Woke Translators ALREADY Replaced By AI (they're mad)

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localizers of Japanese games Manga and Anime get replaced by Ai and suddenly now they care about the Integrity of transitions hey what's up guys ref here so on this channel we cover any situation where localizers are catching an l and in this situation I have some updates where localizers why do people hate localizers they insert woke stuff they alter the meaning of things to fit with agendas well then they're not localizers are just liars right I mean it's not your job to rewrite the story you just take the words and put the like well then isn't it good that they have ai that can do it that way people don't have to worry about somebody take changing the words they censor things or sometimes don't doing a great job translating between cultures yeah I think that makes sense they change things to fit within the Norms of a region man okay that's weird I wonder why somebody would do that are very satisfyingly reaping what they have seed for the past couple of years now I consider a lot of the work of localizers to be the equivalent of cultural vandalism okay so these people who are responsible for translating anime manga and alike take too much Liberty with their power they have a power trip roiser starts crying at the Japanese grocery store when the cashier says Arigato for the atmosphere instead of thanks for the sick person purchases dude but remember the wash your carbon footprint with all that meat consumption yeah I mean I I I never have seen this happen before maybe I have I just didn't notice it well no like obviously this is like a the implication is that they take conversations then they turn them into a a message or an agenda where they like to use their trust their trusted position as a localizer to insert random political messages or random Reddit tier jokes or other things like that or just poor quality translations and they have lost a lot of trust of consumers I'd like to see some examples of this I've never seen an example of this before I want to see some I instant I I instantly believe this happens because I just know how people are I guarantee this happens it probably happens all the time who don't want this stuff they want a proper translation and instead of addressing these concerns localizers have only doubled down and rubbed their nose in anyone who is complaining about this stuff so here's a classic example before we get into today's story oh yeah there's girls I follow on Twitter that have cosplayed her she's great um okay how bad localizations can get this is a classic one I show anytime it's relevant so basically you have a a trans ation of a scene from Miss kobashi's Dragon where luuka is basically saying I wanted to wear something different so people wouldn't look at me and in the localization it says oh those pesky patriarchal societal demands were getting on my nerves yeah quite the leaping Bound in that situation no way though right like that's so outrageous I don't even believe is this true no way that's CRA oh what no I I don't believe I don't I want to see it I want to [ __ ] see it what's the title yeah fact check right now yeah I want to see it right now coming hey oh hi what are you doing here luga to see you and bring these want some snacks duh thank you what are you wearing that for oh those pesky patriarchal societal demands were getting on my nerves so I changed clothes give it a week they'll be begging you to change back huh you can come on in if you want and this is like real right like this is it it's I mean I I just this is so outrageous it's like I refuse to [ __ ] believe it but it's right there in front of me I see it there it is that's awful like what how did that c that happen one do you think this is wrong think that toxic gaming industry period yeah yeah we do think it's wrong and we want to be toxic in our own Community without a bunch of losers coming in telling us what we can and can't talk about that's right we want to do our own thing we want to do what we want to do and get the [ __ ] out you don't like it that's really the truth I'm not going to argue with you whether it's toxic or not let's assume it is all right you either like it or get the [ __ ] out I wonder if this is widespread or Giga isolated though that's the thing dude is because like this one is so bad cuz like okay so I assume so you think about it right the church used to not like people to read because if people could read they would know that what the church was saying about the Bible wasn't really what the Bible said so like we did this with the church we did this with reading in general we did this we do this all the [ __ ] time this is why for example mainstream media doesn't like Independent Media because it breaks their uh their control and so I immediately believe this but even though I immed immediately believe it I have to [ __ ] see it bro cuz it makes sense because it's like if you're the one that controls the information you control the narrative [ __ ] of course you want to be able to do that if it tracks with human uh with with The Human Condition very well Bound in that situation but today we're going to focus on reaction to this story right here this this tweet says the ancient magus's bride manga's return gets simultaneous English release using AI translation now got a lot of people talking because they are now having a conversation about how AI should be used in localizations and translations for Manga and Anime and despite the fact that the official account for this franchise would come out and say that this was human assisted AI where AI was initially used and then human review was implemented after that a lot of well that's still I mean like that's still huge right that's that's tremendous yeah that that and that's really what's going to happen by the way it's not like AI is going to go from point A to Z but they're going to start from like from like C and go to x and then like humans start start it humans finish it and like you know make sure that everything is like just right about right and everything else is done by AI all of the busy work is done by AI like I don't think people realize how much busy work this is removing it's so good got involved in this conv ation of AI versus localizers and as this is caption whoever wins no what do you mean we we lose like if the AI says what actually the show says then it's good like that this is not even a question who's we we lose because a lot of people acknowledge that AI translations have a lot of flaws but at the same time no [ __ ] [ __ ] but like I mean it it's not about so this is the this is the way that it's going to be right this is what's going to happen is you're going to have people that run an AI translation through and then they probably watch it again to make sure the translation is accurate and like you know uh button up a few things that are a little bit awkward or stated incorrectly and you know make them make sense in English syntax and then that's it like so AI is going to do almost everything but not everything that's what's going to happen is going to feel sorry for localizers because they have for many years exploited their position as a translator to do their own selfish things like putting in political messages and so forth so nobody feels sorry for them people are sad that uh anime and manga fans aren't getting the best translations through AI but the same rate the people suffering the most from that they weren't getting them anyway right I mean cuz if you have a person who's translating it and then changing the meaning of things well I mean they weren't getting it anyway I mean what the [ __ ] and people are simply saying you reap what you sow and you might have noticed this profile picture before this is a famous or I should I say uh Infamous localizer named Katrina we have talked about Katrina multiple times on this channel and despite the fact she has since changed her profile picture this was an iconic one for many years it was like the bat signal for bad localization not only just bad translations from her but also bad takes regarding localization and manga anime as a whole now if you're familiar with her Twitter uh if you even liked a tweet of anyone who's ever criticized her you're probably blocked she runs block let me see if I'm blocked by her no she not block me yeah she should use AI to block people differently yeah not yet yeah she probably going to block me by by the time she sees this video Yeah nonstop deflect any criticism but of course you guys probably aren't surprised that in this situation she had to get involved making this I don't have words for how embarrassing and disappointing this is instead of paying a human to do a quality job they're using AI to get a mediocre product for free is this how they how little they think of English-speaking audiences of translation for shame well I mean [ __ ] couldn't somebody say that to her if she's changing what the words mean like what retweets saying I don't have words for how embarrassing and disappointing this is instead of paying a human to do a quality job they're using AI to get a mediocre product for free is this how little they think of englishspeaking audiences of translation for shame and while she's saying for shame a lot of people are saying you reap what you sow yeah yeah cuz you go back and you look at this right and it goes and it says this it says 900 comments like if you have a tweet that has 2,600 likes and 900 comments that tweet didn't go well people were not happy about that tweet that that's a very bad ratio you reap what you sow because as this quote says localizers that's one crying about being replaced by AI after Decades of ruining Japanese media with outdated Reddit memes in their garbage political views Jesus Christ and so they're not even doing it with political views are adding in like big chungus and [ __ ] oh my God you know what's so funny about this yes you know what's so funny about this is like these are the same people that'll get up in arms about like some person wearing like a a Native American headdress they're like oh it's cultural appropriation but then they'll turn around and do this like I I this is that's what's so crazy to me about it is like so like I I'm the I'm a of the mindset of this right I don't think that just participating in another person's culture is appropriation like I think if you want to paint yourself up like a Native American wear the headdress you know wear a kimono wear a somero I don't think that's cultural appropriation I think it's only appropriation if you're doing it in a disingenuous way that is deliberately meant to um uh it's meant to change the meaning it's meant to turn it into something else it's meant to uh you know again appropriate that that see that's the part of the word right meant to appropriate it for your culture yeah so that's the yeah that's the appropriation part is the problem and so yeah I uh I think these are the real cultural appropriators reap what you sow and that's exactly the sentiment people just don't feel bad for localizers they're the only ones who are absolutely foaming at the mouth over this story because they're losing jobs and a lot of people say you reap what you s because you have been pushing the limits you have continued to do things people don't like and and that's the thing is like other people that don't have like such a uh you know such a like a a relationship with the community that has so much animosity in it like a lot of times like the community will support the people whenever they're saying hey well we don't want to get replaced by Ai and they're like yeah we get that man that really sucks but like if you have like this antagonistic relationship with your community and it's like your job is being done and people [ __ ] hate you for it then big [ __ ] surprise people are going to celebrate whenever you lose your job consumers telling you don't want you to insert political beliefs and and stupid memes into your translations they just keep doing it and now they're paying the price for it and nobody feels sorry for them even if that comes with the price of having lower quality translations through AI you're already dealing withow low quality translations when you're dealing with localizers so a lot of people say hey well at least localizers are catching an L with this AI stuff yeah true but yeah here's a little bit of the greatest CU you look at it oh great now we're going to see some cuz you look at it and you think about it like this right cuz like if you have one option or you you like one option is you have localizers change the change the meaning of of what's being said and then the other option is that the syntax is [ __ ] up because it's done by AI like both options are bad like and and personally I'd rather have bad syntax than uh like changed meanings personally I would prefer AI Katrina someone must have screenshotted this from one of my uh previous videos about her so she's been involved in a million different localization uh let's say controversies she's responsible for the the big BL translation she's Infamous for supporting falsely a narrative by other local that a crossdressing character in manga series what is this here I know the translator and they've done their homework on the series reading future volumes Consulting with trans people and working hard to make sure it's as accurate as possible shame on those people listening to One Rando and trashing it I I I don't even know about that I mean yeah like I I I've literally never seen this I have no [ __ ] idea uh petition to ban the phrase from the collective Japanese Consciousness um I knew I didn't want to shove Nene into my beautiful Subs but when every fan and official translation good or bad has stuck with Nene you know you're going to piss off a lot of what's wrong with Nene actually trans she also is petitioned to ban certain phrases because she thinks that they're not fit for Western audiences she's also the one who is criticizing uh many shownin m for catering to teenage boys and It Go aren't Shonen manga made for teenage boys it's not enough for her to have her own stupid [ __ ] animes that she likes she's got to go into our stuff and ruin it she's got to ruin our stuff Shonen means teenage boys wow wow that's crazy this is why the culture War exists oh yeah I think people like this should be absolutely [ __ ] on oh 100% because like you can't let these people come into your space and tell you what you can and can't do what you can and can't say who the [ __ ] says they should listen to them why should anybody take anything that they're saying seriously hour we're all 30-year-old plus balding men here yeah and we all grew up watching Dragon Ball Z didn't we yeah remember that Frieza sell Saga Majin buus remember that yeah uhhuh Pokemon uhuh yeah we're not going to let this happen yeah those shows were awesome goes on and on and on even a situation where she was corrected by another translator for yeah you should absolutely [ __ ] push these people out like translations and refer to that person as a rando yeah very entitled and one of her latest hits from this year she was responsible for localizing the dog girl anime if you know you know oh yeah I know what that is yeah and even with that sort of a project she couldn't help herself inserting all kinds of gen ZZ language like yeed uh that they got resting [ __ ] face and she'll be all up in her dress and all these goofy unnecessary things that just piss people off be all up in Dr this one is even like in a in a way the how do you do fellow kids language is even worse than changing the political stuff like I feel like this is so [ __ ] cringe man I yeated you because and the reason why I think another big reason is that number one it dates it and well like I think that is the reason right like you go back nobody's going to be saying ye did something in 10 years from now do you remember back whenever it was like in I think the year 2000 or something where like they had that super commercial with like was up and like everybody would say that all the time for like 5 years and now if you say that you're like 45 and a crackhead that lives under a bridge what up yeah exactly and so that's an example of like it fell off remember the word pwned yeah pwned perfectly owned I remember that nobody uses that anymore it just dates it it it's so weird I mean obviously this show um this show is basically about a guy that gets turned into a dog and gets to eat out a group of uh girls that all have sexual relationships with other dogs I'm serious this is literally what it's about like I'm not I'm not kidding like that's actually what it's about yep unnecessary things I watch video about it and also people point out her Infamous support for the seven C's apologizes for international English mistranslation of I think I turn my childhood friend into a girl promises to revise script to more accurately reflect the author's original intent so like the actual well because this is the actual um what do you call it this is straight up the actual like the people that made it this is the original the people that made the original content it's the publisher yeah mistranslations of this manga where other localizers were trying to paint a crossdressing male character as a trans character she crossdressing male character as a trans oh my God bro like holy [ __ ] that openly and said the translations were correct and know she was wrong and seven C's who was responsible for it came out and apologized and fixed these mistranslations there's people that like you know it's like as I said man if you're a hammer every problem looks like a nail it's like they're trying to make this look and make it be the way they want it to look and the way they want it to be fboy eraser yeah exactly trans one of those things they let you know in classes is respect the original source and not letting your personal opinions be involved what she's doing is a disgraced all translators well yeah and like it would also make sense that like with any show because like for example um I'm sure a lot of shows don't really have this problem right like there's a lot of shows that are probably just totally fine and there's no issues at all but what I do think happens is that the people that have an agenda will actively seek out shows that have controversial like plot devices and plot points so they can edit those in a way that they feel is in line with their their worldview so like for example um I'm trying to think of an anime that like might not really have a lot of stuff like this it's like there's no like weird themes or anything like that uh like frein right the new one that just came out there's not like really a lot of weird themes or like sexual themes in it there's like maybe two or three implications and that's it venin Saga yeah exactly like venin Saga like there's not really a lot of like weird sexual so I bet like probably the translations on that I would assume don't at least have this particular type of problem but the shows that are like uh you know like romance shows and stuff like that they probably do a lot more because that way it would make sense right and also going Beyond just Katrina people don't forget these are all just random tweets of localizers uh boasting about abusing their power and their their trust as a as a translator and I think this one really just sums it up the best it says the true Joy of localization really is seeing what you can get away with and that attitude has been completely masked off for many years localizers have been openly saying this openly saying that they want to get away with as much stuff as possible in their train I don't see how they don't they they keep getting rehired with this like that's what's so crazy to me is like like they're literally broadcasting they're like yeah bro we love changing to [ __ ] like why would you yeah why do you rehire these people and we all have seen this and we're aware of it and we don't like it and we are vocal about it but they just keep doing it so moving forward other localizers had quotes to say like how I wonder how Japanese people feel about this you know I was like this is basically just like us I mean I'm sure that they don't like it but like what like Japanese fans they don't care they probably just don't give a [ __ ] that's actually a really good point yeah they probably don't give a [ __ ] like I don't care what they do over there do whatever they want yeah such disrespect for the substance of the original text is saddening especially with a series of thoughtful is this one corporate greed knows no bounds of course it's funny to me also that the official tweet announcing this only mentions the AI part in Japanese Shameless yeah imagine disrespecting the original Japanese text I can't imagine that right localizers but some people reply to that saying disrespect is when you can't force ancient memes in current year street slang into your like the other problem is like a lot of the people that write language like this and like they try to introduce slang and stuff like that they're not cool so like they use the words in like these like uncool ways it's like the opposite of yeah they are the these are the ones I feel like every single person that does this and tries to change this stuff every single one of them was a loser in high school and and I'm I feel like I could I'm not certain but I feel like I'm like 95% certain on this right like yeah they do be sus exactly cuz like I just again I go back and I always compare it with cyber punk I compare it with like so if I think of like the best dialogue in games in my opinion Dark Souls one um uh like I would say cyberp Punk uh pulp like any Quinton Tarantino film let's be honest uh [ __ ] I think that's a good start right like that's a good start balers gate 3C I haven't gone through that yet but Witcher was really good as well yeah uh Dark Souls 3 yeah I like the I like the way that Dark Souls 3 did language and it was it was translated in an intentional way uh Miyazaki Even's talked about it but my point is that like I always compare it to that and then I see yeed Jesus man that is bad media localization interesting argument honestly this has been a long time coming and often deserved and people were pointing out that this localizer has often inserted genz language into uh different translations where it was completely inappropriate and didn't even make sense in terms of the story so yeah it makes sense that they would be upset about this and here's another story so yeah it makes scenes using jenz Japanese slang were localized to focus on a generational aspect instead people got mad at it so the lines were changed to be more plain and less faithful kind of a nothing Burger I feel like yeah this is actually like this specific example I think actually is kind of it is kind of complex because I'm sure that like Japanese people have like their own slang you know I don't think Japanese people are going around saying yeed right like a 15-year-old in Japan is probably using different slang words so like if you're translating one type of slang to another type of slang I could see actually in like a very very narrow slice where it would kind of make sense they have SL yeah of course they do do do you see kind of what I'm saying it's like you're translating Japanese slang to like American slang that they would be upset about this and here's another situation where a person was essentially saying uh nobody wants to deal with localizers and you're kind of reaping what you sow and that's why people don't feel sorry that you're losing your jobs to AI with this localizer said imagine preferring something with results that will definitely be wrong and bad over once in a blue moon seeing a line about a woman or a gay person or some other nonsense that makes you mad for simply existing remember they don't give an a [ __ ] about translation accuracy it can be inaccurate as F and they will never care they will only care when that perceived inaccuracy collides with their conflicting World VI worldview then they suddenly care a lot about accuracy so this is like whenever people say that all stories and all video games are political whenever they compare uh you know the ideals of Lord the Rings to their awkwardly stated uh like allegory to Donald Trump like these are the kinds of people that love comparing these two things cuz what they're doing here is they're saying well we're the same and so we're just doing two sides of the same thing it's weird exactly yeah there are a lot of shows and a lot of things that are not overtly political they're not trying to push a strong message and also I think that the reason people like this that say stuff like this everybody can everybody knows their gaslighting everybody [ __ ] knows this it's obvious so like like this isn't we're not nobody's mad about seeing a gay per what the [ __ ] are you talking about nobody thought this and so I think this is why people celebrate these people getting [ __ ] over it's because they deliberately mischaracterize the group of people that disagree with them as like like like racists or sexist or something like that where it's like no we just want to have it be what it actually is and we don't care about your world view like this is what I think these people don't understand is that we don't want them to change or at least I don't right I say we like who the [ __ ] is we it's me I don't want them to change anything I don't want them to add in a woman or a gay person and I don't want them to [ __ ] up the words just make it exactly the way it was because that's your job your job you're not your job is not to you know like modernize this your job is not to do this is like what the and like how many of you guys agree with this just translate the material like what is this all yeah not to push the narrative yeah because the the reason why pushing these narratives is so so bad is because whenever you start pushing the narrative every single time that somebody reads a word like yeed or they read like a uh like a patriarchy comment or something like that it immediately takes the immersion out of the story because they realize wait a minute I'm not actually in this fantasy world I'm in this story that's being created as a vehicle to push an agenda or to show off how clever the writer is like these things actively hurt the immersion of a story that's why many stories don't break the fourth wall and what I'm saying is that the obvious clumsy uh unintended uh not by Design cultural appropriation that they put into these stories in order to push their ideals breaks the fourth wall because you can immediately see that it's destroying to Fantasy yes it breaks the fourth wall so number one a classic pancakes waffles situation this user said stop making lowquality translations and in cerning irrelevant things into your localizations and that person say you're afraid of gay people it's like what yeah what does it have to do with anything it's a complete deflection of valid criticism well what these people do is that they're uh they're bullies right and so they think that if you characterize the other group of people as if they're like this bad person then they now have to defend against your mischaracterization so now it it changes the topic from like what are you doing to this person is like now accusing you of something instead and I think that what's happened recently is people have just people just don't care about that anymore they just simply don't care about being called oh I hate gay people no I don't everybody knows that and they just ignore it cuz I think that the shock value of that has kind of uh it's like a diminishing return it's kind of gotten nerfed over time and so now people just don't give a [ __ ] about it anymore because it's more easy to tell like what somebody's tricks are localizers and their products they've made over the past decade plus yeah and here's another twe people are brutalizing right now I I took this this is again guys this is the original ratio more retweets or quote retweets or comments than than likes that that was the original ratio boys screenshot last night I believe it's gone from 400 quotes to well over a thousand at this point this aspiring localizer says oh weebs realize the only reason they prefer Subs is that it allows them to exoticize and fetishize a culture due to historical superiority complexes in cinema that is deeply rooted in racism challenge level impossible I love how there's people that have like the wor words Anarchy and stuff like this and they are the softest people in the world like if you like Anarchy go to some of these countries in Africa they have basically Anarchy it's always these people yeah these are the ones anybody that has Anarchy in their name uh the main thing that they're afraid of in a day is having to make eye contact with their door Dash delivery person whenever they deliver their food that's their big problem for the day what are you talking about I'm talking about these people the Anarchy right it's that these people have like these agendas and they act this way and they're the biggest [ __ ] soft losers in the world they're edgy losers yeah the internet tough guys yeah it's like the other it's like another version of internet tough guys this might be a contender of one of the worst tweets ever made even some voice actors and localizers are coming out and saying like dude come on you're making us look bad please delete this but yeah here's a pretty good summation of what's been going on this user said translators be like we need to make changes such as removing offensive content because it'll sell better blame capitalism not us but the only line change was a line that said well that's not even true like nobody gives a [ __ ] about that stuff how many of you guys don't watch an anime because of like the language in it because like oh it's offensive nobody cares about it being offensive except for other people that care about it except for other people that are trying to change it most normal people don't give a [ __ ] about this stuff he's acting very suspicious to he's being a sussy little Baka I mean yeah that's exactly kind of what they're actually changing in these localizations they're taking completely normal lines then adding in Reddit genz language that makes no sense and people don't want to see it and I made this response this is kind of my final point of the video I was responding to uh chibi reviews on Twitter and if you don't know him a great anime YouTuber very nice guy too would definitely recommend checking out his content but I made this reply about the situation that really sums up my feelings and a lot of people's feelings where this is an outcome the use of AI translations is something that should not have had to happen like we should have proper translations done by humans no I disagree with that I think that the truth is that like people's life and their time has value and if you can have a tool that can create the foundation that you can build the rest of it on then you're doing yourself a favor like we have printers nowadays we have smartphones we have all of these tools that make life easier stop trying to reduce life down to repeating menial tasks for money like the only reason why people are fighting against AI is because AI is going to replace their jobs like that's the only reason it it's not because it's not a good thing it's not because it can't be used it's because they don't want to lose their job to it which is literally the worst mindset to have local iers have been messing around with translations for so long that they're now finding out the consequences of this and they're seeing that nobody besides their own peers in the localization industry feel sorry for them yes people who consume anime and manga do not like seeing AI translations they would much rather see a proper one done by a human being but localizers ruin that and now when localizers are losing their jobs to AI somebody people are upset about what I said they said bad take you have one job you don't know [ __ ] I know everything about this I understand it completely and if I didn't understand it well I wouldn't have triggered you well enough for you to type that message and try to insult me in chat that's how you that's how I know that I understand it is because I said it in a way that you knew that I was right and that's why you're [ __ ] mad that's why you're getting mad is because you know that I'm right people are just not sympathetic at all and they're just saying you reap what you s but that's going to do it for this video I know a lot of topics in today's video so feel free as always to share all your thoughts about them in the comment section down below hope you guys enjoy the video and I'll see you next time there it is I think that was a really good video I completely [ __ ] agree I still can't believe the uh the like these changes I'll link you guys video this is this was great I believe technology is not evil it's how it's used yeah exactly and uh yeah there's video give it a like that's actually that that that's a good one I like that a lot very interesting yeah I had no idea about this translation [ __ ] I had literally no [ __ ] clue man and uh AI is even more scary you can code the AI to have any bias you want oh yeah for sure right but like uh the kobashi one is so out of left field yeah that that was just that's so bad yeah why is he anime girl who cares right it doesn't M like I don't like who gives a [ __ ] about that the the point is that I think that this is a uh this is a big problem you're right uh of it happening it doesn't mean it's a good thing about the jobless people sure you don't care about them why would I care but still well all I'm saying is that like unless you can identify what a problem is you can never address it and I think that it's important to know what a problem is and to say what the problem is rather than uh pretending like it's some sort of other greater ideal because it's it's dishonest it's not true and you're having a conversation built off of something that's a lie so that that's that's what I think and also like yeah of course people are celebrating these people getting removed like some of these uh these translations are insane like as I said man like I I couldn't even believe this it's so bad yeah it's confusing you say government I'm not I don't want to argue and like explain to you my world viiew okay like just I'm not going to waste my [ __ ] time uh all I'm saying is that these people the reason why there's such a push back on AI I think is because people actively see it uh taking away their job it's not about whether it's useful or not and I think about the fact that they're worried about the taking away their job it means that they think that it is useful because if it wasn't useful and it actually wasn't useful they wouldn't be upset about it because they would know that it wouldn't work there's a reason why nobody worried about Tay taking their job back whenever Microsoft made that AI 10 years ago because because was [ __ ] garbage but now everybody's talking about it because it's not bad the fact that people are mad about it proves that it's good it's the same reason why I said about video games look about the video game that they're doing Special NBC reports about kids ruining their lives over that game that's the good game uh the Kobe ASI one is the tip of the iceberg of the whole mess so either way I don't want to talk about the [ __ ] AI [ __ ] it's got nothing to do with this people want to cry about that all they want uh you're not going to change my opinion and uh what I'm what I'm saying is going to happen so you know just have to wait and so that's my point they took our derbs yeah uh I think this is a huge issue and um I think that anytime you have a person that's going into a story and they are changing the story in order for that story to fit with their worldview I think this is a bad thing uh now are there exceptions are there changings of stories that make make more sense yes absolutely uh some examples uh saon did not die by getting stabbed in the back by GMA warong on the top of uh Eisen guard that did not happen in Lord of the Rings that was done uh by Peter Jackson for the books uh let's see uh what else besides that uh in Fight Club at the end of Fight Club the ending of Fight Club in the book that was written by uh Chuck palun I think it's his name uh is totally different than the ending of the book or sorry ending of the movie and so there's that uh Game of Thrones well to be fair a lot of the Game of Thrones deviations were [ __ ] garbage uh the point that I'm making is that uh totally different well what I'm saying is that there are deviations from a story but the deviations from the story like the sacking of the Shire and all that in order the Rings the story I actually think that you could make a very strong argument that like like because tolken was in World War I the sacking of the Shire and the aftermath of it was kind of showing the destruction the residual destruction of like Europe after World War I it's kind of like an allegory to that so like maybe removing that actually kind of was altering some of the meaning of order of the Rings I think actually that's probably the weakest argument that I have but I think for the uh The Fight Club example and just in a general sense uh that was also like it was a subtext right it was not like a main point in the story and my point is that changing a story to make it more adaptable for like a movie screen or more adaptable for a book or more adaptable for a TV show all of these things make sense these are all good things but the problem is whenever you make it more adaptable for your worldview this is totally bad then Tolen say World War I was not an inspiration tolken said a lot of things and if we talk about this long enough you'll see that I'm right but I don't want to do that uh just you can make a Reddit post and I can talk about it later on uh that's it I know what you're talking about and you're wrong but uh yeah tokens dwarves uh what's this here they made sense until it's a one toone subdub change well I think the truth is this right is that you have like I'm sure that whenever you're translating things there are decisions that you have to make that sometimes are not easy decisions how do you make something like this make sense in the way that it was presented you're definitely right but I think that changing things and literally altering the story and adding in you know random slang words especially whenever they weren't originally there you're not translating for example like translating Japanese slang to American slang is better than translating Throne to yeed if that makes sense because like the translation of Japanese slang wouldn't have really made sense sense in the first place that's that's a great sketch about translation yeah yeah you want to understand anime fully orn Japanese well it's not about understanding it people just want to be able to watch the show and know what's happening changing events is one thing but changing the complete meaning of words while keeping the same events is the problem yeah certain sayings and cisms uh need to be paraphrased but we don't need political messaging you are exact L [ __ ] right you that is 100% what I'm saying yeah 100 [ __ ] perc and uh yeah what's this here and some words are impossible to translate because there isn't really a word so it needs to be changed you're absolutely right and there are examples I'll link you guys the video one more time then I'll look at some other stuff yeah not understanding it is the point uh it allows you to see into another culture so ironically by changing the intention you actually reduce diversity I think you make a good point and for some people they could see it that way I don't think that that's a universal point and that's true entirely but I think that you do make a good point yeah everything's political neutrality doesn't exist in art um I don't believe that uh so number one I think the only people that say that are people that are trying to justify introducing their own political viewpoints I think that there are a lot of stories that do not have overt po messaging there's not like some sort of like greater ideal some sort of like uh you know uh modern contemporary social concept they're trying to talk about and also even if everything's political this thing isn't your political it's their political so whenever you change it then it doesn't really matter whether it's political or not I think that people just say everything is political so they can justify changing things and making making them political because how many of you guys know the obvious difference between something with a message and something without it because like for me I can easily spot it it's so [ __ ] obvious everybody [ __ ] sees it I hate being gas lit yeah you're not going to goof me around on that I know exactly what's going on everybody does that's why people are celebrating these people losing their jobs it's because they're getting gas lit and they're tired of it they said it's everything's political so they can interject their politics you're exactly right
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 963,481
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: RWk1Sjj9UGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 27sec (2787 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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