How Pint Became the BEST FFXIV Player

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how I became the best Final Fantasy player as I said I've watched pint videos many many times he used to make wow videos uh the uh the Mage they're actually really good I I like the Pint videos a lot so uh we're gonna see exactly what's going on here all right let's watch it here's the thing with the Final Fantasy it lets you play however you Don want look at this guy during the day he's like oh but at night he's like oh there are many things to do in this game but I am the best at all of them but today I will attempt my hardest challenge yet I will talk to other people and meet every kind of Final Fantasy player I feel like I made a lot of friends in Final Fantasy like whenever I think about like I probably made more friends in Final Fantasy for the time that I played it a lot on stream I probably made more friends there than I did in like the entire expansion of wow the most recent one probably the the past two expansions oh look it's our first subject look at him just [ __ ] standing there you can just assume it's a guy it's a sprout So Fresh So malleable oh they are cute they're dangerous and who knows where there'll be a year from now [Music] still a sprout if it's me oh but Sprouts are the lifeblood of this game players worship them like a sacred animal and for what just because they are new see I don't know why wow didn't do this too and they actually have it but you can only see if there are new players in the game if there are if you if you're in the mentor program because if you're not in a mentor program you don't even see this I feel like because there's like a little baby murloc instead of the Sprout icon they should just make that visible to everybody chaos that Sprouts may bring players believe that treating a sprout well is the only way for the game to grow so you have to get Sprouts hooked make it so they won't and can't leave and then maybe they'll treat others well and the wholesome circle of life will be complete while you get to watch gather round I remember there was this one kid that joined my ICC raids and like my cataclysm raids and he was new to the game and he was basically a sprout and I taught him how to ninja loot I was like yeah so bro like this how it works like so you have to tell them like just like you can't tell on the loot rolls like yeah I taught him how to do it I remember like one time he messaged me and he leaked me about he's like I did just what you said man I got it I got the mount I just took it from like you got it are they mad he's like yeah they're mad but [ __ ] him I got the mount I'm like did you learn it already he's like yes man I'm on it right now he was so happy this is the best part of sprouts you can absorb the secondhand feeling of what it's like to be young again when everything was new in those bygone days that's why I think the old and repulsive yeah there is plenty of fresh meat to siphon but perhaps I am being a bit harsh on sprouts I myself am new here yes I have been a sprout for 11 months that's not a joke that's real we Sprouts have a way of wait how the [ __ ] can you be a sprout for 11 months because I thought that after you finished finished Heaven's word and you started storm blood and or if you had over 300 hours in the game it went away this was my understanding how the [ __ ] you have to finish end Walker it's after you finish storm blood well how do you spend playing 11 months he hadn't even put 300 hours into the game what the hell is he doing he's probably editing the videos but yeah it's still spreading joyful of overwhelming optimism so enchanted by the new experience of running praetorium looking at end game players as if their icons or deities wow that's so cool how do you get that armor I hope I can be beautiful oh my God he thinks my armor is cool [Music] and maybe that's why people like Sprouts so much yeah through a sprout one can see the world with a fresh positive eye through a sprout one can relive their favorite moments that was the best of the best [ __ ] man like whenever you'd get inspected back in WoW before they changed like invite and inspect used to be next to each other and like whenever you see some nub invite you to a group you just declined he's like sorry I meant to inspect you it's like I know yeah I know it's okay or you could see that favorite character [ __ ] die and after all Sprouts need your help hey have you done this before no have you no but before you go rushing to help be warned there is a dark side to certain Sprouts okay listen you have to watch this katsina hey hey no no no no no no wait wait bro it's it's so funny like there's part of the Final Fantasy community they're like you can play any way you want as long as it's one of the ways that we think is okay so if you boost your character if you do any of this other [ __ ] if you don't play the story if you don't give a [ __ ] about the cut scenes uh-uh nope you can play however you want except like this that's the one thing you can't [ __ ] do they get so mad if you skip yeah they get mad the thing is like I I feel like I made a very good decision whenever I played the game to not skip the story and actually just play through the whole game it's it's been fun like it's actually been enjoyable to go through everything and I think the narrative is uh it's better than I had expected uh I just love the story so much and he's missing all of it oh he may not care now but he doesn't know what he's missing in Heaven's Ward wait why do you even care so much most other games would neglect their stories treating them as afterthoughts to the gameplay but in Final Fantasy 14. the story is the game Notions of rushing to the end are gone content you would usually Overlook now has purpose and value content you would usually Overlook now has puff so we haven't I guess we just haven't been to this boss yet yeah okay maybe I should I I think I might play the game again value yeah it seems like a good idea there's so much optional side content that I usually wouldn't give a [ __ ] about but because of the story My [ __ ] are plentiful but the story is more than just the words on a screen or the pages in a book it's the world the music the friends you make along the way that all combine like a beautiful Symphony and that is the most important part because what good is the story experienced alone so this [ __ ] thing is my best friend me and nanamo go way back I just feel I will have to say that one of my favorite parts of the story one of my favorites was whenever the girl um what was your name uh uh [ __ ] Lydia like did a back of like a [ __ ] 360 roundhouse kick and like kick that little [ __ ] uh that little cabbage into the wall that was the funniest [ __ ] thing then uh yeah Olivia yeah Olivia vandros yeah that's Lydia or Olivia yeah and then the other one was obviously whenever robon put her up on it on his [ __ ] arm like a parrot man that [ __ ] was hilarious like she doesn't love me anymore man all right nanamo you've had way too much to drink oh Warrior of light where would I be without you and where would I be without you an animal I vow to save every person place and thing in eorthia Warrior of light we we need your help please lend us I still hate wildfells your strength I still do oh Warrior of light you've returned and who's this fellow you've brought along don't worry Alpha now I've got this covered me and alphan are here have saved the world together and over that time we have not only grown as friends but as individuals we've laughed together with we've cried together and we've grown from Brazen young adventurers into true heroes of the realm and only in a game with a 600 hour story can you really feel that attached isn't that right elfenor uh this is tutorial dude it's been seven months since the last video we're out of money it's my creative process you can't rush art okay well let me be frank I've got wait so they're kids uh I think in the war they're like 17 like 16 or 17 which is like were they 16 or 17 at the start or the end I have no [ __ ] idea if you're asking that question why you know what I mean like why what is it why is this is this important to you the IRS on my ass so can we at least tell the viewers this video is sponsored by Ray Shadow Legends is it really the IRS raid Shadow Legends oh sure like what would I say though I don't know talk about how they could level up 600 unique Champions 600 damn yep one for every thousand I owe the government I even have a personal assistant just to level up my favorite Champion please can I have a break no we need to get this done they're on their way classic tataru that sounds great like I really wish that I could talk to the raid Shadow Legends marketing team and just give them my insight because like I feel like their ads are too formulaic if I just randomly like just give them like a clip or something like that of some big titty orc girl like I I don't know like crushing coconuts with her thighs and put that in and every [ __ ] simp that plays Final Fantasy will download the game I feel like yeah these guys don't they don't know how to actually Market the game yeah asthma's formula well look it works man that's like three reasons I should play rage number one it works anywhere anytime I'm sold let's do it yes number two the Champions look great that outfits are so inspiring and three it keeps my mind off things like what tax was visually and there's a crazy Halloween event going on right now where you can win a bunch of in-game and real life prizes including a one thousand dollar amazon gift card and legendary Halloween Champions this is the IRS we need you to come outside I'll be right back wow I can get all that by installing raid and going to trick or but only new players can run a prize and if you haven't downloaded it yet click the link in the description below or scan the QR code they should actually do that like send people out really cool t-shirts and stuff it's like if you if you get to a certain point in the game where like it's obvious that you spent five thousand dollars they should send you a t-shirt a hundred percent they should send you a [ __ ] t-shirt because like that way at least you get something out of it you know get bonuses worth thirty dollars we're talking 200k silver an energy refill an XP boost one ancient Shard and a free epic champion virgus and I'll find my rewards here wow hey um pipe we gotta get out of here man open the door to Taro thank God quick end the ad you're not going anywhere this is cryo and go I would sacrifice every single one of you for her she's great hold on hold on wouldn't telling me about cry I'll be a spoiler but I like kriel me spoil something oh I regret to inform you that it gets even worse it has a much more dangerous quality a character can have besides just being likable being sexy when a sexy character is at play people start losing their minds they hold no regard for the spoilers that might come nothing is more dangerous than graha tears belly button or worse and it sounds pleased but don't think about it I feel like that's what they did with moon breeda like she was the hottest character and then it was over it was literally that's yeah it's like it was over in a snap like what the [ __ ] about such heinous heinous things this journey was made for you you don't play as Cloud Strife or Jane automata you are Pepsi Grumpy Cat a story an experience a world built for you to be at the center of it all um so what happens when you've like finished the story what finish this story well what happens is you make a video about all the reasons why you quit Final Fantasy and then you go to New World obviously yeah we we know how to do that we've seen two videos on this already what's happening no no I'm not ready it's comp yet I'm not ready this can't be it no no please to be continued this can't beat it I want to go damn that sucks anyway [ __ ] I turned shut oh you maggots are here today for one thing and one thing only charade melee you're on Monk and don't even think about it play you're on my this is an outfit in the game are you [ __ ] kidding me bro this girl looks like a backup dancer from like a Marilyn Manson movie uh music video what the [ __ ] really and don't even think about playing good yes yeah you must be the new recruit what are you from Crystal I bet you don't even have a purple class what oh you'll do great all right team this is it tank stance on healers did you watch the guide what ready charge six months that's how long we've been here we've lost many along the way and we faced countless way this is I remember this very well did not conceded rice my wolves Crimson is the field pardoned our flesh and fight for victory okay evoke this all right and Feathering coming up it's right on top of me isn't it I feel like I'm pretty fast All Things Considered that boss got its ass beat like whippy didn't like two or three hours this is no big deal great people means that it's not just about you it's about us it's about playing as a team no matter how many times Haru his satsu from the Aether data center sits in a [ __ ] mechanic to do two percent more damage it's up to you to figure out how to make it work between you all which means your success is determined by how everyone else performs so if you want to do well you have to not only perform the best you can but help others too see Haru you do much more damage when you're alive keeping your morale high is essential bossing people around or getting upset is going to do far more damage to your raid than feather mummy over here it's I've always believed that it's like but there is a certain point I feel like especially in WoW rating where like sometimes as a raid leader you have to get mad because if you're not getting mad the team won't feel like you're on their side they'll feel like you're like you're different than they are juicy to smile and say it's like uh it is what it is and that's the kind of raider you want to be there's this stereotype that Raiders could only be meanie weenies but you are just here for your own ego to think that you're better than the others I've never had in a group like is I queued a bunch of the random uh dungeon trials and [ __ ] and like raid trials I never had people mauled like there was like maybe one time somebody wasn't happy about something but other than that nobody really gave a [ __ ] I think the reason why is because you only had to do it like once or twice and everybody isn't on like some tight time trial so I can wow it takes you forever to get there you have to run back if you die you lose consumables you have to repair get your food buff again so it's really [ __ ] annoying if you die and lost ark you've got to run vulton on seven different characters so if somebody gets knocked off the edge on one character now you've got to [ __ ] plan out the next four hours of your life completely differently but with Final Fantasy most people play one guy and or one character and it's not as big of an issue because they don't feel like they're as pressed for time that's why it happens people don't get mad to be but that gives you no right to be rude I would never insult my White Mage for I have stood where he has stood you don't wait to hear the Roar of your team to see that a tree would pop up on your screen to take screenshots of you and your companions that is why I raid and it has absolutely nothing to do with my ego my [ __ ] weapon isn't that the easiest one yeah it's not that that's the easiest one to do right yeah yeah that's what I thought yeah that's right I paint from your ass I've killed an ultimate you will only address me as the ultimate Legend from now on I have the weapon I have the title but I have no purpose then I started to care about my damage and even that was fleeting day by day everything becoming more mundane I wish I could go back and just play to have fun yeah us role players one of the worst things about the uh the the bunny girls is sometimes whenever I look at them I cannot immediately tell if it's a girl or a guy because they're basically the same thing let's be it's a guy yeah I know I was thinking for a second is that a girl wait never mind no it's not the last of all players While most people are scared of social interaction we do it daily for fun you should come clubbing with us tonight you could get some [ __ ] and then I think there's a catboy IHOP down the road babes you're like totally forgetting the fashion contest oh my God this is this thing right like does Mark Zuckerberg know about this like he's again like he's trying to do like the metaverse has as much Charisma as the uh the Wii main menu I don't understand why you don't just do exactly what this game does this is what people want to see this is why people want to get on the metaverse okay I don't I don't know what the [ __ ] they're thinking God this guy would win for sure yes yes no he wouldn't win look at me I'm radiant immaculate pristine you are scum people think role players are just casuals with extra steps let's some of us prefer to take it more seriously [ __ ] you stole my outfit so you play through the entire game just to stand there and show off your outfit uh-huh yeah you find that fun that's the whole reason you play the game is to get good gear and show everybody else that you have it how is this even a [ __ ] question yeah look I understand it looks kind of weird to an outsider but we're just hanging out you know making friends socializing it's not like we're all perverts or anything that's just Barry Barry [ __ ] there's party switch are way better than real life because if the music's too loud and you're kind of drunk you can just teleport out instead of your friends begging you not to drive again and casinos where instead of losing all of your money we'd lose all of your money there's even an entire theater shows heck there's a yearly in-game convention hosted by players this I thought this was the coolest [ __ ] the fact that people can go on this game like I feel like new world needs to do this we're like they'll add in the uh uh [ __ ] what's it called the um I might draw in a blank on this [ __ ] uh they'll add in being able to make your own songs because I feel like watching like one of those Bard bands in Final Fantasy is so [ __ ] cool and I it's just it's so nice it's so nice I wish they would do more of those things Community is good uh-huh yeah you need to have our community to those guys have uh you don't want these cat girls they're taking pictures right now I wonder what kind of pictures they're taking bro the other day I was on I was on the Twitter okay and I saw it like you know how they have the recommended trends for you one of the recommended trends for me was hashtag gposer not safe for work NSFW um [Laughter] I didn't even know what to say like what the [ __ ] like and and there are people that play Final Fantasy and the main thing they do is they just go around taking screenshots of each other I actually didn't click on it no I didn't uh this is my it was on my streaming PC and I don't click on anything that is um potentially uh bad for me to show on stream on my stream PC so I actually did not click on it however if it was on my phone yeah I totally would have wait what is the carbuncle for awesome so it's just clothes that's your end game but that's definitely part of it but there's other things AFK or housing I built this kitchen all by myself it only took me three weeks and it wasn't that expensive where did all of our money go here's a fun fact this drawer is actually 16 cups just kind of [ __ ] wedged together if our friends need something I rest well knowing I can make it a maid Cafe a theater I even made a [ __ ] Denny's there are people in this game that are paid as like Room Makers and housemakers like they pay somebody just to decorate the house some guy it's like imagine like think of this meta is like before uh [ __ ] end Walker came out and they had this Lottery thing you would sit there with a bunch of [ __ ] money day after day night after night next to like a mailbox or something waiting for a house to go up on sale and then the second that it goes up on sale you instantly drop all of your [ __ ] money on it and then finally after doing that for a month you then pay somebody else to decorate the house for you holy [ __ ] man sounds like real life yeah I love picking up new hobbies I've been getting really into crafting and I know that sounds mundane but it's actually really rewarding and it's something new goodbye moogles see you tomorrow I [ __ ] hate those guys holy [ __ ] but if there's one thing as it truly holds my passion It's Fashion it's my creative Outlet I Venture into all kinds of content just for the glamor I want it gives me a reason to try everything looks like I need a PVP for this one ugh what a waste of time don't knock it till you've tried it here what do you think well do you like it hmm you know what the worst thing for me is is the fact that I think one of the best dark night sets is just the heavensward like Quest armor Dark Knight set I think that's like the coolest one it's like one of the best I like that one a lot yeah so it's like I pretty much already beat the game I do look pretty fly in red [ __ ] it let's party [Music] you know what can you imagine if they had proximity voice chat in Final Fantasy 14 . I think they think they need to add that like that would be so [ __ ] good and and you could have it the thing is you could have it turned off by default and it's like there'd have to be like three settings it would be like it's hard to turn it on as it would be to buy the game like originally before they made it easier you'd have to go to like a website and then you have to go to like a Japanese website you'd have to [ __ ] Google translate it over to English and then click a button and then it's like a multiple choice thing and then finally you can enable it right so that way you don't have like random normal people that accidentally turn this on but like everybody else that goes through all those steps if you gave them proximity voice chat and Final Fantasy 14 I feel like the game's subscriber count would double I feel like half the people or like 20 of the people that were like really just like super vanilla players would be like okay this is too much for me and then there'd be like half again more people that come back to the game voice mod subscriptions would double yeah exactly there's so much potential man careful what you wish for every game needs proximity voice chat okay every single one you people are all right well I'm glad you warmed up to us everyone has their own way of living I guess you look at things from a singular perspective it limits your experiences things have become rather stale but this has been a breath of fresh air trying something you don't know you'll enjoy is a bit of a risk it can be scary or even feel unnecessary but that uncertainty is dramatic and fun and I think that's the thing there are so many different ways to play this game and it gives you so many opportunities to try new [ __ ] it actively encourages you to go out and do things you haven't done just for the joy of the experience but it's not just that I've met so many different kinds of people they've shown me things I didn't even know existed I've grown close to them and learn to enjoy things that they enjoy experiences I'd have never had if I didn't take that step out from the norm and see what the world has to offer it matures you not just in terms of gameplay variety but as a person and for that I thank you all I mean to me like I played the game I thought that [ __ ] was fun because like we did that one Ray remember that one Ray where everybody died and then like they all got rest and [ __ ] like that was crazy like that [ __ ] was lit man oh my God that was crazy that was so [ __ ] good man on E3 I was on efrit that was badass for showing me so much but my grimly bimbo leaves I'm gonna be playing end Walker on Twitch so follow me there also the next video is not gonna take seven months it's gonna take eight yeah I was about to say yeah yeah every time that I hear a content creator that releases videos infrequently tell you that they're gonna release videos more quickly you can expect the next one next year yeah that's basically it so like if you have somebody that's uploading all the time to upload once a week it's like ah you can expect more videos recently yeah maybe they'll probably do it but like if they upload like maybe once you know every few months like they're all the next one's gonna be out really soon yeah six months six months for sure and that's gonna be about it yeah never put a timetable on anything yeah we've watched a lot of pints videos I remember pint move over to Final Fantasy at about the same time a little bit after I did uh I think I don't remember exactly it was a while and uh he's been making videos for it a lot like he's stuck with the game a lot more than I had and I think that also like I am a professional neat I don't do anything every day I wake up and it's dark outside and it's great and all I do is sit around playing video games and I'm chilling man so I have enough time to play pretty much every single MMO like I'll play WoW I'll play a [ __ ] New World Lost Ark Etc I even play other games like OverWatch but like for a normal person this is not really possible to do find wherever you go for another game if I asked if you can play it uh with the the twin tails and I don't know about that and uh does the attic get hot in the summer yeah it does not why this game is still the best raid count I've ever seen the group he put together was perfect Don Celine to new bass all of them yeah yeah that [ __ ] was [ __ ] fun man like I'm just like there was a lot of times like I don't think that I will ever forget like let me think some of the best times in Final Fantasy ah [ __ ] I remember whenever I got the midgard Stormer mount that was an ALICE law that was really cool with everybody in the circle and then whenever I went to Heaven's Ward and everybody was lined up I thought that was really [ __ ] cool and Bahama yeah yeah like there were a number of raids and everything like that I'm trying to think what the other ones beside the raids are entrance to heavensward yeah let's see the Phoenix Mount yeah the Phoenix Mount was really cool I remember I I got on the uh on the mound outside of ildy Shire and I rode around on it because that was like the main Mount that I had wanted whenever I started the game let's see Ultima bold yeah like getting that and then the first time that I got rid of one of the chocobos and I didn't want to uh like breed it I I sent it to um well that they you send it to like some different place and they don't really tell you what happens with it but then somewhere else in the golden saucer they sell like Chocobo hamburgers so like I mean look I I mean that's kind you know you know what I mean like it's I mean I was kind of [ __ ] up right but it is what it is and like there's that that one was really good and let me think what else was there I remember whenever I bought the 2000 or sorry the 2 million gold Mount the uh [ __ ] Cactus Mound I was really happy about that and oh yeah whenever I got all of the mounts from all the trials in A Realm Reborn and then like everybody was riding around in a circle with all the mounts that was badass I feel like those were some of the the best moments and then oh wait wasn't there a time I forgot which character it was but there was a time somebody dressed their character up like one of the characters and then they had the character lying down on the ground like they were dead and I legitimately thought it happened I was like oh [ __ ] sir Emrick yes sir mix there it is yes and instead I'm like oh are you [ __ ] kidding me I like this guys because great yeah and then he was gone and I actually like part of it like I was worried that it was going to happen whenever uh you know he got stabbed I was like oh [ __ ] this is what's gonna happen have you tried the Realm Reborn rally yeah I got halfway through it and I didn't want to do the book so I got lazy uh the reason why I got lazy with it is because um uh I I re-rolled to Dark Knight and I didn't really care about the ax as much because I wasn't playing Warriors much it wasn't as important to me the fashion contests with Rich and Zuppa yeah and the Crystal Tower I remember that one too yeah there were a lot of a lot of really good times playing this game man like I I did have a lot of fun and like thinking back on it there were many different like little events man the starting heavensward yeah exactly extremely better or worse as a streamer without chat I think that it depends on the kind of stream you do like for example I couldn't imagine like my stream without chat but I also couldn't imagine Dr disrespect's stream with chat you see what I'm saying so I think it depends on which one thordan yeah doing thordan extreme was pretty crazy I think my favorite extreme fight that I did oh I'm trying to think like what was my favorite might have been thordan like I think that my favorite raid that I did in all Final Fantasy was probably Bahamut I thought that one was really [ __ ] cool like I was so happy whenever we beat that fight like even doing it was so fun man Necromancer attempts bro that [ __ ] was so [ __ ] painful man oh my God you haven't seen anything yeah I know there's like a lot more in the game man I like how I express the stroke crippling schizophrenia on such an artistic form do any surprise that's in contact you in some way to do an official promo I mean yeah these videos are really good I I feel like honestly Final Fantasy is one of those games that people will play and then come back to then leave and then play again Etc like this is just a very common thing that a lot of people do nowadays and I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing I think it's actually a good thing so hopefully that continues uh is Bahamut the one where your team died at one percent no that was one of the bosses before then it was like some Chimera or something like that but yeah this video was really really good and yeah whenever I remember whenever you guys remember whenever I interviewed those guys that did the um uh the [ __ ] the billboard and then I interviewed them and they're like so there's no not safe for work advertised on the billboard and then it's like was the Discord advertised on the billboard and like yeah I'm like well are there links to the Discord to not save for working Discord they're like well yeah I'm like so the Billboard's advertising not safe work they're like well look if you want to see it that way you know if if that's the way that you want to look at like that [ __ ] was so [ __ ] funny yeah I love that [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 638,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: bp2H3vegmh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 33sec (2373 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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