Why You Wouldn't Survive #ALIVE

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it's a zombie apocalypse you're stuck in your apartment with no way out and the wi-fi doesn't work do you think you're gonna survive because i don't in this video i'll be breaking down the mistakes made in hashtag alive because there is no way anyone should have survived this zombie apocalypse [Music] genre wakes up to find his families out of the home so he does what he always does live streams and plays games with his friends except they tell him to get off and watch the news because everywhere in korea people are attacking each other in a state of emergency has been declared okay first things first this guy's obviously a gamer so he might have some in-game knowledge about surviving gamers may be cowardly in real life but their gamer instincts could go a long way in an outbreak already john wu can see right outside his window how people are freaking out waves of people are running out of their apartments and already we're seeing signs of zombies people biting each other leaping running this is all happening pretty quickly in this specific case don't join the crowd stay behind let them draw as many zombies out from your area as possible giving you the chance to live an opportunity later to escape with less zombies on the loose also there's no time for hugs in the apocalypse why do people do this maybe she didn't know she would turn but even still ron damn it junwu decides to take a peek outside of his door and his next door neighbor comes rushing in no warning he's just suddenly inside the apartment and is begging john woo to let him stay his brother got bit he escaped and john woe is having none of this he's telling this guy to get out and go away but it lets his neighbors stay long enough to use the bathroom as the guy's there though john will hears on the news the symptoms of zombification bleeding from the eyes becoming violent and wanting to eat people it gets genuine thinking and he immediately grabs a knife as his neighbor comes out of the bathroom john wooch spots a bite mark on his hand and forces him out at knife point but the man stops as he reaches the door it begins to turn look it doesn't take a genius to figure out bite equals bad so when a guy wants to stay in your house which you obviously should never do at the very least make him take his clothes off and prove he has no bites on him not if it saves your life i mean the guy's got blood on his shirt you might have better chances of survival but if he won't show you you gotta go for the knife violently jerking and cracking the new zombie rushes at jun wu who gets him to like a bear hug and pushes him out of the house where another zombie beats that crap out of him that night junwoo blocks the front door with a fridge and tries to make a call but he can't connect to anyone a news report and tv suggests survivors make sure they have enough food for 60 days and jun wu starts to tally up what he has though it doesn't look like he has enough for even 10 days beer will tie you over for a little while and nobody will be delivering your favorite barbecue chicken once you lock down your house the first thing to do is ration what you have left for as long as you can then devise a strategy for getting more food safely if you have any fruit keep the seeds and plant them in flower pots water will soon be gone so i'd fill all my containers and tubs with tap water to drink this might be time for a more long-term solution or at least until it rains begin cardio endurance training immediately gamers are not world renowned for their fitness social media is great but here it gets a the next day he gets inspired to check out instagram where people are posting calling for help and telling others where they are as calls still aren't connecting it's time to use your tech for survival and not for likes the guy figures out that by attaching his phone to a drone he could fly it high enough to get service he gets a signal and it actually works the call goes through until he runs out of batteries charge your batteries first come on man scouting out the area is the only way to know when and how to get out of your flat you'll be able to use this to observe your neighbor's houses to pick your best future scavenging sites it's not inconceivable to repel yourself down or climb onto balconies if you know there aren't immediate threats inside that night a policewoman runs through his neighborhood drops her gun and gets bitten even as junwu tries to distract the zombies he can do nothing but watch as they take her a drop gun on the streets might be enough to lure some outside but it's a terrible idea you have no idea how many bullets are left so it could leave you dead also screaming out your windows will piss off your neighbors especially the ones with anger problems how the hell did this guy even get inside this big one somehow lumbers its way in and it's only by hanging from his balcony railing does jun will trick the zombie into falling to its death clever but risky i would have gone for the knife there's no way to know the zombie would have flown off the balcony without some movie magic it could easily have been uline there with your head bashed in the best solution here is to face off fight it and aim for the head he fills in the door to make it more secure and starts the first in a series of logs recording his experiences it's day 7 and general learns that the zombies infect others through the blood and that they keep some of their memories like opening doors or windows he's also desperate the water in his unit no longer works and he's downing bottles of whiskey and beer like his liver can afford it while some might think this is irresponsible we should acknowledge the stress involved as far as solutions go whiskey is among the best out there we're not just staying alive we're trying to survive that means a little fun can go a long way still this desperation doesn't stop john wu from taking some safety precautions by covering and taping his windows up this might seem like a good idea but you've taken away your ability to observe your environment and the zombies themselves i would be conducting experiments to learn more about them what they respond to are they out at night what are their habits anything i can think of to gain the upper hand in a zombie apocalypse ignorance is not bliss it's death on day 10 he finds out there's a phone app that could let him call using fm waves but he needs a specific audio jack which he doesn't have on day 15 jungle gets a voice message from his dad but he still can get a signal to listen to it he hangs up the balcony to go reception grab the attention of these zombies who start crowding down below him it's like dinner and a show this gives me a great idea find the most indestructible object in your house and as much string as you can find shoelaces not in bed sheets throw to the zombies below aiming to crush their heads and reel it back up you can take them out one by one until you've cleared as many zombies from the area as possible never mind this is better let's just swing this whole survivor thing looks like all that gamer strategy flew out the window he leaves his apartment and when he cuts a corner he sees a zombified neighbor crawling around why does he keep shouting adrenaline is good for killing but don't use it to draw more attention to yourself especially if you're using it to trash talk a zombie and then more zombies show up closing in on him from both sides of the complex he goes through the elevator but a whole crowd of zombies fall out also elevators very bad idea i hate waiting for them in normal time during a zombie apocalypse i can't even he sneaks his way back up and runs into this blind zombie who jon wu is very careful not to alert and then slams the door shut attracting the zombie who tries to jiggle the handle to open the door the zombie is impressive no eyes but tries the door handle you must be the freaking albert einstein of zombies or something on day 20 the power plants in the city blow up everywhere buildings are losing electricity in jun woo decides to finally give up he tries to go out like epstein by hanging himself but as he's choking someone shines a laser on him he wiggles out of his noose and sees directly across from his building who was pointing the laser this chick is you ben who is honestly a badass she's very well prepared to survive with supplies a good sense to ration what she has and she's even set up a trap in front of her door in case something comes in she has also been scouting the various floors in jonah's apartment spotting which ones are full of zombies and which ones aren't they tell each other their names and jungwoo seems to think she's pretty cute a note on the dating scene during a zombie apocalypse there isn't one but when cute girls start paying attention to you it's best to keep things professional emotions cloud your judgment so intimate relationships are not recommended but if you are this bad at surviving that's all the hope you've got she sees that jun will be starving so she tries tossing over a rope which absolutely fails this rope falls to the streets but john woo uses his drone to fly over a cord and now they're able to send food and goods to each other from apartment to apartment the thing is juvenile sort of screwed herself over because that rope that she tried to throw gets spotted by a firefighter zombie which in any other zombie apocalypse is no problem but zombies here retain some of their memories now this rope is connected to a table and because it's being pulled it violently knocks out your bin a climbing zombie is definitely a first but it's not the time to be impressed your future ex-girlfriend is in serious trouble and now's the time to figure out how to ruin everything fast zhenwu does everything he can to distract the firefighter shouting throwing bottles and he ends up using his drone which the firefighter breaks the drone is great thinking it perfectly combines what you're good at and what you can use to immediately influence a situation but i would have gone one step further and attached the knight to the drum it might not be fast enough to stab it but it would give your new friend a fighting chance if she didn't have a weapon it's by sheer luck that yubin gets up in time to cut off the firefighter's hand sending it plummeting to the ground genuine decides to gear up and go scavenging for food and other things breaking into his next door neighbor's house which is filled with food walkie talkies mountaineering gear and of course a dead body general checks to see who the body is and it's a random woman which is weird since his neighbor's brother was infected so where is he as soon as jolo finds us out the zombified brother attacks him and it's only thanks to some quick thinking and luck that jun wu gets out sharing a walkie-talkie and nutella with yubin the next day they noticed that the zombies are suddenly running through both apartment complexes and they don't know why as euban goes to grab her hatchet she accidentally knocks over a table a whole conga line of zombies make their way to a room but they get distracted as jinwoo calls the landline of the unit next to you bins the ringing of the neighbor's phone drawing away the zombie horde calling our neighbor's phone is smart but it's life or death riding on one idea herds are a problem you can't solve in the moment your only option is to hide and draw no attention but they can be avoided with some organization and planning the best advantage is that you are in a building with sealable entrances if you could start by clearing your floor and work with reliable neighbors to clear the building slowly it's a realistic way to take back the building and barricade the main entrances but if it's just too daunting a task it's still worthwhile to create sound traps to distract zombies away from you pots and pans work well for this lower them to the floor below attach to a string and pull it when a distraction is required they both decide that now is the only chance to get to the eighth floor and gear up general tries to coordinate and come up with a plan but yubin pulls a mission impossible sliding down a rope from her balcony and making a mad dash to junwoo's apartment and she does an amazing job by the way she's bobbing and weaving beating the crap out of any zombie with her climbing axe but her ankle gets caught by a zombie and she barely grabs the pistol that's been left out here as jungwoo comes down to help her jumping into a parking lot of zombies is a terrible idea but if you must don't try to kill them all survival now depends on invasion to move forward and out of the groin cluster zombies where you can easily be trapped if spent hacking away at one football players would do well golfers would not the two survivors run back into junwoo's building and take the elevator to the eighth floor see zombies stampede into the lobby upstairs the doors to the apartments are locked and a whole mob of the undead finds the two humans the two of them desperately try to unlock the apartments and are saved by this man who drags them inside his unit he shares with them food and water and tells them supposedly there are teams of soldiers flying around the city to rescue people and there should be one arriving sometime soon great news for everyone if they're actually going to make it out alive yubin and jun will do everything right here they wait until the guy drinks the water to see if it's dangerous and then they asked for canned goods which should have signs of being tampered with honestly i don't think i'd do anything differently but how exactly did the guy poison the food this guy not only didn't have a lease in this unit but he drugs and zip ties jon wu and yubin as he intends to feed them to his wife no she's not a cannibal she's a zombified freak on a leech who the man locks in the nursery room there is no way she's getting out of here but jon wu is able to wake up and threaten the man with the gun he tries to get in the light you've been out but the man instead let's go the leash letting his zombified wife attack you bin whose screams go totally silent the kidnapper unlocks the door to find out what happened only to find his wife being pushed out the door by you bin the zombie immediately latching on to her husband biting and nibbling him as he apologizes to her but not the two people he just tried to kill classy you big uses one bullet to take out both of them and alerts the horde shooting a gun in a zombie apocalypse is dangerous but if you had to use the gun it would have been smarter to just shoot the guy we're obviously not going to convince him to stop if there's more than one bullet left in the gun shoot the lock off and forget about the key every second is precious if you're trying to save your girlfriend from imminent face munch by zombie she begs general to take her out and he agrees just about ready to blow her mind of his peace when he hears what sounds like helicopters immediately the two survivors rushed the rooftop tearing past zombies and trying to slow down the mob but by the time they get up there no one is waiting now they're well and truly dead as the zombies break through the door and bum rush them there is no escape and the gun just ran out of ammo there is no way out except as you probably figured out by now there is a helicopter of armed soldiers shows up out of nowhere taking the two survivors aboard where junwoo begins to receive a signal on his phone and finds out his family are still alive john was just one of many koreans who was saved as everywhere throughout the city survivors are posting to social media about where they are and in turn soldiers are coming to rescue them and here i thought social media was useless who knew that it could save your life but what do you think do you agree with my theories or do you disagree let me know of a comment down below with that said thank you so much for watching leave a like and subscribe and check out the playlist that's up on the channel until next time have a damn good day
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,219,032
Rating: 4.9392943 out of 5
Keywords: #alive, explained, review, netflix
Id: 5xbIYmOJzoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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