MakerFest '21 Custom Embroidered Patches Inkscape Ink/Stitch Tutorial

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hello everyone i'm rachel from the innisfil ideal 11 library and in this maker fast tutorial we're going to learn how to create a custom patch using ink stitch and inkscape so let's get started first thing i always like to do is when i'm creating a patch or anything kind of to do with the embroidery machine i like to measure and set my document properties so for today i'm going to make a patch that's about three inches by three inches now i'm gonna go into inkscape and we can see right here we have our canvas and again as always our canvas is where our items are captured all of our designs are gonna be captured within the square so anything you design inside the square will be recognized by the program anything set outside of this square will not be recognized by the program so now we're going to change our document properties and this canvas size to 3 inches by 3 inches let's go up to the file menu we're going to click on document properties and then this window will appear here now under custom size i'm going to switch instead of units to i n for inches and then in widths and height i'm going to put in three inches as soon as i hit enter you'll probably notice my canvas has gotten a lot smaller now so i'm just going to zoom in by hitting the plus sign and bring this to the center of my screen and i'm going to close this window for now next i'm going to make a border for my patch and you have two different options you can either use the circle tool or you can you can use the bezier tool the reason why there's a difference between this is for some reason ink stitch will change the kind of different stitching that you will get so with the circle tool it will kind of go back and forth and with the satin with the busy a tool it will create a satin stitch and go all the way around so today i'm gonna try to do both going to try my circle and click and drag from one corner to the other you can see it's a very thin line here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to open up my fill and stroke okay so we can see that my line here is fairly thin let's change that i'm going to go over to my fill and stroke menu and we don't need a fill but i would like a stroke we're going to make this very dark black color and then i'm going to go to stroke style and i'm actually going to increase just the thickness of it you can see here now this outline is starting to get really thick looking pretty good i'll keep it about that because i do like a nice border for patches when you're cutting the fabric it does give it a nice security feature but one thing i need to do is i need to now select and i'm going to click on object to path now what this does is when you go and use your edit path tool you're going to notice that there's these lines right here now we want to change that so you can go right here if you'd like and click on the convert object to stroke to path and what that does now it creates two different lines and then a fill on the inside of this so for instance when we go up to extensions and go down to ink stitch i'm going to try to simulate it and we're going to have an idea of what this looks like it will take some time now we can see that right now it's going back and forth now we don't kind of want that kind of stitch we would like more of a zigzag stitch so let's try to change that i'm going to close it so as you can see you can still get this zigzag pattern now that's the one difference we're going to change that i'm going to go over to and remove this i'm going to remove my border and i'm going to use the busy a tool now for as my example so busy tools a little different with this one you just click and then you're going to drag to your next area and it's always kind of a little rough i'm just trying to get a basic shape and then i'm going to straighten it out afterwards i have my object i'm going to click on my pointers here and this gives me an option that i can change all of my different areas now sometimes i will remove a node if i'd like to i'm just going to edit it a little bit and you can double click on your line and also add a node so i'm just going to make a quick circle using the busy a tool okay same thing i'm gonna you know thicken this and i'm gonna increase the thickness of this outline and you're gonna see the difference between a satin column and just a regular stitch so again we're just going to adjust this a little bit and now i'm going to go to extensions ink stitch we're going to do a simulation now we'll just take a second now let's take a look at this stitch now notice how it's going very zigzag back and forth it kind of goes around instead so that's one difference between using an actual shape and the busy tool this you can allow this to do text you can allow it to do other objects as well and it gives you a really nice border so i'm going to keep this one and now uh what i'm going to do is i'm going to actually start bringing in some images so i'm going to go to google now and i've already typed in ladybug i'm going to right click on this image and i'm going to hit copy image i'm going to go back to inkscape and i'm going to right click and hit paste we have our image and i need to convert this to a vector image so what's a vector image a vector image won't have a background and it will also be able to convert to being an embroidery file and you can edit it and do a couple of fun things with it so how you convert it go up to your path menu click on tracepic map and then click update and then apply now it doesn't look like anything has happened but this has gotten a little darker and if you click and drag you actually have a transparent version rather than one that has a white background so we don't need this one let's delete it and i'm just going to move my ladybug into my patch so i'm just going to put a little bit closer here now there's one thing uh you'll i'm gonna do two colors so i'm actually gonna do the black and then i'm gonna add red into this area so how do you do that and it's really easy you can either go to path and hit break apart and then you'll notice there's just one area here all you have to do is select that one area you want to change the color go down to the bottom and add a fill and you can kind of see the dots have disappeared so let's go look for our little dots so it's looking pretty good same thing you can always adjust things you can move them if you want to you can make them a little bit more seamless adjust the way you need it to be okay so next part is i'm going to use my text tool ink stitch and letterings and this is where you can automatically type in what you would like it to say and it will give you a preview over here when it's done and if you want to change the size you can actually go over here and you can either do a medium font it'll take a second or you can choose a smaller font there's only four right now and you can also do this other font this one's a little bit more laid back i'm going to keep this one you can also add a trim and what a trim does is it'll actually cut off these in between layers right here and that way it's nice and clean so i'm going to hit apply and quit and this is just going to put all of my text in there it'll just give a second we can see that my text is just up top here and you can see all these fun little areas and this is a note to tell you that these are where these stitches are going to cut so i'm going to just shrink it on down and i'm going to bring it into my design i'm going to make it a hair a bit smaller now i'm not going to worry too much about the color itself because i'm going to change that when i go into the actual embroidery machine okay so we're looking pretty good i'm just going to click and group all of this together let's group it and then let's go to extensions and we're going to do a simulation i want to double check things are going to work and it's going to show our preview here so usually it does it layer by layer we have the black background we have our satin stitch that's going around we have our red we have our little dots we have our little ladybug there so that's gonna come around okay so it's looking pretty good i have the stitches the way i would like them to look we have some layering happening so that's good so i'm just going to x out of this and what i'm going to do next is go to extensions ink stitch and then i'm actually going to click on embroider and it should convert i'm just going to hit apply it will take a second okay and now you can see that we've just converted our little patch so next part is i'm just going to save it i'm going to go up to file save as i'm going to put lady and the kind of file i'm actually saving it as i'm going to hit this drop down menu and i want it to be a dst and this is a an embroidery file so i'm just going to click on it and i'm gonna hit save okay so we're gonna go over to the embroider machine and go get this made let's go check it out okay after we've turned on our embroidery machine we now have to select the right size hoop this is our largest hoop here and because we're doing a smaller patch we're going to use a smaller hoop we're going to use this one next we're going to go get our fabric and we are going to make sure that the top part of the embroidery hoop is facing upwards we're going to take the two pieces apart we're going to leave the bottom piece and take our fabric and drape it over top we're going to take our top piece of our hoop and now press it into place you want to ensure that your fabric is drum tight meaning that it is tight enough that it could be a drum so make sure that your fabric is stretched out properly before setting it into the machine next there is a little piece on the bottom hoop and you're going to want to tighten this this ensures that your fabric will stay in place and it won't be slipping or anything while it's being embroidered after your fabric has been put into place into the hoop you're going to pop it now into the embroidery machine and then we're gonna go and make sure that the bobbin is threaded properly making sure that it is going counter-clockwise when putting it in the machine and always to making sure that you oil the machine for every use next you're going to thread the machine and i'm going to speed up this process so it doesn't take too long so right now i am just putting a black thread into this i do recommend doing a test stitch before drawing it on your actual patch okay and now the broading machine is started now for every color you will have to re-thread the machine in order to make sure that that's the color that's going to be embroidered next after the machine is done embroidering you can then remove the hoop from the machine and trim off any of the excess threads and there you have it that's how you can create your own embroidered patch using ink stitch and inkscape at the library thank you and have a great day
Channel: Innisfil ideaLAB & Library
Views: 258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -zz5IzMY4VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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