How to ACTUALLY GROW on Twitch [2021]

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Great video!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AmarLifter ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 19 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Great stuff. Iโ€™ve gotten so frustrated reading so much generic advice and so many vague tips. Iโ€™m currently working on a master list of every piece of real advice Iโ€™ve gotten. Definitely going to include these. Thanks!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Blu_Bat ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 19 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That was actually nice, thanks :)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/crispychickenfox ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 19 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Yes! Dude the โ€œdonโ€™t look at your stream countโ€ is 100% the real deal. If youโ€™re thinking about the view count, it takes you out of your momentum.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/0live_strange ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 20 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Good vid. Thanks.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jdhayward ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 19 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
you've just started streaming on twitch congratulations that's the first step you probably watched all these videos of how to grow your channel but you probably realize that a lot of them have the exact same information network be yourself stuff that you know it's pretty much common sense these are the things that i figured out that you can do to actually grow your channel and start building momentum on twitch now some of these things will be a little bit more obvious than others but i do think there's some gems in here that can really separate you from the competition because let's be honest it's hard twitch is ridiculously hard to get any sort of viewership on the purpose of this is to get a couple of more people into chat little things you can do to kind of just give yourself a bit of an edge over the competition have an interesting title if you go on any category on twitch and sort from lowest views to highest views and look at all the people with the low views you will see time and time again chill stream come chill come hang out come say hey simply putting the words come say hey or come hang come chill out it's not going to entice people to actually come and say hi and to actually come and hang out you see it i guarantee you scroll through any category it's always there it's always the same the title is the one place you have to actually give someone a little bit of information about your personality or what you do before they've even had to come and spend a few seconds on your stream because that is exactly what people will spend they will only spend a couple of seconds there and then they'll decide whether or not they like you come up with a little funny thing to say in your title for example my stream yesterday was called big stupid idiot plays minecraft hardcore for the first time it's not that funny it's not that interesting but it's different than just come chill come say hey try to put something into that title that you know says a little bit about you maybe it's your sense of humor or whatever just try experiment with that i guarantee you people will come [Music] everybody pastes their link places okay so if you're alive you have your routine you post it on twitter you might post it on your instagram your facebook wherever but one of the big ones for this is discord there's a lot of communities out there that have self-promo sections on discord that will allow you to post your link unless it's one of these discord communities that are just like hey we're a discord community come follow us and we support each other that's both don't join them it's just a link dump basically but there is a lot of communities different streamers or whatever me included who have a section on their discord community for people to self-promote whether that's their youtube channel or their twitch streams or whatever but don't just join these communities for the express intent of posting your link in there people are going to be way more likely to come to watch your video or watch your stream if they recognize you from being active in that discord you know if you join it and all you do in that discord is just spam your link people aren't going to watch it if you look at myself promo section on my discord and if you look at people who just dropped their links when they're live and you go on and click at their viewer list i very very very rarely will see anyone from my community there but if it's someone who's active and talks a lot in the general chat or the chit chat section or wherever and then they drop their links and i go on there's always other people from the community there and they're in chat they're actively hanging out they're actively watching so that's what separates it if you are just active in that community and it doesn't you don't have to be there all day just spamming what you're doing basically treating that discord as your own personal twitter you don't have to do that the odd hello hey what's up engage in a conversation that's happening on the on the on the discord server people will show up after that you know people will recognize your name they'll see when you do when you drop a link and then they'll come and watch you this has been said a lot but it holds up so much turn off your view count on obs or streamlabs obs or whatever it is you used to stream do not look at how many viewers you have i know this is so difficult i'm so guilty even sometimes still of doing this if you want to grow on twitch and if you want to be the person that's trying to be entertaining and not just relying on being some sort of pro gamer treat your stream at all times like you have a hundred thousand viewers whether you have one or a hundred thousand don't look at it you want to be on all the time all right you want to be chatting engaging practice it even when you're not live just talk when you're playing games so many streamers that i know are people who i know or friends that i have who've started streaming and they write to me like hey dude like i'm not growing or i'm not doing anything or like people aren't staying i watch their streams and they're sitting there playing the game doing whatever saying nothing the minute they see the the one viewer pop-up or the view count go up one oh what am i doing and they'll start talking then but like that takes a while that that viewer is not that view counter is not real time that takes a while to update that time that you're sitting there silently waiting for viewers to come which will not happen they will not just come on their own accord and you're saying nothing the time you're doing that somebody's come realize you haven't said anything in five seconds and they've gone straight away so turn off the view cap don't pay attention to the numbers have fun with it start off and just have a little bit of fun and that fun will show and but if you're constantly watching for this view counter to start bumping up to two three four five six seven eight whatever it's not just gonna happen on its own you yourself have to be entertaining at all times you're streaming you're not playing games that's why you're doing this you're streaming to be entertaining choose your game wisely so many people who like wonder why they don't they don't blow up on twitch or wonder why they're not getting viewers because they're playing fortnite or they're playing warzone or they're playing whatever's popular and there's two thousand three thousand other people ahead of them all streaming the same game no one's going to scroll for five minutes to try find your stream try and find a game that has a high amount of viewership but not a lot of people streaming it for example subnautica was huge for my stream because at the time there was a lot of people watching subnautica but not a lot of people streaming it so if you go into a category and you have like the first person streaming there has say 500 viewers the next person has 100 the person after that has 20 10 then there's you at the bottom these people are way more likely to drop off into the next few streams than they would be if there's 10 000 other streamers all streaming the same thing try and find games like that just that are just timeless that are always popular but that just don't have hundreds of people streaming them at a time because no one's gonna sift through all those streams to try and find you also don't just pick the game because you think you'll get views from it make sure that it fits your streaming style scroll through the the browse section on twitch and see what looks fun make sure it fits your personality the way you want to talk the way you want to entertain has to be right for you it is a little bit tricky to find that that balance but once you find it it will do wonders for your channel a big thing on twitch at the minute is people coming into a chat and letting you know that they're about to stream do not be this person if you take anything from this video don't be this person if you're new to a chat and you show up and you say hey and the streamer says hello back to you and chatter welcoming you in all that kind of thing don't have the second thing you do be tell us that you're about to stream don't come in and say things like yeah yeah i'm good just getting ready to stream oh cool i stream this too i'm just about to start shooting this no way what do you mean no way you're sitting in the minecraft channel all right what do you mean this is such a coincidence that you you just noticed that i'm playing same game that you're about to stream don't backhand self-promote it is so obvious to the streamer it makes the streamer uncomfortable because they don't know how to react to you a lot of the time when it happens to me i don't want to be i don't want to be rude i don't want to be like go back and self-promote somewhere else it's just rude chat etiquette is a real thing and secondly it just doesn't work you know like if you come into a stream and just say hey i'm streaming this and then leave that doesn't tell us anything about you it's just a waste of time don't be that person don't do it it will do more harm to your channel then it will do good and it's it's just not worth it on the contrary though if you are yourself a streamer and you have other streams that you watch and other communities that you're involved in be active in those communities because chances are if you make friends and connections through that community they'll watch you and this is what everyone talks about when they say networking networking implies that you have this like ulterior motive where like you're only in a community to get views from it or to get followers from it whereas if you make actual genuine connections a you might make some really cool friends b those friends will probably want to support you in what you're doing don't network make friends they'll help you [Music] before you go live check that everything works i know this sounds really stupid and obvious but hear me out for a second the amount of times that like i've seen a stream or clicked on a stream and gone on and it's somebody there in with their green screen or like their lights blinding them or the game is or something is not right with their stream that could could be easily fixed i'll just i'll just turn it off like i'm sure that person is great and they're trying their hardest this is something that you know if you're having an issue you can sort out most of these things before you even go live make a second account on twitch and use that purely for testing do not test on your main channel it just is unprofessional looking test out different green screen settings if you use a green screen test out different lights you know different camera settings all that kind of thing different streaming settings within your streaming software test all those out on a different channel because nobody wants to sit there especially if they're new to a stream and watch the streamer for five minutes trying to figure out why their alerts aren't working or their lights are weird or something look i've done it a hundred times everyone knows that i'm scuffed if they watch my stream the people that will put up with that and laugh at it are the people that have been in your stream long enough to know that this isn't a regular occurrence if someone clicks on your stream and you're sitting there fiddling with something they will lead the window of opportunity onto which to grab someone's attention is minimal people don't really hang out long enough to really get a sense of what you're about if you're sitting there fixing something that's not to say that you have to have the best of the best equipment or you have to if you want to be a streamer go out and spend money on fancy microphones and lights and really good cameras you absolutely don't but what you do have to do is make sure that the equipment that you do have be it fancy or not works you can do so much with a very low budget on twitch and i'll get into all that again in another video don't think you need to spend money on things you have to make sure all those things work regardless so check your gear do not be afraid to ban people this is something i see far too often and that's something that i was super guilty of when i first started streaming if someone is being an asshat get them out of your stream they are no good for you and they're no good for the community somebody's being a chat they may not be being like the biggest but they're being don't be afraid to get them out of there okay just don't it's it just makes everyone awkward and i know at the start a lot of small streamers are afraid to ban people because the audience is small anyway and they want to keep a viewer and especially if it's somebody that's there regularly but if they're annoying you and they're making you uncomfortable trust me you will be glad you got rid of them people respect that and they'll stick with you and they'll understand you more as a person don't be afraid to get someone out of there just because you're afraid to lose a viewer [Music] lastly and maybe most importantly don't start streaming as a business seriously just don't don't start streaming and calling yourself a full-time streamer from the get-go that is unnecessary pressure on you that's unnecessary pressure on your chat it's just not what you want to do firstly you should start streaming because it's fun and you enjoy it no one ever succeeded on twitch i'm gonna bet that just woke up one day and said i'm gonna be hugely successful on twitch yes you should have that mentality you should have the positive mentality that yes you can succeed on twitch but don't go into it with this express intent of making a ton of money and you know gaining hundreds of thousands of followers and subscribers it just won't work for you and you're gonna set yourself up for tremendous failure if it doesn't work out for you and it's gonna harm your mental well-being because if you put all this pressure on yourself to be a full-time streamer and be like full-time on twitch twitch is so volatile like you know people's views go up and down and up and down and one day you're like getting all these views you're like yes this is amazing but then you might get you know half that those views for two months after that or a quarter of those two those views for a month after that and that's happened to me and it's hard because you're like punishing yourself why isn't this working for me but if you go into it with little to no expectations everything is a win beyond that point and you can start to really enjoy it and again twitch is just so much about enjoyment your chat need to enjoy watching you for them to want to stay around and hang out and and and support you let's say if i had this idea that i wanted to go outside and play basketball in the local park i don't walk out there and go i'm going to join the nba in a year 100 today i'm this is it today i'm going to be a professional basketball player no because i'll get to the park and realize i suck at basketball twitch is the same you should just be like hey i'm gonna stream on twitch today oh i enjoyed that i'm gonna do it tomorrow oh maybe i'll make a schedule i'll do this pretty regularly that's the mentality you should have and everything after that then there's a bonus especially when you're starting off when it gets to a point that you're like holy i'm making a livable wage off this and i'm doing well then you can have that conversation with yourself if you want to be you know the next big thing but until that point just have fun if you enjoyed today's video please like and subscribe it is much appreciated if you really think i earned it you can follow me on twitch at forward slash x2 shoes i'm live there four days a week it's a good time i promise i'll see you guys the next one thanks for everything peace out [Music]
Channel: xTwoShoes
Views: 300,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow on twitch, how to grow on twitch 2020, how to grow on twitch fast, how to grow your twitch channel, how to get viewers on twitch, grow on twitch, how to get more viewers on twitch, how to grow a twitch channel, how to get twitch followers, grow on twitch 2020, grow on twitch in 2020, how to get followers on twitch, how to stream on twitch, twitch growth, twitch, how to get more views on twitch, how to grow on twitch 2019, how to grow on twitch 2021
Id: ns_XT9e59ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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