COME TO DADDY | Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator - Part 1

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🎵 Dream Daddy, 🎵 (Whoopsh!!) Top of the mornin' to ya laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye, and welcome to "Dream Daddy: a Dad Dating Simulator" I'd be surprised if none of you knew what this was by now It's the game that the Game Grumps are making; this is actually kinda loud. "Liquor before beef, you're in the clear" *Laughing* Okay, It's the game made by the Game Grumps and spearheaded by Vernon Shaw, who are all very close friends of mine And I love them so ever very dearly. I actually spent time with them like two days ago. We did the LA live show with them, and that was an absolute blast And we've all been waitin for this game to come out... I know I have. I've been super fucking excited about it. It was supposed to come out.. I was gone to LA for a week, by the way, just before. This is like the first thing I'm recording while I'm back. There's a lot going on, there's a lot to explain. And it was was supposed to come out the day after I went there... I was actually worried that everyone would have finished the game by now and found their dreamboat dad. All without me and I would have been left alone finding dads all on my ownsome when I came back, but some shit went down and they couldn't release the game when it was supposed to be released... And they got very beat up about it and.. they pulled themselves together.. and they came back strong and the game is finally out and I'm so very incredibly proud of them for pulling this out because when I talked to them the amount of love and passion that they have for this project like they really truly believe in it.. And it was absolutely inspiring to be around and I just cannot wait to get into it. The art style is amazing the music is already amazing From what I've seen the writing is amazing, and I'm just really excited! I want to find my dream hunk dad: it's going down. I'm also repping the merch. Which is also a crop top So that looks amazing and I'm feeling so sexy in it I've also got a tiny little bit of whiskey Ahhhh. "Don't eat too close to your bedtime." That's a great dad tip. So enough talking! It's time to get in and fucking mess with some dads! It's time to get in and find my dream hunk dad Don't- oh wait I couldn't even read that dad tip. Ok, here we go. I don't know what dream dad I want I think I'm kind of leaning towards the ginger-bearded, like big, burly man bear dad. He looks really cool I want to be part of him. Uhhh, ok. *snores* Amanda: Dad! *continues snoring* "A: Dad, wake up!" Wake up, *laughing* pretend to be dead, five more minutes. Of course I'm gonna pretend to be dead! That's the best option! "I let my tongue roll out of my mouth and stop breathing. Amanda shakes me." "A: Come on. Dad this doesn't worked on me since I was six." "Main Character: I'm sorry, Amanda." "MC: This is the end for me." "A: Dad. I swear to God." "MC: Amanda, I bequeath to you all of my earthly possessions." "MC: Spread my ashes over my recliner." Tell everyone why I died doing what I love: dreaming about boats! "A: Okay, well your corpse better get into the moving van because it's leaving soon." Oh Amanda. I still have this off *chuckles* "I finally open my eyes and sit up." "I'm lying in the middle of the living room spooning a moving box." '"I yawn, and stretch." "MC: Morning, Manda Panda." You're cool. I fuckin love the art style. Look how clean and nice and well shaded all of this is. *laughing* I also know that some of the- Well I know some of the artists who have made some of the characters in the game. And I was already a huge fan of the artists so it's cool to see a game made around their style. "A: Yikes dad breath. Go brush your teeth..." Okay. "Eat plenty of carbs tonight before a big game." *laughing* "Build that dad!" Aah yes!! Okay! Oh this is gonna be fun. Build that dad! Okay- Right what do I look like? The bod? What kind of hot bod? There's a dad half, that's like- I could be ridiculous! I was thinking being ridiculous and making a dad that just looks hilarious But I think I'm going to build a dad that looks like me I think I want to build a Dad the represents who Jack is Also, my hair's a darker green now every time I wash it it starts to turn blue That's a long story, I'm not gonna leave it for right now, um- As white as possible as milky, pasty, Super Glue white as we can make me Um, hair? Hell yeah, hair. Heads! Um, I have a tiny little round bean head. I'm a little cue ball, so- That's not bad Yeah, there we go, a little more round Shadow? Ooh, we can have a five o'clock shadow! Okay, that might work! That's not the facial hair I actually have but we'll see what happens Hair- oh yes Oh, I can be Danny Sexbang It actually looks a lot like Danny Sexbang right now What else do you got? What's my hairstyle? What do I look like? Nailed it, okay first of all we have to turn it green There we go. Oh man, I wish that was my hairstyle. I wish I could pull off that hair style I wish I had the patience to let my hair grow that long This is kind of like my hair. This is what my hair was before I got a cut so this is not current Oh, man, look how good that looks This is kind of my hair from a while ago, but not right now. I could be Goku! I want to be Goku! Oh! That's not what I look like though. I think this- this one Is kind of more my style. It's kind of more what my hair looks like now, it's a bit too short None of them are a perfect match This is a thinning hairline If this was filled out then that would be perfect Mybe we should go for cornrows, be like Sean Paul Um, right, eyes. Oh, damn I can just be straight up heart eyes Heart eyes, mothefucker I could be Saitama *laughing* or just a straight up cat Okay, first we have they make them blue Blue as the ocean! Flash and with them baby blues And I will get any dad that I want! Also, disclaimer! There's gonna be a lot of daddy thrown around There's going to be a lot of talk about- Eugh, there's a fucking spider on my neck.. eugh... There's going to be a lot of talk about fucking dads! There's going to be a lot of very erotic stuff happening from Dad to Dad If you're uncomfortable with that, this isn't for you. This is going to be very painful experience for you. But I am very excited! Um- What eyes do we want... yeah- That's actually starting to look a lot like me. That's kinda scary Nose yeah, it's already on a button nose That's what I have! A lil-A little booper! Um... that or that? What do I have? I think I'm more like that right? It's kind of like that. I don't know- wait. Side by side. Does it look like me? I think so um Um, noses? Yeah that'd be good Mouth? I think... oh man... This is my face. All the time. Hello! Or I could be- *laughing* It reminds me of- if any of you've seen that meme of the girl going "I smell like beef..." Or when she goes "I SMELL LIKE BEEEF!" *laughing* Oh, I can be a mlem mlem Actually met a dog in LA, the day we flew back. Yesterday- because you loose a day coming back But there was three dogs when we were having breakfast and we were getting coffee and everything there was three dogs standing there And it was a pug in the middle- the other two dogs were absolutely gorgeous, but the pug was going around like And made me want to touch him, his name was Apollo Or was that Henry? I can't remember Um... Oh, I could be a fucking badass! Making me look like a sexy sultry dad Um, I think this is good. I don't think any of the rest of them suit me Brows- oh, give me bushels of apples on my face. I have some mad bastard untamable eyebrows My main hair is like It looks black, but it's actually like really really really dark brown which would be something like that But I don't know if that actually looks good Actually, it's starting to look like me. it just needs to thicken out the hair Here we go! Facial hair! It doesn't have my actual facial h- ok, this is well That's looking good! I look like Doctor Disrespect. Oh man, I'd look so good with a fucking viking beard! Smuggle out some some paraphernalia in that! But I think This is more like me. Oh, that's looking good! That is the epitome of fucking manhood and sex right there. Sometimes I've been a glass Sometimes I wear a glass on with it like a little smelly boy and but not today anything what me think maybe today I just go with nothing What do you think this voice come from no pair? Take it starting to look good oh oh oh That's there we fucking go yes. Can I use the have them in my ears. I don't have them anymore though Just take the fucking piercing of himself my head why not? Um alright ok clothing. Oh, you can't be naughty sex bang. Oh, I wanted Sobered Or I can go like business casual all looking good Daddy said the guy Looking very fucking good what what's a nice shirt as well? This is kind of something that we're in real life I actually have a shirt in this shape, not wearing it right now, but it's blue oh There it is there it is everyone. I don't need see the rest nipple eggs Nipple eggs are so good. That's all I need looking good Daddy Well better oh, ho named dad dad. Oh I could get real fucking bad with this ah I Kind of want it to be me though, so I pull out my own head one I'm fine. I want him to be me sorry about that, so I guess yes, we call jack "Jack Daddy." It's like a mac daddy, but it's a jack daddy, and that itself is a dad joke There we go be that Dad Yeah, okay, you can say bookmarks directly to your desktop Wait what you can? Why you may never known this okay? Ten minutes into the episode. We're actually starting the game, okay, Amanda Did you fall asleep packing? I don't want boys to give her No, because they have their voice, but all to do is like hmM huh that kind of softer you kind of get an inflection of what their voice sounds like so It's it'll be a teething process. I got most of it done. I think this is jack, so I'm going to give him my voice Searching around the room. It looks like I did a pretty good job every box the seals except for one weight Straggler HMM What's in it? Looking into the box. I see a bunch of old photos and little photo album All right Okay, this is her voice apparently whoa. I haven't seen these in years What I wanted to do see albums from the top of the pile, and we begin looking through it all right fucking adorable Look at you, Manda. Oh you do know mmM Yeah, that's the coolest baby. I've ever seen The only way your father and I had the only way your mother and I Know I think father this is a dad dating game. I'm going all in on this father and father here we go looks like Flowey the Only way your father and I could get you to stop crying with to put those sunglasses on you Whenever we try to take them off you start crying again You spent the first two years of your life with sunglasses on nice Ha ha ha it looks like reptar Halloween when you were baby 4 oh My God that dragon cost you You couldn't decide between being a princess or a dragon so you went with both princess dragon? Why do I remember carrying? Why do I remember crying in that dragon costume? you saw yourself in the mirror and realize you were afraid of dragons seeing yourself in flight, the Dragon's mouth with a realization of your greatest Fear I think That's it. Yeah, I'd be afraid of that as well, so I like that you have yellow eyes right yep, definitely rest that memory and This was you in your horse face. Oh Manda I don't know what to say, but you're cute in all iteration Dad I Believe you named that plush horse sir horsing pin the brave my girl my baby girl, but that's the naming Scheme I could be proud of I Don't think that was his amanda lunges for the photo But I quickly snatch it away, and hold it above her head with my superior data. Yeah For Chris superior plus one bicep down arms nice try with this important blackmail mail for later down the Road. Oh You look like Vernon I'm gem sure vernon would actually take that as a compliment. So love you, buddy Go ahead and try me. I've seen pictures of you in your scab and ouch kid Thus Communist manifesto Had a chance back to the deck I Look off into the distance and reminisce about a rad horn section Hey, it's Emma p No, dad. That's Emma our I didn't meet Emma P until high school Honey, I promise you wholeheartedly But I will never stop mixing those two off Dad Emma or it's been my best friend since I was seven give it like a little bit of effort. Oh Right Emma P was the one who tried to steal people's pets. Why? fired a flaming tennis ball at the police station Pooped her pants during sleepover as funny as this is I'm gonna have to go with the most obnoxious and the most flamboyant of gestures Lighter Fluid Tennis ball tennis racket, right Dad that was you All right, I was a wild shot Also, Random I Was six when you did it? Okay, Amanda I wasn't aiming for the police station that just happened that there was a police station in the vicinity of where I wanted to hit A flaming tennis ball is all my fault Yeah, I remember you explaining that to the police. They didn't believe me either Anyway, I gotta show this to Emma or later. She'll get a kick out of it The first photography awards you ever won. That's a good one. You look like a disney character right there? Oh I like you Amanda. I also like your pins I bought a shit ton of pins when I was in La because we went to Disneyland... They bought it like Spider-Man pins and Sarah Wars pins Yeah, and it got us a $20 gift card to make Fridays and then you got food poisoning from the cheesy toast had a blast ah Totino's Pizza Rolls not sponsors I Think you mean food poisoning, you know with the z dad Some can't try plasmic Fridays without gagging hMM I'm okay, so proud of you though Amanda reaches deep down into the box and pulls out one last photo. Oh Neither of us say a word. We stare at the photo for a long moment. I finally decide to break the silence This is the day you were born to the day. We adopted you Yeah It's kind of a funny story, then we brought you home. We got into a car accident Funny says humor their dad. It was lighting big just a little fender bender in the parking lot But of course I was freaking out and the little old lady who crashed into us was freaking out And I didn't know what to do but your father. Oh man He holds my hand, and he looked me directly in the eyes the chemists. I've ever seen him he says It's okay. It's all going to be okay He was right, you know I? stare at the picture for Longer maybe too Long I Miss him. I can't even imagine what it must be like for Amanda. She pat's me on the back Come on. Pop. We got to finish packing the moving van won't wait forever You're right Where you go ah? the music it's fucking catchy I like it a man donate pile into the car and take one last look at the old house, so Many memories here. I believe your father, and I bought this place almost 20 years ago Hey, Remember when I shattered the front window playing catch You always had very strong arms. Just like Daddy's Hey, hey, Remember when I shattered the other front window pretending to be a robot who breaks windows You were a very imaginative child Yeah, hey, remember when I broke the back window plate we get it Amanda you break stuff. That's my girl And there will be plenty more stuff for me to break in the new place Remember II used to make and stuff to break hey you ready We sit in silence for a moment I watched my daughter grow up in this house it would forever hold a place in my heart But it stings a little bit to leave it behind I'm ready The moving van begins to pull away, and I get the car into position to follow it. I watch our house our old house disappear into the Rearview mirror so So what? So so me unearned cool new Pad. I Clear my throat and do my best cheesy announcer voice oh good scotch Nestled in beautiful scenic Downton mabel. They are new house features washer and Dryer hookups a two-car garage multiple places to sleep Not only are there bedrooms for your sleeping pleasure, but couches and floor space where you can. Yes catch a wink What a deal, I mean, if sleep weren't for the weak. Oh, I might be dead. Oh!! Just like real life Daddy!!! (YES!!! Sleep is for the WEAKKK!) Sleep is FOR THE WEAK!. They've been saying that for years Amanda. Oh, I love this oh manny. You're my favorite oh!!!! Thanks to my heart!! (Yes That's right Jack!) You seek more than anyone. I know I admit my fault pops. I keep it real Anyway, it's also smaller than our last house cozier one, Might Argue I Love this girl Always seeing the silver lining on a silver cloud wrapped in silver tinfoil stabbed with a fucking silver fork going into a silver tooth mouth That's how much silver lining. She sees it's been All right I think it's great what we be closer to a lot of cool stuff that we can walk to so I don't have to Waste gas and I mean trying to Park downtown is you know? Amanda you know you're going to have to learn how to parallel park at some point, right? not Gonna Happen Pop I Think someone needs to do a three-point turn on their attitude the daddy parents are on. I don't know how to do that either Have you met the neighbors yet? Not yet, but the neighborhood seems pretty quiet So you won't have to chase any rowdy teams off your lawn? You were the very teen you mock when you say that honey, huh I? Love how I made the dad look younger almost from the girl I'm in my last year of high school. I'm practically dust Yeah, you're a real Don't you dare? Senior Dad I know where this is going citizen I'm just going to ignore that But I won't forget it So what's item number one on the new house Agenda? Well first We need to forge a path through the solid wall of boxes that's blocking the living room Slips and saw the washer and dryer. We need to go grocery shopping pop call your jacks You have to promise me that we're going to take a break and explore the neighborhood Okay, okay, you're right forget some work daughter then check the area Sounds like a good idea. I like our new house ah We put up to the new house and step outside the lawn is freshly mown and the for sale sign Is still in the yard is it I? Don't see it Yeah, and with a swift kick from Amanda the for sale sign is no more Nice form sweetie. I got a problem with Authority I'm so proud Man all that karate chopping tuckered me out. I could really go for a sandwich. We're gonna wish you on girl an Ice-cream sandwich that sounds awesome, but sweetie. It's kid. I am We jump Pack first I need to get some coffee AsaP But you even see all the dogs in the park nearby I would love to go like a dog But Daddy needs his coffee daddy daddy daddy fucking these new fucking fresh pot is what daddy needs You know what the problem is right now fuck the problem. Is there's none hundred fresh pot around fresh Black I Gotta get my hands on a nice hot cup of the old bean juice Ryan Gonna be useless all day Yeah, Daddy needs old cup of dirty Bean water I Think we passed the coffee shop on the way here. Maybe we can check that out Let's do it. Ha ha I'm changing it higher make sure the tighten Didn't fucking see it We worked under straight at the coffee spoon a cute little place on the corner. I read man This is such a convenient walking distance from our place. I mean I guess What's wrong? Why would I go somewhere else and drink coffee on a couch? When I could just drink better coffee at home on my own couch, and I'd have to make awkward eye contact with other people Way to be introverted man At least when I'm home some random guy isn't going to come up and sit on the recliner next to me And I won't feel like a little weird about it because technically he's not sitting at my table But he is very much within my own personal zone. You know got a hit fuck appease he clear HmM, Dad I'm not getting it when you have a dirty milk. Is there bin Do you go set it up on the counter because you don't know where else to put it? or you leave it there and seeing your face flush hot with the shame as you consider the Possibility that there is in fact have been somewhere to start a site and now you're that jerk who left their mold Dad are you just afraid to meet new people? Yes, oh my gosh We walk inside ha ha ha oh Who is this tall handsome slice of Beefcake? I see before me the inside of the coffee shop is incredibly warm and inviting Vinyl records laying the walls and Patrons lounge around on well warning couches Some cool June Spin on a record player next to a little stage Hey, welcome to the coffee spoon guys. How's it going? You looks like Lucy oh I'm just saying can't stop won't stop can't stop won't stop can't stop won't stop. Why are you so angry? You know I? Think I'm Gonna have to give you a lucille voice or at least my best estimation wear loose your voices. What's with the name? Hey, dude whoo hey, Dude, I Got no heart flustered. Oh-ho. It's about to get daddy up in here. Oh it's a it's kind of dumb Gets mentioned in this poem I like and I thought it was a good idea at the time and I suppose now It's still a good idea because like the business is still running So people ask me that question all the time and it give them the same answer every time and I'm standing here Rambling and I'm sure we're all getting more and more comfortable the more I keep talking about Talking but man. We're in it now, and I can't stop can't stop won't stop he's also got gauges in his ears ok It's also gonna be hard to do Daddy voices because I don't have a dad voice. I'm very cartoony over-the-top voice And all these guys are going to be like hey I'm a dad So and they're all going to sound too similar, so they might sound a little cartoony So what'll it be? I've got the chalkboard menu and I'm immediately overwhelmed I will take squiggled for 450 please I'll have a God speed you black coffee. Oh That's the name of the fucking the coffee. I thought he was calling him black coffee It was like all g um a nice tegan and Sara and a Chai antwoord, but those are clever. I don't get this one though Hey classic was that the right answer he had hurts come out of him I? Don't get it. Oh, just like real life jack. Oh, it's a pun Godspeed you black emperor. It's really amazing and influential Progressive Rock band known for their sweeping sound escapes in hey, I'm Doing the thing again, but coming right up after you Whatever Macchiato Demarco, please Coming right up. Do you want that in small medium or big small? What about some notorious b.i.g. I want the site That's notorious b.i.g you're like fucking huge uh medium weight is biggie smalls Big or small good question uh I should change that should not Let fits to making our drinks and Amanda and I take a seat. I'm one of the couches. What's his deal? Let the man make it. I can't refuse the poison let the man make his pawn. They're cooler bands, and you listen to you anyway Hey, hey Scout was cool once This couch is actually pretty comfy. Maybe not comfier than our couch, but it's alright good Lumbar support you sink right into it Ok it's come free from a separate couch Amanda no just me. Hey this place is right next to our house and that guy seems, not only cool But also just as uncomfortable with talking to other people as you are You should totally become friends with him I Don't know Come on we say about meeting new people I Can't meet new people if I always stay inside and also don't go outside and also don't talk to people see we're making progress Let's let her drink down at our table, and I immediately burn the roof of my mouth smooth Good one Hi, we're new in the neighborhood. I'm Amanda and this is my Dad jack All right, oh pleased to meet you both You want to come by when my daughter's hanging around the shop you two might get along good with daughter, too Are you also single Dad? Yeah, I'm sure we'll maybe come in from time to time Amanda kicks my leg from under the table. I mean oh yeah, I'm sure we'll be in here a lot hey, you know what let me get your guys's opinion on something that goes into the back and comes out with a fresh plate of Something that smells amazing You got for me matt. I'm working on a new banana bread recipe, and I need help coming up with a name for it. Oh Robin Anna Bonanza A Nanner Tastic men in NnNnn turn Nanners Okay, see my options well. I think we're going to have to taste it first we can get the full Flavor profile of you know and really appreciate the flavor sensations of Amanda nods vigorously, she knows this game Yeah We need to give that nana bread a taste if you want us doing free creative labor. I think that would be commensurate with I've taught her well we've trained for this day. I Was just going to give you guys free banana bread anyway right yes that my services each Apiece Amanda and I happily I'd shout out ah This is amazing Hey, thanks. The secret ingredient is bananas who would have thought that the secret ingredient in Banana bread is Bananas some people think it's brave some people think it's actually the semen of bull, but no it's bananas So any ideas I'm stumped Banana Banana Banana, Banana banana Banana Brain it's fucking gold Well, I think I may be the only able to give you dad banned puns, but I give it a shot banana bread Kennedy's, so grateful banana bread right said banana bread He's all suck. I'ma go with this one to the right oh That was a good answer Like right said fred, but now it's about banana bread. I think the youngsters would like it despite not getting it That actually has a nice ring to it Really? Oh yeah, right said banana bread strong decision. That's our baby Yeah, I wanted to say baby because I thought it would sound cool the ones I said it. I realized that It doesn't just sound good coming out of my mouth Maybe I should just leave saying baby to the professionals. You know what I mean cancer. Won't stop Hey Enjoy your coffee Thanks, baby Thanks, baby See sound good when you say it. You know what it sounds good when you I said because I'm saying it to you Who is this mysterious? werewolf and man form Across the way a man catches my eye he sits by himself Brooding over a cup of coffee our eyes meet just for a moment I Hastily look away hoping you didn't catch me staring who is that gee? It's like those moments when you're when something crazy's goin on, but you're talking somebody and you want to look over epigenetic Oh yeah, oh, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, I agree. Yeah, oh Yeah, awesome, but you like it so blatantly obvious what you're doing. We finished up our drinks and head out. Thanks for stopping in take care Okay, now that we're full of caffeine. We're two just gonna stand here and look at Matt all day so dreamy Matt sorry to say though you might be one of the better dress dad, but you are not the one for me Just saying that should get back to unpacking let's go get some fresh air and eat a nap fresh air Please trying to Soak up all that Vitamin D. I Mean I mean the actual Vitamin I'm not talking about vitamin D as euphemism for like Venema dick Anything like that matt? I'm just saying right now. It's I know what I mean You know to make our bones? Nice and strong not not talking about like my matt the bone stitch going on at my plants not talking about my boners I'm talking more about my actual like physical Book see yeah Yeah, a skeletons are gonna get so strong. They're gonna. Hop right out of our bodies and crushed cars with their bony fingers Amanda I already have an irrational fear that my skeleton will one day escape this flesh Flesh sack and run amok Please don't encourage it object right sorry to the back Yes, let's go who are gonna. Be there, please remember to call us once an Ohio man Done, I begin a stroll through the neighborhood. I can't believe how beautiful It is outside kids are playing in the street the flowers are in bloom and the faint smell of a nearby barbeque Drift through the air this music is fantastic This place is nice Too nice. I don't trust it Good eye, honey You can never be too careful see that baby in the stroller over there government Operative fucking spy Yeah, keep sucking baby We're on to you baby like Father like daughter Also, because I was gone for a week, and I was doing like it was fucking craziest, busiest week I've had in a really long time my voice is kind of strained And it's like the first day back recording and it's the first thing I'm recording and all that kind of jazz and it's actually 4:00 a.m. Right now as I'm recording this so stuff is kind of all topsy-Turvy So my voice isn't like as good as it should be We walked for a while and eventually end up at a small park Toddlers chased each other through the playground and dogs of all shapes and sizes romp through the grass It's pretty crowded, but Amanda's spots a nice empty bench. We start to make our way over to it when Heads up! Ow fucking jesus, holy God oh oh That's Gonna leave a mark Ow, a frisbee suddenly hits me in the face *bark* A Corgi with a neat plaid handkerchief tied around his neck bones up to me wagging. It safe. It's fuckin cute Hello, did you throw that thing in my head? I like your necktie *bark* It runs around on a circle, and nudges my leg with its nose. Oh, God. This is the cutest dog Can I help you Impart upon a part upon me your wisdom tiny dog *barks* How long do I have left? How did you know dean tomorrow's lottery numbers? How did you know whoo? My God this dog knows more than it lets on you. Definitely could have caught that oh Yes, oh yes, it's my daddy. Oh, it's my dream. Honk. Look at that sexy bear oh I got in a hawaiian shirt chugs over to us and takes the frisbee from Oh, you talk like this. You know frisbees are traditionally caught with your hands not your face Well, you're traditionally not supposed to have aim for people's heads. Send you technique. I'll catch you with my teeth next time oh It's a new technique develop. It myself. You just grab it with your big man eyebrows It's like this golf, but the goal is my face looks like you're winning I'm just messing with you. I'm Bryan by the way I'm Jack and this is my daughter Amanda. I look over at Amanda only to find her sitting on the ground rubbing the dogs, Tommy Could call Amanda can't Tap Lamia hi, your dog's cool ah Oh Maxwell sure loves the attention You know when I saw this guy first I was going to give him the old lake it's great to see another father and daughter out here in such a sunny day Because that kind of I thought he'd be more gruff but the voice that the head developers gave him is kind of a It's great to see another father and daughter out here in such a sunny day Where's yours? Bryan gestures over to a grassy knoll breann girl sits on a checkerboard blanket She's reading a book bigger than her head. She puts it down and heads over to it beeps. Oh The freckle family you guys are so fucking huge. I really love the designs in this game. I Look like this like the super thick Or they're nuts not thick with the strong like outline on them like they stand out really well against the backgrounds Fucking gorgeous game. This is daisy. She's reading the brothers karamazov Her teacher tells me that she is the reading comprehension skills of a high schooler me on the other hand I have the reading comprehension skills of Maxwell here How old is she 10 she's a precocious little youngster what oh? Do do we fuckin Pokémon battling my natural dad instinct kicks in I must brag about my child's accomplishments. Oh No It's happening It's looking at Pokemon ha ha go on Daisy tell them about yourself um That's my girl Amanda get in there Amanda. I choose you okay, okay? Jack's Hp ad Bryant HP 80 You're fucking going down Brian ain't no one out Daddy me Okay, what do we have bride this daughter can't switch daughters Amanda is your only daughter bragg item Great Harris you pull out you pull a wrinkled copy of Amanda's last grade card out of your back pocket, dad Jesus Christ Braden has 25 Hp You really carry that around everywhere ouch. Maybe it. It's kind of weird you lose 5 Hp. Hey Daisy just started a weekly chess club at her elementary school computer lab She's the president to of course Dang my eye tool doesn't even have a chess club or a computer lab you 10hp ok we're 10 ahead. We're 10 ahead. Let's do this Shy, and earn you're a prodigy Amanda. We got this you unfurl your wallet to reveal a tiny copy of a drawing of a cornucopia Amanda did in the first grade Fucking got this Cube It isn't very impressive, but Amanda genuinely appreciates you holding on to it brian loses 10. Hp you regain 20 Daisy sold enough candy bars this year to get the top price a canoe Fuck, we're taking it out next weekend How is that even possible? Man, I could barely get one of those sticky hand things How the hell did Daisy get a canoe the team is too much it's extra powerful. You lose 20. Hey treat That's fine still fucking 20 ahead bring it brian You may be the most tall handsome Sexiest ginger bearded bear of a dad I've ever seen but I am not fucking losing item Spelling bee photo fumbling through your phone's browser You managed to pull up a photo of Amanda winning her 10th grade spelling bee Wow congratulations Congratulations, Amanda Stevie is getting prepped for her annual spelling bee right now Hopefully this will be her third in a row Yikes you lose five. Hp did I mention daisy said her first word at 10 months Daddy? Amanda's was Potty Damn, I didn't raise her well still cute, but maybe this isn't the time to bring it up. You lose 10 Hp fuck ah prank Amanda here, just recently won a local photography Award whoa Congratulations plane leaves at 10 Hp daisy actually just won a statewide poetry contest you lose 15 No prank Last week unprompted Amanda helped an old woman with a grocery bag no biggie. Yes Daisy here is all of her adult teeth never had a cavity either She can chew a log like a beaver in five seconds flat show him show up daisy Amanda so consciously pushes her lips together to hide her teeth. No my beautiful daughter. You are a bouncing, baby girl You are my beautiful blossoming flower Sex or powerful you lose 20, oh fuck ah - in all honors classes this semester brain loses 10 oh Really? I'm actually taking daisies teacher talking to Daisy teacher about having her skipper grade Even Amanda kind of Bristles at that one you lose 20 hp Dang he's really got a sweet boy. I've been such a treat getting to meet you, too today else ah You have to add insult to injury by being such a gracious winner Fucking sexy eyes and great beard what a dad pod and he's also a gracious winner damn it all So I take it you guys are new to the Neighborhood uh yeah. Yeah, we just moved in do you live here? Uh? Yeah, we live in that cul-de-Sac down next to the coffee shop what a coincidence, that's where we live - small world Yeah, daisy, and I are in that little ranch-style house on the corner. I know that house It's just like ours, but slightly bigger and better landscaped does this guy have to outdo me at everything I better yeah, I bet he has a bigger dick - what a lovely play ah Well, I don't want to take up any more of your time really nice meeting you guys you'll have to stop by at some point Yeah Definitely, bye Rayna Daisy walk further into the park with Maxwell happily trotting along intro You get the feeling that he was trying to one-up us Trying and succeeding. I can't believe that kids only ten I was I even doing at her age ah Believe you had a bit of a thing for horses Hey, Shane that didn't pan out could have majored in comparative horse studies Not too late to minor in horse creative-writing. Look is that hey too close to the truth dad Let us never speak of this of the fantastic adventures of so horsing to the brave an epIc in Seven parts by Amanda Daddy Or for us. It's your second name ends up being Daddy Yeah, we laugh off. The horse. Epic a walk around the park a bit more enjoying the day go and pack Going back. We already said sleep is for the weak, but You at home. I'm going to need four hours minimum to figure out how to build my new bed And I'd like to not have to sleep on the floor tonight No way here. We go. Please remember to call us once in a while. Got that tip before Okay, what I'm going to leave this first episode of dream Daddy Such a good fucking game. I did not expect like the pokemon thing. That's a really nice touch It's really diverse and different in quirky I like that because a lot of people when this game was announced they game consonants that we were making a game when People said it was a daddy dating simulator a lot of people rolled their eyes at it because it's very easy to I Don't know to Misjudge something like that And to just blow it off as something that's weird for the sake of being weird for like Views or controversy or something like that? But from what I've heard and from what the guys have told me and from what I've seen already this Takes itself pretty seriously, and I'm glad about that It seems to have make an actual decent story going for it. The writing is good. The outside is fantastic The music was surprisingly really good. I don't know why I didn't even think about the music before Really fuckin charming. I like this game a lot. I am excited to play morbid I'm excited to meet more of the dads Let me know which of your dad's is your favorite then who's gonna be your dream Daddy Wow, thank you guys so much watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face!!! LIKE A BOSS!!! And High Five all-round!!! *Whoopsh!!-Whoosh** But Thank you guys and I Will See you dudes, IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!!!!~~ (Outros- I'm Everywhere By Teknoaxe) Daddy needs them wisdom goes down smooth
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,578,014
Rating: 4.9340048 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Dream Daddy, Dream Daddy Game, Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, Dad Dating Simulator, Jack Dad, Daddy Game, Game Grumps Game, dream daddy game grumps, dating game, dating sim, dad dating sim, walkthrough, playthrough, characters, story, voices, dads, best dad, all dads, romance, date a dad, funny, funny game, dream daddy part 1, build a dad, making a dad, character, customisation, dream daddy gameplay, full game
Id: FxMHahkKTv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 44sec (2744 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2017
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