How To Beat The IMPOSSIBLE TEST In "Exam"

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[Music] if you were locked in a room and forced to take an impossible test that could cost you your life what would you do this movie has so many twisted mind games and will have to destroy everyone else if you want to win i'm going to break down the mistakes made what you should do and how to beat the impossible test in the exam nothing in this room is what it seems these eight people are competing for the job of a lifetime but they have no idea what they're getting themselves into as they all find their seats a man suddenly walks into the room he introduces himself as the invigilator overseeing the test they're about to take and warns them to carefully listen to every word he says they'll get the job they're applying for if they pass this test but they must obey four simple rules first the exam only has one question and they must provide a single answer second they will be disqualified if they talk to the invigilator or the guard third they can't leave the room for any reason and finally they are not allowed to ruin their own papers under any circumstances with the rules established the man asks if any of them have a question but no one says anything he turns on this countdown timer on the wall and tells them they have 80 minutes to complete the test to determine the next 80 years of their lives the exam has officially begun and the man walks out leaving the applicants alone in the room inspecting their papers they turn them over and are surprised to discover it's completely blank the only text on the page is the number of each candidate and the group is confused nobody has any idea how to pass this exam and the applicants look around nervously for answers tired of waiting this woman decides to take a risk and picks up her pencil she starts writing an essay on the back of her paper but this was her biggest mistake suddenly the guard grabs her by the shoulder and pulls the woman out of her seat in tears she begs to have a second chance and gets thrown out of the room making that one down with seven more to go okay this job application is sketchy as hell the woman was eliminated just for writing on her paper and that seems crazy until you realize that everything in this room is a mind game the man told them that if they ruined their own papers under any circumstances then they would be disqualified and that's exactly what she did now this might have been a good decision if it was a normal job application but the problem with her logic is that she didn't take in her surroundings to consider that normal is not going to work in the situation first of all this room has security cameras in the corners of the ceiling and this thing in the wall looks like a two-way mirror so both of these tell us we're being watched that means our actions are just as important as anything else secondly this security guard walked into the room before they were told the rules but the strange thing is that he has a gun in his holster it's not unusual to have security guards in corporate office buildings but there should be no reason to consider this room a security risk and it's a sign that this situation has a high chance of turning violent now the most important sign about this test was also the easiest thing to miss before this man left the room he told us that we have 80 minutes to determine the next 80 years of our lives but the strange thing is everyone in this room is in their 30s or older you might argue that the man was just being expressive with his language but look at him there's nothing expressive about this guy he introduced himself as an invigilator which is the technical term for someone who supervises tests it's such specific and intentional language that there's no way he didn't realize the meaning of his words he literally suggested that this job will affect them when they're all 110 years old which is terrifying something very strange is going on here and it's a disturbing sign of what's to come next but there's one thing these contestants could have done which would have gotten them paid much more easily honey is the number one shopping tool in america it's free and it makes it so easy for you to save on things that you're already buying on lots of websites that you're already shopping on the way it works is this tiny little button in your browser is like an online savings sidekick that does all the work for you as soon as you're about to buy something you want honey will automatically search for coupon codes and find some of the best deals for you without you having to do anything you get to feel like a king with honey doing all the work for you it works on a lot of your favorite websites and it's free savings so i highly recommend that you get it all you have to do is install it and you can get discounts on all the things you could want you can use it on clothes video games even food delivery or equipment purchases like this isobox vocal booth here that i used to record which honey has a great deal that'll 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who can cooperate as a team to achieve a common goal and it makes perfect sense the others agree to help but when this guy tries to introduce himself he's suddenly interrupted since they don't know what kind of risks there are the applicant insists it's safer to use nicknames and they go around the room the women will be caught by their hair colors blonde brunette and dark while the men will be referred to by their skin tone black white and brown the only exception being the last guy who they'll call death because he hasn't been paying attention this guy is an for suggesting these nicknames but the movie and everyone else decides to go along with it with everyone accepting the nicknames the brunette suggests that the question on the exam might be invisible to the naked eye but she has an idea walking over to a light on the wall she holds up her test paper to see if there's something hidden but nothing is revealed the group is disappointed but that's what mr black points out that there is a spectrum of both visible and invisible light if this room has the right equipment it might reveal any hidden messages and the group looks around for clues suddenly the blah notices something strange about the wall and inspects this opening discovering that more light bulbs are hidden inside mr black realizes the bulbs are emergency lights but nobody can find the light switch so the group decides to go for broke mr white here starts breaking all the bulbs with the help of the others and they plunge the room into darkness suddenly the room is illuminated by ultraviolet blacklight confirming that their plan worked okay their theory was correct but this was still a terrible idea if this strategy was wrong then they wouldn't have any light to complete their tests the risks here are just unacceptable and that's why i would never have done this now i'm not against damaging company property but when you have no idea what actions might get you eliminated then the smartest thing you can do is come up with suggestions and make the others take on all the risks mr white here should never have smashed these lights himself and if i were him i would have someone else do the work just in case it gets us disqualified tricking others into getting eliminated might actually be easier than answering the question and if we can do this until we're the last one standing we might win the job by default another way i would try to do this is by suggesting that we request for the lights to be turned off as long as it's not directed at the guard people might forget that they aren't allowed to speak to the invigilator and they'll get disqualified for asking the question as for the lights instead of smashing all of them and darkening the room it would have been much smarter to break one of the ultraviolet bulbs and hold up a large piece of glass against the wall light the ultraviolet light is created by the glass not the actual light source so by holding against the wall here it will filter the wavelengths and expose any hidden messages on the paper this strategy removes the risk of taking the test in complete darkness and will be able to continue looking for clues now everything they've tested so far has been allowed except for this girl who wrote on her paper it's the only thing they've confirmed will get you disqualified but that's a huge clue that tells us how to outsmart this twisted mind game they've realized that whatever they're allowed to do is based on the exact wording of what the invigilator told them but the longer they continue the easier it'll be for them to forget what he said if it were me i would gather the group and write down the surface of this desk word for word exactly what we remember him saying this is going to be the most useful clue we have to figure out what we should be doing and how we should be thinking about this test it's very possible that this man said something that will only seem important once we're further into the competition with more information and more clues at our disposal we won't have to resort to breaking office equipment until we're fired excited the group tries to use the blacklight to reveal a hidden message but once again they find nothing mr white here thinks they've just wasted their time but that's when the dark haired woman notices that the top halves the light strips aren't lit holding up a chair this man cracks one of the bulbs and carefully picks up a shard of glass discovering there's an extra set of infrared lights in the walls these might be their next clue and the women use their heels to carefully break the rest of them darkening the room suddenly the infrared lights turn on and the group holds their papers to the bulbs again but there's no sign of a hidden message they've only got 60 minutes left but that's when mr white comes up with a clever plan walking over to the disqualified woman's desk he picks up her test and reminds everyone that if they ruin their own paper they'll be disqualified but the rules say nothing about using someone else's grabbing a pencil he scribbles end to end across the page but it reveals absolutely nothing it's another failed solution but mr white here has one last crazy idea folding the paper in half he rips it into separate squares and gives two pieces to the others telling them to get it wet by any means necessary he walks away to the other end of the room and urinates all over his sheet after he zips up his pants the man examines the page to see if anything's been revealed but there's still no hidden text it's frustrating but that's when they hear this guy muttering to himself at his desk turning to listen they all begin to realize that he's speaking french and the dark-haired woman figures out he's asking them if they can see it it doesn't make any sense and the group thinks he's lost his mind but that's when mr brown suddenly notices a strange coincidence speaking up he points out how diverse this group of people is and thinks there must be a hidden reason for this the others don't understand why that would be relevant but the man explains that the company's board of directors are probably betting on them and that everyone in this room is a player in a game okay this changes everything up until now these applicants think this is just an exam but it's possible that there's a lot more at stake than a job if this whole scenario was set up for businessmen to gamble on us then it's starting to sound like this could turn into a death game under the right circumstances things could get ugly really fast and if resorting to violence becomes an option for us then this explains why having an armed guard in the room would even be necessary once we have good reason to believe that this test is not what we think it is we need to completely adapt their strategies and act on them before anyone else figures out the implications here as soon as someone like mr white realizes that the dynamic of this room has changed he's going to consider hurting others to get ahead and that means we need to take out the most threatening players as soon as possible first let's break down who we should consider a valuable resource and who we should consider a threat right now mr black has had the best ideas the brunette has been the most willing to explore them and mr white has been the most willing to manipulate others between these three players this guy is the most dangerous person in the room and we should try to get him eliminated by any means necessary before this hits the fan if it were me i would open the door and call everyone to look at a clue i found on the outside wall mr white is extremely competitive which means he'll be curious enough to investigate the claim and when he steps in front of the doorway i'd push him out forcing him to get disqualified it's definitely a risk but this strategy doesn't explicitly contradict any rules that we've heard from the invigilator so it's worth a try now the others might think it's unfair but by explaining that mr white was working against the entire group's interests they'll be more likely to accept the decision and continue looking for answers to the exam question without him walking up to the wall at the end of the room mr brown suggests that board members are watching them on the other side of this glass but the dark-haired woman insists he's wrong if anyone is watching it's the ceo himself from what she knows the man supervises everything in his company and since this is no ordinary job application it must be important to him mr brown asks how she knows so much about the company but the woman is surprised they don't already have this information she tells everyone that the ceo is a famous scientist who created medicine for a virus that saved thousands of lives and for the first time the group realizes they're competing for a position at a company called buyork that's when the brunette suddenly has an idea walking up to the guard she searches his pockets and discovers a metal lighter inside her instincts were correct and this might lead them to their next clue examining the bulbs along the wall mr black suggests these might actually be safe lights used for developing photos and they're all inside a giant dark room if their exam sheets are printed on photographic paper then that means there might be a hidden image that could be developed with the right chemicals the brunette moves the desk below the smoke detector and stands on the table using the guards lighter to spark a flame she raises the fire up to the sprinkler in the ceiling but nothing happens her idea isn't working but mr white decides to step in and help secretly taking her exam sheet he walks over to the disqualified woman's desk and rolls it into a tube before handing the brunette her own paper she sets it on fire and holds the flames up to the ceiling until the sprinkler finally goes off soaking everyone's test sheets they all wait for a hidden image to be revealed but the group can't see anything testing the liquid mr black takes a droplet from the page and tastes it only to realize that it's just water another idea has failed but that's when the brunette notices her exam sheet is missing turning around she sees mr white smirking at her and realizes she's just been played unrolling the bird paper the woman finds out that she accidentally broke the rules and has ruined her own test the guard drags the brunette to the doorway and throws her outside making that two down and six more to go okay that was cold-blooded as hell but mr white here made a genius play this woman was so caught up in searching for clues that she completely put herself at risk by letting her guard down and burned her own paper in the process this is why you should never test the ideas yourself because if there's a consequence for what happens it's less likely to fall on you now with so many failed ideas it might be better to start looking at the situation from another perspective and the one thing all these failures have in common is the test paper if the company went out of their way to install three completely separate types of light sources only for it to lead nowhere then there's a very high chance that anything else we find is just going to be a red herring continuing the play this way will only lead to more mind tricks and will eventually run out of time i would propose that the answer we're looking for has nothing to do with the exam papers because there's actually another revelation here that they're not focusing on and that is the selection of applicants in this room as this man mentioned earlier these people are so different from each other in race gender and background that it can't be a coincidence it's the statistical and probability that the candidates would be so diverse and if these qualities factor into the selection process then we need to take them into account this could mean that the competition we're in it's an experiment whoever is observing our actions has a vested interest and might be using us to test a theory now if this sounds like a stretch in logic don't forget that before the invigilator left he told everyone that these 80 minutes will determine the next 80 years of our lives and that can't be an accident when you put these clues together it gives us strong evidence that we might be competing to become a test subject and not an employee nothing in this test has been about their qualifications and that should have been a red flag from the very beginning if passing this exam just means we get to be someone's guinea pig then i'd rather let someone else have the honor and walk out of this room with 36 minutes left on the clock this man has had enough of mr white's games and threatens to punch his lights out when suddenly the room goes completely dark mr brown here realizes that the lights are voice activated and says lights up illuminating the room instantly hearing someone crying the men turn around and realize it's mr death he's reached his breaking point and can't handle the pressure of this exam kneeling in front of them mr white here tells the man he should quit the competition and encourages him to rip up his paper to everyone's surprise the man obeys stuffing the page into his mouth and gets himself eliminated the guard drags him out of his chair and as he's taken to the doorway his glasses fall onto the floor he begs the guard to let him stay but he's thrown out of the room making that three down and only five more to go this man calls out mr white for playing dirty tricks but he argues they should thank him for getting rid of the competition mr black threatens that nobody in this room will help him anymore but the man reveals he doesn't need any because he's already figured out the question mr brown here asks him to reveal what it is but the dark-haired woman is sure he'll never tell them he's shown all the signs of being a textbook narcissist and amidst that she knows this because she's a professional psychologist offended by her accusation the man starts flinging insults at her but mr blackier has had enough and knocks him out in a single punch the blonde suggests they might need the guy's help later and the man argues that he was a threat and needed to be taken out noticing the group's disapproval he lifts the unconscious applicant into a chair and binds the guy's wrists with his necktie but this one mistake is going to cost him everything okay mr white here overplayed his hand tricking people into getting eliminated is a great strategy but he didn't do it with enough tact the man turned himself into the obvious villain of the group and was openly stirring chaos it would have been much smarter to act like a team member on the surface while secretly stabbing people in the back for example he didn't have to admit that he handed the girl her own paper and that it could have just been an accident even if nobody believes him maintaining plausible deniability is the only way to keep the strategy working or else everyone will turn on you instead that's exactly what happened here and he should have seen it coming but mr white is a complete distraction from a huge clue that everyone has completely forgotten about the french man who just got eliminated was not much of a competitor and that actually makes him the most interesting applicant of them all he couldn't speak english he wasn't participating and he had a mental breakdown just taking an exam this man was completely unacceptable for a job anywhere let alone a fortune 500 company so it's extremely suspicious that he would even be accepted as a candidate all of these suggest that he might have been an insider from the company and could have been faking his involvement to collect data for the experiment now it might seem counterintuitive to have a researcher in the room because it ruins the integrity of the results but that depends on what you're trying to accomplish and there are historical cases to back this theory up in the 1970s the rosenhan experiment was conducted to test if diagnosing mental disorders was both or not a group of eight researchers were able to get themselves admitted into 12 different asylums by pretending to suffer from mental illnesses and it proved that the hospital's diagnosing process was flawed the psychiatrists couldn't tell the difference between a real mental illness or a fake one so in other words they saw what they wanted to see the reason this is relevant is because of this room we can only find our answers by looking for information and hoping it's a clue if we don't know what we're looking for then anything could be possible so the best way to deal with this problem is to start with what we know for certain and reverse engineer it if we know that we're all here to compete for a high position job then this man sticks out like a sore thumb and it becomes pretty clear he could be a researcher disguising himself as an applicant now since he's already been eliminated we can't question him but there's still five more players in this room who might know more than they're letting on so i would interrogate every single player to make sure there aren't any more imposters in the group this would give me a better idea of who i'm actually competing against and will be more likely to win as a result mr black here suggests they could push the man out of the room to eliminate him and asks if anyone else agrees with his idea the dark-haired woman is the only person who votes in favor and with the group evenly split they begin dragging the chair towards the door but the blonde woman tells them to stop she reminds the applicants if they choose to leave the room for any reason they'll be disqualified and since mr black is choosing for mr white to leave he might be a risk of being kicked out too with less than 30 minutes on the clock the blonde woman tells them their best chance of passing this exam is if they ask mr white what the question is that's when the man suddenly wakes up confused that he's been restrained and tries to tell them something as the woman pulls the gag from his mouth he explains he has the virus and needs to take the medicine in his pocket or else he'll die mr black tells him he'll only help if he reveals who the question is and with no choice the man agrees he checks his pockets for medication but is surprised to find that there's nothing inside mr white starts to panic and accuses the others of stealing it but before anyone can respond the man passes out he's completely unconscious and the psychologist here suggests he might have been sent by the company but mr brown disagrees this man isn't smart enough to be an imposter but the psychologist is she insists that she's just an applicant but the man points out she knew a lot more about the job opening than they did and she can't be trusted taking matters into his own hands mr brown suddenly grabs a dark-haired woman by the wrists and ties her to the chair with his belt sitting down in front of her he demands she tell them the truth and with no way to escape the woman confesses she works for the company okay this woman is in some deep she overplayed her hand by sharing too much information and mr brown picked up on it right away which was great thinking it's easy to get so caught up with the details of the game that we forget about the players and this guy didn't let anything slip past him they were also smart enough to knock out mr white before he could screw over any more of them but now they have an important decision to make here they can push both of these players out the door for a huge advantage but we can't be sure if it's against the rules or not as this woman pointed out they aren't choosing to leave we are choosing for them but that's all based on an interpretation of something that's hard to remember the exact wording of it's a difficult decision but the smartest thing to do here is to find a more cautious strategy to get what we want if it were me i would have searched the other players to find out who has mr white's pill if it's not with him then someone must have stolen it now it's not going to be hard to convince that person to reveal themselves because my suggestion is to take the pill and throw it out the doorway that way we can untie him before he passes out and he'll have to act quickly to make a choice between dying or quitting the competition since stepping outside would be his choice it's the best way to guarantee his elimination and the end result will benefit whoever the pill thief is so i'm sure they'll oblige now the only reason the applicants are keeping him inside the room is because they actually think that he solved the question but i don't believe him if he had solved it then he would have answered it already so there's only two possible scenarios here by answering the question either one player wins or everyone wins so there's no benefit for mr white to withhold this information since he hasn't answered it's much more likely that he doesn't know what he's talking about and we can get rid of him once and for all mr brown asks the dark-haired woman what she knows about the exam but she insists she has no more information wanting proof the man walks over to the psychologist's table and takes her exam sheet sitting back down he threatens to torture her and with 20 minutes left he'll do anything to get his answer removing her glasses he brings the exam sheet closer to her eye to slice it but the woman desperately swears she knows nothing about this exam and mr brown believes her with that he gets up and walks away leaving her to recover from the interrogation the blonde sets the woman free and helps her out of the chair but when she turns to the other end of the room she sees mr white is convulsing in his seat mr black confirms that the man isn't faking it and the blonde asks the others to return his medicine but no one admits to stealing it with no choice the applicants search each other for the pill but find nothing suspicious the dark-haired woman walks over to mr brown's desk and reaches underneath it to find a blue pill wrapped in a wad of gum he was the one who stole the medicine this whole time and was willing to let the man die the dark-haired woman walks back to mr white so she can give him his pill but mr brown steps in insisting he can't allow that to happen and slaps the medicine out of the woman's hand the pill goes flying across the room and falls inside of a drainage ditch the others gather around and try to reach inside but none of their fingers can get a grip on the medication suddenly mr white goes limp in his chair and mr black realizes he's dying time is running out but the blonde gets a clever idea pulling out her hairpin she slips it through the grate to grab the pill before the dark-haired woman stares into the security camera and begs the vigilator to help them she's just broken the rules and the guard grabs a hold of the woman before tossing her out of the room making that four down with four more to go okay that was a dumb mistake this woman worked for the company so if anybody had the best chance of winning it would be her she cared too much about the life of this man and just got herself eliminated now as hilarious as it is it's actually a shame that she's been disqualified because even though she confessed to not knowing what the exam question is she's still a huge resource mr brown had the right idea to interrogate her but he gave up too soon the fact her own company put her in a room where all violence is allowed tells us that torture is clearly on the table are just playing by the unspoken rules of the game and using them to get the information we need to win it's cruel but this woman shouldn't be surprised at all now i obviously would have asked her what the exam question is just like mr brown did but it actually makes sense that she doesn't know it would be foolish for the company to put that information into this test room because it would ruin the results they're looking for but she probably has other information that we could use to reverse engineer an answer during this interrogation the woman confessed to working in the company's hr department which means she would probably know if this test has been taken before i would ask her how many times the exam has been administered and who the previous winners are if we can establish a pattern it would give us the first concrete information to help us understand what we need to win this competition once she's told us everything she knows i would simply threaten to continue torturing her unless she willingly quits and walks out of the room the blonde woman manages to pull the medicine out of the drain and stuffs it down mr white's throat forcing him to swallow as soon as she does he stops convulsing and finally wakes up recovering quickly from his near-death experience looking around he notices there are only 10 minutes left to complete the exam and stands up to continue playing this man just won't give up but as he starts limping towards his desk mr brown reminds him that he promised to reveal what the question was in exchange for the medicine that's when the man shocks them with his theory and reveals the test itself is the question and they are the answers since the invigilator stated that they only need a single answer to pass that means only one applicant can win seeing the guard's gun he quickly runs to steal his weapon but is stopped on mr black and thrown to the ground taking the pistol from the guard he points it straight at mr white making everyone in the room terrified the man makes it clear he only took the gun so that mr white wouldn't try to kill them but with less than six minutes on the clock mr white takes a step forward suddenly the man pulls the trigger in self-defense but to his surprise the gun doesn't fire the two men wrestle each other to the floor setting the weapon sliding across the room but mr white grabs a pencil and stabs him in the shoulder the other man joins in the fight and tries to attack him but he quickly takes the gun and bashes the man knocking him to the ground standing up mr white reloads the gun and discovers that it has a fingerprint lock that's stopping it from firing but when he looks at the guard behind him the man gets a clever idea stepping forward he forces the gun into his hand and aims it at the two applicants lying on the ground mr brown surrenders asking him what he wants them to do and mr white demands they all walk out of the room one by one with his life on the line the man agrees to quit and leaves the exam room making that five people down with only three to go okay this is my kind of player he went from tied up unconscious to having full control over the room but the odyssey should have been using this gun a long time ago they've already proven that as long as we don't disobey the invigilator we can do anything we want and once everyone realized that any other action is allowed this weapon should have been the first thing they went for earlier this woman decided to reach into the guard's pocket for a lighter but it was a massive oversight to not extend that logic and apply it to all of his other possessions as well if she had just taken her ideas just one step further she could have been the last remaining person in this room now even with a weapon mr white has one serious weakness here because he's only a threat as long as he holds the gun against the guard's finger as soon as his finger comes off of the trigger the weapon is useless and mr black will regain the advantage but we might be able to manipulate him into quitting before it gets that far this man is wearing a cross necklace and is constantly talking about doing what's right he's been defending people and thinking only as a team every step of the way and that's exactly what we want to hear because it means we might be able to use it against him i would try to convince him that with his morals he wouldn't want to work for a company that's willing to put people in a room and watch us kill each other for a job this doesn't show any respect for humanity and it's not the kind of place that aligns with his religious views now if that doesn't work then we need to scare him out of the room since nobody knows how many bullets are in the gun the smartest thing to do is fire a warning shot at the man's feet so he knows we mean business in debt will encourage him to leave without getting any ideas morals or not this man has shown that he can play dirty when he wants to and it's better to force him out quickly before he finds a way to take control mr black tries to reason with the man to put the gun down but he refuses to lose his competition and orders everyone to leave the room that's when the blonde woman volunteers to quit and walks over to the door but as she passes by mr black she warns him to get ready the woman stops at the entrance and mr white tells her to go through it like she promised but this was a part of her plan she yells lights out and hides behind the wall as mr black flips a table the gun goes off and the other man runs for cover but when the lights turn back on mr black reaches down to find a bullet wound in his chest he's been shot and the man collapses to the ground closing his eyes as he passes away that six people down with only two more to go the man turns to the doorway and is surprised to see the blonde woman's foot just barely inside the room she hasn't been disqualified yet but as he walks over to finish the job he suddenly hears the clock beeping time has run out which means neither of them have passed the test the woman is relieved she survived to the end but then she spots the frenchman's glasses on the ground the blonde remembers what he said before being eliminated and realizes it was the most important clue of them all on the other side of the room mr white yells at the people behind the glass that he deserves the job but the guard suddenly grabs him by the shoulder the man holds his wrist out showing the applicant that the exam hasn't actually ended yet and mr white expects the timer discovering that the countdown can be changed by holding down a button the frenchman must have moved the clock forward while no one was looking and that means mr white has just disqualified himself by talking to the invigilator the guard leads him out of the exam room and they leave the woman alone making that seven down with only one more to go refusing to give up the blonde picks up the glasses on the floor and examines her test paper using the lens like a magnifying glass she finds a hidden message on the paper but all it says is question one it doesn't make sense to her until she remembers there's only one question they were asked before the exam started suddenly the frenchman enters the room and stares at the woman making her realize what she must do walking up to him the blonde remembers the invigilator asking if the applicants had any questions and she tells the man that she doesn't this was the answer and the invigilator walks in to congratulate her for getting it right she's the only person who passed the test but the woman asks him why the company's ceo was pretending to be an applicant the man explains that he wanted to make sure they got the right person for the job but the blonde doesn't want to work for a company that kills its applicants that's when the vigilator tells her that mr black is still alive and she doesn't believe him walking over to the body to see for herself the blonde opens the man's shirt and discovers he only got a flesh wound he wasn't shot with a bullet but a special pill that will heal him of any injury moments later the applicant opens his eyes and sits up shocked that he's still alive it makes the blonde reconsider her decision and she reaches up to shake the ceo's hand now realizing that passing this test makes her a total nerd but what do you think how would you beat the exam let me know with the comments down below thank you so much for watching leave a like and subscribe and check out the how to be playlist for more videos like this until next time have a damn good day
Channel: Cinema Summary
Views: 5,589,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, explained, review, death game, battle royale, high school, highschool, among us, trailer, trap, traps, exam
Id: kCb4KAazZy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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