How Well Do You Know Your Memes?

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- What reaction image is used when you find something weird, but also kind of kinky? - (chuckles) Is it... Is it the Keith meme where he's like this and then like this. - Hold on, if you're gonna use me, I get half of those points. - What! (group laughing) - That's all I'm saying. - What! - I get 50 points. (bright upbeat music) - What? - I'm not hosting this one. I've decided I'm done. - I thought- - What? - I don't know who's gonna do it but I'm not doing it. So we can find someone or someone can like have a crazy entrance. - Oh! - Woah! - Wow! - Oh my God! That's what was tickling me? - Wow! It's me. I'm hosting. - Yeah! (group applauding) - Hello, meme freaks, and welcome to "Beopardy". Today, we are doing memes as our topic for "Beopardy", and we have four wonderful mini meme lords. We have Shayne Topp. - Mini meme. - I guess I'm a meme lord. - You're a meme lord. Keith Leak Jr. - Yeah! (group applauding) - [Tommy] Courtney Miller. - I'm more of a meme Padawan. - Hello there. - And, of course, Spencer Agnew. (contestants applauding) Spencer, you're kind of a meme man. - He's a meme lord. - You're definitely a meme man. - Absolute meme lord. - All right, so our topics today y'all, we have Meme School: 101, that's like basic meme information, stuff that everyone pretty much knows, Do It For The Vine, AKA Vine means that started there, and Into the Twitter Verse, Twitter. We've got Memes of Yore, so that's like OG memes, the classic, the scrambly ones. And then Inside Baseball, which is niche Smosh memes that are about us. - Oh God. - Yeah. - Bing bong, baby. Before we begin make sure you do the subscribe. Come on. (ominous music) We gotta ask you again! Make sure you do it! We gotta ask you again! - I thought Tommy and Spencer are the light and dark of meme lords. - Yeah. Yeah. - Like the yin and yang. - The top is bottom of- (group laughing) - Are we all feeling confident? Feeling ready? - Yes. - Yeah! - Sort of. - Okay, so I'm thinking whoever will go first would be the person who most recently sent me a meme. - Ooh. - [Tommy] through a DM. - Probably me. - Its gonna be you. - I like to send you memes. - You do and I appreciate it. - You do. Meme buddies. - And I respond what? A good 35% of the time. - I know you're enjoying them somewhere. - Thank you so much. - I actually sent you one yesterday, Courtney. I didn't get a response. (foreboding music) - Which one did you send? - I think it was on Twitter. - Oh. - I really wanna see the one I sent to Courtney. (Courtney laughing) Oh, maybe I sent it to Saige. - Same person. (group laughing) - Oh yeah. Yeah, you sent that one. - Spencer, since you last sent me a meme, it is your go. - I'm gonna kick it old style. - [Tommy] Nice. Which way you wanna do? Meme- - I'm gonna do Memes of Yore for 150. - Before TanaCon, and even before Fyre Fest, name the poorly planned gathering that tried to be the Vidcon of Tumblr. (buzzer buzzing) - Oh, I know this. (Shayne grunting) It's like... - Shayne, it's all you. (Shayne grunting) - I lost it! - Well, I accidentally pressed it but I'm just gonna guess, tumbleweed? - Nice. (group laughing) - Should've named that. - Damn. - It should've been. - I remember the ball pit. - I was just about to say. You're gonna remember a completely open convention center with one single small, maybe one or two person, ball pit in it. (Keith laughing) - It's awesome. - It's horrific. It's like the backroom. - It's a liminal space. For sure. - Yeah, it's a liminal space. (group laughing) - Webcon. - Close. Spencer, you wanna give it a shot? - No. - All right. (group laughing) The answer was, Shayne, get ready to go, "Dah!" DashCon. - Oh! - Oh! - I knew it's something that was like weird. I watched a video on how it was like one of the biggest train wrecks of all time. - Yeah. - [Spencer] That was a little outside of my wheelhouse, I'm gonna come back. - Yeah, yeah, sure. - Keith, you're next. - Okay! Let's go Do It For The Vine for 100. - What skill did 19-year old Jared never learn how to do? (buzzer buzzing) - What's up? I'm Jared. I'm 19. I never learned to (beep) read. - Goddamnit! - That's right! (group clapping) - Damn it! - One point to Spencer! All right, Spencer, it's all you. - I'm gonna come back at Memes of Yore for 100 and see if I could make things back up. - This is the hardest one on the board. I don't know. (Courtney laughing) What chaotic Domino's Pizza order became the running joke of Tumblr? (buzzer buzzing) - That's Courtney. - It was... They didn't like understand what they did but it was like, it's just the bread with just sausage pieces just thrown onto it. - I mean, you're correct, but I need the actual language here. - It was no cheese, no sauce, sausage. - Unfortunately, we're gonna move on. Spencer. - I don't know the exact linguistic nature of the answer. I think it was like plain, just sausage. - No. It's- (Keith laughing) - Is it half sausage? - No, the... I will say that the words here are really not good. - Yeah. Yeah. - It's like broken English and all, so... - Yeah, I'm gonna have to pass on. - Either of you guys have an idea maybe? - Sausage only? - No. - That's my favorite. - I have no idea. - No idea. - Courtney, I'm gonna give you the points because you at least described it. You know the visuals. The actual answer is none pizza with left beef. - That's right! (group laughing) That's right! - What the (beep)! - None pizza with left beef! Oh! - So I'll give the points, Courtney. Way to go. (group applauding) - I forgot about that. None pizza with left beef. - All right, Courtney, you're up. - Okay, I'm gonna go Do It For The Vine for 50. - The Vine "A Potato Flew Around My Room", was a song parody. Name the original song's title and artist. (buzzer buzzing) - "Thinkin' Bout You", Frank Ocean. - I mean, Keith got it right. - Yeah! (group applauding) - It's probably the only one I'm gonna get. - Wow. - All right, Keith, it's up to you. - Let's do Inside Baseball for 50 points. (Courtney cheering) Let's get it. - How far must two men sit away from each other- (buzzer buzzing) Okay, I'm gonna finish the question just for the sake of the audience, How far must two men sit away from each other to not mistakenly appear to be in a relationship? Shayne. - It's six feet. - That's on to Spencer now. - Wow. - It's five feet. - It is five feet. - Five feet. ♪ Five feet apart 'cause I'm not gay. ♪ - You guys think of Corona virus. - Yeah. - Spencer, please. Please. - Meme School: 101 for 150. - Meme School: 101 for uno fifty. - Let me guess, guys. (group laughing) - Which of the following words were not added to the dictionary this year by Merriam-Webster? A. the @ symbol, B. flex, C. reaction gif, and D. Oop. That's Courtney. - Reaction gif was not. - Moving on to Shayne. - @ symbol. - Yeah. - Nope. - What? - Oh, wait, duh. - We're just really throwing out the rules now. - Flex. - No, no one gets points. - What was the other one? - Oop. And a oop! - Oh! Oop! Did I get that? - I mean, it was the last one. (group laughing) (group applauding) That counts, right? Give it to Keith. - That counts. - Yeah, why not. Congrats. - Thank you, guys. - That's how I passed high school. (group laughing) Keith, it's up to you. - You know what, I'm gonna go for a big boy. Let's go Inside Baseball for 200. - All right- (buzzer buzzing) - Munge. (group laughing) - That's right! No. Which Smosh crew member is most likely to buy you boba whenever you want? (buzzer buzzing) Spencer. - That is Milk Bean. - That is correct. It is Milk Bean. AKA Garrett. (group applauding) So Garrett, I want a type tea extra boba, okay? - No, there's no Milk Bean. There's no Boba. - [Tommy] No, there is. - It doesn't exist. I don't buy Boba. - In the comments, whenever you refer to Garrett, please just use Milk Bean. (group laughing) He is Milk Bean. - Spencer, Mr. Dark Meme Lord, please. - Let's go Into the Twitterverse for 100. - He's gonna get this one. Him and Shayne are gonna get this one. I know it. - Yeah, you two are alive on Twitter. - I'm alive but I don't pay attention. - What? (group laughing) - That's actually my motto. (group laughing) - Brittany Broski's iconic kombucha reaction video went viral on Twitter in what year? (buzzer buzzing) Shayne. - 19? - 2019 is correct! (group applauding) - Nice. - Let's do Into the Twitterverse for 50. - Bam! (paper tearing) (group laughing) - Whoa! No, it's okay. - Oh, my gosh. - Don't look. - Into the Twitterverse for 50. Finish this sentence. You're telling me... (buzzer buzzing) Spencer. - A shrimp fried this rice. - That's right! - Yeah. (group applauding) - [Tommy] That's right. - I'm gonna do Memes of Yore for 200. - Just locking that win. - Yeah. just give us no chance. - In the first quarter. - YouTuber Laina Morris created a parody of Justin Bieber's song "Girlfriend", which turned into a meme called, what? (buzzer buzzing) Courtney. - It's a psycho girlfriend meme. - Very close. I wanna see if anyone has a closer answer. - Crazy ex-girlfriend? - That's a TV show. - Crazy ex? - No. You can only get one guess. - It's something with white woman, I feel like. (group laughing) Isn't it? I thought. - Kinda say another white woman. No? - All right. Keith, nothing? What do you got? - (quietly) Tell me, Courtney. - (whispers) It's psycho ex-girlfriend. - It's psycho ex-girlfriend. - It is not psycho ex-girlfriend. - Damn it. Sorry. Ha-ha, got you. (Keith and Courtney laughing) - You're very close Courtney. The actual answer is Overly Attached Girlfriend. - That's what it was. - Okay, so it is that, also it's the... Yeah, okay. - It's the look. - Let's do a point checking. So far we have Shayne with 100 points. - Got that. - Good job. (group applauding) - I've hit the peak. - [Tommy] Keith with 200 points. (group applauding) Courtney with 100 points. (group applauding) and toot-tooting the leads, Spencer with 400 points. (group applauding) - Let's do a Meme School: 101 for a 50. - Got it. Which font was most commonly used on old meme formats? (buzzer buzzing) That was Spencer first. - Impact. - It's Impact. - Oh, I would've been wrong. (group applauding) - Nice! - Spencer, is a king here. Y'all got buzzing a little bit fast. - Yeah. - I'm gonna clear it out. Memes of Yore for 50. - A post with an image of pink goo coming out of a machine, went viral after the OG poster claimed it was the process by which chicken nuggets were made, when it was really the "tubby custard machine" from which children's show? (buzzer buzzing) Courtney. - "Teletubbies". - That's right. (group applauding) - I've never heard of this. - I did. To this day, I thought it was the tub they made chicken nuggets. (laughs) I never stopped eating them. (group laughing) - I ate more. - Yeah. - Hello. - Hello. - You may go. - Okay. Can I get Inside Baseball for 100? - Yes we can. What reaction image is used when you find something weird, but also kind of kinky. (buzzer buzzing) Courtney. - (chuckles) Is it... Is it the Keith meme where he's like this and then like this? It's like a two panel comic where Keith is confused by the laptop and then he started fapping. - Yes. - No, hold on. If you're gonna use me, I get half of those points. - What! (group laughing) - That's all I'm saying. - What! - I get 50 points. - While I have an ounce of power for the first and only time, I'm going to just give it all to Courtney. - Okay. - Thank you. (group applauding) - Do you remember what it looks like, Keith? Could you do it right now? - Oh, the face. Okay, it's like. (fingers tapping) - [Tommy] And then? - Eww! (group laughing) ♪ Oh! ♪ (upbeat music) (group laughing and applauding) - Thank you. Still got it. - Courtney, please. What would you like? - Let's do Meme School: 101 for 100. - What is copypasta? (buzzer buzzing) That's a quick hit from Spencer. - Like what is an example of the copypasta? - I want the definition. - It's something... It's something that someone has usually said, and it's a long something, and it's something you could copy and paste and just drop in a conversation. - [Keith] Wow. - And, you know, usually it will evoke, you know, a reaction. The most iconic one is the, "What the (beep) did you just say to me, you little bitch?" - You've said a lot of the word something, and I would love if you could say what the something is. - It's a bunch of text. - I'll give it to you, Spencer. Good job. - Wow. (group applauding) - For Wikipedia, copypasta is a block of text, which is copied and pasted across the internet. Copypastas are said to be similar to spam. Spam! - Oh! - I'm learning so much. - Okay. Spencer. - Let's Do it - Okay. - For the Vine. (laughing) (guns cocking) - Do it for the Vine for 150. Christine Syldeko is credited with creating what three-word phrase that was frequently used to describe being in a state of shock? - Can we get multiple choice? Damn. - Courtney. - I am shooketh? - That's right. - Yes! (group applauding) - Okay. Courtney, that was you. - Okay, let's do Do it for the Vine for 200. Let's just fricking do it. - Let's fricking do it. - Let's fricking do it. - Vine user Peaches Monroe posted a video in which she celebrated her appearance, specifically her eyebrows, which started the spread of what positively descriptive word? (buzzer buzzing) - Eyebrows on fleek. The (beep). - Yeah. (group applauding) All right, Courtney. - Let's go Into the Twitterverse for 150. - Into the Twitterverse. - I have known one of these. (laughing) - Right, I don't know any of them either. - You're doing great. A Cincinnati Zoo gorilla was controversially (buzzer buzzing) executed in 2016- (group laughing) We're waiting for me to finish the question. - Okay, but I've got my already locked in. - Okay. (laughing) - Why don't just answer it? - Okay. A Cincinnati Zoo gorilla was controversially executed in 2016, which was the catalyst for what meme-ified social movement? (buzzer buzzing) Keith. - Harambe. - It's a little more than just Harambe. - What more do you want? (Keith laughing) - Wow. - There's a part before Harambe I'm looking for. - Oh! Oh, it happened in where I'm from, guys. Damn it. - Keith, three, two, - No. - One. - Stop using you're head. - Damn! - What's your answer? - It's a Dicks Out for Harambe. - That's right, Shayne. (group applauding) - I knew you'd know this one. All right, Shayne, you got it. Good job. What can I do you for here? - Let's do Inside Baseball for 150. See if munge made the board. - Finish the sentence. Another banger by blank. (buzzer buzzing) Shayne. - Another banger by Shayne Topp from "iCarly". - Yes. (laughing) (group laughing) - I know. It's actually, "Another banger. Another banger from Shayne Topp from 'iCarly'." - [Tommy] It is. - Another banger. - How do you feel about that? Do you love it? - Yeah, you know, Trevor from the Mythical Kitchen made it and I knew it was immediately gonna ruin my life. (group laughing) You can't see... Any of my Twitter posts have like at least 10 of those underneath it. - Shayne, which one would you like to do? - Let's do Into the Twitterverse for 200. - You got it. The first meme that started a trend of "Gossip Girl poster edits- (buzzer buzzing) you're gonna wait for me to finish. (buzzer buzzing) The first meme that started a trend of "Gossip Girl" poster edits, edited the show's name "Gossip Girl" to what? (buzzer buzzing) Spencer. - Go piss girl! - It is Go Piss Girl! (group laughing) - That's one of my favorite memes ever! - I love how far that meme got, like, taken. - It's so good. - Okay, Spencer, you've only got one choice, so let me grab it for you. - Let's do final... Let's skip to final Beopardy. - No. (Spencer laughing) - Yeah, let's do Meme School for 200. - The first ever "rickroll" was posted on what infamous site? (buzzer buzzing) Shayne. - Oh, it's wrong, but I'm gonna say eBaum's World. - That is incorrect. Courtney. - I was also gonna say eBaum's World. - That is the same answer and you're incorrect. - Keith, you wanna answer it. (buzzer buzzing) - eBaum's World. (group laughing) - Close. Spencer? - It's 4chan. - It is 4chan. - Wow! - It's 4chan. - I didn't realize fortune was around back then. - Oh, it's old. It's old. - It's the old. - That is the ancient text. - Guys, we're at the "Beopardy". - Beoparty! - B.O. party! - So everyone at home that does not know this, everyone will be able to offer up points just like in a regular "Jeopardy" and you can double those points if you get the answer correct. And if not, you lose those points. Here is our point checking right now. Shayne, you have 400 points. - Wow. - [Tommy] Very nice. Keith, you have 200 points. - Oh, did I not get another point? I guess I got no more points. - Oh, you know what, you 201 points. - Oh, thank you! - You're welcome. (group applauding) Courtney you have 600 points. (group applauding) - Wow. - And you are not too far behind Spencer who has 950 points. - Wow. (group applauding) Let me read you the topic of this final "Beopardy" so you know how much to wager. It is "When did they meme?" In my hands, I have five different means from across time. I'm going to lay them out in a random order and I want you guys to put them in order. You'll get all the points if you get them all correct and you will still get some points if you get some of them in the correct order. You will get nothing if they are all wrong. Here we go. Our first is, Is this a Pigeon, we're all familiar, Rage Comics in perfectly to 280p, This is Fine, Poot Lovato, - Kiana. (laughing) - and Blinking White Guy. - Oh, everybody knows that. - Everyone knows that one. (Tommy vocalizing) That was final "Beopardy". - That's great. - Thank you, Shayne. All right, is everyone finished? You're locked in. Here we go. All right, let's start with Shayne. In what order did you put these in? - I said Rage, Blink, Fine, Pigeon, Poot. - Got it. Okay. Thank you, Shayne. Then Keith, what order? - I said Rage Comics, Is this a Pigeon, This is Fine, Poot Lovato, and Blinking White Guy. - Okay, thank you. Courtney. - I said Rage Comics, This is Fine, Blinking White, Poot Lovato, and then Is this Pigeon. - Very good. And Spencer. - I said Rage Comics, This is Fine, Is that a Pigeon, Is this a Pigeon, sorry, Poot Lovato, and then Blinking White Guy. - All right. Thank you all for submitting your answers. It is truly anyone's game. Listen, everyone did about the same, I will say, about how many they've got correct, so we had to do a little twist to here, otherwise we would have a tie. So the person that got the least amount correct? Loses their wager of the points. So tension stakes. The correct order is Rage Comics, - Nice. - From 2012. Poot Lovato, from 2015. - Woah! - Wow! - Yes. - Woah! - [Tommy] This is Fine which was from 2016. - Oh (beep). - [Tommy] Blinking White Guy from 2017. - Oh boy. - And Is this a Pigeon from 2018. (group laughing) So that means that Shayne got 2 out of 5, Keith got 2 out of 5, Courtney got 2 out of 5, and Spencer got 1 out of 5. (buzzer blaring) So could I please see the points that you got. All them. (Shayne laughing) Nice. (Keith laughing) So Spencer, that means that you wagered 900 of your points, which means you... - Oh, no! - Just like DashCon! - You lost everything! (group laughing) - Spencer was DashCon of this video. - This is just like DashCon. (group laughing) - Wow! We have a tie between Shayne and Courtney. Both of you are at 800 points. - Nice. (group applauding) - [Tommy] Spencer has 50 points. - I'm just glad Spencer's gonna lose. - (laughs) Just side eye. - I know. - That's all I'm happy about. - And Keith has 402 points, so good job, Keith. (group applauding) Okay, and now for the tie breaker. - Oh. - Get your buzzers ready. This will be a lickety split, quick little buzz round, so be ready to buzz fast. - Oh boy. - Last year on Twitter, a image from "Glee" of Jane Lynch became popular, became viral, and the text that was used at the bottom was what? (buzzer buzzing) - Good luck, Courtney. (laughing) - Courtney. - "I'm going to create an environment that's so..." It's like not... It's like intolerable. - Got it. - "I'm going to create an environment that is so, so toxic." - Yes, Courtney! (group applauding) - I can hear her say it. I can hear her say, "I'm gong to create an environment that is so toxic." - You did it, Courtney! Congratulations! You won the game! (group applauding) - Oh my gosh, is this my first time winning "Beopardy"? - Is it? - I don't know. Let me now chat. (Tommy laughing) - Wow guys. How do you feel? How did you feel with this? - I did a lot better than I thought I was going to. - I know. - Yeah, me too. - Yeah, I'm glad- - I knew a couple. - I'm glad I beat Spencer. (chuckles) - Nice! Yeah! (group laughing) - Spencer, don't cry. - (whispers) Loser. - Everything is fine. - Well, I'm very proud of y'all. You did a great job. - Thanks. - You are all meme lords in my book and I just want you all to go home and, you know, stay on the internet. Be smart. - Stay online. - Stay on the internet. - Stay on the internet. Be smart. - Stay online, kids. - Thank you, guys, for watching "Meme Beopardy"! I wanna know how well you did, so put that little comment in the bottom. We have two very special videos that I had arguments about. We're putting these two at the end. - Yeah! - It's this one and this one. Now one of them I like more. One of them makes me go like Keith. (Courtney laughing) Which one? You're gonna have to find out. - Find out! - So all you do is click these and then to find the things. And hit the like bell.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,658,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, How Well Do You Know Your Memes?, meme, trivia, beopardy, jeopardy, know your meme, meme review, game, challenge, 2021
Id: QRSY_CPx8sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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