed to remove the last marble and you'll never lose most people don't know this mathematical trick exists and that's why it's the perfect game to choose in this situation because when our victory depends on another player's cooperation we can use nim to trick anyone into agreeing to play and they won't realize they've lost until it's too late now it might be that there's just not enough time to waste in playing a full game of nim because the longer it takes your opponent to make decisions the more he puts you at risk of getting executed if that's the case then we should follow this guy's dirty tactics and steal our partner's marbles to do this we should ask for their pouch in order to set up the game but once they've handed them over just go straight to the guard and declare you've met the win conditions the other player will probably attack you in protest but violence is not allowed in this game and your opponent will be threatened at gunpoint if he does once you have his marbles there's nothing to stop you from winning and in a death game like this we have to consider every tactic at our disposal if we want to stay alive the victors return to the main room and they're all surprised to see that this woman is still alive she explains that since she had no one to pair with the game let her skip the challenge and after everything they've been through the others are furious the next morning all the players wake up to a group of guards coming in with a coffin and geode here realizes that one of their fellow players decided to quit during the night looking up they watch the man's life turns into cold hard cash and that's when the pa announces that the fifth game is about to begin the group is taken to a room with a royal mannequins wearing numbered vests and they're told they each choose one for their next challenge rushing in everyone gets their pick but when gion finally steps up to choose the only vest left for him are numbers 1 and 16. he considers taking number one even though that means he'll go first but this player asks to have the number instead and he agrees to let him take it finally they're brought into the game room and the announcer tells them they will be playing glass stepping stones they must remove their shoes and walk over tempered glass to make it across the bridge but if they step on a panel made from regular glass they'll fall to their death with 60 minutes on the clock the first player takes off his shoes and approaches the bridge nervous he jumps to the first tile and makes it but when he moves on to the second the man falls straight through the glass horrified the other players have no choice but to continue and more people start crossing the glass bridge one by one they plummet to the ground as they slowly reveal a path of stable panels for the others to follow with the first eight players dead it's now the gangster's turn to lead the group but he refuses to move on telling the others to go before him if they want to pass everyone behind him starts to panic they still have five panels left and are quickly running out of time suddenly the gangster comes face to face with this woman and she mocks him for being a coward jumping onto his platform she locks her arms around him threatening to pull him off the ledge if he doesn't continue but before the gangster knows it they break through the glass panel as they both fall to their deaths with only a handful of survivors and less than three minutes left this man crouches down to inspect the panel in front of him sangu begs him to keep on moving but he reveals that he was a glassmaker for 30 years and can tell which panels are tempered from the reflection the man jumps forwards onto a stable panel and they realize his theory is working but that's when the game decides to make things more challenging and turns off the lights so they can't tell the difference panicking sango here realizes they won't be able to see the reflections anymore but the glassmaker has one last trick up his sleeve he asks for something to throw out the panels explaining that tempered and regular glass make different sounds kyoun here passes over the marble he still has and the glass maker tosses in front of them but with less than 25 seconds remaining sangu decides to take matters into his own hands he pushes the man forward shattering the glass into pieces and with the path clear they all make it to the other side when the timer hits zero the remaining glass panels suddenly explode and the shards go flying through the air injuring the three survivors that sound five games down and one more to go okay this glass maker was a total badass he could have saved all 16 players if he shared his knowledge in the beginning but he knew that keeping his mouth shut would eliminate his competition and it was a balder move the only mistake he made was not waiting longer because once he revealed his strategy the game removed his advantage and all it took was one greedy man to kill him off now having said that this game is different from the previous challenges because it's not a test of skill or strength when you have no information to base your decision on choosing the right path here makes a game a random chance if you look here you'll see that there are 18 pairs of panels so this first player has a 1 in 262 144 chance of making it across this bridge this is basically a death game lottery with odds that i wouldn't play under any circumstances unless i found a way to cheat by the law of averages it's fair to assume that each player will probably step on two panels before dying with one correct guess and one wrong one that means on average nine players will need to die in order to cross all 18 of them if the majority of the players are going to die then it might be the perfect time to convince them to vote on leaving the competition this death game is like telling someone that if they don't win the lottery they'll get murdered and when you put it like that it's kind of ridiculous that the first players even attempted to play now if we actually choose to play the odds we're going to have to cheat if we want any chance of making it to the next round i'm not an expert glassmaker like this guy here but all i need to know is that if you throw something through window it's going to break that's exactly why i would have collected these shoes here take my jacket off and tie a knot at the end of the sleeve then place a bunch of shoes inside so that we can swing it in front of us to test if the glass will break or not if it cracks then i jump to the opposite panel and continue until i reach the end if for some reason this method fails we can also try walking on the metal bars here instead of the glass now this might be considered unacceptable to the game designers but if someone doesn't try it we'll never know if it's allowed or not the only win condition for this challenge is to make it across the bridge and we've already seen other games where the players are able to manipulate the rules to their advantage if you remember in the last game xango here tricked his teammate into giving him the marbles instead of playing for them and when things get desperate these are the kinds of tactics that we need to start using if we don't test the boundaries of what's allowed in each and every game then we might be missing out on some of the best strategies that will keep us alive for longer and it's a terrible waste of an opportunity later the players are rewarded for surviving to the final game and given the first real food they've had in days starving the men dig into their steaks realizing this could be the last meal of their lives when they finish eating the staff leave them with their steak knives and by all appearances this next game is going to be a vicious fight to the death that night gion here decides to approach the girl to talk he asks her what she'll do if she survives and the girl reveals she wants to get her mother out of north korea so their families can reunite it's a touchy moment but suddenly guillen looks over and notices the other players slouching in his bed he's fallen asleep and the man realizes he's got the perfect opportunity to kill him pulling out his steak knife he's about to step forward when the girl stops him insisting he shouldn't play this way he hesitates but the man knows she's right and puts the knife away that's when he hears the girl gasping and turns around shocked to find her leaning over in the bed and realizes she was injured by the flying glass in the last game worried he runs over to the front door and screams at the staff to treat her wounds to his surprise the lights suddenly turn on as the workers enter the room carrying a coffin but they aren't here to help guillen looks behind him and sees sango standing over the girl's bed and his knife is soaked in her blood furious gion goes to attack him but a guard intervenes shoving the player to the ground and as he screams in fury the coffin closes over the woman's body leaving the final two players left with one last game okay this was devastating but we all should have seen it coming sangu here has managed to stay alive because he's the most cold-blooded player in the game but that's why he was 100 correct to kill this woman he realized that with three players left there was a huge risk that if the others banded together they would have a majority using the third clause of the contract this will let them force a vote to quit the game and he wouldn't be able to stop them if they were me i wouldn't let that happen under any circumstances because we've come way too far to give up now that's why he took matters due to his own hands before it got that far and it was a brilliant move to make now to be fair this girl was already bleeding out and was simply not strong enough to compete at the next game her only options were to kill the men during the night or to force a vote and return back to the mainland both of these benefit nobody but herself and gion here seems to keep forgetting that he's a finalist in a death game sang-u just did him a huge favor and wiped out 33 of the competition so as heartless and cold-blooded as it was the man did exactly what he had to do the two men are taken to a corridor where their 20 coin will be flipped to decide who will be defending or attacking picking triangle gun here wins the toss and chooses to play offense before the players are finally told that for the last round they will be playing squid game as the attacker guillot must enter the squid-shaped court and tap his foot inside a circle on the other end to win the defender wins if he manages to toss the attacker out of the court but any kind of violence is allowed and the last person standing will be the winner suddenly the sky goes dark and it starts to rain as the two players take their positions determined to get vengeance for the girl geode here walks towards his childhood friend and starts swinging his knife but the other player manages to get him in a chokehold the two men go at it and as the players get locked into a wrestling match his opponent picks up his knife before stabbing guillen deep into the thigh he kicks the other player away from him but with his injuries he can barely defend himself the man walks up to him and tries to end his life but giod won't give up catching the knife at the last second and bites his ankle forcing the man to back off exhausted he climbs over his friend and beats him into the ground sangu is too weak to continue and even though he has the perfect opportunity to kill him gion spares his life getting onto his feet he asks the guard about clause number three and if they are still allowed to end the game if both players agree to quit he then offers a hand to his friend telling him they can both go home but the man decides to sacrifice himself letting gyun win by default he's completed all six games and earned 45 billion won but has just lost his friend in the process okay sangu took the honorable way out but to be fair this guy had it coming to him because he was just about the worst childhood friend you could ever ask for first of all he tricked ion into picking an umbrella in the second game knowing that it might get him killed and he also stole his other teammates marbles which was downright disrespectful having said that we cannot get emotional like yon here because this kind of behavior will backfire on you quickly he's furious that song who killed the girl but it's distracting him from his priorities of staying alive and finding strategies to win this last game now if the man had kept his cool he would have noticed that all the walls of the room were images that told him exactly what the next game would be these pictures have been here the whole time and if guillen had noticed this drawing of the squid game court with only two players inside with that kind of evidence all you need to know is how to play squid game to figure out what tactics will give us our best chance to win so let's break down how this game actually works first there are two sides an offense and a defense the attacking players begin the game by trying to run across the court here while the defender tries to stop them if they succeed the game enters stage two and the attacker must run through this narrow gap and break the defense but only wins by tapping his foot on his tiny space lastly if he gets pushed out of bounds by the defender that he loses now that you know the rules imagine if you're the attacker trying to run through this gap except this time the defending player here is holding out a stake knife this is why choosing to play offense is a terrible strategy because they're actually not playing squid game at all they're playing a new game called kill your childhood friend the fact that they are both given steak knives completely changes how we should be thinking about this to put it another way if sumo wrestlers were allowed to use steak knives in competition they would have to completely change their regular strategies in how to play and win in this scenario gion has to make it through this tiny opening without getting stabbed but all sangu has to do is push him out of the court or kill him choosing the defender is going to give you a better chance to win because the knife makes it almost impossible to enter the gap without getting seriously injured if i were him i would even try standing where the opponent is supposed to tap his foot this lures the attacker closer to the edges of the court here and we might be able to throw him out of bounds to win the game it doesn't require nearly as much energy agility or endurance as the offensive player needs to have and that's why gee hood made the worst possible choice now this is not the only mistake that he made because even while the game was being played he was so caught up in gaining revenge that he completely forgot the main objective this man had several opportunities to run through the gap and tap his foot on the circle to win but he completely ignored it and continued fighting it's the same problem he had at the beginning with a dokji player because when he finally won and flipped the paper he was so caught up with his emotions that he wanted to return the slap and forgot that he was playing for one hundred thousand won it's geon's worst character flaw and it nearly cost him his life he's taken back to the mainland and dubbed on a sidewalk with a special debit card as a reward when he puts it into an atm he discovers it's full of the prize money from the death game one year later gyun here is miserable and hasn't touched any of the money he won but as he's sitting on a riverbank a woman asks him to buy one of her flowers before they wilt he pays for a single rose and she gives it to him but then he discovers an envelope was attached to it with a pink ribbon opening it he finds out it's a squid game business card for the old man invited him to a reunion in the city going to the address he enters his building and is shocked to find the old man lying in a gurney he's somehow still alive and guillot demands an explanation about who he is the old man tells him he created the death games and the only reason he joined was so that he could feel like a kid again kiyon is completely disgusted but the old man dies before he can answer any more of his questions several days and one crazy haircut later he's traveling to the airport to visit his daughter when he spots someone slapping a guy on the platform and he realizes it's the dokji player who gave him the business card furious he runs over to the other side of the tracks to confront the man but he's already gotten the train and left guillen here walks up to the person he was playing with and sees he was given a card taking it out of his hands he discovers it's an invitation to the death game later he's about to board his plane and decides to call the number on the card he demands to know who the kidnappers are but the person on the other end tells him to get on board that makes guillotine furious and he turns back around deciding to stop the squid game before more people get hurt but what do you think how would you beat squid game let me know with a comment down below thank you so much for watching leave a like and subscribe and check out the how to be playlist for more videos like this until next time have a damn good day
Channel: Cinema Summary
Views: 26,792,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, explained, review, death game, battle royale, high school, highschool, among us, trailer, trap, traps, squid game, netflix
Id: qNKA9Q60K10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 32sec (2672 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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