Inkstitch and system fonts. 3 parts, words to path, drop shadow and highlight, break apart errors.

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okay guys we're gonna do some fun stuff with some fonts system fonts specifically in your inkscape all these fonts that are listed over here are your system fonts your machine comes with many different system fonts if you have a windows system a lot of those fonts are free to use for personal use not free to use for commercial use so be careful there and that's even the case at least to some degree on linux i'm sure that's probably that way on mac to get fonts that you can use for commercial purposes and they're free i've got three different uh websites listed here and a thousand one free fonts dot com and you just have to look down some of these say free for personal use that means please don't use those in a commercial application that you're going to make money off of demo same case free that one says free that means you could use that one actually i kind of like that one so that's a 1001 fonts this is a font space with font space this one's nice because you can click this box that says commercial use and it'll only show you fonts that are one hundred percent free and then you won't have to worry about mixing it up with a free for personal use uh this one here is the same way free for personal use be careful there don't use those free for personal use so we're going to have some fun with fonts so i'm kind of breaking this video down into three parts first part is going to be text to path if you want to make a text that curves in a certain way or is printed around a circular motion that sort of thing part two is going to be creating shadow and highlights that's going to take the longest amount of time i'm going to do a short word on that one just to show you how it works part three difficult fonts a font like you're saying here is i would consider that a simple font it breaks apart pretty easily oftentimes not any errors but if it does it's easy to fix and then i'm going to show you something more difficult might do something like that uh i haven't picked one out yet so we'll just have a look around that would probably be difficult i might even save that one for a different video honestly that one's interesting so we'll go back to the original that i had here which is that one so first one we'll do is we'll do something that a lot of people are doing right now let's do a merry christmas make it a little smaller i have a 5x7 default setting here let's make it a little bigger okay i like that i'm going to move it inside okay i like that the first thing you want to do is to create your path under view i'm going to do page grid so i can make sure i get this pretty close to the same area i'm going to and i do have a snap on for this case go on the same line down here on the bottom which is right about there make that line select your node selection tool and we're going to select the middle one and select this one which makes selected nodes symmetric and that'll give it a nice little curve and move it down to hair i'm going to spread these out you see what happens when you spread them out i'll spread those out just a little bit go back to the main selection tool this is already highlighted i'm going to push the shift button and then highlight christmas merry christmas under text put on path it's that simple it it's the simplest one i've done used a lot of graphical programs and really this is one of the easiest ones so if you want to delete that line it will you'll notice that it goes straight back but i'm going to control z to get it back highlight the words select path object to path now it is not dictated by the line you can delete it or you can you keep the line there as part of your decoration i'm going to turn snap off at this point and move that line down in fact i'm going to hit control d for duplicate duplicate that line and put me another one right up above it try to keep it on the same lines grid wise i like that let's go back to our wording because now we need to break apart go ink stitch fill tools break apart objects i like doing these simple words with simple break apart usually works pretty good and just like that we're already going to go to troubleshoot objects all shapes are valid this will stitch that quick and easily this will stitch and i could select the whole thing move that up and then if i have a nice little christmas scene down here merry christmas is looped around nicely excellent excellent okay do the same thing let's make a different one valentine valentine's day we'll take this down to about 65. yeah i like that i'm gonna move that up i'm going to create a circle this time and there's my circle i'm going to select the selector push shift so that you can multiple select and text put on path don't worry about that it's upside down we cut because we can hit it twice spin it around okay let's go ahead and object path then we can get rid of our circle is no longer dominated by that circular path now we can turn it around we've already done object to path so we're going to fill tools on simple wording simple fill simple break apart hit close extensions ink stitch troubleshoot objects all shapes are valid i'm gonna back up until i have my circular circle again now with this circle i've not i backed up to where i don't have the wording is not on a path it's the wording is on this circle and you can i don't want to back up a little bit more okay we'll go from there push shift highlight them both text put on path and i'm going to only select the circle and you can actually adjust your circle size and it will continue to follow you can flip your circle which will put it on the inside and then highlight the words just play around with all kinds of stuff anyway that's that so we're gonna move on to part two shadow and highlights this one this one's interesting shadow and highlights i'm going to make a simple word with some simple fonts i'm just going to say hello go ahead and do path object to path go ahead and do ink stitch fill tools break apart hit apply now just let's start with something that is valid to make sure it's valid we are good so i'm going to go to our objects the bottom one is going to be the h that's the way we want it i'm gonna zoom in and i'm also gonna turn off my grid turn off my notifications as well okay okay i'm gonna turn off my page grid for shadow it's a little tricky the h is on the bottom we're gonna move it to the top hit this button right here one time and it puts it on the top i'm gonna hit control d twice so i have three of them one two now i have three h's take that topmost h and pull it away and then on the second one i'm going to nope that's first one on the second one i'm going to unsee it so that now i'm working with the third one i don't want the second one to move i am going to select a okay now i'm on my selected third one and i'm gonna hit my desired shadow color move that off just a little bit and then make your second one visible again i'm gonna select the second one i'm gonna push the shift button and select the third one path difference now let's put this h back over the top when i was doing this in practice it would not work unless i did a break apart on my shadow i'm not sure why let's see if it does it this time yes okay so we'll just do that every time i guess i'm going to zoom in control button mouse wheel zoom in push the control button and click the shadow will select only the shadow path on that selection we're going to break apart okay now we're gonna just for giggles we're going to troubleshoot all shapes are valid so when you do it when you're doing a shadow you need to troubleshoot that or no you need to break apart that shadow not sure why so let's go in here and select the e again we're going to move it to the top all this moving to the top will make more sense shortly that just makes it easier to see what you're doing so ctrl d twice one two so we have three e's move one of them off that's the top one the second one i'm going to unsee and the third one we're going to turn into a shadow move it off a little bit now let's re-see the e and second one push shift button third one both of those are selected path difference now put your e on standby back in and put it where you want it now that we're zoomed in i'm going to control click that shadow and hit extensions ink stitch fill tools break apart and close i'm not going to do a another troubleshoot objects until we're done all right now the l move it to the top control d twice we should have three move the top one away there's the second one unsee it third one shadow color smooth it off resee that one select your second one first push shift button select third path difference put your first l back in place zoom in to make placement easier and while we're zoomed in select that shadow object oops i missed pink stitch fill tools break apart hit apply close okay do it again that l to the top ctrl d ctrl d move away second one and c third one shadow offset resi click that second one hold the shift button click the third one path difference move that back in place scroll in put it in a good spot while we're zoomed in highlight that or select that shadow ink stitch fill tools break apart close scroll out this one's left move to the top ctrl d ctrl d move away second one and see third one shadow color offset second one see it with the second one highlighted push the shift button select the third one path difference move that back in place scroll in i actually got it in place i believe so highlight that shadow color ink stitch fill tools break apart hit apply close good good now let's do okay let's do uh troubleshoot see if we have any issues all shapes are valid excellent now what i want to do is control select that h move it to the top this will make sense in a minute control the control select the black e main letter e move to the top i didn't move that one right okay select the l move to the top select that l move to the top select that o move to the top now all of my black letterings are right here and then i'm going to push the shift button with the top one where it is push the shift button and select this path and it will select everything in between now what i want to do is group everything else is a shadow so i'm going to take everything else the same thing i clicked the top one scroll down hold the shift button click the bottom one you have selected everything i'm gonna group that one now here's why i'm doing that first of all it puts all of the black into one section and puts all of the gray shadow into one section but wait there's more what i'm gonna do this one right here this one's my shadow right and if you're not sure which one's your shadow just hit the see it and not see it button so this is my main black lettering i'm going to duplicate that so now i have another layer on top this is going to be neat fill and stroke fill off stroke on and then i selected a nice pretty blue you could do a nice pretty pretty green oh i like the green neon looking all right yeah we're going to do that green i like that so now we have not only shadows but we have a highlight color so what i'm going to do now is go back to objects on the second one which is my main lettering i'm going to go to fill hit fill and i'm going to specify a color and it could be any color you want i want a little bit of well okay i'll take that back not necessarily any color you want because you have a your embroidery machine color palettes down here so if i wanted to keep it to my embroidery machine color palette what i can do is i can grab let's grab that violet i'm going to drag it right over here to the fill box and i can do the same thing to make sure it's you know a color that my machine understands i'm going to do the same thing here i'm going to grab this bright yellow and put it in the stroke selection that ain't bright enough uh i want something bright how about that put it in the stroke section yeah i guess that works and i might that's okay let's go in here and make our stroke a little bigger yeah we like that so now we have shadow highlights that e is not offset enough is it yeah you'll have to work with it and figure out where you need everything to be to to do what you want to do but i basically showed you how and it's a lot of that is the stroke style i'm covering it up so let's take some of that back away objects that second one filling stroke let's move that back down okay yeah so now that we've done that let's do a real quick troubleshoot all shapes are valid i want to see this stitch make sure one of the things you want to make sure is that you have the least number of color changes possible because then it then it can just become a pain so i only have three colors and all three color you know i only have the three color changes to speed this up you want the shadow to render first definitely and you want your your highlight around the edges your you want that to do last so that looks pretty good and you could go into parameters and you could make make it do okay let's okay i will i hear you i hear you i'm gonna go into my second one which is the main and go to extensions ink stitch parameters i'm gonna make that that uh stitch a little bit tighter more stitches hit apply and then with nothing highlighted let's simulate that one more time sorry i can't speed this part up okay let's see if i i didn't i didn't check the number of but yeah that's that's better that uh violet is denser that's what i wanted you could do the same thing with the yellow you could actually tell the yellow to repeat and that would make a nice bold yellow outline stitch okay we're done with that one let's go to part three the one i've been dreading not really i'm hoping that the fill that the break apart gives me a couple errors to show you how to fix them okay uh i want to do uh how about happy birthday that should be complicated enough and text bring it down some that puts us inside our 5x7 and now what does that look like eh that's not bad yeah okay i'm gonna do that one that one should give me a little bit of issues so go ahead and do object path so now it's set and then extensions link stitch fill tools break apart objects let's see what happens yes i mean oh but actually that's what i wanted to happen because i need to show you how to fix this and that is going to be a pain so what you want to do scroll in scroll into one of the issue ones you know h the p p and the b that looks like this looks like the only ones that mangled okay i'm gonna hit control click this b because and i'm also going to bring up my objects layer you need to break this apart again so ink stitch fill tools break apart and it didn't do it so let's do the inkscape break apart that's what we wanted see all these little pieces in here that's what you want honestly so the bottom one the the top one is always the base and i'm going to go ahead and move that down i hit all the way down because it happens to be the first letter we're working with and then i'm going to show you what we're dealing with visual representation so if i select the next one up and hit white you'll see that little piece open up it's it's actually white you want it to be to not be there so we're going to do the sort of the same thing we're doing with the shadow and we're going to highlight that and then press shift select the base path difference now i'm going to do the rest of them without turning it white you don't have to turn it white this path push shift the base path difference they opened right up top one or the next one just click it don't push shift just click it now push shift to highlight both of them path difference same thing with this one push shift click path difference click shift click path difference is that it one more okay shift click path uh difference and okay again path path difference and that should be it yep that's it okay so now we're going to do the p same thing happened path break apart now we have that little center piece remember your base is above after it does this break apart your base is above see it's above i'm going to hit down one on that base so now my base is below select the above offending piece shift click path difference next same thing break apart same thing the top one is the base move it down one select your offending piece shift click path difference okay we're getting there we're almost there path break apart again we have a whole bunch of objects so what we're going to do is before you click anything make sure you know path 1513 is your base you want path 1513 to be under 16 19. so click 15 13 move it down however many number of times it takes to be underneath 1613. okay now that it's the lowest position of that piece now you can just do the same thing click the one above it shift click path difference click shift click path difference click shift click path difference click shift click path difference click shift click path difference click shift click path difference and that's it so scroll out it looks good let's see what troubleshoot gives us it's going to give us small fill complaints and that's it that will not keep your piece from stitching you can either make these bigger delete them or just ignore it all together so make sure you delete your troubleshoot layer and we're going to see what it looks like we'll speed this up a little bit that's what happens when you try to work with a with a real complicated looking font sometimes the break apart doesn't keep your holes but i just showed you how to get your holes back but that's all three parts of this video i hope i helped you out passed along a little knowledge some of this i just learned a little while ago as in an hour ago and it was fun it was fun trying to figure it out so that's gonna be it for now thanks for watching
Channel: Low Tech Linux
Views: 4,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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