MEET DILDDY LESTOWELL - Dan and Phil play: Dream Daddy

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oh no games daddy's daddy's welcome to Danakil games delay yesterday we re waiting the channel we're gonna play a game that I think one of you requested okay there we go dream daddy a dad dating simulator yeah dad in the thumbnail looks like markiplier most of it that's like markiplier who just escaped from prison just poop it looks like he's seen things which you know he has seen things but this one's seen more things I think we all know his real backstory also made by youtubers the game grump we didn't want to research this too much because we knew we wanted to play it yes you know dan and Phil they like to have the raw naked gamer they just like to go in are you say I'm gonna have to be blowing some hair what yeah well you can have graphics dad daddy or daddy yes give me that give me that Daddy is graphics okay oh here we go oh it's like urea nice which one do you like okay that third one on the right definitely fill your hair in 10 years right there we just saw him nice I can 5 to this feel like I could sit coffee today doesn't like me there in the bottom well right okay got a better chin than me Phil don't do your chin like that you're fine what awaits us down to 60 never can ever give up okay that's just good I would like we're gonna be reading a lot in this videos it's sleep oh I thought was like a bee was attacking someone who wants to be a manner you can be Amanda dad sorry to bring the best Amanda right now dad wake up pretend ready tends to be day every morning I let my tongue roll out of my mouth and stop breathing okay that's not like playing dad that's like giving your daughter issues actually okay Amanda shakes me shook come on dad this hasn't worked on me since I was six alright idiot Ori Amanda this is the end for me is that your best dad voice across the whole time this is a lot found a a bit more like do you want to be dad no just said I could do a better amount bill everyone wants you to be dad speak with a bit more dad dad I swear to God Amanda I bequeath a few few haul of my busting out bequeath all my earthly possessions spread my ashes over my recliner such a dad thing having a replying that okay well you caught was better get into the moving van because it's leaving soon moving house oh my god hey Amanda nice bad Panda badge nice badge as well yeah Amanda's got a coordinating the headband with the nails definitely I finally opened my eyes and set up I'm lying in the middle of the living room spooning a moving box I yawn and stretch Wow Amanda Panda are you American now I don't know yikes dad breath it go brush your teeth jeezum and there's no need to put it like that yeah bills that dad this is yours here we go so what kind of dad theme are we going for here but we need to base it on something was their severance you to make like the dad version of yourself are we gonna do others again is it gonna be well we did that that was deal Wilson maybe we could have like deal in this daddy okay yes daddy Dale yes Tildy Tildy know what building Hildy did I'm daddy deal yeah sure let's not think about that anymore fell all right well okay so if we're making deal but like dad version that I'd be athletic I mean I think I took thick or slim I think it me I put a good dildey would hit the JK any word yeah sure I can try a head what kind of hair does he have a diamond heart oval round chin triangle that's quite triangle head yeah I think it's kind of trying a shadow oh yeah the version of him would have like that yeah okay what is the hair optional we just made so by ah the bun hand bun that's very like a modern dad aesthetic there we go that's quite dilly that's that's the most dil s I think and I need to make it like round at that kind of brownie shape hi heart eyes that's like my mother I'm tired and have got things thinking that I've seen things Amanda please lock the bathroom door what can you just have heart is the whole name is that gonna ruin the guy a slightly destructor I like the monolid one that's so likes that Iggy's Snake Eyes their shiny eyes shiny eyes looks like Dale okay it's a bit more cool and I browse do we okay later nose nose button Greek pork Mirren why aren snub Rumple oh no no no Monroe's I think Ron Paul was good Rumple that's quite deal yeah okay mouth cheese I love them very sassy lips here at mouths what is your secret hamburger thick liver putty tongue out the whole time just like like what up okay slim what is dill skin shade it's like like it's like that well I'm the palest one and you're like three alone so there we go in the middle he has like all that's on that is dill as a dad yeah like during his dad life I like that he'd got that scar where'd you get it what were you doing buying it on some kind of exercise equipment wrestling another dad for territory yeah that's just what's going on Mike and kind of met facial hair oh my god oh yes yes pencil walrus most people have black hair and blonde beards this sure you really don't like a green bin you don't like you're from The Hunger Games would dill do you have a creepy stache and I think it'd be not more okay I asked you yesterday if you'd grow a full beard if you wanted to like what's your answer to that question like 20 years yes I think yes sure a little crack what do you think you'll ever have a full beard ever ever yeah every like ten years what I actually finished going through puberty I kind of want to try it and clothing this is the best Margo what are we going to Roos can you just have like play alright alright I mean he's quite geeky is Captain America yes no egg nips I mean surely I can remember we're not creating youngdal we're creating daddy deals yeah yeah okay so has to be like fun come with so with a suit jacket yeah because that's a fun - I mean that is like horrible right area in the 80s Gary time just gonna go ahead and say it that pattern is one of my least favorite things in the entire world but it's like why the bail-in just buys that that take this one with the cat we're going for cats okay looking good daddy looking good I mean if I was a dad I'd want to look like that yeah I mean that's that's pretty goals as the kids would say yeah Tildy oh with two DS it's like daddy yeah hey and that was this one altar Wow the other was three of those porn less Dell less now less Dow there we go LD lest our sound like you've left a towel on the dad fusion of Dan and Phil be that dad all right but dad you've always dreamed to be how do we get dates and dads there's like a lot of my quality art in this what up Amanda did you fall asleep packing I got most of it done I think don't you around the room it looks like I did a pretty good job every box is sealed except for one what's na I must know wait straggler what's in it looking into the box I see a bunch of old folded photos in little photo album nostalgia whoa I haven't seen these in years I thought I wanted the dusty albums from the top of the pile of 800 Abby is working the shades definitely put that out there see there's no photos of me as a child because I was the second child hello yeah I did this is the coolest baby I've ever seen the only way your father and I or the mother and I I reckon father's it's like it's a dad really simulator okay the only way your father and I could know mama must exist in this universe sunglasses on you always baby Amanda whenever you try to take them off you start crying again that's like me and pajamas you spent the first two years of your life with sunglasses on that must do like weird things to your eyesight and but that nice Halloween when you were maybe four well this is like stranger things look at that budget oh my god bad dragon costume I was just given a bin bag and some sticky stars to say I was a wizard yeah you couldn't decide between being a princess or a dragon so you might with both the forest dragon incredible I've come to be your suitor why do I remember crying in that dragon costume you saw yourself in the mirror and realized you were afraid of dragons seeing yourself inside the dragon's mouth as a realization of your greatest fear i Jesus Christ you taught the child process that right yeah definitely repress that memory no watch Game of Thrones and this was your horse face I wish I had a horse phase where at any point I had an outfit that was just looking that good or a horse Prince face Photography Awards you ever won wow lady bug eyes ranch yeah and I've got us a $20 gift card to muck Friday's Wow I want Friday's please yeah and then you've got food poisoning from the cheesy tostada blah oh maybe not I think you mean food poisoning you know with a Z I heard Wow can you imagine what your insides go through if you have a cheesy just learn a blaster don't think about that l can't drive past Mike Fridays don't gagging I feel proud of you though Amanda reaches deep into the box and pulls out one last photo Oh Amanda there we go I finally just had to break the silence that was me sorry Oh adopted or born let's go for adopted yeah it's kind of a funny story we adopted you from a group of kangaroos the day we vote you've ever lost in the wilderness we got we were trying to find ourselves and there you were you actually are a kangaroo yeah I'm hallucinating oh no no this is real the game isn't real it's just you dad wake up it's okay we brought you home we got into a car accident was anything big just a little fender bender in a parking lot buh-bye I was freaking out at me and the little old lady who crashed into us was freaking out I didn't know what to do but your father oh man he knows what to do holds my hand just say hey guys homicide the seen him and he says it's okay it's all gonna be okay yeah he was right you know and then he run away with the kangaroo there at the picture for longer maybe oh my god this is emotional I miss him my god just look him up on Facebook what did he die well they broke up I can't imagine what it must've been like for you Amanda maybe we'll have to fill that in she Pat's me on the back come on pops we got a finish pack in the moving van won't wait forever you're right that was some angsty backs to us Amanda and I pile into the car and take one last look at the old house oh I like that Hawaii anything it's like there's so many back stories yeah Hawaii did they go there it's that orange juice maybe bull I would crush the car and no it's hanging in my fires staying hydrated important I can get behind this so many memories here hard to believe your father I bought this 20 is Wow a mature dad hey remember when I shat at the front window playing catch you always had very strong arms she does bicep curls yeah everyone does in this daddy themed universe hey remember when I shattered the other front window pretending to be a robot who breaks windows you were a very imaginative child Kate remember when I broke the back window plot we get it a Mandy break stuff Wow Amanda and they'll be plenty more stuff for me to break in the new place ah memories to make and stuff to break wow busting on the rhymes you ready we sit in silence for a moment have watched my daughter grew up in this house you'll forever hold a place in my heart but it stings a little bit to leave it behind this is like up and ready the moving band begins to pull away and I get the car into position for it I watch our house disappear into the rearview mirror that's a good house but it has plants this is literally the deal howl - how is the outside - in private Hazzard garage we pull up to the new house and step outside the lawn is freshly mowed and the for sale sign is is still in the yard they have rocking chairs amazing hi-yah pow just kick me in the face with a swift kick reminder the for sale sign is no more out of here nice form Sweet Pea I got a problem with authority I'm so proud man all that karate chopping tuckered me out I could really go for a sandwich an ice-cream sandwich sweetie it's 10:00 a.m. don't tell her what to do it need to unpack first and he's a coffee ASAP did you all see all the dogs in the park nearby click you know it thank you for moving us an area where the doctor person ratio is very high that's the highest thing on the agenda and any neighborhood definitely only want what's best for you I hope you prepared for the frequency at which I interrupt conversations - yeah dog to rock it way up I mean you do that a lot hey it's a dog wait false alarm it was just a funny shape rock you want to see a real dog so bad let's go to the park around the corner side quest or cuentos time I'm here for some cute drawn dogs imagine I begin to stroll around the neighborhood I can't believe how beautiful it is outside kids are playing in the streets the flowers are in bloom and the faint smell of nearby barbecue trips through the air is this idyllic postal utopia that this place is nice - nice I don't trust it right Amanda good eye honey never be too careful see that baby in the stroller there government operative we're on to you baby and if actually was I don't go for that walk for a while eventually end up at a small Park dogs Tumblr's chase each other around through the plot interested dogs of all shapes and sizes breathe the grass it's pretty crowded but Amanda's spot some nice empty bench we start to make our way over to it we're done blocked by a sheep heads up ow who did daddy welcome to the frisbee suddenly hits me in the face bogey instant win all the doorway for a game of all time a cog you with a neat plaid handkerchief tied around its neck bounds up to me wagging its tail delet this dog did you throw this thing at my head wrong funny answer I think that oh I like your necktie I think that one yeah sentient dog he runs around in circles and nudges my leg with this nose oh god this is the cutest dog who is the same dog adoption simulator instead yeah pet the dog the dog part upon me your wisdom pet the dog give the dog what at once is where do I pet the dog well give him those head rubs stare we try the but Pat's I think if he's a new dog you don't have Ricky you don't want to go for the butt pie I thought chin or said chin they love that they like it okay I give you some little scratches into his chin woo his tail is wagging at top speed oh we did it Oh mysterious stranger it's gonna be a dad okay and you could have caught that a guy in a Hawaiian shirt Johnson whoa and I rich be father of my children is the Irish Tommy's gonna need a higher taxes Oh frisbees are traditionally caught with your hands not your face oh it's not like gruff and slightly offensive leprechaun maybe I'll catch you with my teeth next time is a good answer oh thanks for puppy roleplay yeah okay you caught me off guard this round not again not ever again oh wow it's his aura wow I am Brian by the way I'm sorry and this is my daughter Amanda I look over Amanda only to find us sitting on the ground rubbing the dogs tummy a child to be proud of true hi your dog's cool ah old Maxwell sure loves the attention it's great to see her father and daughter out here on a sunny day ah where's yours branches all over to a grassy knoll very young girl sits in a checkered black kids okay this is Daisy she's reading the brothers Cara's pajamas on tells me that she has the reading comprehension skills of a high schooler how old is she I mean I love the freckle representation in this game girls ten she's a precious little youngster whoa my natural dad instinct kicks in I must brag about my child's accomplishments obviously here we go that's my old next-door neighbor oh my god dad child proud of brag off go on Daisy total about yourself Oh God um I oh you should be Daisy ah that's my girl Amanda get in there okay okay okay equal HP what should we do right that's daughter you can't select another daughter no Connor daughters Amanda is your only daughter okay Frank what items do we have always look the grade car oh the child art the band-aid the spelling bee photo Spelling Bee photos oh cool I mean that's quite iconic yeah yeah let's whack him out right now fumbling through your phone's browser you must pull up a photo of amanda winning her 10th grade spelling bee Wow congratulations Amanda DS is getting prepped for and your spelling bee right now hopefully this will be her third win in a row yikes hey China what a nerd Daisy just started as a weekly chess school about her elementary school computer lab she's the president to us Oh God dang my high school doesn't have a chess club or a computer lab oh my god right now okay Bragg let's just write for Bragg and I'm here just recently won a photography war it was an amazing lady baby no idea Wow congratulations BAM mazing slaps great card band-aid or child art oh I feel like the child's quite nerdy but they might not be arty and one points with the Department of photography so there's just bust out if you're good we'll fill your wallet to reveal a tiny copy of a drawing of a cornucopia Amanda did in the first great huge said Brian it isn't very impressive but a man that genuinely appreciates you holding on to it okay yes yes we regained it come on Daisy sold enough candy bars this year to get the top prize a canoe we're taking it out next weekend yeah how is that even possible and under could barely get one of those sticky hand things oh my god we lost 20 oh sure okay okay well the item was good Monday oh I feel like that okay band-aid let's just go for band-aid with a flourish she produces a band a from your pocket take to your knee and start playing it Amanda's our boom heal the child what are you doing dad being a protective parent anyone would agree it's not usual gesture you lose 10 HP Oh oh god my punchin Daisy said her first word at 10 months daddy daddy Amanda's was potty still cute but maybe this isn't the time to bring it up okay oh my god absolutely destroyed right now okay we can't we can't flee helmet drag okay last week unprompted Amanda helped an old woman with her grocery bags it's extra powerful yes okay yes all of her adult teeth never had a cavity either oh my god and I know self-consciously pushes her lips against some teeth or bragging I'm sure you're gonna lose graciously item oh no we can't use the grade card she's obviously in there or do you want to try it try it Oh God okay ankle copy of Amanda's last grade card out of your back pocket awesome grace yes oh you really carried that around everywhere okay oh we're not out yeah or a time to all these good at by the way her math is amazing one time I actually call her to double check my numbers before I made out to swap beam oh you did that more than once that Oh doesn't this say more about him that is about Daisy still you lose time a beach boy it's been such a treat getting to meet you too Oh we failed so hard you have to add an insult to injury by being such a gracious winner what a dick honestly and here's the Corki no yes Brian I'm told Oaks he's got a corgi he has a corgi but I'll just date him to like hang out with the Corgi can we adopt date him adopt the Corgi and then break up with you yes so what a could you guys are new to the neighborhood we just moved in do you live around here what's the offensive for me to stereotype a ginger as Irish yeah it's the green shirt as well I was like shamrock said oh yeah we live in the cul-de-sac down next to the coffee shop what a coincidence that's where we live - OH dun dun duun small world yeah Daisy and I are in that little ranch-style house on the corner I know that house it's just like ours but slightly bigger and better landscape oh this guy's down outdo me at everything I mean let's just get our own Corgi that's a doctor Corki no no okay well I don't want to take up any more of your time really nice meeting you guys you'll have to stop by at some point yeah definitely bye no no we hate him Ryan and Daisy walk further into the park with Maxwell happily trotting along in tow dildey is done right now do you get the feeling it was trying to one-up us trying and succeeding a couple of that kids only ten what was I even doing a her age I believe you had a bit of a thing for horses shame that didn't pan out could imagine in comparative horse studies it's not too late to minor in a horse creative writing I Droid reader possible yeah fanfiction that many people out there too close to the truth dad let us never again speak of the fantastic adventures of surf Washington the brave and epic in seven parts by Amanda les towel we laugh off the horse epic and walk around the park a bit more enjoying the day okay well should we go do now I feel like coffee is important I gotta get my hands on a nice cover the old bean we all sing juice useless all day okay I think we passed a coffee shop on the way here maybe we could check that out let's do it stop eating those chocolate coffee beans by the way I've had like 17 more today it was really bad we walked down the street to the coffee spoon cute little place on the corner mmm man this is such a convenient walking distance from our place I mean I guess what's wrong why would it go somewhere else a drink coffee on the couch when I could just drink better coffee at home on my own couch Wow to make awkward eye contact with other people ro dildey my god you're on that soon at least when I'm home some random guys are gonna come to us let's settle recline in next to me and I won't feel like this little weird about it because technically he's not sitting at my table but it's very much within my personal zone why would people sit next to you barrier dad what's the etiquette when you have a dirty moment is there a bin do you just go set it up on the counter because you don't know where else to put it I do that I just leave it by like the fin everyone's like waiting for that drink yeah they're like you're a man I'm like Park am I being helpful or am I just not showing up everyone's life or do you leave it that and feel a face flush hot with Seamus you consider the possibility that there is in fact a bin somewhere outside and now you're just the jerk who left then my dad he just afraid to meet new people yes an underexposed we want inside okay here we go oh my god the dads with the Toma the glasses yeah the piercing good layering on the outfit definitely and reasonable prices for breakfast something there's a dollar 25 the inside of the coffee shop is incredibly warm and inviting and vinyl records line the walls and the matrons lounge around on the well-worn couch it seems to cool this little cool tune spin on a record player next to the little stage we need someone that's not boasting and someone that's not too cool yeah okay welcome to the coffee spoon guys how's it going it seems like his voice husky voice what's it the name oh it's a it's kind of dumb it gets mentioned in this poem I like and I thought it was a good idea at the time and I suppose now it's still a good idea because like the business is still running but people asked me in a question all the time and I give them the same so every time and I'm standing here rambling and I'm sure we're getting more and more uncomfortable tomorrow keep talking but mammer in and out I can't stop Wow intense this guy is like if I'm in real life I'd be like my I can't hold this conversation so what'll it be I scan the chalkboard menu and I'm immediately overwhelmed I'll have a course we do black coffee ice taken and Sarah or Cheyenne twords get the triangular we need that some Zeff style afternoon drink I see we like love okay spicy I don't get it oh it's a perm d' Antwoord is a south african i got the wrong they're pretty well known for their evocative imagery and hyper stylized music videos their music is catchy as it is disturbing why is it disturbing okay I'm doing the thing again yeah everything right up and for you he's a guy that's like yeah I'm gonna name drops yourself that band that I'll have a macchiato DeMarco please coming right up do you and that in a small medium or biggie smalls medium the puns are good day I respect that wait is but you smalls big or small I should change that should night yeah Matt sets off to making our drinks and Amanda and I take a seat on one of the stools no I said couches how did that what's his deal let the man make his poem there's the cool of banth and you listen to anyway okay am i oh wow I thought about listening to cool music it's about enjoying the music that you like hey hey sky was cool once the couch is actually pretty comfy maybe don't comfier than our couch it's alright good lumbar support you sing right into it these things are important okay it's computer knockout mmm-hmm this place is right next to our house and that guy seems not only cool but also just as uncomfortable to talk he's certainly weird maybe you should totally become friends with him uh I don't know come on what do we say about meeting new people I can't meet new people if I always stay aside and don't go outside and also don't talk to people true see we're making progress Matt sets our drinks down at the table and I immediately burn the roof of my mouth literally may I make thanks to the copic oh hi wouldn't you in the neighborhood Monday and this is my dad bill D you want to come by what my daughter's hanging out around the shop you to make it alarm yeah I'm sure we'll maybe come in from time design and under kicks my leg from under the table oh I'm sure we'll be in here a lot you know what let me get you guys opinion on something max goes into the back and comes back with a fresh plate of something that's melted me okay I'm about there sued I'm working on a new banana bread recipe yes take that box okay he's immediately winning points back and I need help coming up with a name for it well I think we're gonna have to taste test it first so we can get the full flavor profile of you know and really appreciate the flavor sensations of Amanda nods vigorously she knows this game yeah we need to give that Nana better taste if you want us doing free creative labor I think that would be commensurate with a total well we are trained for this day I was just gonna give you guys free banana bread in a way right yes that that services up eat two-piece Amanda and I happily chow down oh this is amazing Thanks the secret ingredient is bananas Wow so any ideas I'm stumped well I think I might only be able to give you dad banned puns but I'll give it a shot okay none of bread Kennedy's with a grateful banana bread all right said banana bread I like right said banana bread it flows off the tongue with no brush holder the right said banana bread yeah that's that's quite like Right Said Fred but you know is about banana bread I think the youngsters would like it is by not getting it that actually has a nice ring to it really exactly Yeah right said banana bread strong decisions that's art baby no I don't say baby because I thought it would sound cool though I said it I realized that a dish doesn't sound good coming out of my mouth and maybe I should just leave singing baby to the profession he's just as all parties okay working well on the fence I don't know how to feel runs a coffee shop bit of a hipster is socially awkward gives you banana bread it's I think it's looking mostly good I don't know and then the last I don't enjoy your coffee thanks baby definitely see it sounds good when you say it oh the rugged man has entered the room across the way a man catches my eye he says by himself brooding over a cup of coffee our eyes only meet just for a moment dark and mysterious I'm liking it I hastily look away hoping you didn't catch me staring who is that we finished up our drinks and head out wow thanks for stopping in take care okay now that we're full of caffeine wet - hmm unpacking or nap I think unpacking unpacking I've got all on my plate right now did you know that moving is one of the biggest sources of stress for adults Wow I mean we we are we adults cuz we it was quite surprisingly is it right behind it the constant fear that you smell bad and everyone's too polite to tell you probably do I smell bad no oh it says it here oh my god and it gives me a whiff you find pops let's go home I'm just thinking about that dark and mysterious stranger right now I don't know about you definitely the most intriguing part of the story - early I get to work on packing the various boxes around the living room a couple hours pass and I get some good work done before our dryer unit is both washing and drying we can actually walk through the living room without tripping over boxes how if we still got boxes probably we've still got bogies throw out those boxes that things balanced on yeah I like the pink flamingos that a duck or is it a pelican what's going on there I don't know man there was some succulents Xbox 360 nice it's looking good first visits are already oh no I walk over to the door and open it hell out is the strange boy handsome clean-cut man stands at my door brandishing a plate of cookies yes the hell out of my life he's too perfect already that's okay I said okay maybe we'll get to know him robot and he'll be really nice robot but I'm judging him by his appearance right now okay oh where are my manners my name is Joseph I'm your next-door neighbor oh yes hi I'm dildey that's what my name is I thought I saw the moving van and thought I'd bring over some cookies - my breath of Christie wanted me to let you know she baked them herself Joseph clean another daughter boasting I hope not but between you and me she just sprinkled in the chocolate chips hahahahahahaha Wow cookies huh so nice to meet you Jerry's a hand roll ace of cookies with a smile dot dot well thanks for the cookies bye-bye doggies that's my daughter her name's Amanda she's a charmer daughters are tough sons are also tough chill general are just tough I hear that I mean there have to be something wrong with you to raise more than two I have four kids man don't worry he didn't mean to be rude oh no this is the first neighbor I've met and my social life is already a tailspin I wonder if it's too late to move again yeah just move pack up get going again burn this maybe uh yeah okay is the missus around mister actually and walks maybe no not anymore he died died oh that makes this so tragic like doing the kangaroo jokes early this means that like it's not like they broke up it means that he died and now they're trying to move on with their life a fresh start and imagine how difficult it must be for dildey to go out there and date some new dad yeah be part here with big he died oh well let's see oh I'm sorry for your loss no no it's all right wow this is uncomfortable we stand there quietly for a moment acutely aware about what could we both meet things mm-hmm I'm sorry can you close the door real quick I look at Joseph quizzically become key so I look at Joseph where's the key you comply after a second I hear a knock on the door opening it I see Joseph standing there with a huge smile hey I'm your new neighbor Joseph I promise not to talk about your dead spouse this time I'll ask you for the cul-de-sac and I'd love for you to come by and meet the rest of the neighborhood's our neighborhoods neighborhoods in our community what do you say pal that sounds great my daughter reminder and I would love to stop by I liked that time flippin thing I've done that with Louise before when she was upset let's just pretend you mean you mean the time Louise was upset and made everybody yet leave the room and come from yeah yeah that was that was the thing we'd like to stop by mm-hmm I feel like he's redeeming himself also for kids is a perfectly normal amount of children to have we shake hands and seal the deal well neighbor I'll see you at 3:00 p.m. sharp on Saturday sure thing neighbor Wow put it away guys this starts walking away but stops for a second and turns around who stops a thing for a second like like what's he gonna do here we go oh my god oh my god hey in all seriousness raising a kid on your own can't be easy if you ever need to talk about stuff I'm the youth minister to Church down the street oh I don't know I wouldn't really consider myself a youth okay you look pretty young to me but suit yourself what is that way that wing the youth minister for the church and a foot cookies dresses very posh Lee way too well-groomed knowing trust will also have the confidence to redo a conversation all of these daddy's a mixed bag yeah oh my god Jackie butt was too boastful yeah one was a hipster but was really meek and dude stuff and then this guy just he's the bloody angel he's an angel not a dark see also angels are terrible stop feeling bad by comparing yourself to an angel dark secret with that Joseph's gone he seemed nice Amanda walks back into the living room alive by him and cook your hands literally me that was the smoothest recover I've ever seen I should be taking notes see you're already fitting in great where those cookies go they're gone I'm sorry I mean if it makes you feel any better they weren't very good Oh what whistles ooh ate all of them anyway hey I guess that makes it break time any ideas he probably wants his plate back uh-huh we have to go visit I think we got a ton of good neighbor coins if we bring this back we're gonna be the best neighbors in the whole cul-de-sac we're gonna kick all the other neighbors butts with kindness okay here we go shoot I'm not actually sure which house is his I'd hazard a guess is the big one with all of the well-groomed blonde children sitting in the yard good eye kid and remember we need to make a positive first impression here keep it light we woke up the kids and wave here we go Wow they are definitely possessed see I told you dog secret they look creepy let's just put it out there hey guys is your dad around Fiona stared blankly possessed we just wanted to return this nice plate and thank you for the cookies jeez these definitely are Joseph's kids they look exactly like him hat dot they were really good Christie I heard they were gonna didn't get to eat any and Chris Wow evil definitely I took all nervous huh there's two children well okay which let's let this play down on the ground real gentle and then back away slowly right dad right that's what we're gonna do the kids eyes bore into us as we scurry away I can feel their gaze on my back even as we approach the house well I feel like when he's going to be a youth minister he should bring an exorcist back yeah probably I need something to get my mind if there's carbon copy kids so I'm slave time for the nappy ding-dong you've been awake for I was like that's me been awake for like three hours three hours too many time for a nap okay that's three dads as we're walking home I hear heavy footsteps coming behind a mysterious man dildey bro oh god here we go I turn around and I'm greeting by familiar okay should I be this guy yeah Wow oh that baby hole doesn't like the open eye is there baby looks terrified crate bro bro wow I haven't seen craving for oh is this an act glow up since the college days it's been chilling dude yeah wow you look great haha yeah I cleaned up my act cleaned up his act are you kidding me he's riffs Amanda this is my friend Craig we went to college together Oh were roommates for a while two old college roommate just saying Amanda dude you probably don't remember me but you're so big now hello and hello cute baby ah thank you the last time I saw you I think we're about her size this is River River oh my god say hi River he picks up a tiny race and waves it around whatever gurgles happily babysitting a dude rivers my kids man it has been a long time feels like woman they were rolling up two exams with bad hangovers and the next words fathers where have you been man that hazing together yeah I was working out of California and just relocated the business back to Maple Bay business they both got matching eyebrows which I'm enjoying that's hitting maybe I go that scarf together doing something oh that's right mate no kidding Amanda and I just moved to this side of town house smashley doing I mean Ashley Ashley is her name she actually still goes by smashley and we got to last year oh dude I'm so sorry folks it's old news we take turns taking care of weather and the twins and its cover kept tick it's my chicken dance it's copasetic copasetic cook Cabana what copacetic it's copacetic twins you have three kids hey life's something bro cake Stein Craig is a father of three extent keg stand Craig oh yes my old college nickname he got it because he did a lot of keg stands was a keg stand I know a keg is I don't know a keg stand clearly I'm not Marik we didn't have the American college experience we did open the Smirnoff slam there anything you do you do understand on the Kagen and drink from the keg right he was very good at it ah I hate to be that guy but I'm in the middle of my daily jog and I really got to keep up my trails River lumpy no resistance training you talk daily I don't really Wow dildey is just every person probably on the Internet in YouTube and the community watching them on January 1st where I promised myself I'm just gonna jog daily for the rest of the year by give up 30 minutes and just walk home wow so relatable well it's never too late to get back into a dude you should join me sometime hahaha how's he so ripped have you never drugs oh come on it'd be fun we could grab breakfast afterwards ketchup we could do a bro brunch like the good ol row brunch all right chef why do we never have brunches great let's get that going soon I better get moving good to see you guys Craig gives a little wave puts his airboats back in and jocks off jog on Craig John Craig Jesus public Jake accompany Craig is ripped and has kids I'm reeling why is that the Craig I knew is not fit to be responsible for any living thing including and especially himself one time I watched him drink an entire jar of marinara sauce for dinner amazing man he opened up a new jar of marinara sauce and then he drank it like it was a thing that normal people do it was like unholy and then I asked him what the hell he was doing and he said it's basically a smoothie bro and there's like just stuff in that isn't that I mean technically he's not wrong he jogs he was jogging he's like a totally different person anyway we better get home I've got plenty of times reflect on how old I feel later Wow for neither I plop onto the couch amanda has to shove some empty boxes out the way before she can sit boom too bad we're gonna be putting my stuff right back in these boxes in a few months oh don't say oh my god she's leaving to go to college must be dildey though making a life for himself yeah that's why he needs to get out there I think so Oh dad it's gonna be okay I'll be fine no I know it's just you're my little girl it's gonna be weird not having you around I'll come visit and I'll text you every day and I'll take lots of pictures I mean obviously I'm a photography major you promise of course are you gonna be okay by your lonesome oh come on I'll be fine okay dog or something yeah dog forget art school I'll stay for the dog yes that one's gonna take medium-sized dog hankerchief around the neck I get to name it that's what it'll cost for me to give up on my dreams I'm a woman of simple wants and needs well a dog is a lot cheaper than college whoo ha ha suddenly the realization of the truth only a pile of envelopes slides through the mail slot speaking of college Oh Amanda doll soaks the envelope shuffles through them she calls I won out and throws the rest back on the floor she has an idea where she wants to go this is from McGowan College of Art and Design open it but I'm scared it's just an envelope yeah it's just like my entire future not a big deal she takes a deep breath let's open with our teeth we have a letter opener but okay I hold my breath away and his eyes dart back and forth scanning the letter what's he say the admissions committee has read replication blah blah blah we face drops no inform you that we are unable to offer your admission to McGowan College of Art and Design and Earth where is the letter on the coffee table Oh sweetie it's okay I kind of saw it coming I know shouldn't have put that experimental stuff in my portfolio their admissions officer told me they just want to see portraits or whatever I pull a man during for a big hug you're too cool and unique commander and Harding photographer I know how much work you put into your portfolio some other school is gonna want to snatch you up for sure yeah I know it's fine you actually find are you just saying that you're fine I'm fine really her face says the opposite but I probably shouldn't push her on this boo boo boos and don't forget that you have that meter with my English teacher tomorrow all right mister Vega he's like yep totally rabid I'll be there okay stop stop we've had our first day time wire in the life of this daddy dating utopia so there's three times we've met we've met Craig we've met Ryan Ryan Matt and Matt mysterious guy and one guy was he gold obviously made a good impression the blonde guy who was your favorite I think my favorite was coffee shop guy Matt really yeah because he was bundle II he makes banana bread I don't the baking and the analyze it definitely is he to cool or is it good for old college roommate I mean if he was drinking marinara sauce out of the bottle I don't think he's the date though I think he's he's the bro he's just the friends that you need I think the blonde guy is interesting he's a robot he is suspicious and he has two creepy kids everybody needs a nice attitude okay somebody that has the confidence and wants to make you happy Robbie doing a situation yes who that's who dildey needs in his life even if they have satanic children okay um this was surprisingly emotional yes quite into it him invested are you invested let us know but we haven't even been any meat yeah it's just like the prologue of the game so what's next I mean you tell us I don't know if you like watching this you all better than you pay us to do it so they train you playing dream daddy if you do give us a thumbs army let us know in the comments yeah let us know what you think based on our choices yeah and maybe we'll see you in the future for some actual daddy dating with dildey I'm sorry mistake if we play this game again you want to know what happens next so all that subscribe button you can watch our last video we did some intense detective work my channels are also clickable if you're know when we're not playing video games until then get out there and meet new people and get a dog bye
Channel: DanAndPhilGAMES
Views: 3,326,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dan and phil, dan and phil games, danisnotonfire, amazingphil, phil lester, dan howell, gaming channel, video games, computer games, games, funny, danandphilgames, let's play, footage, gameplay, guide, review, montage, secrets, rage, friends, banter, two guys, best of, 2014
Id: ZVaMPibvC6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 37sec (2557 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2017
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