Inkscape & Ink/Stitch Tutorial Part 3: More Trace Bitmap & Params Troubleshooting🧵

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hey peeps welcome back to project anonymous in today's video we're going to go a little bit more in depth in the trace bitmap feature in inkscape ending stitch and show you how to fix some of the issues that may arise as you do it so stick around see how we do [Music] if you haven't already checked out our last two inkscape tutorials go ahead and check it out right here yeah you're going to want to watch those two first so what we're going to do this time is a little bit more complex design of trace bitmap rather than just using a simple mistletoe that we did last time what we're going to do is we're going to use a a screenshot from a character in wan division called agatha harkness agatha heart anywho uh agnes as she's called in the uh episode she does a very famous wink do the wink so we're gonna we're gonna take a screenshot of that link and we're gonna turn it into something that we can embroider into a patch uh because the wink has kind of turned into a famous meme so we're gonna use it okay so we've already found the screenshot and what we need to do now is kind of turn it into a black and white image now i could do this in gimper or some other photo software but i like using this uh silhouette image app that i have on my phone so i couldn't you know screen record that being done on the phone but this is the app that we used to basically turn it into this black and white image and just to kind of show you comparison of the before and after the app is really simple to use and you kind of just set the contrast to where you want it so this is the black and white image we're going to use we're going to open up inkscape and open up our 4x4 template import the image okay we'll set the layer and we'll size it okay so now we're going to trace bitmap and this should be pretty simple since it's already a black and white image go ahead and update and okay all right now we have our traced bitmap on top i'm going to move it to the trace layer and we'll go ahead and hide the image so that here is our trace now if we switch over to the node view which over there right there you can see it's made up a bunch of nodes like we said before a lot yeah so you can see there's a whole bunch of little spots on there i don't think are very necessary for the uh the image do a params check just to kind of show some of the issues may run into you can see right here we have an error that we'll need to address so back over to the nodes view what i'm going to do essentially is delete some of these small unimportant to essentially simplify the design but more importantly your embroidery machine won't be able to do all of the intricate detail because we're making this like a three by three patch uh so i'm just deleting the kind of unimportant specs in the design by just scrolling or making a box over those nodes and then deleting it kind of simplify it right so got all the little details out do another params check and we still have an error so now what i'll do go back in the nodes view and you'll see there's still a whole bunch of nodes rather than going through each one trying to see where the crossover issue is i'm just going to go to the simplify option and simplify and you can see you lost a little bit of detail in there but i can still tell it's agatha so i think we're we're good with that and i'll do another params check here to see if we can get through with this nope still not working so the next thing i'm going to do is a break apart option now this is helpful in that when you have an object or image that has independent parts to it that isn't connected to each other a break apart essentially will kind of break up the image into those individual pieces so that the software will know where to start and stop in your design when embroidering so for instance here we have agatha's nose and agatha's mouth and some of the few few little dots that are not connected to any other part of the image that need to be broken apart to get it to work right now there is some issues when doing this because when you do a break apart option it's going to turn every single part of the design into the primary color of the design so in this case everything's going to turn black and you'll see that but those little pieces and details of the image are still there they're just hidden and we'll have to essentially try to figure out a way to get those back again and we'll show you how and what happens is the biggest part of the image becomes the top level of that layer so that all of the little parts are actually underneath it which is why you can't select on those little bits so what we're going to do is we're going to play with the levels within the layer to move down the big silhouette of her head and move it to the background so that we can start selecting on the other parts of the image so i'm just going to select on everything but the big part and i'm going to move it up to the top level and change the color to white so you can see it and you can see now everything is on the top level now and then i get rid of the next biggest level so what i'm doing is i've whatever my biggest object around i'm deselecting it and then i'm moving forward everything else into the highest level and i continue to do this until i get all of the details and i just create levels on top of each other black and white black and white alternating until i can get my full object back and then what i'm going to do is put everything on the same level and you'll see how i do that here [Music] so i'm just getting all the details back into the image and i'm alternating black and white so i can see them all you can see how the the levels are now put back in the correct order so that you can see the image but what i'm going to do now is an exclusion uh which will essentially get rid of all of the the white part of the design one by one and you'll see i'm making a copy of it just in case because i don't want to ruin anything you can see i did an exclusion there and then i'm going to move the big silhouette over and put my exclusion there and you see i have the snap node feature on in the upper right hand corner and what i'm doing is i'm excluding the object by selecting selecting an object and its corresponding surrounding object hitting the exclusion button which essentially deletes the smaller object which is what we wanted to begin with when we did this break apart the difference between this and what it was looking like before is that now my nose is an individual object my mouth is an individual object compared to just one big object where inks ditch wouldn't know how to go about sewing it and now i'm going to do a params check and see if that fixed it and look at that params is now working so this can be a very time consuming or tedious process so yeah take your time again think about it as just leveling out all of these different levels when you hit break apart every individual part that's not connected so you can think about it like if you're using letters anything with like a hole in the letter like a o if you did a break apart on the letter o the it would make the large outside image has a big black circle and then the inner circle outline would become its own object and all you're doing is you're putting that smaller object on top and then you're excluding it so that it makes the hole again in the o is it still like for a thicker fabric so you don't have to do like over time this is very good at getting your design into one level if you had a very complex design that were where it was a bunch of different colors just stacked on top of each other if you did one object at a time and did an exclusion it essentially bumps down a level so that you can just fill in that area so that you're sewing on one level is different than layers layers is an order of stitch that you can do levels is more of like the different levels of your design within a layer all right so what i'm doing now is making a fill layer that's going to be my background i'm just going to do a white circle background and just trying to get it to about three inches by three inches using the little uh tape measure at the top there okay once i'm happy with that let me go ahead and uh make a copy of it contr command c and command v to make a copy and i'm going to move these objects to my fill layer and i'm going to move the fill layer down below the trace layer so that i can see my trace on top of it because i want the fill layer to sew first and then i'm going to highlight my object or my trace and i'm going to move it to where i want it on the patch and resize again holding control down so i don't distort in the x or y axis so what i'm doing is i'm moving the trace that we want on top of the fill layer putting it where i want it and then i'm doing an intersection command to essentially cut off the part that i don't need anymore so again that's the intersection command and it will make that curved bottom that will match up with my fill layer very nicely unfortunately it turns it white but then i can just hit the the black button and it turns it back so now i can move it right on top of my circle patch and it matches up perfectly now i turn the background red so that we can see if we missed any parts of our exclusions and you can see i missed a little bit right there which means i need to do another exclusion so again i'm going to hit the small area and encircle it and then i'm going to hit the big area and go to exclusion and you can see it went away and now i can tell because the back the red white or the red background it got rid of that it got rid of that level so i turned it back white i made another copy of the fill because this is going to be my satin stitch so i'm going to create a new layer let's make a new layer for that and then i'm going to move that to that layer so last thing we're going to do is we're going to add some text on here i thought it'd be funny to put telework there right um so i'm going to do a wrap text around a wrap text around object or path and i'm going to curve the word telework around the circle so you can see you do that right here and if you want it on the inside of the circle you can just hit that up down button or invert button and it will put it on the inside of your of your path i can just kind of play with the size to get it where i want curve it around so it's important to note right now that this word telework right now is tied to that circle object and i can't move it until i convert it to a path let me do that by going object to path and you can see it kind of shrinks there the box and then now it's independent and i can move it wherever i want but it's important to know i can't edit the text anymore other than distorting it by stretching or resizing but i can't you know change the word at this point because it's now seen as a path not an object so basically the program doesn't see it as a word anymore i'm just moving my satin stitch over on top and i change the opacity so i can make sure i get it nice and centered on top of that fill stitch and then i turn the opacity back up to 100 and that's my design so you may have an issue when using text when you go into params so what we do is we're gonna break it apart right so again just like before with the image and we're having problems getting it to go because the mouth and nose were separate objects or rather they weren't connected to the main object you may have to break up your words uh into individual letters and in some cases uh like an eye right so like an eye or a j or an exclamation point where there's different parts of the same letter you may have to break it apart even further to get individual boxes around each part of each letter i remember having to do that for some reason um it did not throw that issue up for us i'm not sure if it's because we have an updated version uh but we have seen this in the past um with previous versions of this program where we've had to break it apart so we'll go ahead and show you now how to go ahead and break that apart okay so i'm just going to move the word off to the side so we can see it better and what i'm going to do is i'm going to ungroup this word hit ungroup there and it will essentially break apart this word into individual letters or ungroup them so that my t is now independent from the rest of the word where it wasn't before highlight everything and i'll just show you a params check real quick again our word was working before this may help you and it may work for you it seems to be working for us so now i'm going to do the break apart and go path break apart and now you can see here just like uh we were discussing with the the main tracing uh the outline of the e here is independent of the inner outline of the the hole in the e so what we're going to do is we're going to move the big part down to the bottom level and which allows us to select the upper level now we're going to select both levels and we're going to go hit exclusion and you can see that's how you get rid of that if you're having any issues with text or letters or anything like that this trick should fix it it should so now we're going to do a simulator preview because i always like to see it before we stitch it out and this looks amazing this is going to turn out great so we're we're saving our design now what we want it to be called because when we export it into a pes file it will default to whatever the svg saved file name is and also if it like exits out yeah if you get some kind of glitch where inkscape just quits on you and you didn't save any of your work that would suck bad that would be bad okay so we're gonna go to embroider so if this is your first time converting to embroidery file you'll notice that your directory is going to be empty so you have to define with a path name of where your files are going to be saved at so you're basically going to open up your finder window into where you would like your files to be saved and for our case we're just going to use the desktop and we're going to go to the settings wheel and we're going to go to copy path name or copy folder's path name and paste it in there and now all of our pes files that we save or export are going to be saved to our desktop [Music] so now it's time for the finished review it looks like this yeah it turned out really good uh what we ended up doing is we used a white fabric with a pretty thick stabilizer on there stitched out our design and cut it out and we ended up using a tip that one of you gave us when using a a different color fabric when cutting out the patch of using a sharpie on the edge so it kind of hides the the white fabric on the outside of the satin stitch and it turned out amazing thank you for the tip it's such a good tip thank you so go ahead and comment down below any um video ideas you have for us or any projects you want us to do or any tips you have that might be useful for us anyways thanks so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video please like it if you liked it like it subscribe if you enjoy our content subscribe and turn on those notifications see your mind every single time we post a video stay crafty and be happy bye
Channel: Project Anonymous
Views: 9,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project anonymous, project, anonymous, Project Anonymous, Inkscape, inkscape, ink stitch, inkstitch, Inkstitch, ink/stitch, tutorial, embroidery, machine embroidery, embroidered, custom, digitize, digitized, vector graphic, designs, brother, se1900, SE1900
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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