How to Add Fonts to the Lettering Tool in Ink/Stitch | Inkscape & Ink/Stitch Tutorial 7

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hey peeps welcome back project anonymous and in today's video we're going to show you how to add your own custom fonts in the lettering tool in ink stitch so stick around and see how we do it so megan why would you want to add a custom font to your lettering tool i would want to add custom fonts to the learning tool because i feel like they turn out a little bit better than the fill stitches and it's kind of limited in the lettering tool how many fonts there are yeah so this is a way you could add to your your own ink stitch extension and add some power to it especially if you use the same kind of font all the time this can be a way to make it a little bit easier for you to have that font available to you when you need it oh look at that nice it's not even how to add fonts it's not this is how to use a lettering tool any stitch so the instructions on how to do this is already on the ink stitch website if you go to the lettering tool in ink stitch there's a link to font creation tutorial so we wanted to create a video showing how to do this step by step and take you along with us this is also useful for the people who are visual learners okay so the first thing we need to do is download font forge because we're going to need that to kind of define the spaces between letters it kind of sets up your fonts into glyph layers and will make it a whole lot easier in stringing letters together to make words so we're going to go ahead and go to this font forwards website and download fontforge so then now that we have font forge downloaded installed we're going to go ahead and find a free font to use so megan where do we find free fonts google fonts okay we're gonna go for a thicker one and a little less rounded because that's the easier ones to do with lettering and you've already looked so which what kind did you find already notable notable okay so now we're going to go ahead and download family allow all right so now we have our font downloaded in our downloads folder in order for this to work properly we need to create a custom directory to our added custom fonts for ink stitch so we're going to go ahead and create a folder where ink stitch can read our new file so we're going to go ahead and find a main directory folder here real quick [Music] and then we're going to drag our newly downloaded folder into that so there it is and within that folder you're going to see the ttf file which is the actual fonts that's going to open with font forge and then the license that is in this text file we don't need this for now but we do need it in this folder so we're gonna go ahead and double click on this ttf file and it's gonna open up font forge and we're going to find our ink stitch custom fonts folder notable and this is our ttf file so that's what we're going to open and here's all of our fonts and you're going to see that there's a ton of fonts in here in different variations different languages some of them aren't filled out and that's okay what we're going to do is we're going to pick the ones that we want to bring over into ink stitch to be able to be stitched out so we don't need to select all of them uh for sure i think for now just to show you we're going to go ahead and just pick our numbers and the letters we'll just do those okay so if you hold down shift you can select multiple we're going to select the ones that we want to keep so we have 36 total selected which makes sense because we have 10 numbers and 26 letters and what we're going to do now is we're going to invert the selection so that we can delete everything else out of this file that we're not bringing over into ink stitch so to do that we're going to go to edit and we're going to go to select and invert selection and that's going to highlight everything else that we are going to delete by hitting edit and clear you can see it removes everything else but the letters that we want so everything else is gone so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to go to element font info and then in general this is where we can get to decide the size that this is going to stitch out or at least how it's going to set up into ink stitch so an em size is what is kind of the main selector here so you can change all of these other ones but if you change this one it's going to automatically update all the rest and we found that 100 which i believe corresponds to millimeters in size uh is a good one that we can then scale up and down pretty easily from our four by four hoop template so we're gonna change this em size to a hundred and then we're gonna hit okay now we're going to go to file generate fonts and we're going to actually change this to svg font so now it's going to be saved as notable.regular in our notable folder window okay we're gonna hit generate and that's gonna result in errors and that's okay we're gonna hit generate and we are done with font forge for now so we're just going to minimize this and now you can see we have an svg file for our font that we can now open up in ink stitch so we're just going to double click on this which should open up being stitch okay so it opened up but you'll notice that there's really there's nothing here it's zoomed in quite a bit so we're gonna zoom out a little bit here so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to go to extensions typography and we're going to set up our typography canvas and this is where our em size that we changed we're gonna want to be the exact same so we're gonna change that to a hundred as well and we're gonna hit apply close so that has changed the work area here in our scale and you'll notice there's still nothing here and that's okay we're going to go to extensions typography and then we're going to convert svg font to glyph layers and now we just need to make sure we select enough layers to bring over our glyphs now we did 36 but it's better to go over than it is to go under so we'll just change that to 39 kind of doesn't matter you hit apply and now you'll see our font is there and everything is broken down let me close that into layers so now we have a layer for each character that we brought over right now that is a lot of letters to uh to set up for satin stitch so behind that you can see they're all broken down into their individual layers so this is the point where uh the actual work happens we're gonna actually have to change all of these letter characters into satin stitches individually so it's a lot of work definitely how i like to go about it is to change this color to something easily seeable or different than black because when i use my bezier tool it's going to show up in black and what we're going to do is we're just going to each piece decide how it's going to go out in a satin stitch and having a node snap tool on we'll make this a little bit easier click that to there enter now you can see that's how that first rail is there this definitely doesn't have to be perfect but you want to get it close if you want it to look like your stitch and a trick we found is when you want a straight line going across it's oftentimes hard to get the exact straight line but if you hold down the control key it'll walk to 90 degrees 30 degrees zero degrees so if you hold down that control key it will give you a nice straight line to create your rail so just like before when we do custom satin stitches what we have to do is select each individual piece and hold down shift to make sure we can select different pieces and then we have to combine them so command k on a mac ctrl k on a pc and then we have to set this up as a custom satin stitch in params and we have a shortcut for that so i'm going to start using that go to satin column and custom satin stitch and now you can see that piece of the letter is going to stitch out like that so we're going to hit apply and quit and now we move on to the next piece of the letter which i think will be this part of the a so again this is a lot of work for each letter but sometimes it's worth it this font is something you you will use a lot so hold down the ctrl key and we'll go just a little bit past how do you know where to do the lines like well it's based on what we want the letter to end up stitching out like so it kind of doesn't matter and what matters is how you want it to look like then finally we'll do our last piece now we'll do a check final check of the letter i'll stitch together all right that's perfect that's exactly what we want our satin stitch to look like right okay so it's very important here we're gonna hit apply and quit on all of this and it's important to remove the original layer that came in so like this b you want to get rid of all of this original stuff because this is going to be all fill stitch stuff so you'll notice i deleted that in the a and the last thing we're going to do is we're going to auto route our satin stitch which kind of cleans up the design and gets it going in an order uh that will work well with as minimal amount of jump stitches as possible so we do that by going to extensions pink stitch and where do we go satin tools auto route satin columns we'll trim the jump stitches and i don't need to preserve the order we'll hit apply and you can see here it auto routed everything out and created some trim cuts and we can close that and now our a is done let's see what this looks like again so that's one letter down 35 to go so to move on to the next letter all we have to do is hide let a glyph layer a and bring up the next letter that you want to copy which is the b which is the b at least two you can do more if you want we go back into the selector tool and then we shift and select everything we hit command k second column custom satin stitch and now we got our straight line down apply and quit for this it's going to be rounded right so we're going to break this into two bits here we're going to use this tool here i'm gonna turn snapping tool off and go inside a bit and kind of create an imaginary outer line i know this looks weird right now that's okay let me do it again [Music] okay go in the node tool and we're just going to shape this to get it to curve around this b properly we're going to add much more legs to it so this part at the top we want to go straight like that right but then we wanted to start rounding over [Music] by the middle here we wanted to go nice and level this should look nice and rounded when we turn it into a custom satin stitch just like that that's really cool yep apply and quit and we're going to do the exact same thing so we could duplicate or we're going to hit command c command v and then we can move this into place and that's slightly different that's okay we can just adjust it go back in our nodes tool so now we're going to delete the red letter so that we have everything that we need for the satin stitch and auto route [Music] all right that looks pretty good so now on to the seat so that's a nice little time obviously we didn't do all of them but we don't need all of them right now yeah so this is really just to show you how to do this digitizing of your your actual font unfortunately it's not as easy as just selecting this and then clicking a button and making it a satin stitch so we're going to go ahead and stop with just a b and c done to show you the rest of the process so what we're going to do now and this is very important is we have to save this svg as a right arrow.svg and i didn't pick up on this the first time i was going through this and i was running into errors you actually have to name it the right arrow dot svg so in order to do that we're going to go ahead and save as we need to save it as an svg uh escape svg and we need to save it as right arrow so let me get rid of all this so in order to get the right arrow on a mac we're going to go ahead and go to edit emoji and symbols and we're going to go here to arrows and just this first one right here rightwards arrow now if you did select the leftward arrow which is here it would sew out your word from right to left we want our words to sew out from left to right so we're going to click on this and right there you can see now it is rightarrow.svg in our notable folder which is our font in our ink sketch custom fonts folder it's an svg we'll hit save so now when we go back into our folder we should see the rightarrow.svg and that's perfect the next thing we're going to do is generate a json and you can read up on all the materials on what a json is i honestly don't know i just know you need it in order for this to work so we're going to go ahead and do that so to do that we're going to go ahead and go to extensions ink stitch font management i'm going to go to generate json so this is where we get to name our font we're going to go ahead and pick our file and this is the file we're generating a json for so our right arrow.svg and we're going to hit okay so that's the path where it's going to save and now we can name it and we're going to go ahead and name it you've got all your selections here so force case if you had just uppercase letters done and not lowercase letters you can whenever you type uh a letter whether it's lower or uppercase depending on which ones you digitized you can force it into that that font so we're going to force an uppercase and our default font since we digitized it is going to be an a you don't have to put anything there if you don't want to and that's enough for now for this test we're going to hit apply and now we can see we have a font.json in our notable folder so we're almost there the last thing we need to do to get this to work is set up our custom font directory we go to extensions ink stitch font management custom font directory and this is where ink stitch is going to use to pull the file when you type in characters for your particular custom font where it's going to pull it from so in our case it's going to go from our custom font folder that we created ink stitch custom fonts okay so it has to be outside of your main font folder so the parent folder of any custom fonts that you make will be here so this is the folder we want to highlight for our custom font directory hit select the next step is purely just for looks but you'll notice when you go to the ink stitch lettering tool pull ours up real quick you'll see previews here of all of the different fonts and we want our font to do the same if we didn't do anything else right now we would just have a blank space here in fact you'll see that our notable font has no preview and i think we want a preview for it so we can actually do that the space that we need to create is a 300 pixel by 20 pixel space well first we're going to go ahead and preview something so let's go ahead and select font and let's just type in a bbcc and that's awesome this is exactly the kind of results that you would want from a custom font that you put in there but what i'm going to do is create a preview for our lettering tool and all i'm going to do is take a screen capture of this shift command 4 on a mac and i've captured a little image here in my preview so i'm going to just hold on to that actually what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and save and close out of this one create a new one in this one i'm going to go ahead and go to document properties and i'm going to set up by pixel my width is going to be 300 by 20. and now you can see that's going to be my preview now what i can do is i'm going to pull up my little screen capture here and drag it in here let me control and shrink this down [Music] now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take another screen capture of this space [Music] and with this one we want to name it preview.png so now back into our notable folder we're just going to drag this preview in here and then we're going to try doing this lettering tool again and we do shift ctrl l for lettering and right there notable and you can see a nice preview of our new custom font just like that that's really cool yep and obviously if we took the time to do every single character we could type in a real word but [Music] [Music] you want to embroider this out to see if we get some good results on it yeah i want to see how it will turn out okay so let's go ahead and save this and go to the embroidery machine let's go [Music] that's really nice yeah not too shabby we can make some adjustments on the b to move that part up a bit and this part we can overlap but yeah your c looks good thanks all right [Music] so this was a really cool project i'm so glad we learned how to do this and we're able to follow the directions to get it to work right because we just created our own custom font that we can reuse over and over as we wish of course we have a lot more letters yeah we only have cap yeah so what we learned here is it's going to be some trial and error to get the letters to stitch out exactly the way we want them but we got it to work we were able to follow the tutorial and now we have something new added to our ink stitch tools so we really hope you're able to follow along i know it's quite the process to get all the way through it and it's even a longer process digitizing each and every one of your letters good luck to you anyways thanks so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video please like if you liked it like it subscribe if you enjoy our content subscribe and turn on those notifications so you get my every single time i post a video stay crafty and be happy bye [Music]
Channel: Project Anonymous
Views: 2,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KaUnlS-kW90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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