How To Beat Every DEATH GAME In "Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor"

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[Music] you have just been tricked into entering the ultimate gambling tournament going to find out that this is a death game and you'll need to outsmart your opponents stab anyone in the back and risk everything just to stay alive what do you do when you're gambling with your life and a single mistake will turn you into a slave i'm going to break down the mistakes made what you should do in how to beat every death game in kaichi the ultimate gambler this kid has no luck kaiji here just spent the last of his money on a losing lottery ticket but it's only the beginning of a no-good very bad day he walks past several mercedes in the parking lot and starts kicking them out of jealousy two other guys get out of the car and he realizes he's made the biggest mistake of his life chasing him through the street he's caught and held down until his loan shark arrives they take him to an office where the loan shark tells him that his friend borrowed her money and disappeared and since kaiji here signed a guaranteed payment on a loan for 300 000 yen he's now responsible for paying back over 2 million in interest he doesn't have the money and starts to break down crying all right if this guy still has his death note then now would be a really great time to use it because his day is getting worse by the minute but he actually had a way out of this and overlooked something really important in japan it's illegal to charge more than 20 interest annually and if he owes 2 million that's a rate of 160 if i were him i would have taken the documents as evidence to report the extortion and pay the 20 it's still a lot of money but it's better than gambling your life away the loan shark tells the kid there's a gambling ship that's leaving in four hours and if he wins the game then he can start a new life and she'll erase his debt he takes the deal and goes to the harbor where this massive ship is docked he has one last chance to make things right but he has no idea he'll be gambling with his life kaiji here is taken to a room full of other competitors who are just as desperate as he is and willing to do whatever it takes to win an announcement is made welcoming the players as this man tonegawa tells them that in order for them to play they'll be loaned three of these stars which are worth one million yen each however the interest rate is a brutal one percent per minute okay this is sketchy nobody takes you off the street and puts 3 million yen in your hands unless you are the actual commodity here and not the player we are being bought and sold for something larger here and we need to keep that in mind if we want to survive because with this much money on the line you have next to no control over what happens to you and that makes for a very dangerous game they're all given three stars and a hand of 12 cards and will be playing rock paper scissors they have to pair up and play a card laying it down on the table for each win they gain a star from the loser and whoever still has three or more stars after all 12 cards are played will win and go back home debt-free but they only have 30 minutes as the host leaves the game begins and the players start going nuts okay while everyone is scrambling we should take a moment to observe our competitors first we need to pick out the most insecure and predictable person in the room this guy here seems pretty desperate so i would choose him to play now it would be normal to assume that this is a game of chance but it's not patterns of this game have actually been studied and they found that when a player wins one round they're more likely to play the same thing again this is called a win stay lose shift strategy and i would use it to beat them if you lose the first round the best thing to do is switch to the card that beats what your opponent just played this will take advantage of your opponent's most probable game strategy and you're more likely to win there's also another element of human psychology here that we can exploit it's a very natural instinct to want to keep your options open so i would expect that the last three cards in anyone's hands are going to be all three options of rock paper and scissors as soon as they play one i know what the other two cards are and have better odds of beating them everyone is gambling their stars away without any strategy when kaiji hears someone screaming this guy begs to be let go and they all watch as his player gets dragged away by one of the guards and taken into a dark room it's only been three minutes and he's already lost all his stars the door slams shut and all they can hear are his screams that's when this man funai grabs kaiji here and tells him he has a strategy to beat this game if they were together and only play the same cards at the same time it will be a draw this lets them use all their cards and keep their stars so they shake on it and start playing all right if we're here to win he's just giving you the best chance you'll get all night i would play a winning card on the first play take a star and walk away i'm not here to make friends i'm here to make money the man instructs kaiji here to play rock scissors paper in that order and the first turn is a draw they keep this pattern going and the plan is working until funai here suddenly plays a winning card he apologizes for the mistake and tells him to use rock next so that he can get his star back but on the next turn the guy plays scissors and funai here wins again he takes kaiju star and the kid is not happy he shoves into the floor and punches him as both men notice that some blood has landed on kaiji's last card he gets restrained by the staff and he tells them what happened but they don't care no rules were broken and he's only got himself to blame for being tricked okay this was a great con now kaiji's only got one star and one card left but there's a silver lining here because the staff were totally fine with them abusing the rules and playing all draws i would start to reconsider every rule we were told and what wasn't said so i would look for two types of people to take advantage of the first are those who have three stars and want to get rid of their cards but are too scared to play and lose this guy here gets caught trying to flush them down the toilet which is against the rules but giving them to another player isn't and he would definitely give us his cards if we offer to take them then the second type of victim is someone with two stars but has no cards left because they'll be desperate to win a third star now if we just got a bunch of spare cards from this guy then we can sell them to that guy for one star and he would buy them because it's his only way to win as long as we're discreet with our trades and find the right victims we could repeat this several times back and forth and get rich without playing a single game with 15 minutes left funai here reveals to everyone that kaiji's last card is scissors anyone who has rock can beat him but then the kid reveals that funai's last card is rock and they should all beat him instead the other players are skeptical so funai here suggests everyone reshuffle they all agree and russian to join but kaiji here notices this helpless man on the ground and comes up with a plan funai redeals everyone new playing cards but kaichi sees a man save one card for himself after the shuffle the man approaches and asks to play a second time offering two of his stars but kaiji here raises it to three stars betting both his and this guy's stars combined so the man agrees to play with three minutes remaining funai puts down his last card teasing kaiji for being tricked again but this time kaiji has the last laugh when he plays paper he won and takes three of his stars giving one of them to his partner okay this was a brilliant gamble but it only worked because kaiji was being highly observant here he knew funai saw the blood on his card and organized a shuffle just to clear his suspicion so that he could play kaiji using the same winning card but kaiji secretly wiped the blood off and traded it for this guy's paper card putting blood on it the trick funai with only 30 seconds left kaiji and the old man split up the remaining cards and play each other in one final game they draw each time getting to keep their stars and use all their cards just as time runs out but the old man forgets he had one last card in his pocket and he's not going to be able to pass the kid decides to do the honorable thing and takes mutual responsibility for the loss he's brought into the back room where they inject a microchip into his arm and brand him alright the obvious thing to do here is throw this guy under the bus it's just not right to make two players lose from a single card but if we insisted on being a loser then at the very least we should claim that the card belongs to us and to let this guy go otherwise it's an incredible waste of opportunity here and they're both going to pay for this mistake very soon kaiji along with all the other losers are moved underground and forced to work as slaves in a labor camp for 15 years to pay off their debts there's no way out and they're being monitored 24 7. they go back to their dormitory where kaiji here receives his first paycheck this underground labor camp uses a different currency and is only worth a tenth of a yen he'll never be able to save up enough money to get out okay the first problem i see is too much individuality so far they only seem to be controlled by the foreman here and a few staff members there must be more security down here but they're still outnumbered by the labor force if things are this hopeless and they have no chance of saving up enough money to earn their way out then i would start planning for an uprising we need to make friends with the other work crews and figure out who the leaders are if we convince them to join the rebellion they can use their influence over their crews to start gathering equipment scouting locations for possible escape routes and figure out the guard's routines we also need to know which way the construction vehicles come from and the layout of the underground tunnels there must be an elevator or ramp system big enough to bring these vehicles down here directly we should coordinate a day where we all rebel then hijack the construction vehicles and drive them out of here to the surface as in any revolution many of us will die but i'd rather die my feet than keep living on my knees he gets back to work when an explosion goes off and shakes the entire underground network he takes his injured friend to the medic but when he sees all the workers here left untreated he realizes these patients don't have enough money to buy medicine the air is so bad down here that they're all getting sick but the boss is tempting workers into spending their money so that they never get healthy or pay off their debt they need to escape this place for any hope to survive but they're in luck as the doctor points to a message in the corner written in blood and tells them there's only one way out and it's called brave men road okay brave man road sounds too brave for me but there's something here that kaiji is not considering yet this medical area has something way more valuable than everywhere else and that's medicine it's pretty clear that honest labor will get us nowhere so i would plan on stealing all the medication i could first observe which drugs are being sold to which conditions and figure out which of these drugs are the strongest and most profitable then come back and admit yourself by faking that condition the medication will be brought out of storage to be sold and we can steal enough of it with a distraction to then sell to our co-workers and undercut the rates they would all want to buy it for the cheaper price so they'll keep it a secret for us as well and we can make money a lot more quickly than before later that day kaiji here considers what he's learned and when the foreman comes by to extort him for an advance on his salary he flips out making a scene he calls the foreman a crook for manipulating them but kaiji's interrupted when some guards announced that this man has been chosen to compete on the braveman road and they learned that whoever wins will go back to the surface hearing this kaiju decides to volunteer and take back his freedom even if it kills him joining several other workers they're taking up an elevator to the 50th floor of a skyscraper where they're told the rules of this new game all they have to do is deliver these cash vouchers to a designated location at the starside hotel and exchange them for cash but to get there they must cross this crane that leads to the building next to them and make it to the other side they'll get 10 million cash if they do but the men are too scared to cross it until kaiji here volunteers the others are inspired to join him until the host reveals that their bridge to freedom is electrified as well inside the building a table of rich guests are watching the event for entertainment so the workers aren't allowed to use their hands when they cross the beam okay this one would defeat me because i'm super scared of heights but if we can move past the fear factor here then there might actually be a way to do this without falling now we can't touch the beams with our hands but we've also learned in the first game that they're totally fine with you bending the rules to your advantage as long as you accomplish the task and entertain the guests what we need here is more stability and if we can add more points of contact with the bridge then we'll have a better chance at this this building is pretty high up and if you've ever been to the top of a skyscraper it can get pretty windy if the wind is catching on your clothes it adds drag and can throw you off balance so if we minimize our frame then there will be less resistance now tyro walkers use giant poles to lower their center of gravity and spread out their mass to decrease the rotational inertia unfortunately all these guys have are the clothes on their backs so that's what we need to use to achieve the same goal i would tie all my clothing together in a long rope and swing it under the ridge that catch it on the other side now we have added two points of contact with the bridge and lowered our center of gravity like a tightrope walker so this will let us shuffle ourselves forwards with more stability if we lean too far in any direction we can simply pull in the cloth rope and correct our balance the rich viewers might not like this but it's definitely worth trying if it means we won't fall to our deaths kaiji here has a big idea he pulls this marker out of thin air and draws a line in everyone's shoes to help them align themselves to the bridge and keep their balance they all feel more confident to make it across now and start walking out onto the bridge one by one okay kaiji here is doing some great thinking unfortunately it's the wrong strategy drawing a line down the middle of your shoe seems like a good idea but the problem is if your foot is perfectly centered then you have to balance yourself with the most narrow part of your foot this makes it extremely difficult to adjust your balance if you start leaning left or right the better strategy here is to angle your foot sideways so that if you begin to sway you have more width across the walkway and can use more of the muscles in your feet to maintain your balance we can take a lesson from skateboarders here they don't face forward or line their feet straight they angle themselves and it gives them extremely good balance so we should use the same strategy kaiji here almost falls and manages to catch himself but that's when they see storm clouds flash in the distance player one starts to lose his balance out of desperation he jumps forward onto the electrified bridge and falls to his death that's one down and nine to go player six here tries to hold on to the bridge and shocks himself causing him to fall off player 5 chickens out and turns back grabbing the man behind him and they both plummet to their deaths eventually there's only three players left in the game as it starts to rain they all continue to make their way across the bridge but the old man tells kaiji here he can't continue he asks him to take his money voucher and exchange it for his daughter before falling off the bridge okay if i'm being honest this old man never had a chance he's too old and unstable to survive this walk and helping him will only put us at risk if he wants to save his daughter he needs to walk towards me to hand it over because i'm not changing my direction and walking backwards on a slippery metal pole in the rain 200 meters above the ground it's also highly unlikely that this slave driving corporation will let me redeem both coupons for a combined 20 million yen so the best move here is to let this guy shita die and keep walking forwards to focus on surviving the remaining players continue crossing and make it to the other side they're just about to win but kaiji senses that something is not right about this he warns the other player but it's too late the door suddenly flies open and they're blown away by a wind blast there was one last trick the organizers of the death game set up while kaiji here is left hanging his friend falls to his death climbing back up the ledge he crawls into the building and finds the members of the corporation applauding his performance the chairman of the company walks in and kaiju here chews them out for their cruelty he demands they pay him his 20 million but the host refuses deducting nearly all the money from kaiji's voucher to pay off his debt he yells at the host that the old man who fell proved he wasn't a loser because in his last dying moments he was thinking of someone else the chairman here finds the kid interesting and decides to set up one last game for him okay these guys are obviously horrible people and most of them should be shot but it's hard to stay mad when we're definitely better off right now than we were days ago this poor guy keeps ending up in apocalyptic scenarios and at this point maybe the best thing for him to do is move out of the country there aren't any battle royales in brazil which holds the largest japanese community outside of japan the government promoted immigration as a national policy into the late 1960s to get rid of poverty and overpopulation and kaiji here fits the bill as soon as he walks free he's going to remember how miserable his life was and will fall into the same bad decisions and he'll probably blow all his money on scratch cards so there's no point going back without a boatload of cash kaiji sits down and they tell him he'll be playing e-card against the host tony gawa there are two sets of five cards one plays as the emperor and the other plays as the slave the game is simple they'll play three rounds and each player picks a card and puts it down on the table two citizens will result in a draw which means the round continues while a citizen beats the slave and the emperor beats the citizen but because the slave has nothing to lose it's the only card that can beat the emperor the host explains that he cannot choose his cards randomly and must look at the card and make a decision before putting it on the table he's offered the choice to play as the emperor or as a slave which pays 10 to 1. he decides to take the slave and he's put himself at a disadvantage the slave player must go first and kaiji's opponent will get to see his facial expressions so the odds of winning are extremely low okay this is daunting tonight here runs his entire underground gambly empire and has watched and studied people's gambling habits and life-and-death situations for a long time he has a huge advantage and we need to find a way to remove that if this is going to be a fair game now before we started he made a point to mention that we aren't allowed to be random in our strategy and he also said that we must look at the card before we put it down this is a big deal because it tells us everything about his own strategy he needs to read our expressions and body language to make his decision now when the stakes are this high trying to control or fake your micro expressions is a lot more difficult than you might think when we are under extreme stress our emotions tend to leak out so i would simply pull my shirt over my head to cover my face so that i could still see the cards but he couldn't see my expressions at all because it's going to take away his advantage and help me win and if the chairman here thinks it's entertaining he might approve of the tactic they start the game in kaiji here plays his first card but without hesitation the host plays his own and they draw he plays his next card without even looking the host plays his something strange is going on as a host doesn't even look up to analyze the kid's expressions on the third turn kaiji here goes for the win and puts on his slave card hoping the host will play the emperor but the hosts can read his mind he turns over a citizen taking away any chances of kaiji winning the chairman wants to see more and gives a loan to kaiji here so that he can continue playing but he's warned that this time if he loses he'll have to work underground for the rest of his life okay before playing another round we have to remember who our opponents are these guys have bent the rules either for their own entertainment or to screw over the players it's fair to assume that this game is stacked against you so at this point i would be looking for any signs of cheating i would inspect the table and the room for any cameras or sensors as well as any noticeable markings on the cards he might even have an earpiece so i would ask anyone standing behind me to clear the area so they can't tell him what my cards are but even if i didn't find anything tonegawa here has already dropped hints that should make us suspicious by telling us he can read our minds if this is somehow true he wouldn't be letting us know this the man definitely knows how to keep every advantage a secret so his opponent doesn't adjust his strategy and kaichi here is about to figure out that this wasn't a careless comment but a calculated one this second time around kaiji decides to go against expectations and play the slave on the first turn but as he's about to place it he notices his opponent isn't even looking at his own cards the man is looking at something else entirely when the host finally plays his hand it's a citizen card in one turn he's ended kaiji's life the kid gets dragged out but as he reaches the elevator he remembers the man wasn't wearing the same watch as before and realizes it must have been what he was looking at he was using the implanted chip in kaiji's shoulder to monitor his physiological responses to the game the whole thing was a setup he's been tricked into betting his life away but as he lays on the floor he begins to form a plan asking to go to the bathroom he meets the loan shark and tells her he's figured out how to win this time it convinces her to give him another loan walking back into the room kaiji asks for one final round and he's got the money to back it up tonight resists but the chairman is interested and orders him to play okay we still don't have the upper hand here but we can even the playing field this guy can track my physiological responses to each card i play and there are four meters on this watch measuring heart rate blood pressure body temperature and perspiration when people are put in stressful situations their body produces adrenaline triggering their fight or fight response this makes their heart beat faster and increases their blood pressure if we want a chance at baiting this man we have to manipulate his meters by keeping her heart rate high so he can't see any fluctuation based on my decision making if i start taking short rapid breaths my pulse will get faster creating a simulated panic response this will throw tony gawa off his game giving me a better chance to win before they begin kaiji slams his head into the mirror and they think he's gone crazy but it's all a part of his plan he takes three of his citizen cards and hides them on his chair before flipping the remaining two left on the table with tonight distracted by the chairman kaiji switches a citizen card for his slave just as the man turns back around the host checks his watch and sees his sensors going wild fired up the kid slams his hand on the table spilling blood all over his carts the loan shark tells him to calm down so he wipes his cards and prepares to play the game of his life okay he shouldn't be calming down he's cut himself pretty well but his vitals might go right back to normal after a few minutes i would want to guarantee we had a level playing field for the entire game so i would go one step further and take one of these glass shards to cut the microchip out of my arm they might object but this will make it impossible for tony gawa to cheat even after my heart rate has calmed down he lays down his first card and the kid's fight heart rate is affecting his sensors nervous the man isn't sure what card to choose but when they flip their cards the first turn ends in a draw kaiji confidently plays his next card when the host notices the blood stain he remembers that kaiji bled on his slave and citizen cards earlier so there's a 50 chance it's the slave the man puts on a citizen hoping to win but the turn end in yet another draw the next card he plays doesn't have a blood stick so it should be a citizen but he's not sure so he decides to play it safe and it's another draw with two cards remaining kaiju here places another card with a blood stain and tony gawa here thinks it must be the slave but realizes that this could be a trick if the kid might have switched his slave for a citizen card at the beginning of the match then both blood same cards were actually citizens tony gawa here places emperor card confident that he's one but kaiji here has outplayed him he's just won the game and it's taken tonight here completely by surprise he tricked the man into thinking he swapped his card when he actually never changed them having lost the match the host is sentenced to a lifetime of working underground like all the other losers in kaiji receives all the money he was promised later he goes out to celebrate with the loan shark over dinner and he gives her the money he owes but as they toast to his new and improved life he suddenly blacks out okay this woman should not be trusted because she's already tried to screw you over and now that you have lots of money there's an even greater chance of that happening if you're going to let a woman take this much money away from you then at least make her do it through an alimony settlement after a long and unhappy marriage when he wakes up he finds the loan shark is gone and she's stolen all his money the only thing she left him is some loose change with a message saying she's cleared his debt with interest kaiji walks the city a free man but he's got no idea that the games have only begun but what do you think how would you beat kaiji let me know with a comment down below thank you so much for watching leave a like and subscribe and check out the how to beat playlist for more videos like this until next time have a damn good day
Channel: Cinema Summary
Views: 3,280,824
Rating: 4.9499965 out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, explained, review, death game, kaiji
Id: L878W_WrTx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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