How to print sublimations transfers with Inkscape

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hey y'all hey missy here with out of the world designs i am here today to help you guys learn how to print sublimation prints with inkscape inkscape is a free program and it's pretty amazing you can not only print with um inkscape but you can also design an inkscape and do a lot of fun stuff with it the um main thing that i use inkscape for is printing and i'm going to walk you through how to do that um you need to go to so and then when you get to there you need to hit the download okay and you just download the version and it'll i've already got mine downloaded it's been downloaded for many many many many years so you need to just download it to your computer it'll show you how to do that and once you have it downloaded to your computer it'll have an icon that pops up on your desktop and i'm going to show you what that looks like but while we're here on inkscape i want to show you there are learning resources how-to videos tutorials and more there's um community gallery explorer features and download so there is lots of information on this website to help you also you can volunteer to help with designing and stuff like that so um they do have a facebook page a twitter page um but here's more learn here's the community the news and about what inkscape's about also if you want to contribute the development and support us so make sure after you done downloading and watching this video you go back on here and see what else you can learn from inkscape itself okay i really like inkscape and i've been working with it for a very long time and it's very easy to work with um so i'm going to close this now and if you see here on my desktop this is inkscape and now i'm going to open it ignore this mess i need to clean it up but here is my inkscape so what you want to do is you want to double click it and it will open up for you guys okay and this is what your inkscape looks like the first thing i want to tell you is we're going to print out of this box that is what i find is the easiest way to print so we're going to go up here to file if you see right up here on the left hand corner you click file and then you're going to we're going to change the size of the box we're going to go down here to document properties and click document properties if you look over here to your right you are going to see different sizes there's an eight and a half by eleven and if you see our box changed and then if you watch again there's eight and a half by 14 right below the 11 and our box is going to change again and it changed again so um there is these input sizes are ready but if you want to change it to one of the bigger sizes you will have to change it here now this might show millimeters right here when you first come on or it might show inches but if it shows millimeters or centimeters and you want to work in inches make sure your units say i n for inches and then this is how we're going to change the size right here you're going to click right there and then you're going to hit backspace or delete and it's going to leave the box empty so we can put in our own size so we're going to put in size for the 11 by 17 paper when you work with some programs and some printers sometimes it works better if you put in actually a little bit smaller of a size than what you're actually working with for instance we are going to work with 11 by 17 [Music] but i'm going to put in a little bit smaller okay so we're going to put in 10.90 i always do this every single time then the height i'm going to backspace that and we're going to put in 11 i mean i'm sorry not 11. 16.90 so if you see our boxes changed in size and now it is 10.9 by 11 i mean 16 sorry guys 10.9 by 16.9 so now that it is that size we are still able to use our 11 by 17 paper no worries whatsoever we're going to bring in some art and i'm going to show you how to print it there's two different ways to bring in art okay the first way is to go back over here to your file that i showed you earlier and you click file and then you go down to import so you click import there and then it's gonna bring up your files and you can um go into any of your files let me just pull one here let's pull this candy corn okay and then we're going to click on it every time you click on one it highlights so we're going to click on this candy corn and we're going to hit open and there's our candy corn okay so now we want it to fit our 11 by 17 paper if that's what size we want to print it what you do you can print it you don't have to fill up the whole paper you can fill up all of the paper you can fill up a little bit of the paper and you can put many of these on here if you want to put many at one time over at out of the world designs we have ornament sizes um so say if you had a deer or even if you wanted a candy corn ornament or one of our round ornaments you could fill up this whole block with ornaments and then print it and do a whole bunch at one time so i'm going to show you how to do that how to change the size of this is easy there's a few ways to do that but i want to first show you another way to bring in your art okay if you want if you want in the way i do it is i pull up a folder from the bottom of my computer i have an hp and we have these little folders here i pull up one of those and i drag in my art what i mean by dragging in is if you notice you can click on these each one you click turns blue so i'm going to click on this tag here and then i'm just going to drop hold it down and i'm going to drag it over and i'm going to let go and if you see it brought it in okay now let's change the size of the tag okay there's a few ways to do that the main thing you want to do is you want to go up top here where you see millimeters and you want to change that to inches so you just click that button there and then you go down to i n which is inches unless you work in millimeters then that's fine but i work in inches right now it says the width is w it says it is 12.323 wide and then the h is height and it says it is 14 3.373 high tall so there's a few ways we can change this my favorite and easiest way to change it is to hit the lock button this little little lock button right there it's right beside of the width you change it click it that's my favorite way when you lock that lock button it means that it is it's going to stay in proportion proportionate means it's not going to let me show you well now i have it locked so let me unlock it it's not going to become like that because that doesn't look good right so if you hit that lock button it will not look like that if you now if you want to undo what i just did you hit control on your keyboard and then hit the letter z and it automatically undoes it control z is always a backspace it's like a undo button so if you always hit control and then letter z on your computer at the same time i'll hit control and then pin z and then it'll backspace okay so now we have this back i'm gonna go back and hit lock and i hit my little lock and now it's locked and it is blue when it is locked up there so now there's a few ways that you can adjust the size you can adjust it just like this if you want like if we're just trying to just fill this in and there's no particular size if this is just going on a pillow or a big blanket and i don't need a particular size but i just want the width then you just fill it in like that and we can print okay but if you're wanting particular size for instance this was made for our our mdf shape we have a cattle tag mdf shape so say you wanted to make ornaments for your tree of this shape well you can come up here and you can change the size of that ornament our ornaments are always 4 inches tall or four inches wide whichever comes first so consider since it's 10 inches wide and 12 inches tall that means our ornament is going to be 4 inches tall because the top the height is greater than the width so we're going to go up here to height and we're going to click there and we're going to just hit backspace and we're going to change that to four our ornaments prints at 420. so we're going to print hit 4.20 and then you're going to click here and it's going to automatically change it so now if you click on this you always have to have this click to be able to move it by the way like this isn't going to move or do or i'm not going to change any sizes unless i click it so you have to um click it to be able to move it you click and hold to move and you click and hold to or you don't have to click and hold to change the size you just just to move it you click and hold okay so click and hold to move or just click to change the size but if you look up here now it says 4.20 3.601 so it is perfect size now for our ornaments now say i want to fill up this whole sheet to print a whole bunch of these ornaments because i got a bunch of them i want to print i want to do it fast and i have a craft show coming up you're going to click it and then you're going to right click and then you're going to hit duplicate okay and then it's going to click on it and drag it over and now i have two now you can do that again you click then you right click and you go down to duplicate and now i just click and hold and drag and now i have another one and you can do that until you completely fill it up all right so that is a good way to duplicate and fill up your sheet and you just keep doing that but we're going to move this back over and we're just going to fill it up and show you how to print so i'm just going to take it and fill him all the way out and show you guys how to print the most thing you want to keep in your lines here okay so make sure you're staying in your lines if you're just printing a size you want to we want to reverse this when you are printing sublimation you always want it to be mirrored so you're going to click which is a left click then you're going to go up here this is your flip this is how you flip it okay so this one you're going to flip horizontal which will make it mirrored so if you watch here while i click here you will see this change horizontal so i'm going to now click this and this is going to change changed so it is totally flipped and ready to go on our paper so now we are ready to print which is now super easy you come back up here to file click your file button and then you go down to print and then your printer preferences are going to come up i have two printers i have one that i have named left living room and then i have one that i just have a 7710 workforce printer so i can click either one of these and it'll show you what to do and so i'm going to click my left printer now the best way to print is go to preference always always are we going to go to preference so we're going to click preference it's loading for some reason okay now the 11 by 17 is going to be a user defined size see where it says user defined you're going to always go and find if we were printing eight and a half by 11 we would use letter if we were printing 13 by 19 we would use super b 13 by 19 but we are printing eight and a half i mean 11 by 17 so we're going to use user defined okay always click there it's going to tell you your size and make sure it shows the same size and that it's in inches and click ok then you're going to go to your paper type which is right here this is your paper type you want to click here and you want to change this to matte always print in matte it gives you the best print possible it's a slower print but it's the best one so click mat now normally i would change the quality here from standard to best but for some reason in the user defined it doesn't give me the option for my workforce printer now you can always do a print preview which is down here if you see right here is print preview and you can click that and i'm going to click that just to show you what it's going to look like okay so you print preview press ok and then go to print and i'm going to go ahead and do this and then this is my print preview so see it looks perfect this is exactly how i want it to print i'm not going to print this because i don't have this size of paper in my printer right now but normally you would just hit print right here and it would print your print out for you so it's just really guys that easy um i'm going to cancel do you want to print the document no so now let me show you how to flip this back and print eight and a half by eleven okay so we're gonna click on this and you don't have to flip this back but i'm just wanting to make sure you guys see how to flip it you go back up here and you flip it back over okay now we're going to click on this and just move it over temporarily while we're changing the size now if you look back over here to the right you can see there's an eight and a half by eleven right there so we don't have to input the size you just click on eight and a half by eleven and it takes you to this little box now if you see our artwork definitely is not fitting in there so we want to scale it to the size we want it or change it to the size we need it up here you can always change it to the size you need it up here or you can just use these arrows and move you just hold the click the arrow and hold it down with your left hand button of your mouse and you can move it okay normally i key in all my sizes because all my sizes i need for a certain project or pillow or blank that i'm doing because we sell the matching blanks for these but i'm just showing you guys the easiest way okay so if you want to change the size definitely you can do it up here or you can do it right here so we're going we got it in the box we're gonna right click i mean we're gonna left click on it and then we're gonna go back over here and flip it so we're gonna hit flip again we've mirrored it so it's ready to print so we're gonna go back over to file and we're gonna go down to print again and then i'm going to pick my living room left and i'm going to pick preference you always want to change your preference every time you print to make sure you're good so we're on letter eight and a half by eleven and that is exactly where we need to be so we don't have to change that the paper here we need to change it to map so you just click that and go down to matt matt is the best setting to print from then your quality can be changed now so you definitely want to change it to high while ago i said best but i'm at high so don't do standard do high if you can do high the only one that will not let you change it the high is 11 by 17 you can change it on the eight and a half by eleven the eight and a half by 14 and you can change it in the um 13 by 19. the only one that my mine will not allow me to change it for is the um 11 by 17. so now you're just you can hit print preview again if you would like to see and you can hit okay if you have more than one you need to print you're doing t-shirts you have 10 t-shirts you can always change this here you see it's changing three four five six seven you can change it with the arrows or you can just hit backspace and you can change it for however many you need but we're only needing one so i'm gonna leave it at one and then i'm gonna hit pr preview and hit okay now you still have to hit print on this side you've set up your preferences the preferences are done you said okay now you're gonna hit print now your preview is gonna come up once you look at your preview and it looks good you just hit print here and it's going to start printing your transfer for you okay i'm not going to print the transfer because i'm just showing you how to do it so we're going we do not want to print it so i'm going to hit no now we can flip this back if you want to you don't have to and i'm going to show you how to do the last one the last one is a 13 by 19 and it's super easy okay now you just go over here to your back over to the right hand side and you just click your width and you're going to make it a little bit smaller than your 13 you're gonna do a 12 by .90 and then your height you're going to change that to a 18.90 so if you see our box is already changing in height okay so there is the 13 by 19 and it is going to print just perfect on our paper just the way we like so we want to fill up this tag and we can fill it up we have a tag size that is 12x14 so for our mdf blank so i'm going to show you how to work this again so we still have it on lock so we're going to put in up here we we're going to hit back and we're going to put in 12.30 because that's the size you need to change your blank to the larger size and then we're just going to hit click here and it automatically changes it to 14.3 for so now your blank is ready you don't have to put in both measurements because we had it locked and it's ready to go so now we're just going to go up here flip it over again and you're ready to go so now we're going to go over to the file and we're going to put print and then you're going to go to living room left or whatever you have yours named up go to preference again and then you're going to click here where it says document size and you're going to look for your super b 13 by 19 and you're gonna click there okay and then you're going to go to your paper type and click here and go down to mats after you have matt you go to your quality and you click there and you go hi now you can do a print preview you can pick how many copies you want and you press ok then once you're done with your preferences you're still at this screen you press print okay and then it's going to bring up and you will see now if you notice i want to point out if you notice here this shows you exactly how it was on there so this is how it's going to print on your paper so if you see here how you have a little bit more room than you do on this size that's why i like using this box because when you are putting a lot of different items on there or even a flag or something like this you can see exactly how it's going to print on your paper so if you need to move it over you can but we're not going to print you would just click here to print but i'm not going to print it because i don't need to so i just hit cancel but if you need want to move this more center in your box you just click it and then you can use your mouse to move it or you can use your arrow keys and it can be center it doesn't have to be center but if you want it to it can um and it's just a really easy simple way to print um i can bring these little guys back over here and i can print me a big old sheet and it'll it it does really good at showing you how many you can print at one time i'm just moving these up so you can guys can see it with the lines here it just shows you how many if you left click and then you right click and hit duplicate you have a duplicate so you left click right click duplicate now both of these actually have another one on top of it so you left click and hold the left click and drag it down you left click hold the left click and drag it down and i can move these to where i need so they're not touching and um fill up my whole paper and um you know this way i can print a lot at one time instead of having to print a little and you can do this you can do if you left click here i'm left clipping and i'm dragging my box to the right you can highlight them all then you can right click them and duplicate and then left click and hold and drag and you can do some really good amazing stuff with inkscape i'm telling you guys and the print the prints come out beautiful and make sure you fill up your whole sheet you can fill up this side too don't leave it out fill up your whole sheet and when you're done filling up your sheet you can flip these all at once you don't have to flip one flip one flip one you just left click and drag your mouse down and then let go okay it's all highlighted and then you go back over here to your flip button and you flip it and it flips every single one of them and you can click off of it and print them so that is how you do everything i hope that this video was easy for you guys if you have any questions please let me know i'm very i'm very easy to work with and i'd really like to help everybody to be able to print easier and make beautiful beautiful things with all of our art and i hope this was helpful in i can teach you other things with inkscape if you would like to see other things also i can teach you how to add text to one of your designs if you would like me to do that um just please let me know what you would like to see and i will be sure to get you a video going okay um if you like this video please let me know and show me some love and um please subscribe to our channel i appreciate each and every one of you and if you are not on our group go join out of on facebook at out of the world designs um our website is out of and our facebook is out of the world designs we have a facebook group a facebook play page and an instagram and um i hope this was helpful thank you very much for watching
Channel: My Sublimation Superstore
Views: 23,223
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Id: mT8IszVGz_E
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Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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