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are you tired of your stream not having any twitch stream alerts pop up when people follow host raid donate sub and more in today's video we're going to change that by giving you some cool alerts like this this is all going to be 100 free so don't even worry about that the only thing i ask in exchange is dropping a like on the video to help other people find it and for this cool generic looking pikachu sitting in a raft river rafting looking lanyard keychain sort of thing pretty neat huh by the way this is gonna work for any twitch stream so if you're streaming from the xbox one or if you stream from your playstation or if you're even streaming from mobile this is all going to work for you and it's 100 free so don't even worry about it what do you have to lose by the way i know that a lot of you guys that are streaming from mobile or streaming from your xbox or ps4 don't have access to a computer so in order to access your twitch account you can feel free to use your cell phone and then open a browser like chrome and then just view it as desktop mode so that way you can follow along at home even if you don't own a computer same thing as if you have a browser on your xbox or playstation just open up the browser get to your twitch page like we're about to do in the first step let's start with step number one first thing you want to do is head over to your twitch channel once you're logged in go to the top right corner and then click creator dashboard which my webcam is conveniently blocking once you're on this page you want to go down to extensions and then from here you can be under the discovery tab go click on this little search bar right here type in free stream alerts and then it'll be this one right here with this cool little picture i'm gonna go ahead and click this and then from here you can go ahead and click install by the way if you've seen some of my other videos you probably know what i'm gonna say but if you're streaming from console i highly recommend that you grab yourself a capture card like this this is going to be what all the professional streamers use in order to capture gameplay from their console and stream it to their computer so i'll leave a link in the description down below where you can grab one of these as well as a video in the top right corner of the best streaming laptops that you can get for your games and your streaming setup so from here what you want to do is go ahead and click install and then now we're going to click configure and then from here we're going to give it permission and authorize it if you haven't used this before it's going to ask you to authorize your twitch account to be able to use it just give it permission authorize it and get to this page so once you're at this page all you want to do is x out of it first of all and then what we're going to go ahead we're going to click on activate right here and set it as overlay one just so we don't forget to do it later so now it's active we're going to go ahead and click done from here you want to go ahead and click on this little cog wheel and then from here we can go ahead and pick our theme you can choose from these three free themes god that was a hard one to say but you can choose from these three free theme packs without having to pay so that's exactly what we're gonna do i'm gonna go ahead and just click clean because i think that looks the best i'm gonna go ahead and click install theme pack give that a second it says your selected theme was successfully installed that's fantastic from here click on alerts configurator and now you can see we can either leave it on default or you can go ahead and change what each one is going to say so if i go ahead and click follow then you can change what it says blank is now following or you can say blank is now a part of the crew you can also add an alert message and a chat message for things to pop up so it'll say when who follows and all of that stuff but you can customize if you want what i'm going to do just to keep things simple i'm just going to leave everything on default right here and then for whatever reason this is where things started to get a little janky for me but it still works so if you go ahead and open in preview and then we were to test one so let's go ahead and click follow and then click test and then we quickly go back nothing pops up however it actually works when you're streaming and i'll go ahead and demonstrate that for you so if you're trying to preview it and it's nothing's popping up keep in mind that this is their new extension version and pretty much the only thing like this on the market that i'm aware of so if you have anything kind of weird issues like that you can feel free to join their testing discord right here and the developers will hopefully get back to you but aside from that issue everything works fine the way it should be so let's go ahead and demonstrate that and confirm that everything's working the way it is all right so let's go ahead and check out make sure it works so i'm going to go ahead to my account which is cpos testing account this is just my testing account i have this account streaming from my xbox one upstairs onto twitch if you have no idea or you want to learn how to stream to twitch from your xbox one i'll leave a video in the top right corner that you can go ahead and check out but as you can see we're streaming outlast at least the main menu because i'm not actively playing right now but we are streaming to twitch for my xbox as you can see it's live uh you see the little counter going up here and let's go ahead to our main account and follow and make sure that the file alerts are working so i'm gonna go ahead to my other account my main account i'm gonna refresh the page just to show you that the uh extension is live right here which you can see right here which means it's probably going to work so let's go ahead and click follow and i think i was already following so let me go ahead and click unfollow yes unfollow and then now let's go ahead and click follow and give it a second because it needs to load and there we go cpaw's music is now following by the way if you guys want to check out my main twitch account i'll leave a link in the description down below we stream monday tuesday wednesday and you can go ahead and hang out with us there however a quick thing to note is that if people are watching your stream from your their mobile device chances are they're not going to see the follow alert because this is an extension so this is like an overlay to your twitch stream because you're not actually streaming it through stream labs or your service or whatever you're using it's over the twitch overlay which means that they're not going to see the raw footage it's not on your raw footage it's the overlay on top of your twitch account if that makes sense that means that your past broadcast all of your twitch streams that are basically saved onto twitch if you don't know how to save your twitch streams video in the top right corner uh but for example if i go to my channel and then i were to go to my past broadcasts which would be over here under recent broadcasts if someone were to follow during this past broadcast we would not see the past broadcast alert because it is an overlay it's not actually in the raw footage so that's a con to using this however it's easy to set up it's very painless and then the last thing is that if people are watching from their mobile device chances are they're not going to see it either because the way that twitch mobile works is that the extensions don't really work too well over it so they might have difficulty seeing the follow alert but everyone on pc that's live in the moment watching your stream will be seeing these follow alerts by the way if you want to customize your twitch channel like we have here in the about section and learn how i make my own twitch panels i'll leave a video in the top right corner that shows exactly step by step holding your hand how we made each individual panel as well as these extensions down below here so feel free to check that video out also by the way sometimes the owned bot will actually say when people follow and chat if that tends to annoy you or it starts saying some things that aren't accurate for whatever reason because it's in like the beta stage go ahead just go to your chat box and then you can just go ahead and ban owned so you just type in slash b a n and then o w n e and then if it's a different account you can always just ban uh o-w-e 3-d because i forget which is the words but sometimes it'll put the little chat messages in chat if it does then you can feel free to ban the bot so that way you don't get any chat messages again this is completely optional all up to taste but whatever floats your boat if you want to take it to the next level like i said you should grab yourselves one of these a capture card i'll leave a video on the top right corner exactly how to set up and use one of these if you guys need some help setting things up feel free to check out the patreon in the description below i have some tiers where you can have a private discord access to feel free to ask me any questions through discord and i can help you out anyone that's brand new to streaming i also have a course that is a kickstarter course for anyone starting to grow their channel from scratch from xero all the way up to getting your first viewers and donations this channel is all about helping brand new streamers just like you so if that sounds good like the video subscribe for more videos and feel free to check out these two videos because i think you're gonna like them otherwise i'll see in the next one
Channel: Cpaws Music
Views: 5,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: console stream alerts, console streaming, console streaming alerts, how to add overlays on xbox twitch, how to add overlays to your console stream, how to get overlays on twitch from xbox, how to get stream overlays on xbox, how to stream, how to stream on ps4, how to stream on xbox, overlays twitch xbox, playstation 4 livestream with overlays, stream alerts on console, twitch, twitch alerts console, twitch alerts for playstation, twitch alerts for xbox, twitch overlay
Id: D5xk_EZ9kyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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