How To Beat EVERY TRAP In "Escape Room 2"

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[Music] if you are trapped in a deadly escape room that will kill you if it isn't solved in time what would you do these puzzles are nearly impossible to survive and every second you waste brings you closer to death i'm going to break down the mistakes made what you should do and how to beat the death rooms in escape room too this woman is about to get herself killed she plans to leave her husband tonight and enters his office to find him buried in his latest work this man is the designer of the brutal escape rooms for the first movie and he's working hard on his next masterpiece she tells her husband she's leaving him and he begs to talk about this later the woman agrees to his request with no idea that this was her biggest mistake she decides to take a break in the sauna and clear her head when suddenly three metal rods lock the door shut the woman tries to force it open but it won't budge this room has turned into a deadly puzzle and she begs her husband to let her out but there's no response that's when she finds a message on the glass door that reads i grow in earth i shrink and wind i drown in water i survive in fire what am i with time running out she solves the riddle realizing that there must be something hidden in the sauna's heater looking in the hot rocks she finds one that looks different than the others and opens it up to discover a magnet hidden inside with a temperature reaching fatal levels she tries to slide the metal rod to the magnet and begins to unlock the door but it's too late the room is too hot to survive and she dies before she can escape okay this woman was not using her brain first of all if your husband designs deadly escape rooms for a living then you shouldn't break his heart and then go downstairs to relax in a steam room if i were going to break up with a criminal mastermind i would have left without telling him and hired a notary service to deliver him the divorce papers instead she knew exactly what her husband did for a living and should have realized that this sauna is a death trap waiting to happen in 2010 a russian man died in the world sauna championship tried to endure 230 degree heat for as long as possible and if a hardcore russian died within six minutes of exposure i'd say this lady has only three minutes or less to escape now the biggest mistake is to waste time on things that you know won't work and that's exactly what this woman did her first instinct was to call her husband for help after asking for a divorce which is a serious time waster the most logical thing to do in this situation is to think about how to neutralize the threat first before considering how to get out the source of danger is coming from the heater and the only thing she has at her disposal is a towel a shower head and a pile of rocks she can't stop the room from heating but she can definitely limit its effects if she acts fast the first thing i would do is use the towel to take out all the hot rocks because if the water doesn't hit them then steam won't be produced the more water particles there are in a sauna the more they will come into contact with you and transfer heat to your body this can cause the skin and other bodily tissues to sculpt without steam she'll be able to tolerate the heat and be able to breathe better to let her concentrate on escaping from there we could try using the rocks to crack the tempered glass it's probably not going to produce enough force to shatter it but not trying this would be far more stupid than trying and failing i would also use a shower head to my advantage because we can use the cool water to bring down our core body temperature before we pass out from the heat if she did any of this not only would she have bought herself more time but she also would have noticed that one of the rocks was different revealing a magnet inside the only other metallic objects are the rods and at that point the riddle on the door wouldn't even matter now lastly there was one interesting detail that told us this has nothing to do with her husband she might not be able to recognize the handwriting but no self-respecting middle-aged man would make their periods into circles like they were japanese schoolgirls these ellipses here are a dead giveaway that her husband did not write this and someone even more sadistic is behind it now there are four more escape rooms and each one has hidden clues just like this that will tell us who designed them and trust me it's not who you think it is either but what this mysterious death game designer doesn't realize is that there's actually a much better way for him to get his adrenaline fix mech arena is a fast-paced mech shooter game that focuses on team pvp and if you enjoy playing with your friends like me this tactical five versus five shooter is the perfect balance of casual fun with skill-based competitive play and none of your friends have to die in the process i was honestly shocked by how well mecharina captured the magic of playing pc and console shooters with your friends my personal favorite mechs and weapon combos are the panther mech with a dual thermal lance shooting through stasis barriers like it's a meat shield using the lancer mech to leap and kill my enemies with a javelin rack or rocking the dual rpgs on the killshot mech and finishing people off with a melee dash when my ammo runs out it's a ton of fun and mecharina allows you to really express yourself with their awesome skins including the ability to apply different paint jobs to your macs and unlock different and unique personalized skins by using their fortune vault system mech arena has awesome in-game events as well as a great login rewards program which you definitely don't want to miss out on use my link in the description or scan my qr code to get it for android on ios right now for free and as a bonus you'll receive one black carbon skin 300 a coins and 50 000 credits to help start your game with a bang so don't wait around add me to your friends list my username is how to beat and join me for some matches thank you to makarina for sponsoring this video 18 years later zoe and ben here are lucky to be alive both of them were tricked into playing a series of deadly escape rooms and were the only ones to make it out this girl is determined to find out who the designer is so she can expose them and thinks she's discovered a clue using the escape room logo she finds coordinates that lead to downtown manhattan and together they decide to check it out they get on the subway to follow the coordinates but something doesn't feel right there are only a handful of other passengers in this train car and for rush hour in new york that's really suspicious zoe here gets up to check out the conductor's booth but is horrified to find no one inside suddenly their car decouples from the rest of the train and everyone starts to panic as they fall further behind that's when the track shift rail lines leading them down into an abandoned tunnel before it slams into the buffer stop the boy tries to force the door open but it won't budge and now they're completely stuck with no way to escape desperate this man presses the intercom and a message starts to play telling them if they see a suspicious package please find the nearest mta employee nothing about this is normal and ben here tells zoe that minos the escape room company must have found them hearing this the group is shocked as everyone begins to realize that each person here has survived an escape room and they've all just walked into their next death trap that's when these tesla coils pop out of the roof as a high voltage current electrifies the train car and touching anything metal will shock them the bearded man nate looks under a seat to find a hidden bag but when he opens it up to look inside a metal door handle falls out picking it off the ground this man wraps his belt around the handle for installation and manages to open the train conductor's door looking inside he finds a token slot and above it zoe notices a sign that reads all false advertising must be pulled it's their next clue and ben here knows exactly what to do next running back into the train car he shows them that one of the adverts is missing the letter e and the group splits up the search for more spelling mistakes as the others find more clues zoe here counts the handholds in the car and realizes there are 26 of them this could stand for each letter of the alphabet and if they pull the handholds which represent the missing letters they might get the subway tokens they need before they're all electrocuted okay i'm officially impressed i would be pissing my pants at the thought of being electrocuted to death while these guys have already figured out how to find the next clue that's exactly why i would want to be in their group because the smarter your team is the better chances you have of escaping these people have already survived an escape room before and that means we can use their experiences to solve these puzzles as fast as possible now first of all this group wasted time by waiting for the game to tell them what they should be doing they shouldn't need an announcement to tell them to look for any suspicious packages because the first thing we should be doing in any escape room is to immediately identify what we can interact with that way when the game does give you a clue you are faster to respond because you've already found the pieces to the puzzle that's why i would immediately check the handles look under the seats pull the brake stop and push every button if any of them are rigged we'll be able to engage the escape room much more quickly without having to waste valuable time we should also be trying to come up with time-saving tactics to increase our chances of winning the perfect example are these handles that represent the alphabet if i have to find the letter o it means i have to count 15 handles before i find the right one and that's time we don't have to waste if there are nine letters we need to complete the puzzle that could add up to a full minute just on counting letters of the alphabet by simply placing an item of clothing on the handle for the letter l we could cut that time in half because if the letter we're looking for comes after l we would only need to count from there instead when 30 seconds can make the difference between life and death this is without a doubt the best way to be thinking lastly i would make one lucky person do nothing except to watch the monitor here that fills the word as we find more tokens because if he can solve it before the word is filled then we won't have to run around looking for missing letters on the advertisements and that's going to be the biggest time saver of them all it might be the most important job in the entire escape room and these battle tested experts didn't even think about it checking the bag for more clues they discovered that the lining inside is made of rubber and this woman uses her keys to cut it into pieces each player will need one to touch the metal handholds without being shocked but as they're given out the blonde one notices that two of the handles are different colors if the green one is the letter a then the third one down will be the letter c taking a gamble zoe pulls it down and a token with that letter falls out their theory was correct and zoe puts it into the machine telling her there are eight more tokens left following her lead the group manages to find more tokens but with everyone they find the electrical currents get stronger it's the deadliest game of hangman you've ever seen as the players crawl along the floor avoiding the electrical discharge this guy looks up to find the final three letters they're missing but before you can tell anybody what they are a bolt of electricity knocks him into a metal pole and the man starts frying to a crisp taking a piece of rubber the blonde woman tries to save him by knocking him to the floor but the man's already dead that's one player down and five more to go with no time left to look for clues zoe reads the monitor and realizes it's spelling out the words welcome back she tells the others they need to pull the handles for the letters w b and o and they all work together to collect the last three as bed here inserts the final token into the coin slot a trap door opens on the floor of the train and the remaining survivors jump through to the other side they've successfully escaped the puzzle finding themselves inside an elevator that suddenly begins to descend the lift finally comes to a stop and the group takes a moment to introduce themselves zoe asked the others about the previous rooms they played in and learns that each survivor was grouped with others who had the same occupations rihanna here was with vloggers and nate here was in an escape room with other priests like him but ben feels that something is off all these players were allowed to go free but when he won the game someone tried to assassinate him and zoe here saved his life the pattern doesn't make sense but those soon find out that nothing is a coincidence okay as much as i would love to hear about an escape room full of priests having this discussion will not tell us how to stay alive the group managed to escape with the skin of their teeth but have already lost one of their most valuable players this guy was clever enough to use his leather belt as installation before anyone even realized that there was rubber inside of the back but they were caught off guard without a game strategy and the time they wasted got this man killed this is exactly why we need to take advantage of this elevator right now they have a rare moment in between two escape rooms where they aren't facing any danger at all if they were me i would stay here as long as it takes to come if they plan for the next room because our lives depend on the other strangers in the group and if any of them make stupid decisions or don't use their time wisely it could get everyone killed this elevator is the best chance we'll have to organize ourselves assign roles and establish positive chemistry so that everyone walks through the store with a specific agenda that benefits the whole group instead they told each other sob stories about their past and it was a total waste of everyone's time hearing a loud rumbling noise the group rushed to the elevator doors to find themselves in a massive underground bank and on the other side of the room is an open vault zoe here tests the locks on the front doors but that's when a voice on the intercom announces that the security system has been armed without faking riyada here steps into the checkered floor activating a field of deadly lasers that burns straight through the woman's skin one wrong move and she's dead but the other silly guide her to move out of the laser's grid they finally pull her to safety and as soon as she steps off the checkered tile the lasers immediately shut off they all realize this entire floor might be rigged and that's when the voice announces they have 10 minutes until their only exit here closes with all lasers fully activated the players start to look for another way across the tiles but nate here notices something strange in a bowl of lollipops and picks one up to discover a key hidden inside taking the candy zoe here breaks it on the ground to remove the key before climbing over the counter towards the deposit boxes bed here finds a special box that has the name sonia on it and realizes it must be their next clue he tries the key and it works but when he opens it up tons of small diamonds come pouring out zoe reaches down to pick one up but immediately cuts her finger on it these things are sharp enough to draw blood but this can't be a coincidence the players on the other side find a similar box but theirs has two stacks of blank bills inside that's when nate sees an atm nearby with a special message telling them in order to get payment for the death of a loved one he must enter a pin ben here figures out that the atm's clue is a reference to blood money and if they put zoy's blood on the bills they might find the pin number the blonde woman is about to hand them over but when she steps on the counter the lasers suddenly turn back on losing her balance she falls to the floor but the lasers deactivate as soon as she steps off the counter the woman survived but they can't use the counters to solve the puzzle and time is running out fast okay this was really quick thinking from ben here he figured out that the diamonds and blank bills somehow added up to blood money but this is actually a serious flaw in the game because the only way to solve it is to cut your finger on the diamonds and there's no guarantee that would even happen if zoey was more careful when she touched them she wouldn't have cut her finger and they might not have even considered that blood had anything to do with the clue at all when solving the riddle requires a total coincidence like this you know it's a flawed system and they probably wouldn't have figured it out having said that this room is more difficult than the last because it's much bigger there are a lot more things to investigate and a larger area to search for them when this group ran into the room they were so distracted by the scale of the place that they missed these papers here and a bowl of lollipops and noticing them could have saved as much as one out of their 10 minutes to escape despite this there's always one instant clue they'll never need to look for and that is the room itself each room has a theme and the theme is already a hint that tells us what we should be searching for in this case it might include safes keys money and pin numbers because they're all the things you would typically find in a bank now as for the floor tiles this one should have known better than to walk straight through the lobby like this every bank heist movie you've ever seen has lasers in it and while this might seem obvious there's actually a really important strategy here when you see an empty floor like this you should realize that the game's designers created the rooms by drawing from the same tropes and stereotypes that you are already familiar with and this will help you anticipate where the dangers are coming from now even though it's a terrible decision she's actually done us a favor here because now we can use this opportunity to study the laser pattern if you look here you'll see there might be enough room to crawl underneath them to reach the vault but i would make sure somebody else tested this out for us because it's obviously a dangerous idea this game must have cost millions of dollars to set up so if there were any convenient loopholes like this they were probably already discovered before we even set foot inside zoe wipes her blood on the blank bills revealing the pin zero five two six nay tier types in the four digit code as the clocks in the wall suddenly begin to shift it's their next clue and he figures out the times are actually a code to make it through the checkered floor safely the hour represents a cardinal direction and the minute is the number of steps they need to take with only five minutes left nade volunteers to test their theory leaving lollipops to mark down every safe tile the plan is working and it makes it halfway through when one of the tiles sinks to the floor revealing a combination safe on the other side of the room suddenly the tally standing on displays our next clue reading money makes the world turn don't let it stop or else it all ends the group desperately searches the bank records for a three-digit combination but they're running out of time and if they don't solve this puzzle all of them will die with no clues left to continue nate here decides to take a leap of faith and walks forward the other players try to stop him but he insists on letting god lead the way that's when he steps on a tile that turns on the lasers and he falls on the counter knocking himself out the women managed to pick him up and drag his feet off the tile to turn off the laser beams but they still can't solve the clue as the group begins to argue riyada here suddenly realizes the riddle wants him to turn the lock without stopping running towards the safe she twists it several times and the dial pops out revealing a secret container inside is a transparent graph and with only one minute remaining the woman throws it to the other group for zoe to place it over the floor plan revealing the complete path through the checkered floor she stays behind and reads out the instructions to the others who make their way to the vault door with ben carrying the priest to safety they all make it to the exit and zoe runs as fast as she can slipping him through the door at the last second before the lasers can slice her into pieces okay they all made it through to the next escape room but it was definitely no thanks to this guy here he decided to turn his brain off and trust god knowing full well that he was putting everyone in danger this is exactly why teamwork matters so much because one person's bad thinking can get everyone killed and if i were in the situation i would have told him to sit in the corner and pray for our success it's not going to help but at least he's going to feel like he's contributing without risking our lives in the process now to his credit it was starting to look like they wouldn't be able to solve the puzzle in time and when there are no options left we have to take bigger risks to stay alive if they were me i would have looked for mirrors around the bank because if we could use them to deflect the lights then we might be able to move across the laser grid without getting killed now the most powerful lasers in the world can instantly vaporize any matter into a hot cloud of plasma so as crazy as this looks it's not science fiction even this guy managed to make a diy super laser in his garage that can burn straight through metal these things are scary but using mirrors is a good strategy if things get desperate and i'd be happy for this man to risk his life testing out for us now as for the actual puzzle these guys were panicking too much to realize that the solution was extremely simple they jumped to the wrong conclusion that they need a three-digit number to lock the safe without trying the easiest solution first the riddle said don't let it stop or else it all ends logically speaking looking for a three-digit code would be a complete contradiction of the riddle because if you had numbers to open the lock with you have to stop the dial on those numbers in order to input the code so when the riddle says it don't let it stop then looking for a combination is the worst conclusion you could draw here on the other end of the vault door the group finds themselves in a cave and ben here wakes nade up scolding him for almost getting zoe killed the girl tells them to calm down and they all take a moment to catch their breaths but the cave suddenly starts to collapse the players all run out of the nearest exit before they're crushed to death and enter a beach theme escape room with a lighthouse looming in the distance but this one here wastes no time and has already found their first clue following the message on the polaroid camera she takes a picture and a blinding flash fills the room when their eyes adjust they notice the daylight has changed the sunset and in the picture they find a boat that's none of the ocean the group thinks this is what they should be looking for and start searching through a pile of wreckage nearby they find pieces of a metal detector inside and assemble it before scanning the rest of the beach for their next clue but that's when they pass two mannequins staged in a strange position zoe here thinks this must mean something but suddenly the metal detector goes off alerting them to a large metal object hidden below together they dig into the sand and uncover an anchor that must have belonged to the boat in the picture ben tries to pull it out and realizes it's tied to something buried further down but when the rest of the group helps him pull harder the rope subtly snaps it gets sucked beneath the sand and that's when they all notice that the beach floor is starting to bubble it's turning into quicksand and the blonde woman is standing right in the middle of it they try to shave her with a life buoy but she's too far out of reach and gets pulled underground the players are shocked but nate here decides to rescue her tying a rope around his waist before diving headfirst beneath the surface and that was the dumbest decision he could possibly make the group desperately pulls in the rope and date manages to lift the woman out of the sand as the others pull her to safety but when they try to rescue the priest the rope snaps and the man is dragged straight into the afterlife that's now two players down and four more to go okay this guy literally tied a lifesaver to himself and dove in when it would have made a lot more sense to just throw the life saver this sand will swallow anything no matter how light it is so a lifesaver would sink down and the girl would be able to grab on risking two team members lives instead of one is just bad logic and if i were in this situation i wouldn't have let him take that risk because he's still a viable asset to the group the more people we have the faster we can solve clues to help us all survive and by trying to be a hero he once again put everyone else in more danger but what nobody was expecting is that this is not your average quicksand for starters it's bubbling which means that there's a strong current of gas coming from below the surface so it's much easier to fall into because it's not thick like what you would find in the jungle this sand is what's called a fluidized bed which can turn the ground you're walking on into a liquefied soup if it's spreading then the whole beach is going to be a danger zone soon and if you want to save this girl in time then we have to act quickly i would use this board here because it might be long enough to lay across the pit so that each side is sitting on stable ground then we can have someone crawl halfway across and reach their hand in to try and pull her out now there's one situation where diving in might actually be the right decision if we eventually find ourselves completely surrounded by the quicksand with nowhere to turn the one benefit here is that this fluidized sand bed creates a frictionless surface so even though we can sink down into it we might also be able to surf across it just as easily science says that the frictionless sand will carry you across to the other side and there's just enough logic in that argument to convince someone to test the theory if they survive then we'll know it's a safe method we can use to cross it safely as well with the quicksand spreading across the beach the group has no choice but to grab the anchor and run towards the shack leaving their teammate behind that's when they find an imprint in the door here and brianna places the anchor into the groove unlocking it the players run inside to safety and zoe here finds a photo in the kitchen that says bon voyage she realized that this refrigerator might be their way out of here but they need to find the head for this unplugged power cord if they want to escape the group searches the building for a connector but zoe notices a hidden light switch here and decides to flick it on that's when the whole room starts to shake and the light outside suddenly turns to night looking out the window zoe here sees the lighthouse has turned on and a ladder has popped out of the side there must be a clue up there and she runs to check it out while the others stay behind to look for the missing cable head climbing up the lighthouse she reaches the top and peers to the telescope to find their next clue it's a message and a bottle that reads i can't see you and she tells the others what she's found zoe's about to climb down from the lighthouse to join the group when she notices something strange about the moon's frame on the wall meanwhile ben here has already figured out the clue he remembers the mannequin from earlier with shells on her eyes and realizes i can't see you is telling him exactly where to look ben runs over to find the mannequin sinking into the sand and removes one of the shells to find the cable head that they've been looking for he brings it back to the others and they use it to plug the fridge back in letting them finally open the door to the next room but things are about to go horribly wrong zoe has taken off the moon's frame to discover a hidden exit and she thinks it might lead them out of the game she tells the others about the escape route but brianna here doesn't want to leave bed tries to convince her to join them but there's no more time to argue and be head for the lighthouse leaving her behind the blonde woman makes it up the ladder just in time but ben isn't so lucky as he's climbing towards them the handholds start retracting and just as he reaches the top the boy loses his grip zoe can only watch in horror as he falls into the quicksand making that three players down with three more to go okay this is the first time we've seen two solutions to the same escape room and there's no way we could have expected this to happen that's why it's actually a terrible idea for zoe here to be investigating this move when you're minutes away from death and you already know where the exit is you wouldn't want to spend the last moments of your life breaking off a set prop based on just a random hunch she got very lucky that this actually led somewhere because otherwise she would have been dead and all the others would have escaped through the fridge without her now as for the others in the shack they weren't using their time wisely either instead of racing around the room looking for a clue they can't even solve i would have used my time doing everything i could to open that fridge i mean look at this thing there's nothing here that says they wouldn't have been able to force the door open if they hadn't tried but they got too stressed out to focus their energy into something more constructive it's the exact same thing that happened in the bank with the combination lock because they turned their brains off to search for another pin number instead of investigating the door they needed to open they need to get better at responding to each new environment before it gets the better of them and the best way to do that is to consider how the place has been designed as soon as they enter the room if you take a step back and look at the environment here you'll realize the escape route designer has their thumbprint on everything in the game and by paying attention to the patterns that emerge we might be able to predict the designer's decisions and advance the room much faster without wasting valuable time first of all we know that somewhere on this beach is a door to the next room and that door needs to be placed somewhere structurally sound this makes it most likely to be against the wall or attached to a sturdy building so instead of having the whole group walk along the beach together they should have sent somebody off to find the exit while the others look for clues they also should have realized that the game designer will somehow use the sand as a threat to push them further into the escape room because running from danger will always lead them to their next clue it's exactly like the bank floor in the last room because the laser grid encouraged them to explore the sides behind the counter thinking like this is one of the best ways to hack the game without cheating because we can easily identify false clues which items they interact with and the natural path of each room as we progress through it instead of wasting that time playing tic-tac-toe zoey is frozen in shock but the blonde one pulls her through the exit and into the tunnel they're lucky to be alive but zoe here is too traumatized by her friend's death to continue trying to comfort her the blonde reveals that she can't feel physical pain and in the previous escape room she had the face sadistic puzzles built specifically to torture her they need to stop the mastermind before more people suffer and it gives zoey here the will to continue together the two players explore the room when they suddenly hear the sound of traffic above them finding a ladder they climb it and discover leads them back to the streets of manhattan they finally escaped the game but that's when brianna here comes running out telling them to keep the manhole open suddenly a cover pops into place closing off their exit and the background starts to glitch out zoe here realizes they're inside another escape room and this one is the most brutal of them all brianna here warns them that for this puzzle it's going to start raiding acid as soon as the timer hits zero and she thinks that this stores their way out but the doors are locked the group notices graffiti of an angel holding a key and a message that says i'll always be watching over you may 26. looking above the shop the players realize there's a cloud-shaped sign hanging over the building and the missing key must be on the rooftop climbing up the ladder riyani here goes to search for it and discovers the key is attached to the railing here with 30 seconds left she throws the key down to the blonde who quickly uses it to open the padlock working together the group fine lifts the shutters open but they're all horrified to find another locked door behind it the timer reaches zero and just before the rain comes down an awning pops out to protect them they barely escaped a painful death but when the countdown resets there are 30 seconds less than before suddenly a phone starts ringing across the street and they notice a metal chain holding the phone booth shut but zoe here realizes they can melt it off the blonde goes searching for a container to collect the acid and finds his ketchup bottle on a food cart looking on the bottom she discovers that it's acid-proof and the woman leaves it on the street to run for cover just seconds before it starts to rain again their plan is working and as the timer resets to 45 seconds they grab the bottle and rush the phone booth dumping the acid over the chains as the metal breaks off but when zoe runs inside to pick up the phone nobody answers on the other end that's when she spots a taxi ad that says when the weather turns give us a call and she realizes that the nearby cab must be their next clue she runs out of the booth to take a look but they're already out of time luckily the blonde woman finds an umbrella tossing it for zoe to catch and she opens it up at the last second just barely surviving the acid rain suddenly she spots an advert on a nearby pawn shop that says three rings and tells them they need to let the phone ring three times before answering following her instructions the blonde woman waits before picking up the phone and as soon as she does the taxi's door swings open zoe quickly hops into the car and the rain stops pouring but as the other players run for the cat to join her the door locks itself shut before they reach it turning around they notice the phone booth closes too and zoey can only watch as the others dissolve in the rain that makes five players down and only one left okay this was tragic but these girls gave up way too easily because there was at least one more way they could have stayed alive with less than 15 seconds left they were still pulling on the door handle until time ran out and they finally gave up not once did they stop to consider that they could have just crawled underneath the taxi to wait out the rain this is a ford crown victoria which is the iconic make of a new york taxi cab and if you look at the official dimensions of these cars you'll see they sit about 13 and a half inches off the ground which is more than enough to squeeze your body underneath it now i understand that when you're in escape room with seconds to live panic takes over and limits your ability for critical thinking but our survival instincts are not as dumb as you might think when your only way to survive is to get out of the rain and crawling under the car is literally the only way you can do it even someone in a total state of panic should have figured this out once the rain stops they could have crawled back out and taken the chain from the phone booth to try and break the window of the taxi banging on it with your hands and feet is not going to do the job because these windows are made of tempered glass and they're only designed to break if the force is applied to a very small point that's why a typical glass breaker looks like this because it concentrates all of your strength into this metal tip which makes the glass shatter into small pieces the chains here could help them do this and they'd be able to try as many times as they like because if it starts raining again they can just crawl back under the cap now there's one strategy that could have completely changed the outcome of this game and it all comes down to this blonde woman earlier she confessed to zoe that she has a hereditary disease that prevents her from feeling pain this is actually a rare medical condition called sipa syndrome and that really pisses me off if i knew i couldn't feel pain then i would have volunteered to be the one outside of the phone booth looking for clues she's the obvious choice to be exposing herself to danger and staying inside this phone booth was her biggest mistake because if she had volunteered to use her disease to help the group then she would have been the one who jumped in the cab and that one decision could have ultimately saved her life all of a sudden the car seat opens and she falls through the chute later zoe slowly wakes up in another room to find a teenage girl staring at her from behind a glass cage that's when zoey notices a box full of items and remembers all of them were clues in the escape rooms she realizes all these puzzles were about claire here and the girl confesses that sonja was the name of her mom who died on may 26th claire is the daughter of the escape room designer and he's been keeping the girl hostage ever since her mother died zoe then notices blueprints for the train puzzle in the background and figures out this girl designed all the escape rooms herself claire tries to calm the girl down explaining that she was forced to make these puzzles and that the girl's friend is still alive zoe doesn't trust what she's hearing so claire shows her a live video feed of ben inside of a cell but everything is about to change the girls watch as guards storm into the room and the boy is taken out to play one final game they throw him into the same sauna that the woman died in at the beginning of the movie and that's where he finds a combination lock that needs four numbers to open looking around he notices an empty frame and grabs a stone to fit inside the slot but the boy has no idea that this last escape room is rigged for failure zoe yelled at the daughter to save her friend but the girl explained she can only help if they break into her father's study to stop the escape room and will need to first be let out of her glass cage with ben in danger zoe manages to open the glass door the girl reunites with her friend on the other side but he sally drops to the floor and her father comes out of hiding with a loaded gun pointed straight at her head he shoves his daughter against the wall furious that she would want to leave him but never sees the injured man pull out his gun shooting him in the arm falling back his daughter pushes him into the glass cage and locks the man inside with the father dealt with the girls leave the men behind making their way to the study and claire went straight for the computer to shut down the escape room saving ben from being boiled alive in the sauna zoe asks where her friend is and claire tells her he's at an abandoned warehouse in manhattan before throwing the keys to her father's card to help the girl escape claire promises to have the police arrest her father for everything he's done to them and zoey can tell something doesn't add up but she decides to drive away leaving the mansion to look for her friend later she arrives at the warehouse for the cops to set up a crime scene and finds ben being wheeled into an ambulance he's still alive and with the puzzle maker locked in a glass cage she's relieved that the only thing they'll have to be escaping now are ben's medical bills back at the mansion claire goes back to confront her father and amidst him that she wanted to create the escape rooms to get his attention she also created the first sauna escape room to murder her own mother hoping to use a tragedy to get closer to her father now that the man is locked in a prison of his own making she can replace him as the new mastermind puzzle maker and this girl is ready to take daddy issues to a whole new level but what do you think how would you beat escape room 2 let me know with a comment down below thank you so much for watching leave a like and subscribe and check out the how to be playlist for more videos like this until next time have a damn good day
Channel: Cinema Summary
Views: 6,374,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, explained, review, death game, battle royale, high school, highschool, among us, trailer, escape room, escape room 2, trap, traps, escape room tournament of champions
Id: WCt0-owS24Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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