How To Beat the ZOMBIE OUTBREAK In "All Of Us Are Dead"

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if you were a student trapped at school and everyone in your class has turned into a murderous zombie what would you do in this video I'll be covering the perspective of the high school students with the next video about all the other survivors as we break down the mistakes made what you should do and how to beat the zombies in all of us are dead this school is about to become hell on Earth classes have ended for the day and hyungju here wakes up to find that her friends have already gone home as she gets up to leave the girl Hears A noise in the sign lab and decides to check it out walking into the room she discovers a strange box rattling on the ground and lifts up the cover to find a caged hamster inside the girl sticks her finger through one of the holes but the creature lashes out and bites her she notices that the animal is infected with the disease and has no idea that it's just started a zombie pandemic the next morning the students are getting ready to take a test as they all hand in their phones but this teacher realizes that one of the girls is missing the nerd remembers she was last seen yesterday in the science lab but nobody has seen her since suddenly the missing girl stumbles into the room and everyone is shocked to see her covered in blood as she collapses to the ground in exhaustion taking her out of the classroom the group brings the girl to the infirmary and lays her down on a bed while the teacher calls for emergency services but the girl's condition is getting worse the students hold her down as she begins thrashing wildly and manages to scratch her classmate on the wrist the ambulance Finly arrives and they put the girl into the van while unro talks to her father who's a paramedic as he wraps up her wound the man reassures his daughter that he'll come back to check on her but the girl insists she's fine with that they drive off the campus towards the hospital and the teacher tells her students to keep quiet about this until she finds out more later that day these kids are walking past the infirmary when one of them sees something strange the nurse is standing like she's drunk but when she turns around her face is covered in blood she must have been bitten and suddenly runs at the students crashing straight into the wall the boys laugh it off but she quickly stands back up and takes a huge out of this kid's neck terrified his friend rushes in and pulls the woman off but it's too late the student has been infected and the boy runs into another classroom with a new taste for flesh okay this would have been a good day to call him sick a zombie virus has just been released in your school and it's horrifying but there's already a detail here that might help us survive the scariest thing about this is not the zombie it's actually how fast the kid transformed after being bitten it took him exactly 20 seconds to die and a total of only 30 seconds to turn into a Walking Corpse at this rate it's going to be a matter of minutes before the entire school is infected and that means there's very little time to decide what we should do your natural instinct will be to run off campus as quickly as possible but there's a reason why that might be a mistake for starters it's important to realize that zombie outbreaks aren't contained they're only slowed down eventually this is going to spread everywhere and that means the outside world will be just as dangerous now buildings are very valuable resources because if we leave we'll just be looking for another place to take shelter that has food water and rooms to hide here we already have it all including a kitchen which would have food supplies for thousands of students this is as good as it gets and the smartest thing to do is defend the castle and slowly clear the zombies out over time once we've decided to stay we'll need to find the best place to hide you might be thinking of locking yourself in one of these classrooms until rescue arrives but this would be another horrible mistake if you look here you you'll notice that these are sliding doors which means that the only thing keeping it in place is a small wooden rail system at the top of the frame it's incredibly flimsy and that's why wherever we hide need to have a conventional hinge door which is much stronger we also want to choose a location that has some strategic significance to help us survive as long as possible these will be places that keep valuable resources like food water technology or anything that will need to Keep Us Alive and get help now when you're in the middle of a zombie outbreak it's hard to be thinking this far ahead but one of the most valuable places in any building is the security room if we can monitor the entire school we'll be able to track the zombies movements giving us a better chance to acquire the resources we need to survive you might think that this place doesn't have one but the Korean government spent $30 million us to install CCTV cameras in every single grade school in the city that means we can be fairly certain that this school would have cameras feeding into some kind of security system and it's going to be a huge Advantage but they don't realize an even deadlier apocalypse is is happening right under their noses The Battle Cats is a brutal and satisfying game where you lead an army of cute yet ruthless cats in their mission to conquer the universe enjoy destroying Humanity in the most adorable way possible with a huge variety of unique Battle Cats such as a UFO cat and even super uber rare cats such as Noble on Pelon dark Beast Lord garu and many many more this is such a great game to play in your free time especially if you're bored and have time to kill I don't know what it is about cutting down an alien boss's head with an underwater giant cat robot chainsaw but I love it this game really shines in being able to use weirdness and creativity to create a fun experience in each stage you'll have to face distinctive enemies fighting in 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going on and as the student starts scrambling unra sees a zombie storm into the room running the saver chungan picks her up looking around for another way out they head towards the windows to try and escape and unja climbs through first with a boy following close behind they land outside and run through the school until they reach the soccer field but their way is blocked zombies are everywhere and there's nowhere left to go but that's when a truck comes wheeling in and crashes straight into the side of the school seeing their chance they quickly climb up towards the roof of the truck and man to pull themselves onto this balcony where they find a window leading them back into the building they make their way through the corridors and find a classroom where other students are taking shelter banging on the windows for help the students let them in quickly closing the doors behind them unw reunites with her friend and they're both relieved to see each other still alive but the situation is about to get much worse they all take a moment to calm down and the group realizes that none of them have phones to call for help discouraged this student walks over to guard the doors but that's when a teacher suddenly barges into the room leave to find safety he immediately takes control and instructs the kids to start barricading the entrance they quickly follow his orders but this girl notices something terrifying pointing out that the teacher has a bite mark on his arm this students freeze in fear and the man tries to deny it but nobody believes him the girl insists he leave the room and her classmates agree but as the teacher walks up to discipline her he suddenly collapses to the floor the man quickly begins to transform as the students watch in horror and before they can stop him he charges at this girl biting deep into throat another student picks him up and tosses the man aside but it's too late the girl has already been infected thinking quickly chongsan uses a table and pins the teacher up against the wall as his friend holds back the zombified girl helping the others escape from the classroom together they all run across the building looking for another place to hide but more zombies appear at the other end of the hallway this kid Su Yu fights them off as best as he can and the others rip off window frames using them like a shield wall that's when the big kid charges forward with the door and starts pushing the monsters away it's working and the students manag to back them down into the stairwell taking their chance to run up to the next floor okay these students could have avoided this entire situation when the teacher ran into their classroom the boy asked him if he was bitten and the man said no but they never made him prove it in a situation like this everyone is going to be desperate so I would have made the teacher strip down to his tidy whes to prove that he didn't have a bite mark or else he has to leave trust can get us easily killed if it's not managed carefully and that's why I would establish a strict strip search policy before anyone new is allowed to join the group now understanding the strengths and weaknesses of our enemies is going to help us kill them more efficiently but we can only learn this by observing their behavior thankfully there were already signs that tell us more about the zombie virus if we were paying attention one of the most dangerous things about the scenario isn't just that they can bite you it's that they can pack a huge amount of force when they gather together what's interesting is that this Dynamic has actually been studied extensively from incidents called crowd crush a modern example of this is the Travis Scott concert at the Astro World Festival that injured over 300 people the mechanics of crowd Crush are actually terrifying because if there's enough of them these zombies could cause a pressure wave that becomes so densely packed it can literally exert thousands of pounds of force in every direction a crowd of zombies like this is not something you can stop and when you realize that the majority of these classroom doors are made out of either glass or wood it's clear that we need to move to a SA environment before it's too late as dangerous as this is it also might be something we can use against them in a crowd Crush people become victims of their own biology because pure Instinct takes over preventing thousands of people from being able to remain calm instinct is exactly how zombies behave and if he give them the right trigger and a distraction to follow we might be able to funnel them into a small area like one of these stairwells and force them into their own crowd Crush where they can't escape they make it up to the next floor but they find themselves surrounded on both sides and as the kids try to get into the classroom they discover the door has been padlocked shut there's no way in but that's son nunja here has a clever idea reaching for the fire hose she pulls it from the box and uses it to break the lock apart all the students quickly run inside before closing the door behind them they're safe from the monsters for now and everyone Begins barricading the windows to stop the zombies from entering the class takes a break and settles in as they wait for help to arrive but it's starting to look hopeless unja Comforts her friend isach and holds her hand for emotional support but that's when she realizes something is wrong her hand is cold and Blood starts dripping from her nose she's been bitten and the girl tries to deny it but the signs are clear chungan steps into P's friend back and the girl collapses to the floor quickly transforming into a full-fledged zombie she tries waiting for unu but the boy shoves her out of the classroom window setting the zombie falling to her death the group is feeling hopeless but seeing the open window changsan suddenly realizes there's another way to escape he suggest they should get the fire hose so they can use it to climb down the building the others agree with his plan so he grabs the arm of an anatomy dummy and manages to silently drag the hose through the door his plan worked and the students help to tie footholds into the makeshift rope before the boy throws it out the window this kid Gung Su decides to go down first and he lowers himself to the second floor surpris to discover that his teacher has been hiding just below them she opens the window to let the boy in and the others all climbed down to join them until the last of the students have made it safely inside the recording the kids ask the teacher if she called the cops and the woman assures them help is on the way but the students are surprised that nobody has shown up yet noticing the computer the nerd points out that the internet should still be working and the group looks for information about the zombie outbreak but they're interrupted when the fire host nozzle suddenly breaks the window changsan here slowly approaches to check it out when a zombie drops down he grabs a mop and tries to push it out but the mop handle breaks apart that's when Su Yu suddenly pulls it out of his friend's hands and thrust the handle straight into into the monster's shoulder but the zombie won't die joining in this kid picks up the computer and hits the zombie knocking it off the Rope okay this student is an idiot he's just taken one of the group's most valuable resources and used it as a blunt weapon if the kid needed something to defend himself there were tons of other objects he could have thrown instead like this speaker here now in reality this zombie would have been a much more serious problem because bashing him in the head is not going to suddenly knock his foot loose and that means we need a better strategy to handle the situation if it were me I would open this other window then take these XLR cables here and Wrangle the zombie to pull him sideways this would give another student the chance to safely climb up and untangle the zombie's leg as risky as it sounds it's much better than using her only contact with the outside world as a blunt weapon now the internet is one of the most useful survival tools on the planet and although it might sound harsh that makes this computer more valuable than anyone student this actually brings up an important point because one of the hardest adjustments we'll have to make in a zombie apocalypse is putting the group first instead of the individual friendships are important but we also have to protect ourselves from our own Humanity because it leads us to decisions that work against our survival this girl here is the perfect example because even though she's clearly showing signs of infection her friend is defending her against the entire group this Dynamic is not safe so we need to establish a set of basic rules that removes the risk of emotional decision- making before it's too late the first rule is to always quarantine any member of the group who might be infected we're not sure yet how long it takes to transform because this student took only 30 seconds to turn But the teacher here took much longer that's why I would insist on a 30-minute quarantine before letting anyone rejoin the group the best way to do this is to use the furniture in the room and barricade the student into the corner as quickly as we can until we're certain they're no longer a threat the second rule is if you know that someone has been bitten then they should take the honorable way out or else will have to kill them it's not personal it's just a safety measure and if we all spend too much time saying goodbye then one innocent hug can turn deadly the third rule is everyone should pair up with another student and create a buddy system where you alone are responsible for your partner and vice versa it's one of the simplest and most effective strategies for survival because you'll always have someone watching your back this is actually how the farc gorilla fighters in Columbia organize their army as well they pair up all the soldiers but take this one step further and routinely change the pair groups that way the soldiers don't form attachments to each other and it prevents them from emotional decision- making protecting the entire Army as a result the added benefit here is that nobody will ever be alone so if someone is undermining the group survival for selfish reasons there's enough accountability to protect the group they all take a moment to catch their breaths when naon here notices that Yung su's nose is bleeding it accuses him of being bitten he defends himself explaining that he got hit in the face during the attack but the girl points out that he also has a scratch on his hand she insists it's a bite mark and the students don't know who to trust so the teacher intervenes and tells the boy to stay in the recording booth so they can monitor his symptoms accepting the deal the boy moves into the other room but 30 minutes later everyone can clearly see that he's not showing any symptoms upset that she's been proven wrong naon here heads inside the recording booth to apologize but the others don't know that she still wants revenge approaching the boy she grabs his hand and starts dabbing it with a rag but this one action is going to get him killed that night the girl confronts the group insisting that Yung Su is still infected they think she's lying but when they turn to look at Yung Su they discover that his nose has suddenly started bleeding again terrified the boy realizes he's been infected but doesn't understand how it happened the kid promises to leave so he won't hurt anyone and walks over to the door when suddenly the symptoms intensify and he collapses fully transforming into a zombie he gets back to his feet with murderous rage lunging straight for changsan who Dodges at the last minute and the zombie goes flying through the window it's tragic and the boy watches the zombie run into the distance knowing he'll never see his best friend ever again later the group is saddened by their loss but the class president approaches naon and accuses her of murdering Gung Su earlier she saw the girl wipe the handkerchief on the bloody mob handle and rubbed it into the boy's wound the others can't believe what they're hearing and they're Furious they forced her to leave the room and she walks into the hallway knowing that the zombies are going to kill her the teacher realizes that they've all just left her to die and follows after the student hoping to save her but it's too late they're attacked by zombies and the class has now lost their favorite teacher okay naon was so upset at being proved wrong that she literally infected this guy just to save face it's psychotic but as horrible as this was the girl just demonstrated that she has what it takes to survive and if she had used these coldblooded instincts in Squid game she might have even won 45 billion one now according to social identity Theory group conflicts are unavoidable when your status is being questioned by someone with low self-esteem this can happen when a group has no internal structure that establishes roles and hierarchies to keep everyone accountable the buddy system rule is a huge fix to this problem because everyone's actions are closely monitored if naon had a partner she never would have had the opportunity to infect Yung Su and he'd still be alive with three students and one teacher dead in a single day we need to realize the situation will only get more dangerous that's why the smartest thing to do right now is to start crafting makeshift weapons and protective gear to defend ourselves now we can't stay in this room forever because eventually we will need food and water thankfully these students found an effective method to access other classrooms by climbing up and down the side of the building so if it were me I would start Gathering all the valuable resources we can find first of all we're going to need plenty of armor the most likely places you're going to get bitten are the forearms and legs so the best solution is to find news papers or magazines to tape around your limbs next I would risk going back upstairs to the science lab where there should be safe safety goggles and these will give us added protection we already know that stray blood can still infect us because naon used it to kill gang Su so while that might not look stylish this added layer of protection will go a long way other things I would take from the lab are buns and burners and canisters of butane gas which could be used as explosive devices we should also be looking for any scissors along the way as melee weapons in case things get dire nobody in this group has even considered finding supplies to arm themselves and if they don't start strategically planning for self-defense they won't be able to move through the school to get the resources they need to survive the next morning chungan looks out the window worried that nobody is coming for them but the boy has an idea to escape he tells unu that all their phones are still downstairs and his friend tries to stop him but he's determined to get help with suul joining him they climb across the ledge lowering themselves down the drain pipe to peek inside the Teachers Lounge he sees a group of zombies inside but to their luck a noise suddenly lurs them out into the hallway it's their best opportunity and the boys sneak inside careful not to make a sound chungan sees a phone on the floor and reaches out to pick it up but the zombies are coming back inside and his friend grabs him to escape before it's too late checking the phone he realizes that it's been shattered and runs back in to find another one as Su Yu has no choice but to climb back outside moving quickly Chung son runs into the hallway managing to escape the zombie horde and darts into a nearby Office closing the door behind him but is surprised to find gam the school bully tying up the principal the man screams for help and changsan tells the boy to stop point out the phone to record evidence gam declares that he's the king of the school now and as the principal tries to run away he turns around slitting his throat the student is shocked but that's when the bully approaches asking for the phone and he's ready to kill him for it the two students start fighting and chunan manages to knock him over the table before running out of the room as the bully chases after him he runs into the library but the place is completely crowded with zombies it's a dead end but he manages to avoid the monsters by climbing up onto a bookcase for safety the bully follows him up and chases the kid across the library before quickly tackling him and pinning him down chungan has nowhere to go and the zombies are about to grab him when he suddenly shoves the phone straight into the kid's eye before throwing him over the edge the zombes Swarm in eating him alive but the boy swears that he'll get his revenge as chungan escapes the library desperate he runs for a small maintenance hatch in the hallway and climbs inside a safety at the last second it's a tight fit but the zombies have no way to follow him inside and he finally has a chance to call for help he turns it on is horrified to discover that all signals are jammed the entire province is under lockdown and he realizes that he'll have to survive this all on his own okay this was not smart going downstairs to get the phones is a great idea but the problem is that these kids went out with no preparation whatsoever they don't have weapons or any kind of protective gear and it's making this plan a lot more dangerous now earlier in the cafeteria there was a really important observation to make about the zombies behavior when Chun San here kicked the zombie to to the ground instead of getting back up to bite him it immediately ran in the opposite direction to attack another student nearby this means these zombies are only able to focus on the last thing that stimulates their attention and don't have the mental capacity to remember anything this is a major advantage and it means we should be able to lure them away from a confrontation with any kind of noise or visual distraction now we don't want to use the PA system because the speakers are in the ceilings and it would make the zombies look up fortunately for us the school is full of interesting resources to help us with this experiment if it were me I would climb the fire hose up to the science lab First grab a bunson burger kit and bring it back down to the teacher's office then we can light some of these books on fire and throw them in the opposite corner of the room based on what we've seen so far the zombies are going to instantly gravitate towards the distraction because it's a sensory stimulus and they will give us a window of opportunity to sneak in and grab a phone while nobody's looking we can even test this idea before entering the room and one of the added benefits here is that zombies don't feel pain this means they don't any natural biological mechanisms to prevent them from harm and there's a good possibility that the zombies will light themselves up in the process we also don't have to worry about setting fire to the school because as we saw in the cafeteria the building sprinkler system is still working and if the Flames got too high it would trigger the alarm to put the fire out now there's one interesting possibility that this presents for us because when a human dies their decomposing bodies leak enzymes from the cells and it starts producing a huge amount of gas but the most surprising thing is that several of these gases are combustible like methane and ammonia now if this process of decomposition was happening faster than normal then there's a possibility that all these zombies are filled with flammable gases waiting to explode and all it takes is a fire to set them off like bombs it's just a theory but it's not hard to test and finding ways to use the zombies biology against them might be the smartest method to stay alive in the audio room unu here is worried about her friend chungan but suddenly has an idea of how to help him she remembers that the science club was making drones for a school project and it's their best way to find where their friend is the nerd here agrees to help and they climb up the Rope to retrieve them they find the drones and bring them back to the classroom setting one up and flying it outside to search for their missing friend scanning through the school they find chunan inside the music room and he still alive he managed to make it out of the maintenance hatch and the group is relieved but their lives are about to become a lot more difficult in the library the bully suddenly wakes up after being attacked he somehow survived but hasn't turned into a zombie the boy is a immune to the virus and now he'll have his chance to get revenge on chungan in the recording room unu is talking with her friend J Min who's overwhelmed by the situation and needs to rest she lies her head down on the desk but accidentally presses the inton button alerting everyone outside the class president walks into the room to turn it off and that's when she has a clever idea the girl explains that if they use the PA system to play music on one side of the Halls the zombies will go in that direction allowing them to get chunks on and reach the rooftop to signal for help they all agree and with the plan set the music starts playing throughout the school instantly the zombies begin clearing the hallways to follow the sound and the plan is working but there's a problem one of the zombies is stuck in the wall right outside their room and he's not leaving realizing it's their only option the group walks out into the Hall quietly sneaky behind the zombie but that's when the nerd drops his bottle it alerts the zombie who turns around and the group Sprints up the stairs as Su Yu stays behind to find out the monster he's tackled to the ground and moments away from dying when suddenly he's saved by the bully at the last second gream here asks where chongsan is explaining he wants to get revenge for what he did to his eye but suu refuses to tell Furious the bully starts attacking him throwing the boy to the ground and grabs his throat that's when the class president rushes into help but gream bites her arm and throws the girl aside he's about to kill her when suuk runs into him knocking the student straight out the window okay Chung son up big time he made an enemy out of this bully and now he's come back to get revenge we should be horrified by this because weam is completely immune to the virus and can go anywhere that he wants in the school this kid has the freedom to sabotage every aspect of our survival and with nine lives to protect we have to actually consider whether or not we should give chongsan up right now Staying Alive is already a full-time job but if we play our cards right we can turn this problem into an opportunity if the zombies don't recognize green Nom as human it means he can find his food there zombies out of hallways and even go outside side to acquire more useful resources with all this in mind it's actually irresponsible to protect chongsan because it's going to put everyone in the group at risk as long as he's here the best way to handle this is to try and make a treaty with the bully and negotiate terms for chongsan surrender it's not personal it's just survival and in a zombie apocalypse we'll all have to make difficult choices just like this one now as for their escape plan all I can say is they took way too long to figure this out these kids were sitting in this audio room for more than full day and night and only now have they considered experimenting with the PA system this should have been the first thing they looked at because every single object needs to be considered as a potential tool for survival these kids literally spent more time thinking about how to make a makeshift toilet than a makeshift weapon and it's tragic at the very least they did the right thing and used the Drone but they still made a huge mistake if I had a drone in this situation I wouldn't send it out for longer than 10 minutes at a time the batteries on these machines have an ex extremely short lifespan and it's way too valuable to just use once and crash it they should have brought it back to recharge because there was another benefit here that these students never considered right now it's extremely dangerous to leave the classroom and so far distractions only work in isolated settings where the zombies are lured to a single location this drone changes that because it makes enough noise for the zombies to be drawn to it and it can move through the building for at least 10 minutes at a time with this in mind the smartest way to use this drone is to systematically hurt all the the zombies out of the hallway and up the stairs giving us the chance to leave for supplies completely unnoticed we can see on this map that there are three stairwells and that means the Drone can do circular laps hurting the zombies up as we head down and barricade all three stairwells in an organized effort the group finally arrives at the music room and everyone is happy to see chungan is still alive they quickly close the curtains to block the zombies and take a moment to catch their breaths but that's when this girl notices something horrifying the class president has been bitten and all the students start to panic suok here steps in to defend her and explains that she was bitten by the bully not a zombie but there's a problem changsan reveals that he saw Guam get bitten with his own eyes and knows for sure that the girl must be infected the boy insists Guam wasn't a zombie but that's when the girl climbs up on the window sill declaring that she's ready to sacrifice herself for the group if she turns Su hiok Waits with her to see what will happen but after a while the girl starts to feel something strange the students realize she has somehow resisted becoming a zombie but she's not fully human either and they decide to keep her in the group knowing that it's putting all of them in danger later suu sits down with the infected girl to monitor her symptoms but the class president suddenly hears something strange getting up she slowly walks towards the wall to find out where the sound is but nobody else can hear anything that's when the girl realizes her hearing has been enhanced and it must be a symptom of the virus feeling uneasy she insists they can't stay here forever and need to reach the roof but unjo already has a brilliant idea to together the students gather all the furniture and buildt a massive barricade in the center of the room connecting this video camera to the sound system so they can learn the zombies to the other side opening the door they led the zombies into the room making as much noise as they can to draw them in until the hallway outside is clear their plan is working and the group starts leaving the barricade one by one but they don't realize the bully has survived his fall and he knows exactly where they're headed the group goes up the staircase and runs for the rooftop but they discover the door has been locked shut they don't realize that another student is on the other side and has been waiting this whole time to be rescued suddenly he spots a helicopter in the distance and it's flying straight towards the school inside the staircase the group can't break through the locked door and the zombies are closing in on them they throw a tarp over the stair will to stop them from coming up and the plan seems to be working but that's when the bully steps through he's here to get his revenge and chungan realizes he's made a terrible mistake green Nom climbs up the staircase and manages to block the kid's attack before pulling him Clos the bully is about to gouch his eye out when the class president intervenes grabbing him by the throat and tossing him down the stairs Chung son can't believe what he's seeing and the girl stares at her hand in shock surprised by her new found strength outside the rescue team drops down to the roof and the soldiers get out running up to ask if there's anyone else inside the building but the kid lies telling them that he's the only one left taking him into the helicopter they begin flying away as the coward looks back knowing he just abandoned his entire class the other survivors finally managed to break through the door but it's too late the helicopter has already taken off and they lost their only chance for help okay this sucks there's absolutely no way to alert the helicopter to come back for us and now we're all stuck in this rooftop for no reason everything they've just done was for nothing and it's a shame because these kids were actually doing a pretty good job except for one embarrassing detail when they all left the classroom they left both doors wide open which is just about the dumbest mistake you could make we've already seen evidence that these zombies are completely brainless and can only respond to one sensory stimulus at a time that means we would have been able to run out and close both doors without them even realizing it and there's a good chance that zombies would have stayed inside until something else distracted them now what these students don't realize is that this rooftop might actually be the most dangerous place on the entire campus for starters we're exposed to the weather and there's no running water or food there's also only one way out and it could be a death trap if the zombies break through but the most dangerous thing about this place is actually the mosquitoes it might seem like a small problem in a zombie apocalypse but if you think about it mosquitoes already kill more humans than any other animal on earth and if they became carriers of this zombie virus then this situation would Beed up beyond all reason we've already seen that other animals can become infected because it started in this mouse which means the virus is capable of cross species transmission and can live outside a human host when you consider the mosquitoes are already carriers of malaria Deni West Nile virus zika virus and yellow fever it's not a stretch to think that they could be carriers of the zombie virus as well now what's interesting is that mosquitoes use our CO2 presence to identify a potential food source this should be good news for us because it's a common assumption that zombies don't breathe but this is actually not true zombies can and do breathe because without exhaling they wouldn't be able to moan it's also important to point out that zombies still need a working brain to operate their basic movements and motor skills for any of this to happen blood is required to circulate through the brain which means it's logical to assume there has to be some process that pumps blood without the help of the heart if blood is being pumped then CO2 is still being released and this means that there's a reasonable chance a mosquito would consider an early stage zombie to be a potential food source that's absolutely terrifying because it tells us we could be infected with a zombie virus from one tiny mosquito bite to make matters worse rooftops can easily collect pools of water whenever it rains and are a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes which turns this place into a death trap for this reason these kids should not have come up here because now they're exposed to a potential risk that they have no way to control later that night the kids are depressed they've lost their best chance to be rescued but that's when it suddenly begins to rain the group hasn't had water in over a day and they drink as much as they can it's the best thing that's happened all night but chungan notices something strange the class president is covering her ears from the Thunder because it's hurting her sensitive hearing and it gives him a clever idea the zombies won't be able to hear them during a thunderstor storm and it's their best chance to escape he tells the others his plan and even though it's risky everyone agrees it's their only hope to survive quietly the group makes their way down the stairs and through the hallways sneaking past the zombies who are overwhelmed by the Thunder they escape from the school building moving along the wall until they reach this truck but that's where everything falls apart Chung son checks to see if the way forward is safe but sees someone he never expected to be here it's his mother and she's become a zombie the others realize they need to get out of here IM immediately and pull Chung son away who's too emotional to continue the students run as fast as they can dragging him across the parking lot as he screams for his mother but the noise draws the attention of a zombie horde the group cuts across the field but one of the girls falls behind and trips stumbling to the ground her friend is about to run back to help her but sees a zombie approaching and decides to save herself instead at the last second this boy Wu Jin comes to a rescue when suddenly it shot in the head with an arrow they've just been rescued by this guy's sister jangari she's been looking for him this whole time and now that they're reunited the girl urges the students to head for the gymnasium all the survivors run into the building for shelter and take a moment to catch their breaths but that's when lightning strikes revealing a large group of zombies on the other side of the room they're completely outnumbered and the kids run for their lives managing to find shelter inside this equipment storage room but now they're trapped with nowhere left to run the zombies are still waiting for them outside and the survivors have no choice but to stay the night okay the roof was not a good place to stay but this is arguably much worse there's only one way out and with no food or water they're going to die here unless they fight off the zombies outside now it's hard to think clearly when you're literally running for your life but they definitely should have asked themselves if running into another building is really their best option this is the first time since the outbreak began that they've been able to make it outside and we've already established that the noise from the thunderstorm is helping them Escape gam has also promised that he won't stop until chungan is dead so this in mind I would have suggested that we abandon the school completely and head for the river nearby the most significant benefit of reaching a body of water is that zombies can't swim we know this because they can't climb either and both activities require a more advanced motor function than they are capable of using any large body of water is going to slow these zombies down and that makes it an instant tool for our survival now this school's in the fictional town of hosan but I happen to note that this is the Han river which flows through Soul if we manage to reach the Waterway safely this River can take us all the way out to the Yellow Sea but there's one problem assuming they are here along the outskirts of Soul they would have to drift as much as 100 km before they get to the Shoreline it might be safe from zombies but without some kind of floating device we wouldn't make it thankfully that's where the Navy Seals can help us out because in their own survival training they actually teach soldiers to use their pants as improvised floating devices by tying the legs into knots and capturing air this lets you stay floating for as long as you need to and it's their best chance are reaching a safer environment without encountering more danger the next morning the kids try to remain optimistic but that's when the class president sens is something troubling more zombies are gathering and with no food or water the survivors realize they can't stay here the group needs some way of Breaking Through The Horde and it gives suok here an idea he proposes that they use the ball cages as a movable barricade and Link them together to build a full circle of protection agreeing to the plan the students create Shields and put on their makeshift armor preparing for war the the boys open the doors and the group rushes out pulling the barricade around them as the zombies swarm In For the Kill the Zombies can't break through and the students walk forward pushing the monsters back but there are too many the group can't move past them and now they're completely stuck a zombie grabs one of the survivors and this nerd manages to free her but he gets bitten on the hand he realizes that he'll kill his friends if he transforms and decides to sacrifice himself finding his second wind the kid jumps over the cage and starts pulling the zombies off the be barer so the others can keep moving forward it's another friend they've lost and there's nothing the group can do but keep pushing to survive the students finally make it to the other side of the gym and try to open the door but are devastated to discover that it's locked there's no way to break through and it's only a matter of time before the zombies eat them unju here is determined to escape and is about to run out the door when it suddenly opens from the other side she's shocked to see her dad standing there and gives him a hug relieved that he's come back to save her the kids run through as fast as they can and close the door but there's no time to waste the father tells them to run through the tennis courts and cross the mountain for safety but the zombies are already on their way they run up the hill making it through this fence and the dad locks the gate behind them but there's a problem the zombies have them surrounded and are already breaking in thinking quickly the father has a brilliant idea and lights a flare before throwing it into the opposite corner of the tennis court all the zombies are distracted by the flames and realizing the plan is working the father urges his daughter to escape he pushes the students through the gate but suddenly locks up behind them the man has trapped himself inside and tells his daughter to run while she still has the chance it's the last time she'll ever see her father and they have no choice but to move on to survive the group runs through a construction site and quickly heads upstairs as more zombies start chasing them they're forced to climb out of this window onto the scaffolding to hide and there's nowhere left to run they'll have to go back inside to escape but that's when they hear the bully approaching gam pokes his head out the window and chungan tries to take a swing at his head but the the bully is too fast for him the two of them start fighting and he's no match for Guam's strength overpowering him the guy grabs on chungan before taking a massive bite out of his arm infecting him with the virus but chongsan won't back down he suddenly pushes the kid off the ledge setting him falling to the ground below the student realized it's only a matter of time before he transforms and says goodbye to his best friend giving her something to remember him by it's a touching moment and with that Chung son climbs back inside to help his friends Escape he runs through the building luring all the zombies into An Elevator Shaft and they go plummeting into his trap taking their chance his friends leave the construction site and head for the mountains knowing that he's just saved their lives that's when the bully finds chongsan who quickly overpowers him and finally takes his revenge pitting chongsan to the ground the bully starts gouging out his eye meanwhile the Korean military has decided there's no way to contain the virus and the only way to stop it from spreading is to launch missiles on the district that's when the bombs go off and the group of students look back at the explosion realizing their friend is gone forever the next morning the kids make it over the mountain reaching a nearby town and it looks safe but the class president suddenly stops in her tracks using her enhanced hearing the girl tells them that a horde of zombies are approaching and they need to get out of here right now the group runs through the streets to escape but this kid suddenly falls down he's too injured to continue and they have no choice but to pick up weapons getting ready for the fight of their lives the zombies come rushing in and the students defend themselves doing whatever it takes to survive but that's when this kid sees a zombie running for his sister he throws himself in front of her saving the girl's life as it takes a bite out of his shoulder the others manage to pull the monster off of him and kill it but the damage has already been done Wu Jin here is infected and quickly begins to transform getting back to his feet as a zombie but before he can attack anyone the class president grabs him from behind and snaps his neck she's just saved their lives but the others are traumatized by her brutality the girl realizes that she's slowly losing control of herself and it's it's only a matter of time before she tries to eat her friends wanting to keep them safe the girl decides to stay behind the group keeps moving on until they reach a military checkpoint and the soldiers take them to a refugee camp they'll finally be safe from the zombies but after everything they've been through they'll never truly move on 3 months later the group gathers to pay their respects to all the friends they've lost when this girl suddenly spots a campfire in the distance it's over where their school was and they decide to check it out realizing someone must have survived they go back to the Rooftop the fire is still burning and wonder who could have lit it but that's when a girl steps Out of the Shadows revealing herself to be the class president everyone's happy to be reunited and unju invites her to come back with them but the girl insists she can't there are others just like her around the school and she wants to keep them safe hearing her new zombie friend's calling she runs off the rooftop and leaves them alone as they realize that this whole trip was a waste of time but what do you think how would you beat all of us or dead let me know with a comment down below thank you so much for watching leave a like And subscribe and check out the how to beat playlist for more videos like this until next time have a damn good day
Channel: How To Beat
Views: 6,183,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, explained, review, death game, battle royale, high school, highschool, among us, trailer, trap, traps, all of us are dead, netflix, laughrunfeature, nerd explains, bingeXpress
Id: WsT7-1Ebp1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 35sec (2495 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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