How Sunset Harbour's New Hubs Decrease Traffic in Cities Skylines #TeaVille

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and all those people are now trapped underground there is nothing you can do but enforce the game so they just stay there forever looks like they do hello everybody welcome back to City skylines with me biffer here in TV oh and the new sunset Harbor DLC very excited to get some of the new stuff in our city here I'm particularly thinking that today we are gonna use some of the new hubs because we've got a couple of areas around in our city this one down here where we have this double met Road remember this look at all these people they are absolutely loving using this thing this double Metro and I want to put an intercity bus Metro hub that's one of the new ones we're gonna pop there and then over right here that's a think for a minute Oh bit of a starter there over here we've got the Train and we've got a metro and wouldn't Adam and believe it there is a new train and Metro hub so we are gonna do that in our city today and there's a couple of other things on the list to do as well as of recording this the eighty-one tiles mod has not been updated yet so I remove the 81 tiles mod from my game and I use the big city 25 tiles mod so we've got that which means I have no access to Earl Grey Island over here so yeah it feels like these guys have decided to declare independence and leave us and it looks like all the houses and buildings are disappeared as well darn it believe it well that's not very good is it but there we go what can we do about that we'll hopefully get those guys back once we get building and also also also before we just start getting into all of this there's been a change to the way that the population grows in the city so we are going to be losing quite a bit of population until we start popping in our elder care and our death care which we'll have a look at a bit later and lastly but not leastly so close to 400 thousand subs I'm gonna amend this thank you for 400 thousand subs we hit it the day before yesterday couple of days ago absolutely blown away thank you very very much so if you're not subscribed please subscribe I'd love to get to half a million you know didn't take you've got the months but we can make it good start for that now and also leave a like as well if you enjoy city skylines stuff and we all get stuck into that so I did notice that there's been an asset that's missing removed from the workshops some sort of nonsense like that so we're gonna pop in whoo we're gonna pop in at this train station here which just means we can get this going again drag the line there we go so that's our line that comes up over into here that's all fixed good right let's just take a look at this we've got this loop that goes around the Hamilton districts which you haven't renamed yet I need to get better at do mean we renamed in from your suggestions but we'll do that I mean look this one coming over here so we're going to use some of the over ground Metro that we've got as well which is new which is new and exciting so let us see how we're gonna do this this is gonna be removed and all those people are now trapped underground there is nothing you can do pause the game do they just stay there forever looks like they do I think whether they're disappearing whether it's gonna stay there for the rest of their lives poor people well let's go over here so I want to use the bus Metro hub and I want that a bit different so let's grab this let's grab that and that is gonna go across there we're then gonna grab at ye oldie hub that we just mentioned and that is gonna go here yes we're gonna have that one there and then we're gonna have our elevated metro station next to it now why is that sort of all walky walky look for key I'd say log and it will place it and then we use the movement mod oh there we go it's let me do it now so I want that opposite there like that so that is now that is a new elevated metro station so we make it our own sort of elevated to non elevated to intercity bus hub that is the idea let us run this to the other side and then that's gonna go underground and that's gonna go to there so that is gonna join with this one like that and like that yeah that's good that will get you swaying around in the in the Metro while you drink any cup of tea and then we're gonna go underground yeah that's good Oh whole keyboard key that's a bit yeah that's a bit not so good let's just move that over a bit and then if we give Underground and move this node that's a tree and then the next one as well there we go that should be okay and then we just need to connect up the other one as well so that is gonna go to there to there and then to there and then this one oh that's it yeah that's fine and then we can drag our stops in where they need to be oh look at all these bee on the ground look millions of them running up now to get to this new one over here fan a flippin tastic there we go so we've got that one sorted I just grabbed the orange stock from up here moved it around so that means this is missing a stop so let's add that in there excellent so we're all sorted now good so people can get from one side of the road to the other quite happily here in fact I could do with the crossing there we go so they can get from one side to the other so good I've got that sorted and then what I'd like to do is just add a bit of a car park in here as well we've got our car part props let's just see I wanted to connect to that road there so if we get the moving mods and just shift define that over like I look at all these people transfer them for one line to the other that is what we want to see I'm Debby dozy and we're gonna get our service road I think that's okay that's straight so we've got a car park in there we can chuck down some parking let's have a look 8 by 2 perfect so if we get some of these in here grab some trees and we can beautify this out so I just grab like a selection there we're gonna copy that so we've got traffic lights there actually which I don't want so what we're gonna do is we're gonna say you give way they're coming out of there we don't need any give way oh yeah look at that laughs seeing all the people crossing over and what we could do is say no crossing there which I don't think they're gonna use they're gonna use that yeah well go with that one that's fine and then we're gonna say you'll give them away cool beans that's good so what we're gonna get here as well as all these people running backwards and forwards that is looking really good but we're also gonna get in here intercity buses which is something that's a little bit new so if we click on this one there intercity bus that is gonna bring people in from outside of the city which up to an hour is one of the underground metros off it goes which up to now has only been people come in from outside don't they with cars and with trains let's just dive in here and have a look there we go there's all the people enjoying that so yeah that is gonna be interesting to see them coming in as well we will keep our eyes open for that right so that's one little hub area sorted very pleased [Music] [Music] let us whizz over here so we've got this spot down here we are gonna have to make some room let's just take a look at the actual hub that we're gonna be using which is this one the Train Metro Harmon and I know for a fact that the larger side there we go is the Train side so that one at the top is the Train one in fact I'm just gonna double double check yes it is that's the Metro we're like the orange power wire in the middle this is the Train yeah that's good so we are gonna put that in here which means we need to make a teeny tiny spot of space we're gonna take our nice big University City car park and pop that against that road at the end there there we go nice that frees up all of this space here we've also got our firehouse little spot up there fitting nicely I think that's good look at that firehouse you got the tennis courts and the basketball court there as well no match going on see what's happening here let's zoom in who's gonna win will it be blue will any Reds well it'd be me Evan a sip of tea hmm are they is he ever gonna try was he's just gonna okay we're getting bored of watching now oh ah look at that a reverse backwards hunger dunk I'd no idea I don't play basketball so let's just pause the game here so what we've got we've got Metro here and train here and it must go underground and delete that trap all these people on the ground make ourselves some space we've got all this space in here yeah I'm gonna use anarchy just to get that in there there we go because I'm pretty sure it's gonna line up look at that right with the edge of the road I don't think that bus yeah look oh he's driving through it yeah okay we're gonna then use the move it more just to move this down a bit so let's grab Lance actually there we go that's fine I've lined this Lane all up and it's absolutely no problem at all so that's that one done and then we just get our rail line here drag stop to move it there we go and the other one perfect we've got our two lines these lines go all the way out all the way along here round to our big sort of other harbour that we've got over here which is good that's the only one that has intercity trains so we want to turn that off on this one now we've got our metro to hook up as well which should be just fantastic here because it's a ah it's under ground here isn't it how the heck we're gonna get that to go underground we need a bit more space so let's grab this so has that given us enough room then to get our metro I'm thinking about trying to keep it above ground to get over that and then I was gonna sweep it down here to go underground but I don't think that's gonna happen it doesn't actually look too bad can it just go straight down on the ground so I think we're gonna go with that that's fine so let me hook this up yeah there we go that's gonna fine under there no problem and then just the other side as well yeah there we go that's fine that's good in my books and then we can move this stop from over here while I'm waiting for that to appear again I'm gonna move the bus stop to over here so we're gonna have a bus stop there now is that it there is that it underneath there oh I think I might have found it there it is found it excellent and there's this one here which i think is that same line isn't it or not maybe there's another one here there it is get that one in there as well nice so that's coming again from over this area and then that one comes down here to our sports stadium with a frontage all this stuff we've got going on over this way so cool I think that looks quite good and then what I'm gonna do as well is sort out some of these trees [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and here we go this is the overground metro being used quite a lot look at all these people's absolutely tons of people wait in here which is really really good let me just pause that a second they have a look at our lines this is middle square local here I want to see how many people are waiting and whether we need anymore no only 58 people wait in there okay that's not too bad I was wondering the case we need to upgrade the amount of metro that we have there and then what's this other one that we've got here Green yes like local don't forget to like yeah we've got loads on here in only two trains so I'm gonna up that to 150 that's 300 I'm gonna up it to 4 yeah let's go for four and then that will clear the backlog hopefully I do need to go through and check all of my all of my lines but yeah anyway I think that looks really good down there a nice new hub in this area looks really swish fits in really well very good very good so something else I really want to add as well is trolley buses now I've been looking around trying to find an area where I think I can add a trolley buses in and I've decided this little place over here so from what I understand yeah we've got Metro here which is fine in between there and we've got these what are these underground metro trains doing they're just sitting around looking each other what please do what you're supposed to do gave it a couple of minutes and it's freed up so I would like to use this area here we've got our main terminal right there and I'd like to have a trolley bus run down here round this roundabout down here round that roundabout but then come into this little spot down here and have a stop just behind here four people in this area jump out onto the trolley bus if they want to take it around it's gonna become a sort of tourist attraction type thing as well so let's have a look we've got these Road options available to us unfortunately the toggle whiteness mod is one of the mods that is blue cap at the moment so until that's updated you have to do at the white screen so if we run at this I think there's a teeny bit of load in there yeah we're gonna run that down there do come round up this road all the way to the end I do one segment at a time rather than dragging because it's very easy to accidentally do that do the side roads as well they lost a bit offence there I'll come back and check that another time I think now be fine so we'll do like this bit here and then we'll do this bit there but then we'll connect that to there and then we can just change that bit over there back again yeah that's fine actually now I tell you what we'll use the net picker grab this road here and that there we go and it all matches up and then we can do our little turning lanes as well by the way this has changed now I've been updated make sure you got version 11 uninstall 10 put on 11 and it worked with sunset Harbor this been highlighted means d spawning is currently disabled they change the wording on it just to make it a bit more obvious what's going on yeah we're gonna do that and then we're gonna hook up we haven't finished the trolleybus Road have we let's see that's going to come along here if I do that and then this one it should hook up yes it does and then are we on the creek right over there look there and there ah there we go what it meant I could have a sip of tea so that was fine good so now these are gonna go along there and go around again excellent that's good and for our depot I was thinking of just using a bit of this land over here we could run this road down here like that then we could run of that across as a bridge like this and then just sort of go off at an angle like that and then that's going to go up there we'll come back to that there is two car Depot in here excellent then we're going to change this load here back to normal Road so we're going to go with the glass sides because we don't need that connects up to here so that's perfectly fine and then in here I want to put some offices so I'm just gonna draw in here and we've got like one 4x4 a little bit of space another one and like a small one on the end like that so that looks like this is all being lived in and worked in and all that sort of good stuff and then I'm gonna run my stops so let's have a look over here I definitely want a stop by this big department store that's here and then I'm thinking along here this isn't too busy but I don't want to have one that's too close to the roundabout I think that'll be fine I think then we're gonna come down here and have this one and then that's gonna connect back up to there again I don't want anything on this main road here do I need them going both ways do you know what that isn't actually that far and I think the busses have a capacity of 30 which is more than enough so let us follow this guy here around our city there we go oh I need to turn off the parking on this roundabout that's that's a bit bad I need to put the give way signs and the aloes on yeah I won't forget to do that yeah once they get on to their main route and start spreading out I think these would be really cool to see them going around so I've seen lots of people saying what's the point of these you've got buses you know you've got other options why do you need them but it's just nice to have something different isn't it and I just think that's like a nice cool little addition to use in your city and here we go we're pulling into the little siding are we seem to have some traffic lights they're not really what I wanted oh let's just zoom out a little bit there we go so this stop that's not too far from here I think people are gonna be quite happy and you know what we're gonna move that a little bit closer I've changed the mind people happy to walk that far we're gonna get it as close as we can let's go there instead yes that'll be good right so now we just need to go around these roundabouts and just make those make sure they're all set up so we're gonna do ctrl shift click and that will do all the lane arrows for us all you had to give way in there but got to get the lane arrows sorted ctrl shift click on there didn't have giveaway on that one and that's fine down there and then as we go along here let's just have a look what is going on so that he's just all go isn't it let's just do give way there give way there we're going to do ctrl click on both of those to get dedicated turning lanes don't need give way on that one but control click or do control click there and let's just have a look at the road yeah I want to keep this this one here moving through so we're gonna do whoops we'll do that there and ctrl click if you don't know what control click is doing it's giving me dedicated turning lanes if we've got straight on and straight on and right control click we've got straight on and left and it's sorted that one out as well so that is just gonna keep the traffic flowing and moving and let's be honest that is actually not that much traffic here is there I don't think that's gonna be a problem at all and hopefully people are gonna like like using that yeah we need to turn parking off on here so obviously parking as default on the trolley on the trolley roads we did they give way signs and all of that yes we did that's give y let's just to give way coming out of there and then it goes down here so we won't give way there and turning arrows there we go turning out makes all the difference I mean the dedicated turning arrows makes all the difference for cars not all queuing up behind each other the downside is like on a road like this I would normally like to have at the junction 3 lanes for left light and straight on but we're gonna have to make do with to give way give way keep this main road going you give why ctrl-click that's fine we did all of this this ended up with traffic lights which is no good so that's giveaway these are gonna go straight through and just to make sure they know you go straight through and then down here don't you bother about dedicated turning lanes you haven't got enough lanes here we can do it so if we go mmm not that one give Y and then ctrl-click dedicated lanes there and then we're back to the beginning do you not do that one oh this is the different Road altogether is now I think all of these dumb that's okay we got there's two one-way roads going on there but that's alright I think that'll be good I mean how many people using that already probably not many it's been going for like three minutes or something isn't it it's always two a week residence 26 a week got five vehicles that is like at the ends here okay well that's fine so five vehicles should be ok for now yeah we'll leave it on five I'm not gonna mess with that just want to add a little addition before the end of this video that when you see this 81 tile mod will now be updated we have access I'll endure yeah look at that all the people are back again fantastic and that was where my drop in population was coming from all these buildings over here disappearing so haha look out for some more fishing stuff coming over there oh that is good that is good now I'd like to ask you a question where do you think we could put the humongous but absolutely fantastic looking at new Metropolitan Airport I can't find the thing do you know what I had this before where it didn't show up you have to if you search in the find it mods Metropolitan Airport it shows up there so I don't know why little bit strange but there we go so where can we put that it is pretty huge I reckon in this area here nice big area that we could flatten out I think that would be perfect it's nice and near everything else as well and built into it air transports you've got the helicopters and you've got Metro and we can hook those into other metro lines that we've got going on so far I think that'll be fantastic what do you reckon let No in the comments below traffic is for some reason get in a bit porky porky what is going on oh it's this bit here that's right yeah I need to do something about that this industry as for some reason just gone completely nuts but yeah what are you reckon to the new sunset Harbor DLC let me know in the comments if you want to buy it please use my affiliate link so please consider using them look you know if you want to it means I get a little bit of money back as well and you still get a steam key but yeah I'm really excited to start adding all this new stuff in let's just check this one over here again and these hubs just look great well thank you for watching if you've enjoyed leave a like subscribe and I will see you all next time take care everybody bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 271,497
Rating: 4.9626598 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines sunset harbour, sunset harbour, cities skylines overground metro, cities skylines trolleybus, metropolitan airport, cities skylines new metro, cities skylines intercity bus, cities skylines fishing, cities skylines modern japan, cities skylines trolley bus, biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, Cities Skylines, cities: skylines, biffa2001, sunset harbour dlc, sunset harbor, cities skylines sunset harbor, cities skylines sunset harbour dlc, cities skylines hubs, #teaville
Id: Su3aM5VHkZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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