How to Make a Quilt Label Using Inkscape & the Brother SE1900

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[Music] hey views welcome back to project anonymous and we have a new studio area we put all this wallpaper if you couldn't tell by the little intro clip but pretty easy to do it's very cool and it looks really nice yeah now we have a place to record without a green screen yeah it'll be a little bit cleaner and i can wear green shirts there you go but for today's video what are we going to do meg we're going to make a quilting label a quilting label as suggested by one of you viewers so thank you very much for the idea and we're going to go ahead and do a basically beginning to end design of a quilting label and embroider it out hopefully helpful to some of you out there making quilts and wanting to label your work and sending messages to your loved ones sister graham okay so we're in inkscape and we're just going to go ahead and design it so what size hoop are we using so we set it up to use our 4x4 template because i think what we're going to do is we're going to make a three by three label it sounds like you could say yeah it seems like a size yeah and for the design we're going to go pretty simple we're just going to do a trace bitmap of a simple scroll and then we're going to put some text in there you know who it's to and who made it and then we'll try stitching it out but to start again we just started in our 4x4 template and i'm going to go ahead and just make a simple box that's going to be 3x3 so i'm going to start it in this upper corner so i can use the measurements on the top top and side here and when i start this top corner it's going to be 0-0 so i'm going to drag this box out to 3 3 down a little bit it doesn't have to be perfect but right there is actually perfect uh then what we're going to do is we're going to change the width we're just going to do a straight seam around the edge just for a simple border so we're going to change this thickness and change this to a dashed line and now that we have our box i'm going to go ahead and move this to the middle of our work area that's good right there okay so the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to do kind of do it off to the side here is i'm going to bring in an image of the scroll we want to use which is this scroll here import our image from our downloads calligraphy scroll open okay and there it is oversized so i'm gonna hit the control key and move it so it doesn't warp and i just want to get it to rough size that i want it i'll move it in here that's not too bad what do you think a little bit bigger okay i think that's a good size do you think it's a good size i'm gonna make it a little bit bigger that's good okay so now i'm going to move it off to the side and i'm going to do a trace bit map now we're going to do something that we haven't used before in trace bitmap which is a center line stitch because of what i want to happen is i want this to be a satin stitch as it goes around here if we did a regular trace bitmap what it would do is it would create nodes a node line that goes all the way around on the outside and on the inside of it and it would just be a fill stitch in the middle and i don't think that would look too good on something as narrow as this so instead we're going to do zoom in a little bit here we're going to do a trace bitmap and then we're going to change this uh it normally defaults for us to brightness cut off and we're going to select the center line tracing and this is going to put a center light and trace in this do that okay so now i can drag this off and you can see there is my center line stitch i'm going to close this that's in the way you should probably make it thicker because it's very thin exactly so i'm going to move it into place and now all we have to do because this is a single line if i go into the node viewer you can see it's just a single line which is perfect for a satin column but it is very thin so we are going to thicken it up by going into our stroke style and we're going to make sure this is now going to be a solid line and we're going gonna thicken this up that's not too bad not at all no not at all okay so let's see how this will look if we embroider it out okay so you can see it's stitched out fine exactly we want a satin stitch all the way around but it did jump around quite a bit so we're going to do the restacking also i think i want to get rid of these pieces i don't really think that's necessary so what i'm going to do you can see this is a combined object so i can't select this little piece here or this little piece here without uncombining and of course there's several different ways to do it we can hit shift command k or we just go to path and break apart now give me each individual piece you can see it's made up of a lot of different pieces and what we want to do is restack it so it kind of goes in somewhat of an order but before we do that i want to delete some pieces here i'm gonna select where i think each of these things should go [Music] i don't know if that's better yeah that didn't really do much better so i'm gonna actually undo that so we're going to leave that like that for now the next thing we're going to do is we're going to put a name in here for who this quilt is for and one little trick because we're going to put some text in here you can't just curve text on its own there's kind of a trick to it so so i'm just going to enter name and now we can go through the task of picking a font which is always fun i think you should do the cursive one yeah i think a nice cursive font will be good i'm going to apply that that's a good function yeah we'll make it a little bit bigger okay but you can see here name is straight and if you had a longer name it wouldn't go along this curve so the trick is you have to put this on a curve so we're going to basically copy this curve here and we're going to use a bezier tool and we're just going to plot a point here and here [Music] and now we'll make a straight line now we're going to go to the node tool and we're going to bend this to match the curve of that line just like that and now we're going to go back into the selection tool and we're going to move it off because we're not oh don't do that all right we're going to move this on a layer okay so now we're going to hide that scroll so we can see the line okay all right much better we're going to move this also to the name layer now another thing that would have helped if i just change the color of that so just so we know okay but now i have this my name and i want to put it on this curve because i want it to curve the same way again if your name is longer it will matter more in this particular scroll but it may matter for you so how we do that is we're going to in the text area is we're going to put on a path so we actually we're going to select both so i'm going to hit shift the name and the curve and i'm going to go to text put on path and you can see here now it has moved it on to that path and now when i select only this name i can move it and it will be a little bit i can double click it to straighten it out but you can see it stays on that curve so the problem here is because this is now attached to this path this path you can't delete until you convert this from text to a path i know this is confusing but it's text right now i can edit the text you see how the line came up there i can change the name to something else but once you put it object to path you can't right so now what i need to do is i need to go to path and turn this object to path now i can delete this line and my name is still curved so that's good that's what i wanted and since we're here and i don't want things to get confusing with different colors and stuff so i'm just going to go ahead and change the color now that's the brightness there and i'm not going to use these colors now i'm going to move this into its spot good there all right so now we're just going to add our message let's just put more text on here and just do something simple like made with love by project anonymous all right so what fun are we gonna use again same font maybe like typewriter or ariel black okay that sounds good and we'll go a little bit smaller apply all right that's actually pretty good maybe a tad bit bigger what do you think 18. sure all right so now all we got to do is our making sure our message is good what we want because we're going to convert this to a path and then we're going to ungroup it so that we can move the individual pieces where we want so i'm going to go in high like this move it in the middle looks good to you looks good to me all right pretty simple and obviously we can change the colors here maybe like a baby blue and pink as long as it's different enough for your sewing machine to understand it should be okay all right easy good okay it's really nice yeah not too bad and let's go ahead and view this guy i'm sure it will look great looks like we got an error let's see what's going on all right so we're getting this we're going to use a tool we just heard about let's leave everything selected and then we're going to go to ink stitch fill tools break apart fill objects apply close let's try that again what happened to our j oh it was not selected interesting forgot about that guy all right i'm gonna do a little bit more work reordering this because i really don't like the fact that it goes back and forth a lot but you can see it's made up of a ton of little individual paths here and it's kind of hard to distinguish where they begin and end so i'm gonna do some work here organizing this a little bit better we'll try that again so it looks really good a lot less jump stitches yep which is exactly what we wanted let's go ahead and hit apply and quit for this one and let's see about this guy again make sure we get all our letters this time all right what do we got here so let's go ahead and use our tooling let's go ahead and select the order that we want this to stitch out we're just going to go in order here and we're gonna go to restack wow all right so we got that to sew in order now with everything everything works right quit and now we're going to finally select the entire project zoomed out a little bit further and while i'm here just in case we wanted to switch colors later on i'm going to go ahead and change this to another color and i know i'm not going to use this green color on here but what i'm doing is i'm just creating an opportunity for me to change my mind later and change the color of this outline if i wanted to later let's see what this is all gonna look like together all right so just like that we have a nice simple quilt label that we can put on a quilt and let's know the person we made the quilt for and who would buy yeah all right let's go ahead and export this real quick save as and this isn't going to be our quilt label and we're going to save this as a zip format because we want to save both our embroidery pes file and our svg and that's it let's move that pes file to our zip drive and go to the machine so we made this quilting label for a 4x4 hoop but you could easily make it for any size you want and we're also just using some normal fabric it's called um yep just it's a 100 cotton quilting fabric uh and we're going to put some tearaway stabilizer behind it and put in our 4x4 hoop and again if you wanted to create your label a little bit larger that's okay you just use your larger hoop but we have this pre-cut stabilizer for our 4x4 hoop that works really nicely that we like to use so that's what we're going to use our 4x4 hoop for this one alternatively we could as long as our label was at least just four by four we could make uh this material as as large as we need to and just sit around it but let's go ahead and spray some of this let's do it off to the side so don't mess up our mat and put this on here all right you want to magic trick this sure should i snap it or toss it i don't care let's do it [Music] so [Music] so it just finished and it looks really good yeah turned out really great and again we sized it for a three by three patch here but you could make that whatever size you want obviously and whatever size hoop you'd like to use to do that um obviously with some leftover material on the side we'll be able to fold this over and sew it into any kind of quilt that we would want to do you also notice we changed the colors up quite a bit and again what we design color-wise kind of doesn't really matter what matters is what thread that we use and by making everything a different color we have the option to stop the machine and change out the color if we like or if we decide we want the color to all be the same we could do the same thing and just press through uh the design and stitch all that in one color if we wanted to but this was pretty nice easy anyways thanks so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video please like it if you liked it like it subscribe if you enjoy our content subscribe and turn on those notifications to get my every single time we post a video stay crafty and be happy bye you
Channel: Project Anonymous
Views: 684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TY8fPiYoru4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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