How To Beat The SIX METER HELL In "Pool"

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[Music] if you are trapped in an abandoned pool with a bloodthirsty crocodile what would you do there's no way to escape and no one is coming to save you I'm going to break down the mistakes made what you should do and how to beat the six meter hell in the pool this place is going to turn into a death trap day here is working as a crew member on a photo shoot and prepares for the final shots of the night the man decides to go on a break and takes the time to inject himself with a life-saving insulin shot he's joined by his girlfriend and she surprises him with a birthday present but it's not what he thinks pulling out an egg-shaped container she opens it to reveal there's a baby doll inside and playfully asks him if he's named it yet the man tells her to never joke like that and seeing how serious he is she immediately apologizes for giving the toy before the man goes upstairs getting to work he blows a whistle directing his dog to jump in the air and the production officially comes to an end but soon this is going to turn into his worst nightmare the next morning the boyfriend is relaxing in the pool when his dog lucky comes over and starts barking at him annoyed the man tosses a ball and the dog chases after it but as it rolls into the bushes he passes over a newspaper warning that the local police are searching for a dangerous crocodile that escaped in the floods in the maintenance room the Fred meyom turns on the pumps and drains the pool he leads the dog back to its owner and tells the man to get out before it's too late chaining the animal to a railing he puts his friend's insulin shot on a nearby table and that's when the phone starts ringing day here swims over to find that his girlfriend is calling and puts it on silent before asking his friend to order him a pizza reluctantly mayom here agrees and throws my roll duct tape before leaving but the men have no idea that it's going to save his life later that day the man wakes up from his nap when he hears a dog barking looking up he's horrified to find that the water level has dropped and it's too low for him to escape desperately he swims to the edge of the pool to climb out and reaches for the light but the man can't get a hold his nail rips off as he sinks below and now he's stuck with with no way out okay this man has only himself to blame and for someone who named his dog lucky he's having a pretty shitty day earlier his friend literally told him that he was draining the pool and he needs to get out before it's too late so the fact that he fell asleep after he was warned of the danger makes him a total idiot now since the water hasn't been completely drained yet this is going to be his best chance he'll ever have to get out the level will continue to drop until it's too low for him to even reach the ledge here so time is the most valuable resource right now it would have been much smarter to swim to the wall with the floating device instead of wasting time going back and forth to get it he only needed about five centimeters more to grab the top ledge and pull himself up so if it were me the first thing I would try to do is use my feet to get leverage if he could push himself up using the strength in his legs it would have raised the center of his body mass higher and the top edge of the pool would be within reach we see this technique used all the time at rock climbers who razor legs extremely high up to help them Reach the next climbing hold another solution could be to fold the floating to raise me up just a little bit higher the downside is that this reduces the surface area which makes the floating device less buoyant and it would also be harder to balance but if five centimeters is all we need to escape it might have been just enough to make the difference the biggest disadvantage here is that he's trying to skill a flat wall with only one foothold the best way to fix that is to swim to the corner of the pool because we would be able to prop ourselves up against two ledges instead of just one this would let us use our legs and arms at the same time to pull ourselves up and it would have given day here a much better chance at escaping thinking quickly he swims back to grab the floating device and brings it to the pool's Edge the man deals on the air mattress to get a better grip on the wall when he looks up to see a mirror and notices his phone is close by he gets a clever idea and takes the sash from his robe tying it to his glasses before throwing them onto the side of the pool he tries to hook the phone and pull it over the edge but he can't get it to catch suddenly his phone starts vibrating and slowly moves towards the edge if it falls and he catches it he'll be able to call for help but that's when he hears his dog barking the man realizes something is wrong and sees his pet is hanging on for dear life on the other side of the pool sacrificing his best chance to save himself he swims over to rescue his pet using the floaty he pushes the dog back up onto the ledge as the man's phone falls into the pool he thinks he's lost his only way to call for help but then he notices that the phone is hanging from its charging cable desperately rushing over he swims as fast as he can and climbs up the wall the man tries to grab the phone but accidentally knocks it into the water panicking he brings the device up to the surface but it's damaged and he can't call anyone for help that's when he comes up with a plan and swims for the pool's drain covering it with a towel to slow it down above the water a pizza guy arrives and announces that he's here to make it deliver but no one answers he doesn't know that the man is trapped underwater and his chain is stuck to the drain cover he notices the pizza guy standing at the poolside and remembers his friend ordered it for him using all his strength he manages to break the chain off his pants and swims to the surface as fast as he can he yells out for help but it's too late the pizza guy has already made his delivery and drives away on his motorcycle day here is trapped and there's nothing he can do to escape okay day here has shown some clever thinking but unfortunately he also has a terrible memory earlier he asked his friend to order him a pizza and in Thailand pizza companies often promote themselves by guaranteeing a 30-minute delivery or the order is free with this in mind he should have known that help was already on the way 30 minutes is not a long time to wait but instead of call me thinking about his options he lost his best chance at finding help now what's interesting about this is that if we know the pizza takes 30 minutes to arrive we can actually figure out how long it will take for the rest of the pool to be drained judging by the water level before he fell asleep and after he woke up it looks like nearly half of the water is gone this means he would only have about 15 minutes before standing on the pool floor this is not a lot of time and if I've already failed at all my attempts like this guy has it makes a lot more sense to wait for the pizza man than to plug the drain now it turns out that his bad memory ruined another possible way to escape and he never realized it when lucky here was hanging from the edge they thought he was being forced to choose between catching the phone or catching his dog but this actually isn't true if you think about it this dog is chained up with no food or water and that means if we can't get out both of us will die it's not a choice between his life or the dog's life it's a choice of both of us dying or both of us living now thankfully there was a third option here because Lucky's near-death experience just gave us a huge Advantage if you step back and look at the situation we can only Escape by cleverly using the things we have available to us inside of this pool there's a floating device a 10 pound drain cover a couch glass a whistle cloth duct tape and Eyeglasses there are a lot of different ways to use these items for survival but day has r already tried and failed using several of them that's why this dog falling is a blessing in disguise because now there are two more things inside the pool including the dog's chain now we have to save this poor puppy but thankfully we don't have to push him up to do it earlier when is Friday chained the dog we saw that it's a clip fastened to the collar so if it were me I would have abandoned the phone and gone to rescue the dog but wait for him to drop off the ledge first as you can see here it's a very long chain and there's plenty of slack so if the dog fell down we could reach up to the collar and unclip him this way we cannot only rescue the dog but we also get a chain to pull ourselves out of the pool even the worst K-9 swimmers can tread water for over 30 minutes easily which is plenty of time for us to fight a ladder to put into the pool and go back in to help get the dog out later the girlfriend arrives at the pool and finds the man asleep on the floaty having passed out from exhaustion she decides to play a prank and runs across the diving platform to surprise him suddenly the boyfriend wakes up and warns her not the jump startled slips and hits her head on the platform falling into the pool and the man swims over to rescue his girlfriend dragging her onto the floaty he realizes she's knocked unconscious and can't swim scared that she might drown he Dives for the drain cover and pulls the towel off to drain the pool faster and now they're both stuck here with no way to escape that night the man checks on his girlfriend to find that she's still unconscious and won't wake up but that's when the dog starts barking loudly turning his head he's shocked to see a massive crocodile and it's on the hunt for food the man can only watch as the reptile crawls closer but this dog is in luck the crocodile suddenly trips in some poles and falls into the water below terrified the man searches the pool knowing that one of the world's deadliest animals could kill them at any moment the next morning the water has completely dranked but when the man checks in his girlfriend he notices something inside her pocket taking it out he discovers a pregnancy test and it's positive he's shocked by this news but knows he needs to apply first aid if he wants any chance of her surviving the man looks around for the duct tape but realized that it's inside the crocodile's mouth and there's only one way to get it out he slowly reaches his arm in but that's when the reptile wakes up the man grabs the duct tape just in time and backs away before the crocodile can bite his hand off he returns to his girlfriend's side and tends to her wound to stop the bleed but has no idea if she'll ever wake up later that day he tries to unscrew the drain cover but it's screwed in tight and the man can't remove it giving up he goes back to look after his girlfriend but notices the Razer Blade necklace she's wearing it gives him a clever idea and he's about to return to the drain cover but is shocked to see the crocodile laying on top okay right now this girlfriend here is a major pain in the ass she jumped into the pool without even realizing that half of the water was gone and there were no ladders to climb back out it's incredibly stupid but it's actually much worse than you might realize because now we will have to spend all of our time protecting her instead of looking for creative ways to escape this guarantees that we won't have time to find a way out unless someone shows up to help and since this pool is completely abandoned that is very unlikely to happen again now luckily for day here despite all the appearances crocodiles actually have some pretty significant weaknesses that we can take advantage of if we're careful first of all the fact that it's hot is actually a blessing in disguise because crocodiles are cold-blooded creatures it spent a lot of energy cooling itself down and can only regulate its body temperature by keeping its mouth open this is the crocodile's version of sweating and exposure to direct sunlight for several days without cool water or shade is going to make it much weaker that's great news for us because it will probably leave us alone for most of the the day and we can safely plan how to neutralize it the bad news is that crocodiles are nocturnal animals which means they sleep during the day and hunt at night when we are at our most vulnerable this reptile's instincts turn it into a killing machine and we need to avoid that at all cost if I were in this situation I would first place the girl as far away from the crocodile as possible in the opposite corner of the pool and turn the couch over to keep her in the shade this helps her body recover and adds a layer of protection in case the crocodile starts to approach her I would also have grabbed the duct tape because it's one of the most viable assets we have to use for our survival but I wouldn't stick my hand in to get it we can see here that there's a dead tree behind the couch with long sturdy branches I would have broken off the strongest piece and used it to try poking the duct tape out of the Croc's mouth this might make it harder to retrieve but Escape in a pool without a hand is a lot harder than escaping a pool without tape and it's just not worth the risk because without a hand he won't be able to hang up his disc plates this plate is a high quality metal print that lets you express yourself by hanging on your own wall the things you are passionate about they're really easy to put up just using a magnet and no additional tools and with millions of incredible designs on their website you can fill your space exactly the way you want and with every display that you buy they plant one tree as a thank you they have everything including gaming movies comics and sports with officially licensed designs for Bethesda Star Wars Marvel and much more you may have noticed I have this disc plate and pretty much every single one of my outros just because it looks awesome and because you hang them up with magnets you could easily get a few and swap them out whenever you want and right now you can see my favorite disc plates and get a special discount by clicking the link in the description if you buy one or two my Lincoln discount code will automatically get you 23 off when you add the displays to your cart and 29 off when you buy three or more make sure you get them now before the offer runs out and don't miss out on your chance to get your disc plates thank you displayed for sponsoring this video the crocodile refuses to move and the a man picks up the duct tape swinging it at the reptile's eye it crawls away and he rushes over to the drain cover using the necklace to unscrew it he takes a look inside to see an underground pipe system and realizes there might be another way out of here the man was back to his girlfriend to check on her but that's when he turns around to see the crocodile slide down into the hole the boyfriend is getting desperate he shouts out hoping someone could hear him but there's no answer the phone is too damaged to use and he even tries standing on the couch to reach the ledge none of his ideas are working and with no good options left he enters the drainage system crawling his way to the end of the tunnel he discovers a small compartment and pulls himself inside there's a ceiling crate above him and he climbs up a ladder hoping to find an exit but when he makes it to the top he realizes the great has been locked shut that's when he looks up into the mirror and notices the crocodile has climbed back into the pool but it's headed straight for his unconscious girlfriend rushing back to save her he scrambles out of the drain and grabs the crocodile's tail throwing it aside before it could bite her he feds the animal off and goes to check on his girlfriend who's finally woken up she doesn't know what's going on and he tells her they're trapped in a pool with a crocodile it's a horrible situation and neither of them knows how they'll survive but the man is willing to risk everything if it gets them out of here okay this guy has guts he literally grabbed his crocodile's tail and threw him across the pool to save his girlfriend he also followed down into the drainage system without knowing if he would make it back out alive now risk your life like this shows a strong will to survive but he needs to be a lot smarter with his approach exploring more of the tunnel is a good idea we need to map out the entire facility to make sure there isn't another exit but there's no way I would go down there if the crocodile is already inside we could easily get trapped into a dead end and have no choice but to confront the creature in a confined space where it would have the clear advantage over us this is a risk that's far too dangerous to take because if he dies that his girlfriend their unborn baby and his dog dies we have a responsibility for four lives here not just one so we need to calculate the risks a lot better than he's doing right now if it were me I would systematically explore each element of the pool to figure out how we can take advantage of it and that brings me to these lights here when the water was still draining he tried to use them to climb up but couldn't grab a hold and it ripped his fingernail off but he never stopped to realize that this glass can be broken if the glass is removed it will reveal a concave Dome inside and it will give us the leverage we need to reach the top the length of this couch is at least two meters and day here can probably add another two and a half meters with extended arms at that combined height these lights make the perfect hand holds for him to pull his legs up to the ledge here and reach the top that night the man looks for a way to get out of the pool when he notices something hanging against the wall pulling it down he discovers it's a paper cup phone a day here is frustrated this is not going to help them escape and he sits down tossing it aside as the wind blows it away that's when he looks up and sees that his girlfriend has grabbed the other end and the man puts it up to his ear through the phone she tells him not to give up and he must keep fighting for everyone's sake he asks how she's doing and the girl tells him she's starving he realizes his dog must be hungry as well and that's when he hears a whimper above him his dog is holding a slice of pizza in its mouth and he begs luck lucky to drop it into the pool but his pet decides to eat it instead the man sits down upset by this betrayal but is surprised when the pizza box lands next to him his dog has just saved their lives and he shares the food with his girlfriend enjoying the first meal they've had in days it's the third day and the boyfriend walks over to the corner of the pool to pee but something is wrong his vision has gone blurry and the man is getting dizzy from a lack of insulin he starts to unwind the duct tape to make a help sign but the man collapses to the floor passing out he's managed to finish the message and he wakes up that night to see his girlfriend staring at him and worry but if he doesn't get his insulin shot soon he's going to die they sit down on the couch together and he asks her if the crocodile has done anything since he blacked out she tells him it laid some eggs and he sees the new mother protecting her nest that's when it starts raining heavily and the couple takes Shelter From The Storm but their problems are about to get much worse okay this guy is in serious trouble not only is he stuck in a pool with no way out and forced to protect an injured girl girlfriend from a hungry crocodile but he also might go into a diabetic coma if he doesn't get any insulin now the most dangerous thing about this situation is not his death it's all the symptoms that come from going without insulin up to that point insulin helps the body absorb glucose which provides energy without this day here will become hypoglycemic which makes him suffer from extreme thirst blurred vision and headaches and eventually start losing Consciousness these are not the symptoms you want to have when you're trapped in a pool with a crocodile with this in mind we need to find a way out before these symptoms get too advanced to even defend ourselves the good news is that there just might be a way to escape before things get out of our control earlier he used this rope duct tape to write a help sign on the floor of the pool but this was a complete waste of time and resources because we should be using every inch of the stuff to escape duct tape is good for a lot of things but one of its best features is that it actually has extremely good tensile strength a single strand can hold up to 60 kilograms depending on the brand if it were me I would go to the diving board that hangs over the edge of the pool and stretch the duct tape out 12 meters then we can throw it through the metal poles here and there will be enough length to catch it on the other side a single roll of duct tape contains up to 50 meters of length and that means we would have just enough to make four Loops this would give us a total strands of duct tape each with a tensile strength of up to 60 kilograms so it might be enough to pull ourselves up his girlfriend looks like she weighs about 50 kilograms so it's reasonable to think that eight strands of duct tape could hold her weight long enough to help her reach the top ledge of the pool when our resources are finite like this we need to use them as effectively as possible and day here wasted them by writing a help sign and drawing an imaginary door on the wall it was a huge mistake and if we don't slow down to consider all of our options we'll miss out on our best chances to escape on the fourth day the man's blood sugar levels are fatally low and he collapses from exhaustion he's easy prey and the crocodile begins crawling over to him but just as the steps on the towel the reptile falls into the drain hole and the man suddenly gets back up this was a trap any pushes the crocodile into the pump system dropping the cover into place before dragging the sofa on top there's no way for it to escape and now they're safe for the time being later they use the sticks in the crocodile's Nest to start a fire and boil the eggs on top of a makeshift oven that night the man shares one with his girlfriend and enjoys a quiet moment together but they both know they need to get out soon or else they'll die Standing On Top of the sofa he holds his girlfriend on his shoulders and pushes her into the air she struggles to reach for the edge of the pool and realizes it's impossible to make it their idea has failed and they sit down on the couch trying to think of a better solution that's when he realizes that if they can't climb out of the pool their only option is to escape the drainage system and they'll have to lure the crocodile back out nervous the girlfriend checks the toy container and discovers the darling side is missing she's reminded of her pregnancy and asks him if he wanted her to get rid of the baby the man apologizes and she stares at him unable to believe he wouldn't want a kid day here explains he can't raise one embarrassed that he's struggling to make ends meet his girlfriend tells him that if he wants to feel proud that he should focus on getting them out of here for their child's sake on the fifth day they dragged the couch off the drain cover and back away as the crocodile slowly crawls out of the hole with the path clear they quickly hurry into the pipe but as the girlfriend enters the drain she realizes she left something behind the boyfriend looks around noticing a toy in the floor and reassures her he'll get it the man heads over to pick it up but that's when the crocodile starts running towards him luckily he manages to slide down into the drain and shuts it close with the cover barely avoiding getting eaten alive they Crawl Through the pipe system and take shelter in the small compartment until Nightfall but there's a fatal flaw with their plan the man begins to shake uncontrollably from a lack of insulin and if he doesn't get any he'll die that's when he remembers the shot his friend left on the table and realizes he has everything he needs to get it climbing the ladder he lifts up the great and uses a steel wire to push a towel towards the table he tries to dislodge the bottle have supporting it and tip over the table to drop the insulin on the towel it's a risky strategy but luckily the insulin went right on top of the cloth and he can't believe it worked but things are about to go horribly wrong as he drags the cloth towards him he pulls too hard and the shot goes tumbling off the edge of the pool smashing into pieces okay this was a pretty impressive effort but it was also a terrible idea the chances of him catching the insulin on a small patch of cloth through a locked metal grate is so small that he never should have tried it in the first place now what's strange is that this was such an elaborate plan that he must have put a lot of thought into it but when you see how close this table is to the edge of the pool it's clear he had a much simpler option this man is not thinking straight because it would have been easier to knock the table over to catch the insulin inside the pool instead by the looks of it he still had at least six meters of duct tape left so if he threw up the roll of tape to hook into the table he could have tilted it into the pool and tried catching the insulin on its way down this would have given him much more control over the situation than being stuck behind this crate now the truth is the insulin shouldn't even matter because they could have escaped this pool a long time ago by working together they were able to use the couch with a girlfriend standing on his shoulders to get within just centimeters of the top edge of the pool this is incredibly frustrating but mostly because they gave up way too quickly if the man had stiffened his neck and the girl stepped on his head she could have gotten enough height to reach the top and pull herself up now with that being said all these problems are much less urgent if we don't have to worry about getting killed by a crocodile evaluating the situation carefully and coming up with clever ideas to escape takes time and patience but that's extremely difficult to do if you have to defend yourself constantly they already managed to trap the crocodile but let him back up so that they could go down is a terrible idea in the tunnels they are more confined and if they don't discover any more exits they're completely out of options these guys are so exhausted that they're not thinking straight but things are about to get so much worse on the sixth day the couple are exhausted and the man reaches a handout his girlfriend puts the container into it as he starts muttering about the baby but accidentally drops the toy in the ground and it rolls under a barrel he reaches a hand to take it back but discovers something else entirely on the first day the Fred meyon picked up his bag and the boyfriend cigarette case fell down through the great the man has found it and knows he's going to be all right opening the case he reveals there's an insulin shot inside and the couple is relieved he'll survive later that day they hear something flying overhead and look up to see a paraglider in the sky the man tries calling out for help but the pilot doesn't hear him his only chance is to go back to the pool and he begins climbing down never noticing his dog whistle getting caught on the ladder he slowly crawls into the tunnel and tells his girlfriend to plug the hole with the metal Barrel so that the Crocodile can't come through leaving her behind he makes his way out of the drainage system and sees the glider realizing it's a remote controlled toy desperate the man yells for help but no one answers back that's when he sees a clothesline blowing in the wind and it hangs over the edge of the pool it's a way out and he walks up to the barbed wire ready to finally leave this place for good climbing up the wire begins to tear into his hands but he refuses to quit this might be his only chance to escape and he reaches the very top but that's when things go wrong the wire slides off the pole and he loses his grip sending him crashing into the ground the impact has broken his leg and he does his best to make himself a splint before blacking out later he wakes up in a daze and looks around to get his bearings but that's when he sees the crocodile gnawing his leg the man starts kicking at its face terrified of being eaten alive and the reptile finally lets him go he crawls away as fast as he can but he has no other option except to fight for his life day here grabs a bucket and starts whacking the crocodile until he decides to leave him alone okay this guy doesn't deserve to be alive the man literally fought a crocodile with a bucket and a broken leg and still managed to survive but when our lives are at risk we can't keep hoping to get lucky as a strategy for survival even a reptile is equipped to figure out what your weaknesses are and will try to take advantage so if you aren't doing the exact same thing then it's going to be a losing battle with a broken leg running is out of the question and these creatures are deceptively fast they can move on land at 10 miles per hour and eventually will be caught and killed so her only choice is to fight now a crocodile is an extremely dangerous creature but there are a lot of ways we can Target it in order to get the upper hand crocodiles have very good eyesight because their eyes contain horizontal receptors called fovea so they could see in panoramic view instead of a focal point like humans this gives us a clear disadvantage but that's exactly why we should Target them first the eyes are not protected by its thick skin and the snout doesn't have enough muscle to absorb damage these are its weakest points but there's one more detail that can help us out it's a little known fact that while the bike force of a Croc can be three thousand pounds per square inch whenever they open their mouths they do so very slowly that's because there's an extreme muscular imbalance in their upper jaw that even a fake rubber band has been proved to keep its mouth closed shut if a bucket manages to do the job then that's great but if plot armor isn't on your side then we need to aim for its most vulnerable spots if we want a chance of surviving here now day here might not have needed to fight the crocodile at all if he was thinking clearly his job on set was to use the swistle around his neck to make his dog jump but not once did he consider using it to call for help it might sound silly but whistles are specifically designed to project a lot of sound over great distances with very little effort or lung capacity at 120 decibels it's much louder than the sound of a human shouting and we don't have to strain our throats in the process it's guaranteed to increase the chances of someone finding you and the fact they didn't even try is ridiculous his last mistake was with this barbed wire now I can't blame him for trying to climb up but he was stupid not to protect his hands the longer he climbs the worse his wounds will get and even if the wire supports his weight the pain would be so overwhelming he wouldn't be able to hold his grip for very long if I were in this situation I would have stripped my tidy whities and used the cloth of my shirt and pants to wrap around my hands for protection this would have helped us get to the top quicker and nobody would have needed to fight a crocodile at all that night the man bangs this bucket on the ground and lures the crocodile away from the drain he tricks the reptile into following him and manages to trap it underneath the couch heading into the drainage system he crawls into the other side of the tunnel and is believed to see something that just might save their lives it's another drain cover and he uses every last ounce of his strength to force it open inches away from Freedom the man climbs outside excited he's finally escaped this place but he suddenly realizes that he's just been led into another empty pool there's no way out and he screams in despair as his last hope of living has been destroyed defeated he climbs back into the tunnel but he's too exhausted to continue fighting and the man passes out it's the seventh day and things are looking completely hopeless but that's when a remote controlled glider suddenly crashlands right in the middle of the pool these two men come searching for their missing toy and their taller man looks around for something they can use to get down when he spots a ladder nearby they drop it into the pool anchoring it to a pile of concrete cylinders and walk down to pick it up but that's when they notice the boyfriend's help message is still taped to the ground the men think it must have been a prop for a commercial and decide to leave with no idea that day here is in the tunnels below them and has just woken up he quickly crawls over to the drain to call for help and sees the men running away they never hear him and the boyfriend thinks he's screwed but that's when he realizes they left the ladder behind there's one last hope to get out of here and the crocodile is the only thing stopping him from escaping wrapping his hand in barbed wire he decides to take the creature head on but as the reptile gets closer the man trips and falls to the ground the crocodile bites down hard in his leg but he manages to kick it off and gets on top top of it he starts punching its head as he hangs on for dear life but the crocodile throws him to the floor and lunges forward tried to bite his face off that's what he notices in the mirror his girlfriend is shaking the great and realizes she's going to drown if he doesn't get there in time desperately he rips off the Couch's leg and stabs it straight into the crocodile's eye the reptile backs off but by the time the man gets up he sees the concrete cylinders rolling away pulling the ladder straight out of the pool his way out of here is gone and his girlfriend is going to drown okay this guy has no idea what he's doing fighting a crocodile for your own Survival is one thing but wrapping your hands in barbed wire and turning this into a cage match is something else entirely it doesn't take a genius to realize that a crocodile's skin is much thicker than ours and that means this strategy is going to hurt you a lot more than it hurts this reptile the skin on a crocodile's back is five centimeters thick and composed of ossified scales which are basically protective bone fragments this is way too tough for us to punch through and if every single hit is doing more damage to us then we won't be able to use our full strength it's the dumbest decision he could have made but if he was thinking clearly he would have realized there was a much better way to handle this right now the girlfriend is on the verge of drowning and the latter is slowly being pulled up wrestling this crocodile is a huge waste of time but we might be able to outmaneuver it if they were me I would lure him to the couch here because it's the only barrier to put between ourselves and the crocodile these reptiles are fast and Powerful but their agility is nowhere close to that of a human's and that's exactly how we need to take advantage if we can use the furniture here to block the crocodile we can quickly run around in the opposite direction and throw him off the reptile will take time to reposition itself and by that point I'll have a clear path to the latter before it disappears it's a very simple solution but it's much better than wrapping your hands in barbed wire and wrestling a crocodile to the ground now day here still needs to escape this pool as quickly as possible the latter is gone and the man has lost all hope but there's actually one huge secret that this movie isn't telling you before he got trapped here he took a break during his job on set to see his girlfriend but what's interesting is that the pool seems to have a window on one of the walls we know that there are only two pools in this place but we never see the window from any angle this movie is not being honest about the options we have to escape and this completely changes how we think about the scenario the obvious solution is to see if we can break this window and use it to get out now the interesting thing is that it's not actually made out of glass it's made out of very dense layers of acrylic this means it's much stronger and can take more than 30 times the force to crack now this makes it a lot more challenging but there's still hope because we actually have something in this pool that can do serious damage the drain cover is made of solid metal and it looks like it weighs over 10 kilograms they've been in this pool for seven full days and that's a lot of time so if we've already tried every other option and failed chipping away at the window until it cracks is going going to be a lot more productive than wasting your energy fighting a crocodile the man falls to his knees and the crocodile knocks him to the ground it slowly crawls over before taking a massive bite out of his torso by day here has lost all hope of surviving suddenly the girlfriend starts blowing on the whistle that he left behind it's the only thing that's keeping her from drowning and the boyfriend realizes he can't give up now he reaches up and jams the crocodile's mouth with a stick escaping his death as the creature tries to shake it Loose that's when he hears his dog bark and realizes it's responding to the whistle he knows lucky is about to jump and tries to stop his pet from making the biggest mistake of his life but the dog leads off the poolside falling to his death it's heartbreaking and day here is furious as he picks up a steel pipe on the floor and prepares to get his revenge he jumps off of the couch raising his weapon into the air and stabs it straight into the crocodile's mouth he's killed it but his girlfriend is running out of time using his dog's body the man poses yourself up the wall and finally climbs out of the pool for the first time in six days running over to the great he tries to force it open but it won't move no matter what he does desperate he grabs a steel pipe and tries to pry open the hatch but it's too strong to break try to get leverage he swings the pipe over the pool's Edge and the man hangs on for dear life he knows there's only one way to save his girlfriend and pulls the pipe to break open the great he falls back down into the pool but manages to catch himself on the ledge at the last second struggling he pulls himself back onto the other side and walks over to the great to rescue his girlfriend the man drops down into the compartment and pulls her out of the water the boyfriend tries to administer CPR to bring her back to life but there's no response he breaks down in tears and Mourns the loss of everything he fought so hard to protect suddenly the girlfriend wakes up coughing up water and they're relieved to see each other alive he gives her a passionate hug until he suddenly remembers that she's pregnant and life is about to get a lot harder but what do you think how would you beat the pool let me know with a comment down below thank you so much for watching leave a like And subscribe and check out the how to beat playlist for more videos like this until next time have a damn good day
Channel: How To Beat
Views: 12,629,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, explained, review, death game, battle royale, high school, highschool, among us, trailer, trap, traps, pool, the pool, six meter hell, laughrunfeature, nerd explains, bingeXpress
Id: DxzPytgVtYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 2sec (2042 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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