How To Be The Best PS5 Console Streamer... Ever!

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your playstation 5 is a powerful machine and  in this video right here i'm going to show you   all the tips and tricks and things you need to  know if you want to be the best playstation 5   console streamer to platforms like twitch  and youtube this is a must-see so let's get   going what's better than being a punk how about  being a cyberpunk with cyberpunk 2077 coming out   hey it's time to make your stream look super slick  and eye-catching and nothing catches my eye more   than the brand new overlay package from own3d  the punk series to give you that bold beautiful   look to grab attention on your stream comes with  beautiful graphics and transitions that are just   going to bring your stream to the next level  don't be a punk or get punked and save some   extra cash by using my coupon codes and links  down in the video description below and now   back to the video hey hey welcome back all you  beautiful streamers wild4games here helping   you become bigger and better and in this video  we're going to go over all the tips and tricks   that i've learned to make sure that you become  the best broadcaster from your playstation 5   if you want to stream to twitch and youtube now  real quick this video is all about if you want   to stream exclusively from the playstation 5 using  the apps inside of it this is not going to go over   tips and tricks with a capture card but before  you stop watching trust me there's a lot of tips   and tricks in this video even if you use a capture  card that you're going to want to watch so let's   get started we're going to start off strong  with everything on the technical side first   all right stick with me on this one because  trust me it's a doozy with a new generation   console comes new generation tech and on the back  of your playstation 5 is an hdmi 2.1 port which   allows for more bandwidth which will give you more  clarity better resolution and allow you to enjoy   all the graphics that are in the games that  you're playing and streaming so this means   that you're gonna have to make a few upgrades yeah  one of the first things you're gonna do would be a   tv or monitor that has an hdmi 2.1 port in it  a lot of them don't have this because this is   brand new tech actually a few are only on the  market i'll do a favor and link down in the video   description below that'll take you to some and no  way can i recommend one cause i don't even own one   yet and the reason this is important is because  you're gonna be able to enjoy the game at its full   benefit and see all the the beautiful clarity  and resolution that comes through which means   you're gonna be more engaged and willing to talk  about it and give a review process of everything   that you're streaming also i mean this is just a  life upgrade for you i mean if you have all this   badass equipment you might as well enjoy it at  its most optimum when it comes to the video tech   side if you really want to stand out with your ps5  streams yeah i'm sorry you're gonna have to invest   in the playstation camera now sadly it's not that  great i've done a full review on this camera that   i recommend checking out the top right corner but  showing off your face allows you to make a genuine   connection with your audience and is gonna give  them a reason to tune in because they're going   to share those connections those reactions and  all those engaged moments now when it comes to   the playstation 5 camera you want to make sure  that you adjust your camera capture so this way   it can capture you best for when you're moving  around within the camera source also adjusting   all the camera settings so that way you get the  correct exposure and you look as best as possible   and don't forget to make sure that you invest in  a little bit of lighting since this camera works   pretty well in low light situations it still needs  a little bit of help so investing in something   like a little small led light panel like a newer  light panel which i'll link down below for only   a couple of bucks will really help the clarity  and resolution and what this camera can produce   audio is always going to be king when it comes to  streaming to platforms like twitch and youtube and   for your playstation 5 i really recommend you  invest in a decent headset that delivers good   clarity and richness of sound for when you talk  through it some of my favorite options out there   are the hyperx cloud series of headsets and  also the game one headset from sennheiser i'll   put both of those in the video description down  below one's a little more expensive but trust me   both are great headsets but you know  what you can also do if you want to start   migrating yourself and to be a true streamer  is any usb microphone can be detected   from the playstation 5 and you know what's a great  option the toner q9 you can actually plug that in   and set it up on the boom and now you have awesome  rich clean sound to your stream just make sure   if you go with the headset or microphone that you  plug into your playstation 5 that you take time to   dial in the balance and clarity of your audio  which you can do in the audio settings of your   playstation 5. it allows you to find where the  audio is going to be best at so you're not peaking   or too low super important to do for your streams  all right we got some of the big technical and   hardware things out of the way so what are some  of the adjustments and tips and tricks we can do   with directly the ps5 alone well the biggest one  comes to wi-fi and ethernet if you just got your   playstation 5 you most likely transferred all of  your games your save states and trophies over and   to do that one of the easiest ways which i show  you in this video up here is to do it through the   wi-fi network and using a LAN cable however when  you turn wi-fi on your ps5 it mostly overwrite the   lan as what needs to be recognized first so what  you need to do is either disconnect your wi-fi   or make sure that you put your lan or ethernet  cable to be recognized first this way when you   stream you're going to get all the bandwidth  you need for your upload and download to make   sure that you are streaming a nice clean and  clear stream but it's important because if you   stream wi-fi you're going to notice a little bit  of a mosaic blocky banding kind of look but when   you put your ethernet to be first you're going to  see how much more clear your stream actually is   oh by the way did you know that you can actually  test your isp ethernet speed on your ps5 you can   i'm going to show you a little later on in this  video how to do that because it's super important   and it's part of another tip that's what we  call a tease the playstation 5 controller is   awesome you get around 15 hours of continuous  gameplay out of it but if you're like me   you most likely forget to charge it all the time  in between games and streams and the last thing   you need is your controller dying on you during  the stream because that's going to lead to a   crappy stream and you ending your stream so the  tip would be get a longer charge cable if your   system's further away from you or invest in a  charging station or a second controller so that   way you can always keep your stream going  if things do go bad with your controller   dying on you when it comes to streaming on twitch  and youtube your personal brand is important   growing it having an implementation of it making  sure that people are aware of it and you know what   you can actually improve your personal brand and  keep it growing on your playstation 5. if you go   under your profile you can change your image to  match what your twitch and youtube channel is hey   this is brand awareness you can also add to your  profile under your playstation 5 which i recommend   every ps5 user does you can add your twitch  channel your schedule where to find you important   information that you want to use to market  yourself you will be surprised if you play   with people on your playstation 5 within battle  royales or certain games and if they have a good   experience they can click in on your profile  find your user and channel name and follow you   on those platforms really powerful when it comes  to your capture settings for what you can have on   screen movie and broadcast we want to make a  few adjustments here you want to make sure that   you change your capture backlog time to 15 minutes  which is going to give you nice ample time because   when you're in the moment of your game you're  gonna forget to capture which is why you would   have it set to 15 minutes so that way it gives you  a nice long breathing room in case you forgot so   that we can go back and clip it and edit it and  export it for whatever you want in addition to   changing some capture needs i recommend png over  jpeg because png is a lossless format which means   it's going to keep all the clarity and resolution  of what you're going to export or use for an image   when it comes to changing your video format  capture hey i really recommend going with mp4   it's an easier file format to work with and if  you ever export it much much easier to work with   in programs like final cut and adobe premiere and  even free programs out there if you want to make   cool clips or highlights or memes way better yeah  4k is cool but working in webm is going to be very   difficult for a lot of people out there now if you  only plan to export things like twitter or youtube   directly from your ps5 yeah go full ham and use  the 4k webm option but i would rather see you   do a little more personal editing and branding  so i'm going to recommend the mp4 file format   when it comes to streaming from your playstation  5 directly to twitch and youtube using the   broadcasting apps i already did a video on that  i'm going to toss in the top right corner shows   you how to and it's tutorial really awesome  check it out really helps me out so thank you   but one thing it didn't go over is if you should  stream in 720 or 1080 or 30 frames per second   or 60 frames per second and there's no direct  answer because it really depends on what you have   available to you but the best way to check to see  if these are even the realms a possibility is go   under and test your isp ethernet connection from  here it's gonna let you know hey what's your up in   download speed and using twitch's own chart will  give you an indication if you can stream at 720 or   1080p or 30 frames or 60 frames per second if  i could make a personal suggestion start at    720. it's still a great viewing experience on  twitch and youtube stream a couple of that and   then re-watch your streams to make sure that  there's no mosaicing no banning no drop frames   and that everything looks good if your internet  and ps5 can handle it hey jump it up to 1080. but   make sure you watch the streams after that because  since you're doubling the amount of pixels you're   doubling the amount of data that's being pushed  through so you want to make sure that your stream   is viewable a great stream that has awesome  clarity is great but a stream that is smooth   and better for the viewer is always the correct  move a big part of being a streamer is growing   your social medias which is why you want to link  your social media accounts on your playstation 5.   this way when you get new unlocks or you get a new  trophy or a new skin you can easily share it and   bump it to those social media platforms in just  a few moments and a few simple clicks if you're   the type of broadcaster that plans on doing  more through playstation 5's content i really   recommend investing into a thumb drive a nice  cheap one will do the reason this is important   is because you can download all of your jpegs  your files your pngs whatever you're collecting   onto this thumb drive and export it and put it on  your computer that'll give you better options to   work with it in like adobe photoshop or adobe  premiere so this way you can make cool clips   or highlights or gifs or memes or just even  montages something that's really cheap that   you can get for a couple of bucks nowadays  is a really powerful tool for your content   creation and your social media when it comes to  broadcasting on the playstation 5 and showing   you you want to make sure you do two things one  make sure you don't block your gameplay or be   too intrusive on it so we want to make sure we put  your camera in a good position the nice thing with   the playstation 5 is you can move it into multiple  positions which is great for all the different   types of games you play also super important  is make sure you know what game you're playing   so that way you're not blocking things like a mini  map or who you're playing with or your loadout   anything that's important also you can for number  two choose the size of your camera really cool   on the playstation 5. small medium and large now  bigger is always better so that way your viewing   audience can see you and have that connection  with you but sometimes the biggest one isn't   always gonna be the best because again it can be  too intrusive and block some of the gameplay or   important information on screen so basically think  about what game you'll be streaming for that day   the camera placement and camera size before you  hit go live since we're on camera placement it's   important to know if you're going to stream from  your ps5 where you also put your chat because your   camera will always go on top of your chat that's  just how the layers work so if your camera is   in the same placement as your chat population on  screen your camera could be cutting off what your   viewers are saying to you hence stopping you from  seeing it and engaging with them so make sure you   think about not just camera position like we  said but also chat placement as well a really   cool tip and trick that i recommend if you plan on  streaming to twitch is you can have graphics and   alerts if you use twitch extensions you can use  the own3d twitch extension and you can use the   overlay expert twitch extension both will give you  access to certain things like graphics and alerts   i did a video on the owned one i haven't done one  just yet on overlay expert but i'll get to it i'll   put it up in the top right corner but a great way  to make your ps5 stream stand out from the rest   when you stream from your ps5 directly you can't  have all the bells and whistles you can get close   but you don't get them all but one thing that  really helps you out that really closes the gap   is making sure that you have a chat bot that  can help out with some of the heavy lifting   with like timers and commands or when you do get  a follow or a donation or tip i really recommend   getting one into your channel very easy to do  and there's a bunch out there but if you're   just starting out you're new i'm gonna recommend  streamlabs chatbot hey by the way you can see   my beautiful face on streamlabs youtube channel  giving out awesome tips and tricks all the time   you ever see my face there do me a favor and leave  a comment down below and let streamlabs know how   much you appreciate my tips and my hair if you own  a ps5 but maybe not a great headset that doesn't   have a feature like mute don't worry your ps5  controller has a mute feature built right in on   the controller it's really awesome we'll mute  everything which is great if you need to keep   personal information away or somebody comes in  and talks to you or perhaps you get a phone call   use that mute button because that's going to  really help you as a streamer now if somebody   walks into your room you don't want to show them  mother father girlfriend boyfriend kids anything   like that hey you can also hide your camera by  just going to the shortcuts on the ps5 and go   over to the tile and just hide your camera if you  need to do that another good way to protect your   privacy perhaps the best playstation 5 streaming  tool and accessory that i can recommend for my   tips and tricks is download the playstation app  yeah that's it it makes it so easy to make changes   to your profile super easy to manage invites and  declines from friends and messages and all that   stuff you can even grab images that you've saved  to your playstation via the app you have to do   a little bit of a workaround which really stinks  where you have to send the graphic to a friend on   playstation's network and then you can download it  they should just allow you to do it from the media   gallery not sure why they don't hopefully in an  update they will but still kind of a useful tool   if you want to bump things on social media get the  playstation app because it really helps you have   another way of managing your stream while you're  streaming it's another tool that you should use   one streaming tip that i'm not gonna give you that  you're gonna find surprising is i recommend not   customizing the button mapping on your controller  and on your ps5 interface and here's the reason   why one strong thing you're going to find when  you're a streamer on twitch and youtube is people   are going to ask you how did you do that or how  do you do blank and if you change and customize   everything the docks the buttons the button mapping  on your playstation 5 becomes really hard to teach   people because it's just something you know so  keep everything default so that way when people   ask how do you do blank you can know exactly how  to do it and how to help them out and that's going   to make a connection with them and you and there  you go you just got yourself a viewer for life   now if you really want to be the best playstation  5 streamer out there one of the best tips i can   give anyone is make sure you re-watch your streams  there's a few ways you can do that obviously you   can rewatch it on twitch or youtube directly  but if you want to watch something off your ps5   you can actually click in straight from the  broadcast that you just accomplished on the   playstation and watch it from there point is  whichever way you choose to re-watch your streams   make sure you watch it for the clarity make sure  you watch it for your audio make sure you watch   it for your engagement so that way you can improve  and if you need any more help and you think like   you're doing all the right steps and you take all  these tips and tricks and you're still not growing   hey i'm here to help you grow i do twitch channel  reviews and breakdowns all the time on tuesdays   and thursdays on my own channel wild4games you're  more invited to show up there to where we take a   look at subscriber channels and help everyone grow  stop on by because i'm sure i can help you too if   you need any more tips and tricks on how to grow  your twitch or youtube channel or gaming content   hey make sure that big red subscribe button down  below and leave a comment because that way i get   to know if this video actually helped you out if  you need any more help with your playstation 5 or   how to grow with your live streaming channel  boom gonna put a couple of videos over here   to the side i really recommend you check them  all out because it's gonna help you but until   then have fun with your playstation 5 i get to  get back to my apex legends and work my way up   past the lowest tier platinum i am stuck  there i will see you guys all later take   care have fun and of course peace can somebody  be my third please and get me out of platinum
Channel: Wild4Games
Views: 280,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ps5 streamer, twitch streamers ps5, best way to stream on ps5, How To Be The Best PS5 Streamer, ps5 twitch streaming, console streaming ps5, ps5 streaming tips and tricks, playstation 5 streaming twitch, ps5 streaming features, ps5 streaming setup, how to start streaming on ps5, how to stream on ps5, How To Be A Good Console Streamer On Twitch, streaming on ps5, ps5 streaming, playstation 5 streamer, best console streaming tips, how to stream on ps5 twitch, Wild4Games, PS5
Id: aKTNwnn8xXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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