Inkscape & Ink/stitch Tutorial 4: Break Apart Fill Objects + Trace Bitmap on Text & Logo

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hey peeps welcome back to project anonymous and welcome to inkscape part 4 tutorial in today's video we're going to go over the break apart fill objects tool in inkscape extensions so let's get to it [Music] so the break apart fill objects tool was something that one of you told us about in a comment that we really had no idea existed at the time but for those of you who have a lot of issues in your params checks getting errors the break apart fill objects tool seems to solve a lot of those for us especially when we're doing the trace bitmap feature there are some cleanup steps that you'll have to do afterwards potentially depending on your design but for us it seems worth it because who wants to go through each object to try to make sure it's going to work right so this has been incredibly helpful for us for our trace bitmaps so let's get to it go ahead and bring in a logo design that we want to turn into a embroidery file so we just got this little company logo all right we'll go ahead and shrink it down it's good size there and now we're going to go ahead and do a trace bitmap all right so we have our trace bitmap done you can see that this is now an svg versus an image here so we'll go ahead and create a new layer for it so now let's just do a quick params check to show you that this is not going to embroider as is so we'll go ahead and link stitch params you can see we get the normal error that we get border crosses over itself shaped not valid so rather than going through uh the processes that we've shown you before we're gonna go ahead and use the tool in the ink stitch extensions called break apart fill objects that one of you told us about and really appreciate and we'll see what this does all right so now you can see that it's changed some of the things in our design now at first we would kind of freak out about this because well obviously we don't want our o p and a to stitch out with no hole in it but i'm just going to show you real quick we're going to leave this highlighted and we're going to go back into our params and you'll see that it will actually stitch out without those filled in so you can see without any modifications going through any other parts of this design other than hitting that break apart fill objects we've gotten this thing through params and it would stitch out now there are some issues that we want to point out if you just left it like this to stitch out and we'll go ahead and show you real quick so i'm going to close out of this so i'm going to ungroup this real quick just so i can show you moving in an individual part object ungroup so we have all of our different colors and objects in a different box which is what we want here now just to show you real quick i move this oh you can see that there's this under layer which we didn't want um not really sure why that's there so what we're going to do to fix this so that it doesn't try to stitch out something underneath it is i'm going to move this top layer to the back by clicking that and now i can reselect this gray layer and delete it it looks like there's two gray layers and now finally my o is the only thing there so let's see what else if there's anything else you can see this m as well so let me do the same thing i'm going to move this m to the back and reselect the m to delete the gray layers preemptively try it with the p and you can see here all right so now we just have a single layer with black so if i did another params check of this word company we should just see a single black layer of stitching and that's perfect and a second-order effect of doing that by going in order is it made it so it was not jumping back and forth between letters it went from right to left and of course like we showed you in the anyways tie-dye shirt you can change the order that this stitches out by basically telling which letter is on top and the last letter on top is going to be the last thing to stitch but this is working fine and let's see i don't believe we had any other layers under here and that was all oh we got one right here so i'm going to go ahead and undo all of that move and then i'm going to move this down to the bottom so i can do reselect and delete this guy and that guy perfect i'll do a params check of that and now that's perfect so the last thing we'll show you is though it's this company is going to stitch out correctly because the the path is still there and it knows where to stop it when you look at this i mean it's not really aesthetically pleasing to look at it and also if you're just making like graphic design or something you still would want to get ready yeah absolutely if you were to you know want to move this onto something else and not embroider obviously you want this to look like a no so we'll show you really easy way and i believe you showed everyone how to do this before right yeah i think it was in the tie-dye video yeah so in order to regain the hole in the letter we're just going to break apart the objects and we'll go ahead and select all of them might as well do them all at once right break apart and now each of these holes are are in there as well now we can go to path exclusion and it re-adds so we can do the same thing here and here that looks pretty nice much better right and it will still stitch correctly that's what's important the last thing we'll show you to look out for if you're going to use this extension and ink stitch break apart fill objects is that sometimes depending on the quality of your image that you import here you may get little remnants of edges that just aren't right and if you like just highlighted the entire thing like this it's going to select those little bits that will probably cause issues in your stitch out that you don't want um so what we've learned to do is really just highlight the things that we want so we'll just highlight the individual objects that we want and then we'll move them off of our work surface and this looks empty right now but if we were to zoom in really far you may see little bits of the border of your design that highlight and those are the things that would cause you issues if you've gone through params of each individual object so you would just highlight this whole area if nothing shows up you should be good to go and embroider [Music] so we'll do a quick [Music] simulator [Music] yeah so we got pretty great results again with very little work just importing an image doing trace bitmap and then using the extension within ink stitch of break apart fill objects again the credit is owed out to one of you commenters for letting us know about this feature but it really has saved a lot of time and having to individually check each object this is just so much simpler again it really kind of depends on the quality of the image that you import as to if you're going to get any remnants along the edge [Music] due to inkscape not really understanding where the borders of your image are and then with just a few cleanup things that we showed you just now you can get your embroidery project going pretty quickly that's it thank you everyone who has commented and gave us feedback or any like tips and tricks it's really helpful and useful for all our viewers as well as us so thank you we're not experts here with inkscape by any means we've just played around with it we're very new to it but really appreciate the tips that some of you have left for us and we're very happy to pass along the tips that we've learned onto you so keep commenting anyways thanks so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video please like it if you liked it like it subscribe if you enjoy our content subscribe and turn on those notifications so you get my every single time we post a video stay crafty and be happy [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Project Anonymous
Views: 4,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inkscape, ink/stitch, inkstitch, tutorial, how to, params, break apart fill objects, issues, inkstitch error, project, anonymous, project anonymous, embroidery
Id: fx0Fn2tqtQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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