Digitize System Fonts (Ink/Stitch)

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to digitize system fonts the ink stitch program does come with a lettering tool that has a few fonts that are ready to be used immediately as embroidery text but if you want to you know select a font that isn't in this library there's a little bit more work that has to be done so if you check out the lettering tool that ink stitch already has you can see all these different fonts that are here but there's not too many but the perks of using this library and using this tool is that you can automatically start using uh the tool so you can see that it's already ready to create a format that's ready to be in to be imported but you know say we don't want to just use this library of fonts we want to use some other fonts this is how you would do it so you go to the left hand side and you select the text tool and then go ahead and type in whatever text it is that you need and then we're just going to make a little bit closer so you get a little bit closer and you can see the font that's here and if you say okay i don't want to use this font here um you want to use a different font so you'll go ahead and click this up here to get the text properties and then you'll be able to see all the fonts that are on your laptop so we'll change it to this font here and then once you've found your font make sure you click apply so it takes effect and now we can see that the font has been changed just going to exit that and move this over so we can see the font uh and the text that we have now and just to note some things on the side here we have this objects panel but say you don't have this open up let me show you how you would get there you would click object at the top and then go to objects here and then you can see all the different objects that you have in your project now if you're familiar with adobe photoshop or any other any kind of other photo photoshop program you'll be maybe a little bit familiar with layers and so in this project we only have one layer and in that layer we have one thing and it's this text here that has the word font so uh this text here is not ready to be used as an uh is not in the embroidery format that we need it in so we need to convert it so to be able to convert it what we'll do is we'll go ahead and make sure that we've selected the entire text that we want we're going to go to path and then go to object to path and then once you go to object to path you can see that there was a change on the side for this object before the text was just one object and there were no child nodes underneath it but once you click onto this you'll see that there's all these paths underneath here now and each path just represents each letter that's in this word so now that the text has been converted into paths what we'll need to do is union each path together so to do that we'll click uh the letter that we want and then we'll click union and we'll do this for each letter in this word so that we can union uh the text together all right so all the texts are all the letters have been unioned together now it's a weird thing with ink stitch i'm not sure why but it after you've union all of it together it's going to ask you to break apart the fill objects so you make sure you go to so you want to select all of these all the letters that are in your text and then you'll go to extensions at the top ink stitch fill tools and then break apart fill objects so go ahead and click on that and then you'll be presented with this window here now i'm not too sure exactly what simple and complex does exactly um it does have a little bit of an explanation here but i haven't really found a difference over using rather using simple or using complex they both seem to do the same thing for me so i just usually use simple and if you want to get a live preview of what the objects would look like after you've chosen simple or select or complex you just go ahead and click live preview and then you can see that all of your objects are still intact after they've been broken apart so go ahead and click apply and click apply again and so now it's it's taken its effect and all the letters have been broken apart alright so the next thing that we'll want to do is uh select all of our text again and then we're going to go to extensions and then params and we're going to the parameters for how we want this this stitch to come out and on the right hand side you'll see a simulation of what it looks like after it's been stitched out now i'm okay with the default settings so i usually just click apply and quit and that's it that's what you would do if you want to digitize your system fonts
Channel: Ashae
Views: 2,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ink/Stitch, ink stitch, embroidery, digitizing, embroidery digitizing, System font, ink stitch text, ink stitch font, digitizing tutorial, embroidery tutorial, how to digitize, embroidery software, digitize font, custom font ink stitch, custom digitize, custom font, design digitizing
Id: 8RgimAvdOmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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