How Mean is ELLEN DEGENERES ( Are the Rumors True)

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hello and welcome back to the melon degeneres show i'm your host melon presumably and today we have a special guest with us he is a youtuber who stands in his kitchen with his fake duck i don't know he has no friends no social life and he looks like he hates himself welcome 16 leo thanks okay so firstly we'll start with an easy question your parents are divorced and you grew up poor how does that make you feel that's a really personal question oh okay um yeah oh i hear the music i it was really hard growing up at night second question you stole virgin [Music] why don't you get up and uh do your thing can i yes you can all you ever do is dance i said it hi i'm 16 leo and we are here to break down this ellen situation ellen degeneres more like ellen did not so generous [Music] if you haven't hit the subscribe button already i don't know what would make you hit it yeah i'm taking a look at it and i know that a lot of people have talked about it already i just wanted to share something more personal about the situation full disclosure my mom is a huge ellen man the reason she loves ellen is because of the positivity and constant optimism that ellen seems to have and she's now been outed as being mean which is ironic instead of just stockpiling the hate on to her i wanted to look at every single angle i don't know when this exactly started but i do know who it was started by it was started by buzzfeed on july 17th buzzfeed published a bombshell report in which a group of former and current ellen show staff spoke out against the program making shocking allegations a lot of them described the workplace as being toxic and that is serious being mean not crime a toxic environment can lead to serious serious allegations sexual misconduct uh racism which the show has all been accused of see do you see what i mean you see what you do to fluffs by being mean it's okay buddy we can get through this don't worry one former employee actually said that be kind [ __ ] only happens when the cameras are on it's all for show uh and former employees also has said they've been fired for taking medical leave attending family funerals and one for posting a selfie in the office personally the first instance i heard about this there's a guy from twitter who was like i'll give you guys two dollars for every time you tell a mean ellen story and i was like bro this guy's gonna get filet mignon but people actually came forward and said stuff one person said she has a sensitive nose so everyone must chew gum from a bowl outside of her office before talking to her and if she thinks you smell that day you have to go home and shower multiple people actually have said that i thought it was crazy at first but a few people have said something similar to that so i was like oh another person says was working on a show at warner brothers which was next to her stage it was the showrunner's 50th birthday the caterer grilled steaks outside for special fancy lunch and ellen had sent someone over to demand they stopped as she doesn't eat meat also just by the way to the dude who was donating two dollars to the food bank just do it dude don't need to throw someone under the bus to do it you could just donate i also want to go over some of the new allegations that have come out recently one fan called donna di mario everyone's like a dimalio de tardio desania i should change my name to 16 alio 16 ah leo shut up apparently this goal was in a segment of an episode called make it rain sounds like a strip club thing which contestants are drenched in water while attempting to win cash prizes she said that she was pretty disappointed when every time they cut to commercial ellen would break out of her kind role and just sit quietly on a couch she also said that the producers actually warned her and the other contestants not to be funnier than ellen and they said remember she's the star not us not many people have said this but there are also allegations that are so outlandish and just stupid that it's important to look at both sides of the story for instance i don't know what it's like to be in ellen's position i'm not that big but i can imagine if you wear uh lots of people would want to hold your attention and just have your attention for a second there's only so much time you can give to everyone around you so while someone might think that you're not talking to them on purpose maybe you're just conserving energy because some days are very long and very hard and i do understand that for instance a bodyguard former bodyguard of ellen and he uh protected her at the 2014 oscars you all need a body card for the oscars huh what is george clooney just sitting on the bench like yo man ellen you [ __ ] better call my name i will send you to the er i don't care if i was on it i'll send you to it well what are you protecting people from the bad jokes that come out of the mouth of ellen what off topic anyway he said that ellen was the only celebrity not to say hi to him hello my name is bodyguard man i'm eight foot six and ellen was so mean she didn't say hi to me sorry i just when i think about it it's so she's everybody says hi to me i represent you from the oscars dude george clooney's a big guy really bro he said and i quote ellen didn't say hello or thank you for protecting my mother my wife and me dude you're not jesus you're not protecting tom brady at the oscars really who are you really protecting ellen from you think jerry seinfeld has a tranquilizer just like i hate that woman no one's funnier than me i made seinfeld except larry and there's another one someone's named ben came forward and said that ellen worked for his mother's recruitment agency when she was about 20. and ben at the time was 11. and apparently he was a little tubby little chubster ellen would criticize his weight and he said i was a defenseless kid and she was calling me fat and say my clothes suck he also said she took pleasure in it i need you to understand she's 62 now that happened about 40 years ago what is the point of bringing this up now secondly someone in their 20s working a dead-end job trying to make it an entertainment when you know you're so far away from your goals is going to be on edge anyway maybe she was mean but it's weird to bring it up 40 years later so what i'm trying to say is some of these claims are not substantiated and we can't just group all of them in and believe every single person and even if she was some of them just don't hold weight so in light of all the stuff that came out ellen was like whoa damage control and she issued out a statement of apology where she proceeded to basically throw everyone under the bus except herself uh basically she did the youtube version of an apology which was um she said that she has deep compassion to the people who got hurt which is a bs she said that uh she's now committed to ensuring that everything that has happened all these allegations will never happen again that sounds more like a mafia threat like if she was from boston you'd know that you'd have to put her in jail for something she did two months later she said that she will push others and herself to learn and grow you don't need to learn or grow in a situation where racism and sexual misconduct happen you have to know that before you even start actually there's nothing too long you don't get a doctorate in learning how to not abuse someone you just don't do it on day one of our show i told everyone in our first meeting that the ellen degeneres show would be a place of happiness no one would ever erase their voice and everyone would be treated with respect obviously something changed and i am disappointed to learn that this has not been the case not really an apology but all right and not only did that happen celebrities started defending her katy perry tweeted out in ellen's defense saying i know i can't speak for anyone else's experience besides my own but i want to acknowledge that i have only ever had positive takeaways from my time with ellen people start clapping back immediately because they're like listen katie you're a celebrity of course she would treat you differently and that's kind of true lots of celebrities have came to her defense there are couple who uh came out against her but that if you're in a position of power it's likely ellen would treat you differently my mom was like you know lots of people are coming out in her support so i looked at her and i was like but has there been anyone who worked for her that came out to support her anyone who wasn't a celebrity or had that status that's supporting her because a lot of the people who are coming out against her don't seem to have that like superstar status there's no one who currently works for her who's like no no those people are just salty they're just they're completely wrong ellen's been amazing nobody seems to be saying that and that's more telling than a celebrity trying to be like yo i've had a great experience she put flowers on and she gave me some ellen underwear which i never wear because if i did my husband would divorce me that's all i'm saying you get what i'm throwing at okay so the next part of this is basically about her show the one thing that i always found a little bit is the sexualization of men on her show like i must have walked to the kitchen 10 15 times and seen like a half naked guy on tv i'm like what wow y'all really want to watch this and then i was like oh sorry it's ellen not magic mike eight personally i don't have a problem with it at all sure you want some eye candy get some what i do have a problem with is uh the gender role reversal thing because you know damn well if jimmy fallon had a strip on they ain't letting that fly and you know if he did have that men around the world would be like i suddenly like jimmy fallon even more i don't know if it's because of her preferences sexually that she gets away with this but she gets to do this and it definitely drives the numbers up okay so the other thing on her show is the instances in which he's being passive aggressive or controlling it's just evidence being presented to the court a lot of the times you can see the celebrities kind of uncomfortable with this whole situation so the first one is ellen with celine dion where she for some reason doesn't like the fact that celine dion's son has long hair ellen doesn't like that seems like you're busy with something because you're forgetting to cut your son's hair um this is look at him he is beautiful but look at his hair when are you going to cut that hair do you have a problem with that no i don't have a problem that is some long hair you know i have to say it's amazing right you you cut your some people shave the the head of their children uh-huh and people say oh isn't that terrible well i don't even cut my son's hair and they say oh my god when is she gonna cut her son's hair right you know that was a little bit weird nothing too bad i just really don't understand why ellen with her hair was like yo but your son got long hair that's weird look at this i rocked the karen before it was popular i'm ellen i mean karen i mean killing as far as things go it's not the worst but it does show a little bit of that pushiness next one i got a little bit worse you turned 30. i did and um how was the party i wasn't invited actually no that's not the truth ellen you were invited last year no last time i was on the show last year you gave me a bunch about not inviting you but i didn't even know you wanted to be invited well who didn't want to be invited to a party why i didn't even know you liked me of course i liked you you knew i liked you awkward as hell i'm not even finished watching it i'm just spitballing here but do you think there's a reason dakota johnson said i thought you didn't like me do you think maybe behind the scenes or some [ __ ] was said but i did invite you and you didn't come so this time you invited me yeah are you sure yeah how do you know i don't think so ask everybody ask jonathan your producer okay you were i was invited jonathan's like what the [ __ ] is this about well i guess i'm losing my job thanks dakota johnson i hate you i was starting a new movie fifty shades to suck my ass bro i can't believe this by ellen ugh bro dakota johnson really just went at her it's getting a little more spicy mariah carey was pregnant at the time didn't really want to tell anyone privacy big issue for celebrities ellen was not having that on a show she proceeded to like push it out of her people are saying that uh that you're pregnant there there's rumors don't discuss that um all right well you don't have to and that's okay no honestly let's just toast with champagne and decide [Applause] it's just fattening you can't have champagne that's not champagne because you can no it is is it really yeah you want you want to taste it i can't believe you did this to me ellen what no are you trying i'm not gonna ask you if you're pregnant this is peer pressure okay cheers cheers it's too early for me i only drink it after 3 p.m [Music] [Applause] about six days later mariah carey had a uh miscarriage so maybe not something that you want to share with the public and maybe not something ellen should have pushed out of her this is maybe the video that got me wanting to do this whole thing is that you can't force people to do things and you can't assert your dominance or ego just because you're a huge talk show host these are the celebrities if it's a fan oh do i have a video for you this one is probably the most famous or infamous it's when ellen uh proceeded to humiliate someone on live television she even put her in ellen jail which i'm pretty sure you can't buy i've looked so before the show i put out some ellen products with a sign that said only one per person i just wanted to see how honest my audience was you know because it turns out you're very honest very very honest we set up but we set up hidden cameras just to make sure so watch how honest this lady is right here [Music] so she wanted it but she said i'll just buy this so you put that back and you weren't gonna take it and you want it so i have the hat for you [Applause] so that's for you for being honest you don't have to buy it now look at that [Music] bro i wouldn't even buy that hat if they sold it the hell who designed that why did you get ray charles to design stuff you know he can't see what is wrong with you ellen god dammit she's not a fashion icon i'll tell you that much that's so amazing i mean any of you could have taken more than one thing and you didn't except for these ladies right here my sister couldn't come so that was her souvenir yeah yes a lot of people's sisters couldn't come so ellen even went to the trouble of building up a case for this lady not only did this lady steal but everyone else on my audience is so good they're such good people but this lady what a [ __ ] sure whatever it's a hat it's a horrible hat i mean if i gave that to my nephew he'd punch me in the gut and be like what is wrong with you and then punch him back in the gut and then i guess we'd have family feud and steve harvey would have to come up this is not grounds to humiliate someone on television now when you go like to costco or or you're the kind of person like when you go trick-or-treating and nobody's home you don't just take the you take the bowl you just walk away no no all right listen i i really uh i'm sorry that's embarrassing and everything but you know let that be a lesson to you because you think it is you think nobody's watching you and you just need to be a good person just because you want to be a good person uh you need to be a good person huh this is all this is just ritual coming from one of the richest people in the world i guess it just stings way more knowing what you know now you go sit in that ellen jail over there right now no no you're no he'll steal stuff back there come here this way [Applause] what's what's your sister's name anna all right well anna got you in big trouble and they made her sit there i don't know how long it could have been the whole damn show doesn't even look like a comfy chair that is one of the few disgusting things i've seen on tv you don't you don't set someone up like that for pleasure or for laughs you don't turn the crowd against an audience member who wanted to support you the power and dominance asserted where you had to actually bring this lady the guy actually held her by her hand because she was like okay all right enough i get it and he actually he was like get your fat ass on the chair very uncalled for isn't it personally i think if you can see that coming up in the show you can only imagine what's going on behind the scenes and as the people pile up and pile up sure i think there's some validity to this case she's one of my favorite comedians and she's probably my favorite comedian to this day and i'm not even talking about the ellen show i'm not really a huge fan of that but i am such a fan of for comedy if i can just share a personal story to endless i got an acting scholarship a while ago and i moved to california back i had to walk one hour a day to school which i thought was a small price to pay you know one day i get into the limelight which never happened every day i had to walk to school on the way i actually would pass the ellen show my mom would call me and she was like i hope one day that you could get on the show so i could be in the audience and like in my head i was like i don't really care about getting on the show but for you i would love to do that because my mom is the biggest fan and i was like just to make you happy i would love to do that and i would think about ellen when she was in her late 20s she did a set this was her first set on johnny carson which is the greatest late show host of all time and he asked her at the end of the set where do you see yourself being very humbly she spoke that she hopes to you know get somewhere big and hope to keep doing this and it seems so humble and genuine that you couldn't help but support her years later she gets her own sitcom and on the sitcom after a few seasons she decides to make the decision to come out as gay which had never been done at the time especially if you were female that is a brave brave decision and after doing so for some reason she got shunned and it took her three years to get back on television and she made it with the ellen show this is someone who fought through adversity multiple times but she definitely proved a lot of people wrong and for those reasons i always always thought you know what she is definitely someone worth supporting it probably honestly honestly speaking it probably helped push her brand further than it ever would if she wasn't seen as someone so kind and so giving if she was seen as the person who we see her as today i don't think she would have got one third the way at the end of everything i i asked my mom like are you still gonna watch her and she said no and i said is it because she's mean and my mom said no my mom says after every show ellen said take care and be kind to one another and that really wasn't her i guess it had to come out at some point huh i just want to say thank you guys for listening so much and um before i go take care and be kind to one another unless you don't want to then you don't have to because i'm 16 leo and i'm telling you right now be honest whether it's good or bad it's the best policy unless you want to lie then i don't give a [ __ ] i really don't care okay bye bye wow that was actually really profound of you yeah that's how it is i can relate to that are you crying no i just need a minute my god are you okay [Music] is [Music] you
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 190,405
Rating: 4.9577446 out of 5
Keywords: ellen degeneres, ellen degeneres apology video, ellen degeneres mean, ellen mean, ellen apologizes 2020, ellen backlash, ellen controversy, ellen show investigation, ellen buzzfeed, ellen critikal, ellen atozy, ellen someordinarygamers, ellen catches audience member stealing, allen audience reaction, sixteenleo, funny, comedy, cringe
Id: bSRptpy7P7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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