How Netflix Got A Schulz Special | Flagrant 2 with Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh

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Akassh looking like he’s went through the ringer, my boy need a trim ASAP

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheFlangrant1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

So Jay-Z isn't cool because you don't see good pictures of him caught off guard? Thats an MJ in Space Jam level reach

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/elizarraras87 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

So glad we got more Taylor this episode! She needs to interrupt and ask stupid questions more! IN fact, fuck it - replace her with Akaash. You know what - let's just let her lead every conversation too.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FSMDxb πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

They all get COVID-19 during the time that they filmed the Netflix special. Wow. Talk about coincidence.

Worked out great. Time off from the podcast and got to film with Netflix. Funny how that worked out.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/c0mp4v3rd4d πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m actually surprised by andrews attitude I tought he would be on his I’m all high and mighty I saved comedy shit

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Payme619 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I got really excited when Andrew said he went to college with Johnny Tsunami. I watched both those movies

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ArmchairHandjob πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m usually I listener, but I have nothing to do tonight. So I decided to watch it tonight. Does anyone know where I can find Shultz’s hoodie?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/patsher47 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

We need to get Akash off these ad read

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zangief12 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's up everybody uh welcome to flagrant two okay my name is andrew schultz i'm here with akash singh alex media mark gagnon taylor's in the building the born again off again uh fifth wheel of this podcast we're glad to have you back make sure you keep those notes on point though okay we need those notes taylor today's a big episode we got some big information we gotta drop big netflix got a schultz special they landed the big fish okay the bottle knows dolphin is that the one with the biggest nose yeah moby dick yeah we got dove mammon in the building too um you can't hear him because he doesn't have a mic but we love him and um we're going to tell you a story about all the things that happened to get us where we are today i'm absolutely [ __ ] exhausted i know alex media is exhausted i know mark gagnon's exhaust i know dove ma'am is exhausted uh we've been working our ass off on this project and we're very excited to show it uh to all of you on the 17th man it's going to be on netflix and i want to break records for the the watch list so make sure you add it to your watch list and then tell them to let you know when it when it releases because uh yeah i think that there's a little trick there that we're gonna use but yeah i'm so excited for you guys to see this man we've been working so hard on this for the last three months some of you guys knew we were up to something charlemagne damn near said i was having a child my girl was getting all these dms right because somehow some of you psychos found my girl's instagram she'd get any dms she hit me and she's like are we pregnant because i'm getting all these congratulations dm so i guess charlotte may set on idiots that i was pregnant that you're pregnant yeah and then he goes no i was just using it as a metaphor and i listened back and all he says was charles is pregnant that's not a metaphor that's just saying i'm [ __ ] pregnant so bank account about to be pregnant yes the banking kid is special the bank held all right the bank account all right right now [ __ ] might change a little bit but uh but yeah man i'm just really excited and i just i'm very proud of this thing i can't wait for y'all to see it man and i'm just so grateful for all y'all for watching the monologues we've been doing basically what we did is our weekly monologues we did as an uh four-part hour-long special that's a year-end review essentially is tapping into four of the biggest most divisive events of this year and obviously coronavirus we got conspiracy theories black lives matter and of course a nation divided so uh i'm just so excited to see this man and for you guys to see it and uh i understand i was saying this earlier but i understand that like i'm gonna get the the credit for this obviously because i'm the leader of the band if you will and the lead singer but this was a monumental effort by so many other people you know first of all i got to congratulate mark mark as a co-creator of this show man he wrote oh yeah um and and this is a big move he did an absolutely great job not only during this show but also the 17 weeks that you put in before you [ __ ] killed it you grinded i'm so proud of you and you you you murdered it man i'm so grateful to have you part of it alex media made his directorial debut okay that's right let's go that's right and you absolutely murdered it man i was so proud of you you stepped up to the occasion you were too confident you were too confident i thought you were gonna be insecure i thought you were gonna be like nervous telling people what to do but alex was back there man he was just snapping at [ __ ] telling him where to be what angles he wanted i was so impressed that [ __ ] was so funny why did you guys think that because inside i was really i was nervous you know what honestly i would i would i say after the first shoot date i even said to you i was like man you were so confident back there you really rose to the occasion yeah i was not i was nervous i was so great that's what i said i've been on al didn't know all the lingo but he knew exactly what he wanted yeah so he was just telling [ __ ] to do [ __ ] just being like yeah make it more like this like this way yeah and they were like all right yeah that's how we communicate don't understand that you got to speak to mark like alexa you can't like if you got does it mark don't understand it unless you ask a very specific what is the weather today but if you go what's it like outside he'll be like oh i missed that civil unrest actually now you mentioned it but um also i gotta i gotta congratulate doug doug is my first friend that i've ever made in college uh he's one of my best friends in the world and he's been working in entertainment you know toiling in obscurity for years and uh i thought that we should save him by bringing him on to this product now in all seriousness he's absolutely brilliant guy and i knew when we were younger we were going to do something together you know when we were in college we were thinking about doing a radio show together and then we realized we had to be up at 3 a.m to do that [ __ ] we're like nah we'd rather be fingering chicks but uh but for real we always knew we were gonna do something and he went on to great things in hollywood and the second i had this opportunity i was like we need him here and he was an integral part in uh not only getting this done but giving us so much jewish anxiety that it's unbelievable dude dude i don't know how you are not shredded from stress dude it's unbelievable he's comfy in the fire this guy will find problems you didn't even know existed it's like a [ __ ] cloud around them it's a gravitational pull it was unbelievable so uh so yeah so everything was going great until akash shut the whole thing down with corona it was i sure did dude literally things the first shoot we were all so proud of it we're like oh this is going great we're all ahead of schedule we get the writing down everything is great then akash gives you a text he's like yo man i got corona yeah man and and i'm the type of guy and i mean this sincerely and this is something that before this really tested me because i'm the type of guy that's like everything happens for a reason but i don't mean that in like a corny sense like you know when a child gets cancer or whatever like that obviously that doesn't happen for a [ __ ] reason but like my mentality on life is that if you i consider myself a problem solver so it's like if you look at everything in front of you and figure out how you can pro you know problem solve and use it to your advantage you'll start to believe that things are happening for you that there's some greater power out there looking out for you when in reality you're creating your luck by taking whatever circumstances you've been given and making the best out of them right it was hard for me to get there when you get that [ __ ] bro when you gave us corona bro i needed a good three days dude i was like what is the lesson here what how do i learn from this right yeah what and man i was so angry and it was so unfair because you didn't want to give us corona bro those were physically corona didn't affect me emotionally emotionally the darkest week and a half of my life i gave it to the people i work with the most who are working on the biggest project of their lives i don't and you also don't know who got what until they test i saw my in-laws the day before one of them is in his 60s i'm freaking the [ __ ] out like did i [ __ ] is this guy going to get corona that's a power move right there i'm the only daddy now no bro and then [ __ ] when we did history hyenas i gave i might have given it to them and de stefano was like i know what you're going to do you're going to let shells become emperor and then you're going to take them out and i'm like what the [ __ ] just happened no he said that i christie probably left some [ __ ] corona potion on the seat or something i thought about every single thing that happened on sunday and monday before i got my test that's all you're doing for five days when you're waiting for everybody to get the results so i come in monday feeling [ __ ] fantastic do a podcast with the hyenas it's great whatever go home that night feel fine tuesday the next day afternoon i start feeling like a little body ache and [ __ ] yeah but i just worked out really hard the day before he felt fine monday giannis yes that's important to know janus is going around spreading his [ __ ] lie akash felt sick and still came into the [ __ ] studio i would never in my [ __ ] life but also not only let's say you didn't care about giannis yeah or chris you're getting it yeah you're not going to walk in the studio where we're creating the netflix special right and then infect everybody and shut that door never also you're asthmatic yeah like if you have corona you're terrified and if i should be dead if i saw my in-laws sunday and thought i was sick monday i'm not going anywhere i'm freaking the [ __ ] out that they're okay yeah and monday i'm like yo guys i cannot go outside i understand where y'all's coming from because he's pissed when you get so angry and he got sick yeah yeah he got sick janice is still sick yeah i feel terrible i tried to send a doctor out to him that [ __ ] lives in sleepy hollow so literally i'm like all right i'm gonna get a doctor to just go check on you bro and i go when i say that that means i'm gonna ask dove to do it right so i go i got you and then i just did a group text he got you and dov was trying to get someone over and dove is a convincing ass [ __ ] yeah okay he couldn't get nobody to go up to where giannis lives bro giannis lives deep and these nurses are running around the city just poking noses well he had to go to the hospital so he got all the doctors he needed wait did he have to go a fish diarrhea dehydration i don't know they'll probably say it no i'll be honest with you that dehydration [ __ ] is mad [ __ ] bruh drink some water bro it's right there you're not dehydrated in the desert having a fruit hydrated in westchester that's it drink some water wait isn't that all you gotta do for dehydration or is there another thing that's right i think you're [ __ ] so much there's nothing you can do you're like losing a like go in the shower electrolytes and stuff that's just but can't you just keep drinking as much as i know this because it's happened to me i've had to go to the hospital right but corona didn't affect me that badly so be honest you mad [ __ ] i'm compensating because i feel [ __ ] horrible no akash felt so bad because he really infected half of the new york comedy scenes oh my god the next day new york comedy legend comedy legend in general right colin quinn absolutely brilliant comment yeah goes on chris and janice's podcast right and they [ __ ] bullied him for to get him over there by saying come on bro come out to brooklyn we're gonna have some pizza and colin's like a sucker for like real new york pizza that's a real new york guy you know i think kyle grew up in brooklyn actually not far from there it's like yeah we're gonna get pizza from yamada yamades or whatever the [ __ ] i'm italian and uh and colin's like all right fine i can't turn down pizza right and he goes out there they don't even have the pizza pizza's like being delivered while they're doing the podcast while he's just snorting corona for an hour and a half right so but but but colin had a heart attack recently it's bad news son bro when i call colin he's feeling sick he goes he goes yeah i heard your co-host uh and your co-host went on to the podcast sick knowingly and i'm like no you didn't go talking about this and i'm a fan of calling too this i was like dog that being said i do think it'd be absolutely hilarious that like an indian dude would be taking white people out of the virus on thanksgiving yeah on thanksgiving dude i got a call from rogan who's like yo i heard your co-host went on the podcast that's when i reached out to you and i was like yo go talk to the honest he's having like hallucinations about what happened um but thank god colin is okay yeah i hope he didn't give it to more people i texted colin to apologize and whatever he was super understanding super nice nah he wasn't i felt bad for us man this [ __ ] was hitting me up like three four times a day just making sure i wasn't still alive and [ __ ] like that you didn't even tell me you had pneumonia son i my dumb ass i tried to [ __ ] sweat it out i was like i ain't taking home meds i'm just gonna sweat this [ __ ] out yeah i was just getting worse and worse i swear to god i checked sorry i checked on colin right i'm just checking on him he's like no everything's okay and i go and then all of a sudden i get this text from him there's a picture and it's a google search and in the google search it says akash name meaning in english oh yeah right and then the meaning is boy hindu indian from the sanskrit akash meaning upper sky or ether akash ganga is the name of the sky diving team in the indian air force oh my god right and then the air force and the next thing he texts me is airborne explanation you know his destiny bro it really was hey anyway so um akash gets us all corona we gotta shut down the [ __ ] production yeah buddy now this is a review not the review but we are touching on the four most divisive topics of 2020. yeah you can't put that out after 2020. after 2020 it's over nothing yeah you got to address it in 2020 right so we're all terrified we're like oh my god is this gonna be pushed back are we gonna get back sooner i got iv docs coming to my [ __ ] house every day jamming syringes in my arm trying to get this corona out of my system i don't know exactly i'm on the phone with rogan trying to get regeneron right he's like i might have a connect i'm going to see if i can get you something i'm taking pills vitamin d all the [ __ ] time i'm freaking out um mark swears he didn't have any symptoms at all yeah i mean because he always fronts like he don't get sick i've never been sick before exactly never been sick al is damn near dead uh damn you're dead so here's the thing all of us are terrified that we're gonna give it to our girls as well yeah yeah i've thought all this through yeah none of our girls got corona power of the [ __ ] power with the [ __ ] i wasn't in that [ __ ] i was quarantined from that point but how the [ __ ] my girl not getting corona bro yeah that's kind of that's a little suspect it's a little beta male 1 yeah it's a little it's a little better that's how i felt i mean we were together we were like making out i mean i'm relieved to hear this to be honest what did yours get it mine got it not as bad as me she lost smell for a little bit oh by the way i just want to point out i did i tell you when i lost uh smell and taste yes you did yeah the night before thanksgiving oh no no it was the morning but did the night the morning of the day before but i tell you how i found out no i was eating my girl's [ __ ] i was eating my girl's [ __ ] and yeah i was sweating it sounds like a hack joke i actually told neil brennan this and then neil brenner goes first time she ever came no but uh i'm literally going down there and the reason i went down immediate i went down immediately because i'm so stressed out whether or not we're gonna be able to do this [ __ ] or not i don't know what the [ __ ] is going down so i'm so stressed out i'm like are we gonna do the ship meeting make the netflix special right i'm like not have sex i'm not the same i knew i wasn't gonna be able to do that so i was like let me just find my girl i can't you know let's make the time i go down bro and i'm going after it and i'm licking away right and i'm just like this weird like where's the flavor yeah you know what i mean like usually there's some flavor if you get out there you in that prime rib you know what i'm saying but there was no flavors and i was like that's odd this is just so odd you know she's been sleeping the whole night marinating and then what dude she's marinating the whole night you get that morning y'all never let it marinate overnight so you just gave her a head and then went to yo no i went down there to try to get that hot box she been under the duvet do you know what i mean and i'm trying to get that hot box i'm trying to lick them pennies so i'm out there i'm out there trying to get my change purse on and i'm licking and i and it's nothing it tastes like zero it doesn't taste it doesn't taste good it doesn't taste bad it tastes nothing that's good and in that moment i literally get so [ __ ] scared because i'm like oh my god what's gonna happen is this gonna push things back even more i go limp right now i'm terrified that i go limp so i'm starting to hump the bed see if i can like get my work hard you're like a horny dog like a horny dog trying to get my pink stick out yeah yeah so i tried to get that pink stick i don't know what was going on i was going through a lot it felt like dove on a tuesday yeah lipsticking this does every tuesday just straight paranoid the second dove wakes up like this just starts humping the bed right away first thing so i go i get up when i realize i get up i run into the kitchen i grab the dry cherries because i'm like what's gonna have a flavor yeah choo choo choo nothing i open up the fridge olives choo choo choo nothing i'm like oh [ __ ] boy i go out she brings a candle i can't smell anything literally right after that she starts preparing thanksgiving dinner i think it was that day or the next day and i'm like this [ __ ] is piling on bro did you finish the job though nah nah bro now i have it and i really should have yeah that you made her come say what do you make her come no i'm working on that you know you got to say her or something say what is that no i didn't i was terrified you don't so you just lick i licked it you licked it but you're terrified to finger her while licking it no i was terrified of the special we were shooting and not being able to complete it because of corona and i understand that but you said that never mind yeah we're good taylor how do you eat [ __ ] with your fingers i don't eat [ __ ] you have once you said you had once no i haven't someone ate me out dude she's not actually like a dude like yeah like no no i don't get [ __ ] that [ __ ] yeah i got top yeah i got that toppy sloppy did you grab her hair and push that [ __ ] forward yeah yeah you [ __ ] beast taylor's a bully bro stop getting that [ __ ] ate bully style that's crazy you did that did you rip off the wig she was spanish she was she had that good hair huh you're really happy a spanish girl went down on you huh it wasn't good i left why wasn't it good i don't know what i was high and i was you think maybe maybe i was surprised by what was going on too though so that's why did you know about it was it some cosby situation or like what's going on are you describing something horrible right now is this an assault yeah i don't know how to handle this because it's a woman with a woman so i'm like i'm pretty sure that's still brave but yeah what is that that's just yoga yeah that's hot yoga you know when they come up to and they're like lean a little deeper into this pose she was getting [ __ ] while she was eating me out oh that's why i wasn't good it's like the jack distracted yo i didn't like it that's multitasking you can't multitask like that i don't know she's probably just banging her nose up against it real talk that's the best way anyway so akash gave us all corona gave the new york comedy scene corona and uh i never got corona for the record yes you did you definitely got crowded i never got corona either you didn't get corona no dove didn't get corona al got it marco i tested positive for corona but i never you thought it was i gave it to them i gave it to everyone i do the podcast with and also the three most important people for your special yeah yeah like the three most integral people got it and then everybody else is like yeah you could be quarantined to be fine and they didn't get it they didn't get it that's right holy [ __ ] yeah oh my god i had nothing to do but think about this guys this is all crossed my mind it was like pure sabotage oh it was unbelievable every and then every time i would start to mentally be like it was gonna be all right don't worry about it i would get some other news even andrew losing taste and smell was like oh it sucks [ __ ] whatever he'll be right then it's like yo did you know you were sick [ __ ] rogan is texting me and i'm just like yo every time i'm like all right here's daylight we're out of the [ __ ] storm i would get something else it's just like oh here's another thing that you're gonna be feeling like [ __ ] about for about 72 hours i don't want to tell you this because i want to just stay in this like moment where we make you feel absolutely horrible about this but i love you too much so i can't just tell us don't tell him no no no uh it actually i think helped us in the long in the in the grand scheme of things in the moment we would have never been able to tell but having that extra time allowed us to like analyze certain scripts make more images and like really look at the flow of the content in a way that we wouldn't been able to because of shooting schedules so when i say everything happens for a reason this might have been the reason that it actually happened i will say this thank [ __ ] god you did not come to the engagement dinner yeah because you would have killed my parents yeah you couldn't come remember he couldn't come to the engagement dinner because it was on diwali yeah he's on diwali and um bruh i mean imagine though oh diwali saved it bro yo yo thank god thank god who do we praise for that one for dwarves all of them you give there's just a holiday for all the gods no cheap indian [ __ ] dishing out holidays come on no i'm just saying thank god in general at work but this holidays for ram oh dang wrong bro yeah well look man i it's uh it's a it's a wild time i'm very excited for you guys to see this man i'm very grateful sorry [ __ ] it's all my fault but we back yo [ __ ] we're back bro we back you know we're not leaving you unless it was something that um was out of our control and this was out of our control but [ __ ] amen it's good to be back we worked our asses on this man we [ __ ] bled on this i'm telling you left it all on the table i saw them grinding it was unreal like yeah just [ __ ] non-stop i'm sorry i got to make sure i did i did i compliment i know what's going on i don't know yeah that's what i was about to say like but i complimented you on this version of you did dove yeah okay you gotta get ready we recorded earlier but there was a problem with one of the cameras um and i also want to compliment uh and just thank uh robbie slovik a hilarious comic that wrote on the uh show with us and also fal guy who's never uh written comedy in his life uh for just jumped on board and he absolutely killed it man he was uh so helpful and there's a million other people we need to thank you actually i really want to thank this one guy who was an editor on this john raffanelli yo legend exactly this guy's a [ __ ] legend thank you so much john we're going to steal you from jax media the production companies there's going to be another time where i actually thank everybody so i want people thinking that i'm not being thankful for you right now we're going to really go for the official one but i just needed to shout those specific people out and then two other people out i got to shout out justin bieber uh and justin bieber shared my stuff he shares my stuff with a lot of people man he's a [ __ ] great guy for that and love the beeps yo love the beeps shout out to beeps but also uh scooter braun because justin shared this with scooter and scooter and i started talking and figuring out what we wanted to potentially do with this and um and that dude is legit man i will i will give credit where credit is due that [ __ ] is legit at what he does there's a lot of useless managers and agents out there yeah mostly but that guy is skilled and talented and i he is where he is he moves the world facts facts facts so yeah we're very excited about this man i cannot even begin we're going to tell you more about in the time it comes but like i cannot even begin to tell you how many little things are in this special little jokes that only the [ __ ] will get little things that are in pictures that only the [ __ ] will get you know i mean i mean there's so many tiny little things in here i there's not a single person on the planet that will be able to get every single joke that's in this special there's a lot if you were to guess how many you think that did how many jokes you think in the whole thing yeah i was trying to calculate that really yeah if you count the jokes that are in the pictures yeah thousands yeah i mean it's dude there's no way you could get every single one of it i literally think it's gonna be like uh you know like a jay-z album where you listen to it again and you're like oh he said that yeah you know or like one of those movies like a a nolan movie where you like watch it for the second time you're like oh that happened like i literally think you're gonna you could watch each episode four times and you probably won't get every single joke every single switch in the picture yeah like so many of us are in the pictures obviously you're going to notice you know us but you'll notice i mean akash might even be you know in some stuff you never know i wonder you know you never know bro you never know it's also it's also really cool because like projects like these a lot of times like people will just bring on a bunch of people to like do all the stuff you know like you'll bring in like directors bring in editors whatever like for this project it was us in this room that did what the whole thing 95 percent i'm be honest it really was and like i wouldn't have it any other way because at the end of the day for for this project i want to be able i i know that we put out the exact thing we want to put out you know what i mean like it's different when you put out a project and you're like well this is what they let me this is what we want to do there's nothing in this project that we didn't want to do we hired a production company uh jax media and uh shouts out to them man they handled you know the legal they're paying for stuff but they also had some great staff over there as well and um and all the picture editors killed it the picture editors killed it and shout to miles mccreery man i cannot even begin to tell you man i put my faith in in people that are talented there's one thing i'll compliment myself on uh and there's a lot more than one i can recognize talent bro and uh i'll be honest i really believe that myself and i mean that and the first thing i look for is competence in human beings and i saw it with alex when we first started working together and i was like yeah he don't know how to [ __ ] edit but he'll learn you know what i mean he'll figure it out the first thing you sent me was [ __ ] do you remember it yeah it was horrible but i was like but he will learn how to do it what was it it was horrible dude it was so bad it was so bad you know what but it was like you were doing the joke of the day or something like that he like kind of animated the joke of the day he like added pictures in it it was almost like this low-key that's cool oh [ __ ] i created this [ __ ] i'll be honest with you this is this show i did a long time ago with my brother all right this american house called this american hype there's still some episodes that are up there when i first reached out to you via dm i was asking you to bring that [ __ ] back because i actually liked that episode it was a great show it took it took a lot of time and shout outs to my brother greg man and um but i just yes bring this back i mean also we got to give a shout out to bill maher bill maher is the reason why we started doing these monologues he did a monologue about why i wasn't racist to call it the china virus and so many people were sending me this thing around and i had this thought for a while but i was like oh people really need an explanation for their feeling that is not politically correct they feel it they just don't know how to articulate in a way that won't be costly at their job in their social circle etc and i remember i hit up mark and i was like yeah we you see this thing we can do this ten times better and shout to bill maher shout out we give him a shout out in the special bro there's so many shots bro it's just so crazy bro and um it's so crazy i can't give away too much but it's so crazy seeing the people in real life that we give shots to because i've interacted with them kind of some people and uh can you name any yeah the guy dale from the bachelorette which one is dale he's the most recent season he's back in like you don't watch the bachelorette [ __ ] no which one is he because i'm trying to think he's the guy who just won he won well no the girls stopped the season oh that guy yeah i'm glad you gave him a shot [ __ ] that guy cornball ass yeah hey there [ __ ] yo we gotta do bachelorette recaps out this [ __ ] we got it all planned so um but yeah man it's just it's just so much fun yeah that's another cool thing about it equal opportunity yeah i mean like everybody gonna get these jokes jokes everywhere and when we say everybody we mean everybody okay ah i'm just excited for y'all to see it man i'm so proud of it we're just watching it down how do you guys feel man how was your experience with it i haven't taken it all in yet no yeah yo al really had no clue what the schedules were it's amazing we were making fun of him last night about this [ __ ] this guy was so removed from like what was going on because yeah i get stressed and [ __ ] like not me mark could be getting stressed you lose get you stressed mark get me straight what happens if we don't get it by two i go well then we'll get they'll get it when we get it because we have dates that you have to hit yeah right or that they give you dates and then we you know move those dates to be honest from the outside i've always felt the opposite i always felt like mark is just living oh no you should have seen this [ __ ] was stressed oh you know you've been sick with corona for three weeks so uh there's rules to life okay this guy he asked me the same [ __ ] question four times in a row so what happens if we do it and it's like bro we're they're gonna get it when they [ __ ] get it it's the ten commandments okay what about them when you're right i shall meet deadlines what commandment is that yeah when you're raised with strict deadlines and rules okay that are written out you gotta believe you gotta obey him you know i don't know what this excuse that he's making is right now bro yeah anyway al didn't even know how to use the editing system that we edited on eight days before the [ __ ] thing started okay we at al and it's in final cut pro yeah like a 14 year old premiere is the professional program still be fire i know it's just like stuff it says still be fire but now we got to edit right i even told him this months before we started this i was like you have to start learning premiere i will pay for you to take classes in premiere and then he came to me once he was like nah you could just do it on final cut and then there's a kodak or he said some word i don't know what the [ __ ] meant and then he goes then we'll just transfer it over to premiere and i go all right even though i knew it wasn't i yeah not it's really a system that you could do i know but it's not going to allow the other guys to work with it too so then i go al did you learn how to do it he goes now i got it every once when i pop into edit and this guy on one screen has youtube tutorials up he thinks i don't notice his youtube tutorials the youtube how do you separate audio video i was like we're not going to finish this special right thank god i didn't tell mark or [ __ ] that's why he had to pay by himself because he's got to learn premieres real talk if dove didn't knew about this forget it bro forget it bro he'd been spinning like a dreidel dude he just loses [ __ ] mind tasmanian devil that's what job is final cut is mad easy premiere is [ __ ] tricky no it's nice yes it is no it's like i'm talking about like i know either one how do you even know i was taught on final cut pro first and then uh once going into radio i learned premiere and then premiere was much easier for me than final cut i got to make a real quick announcement my bad we'll get back to this um shout out to everybody i don't think we need to get back to this yeah you're right you're right shout out to everybody that cop the newest uh uh season of fashion okay yeah um we already got the cease and desist for nike from the uh sweatshirt that i am wearing right now we just want to say thank you nike for letting us do that now here's the thing um i got to be honest with you all the fashion we basically how do i explain this uh we basically forced our supplier to keep the store open after it was sold out because i wanted everybody who listened to the podcast to get a chance to do it so we bought a certain amount of garments to make sure we can do it those so that actually first day but i was like listen there's no pod we can't get on the pod but we got to let the people who listen to the pod regularly that might not follow me on instagram might not even see the instagram post be able to do it so we're letting you guys it probably won't be up past this week i know it's what wednesday when this comes out wednesday night i don't think it'd be a pass we're gonna let people and idiots do it maybe saturday maybe at the maybe the latest sunday i don't know go get that [ __ ] it's probably gonna be gone by then but we wanted to let the [ __ ] go out there and and get there there this season's worth if you already got the just do-it-yourself tea you have a collector's item okay never to be sold again without a lawsuit so go check that out man thank you all so much for supporting um now back to the show what was it what were we talking about nothing anyway was there anybody else i know we got we got to thank a lot of people over at jackson a lot of people and we recorded something earlier so i feel bad if i said thank you to someone that i forgot no i don't think so just the immediate team yeah well if we forgot about you we will hit you on a later date man but thank you all so much all right guys we're gonna take a break for a second man um stop being bald stop going bald take care of yourself fellas ladies if your boyfriend your husband your side dude starting to go bald just tell them it's going to be painful for me here at first but the reality is there's a choice now you do not have to lose your hair okay you can take keeps you can do what i've been doing for the last 10 years you look at me i'm absolutely gorgeous out here with this full head of hair is because i got ahead of it early on i was like yo i might be losing a little bit and i got on the pills that made the hair grow okay i actually got growth back okay you could do with keeps this is that simple there's one way to tell if you're a dude and you're aging well and that is if you have a full head of hair so you go to okay slash flagrant make sure it's slash flagrant flagrant and you will receive your first month of treatment for free that's k-e-e-p-s dot com slash flagrant i'm telling you this is a no-brainer okay you get ahead of it early fellas don't lie to yourself a lot of dudes lie to their stuff and then it's too late you don't want to be too late get ahead of it early keep that hair and let's get back to the show and back to the show a lot to talk about lots of talk about lots to talk about um a lot of things have happened where do we begin man where do you where do you want to where do you want to begin topics topics why we could talk about jake paul that's where i think we should start that's i feel like that's for you that brings all your worlds together bro how unplugged do you feel from the world with this late like like no like just after like the [ __ ] past three weeks four weeks like i don't even know anything that's happened i'm reading some of these stories i'm like that happened yeah yeah where was i [ __ ] i still don't know what date it is yeah that dude i really don't i thought today was saturday it's wednesday i was working out today thinking it was saturday but literally the the the trainer goes so we're gonna see you guys saturday and i'm like like a week from now he goes no that's like a few days from now and i was just like nah man like i gotta play off that i'm that detached from the world but man [ __ ] has been crazy okay so we can talk about jake paul um we talk about chappelle also oh yeah um you gotta talk about uh logan mayweather logan mayweather yeah let's talk about jake let's talk about jake first and jake and nate robinson yeah i was very impressed with jake yeah the kid can actually box yeah and um this is what i've been trying to explain to a lot of [ __ ] in a boxing match not a street fight you know who might win a street fight between nate and jake nate he literally just he might win that street fight in a street fight you have two punches thrown and then people grab each other and then it becomes a wrestling match generally speaking right because if you notice the beginning of the fight a puncher thrown and they're hugging each other the ref breaks it up you know rep breaking you up in a street fight once you're hugging somebody it's who's got more brute strength or who's got more like wrestling or jiu jitsu that kind of [ __ ] and [ __ ] is going to the ground but a boxing match whoever has more experience boxing is going to win that yeah okay because a non-boxer usually can't throw a punch hard enough to concuss somebody mm-hmm and if they can it's this big looping punch and anybody who's been in the ring is not getting caught by one of those punches right the reason is boxing when you're in a fight right you're you're learning how to throw punches you're learning how to do all these things but you're also learning how to be comfortable in a wildly uncomfortable situation yeah it's a sauna okay and the more comfortable you are in that situation the more the the more of an advantage and extreme advantage that you have right nate was freaking out in there he didn't know what the [ __ ] did i actually think nate got knocked out during uh sparring for preparation for the fight because what do you mean his confidence that is the most confident athlete i've ever seen nae robinson he's five foot nine and he was trying to dunk on nba athletes nobody he was afraid of nobody he thought on every team he was on he should be taken every single shot and he walked into that ring terrified even before he's like i'm not just going to lay down i'm going to go out there and fight and say why are you talking as if you're the underdog yeah you're the athlete you're the young champion everybody thinks you're going to win but you're speaking as if you think you're going to lose he did lay down though he later ready he went in there he um had a tight disadvantage had a reach disadvantage so he's probably looking at himself also like an experience he's had a height disadvantage to reach this advantage his entire life and he's looking at this kid like he's some disney star and to be fair to nate there's no video outside the sparring footage that came out recently of jake paul doing anything that's like really damaging in the ring then that sparring footage came out and the kid can [ __ ] throw like knockout power is knockout power he's not the same one who fought that ksi dude that's his brother fighting paul floyd mayweather ah yeah okay okay okay so um so he's in there and boxing again like i'm saying you were in an uncomfortable situation the more more comfortable you can be in that situation the greater advantage you have and to jake's credit he caught him all three times with step back overhand rights they're counter punches what happens when you're there's an unskilled boxer is you often like lunge at your opponent right so what they'll teach you to do is take a quick step back and then throw off in a straight right but he threw his overhand right every single time caught him that is a move of strategy and technique that's not luck he called him three times same punch he knew exactly what he was doing he executed on it and you gotta give credit to that [ __ ] and i'll be honest if i'm him i'm calling out and he kind of did this recently i'm calling out every you have to call it specific genre of folks you have to call people who are famous enough to non-boxing fans yeah but not youtubers right if the fight is just on youtube logan paul ksi the world doesn't care it will do great numbers people will be into it but the world doesn't talk about it you go after an athlete or musician that are famous to the world and usually athlete the only musicians you could really go after would have to be like super thug gangsters yeah because that's like you're testing their gangster in a way like if you're going after john mayer no one's gonna give a [ __ ] right right but if you if you call out antonio brown you know what i mean athletes you always gonna side with the athlete because you're like well they're an athlete they have this incredible athleticism yeah antonio brown be hitting people too he got a history of abuse that's right that's not gonna be the first time you're gonna be laid out i'll say this he got so much ct he'll probably walk through a concussion like a zombie yeah that's like a [ __ ] white water just keep coming at you so i really think i really think if jake fights anybody who doesn't have any experience specifically boxing i think that he knocks him out or he at least beats them in potentially a boring fight as the guys that he's fighting gets taller it's really harder to land that overhand right it's a tricky punch that's why i was wondering about height he has to keep short athletes that's why antonio brown is perfect yeah if if i'm him i literally just prey on shorter athletes or gangster rappers right and i would call out every single one yeah because if they don't respond they look [ __ ] like it's it's this that's not true well here's the thing it's the six nine effect but you could back it up yeah like six nine rose to fame by calling out the gangsters saying he was more gangster and he had some hit songs as well but his whole mo was who's the most gangster i'm a beef with them and show you that they're not gonna do [ __ ] right he can do that but he can actually fight and there's no way gucci mane is gonna fight him he might shoot him but he's not gonna fight him he could take his pick and call out any single dude and loki if they shoot jake paul instead of fight him they [ __ ] they are [ __ ] yeah that's the most [ __ ] thing now that dallas that's what everybody was saying about when uh king vong got shot everybody was talking about uh yo that's that's soft that's why you gotta shoot the dude you're throwing a fair one with him why don't you just shoot the fair one yeah i i get what you're saying but it's not [ __ ] if you're calling out somebody like yo coming to exactly into my sport and fight me but let's be clear let's be clear here yeah he had disney floyd mayweather was saying they're literally both entertainers if floyd mayweather right said come fight me now that's crazy but if an entertainer that's a disney star that just picked up boxing a couple years ago right is going yo let's just box it out yeah yeah some guy who raps and they got shot andrew they'd be like you couldn't just fight andrew and they'd be like no he's got boxing experience [ __ ] but i mean years of training there's still years of training like you see how cool that sounds imagine you're different imagine you're a gucci or you're who's the most like dug down rapper let's say gucci mane imagine gucci said that it was like well you've been doing years of training years of training it's still years of training so i would say let's have a street fight they should say let's have a street fight and then if he shoots him during a street fight then i would take that [ __ ] yeah i agree with him what i would do is literally again you just use it for clout you call out the most badass dude and then you just say i want to box you and when they don't react and you know the world is talking about it and you can say yo no disrespect but i want to box you and then if they don't react they look [ __ ] and you look listen if [ __ ] let's say who's who's uh if rob gronkowski calls me out and says you want a box i'm gonna go no i'm [ __ ] if you're asking me to box right yeah that's it simple as that actually i don't know if robloxia is nice at boxing but that [ __ ] let me ask you a question if you called out jay-z so it'll be [ __ ] if jay-z didn't respond to him no because jay-z got tits he's not nobody built worse than jay-z's beyonce ever look cool in a candid picture if he not posing for the picture he looks ridiculous is he human big bird he got the skinny ass you got the big ass he does bruh now be honest is the coolest person on the planet you've never seen something so cool in your life and the reason he is that is because he is the most uncool person on the planet and learned how to be cool trust me you hear his voice cracking his [ __ ] what about 60 years old what about the elevator scene what about the elevators you know he was he wasn't on camera he was calm he was calm and cool yeah cool like cool like that like a synonym for calm he's 100 maybe the coolest guy on earth but in terms of like cool being like swag or whatever the [ __ ] no no jay-z yeah i know how we want him to be the character he betrays but when you see him on a jet ski with a helmet i've got some reasonable doubt that he's a cool guy because he's trying to be i got some reasonable safe is it cool hold on when is safety been cool hey let me put on this [ __ ] life vest while i'm on a jet ski that's cool come on now motorcycles are cool because how safe they are yeah that's how it works raw sexy that's just like that's just black had a [ __ ] volvo you would think he was cool there's airbags on all the doors i'll say it in a way you'll understand that's just the next level of a netflix special what's that you got a netflix special and you stopped riding your bike because oh my god this is too dangerous so i gotta go take ubers until this [ __ ] is done now times that by billion i got to put a helmet on on a jet ski now give a context to that give context that what i'm you're not going to put your like your point is valid i'm saying people don't won't understand what you're saying so we were shooting special right netflix had a shoulder special and we were and we were we got to be careful with our wording and uh and i take a motorcycle to work every day yeah right yeah i take a motorcycle it's an electric motorcycle because i care about the environment i take it with pedals 35 miles an hour exactly no i mean my [ __ ] goes 60 now so i'll cover yeah shout out to the hawk i got the hulk cycle the big dog all right with the electric okay i stopped taking the motorcycle to work every day yeah because i didn't want y'all to miss out on the opportunity to work on a netflix special yes i mean a shoulder special yes right now in all seriousness i took in all stairs i took uh the motorcycle to work today or every single day because i was like god forbid i get in a [ __ ] accident and then we can't shoot and push this day off let me just take uber yeah what you're saying is and i'm agreeing with your point you're saying is when you're with a billion dollars you can't risk getting an injury on a [ __ ] jet ski on a jet ski yeah i mean if you get injured on jessica how's your question son you can get it johnny jesse how are you getting interesting there's water everywhere it's water you fall into the water bro sun there was times i was doing it i was trying to do lifts and [ __ ] like that crazy not doing lips bro bro he can't drown bro his titties will make him fly let me ask you yeah i got 99 problems and puberty's won if jay-z wants to fight we go on triller all right i'll fight him pay-per-view pay-per-view baby come on he used to do tybo why can't you love him but he not be the coolest guy on earth yeah what's wrong with it i love jay-z but i also understand i think he's a [ __ ] genius i don't think he's the coolest guy to realize we're gonna start to realize what i think is cool about him is not the swag what i think is cool about his big business actually he's a [ __ ] genius he's a [ __ ] poet like that's what i think is cool about him what i'm trying to say is what i think people start to learn is like especially you've seen this even within the industry the people that success that are successful in entertainment for a long time are not the cool [ __ ] they're the people who learn how to use that right the ones who are like the real cool guys the ones who are legit and the anti all this other [ __ ] they're back in jail what about people they get drug addictions that's good they are in rehab i feel like the the essence of cool is sometimes the opposite yeah yeah you really pulled the fa right there yeah everything i don't know i'm kind of cold right now everything's all right over there mark i don't know what is that [ __ ] obama over here i think he was not a student he's not a stutter i don't think he doesn't always think everything because he was getting crucified for every word he said that's what i'm saying so he would like think things through yeah but his but no his inauguration speech in oh wait that she was amazing pre-written bro how are you going to start her on a pre-release no it's better than that you guys he started stuttering more as he was president for longer you guys are not doing definition of stuttering right what's that what the [ __ ] did you just say what's that snoop dogg he's cool right what are you talking about that [ __ ] is comedian level funny yes he's funny i did not think he was funny until i saw him host the depaul jake paul it's not even the jake paul fighting that crazy we call it the jake paul roy jones fight oh my god but i did not think he's like he is absolutely cool okay that being said he had like a spiritual advisor that was a pimp for a while or something i remember he was his like spiritual advisor i smoked with him you slept with him smoked with him oh my god oh my gosh you smoke with snoop i have video really damn no no snoop is that dude bro zoop really is that dude man but i think there's something to what you were saying like it's hard to be cool and successful yes it like to be truly cool to be truly successful because i feel like being cool is the opposite of successful a lot of times yeah i mean i i know where you're going with it but just like like to me someone that's cool is like oh i don't really care yes you know what i mean i have not a care in the world i'm chill all the time nothing bothers me like i don't give a [ __ ] about nothing yeah like careful and to be successful you have to give a [ __ ] you have to care it's hard to not give a [ __ ] and still get the things that giving the [ __ ] gets you yes so finding a balance between that or finding a way to like tap into things that are cool but don't remove you from giving a [ __ ] because anybody in this business gives a [ __ ] you know we could act like these people out here like oh i don't care about acting i don't care about any of these things you know yeah the reality is you gotta handle me the reality is is uh you're still in the business yeah like all these people who complain about it right but then they still do it shut the [ __ ] up yeah you want to beat it you go into the audition you got deadlines yeah you got a big i mean i don't you get it when you get it right i told mark one day when was you when you were having your big freak out without gosh i was like yo with the deadlines coming up everything's good keep going everything's cool like we what are we gonna do everything's behind we gotta catch we had to deliver three episodes one day at eight o'clock right and like they gave us strict deadlines by this time this time this time i said mark is terrified dove is terrified i said all right we're gonna get it by those times so i'm staying up all night working hard trying to get it done on time and then andrew walks in you know 10 o'clock feeling cool and i go hey andrew like i didn't really sleep last night but like we're still behind on this i don't know what to do like what should we do because i don't know about the deadline and he just looks at me and goes hey mark no no no no no no no no this is not how it went this is you annoyed me five different times already yeah this is you just [ __ ] yapping the same well what if we don't get it yeah yeah it's not like i was okay dude he kept going what if we don't get it what's going on what are we to do he was stressed stressing and by the fifth time i just had enough and i just said when do you want to when i say oh no i was going to say the other one you said what'd i say because i did ask you five times the first time you just go hey mark we got the meats i was like what are you talking about he goes yo they want the meats we got the meats i was like how does that help me we got the meat if you want the meat you know what i'm saying you gotta go to the butcher we're the butcher cobra kai season three ain't out yet bout to be bro and then he comes and then he comes back and then he comes to me he's like yo when do you want to turn it in he's like friday saturday night like take sunday we're turning in sunday that's it we're turning this sunday that's ill that was so and i'm just laughing me and mark inside we can't really react but we're like dying inside because it's due that day and i know i didn't think he was actually gonna be able to pull this [ __ ] up so he was like yo let's just take take five minutes go out to the roof or some [ __ ] like that i'm like yeah we played soccer on the roof if you don't get this [ __ ] approved and we just wasted a half hour playing soccer on the roof i was gonna be pissed so i get a call from netflix like an hour later and uh and uh after that call i came into the room i was like can we do it by saturday okay bro literally we're on the roof playing soccer we all need some soccer we come down we get a specimen we get an email from production they go okay moving the release date will be catastrophic for the schedule catastrophic's the worst what does that mean realistically i moved it two days though it wasn't catastrophic we got it done yeah you're always catastrophic getting covered in the middle of a [ __ ] production i'm saying the catastrophe has happened two two-week quarantine pushes it two days that ain't bad mark that was your problem he was reading his email yeah he would read every [ __ ] email instead of editing that's why you know how to read them double tell you the important ones yeah when i see dove over there just snorting bro when he starts snorting it up you know it's a problem bro when that snore comes out and his breathing that deviated septum when that septum starts deviating bro we got a deadline to hit i'm trying to think when dove got the most stressed why are you you but you snoop what no no no we just call him our truffle pig so good all right guys we're gonna take a break for a second because i'm tired of you wasting days we're not gonna waste any more days we're gonna be out there drinking sometimes we're getting out there have a few with the boys have a few with the ladies maybe we're out there trying to get laid and there's no need for a wasted day the next day and the way that we do that is dhm detox now i can get into all the science of how this works but it basically is breaking down the chemicals in your body they're built up by drinking alcohol i'm not a scientist i just read that that's how it works but i tried it okay i'm out there i just take a couple pills when i have my first drink i take a couple of pills before i go to sleep and simple as that i'm not wasting days that is all that this takes this is an absolute no brainer so if you want to not waste any more days what you do is you go to no days wasted dot co all right you use the promo code flagrant 30 you're getting 30 off your order 30 off the order and that's not it if it doesn't work for you if it's not satisfactory guess what else you get your money back do i have to say anything else go right now no make sure you use flagrant30 to get 30 off because they know it's gonna be so good you would never ask for it back now let's get back to the show all right guys let's take a break right quick and i'm the perfect guy to tell you to get your immunity up let me tell you something this corona [ __ ] is real i don't care what anybody tells you it's cold season it's flu season you're probably going to get sick with something but you can help prevent that or at least make the symptoms milder if you get your immunity up and that's where naruvo immunity boost gummies come in guys they have vitamin c zinc elderberry everything that's important to keep you healthy to keep you from getting too sick it's in these gummies there's no foolproof protection against the coronavirus but experts do recommend vitamin c vitamin c vitamin c zinc and elderberry to get your immunity up so guys take these gummies they are made in the usa they're vegan and non-gmo all that good [ __ ] all you got to do is go to that's n-a-r-i-v-o dot c-o you get 20 off your one-time purchase you get fifty percent off you make if you subs uh sorry do that again you will get twenty percent off your one-time purchase you will get fifty percent off when you subscribe and you will get an additional 10 off your order with the code flagrant guys we're giving you all kinds of savings these are important gummies i was not taking them i got corona that's all i'm saying so go to n-a-r-i-v dot c-o get your immunity up now let's get back to the show so yeah man um back to the fight close out the fight oh yeah we gotta close up yeah what'd you think of tyson that's what i wanted to ask you i mean it was just great to see them both in there and i just love tyson he's just such a i think tyson is about to yeah i mean i i kind of had a feeling it was going to go that way i was like if he doesn't connect connect he's not going to like out box roy yeah you know and uh but roy's chin is unfortunately now at this stage of his career not what it used to be and uh i thought he was going to connect he didn't connect and you know i was fine did you see the post game interview where jim gray asked roy how he was doing and then mike was like and he seemed legit angry was he how playful was it how angry was he he wasn't angry but it was interesting because roy did have a fight within the last few years yeah and tyson's like having fun 15 years yeah like but that's how much that's like the esteem that we give mike tyson yeah we're literally like you're such a badass [ __ ] yeah we're asking roy how is it to fight tyson exactly yeah yeah and the thing about tyson is like it's really a testament to like people who um who drill well and by drill i mean like just do repetitive movements like if you looked at tyson it was slower but he didn't look that different boxing yeah did you notice that like his movements in the ring were quite similar to what we expected from and that's what happens when you're [ __ ] 14 years old super soldier and you just do the same thing over and over that [ __ ] sticks with you riding a bike 100 yo i take go if you re-watch that fight yeah count punches landed oh roy wins roy wins that fight he was trying to win off points yeah because that's yeah that's what i thought that's the only way you can win that fight because you can't even knock together out yeah because even though tyson was hitting them much harder and they were all being blocked yeah maybe you got some body shots in there but you're right yeah you're right it's true it is interesting thank you for saying that yeah i mean i just yeah roy's just so great but it was great to see them back in there i don't know it's like it's the least you could do i think charlotte put on his caption and that [ __ ] really resonated with me but he was like the amount of joy these guys have given me in my life just watching them both fight yeah giving them fifty dollars couldn't even compare oh yeah yeah like i was so happy to give them fifty dollars like yeah that's a donation they can make a donation real talk man i mean yeah i was happy as he might get a million just like yo go bro yeah take it everybody took from you now you can take from everybody a little bit yeah so what's up what do you think happens with this logan paul mayweather thing well first of all do you think mayweather thinks he's fighting jake i'm actually genuinely i thought so like as i'm getting older all white people are starting to become the same yeah why is that i don't know yeah it's like i'm actually having a harder time distinguishing white people yeah yeah so now i get it yeah um so i had 10 years in severe brain damage then imagine how hard it is oh [ __ ] so um i do think he's he thought he's fighting the guy who just fought me you really think that i think so he was like oh someone is a team yeah he's gotta have some on his team though dude why would he take this fight it makes more sense that jake would fight him now because jake has all the heat though maybe they're trying to do like a brother combo thing you know i mean i don't know dude i hit up logan i was like bro are you [ __ ] this is crazy i was like i don't know how you're gonna spin this because they're gonna try to turn it into some race war yeah if the fight is in february it's during black history month you are like the quintessential white boy yeah yeah and like that conversation happened with like jake exactly i was gonna say that maybe jake didn't want to take the fight because he's like i'm too easily vilifiable or whatever whereas logan from what i understand is like he's the clean cut all-american it's harder to find the dirt on him you're fighting him in black history month jake logan got dirt though logan got the uh suicide [ __ ] but against black people he got dirt no no so if you're fighting him during black history month floyd don't care about anybody but black people he's pretty clear about that yeah jake it seems like it'd be easier to make him a villain and jake is probably like look i don't want it i told him i was like you can make tons of money if you lean into that but you're just gonna it's gonna be horrible for your every day yeah it's at the expense of all your other money in life you're good but you could probably like he could probably have a cash out fight like literally you get 50 mil or something crazy if he just leans in to like not maga but you get close yeah and then you make it like this white versus black thing i think if you look up the highest grossing fight in history i think it's i think it's oh actually now it's all changed because of pay-per-view numbers and all that kind of stuff but i think it was like it was like muhammad ali versus some like white dude like there was some like racial tension attached to it or maybe it was mike tyson versus white guy do you notice i'm looking up some now well that guy's anyway peter mckinney or whatever the [ __ ] that he knocked out in 60 seconds was it that quick yeah i don't remember that it's something the point is you can make the most money there but i don't think that's the right thing to do for him brand wise you know like i want but then again you have to think about how the [ __ ] can you get people to think you have a chance in order for them to buy the fight they either want to see you get your ass handed to you like get your ass beat or they gotta think you have a chance so how do you convince them to think you have a [ __ ] chance against the greatest great of all time i don't know though because i could see people wanting to sign up just to see him get knocked out like if you're like if you don't like him or if you're someone that like goes at him mm-hmm i think i i guess you'd be that's option one of what i was saying but if you want to profit the most off of that you make everybody hate you logan's a likable guy right like i think most people like him most people are into his stuff and they like find the things that he do uh does like funny and interesting right like he's not a villain character where i think jake you could say that he might be a villain character there are people that are like pushing back you're nodding your head but if you have the like the most listened to podcast in the world people don't hate listen for two hours right so like if you're listening it's because they [ __ ] with you right if you are an instagram comedian they're [ __ ] that could just literally watch it to be like look how [ __ ] stupid these people are or a bunch of like these girls who like post sexy pictures whatever like that they're not like fans it's like nice to look at something naked you know but i think that he has legit fans what i'm saying is if he wants to maximize you basically become the heel oh you know what i mean like you go colby covington essentially that's what floyd did initially to sell fight that you literally do the floyd technique he's like floyd floyd is literally wearing sombrero into the ring because he wants every mexican that exists to go i want this mexican fighter to beat the [ __ ] out of this black guy he does it on cinco de mayo and fighting oscar de la hoya like he knows what he's doing floyd only fought on cinco de mayo dude it was amazing and then like bernard hopkins goes to puerto rico takes the puerto rican flag rips it in half and like steps on it when he was fighting tito trinidad yeah do you remember that and then of course every puerto rican is like i want you to beat the [ __ ] out of this guy like creating that kind of tension that like race war is always gonna drive up a fight yeah i just don't know how the [ __ ] anybody thinks that logan could have a chance he's got to release sparring footage where he's actually knocking people out like he's got to build up this ability that he could actually fight what's his size he's way bigger than floyd he's 200 pounds and he's solid the kid is solid and shredded six feet maybe six one 200 [ __ ] pounds floyd is 150 pounds 160 pounds probably so that's his chance right there you can't hit him you can't hit the guy you can't hit him i wonder if there's something with this like have you ever played basketball against someone that sucks actually me probably it's like you've ever played a sport against someone that you're good at that they're terrible at yeah there's almost like a weird like advantage because like i don't think i've played argus people that have never played and if you try to do like a fake you expect them to move that way you can fake back but then sometimes you'll play someone that doesn't move so you'll fake and then you'll fake back into where they go oh sorry interrupt but to this point i thought and you said it was head movement but maybe there's something to this i'll ask again when floyd fought conor it took him a few rounds to get to like get the upper hand for the first few rounds it was like this is crazy this is not like a clear-cut floyd victory he just carried him and i thought maybe conor was so unorthodox that it was throwing off floyd no he just can't there's no lucky punchy thing and even if he landed a lucky punch logan can't hit harder than the hardest person that's hit floyd because even if you're 200 pounds you don't have the power and precision of a 154 pound fighter like oscar de la hoya's hook is harder than logan's yeah probably you know what i mean so it's like and i know what you're saying and that's about someone who's really unskilled at soccer or really unskilled at basketball or whatever but with boxing logan's skilled logan's had fights he actually knows the technique right he knows what he's doing in there you know i mean he's not just going to go swing wild it's uh it's tricky so we got to devise a way to build this fight up because i want it to be exciting my wife is good at defending himself though that's another thing it's like it'd be if it'd be another thing if you were going in there with a banger like you're going there a boxer that's known for just a complete slug fest right then you got a puncher's chance maybe because he's gonna engage you can't hit floyd exactly the greatest fighters in history can't hit in my opinion he's the greatest at he's the greatest great of all time meaning he's greater at boxing than bill gates is at tech he's greater at boxing than gretzky at hockey grants get hockey he's the greatest great you can't hit him i don't care he's 43. he's gonna look a little [ __ ] if he gets in there with a non-professional and he's running but here's the thing towards the end of his career he wouldn't run he'd stand right in front of you and just use amazing headphones that little shoulder roll remember right now is it possible logan can win without winning so that's the other thing i was thinking right it's like how do you how do we create okay he can win without winning but i don't know if that sells tickets so in other words if he finds a way to go the distance with floyd right right people will go wow he actually went the distance with floyd floyd didn't get get him out of here but you're not selling the tickets and who gives a [ __ ] about a moral victory when you're in there getting your ass kicked right but is it like is there rematch money in it is there like some type of like can he make a prediction that he can come through on like yo i'm gonna stick you about in the fifth or whatever like so tricky it's so tricky because what is he gonna say i'm gonna land one punch yeah i guess uh honestly floyd if he really wants to sell this fight he's gotta say he's not gonna land a single punch so you create that's a good point you create the expectation of not victory we're not we know who's going to win but how do i shift what a win is right yeah like if you're playing basketball it's like against someone amazing like oh i won't beat you but yo i'm gonna break your ankles and you knock him down it's like oh yeah he did what he said he was gonna do look at jay williams yeah i beat jay williams because of what he decided was the competition right so technically yeah floyd could create a competition where logan could win right at least in the eyes of the people everybody listen to this podcast right now knows how to bust jay williams ass he busts my ass it was 6-1 but it wasn't yeah it was 7-6 yeah so that's what they got to create i don't know how you create that within boxing maybe it's just expectation based but like if that's if floyd is out there going not only am i gonna bust his ass he's not gonna land a single punch on me the entire fight what if floyd commits to not training honestly i don't think it makes a difference really i think he's just i think it's like uh what floyd always trains yeah and don't you think it's like muscle memory it's like you've been doing that since you're four years old yeah he could not train like it'd just be so i think it'd just be so easy the skill margin is just so much so much it's so much but we'll see we're going to find a way to sell it i want to get i want to i want to help logan uh i want to help him get crazy interest in this fight above just i want to see logan beat up yeah like i want the general public to make now this is going to be interesting for this reason i just don't know what that [ __ ] no something that you brought up before that's also cool is assuming that like the fight ends logan loses yeah there is that that like that vengeance fight yes for jake yeah i mean they'd be really smart if jake fought ksi and then maybe jake [ __ ] up ksi hey nicer than logan that recency bias [ __ ] is so real when it comes to fighting yeah and he won yeah so it's like a knockout is just so yeah it's it's yeah it's just so hard man whenever you see someone knocked out especially in that fashion you're like yo that [ __ ] is nice the man's respect regardless 100 so it's like i don't know who's better i i really got to see them both i really got to see them both i don't know i don't know to that end while we're talking about the paul brothers do you want to talk about jamil hill and uh they asked a joking question like jamila hill asked this joke and asked question when she was interviewing jake she's like was it racist that you knocked him out now she asked if she's she's kidding so is carrie champion they're both kidding because carrie followed up with the same question okay because i thought she got when she was like why is that a stupid question when jake paul was clearly annoyed i was like she's either trolling him which is odd and seems out of character for her right or she's getting a little annoyed that he's getting annoyed and she was like going to make it a real thing now yeah the thing is like i don't know if jamila hill has the equity built up to ask a question like that as a joke because that's literally what she does for a living yeah is kind of ask those questions like she wakes up in the morning and then she's like it's racist today where's it at yeah you know what i mean so why is it racist why is it cold out in summer is that yeah raising the guys on the beach with the thing and the the headphones and that the metal detector so that's her thing and i get it man it's like you lean into what pays the bills yeah and i'm sure like she you know achieved a lot of success like leaning into that but um eventually you got to be careful that you don't become a caricature of yourself yeah like in order to keep your audience honest it's important to challenge them at least that's what i think so because if you don't then you're just kind of caught up in this like positive feedback loop but you have to go more and more extreme in order to get that same reaction right so it's like oh okay so we called this racist well i've already done that what's what's not racist but is so i thought this was her kind of trying to pivot out of becoming that caricature yeah and people weren't having it they were just like no she's got to be serious this is jamil hill yeah i know she's joking yeah but this is what you do so now all of a sudden you're a comedian yeah it's and also is corny boy you cry wolf yeah that's it that is it it was just corny bro it's like i was like clearly he got called that i'm sorry interrupt but like nate called out jake if jake was out there calling out nate and he was like i'm gonna beat your black ass and all this other [ __ ] like he tried to make it a little racist in some way sure but like you're literally only saying this because the kid's white yeah yeah and i thought he handled it well too he was like come on yeah what are you doing yeah yeah you should you should say yeah it's racist it's racist the black guy asked if he could beat the [ __ ] out of me and i decided to defend myself yeah so yeah he is racist and nate robinson is racist if dave robertson like black people more he wouldn't have gotten a slip that's super racist for him not to fight for y'all he let us down so did you feel let down yeah really really like at least put up somewhat of a fight i don't know he was just running in there are you hands down like head first like are you aware how much black people think they could beat up every white person is that a thing you're aware of is that true yeah absolutely yeah really yeah living with black people why do you think i could beat you in a room they really don't think there's a single white person on earth they couldn't beat up why things worked out the way it is is this a new phenomenon what's going on is that for real it's a real thing really it's a real thing yeah that's fascinating yeah it's astonishing to me my old roommate he was a big dude but he was legit like i could take like five or six of them like the way i talk about fighting like nine-year-olds yeah that's how he talked about fighting white people his own age i never thought it was that i thought that they were like white people they're just afraid of black black people because they have like uh a bigoted view of black people right so like there are white people that just wouldn't fight a black guy yeah because of their own bigotry yeah right but i never knew black people just thought they could beat up every white guy yeah yeah they think it was like dancing yeah interesting like that's the dancing i believe that's the difference we think we have and what did this fight do to that you think i mean they could get them running back yeah you gotta run out of time i'm running it back i'm training for a year he got it yeah and nate is an athlete so he can pick [ __ ] up killed his reputation yeah and they got around he rolled with it though he leaned into the jokes he had his fun was just like back on twitter taking it i would have been in [ __ ] hiding yeah he said something on instagram the next day that was just like acknowledging you've been hiding for real yeah bro i'd have been quarantined again yeah you'd have to be in a dark room for probably six or seven days yeah yeah yeah like that just wait till symptoms go away come back outside ten days i'm surprised actually oh boy okay what else we got going on guys what else is happening matthew mcconaughey called out the liberals keep scrolling if you want what's matthew mcconaughey up to is he trying to podcast or something he's i think he wants to get into politics yeah there's something he's pivotal he's doing did he say he's gonna try to run for something he's doing politics i knew there's something he might try to run for texas governor and that's what it was a brilliant way to get votes in texas to call out yeah and to say i'm he says i'm aggressively centrist that's the term he uses and then he called out you guys don't know he called out basically hollywood liberals who are making fun of republicans who won't accept the election results yeah and he's like i saw you this exact person liberal person do this when trump won now all of a sudden uh republicans are doing it and they're idiots and you're so condescending and arrogant about it holy [ __ ] we've been saying to be honest right but it's also kind of nice to watch a hollywood elite call out hollywood elites you know what i mean and it's like a good sign that this is all kind of like all right this this thing we're calling it out yeah he's making a move man i don't know what's gonna happen hollywood bro like i think that [ __ ] it's moving austin buddy yeah low-key elon musk is coming yo yo a lot of men a lot of people come let me just silicon valley on its way goldman is moving to where duff florida bro they're all moving to the red states goldman goldman sachs not not sorry goldman sachs that's just like california's gdp is always so high or whatever i don't think it's it's about to plummet i think slowly like big dogs are just gonna keep moving why would you pay those taxes and austin is the perfect place because they have mostly liberal ideals but you don't pay taxes yeah it's everything they want do you think that shifts the like the political paradigm in those places you see everyone leaving they go ah we gotta pull this [ __ ] back and then all of a sudden in like california new york people are starting to go well [ __ ] i guess we gotta pull ourselves up our bootstraps nobody's bailing us out i guess we've got to figure it out ourselves what if there's this massive flip that's what i'm saying everyone wants to live in republican states nobody does or everyone does everybody does and then all what i'm saying is california gonna turn yeah yeah that is interesting if you're like a if you're like a california like republican like nominee or whatever yeah i feel like this is your best chance you know what i mean like if you were to go for a politician running for senate or something in california and you're republican you're like yo i'm not what's ruined it was moving everyone out like there's something that happened in within this election i think people have spoken about this before but like trump lost but trump policy didn't yeah a lot of people became open-minded about conservativism and i think that this was the first time that it also became relatable trump was so polarizing trump was so divisive that like they weren't they were kind of like grossed out by trump the figure but i think a lot of liberals were just exhausted by like the nancy pelosi's of the world and these like full-life politicians that just absolutely suck and they're just mucking about with this system it seems like they're kind of like using it for their own personal benefit or party benefit rather and i think they can't became a little disenfranchised with the left man and i would not be surprised if you see in the next few like uh what is called the midterm elections i believe it's called i would not be surprised if you see people start leaning right man leaning right especially now that the president isn't right so there's gonna be a correction because of that right there's to be this like reaction they didn't get their way so they're going to lean super hard and try to flynn is an indication of that that he's kind of a moderate i mean he's much more of a lifetime politician but he's kind of a moderate democrat that's the thing but it's a rejection of the bernie [ __ ] yeah right like and i have [ __ ] with bernie but it's a rejection of like the aocs it's a rejection of the squad like even democrats were like nah this is not the thing that we like i think we think democrats are just new york and just la and democrats are also the ones that get you elected they're in the middle of the country in the middle of the country is only so left-wing they're not coastal where it's like yeah aoc is everything that's perfect she's perfect they're like nah she's a little crazy but i generally agree with the left more than the right yeah that's a middle america democrat joe biden hey i'm not i'm not here trying to [ __ ] defund the police completely or whatever i just want police to be a little better and that's how middle america feels regardless of how we feel that's how i think a lot of middle america feels all right guys we're going to take a break real quick to save you some money that's what i do as an indian okay i spread corona i save you money guys it's a pandemic it's the holiday season you gotta buy gifts nobody cares that you're probably not making money because of the pandemic so what do you do you save money and one of the best places you can save money is insurance and that's where we're going to help you go to policy genius that's policy gene and they will save you on average a thousand dollars a year and it's really easy to use you just answer a couple quick questions about yourself your property then policy genius does 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yeah bro yeah yeah aliens are hiding until humans are ready aliens are mad [ __ ] bruh that's pippin behavior that's right i'm not going in the game come on i'm not going in how you gonna just be at mars or just be like you went intergalactic travel and you're not gonna go there if you go to orlando bro you gotta go to universal you gotta go to harry potter's also how does that [ __ ] know what they talked to him they were like he was like yo what are you coming they're like duv you might want to speak on this you're one of them i'm an alien too no i'm talking about jews oh no but for real like what the [ __ ] dude why is it i i don't know i saw that title that aliens are supposed to be this like what they put on the movies though well if they're not then how do we know that they are anything and also what are they eating they could be like the aliens and men in black yeah but those aliens need to eat right what are they consuming what are they able to eat there's no food on anything maybe the waste what ways the trash that we throw in the dumps and all that you can't grab an empty can of pringles in [ __ ] middle of the space town how do you know they have to eat they have to eat dude they're in israel yeah that's why the guy knew it's a land that's kind of you know unto itself just waiting for people to be ready for them you know what i mean yeah wandering around space for 40 years maybe not there i don't get why the ship made that made the news like why who is this guy it's like there's just some random [ __ ] just saying yeah he's like with like he was like he was israeli intelligence but he just says some [ __ ] with no proof also the other thing about this he showed me something he has a book he has a book out right now oh [ __ ] this guys oh you don't think aliens are real not in the way that we portray them i think that there's some type of organisms floating around but you think that we're the oh that's too much conversation with someone who doesn't know sorry nobody can hear them don't you produce pockets i uh do you believe in aliens i do in what way oh no i just that same thing of like there's no way this is the only planet that has life on it exactly but i don't know what they look like or whatever what do you think they look like gay people probably like mad well dressed mad well i was in great shape you know just like she's superior in every way i want to [ __ ] all of them yo what if we have you know what's interesting about aliens specifically is like you know that white people invented the the way that they look now because none of them got fat asses oh that's true they got no eggs big head and then just legs that come out of hips yeah isn't that interesting like there's no fat ass alien i'm telling you i'm an alien you're not believing me no i don't believe so much for hiring yo hold on i gotta okay she might be an alien you know she said to me earlier today someone's on a screen now don't scare me uh she goes taylor goes to me she goes uh yo i don't believe in tunnels i did not say that no i didn't i did not say i said i don't understand tunnels you don't understand turtles what don't you understand about something that's exactly what you do in a tunnel whoa what damn what's going on listen that joke is not on the netflix special okay i just want to let everybody oh hold on don't understand all right whatever under stance under stance nobody stands in tunnels mark you ride your car sitting down who's standing in a tunnel should have stuttered um i just don't understand well doug explained it to me earlier his name's doug now bro okay but go on i was thinking you don't look like a duck okay um i don't understand i don't understand what does he look like what do i say is say it um you kind of give me abraham no what's that comedian i think he's he's arabic though i don't know what that he had a movie but hannah gatsby or something i don't know but you give me some type of you know what you look like kind of you kind of like neve but like niche oh never another version yes i see it okay go back to tunnels okay so she mispronounced nebb's name also yeah come on taylor if you don't start talking to me about [ __ ] tunnels god damn all right i don't understand how they're built it doesn't make any sense to me because when i go into a tunnel yeah you're talking about tunnels that are under water correct yeah that's the issue what other tunnels are there raw mountain yeah like you never watch oh i never i mean i haven't done that road runner and the wiley coyote and [ __ ] oh yeah i'm not talking about that you know someone did that in real life and they got arrested this happened recently someone painted the rest of the street on this wall really yeah i think cars were hitting them how stupid do you feel how [ __ ] idiotic do you feel when you're driving your car and go straight into a [ __ ] wall dude especially if it's your city and you're like oh i never knew third street kept going we got a tunnel in this building bro that's great that this building's got a tunnel in it where where's the city look it i just don't understand how they're built because when i go into a tunnel yeah and i like the holland tunnel i go out where's the water at but think taylor and i could be wrong about this you guys correct me if i'm wrong um there's two ways that it could go down one way is they actually go underneath the water and they go underneath the bedrock right yeah and they understand that yeah and then uh yeah that's that is how they do it so they'll go go deep deep deep deep underneath where the water is and they're just chilling right there so there's no water they have to deal with um i think that is the most i didn't know to be honest with you so i'm glad you asked i didn't do this i was like yo you bad you exactly oceans much money it was one of the oceans movies where they have to take a drill because they're drilling in las vegas i believe so we hit the bottom of the ocean uh no the oceans movies are a series of movies and you're not doing it in the ocean because you can't make a tunnel in the ocean wait before anything why are you taking a plane to china when you could just take a tunnel come on nah okay well they didn't finish telling me about oceans and science or whatever no ocean's 11 ocean's 12 and oceans 13. you got a lot of degrees george clooney what you're talking about oceanologist bro he took 12 years of oceans i did oh that was good i know you lost my confusion i know i know it's okay thank you for making me more confused that didn't answer the question i just answered everything you're like how the [ __ ] you build it you go underneath the water to where it's land again above the fire though you gotta be very careful nah but you just made me feel bad good because i really thought at any time a crack could happen and just water start going in when i'm driving and i die didn't that happen in movies daylight it happened in the movie daylight in the midwest i think on the midtown channel brought that fear back it can't i must say it can as it can i saw there was when it was like um it was a couple weeks ago okay something for you hear something for you i got something better for you taylor how do you make a bridge yo she asked that question how do you make a bridge so i had a discussion with my co-worker right yeah and he kind of made me think about it a little bit more because he was like if there's sand underneath the water when the bridge sink because like how they're keeping things yeah that's right sink how do you even put the blocks there and put the cement there like how do you get it scuba diving it's actually not wrong just make the bridge on land okay as strong as helicopter pull that [ __ ] up drop it there yeah well that's right that's why suspension bridges there you go that it doesn't not i'm not believing that either it's suspended bro that's what's in the name damn bro there's people at home right now listening and loving that one loving it i didn't even know he's joking i can't find the joke okay go on what what what is there anything else you want to know about the world let me explain that i have a lot of questions throughout the week go go go we're going to give you two more she might really be an alien bro okay so like why are they called well this is more of the english language yeah no i don't want to touch it just say it go on i i just learned about tunnels so thank you for asking that question right that's true i didn't know either yeah yeah let's go okay why are they calling why do they call a building a building if it's already done building shouldn't we call it built yo that's a great that's a fact that's a fact he's a other people that they're like because that's stupid my you're only thinking that because we call it the bills the first uh the first building was actually made by a person whose last name was building the term is building it's after his last name and then the verb was created afterward really no i just made that up and you guys loved it understand i don't understand it like a tunnel come on dang it all right go give us more this kind of fire you really might be an alien that is what an alien would say why do you call that building it has been built come on come on this is great go get him what else you want to know about earth taylor go go come on go stop pressure okay yeah um why do we call it there we go here we go why do we call it a driveway right wait no no that wasn't it was like don't we call a parkway scratch that scratch that scratch you drive on a parkway you drive on a parkway driveway yeah why is it why is that because the guy that invented driveways last night shut up i had a really another question but i can't remember it well i was like thinking about it yeah well we gave it the two minutes we said and i think we need to have that two minutes with taylor swift so you come up with your questions any question about the world that you are curious about and we're going to give you those answers okay but i do like that building and built was good the next one driveway parkway this is certain stuff doesn't make sense to me though english language yeah i hear you dude i hear you dude totally dude all right what else we got what else we got cooking all right sports [ __ ] was poppin yo it was mad sports [ __ ] carson tyree's still being annoying yeah i'm that motherfucker's annoying bro you think you think kevin durant is over it yet no but do you know what the context of the quote was was so lebron was like this hurt me that kyrie said this on a podcast or with kevin durant kyrie said normally i feel like i'm the best person to take the last shot at the end of the game because i'm essentially because i'm the best shot maker yeah this is the first time i've looked at it like he can do every shot i can do and he can make it look easier about kevin durant which i don't think is kind of easy and lebron was like i'm so hurt by that i always try to build up kyrie blah blah blah lebron was kind of a hoe about it hold on lebron right there right there what's going on right now bro do you think it's because uh larsa pippen has been sucking them all off do you think that's the reason why yo she is a super spreader bro that girl is 40 years old bro she out here getting decked wait she's good lebron that he wasn't mentioning kyrie's lebron was mad that he wasn't mentioned no lebron was mad that um i apologize to everybody listening right now lebron is mad because uh kyrie said in an interview a while ago that now for the first time his career he finally has someone who he feels as confident as himself taking the last shot lebron was like yo fam we're on the same team like i didn't know that you didn't think i could hit shots lebron is so [ __ ] yeah yo talk that [ __ ] taylor i've been told you that though i just feel like i like lebron outside of the court i don't like him on like because he's interesting he's sensitive about basketball but like when it comes to real life stuff you like where he steps up yeah why do you think why do i think that yeah because i've seen him play and he's [ __ ] like he tries to i don't like it he cries about everything he cries about a lot of his calls yes like he plays like a soccer player an um international appeal international appeal same thing no but for real yeah he kind of a whiny dude yeah is that y'all just noticing that yeah i don't like whining bro yeah i think it's a whining thing i don't like [ __ ] whining dude go out there get your [ __ ] done simple as that i mean that's lebron if you've been the best since you were 18 everything goes your way i mean maybe not his whole life but like like uh professionally yeah your whole life yeah you just kind of expect things to kind of go your way but you also have oh he's all sorry he's also a little passive aggressive he's just like that's his way it's savvy media wise to be like oh i was so generous to kyrie i told him you'll be mvp bubba but he's a talented kid the kid the kid the kid but it's mad passive aggressive it's strategic but that seems to be how he operates and i get how great he is but that is annoying yeah yeah but if you're if you're kyrie you just gotta take that [ __ ] like you are the kid you know i'm saying like you are this is lebron james this is the greatest player of his generation and y'all are hooping together and he [ __ ] with you but you're not lebron well no in that case though i'm like yo i'm trying to compliment my teammate i'm not trying to dog you out you are better he never says i was the best player he said i could hit the last shot we all kind of agree with that i think yeah loki maybe this is maybe this is kyrie just trying to statement it's not the wrong saying but maybe this is kyrie trying to guess kd that's what i thought it was and trying to let katie know hey i'm gonna be the number two here don't get it twisted i know what you do that's what i thought it was he said we're gonna be one together yeah cause he didn't say someone can make it better than me he's like he can make it and make it look easier yeah we still gonna make it yeah yeah fair enough but yeah all right when it was kyrie lebron though who was taking the last shot i really hit the last shot i mean there's still a 58 seconds left or whatever so it wasn't like two seconds left but so lebron has been mad clutch towards the end of his career like in the beginning but he has been unreal clutch like so many yeah absolutely he's not not clutch i just think kyrie is good in those moments he's like yeah if you got one person you want to take the shot kyrie has an infinite amount of moves lebron's got bully ball and he's got that step to the side three yeah that's his way uh yeah it's not that crazy people just need [ __ ] to talk about so they talk about and lebron did you and what bothered me was like when i read the transcript of his comments like you went through the whole comments and still thought it was an insult he said like i took it in context so that makes it even seem more like oh he's not just taking a sound bite he's upset with the full context i think lebron just wants to be put with the greats like kobe and mike he is yeah but he's a different he's not kobe and mike though they're like different genes but you could compare kobe to mike more than you could compare lebron to yeah i think lebron is a better player than kobe but kobe is more jordan laughs right yeah it's not that crazy you don't even react like that no i do i do how dare you this is such a strong reaction yeah you did react but she grew up you grew up next you grew up this girl don't even know what a tunnel is bro that's how it works you don't even live near a tunnel you're like what would i do in there i only fly via private jet yeah my chauffeur takes me around exactly the windows on the limbo are so tinted i can't even see the road oh god you are so bougie dude it's unbelievable how blue our assortment of snacks she's like not good enough he didn't do that not good enough did you do this unbelievable remember when we had remember we had the other chair that's very funny remember we had the other chair we had that leather chair yeah and then she's like i need something more plush yeah she just said i need something more look at her now in the fuchsia the goddamn seashell we gave her a [ __ ] seashell this year we had to buy a whole new [ __ ] chair right now so the point is taylor you got to stop being so bougie oh this is flagrant too okay we're out here we're chilling this is like we're just regular blue-collar americans like you out here bougie as [ __ ] yeah you got a purse hanging off your mic like all you do is shop name brand look at your [ __ ] computer it's made out of snake skin that's crazy what's going on you're wearing a scarf it's 90 [ __ ] degrees inside how bougie is she this girl's so just be regular like us yeah hard-working americans that's it no we're not done and the question she asks is crazy like why would people build things just get mexicans you are so [ __ ] up dude oh is his name dubbed like he doesn't look like a dog that's how it sounds here i sound like a white girl you are so busy yeah dude damn you are so boozy about it like it's crazy it's really crazy dude you know we come back to that i'm in i'm an alien why do you make me sound like i'm one of the girls from clueless you that's what you honestly sound like yo that's how much you think you're above us you know that's facts bro you know that's facts you are so boozy she don't even think she's a human being that's how much you think she's above us oh my god bro i can't possibly relate to you [ __ ] mongrels oh my you humans yuck whoa dude that part might be true actually i know i see it i think it i can't believe i don't even know what to say with snoop dogg and you that's another [ __ ] oh i smoked i got the video right now i remember when i smoked was new oh you guys didn't do that oh weird yeah oh my gosh oh you guys didn't hang out with kobe when he was younger i'm the one that bought his backyard hoops i'm the one that's in my driveway i told him how to play ball yo that is crazy when you say you taught kobe how to play ball yeah that's why that was [ __ ] tricky because like the age is all off like it don't even make sense but the fact that you even said that and you got the mamba case for the [ __ ] computer this is crazy purple mamba that's [ __ ] yo taylor we gotta bring you back down we have to bring her back down to earth yeah i'm waiting to leave earth actually oh yeah yeah because you got rings on it because you like jewelry bougie ass oh there you go you're the one that's [ __ ] that brought your wife or your fiance now um uh ice skating ring yeah you're right you're right you're right you boys bougie too i didn't say i wasn't bougie also okay and reservations all over town come on bro we in the different restaurants they got clothing requirements but i was going to say that my planet is under wraps we're done with you yo we had enough dude honestly we had enough time to take a stand we got to take a stand against you bro you're acting crazy you are a crazy ass girl what did you say literally when you walked in today she walked into our show we could start now i didn't yeah you could start now yeah sorry literally it was [ __ ] up akash was still out there doing a day shift at dunkin donuts it was still working bro freezing up all the lattes you know what i mean yeah him and doug and i was working hard they're working well you make him get the dunkin donuts i don't make him he goes and get himself one yeah money offers like i said yo when you clock out donuts too support brown business supports brown business you i do support brown business which one yeah buy brownies that's a good point all right i give you that yeah that's decent taylor i swear to god taylor you you are you are pushing every one of my last buttons i swear to god you know this girl is pushing my butt like a kid on an elevator just pushing all of them that's how you that's what you do huh i love doing that all right guys let's take a break real quick i need to tell you about whoop i know i told you about it a couple weeks ago i just worked out i was really excited to use it and then i got corona that day so things are kind of off kilter but i'm still super excited about whoop guys it is the fitness wearable that is all encompassing it's the only one you need 24 7 personalized in insights it analyzes your strain throughout the day it analyzes your sleep throughout the day and your sleep quality i obviously uh went back and forth between really tired and sleeping a lot and really anxious and stressed out and depressed and not sleeping at all and whoop i swear to you i checked it all the time it would tell me how many hours i slept and what percent of recovery i had if you are trying to get fit because the quarantine got you out of shape like me well i was always out of shape but even more so this is the fitness wearable for you alex you've been using whoop for a long time how you feel oh i love woo i like that it tracks up my sleeping pattern i love that [ __ ] so it's like i keep track of my stuff and it's like light [ __ ] i even shout out wearing it right now right here i shower mine yo i've been showering mine too i don't take it off it gives you it tells you anything you need to know melatonin helps you sleep that's how you'll find out is through whoop guys 24 7. five days of battery life this is the fitness wearable you need to use all you got to do is go to that's w-h-o-o-p dot com and enter the code flagrant at checkout and you will save 15 we always save you money at flag and true we make you happier we make you healthier that's what the [ __ ] we do so go to enter the code flagrant at checkout guys it's a no-brainer just get it done order your whoop today now let's get back to the show all right what are we talking about yo what's up what else we got come on did you guys see this [ __ ] oh yeah what is this can you explain this to me mario lopez doing a movie you want to talk about someone who [ __ ] jay paul up maybe mario lopez could box his ass off really for real that's how he's in such good shape legit no he's looking good you got him he's an alien i believe that he has an age yeah you know it's crazy like actually let me take that back because i don't know how tall he is he might be small he might be you know he might be in mid five foot range five ten oh no he's uh that's tough that's a tough matchup right there that's a tough matchup okay he old though he got to be in his 50s right so recipe for uh production breakdown apparently he is playing colonel sanders there's a trailer out this is a lifetime movie appropriation that's cultural appropriation tyler movie is a recipe for seduction it is cultural appropriation that's a good point how many white people we got left how many white people we have left to play i'm saying they say you're going you're going to be the minority soon they're going to take away james bond they're going to take away superman i don't know they're going to take away colonel if you're a white guy today yeah auditioning for roles and your agents like yo i got you a roll you're gonna be a colonel colonel sanders i don't know if i would take but a kernel of fried chicken so you're kind of bridging the gap the racial you know i mean the racial i'm not gonna lie i don't know that spanish fried chicken god i would probably to know that recipe it's so good i love spanish chicken spanish fried chicken oh yeah that is a recipe for seduction low key dude just going around cracking out what i just so i just don't get why i don't understand the idea even why would anybody put up money for this i think it's a joke movie that that's my assumption it's like a sharknado but is a lifetime clever enough for this i mean if they are it's hilarious yes yes bro lifetime literally puts out the same movie over and over ten ten times a year like they understand what they're doing yeah you know what i mean and they're like oh yeah they just throw some [ __ ] silly [ __ ] in there and keep the money coming in it's the same thing as they when they put those little thrillers blow your mind bro the movie tremors i seen that on a plane recently it's just only tunnels what it's just a whole movie of tunnels bro how'd they find i don't even know say what how'd they film it i don't know it's not only tunnels they the [ __ ] thing come up out the ground ain't the one with the kevin bacon yeah but don't they make time yeah they'd be doing on the underground tunneling but you don't see them well cause sometimes you see them at the end also how they could get through the ground no but like i never thought about how the [ __ ] they can get through the ground so quick that's what scared everybody god damn they were good yo they were nice y'all they were nice bro who you're talking about worms or something like what are you talking about taylor had enough huh i'm sick of this conversation she decided we're moving on so we got back oh i see you guys so boogie yo she was thirsty really she just goes water water that's [ __ ] up god all right let's move on what are we talking about recipe for seduction can we move on from that too all right what else we got i think we're good we finished we did an up yeah we got the whole thing oh you see the cardi b [ __ ] no but i did see that de blasio is gonna test the vaccine this [ __ ] i've never hoped that a vaccine has bad results more you know like wouldn't it be great if he took that [ __ ] and he's the five percent oh my god well no no not that he got covered but like half of his body like just went all right mortis or some [ __ ] like that that'd be hilarious yeah it's like we're rooting against the vaccine also i'm kind of tight that there's a vaccine why because now you i just got my immunity bro like let me flex on you now with immunity oh dude bro it's a little crazy bro again people say put a mask on and say no but what i told the dude literally this morning this guy was like when we were walking down the street he like got all exaggerated me my girl walking us he like exaggerated went all the way to the other side of the street as we walked over and started saying something through his little mask oh son look at bro this was crazy about that the book that fell is the social justice warrior handbook oh my girl lisa that is hilarious bro cause i was about to talk [ __ ] about this social justice wars walking down the street that's crazy how are you going to change this well you want a single of me yeah because i oh [ __ ] why is this falling like that you got now we do have ghosts in here but we didn't think it was that big of a deal that's why charlemagne always wants why are they just falling in love why are they doing that what'd i do he's like i know he's you're not gonna be able to relax until the 18th 17th or whatever anyway but uh so yes this guy tried to mass shame us and i was just like man i got the antibodies there's really no story i think that's what was trying to stop i think god was just like there's no end to this so i'm gonna do my best he just salt bait you a little bit of spice let's put a little spice in there this story needs a little point is it's like let's [ __ ] go we should be able to do scarlet letter but the good one oh the a for antibodies oh let's go kill that let's go that would be fire right everybody's safe around us there's nothing that we could do this bad we can't spread it we're [ __ ] gucci oh my lord i love this shouldn't we be able to show not only antibodies but negative tests sorry uh positive test and then 14 days removed and then that is how we can go anywhere yeah that should be the way that you could travel yeah but why isn't it i don't know i thought it worked i thought i'd be a negative test from recently i mean i guess they could say false negative blah blah blah but if you had antibodies you're good it also might start incentivizing people to go out and get it so then they can start it's also not an official body you know what i mean like there's all these different places that are testing that like to have like an actual verified positive yeah you'd have i don't know how you would organize that man those day tests ain't [ __ ] yeah i'm really comfortable like i'm very we know there's ghosts in here taylor it's fine we accept it they don't normally get in our way it's fine yeah just talk to them maybe they just [ __ ] with the lights but that was a new one yeah yeah like you're just finding this out you're not afraid of aliens but you're afraid why do you think charlemagne walks straight from this room to the studio doesn't go in here yeah because we don't record in here listen common logic would think that yeah that's why we're recording charlemagne's like i'm not doing it in here this is you this is flagrant now yup hmm what you know about it that's actually really good guys i'm gonna stop this podcast before we run out of steam okay stop it 10 minutes ago yep if you're listening now it's too late going too far [ __ ] army we love y'all we appreciate y'all man i'm sorry [ __ ] army nah don't be apologetic man we're good everything's good happened for a reason uh blow this [ __ ] up man blow this [ __ ] [ __ ] up let's go out there let's make some waves go add it to the watch list spread the word december 17th um make sure y'all kill this [ __ ] also we'll see you friday on patreon we are back patrons thank you so much for [ __ ] with us man it's crazy to see how many of y'all were reaching out and just being like yo just get healthy when you're ready yeah that was great we come back we mean that that means a lot to us man thank you so much so we'll see you on patreon you know we do another episode every single week on flagrant2 it's only the biggest comedy patreon in the world no big deal and uh you can see us over there but again netflix december 17th spread the word thank you so much it's great to be back great to talk to you all well technically we're not talking to you but you know what i mean and it's great to be back in here with you guys man and once again thank you to everybody who helped out the special work on the special we'll get to those specific thank yous later but uh yeah let's do this peace you
Channel: Flagrant 2
Views: 375,680
Rating: 4.8840079 out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, interviews, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alexx media, alex media, eddin, eddin media, Thankyoueddin
Id: THqiPJgylSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 43sec (6883 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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