That Vegan Teacher Gets Banned From TikTok. Her Response Video is SHOCKING....(she said this...)

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hey okay so this video is about the vegan teacher and her band from tick tock but um breaking news vegan gains did a video about me a couple of my friends and i watched it and he said something that very hurtful about me being a mentally ill person because of the way i speak you know when he talks he sounds like he's actually mentally not not too nice so i'm gonna do a video about him after this responding to it but i just wanted to let you know that's in the works and i want to apologize for making three vegan videos in a row i did not mean to i hope you'll bear with me hopefully please don't leave any hate comments on him just because he's stooping to that level doesn't mean we have to uh enjoy the video something crazy has happened that vegan teacher has been banned from tick tock so at first glance i know what you're thinking i'm just that influential that she just got banned the minute i started talking about her no that's not at all what happened it was to do with a petition signed by 20 000 people as well as her making a very lewd comments towards tommy inn who's like 16 she is off tick tock so we won right well not entirely because she actually posted a response video and i really want to know what her opinion is on this because it's a big thing to get banned before we start the video though if you want to subscribe become a big baby i would really appreciate it on our way to 250 000 uh and of course fluffs is a chicken and i would never eat chicken i enjoy life all the time i just don't tell him what i'm joking he fully knows um and be sure to follow me at 16 leo underscore on instagram if you have any suggestions for videos i would love to hear them so the article says vegantic talkers account blocked after petition gathers 20 000 signatures that vegan teacher had her account deactivated for multiple violations of the social network's policies including making blatantly intolerant and discriminatory statements against anyone who does not see veganism as she does so from what i can gather and i did look at a couple of tick tocks i do agree with some of it not all of it they said some of the videos were dangerous for children and cited that it showed explicit depictions of that's the wrong platform to be showing the stuff on like maybe create your own website so people can see it but like tick tock shows the video to people who don't even want to see it sometimes statements by that vegan teacher include telling someone with a disability they would be better off if they were vegan is that true what also she told a boy that he would not go to heaven because he was stopping that's just funny just to be safe i also visited the world's best website reddit out of the loop here is the best ansel uh she vocally to children on the internet and said that eating disorders were not a reason not to be vegan pretended to be a black miner when was this what is wrong with this woman she got in blackface for veganism i'm sorry why are you in blackface to save the animals man okay what does that have to do with anything i don't know uh made remarks towards a minor this was the tommy in it situation i think she said something about uh him meeting nice vegan girls and putting his banana somewhere uh for a 56 year old to say that to like a 16 year old come on responded to a kid dying from malnourishment with then you didn't try hard enough and deserved it that is the icing on the carrot cake if anything wow i did not know all the stuff well anyway those are some heavy accusations what i wanted to do was break out the paper today and see what she had to say about the band maybe we're wrong and she's right and she deserves to have a tick tock account where she talks and eats carrots so let's watch this video hello everyone many of you woke up this morning and found out that my account was banned on tick-tock and i know many of you are jumping for joy and thinking that this is a great victory no no no uh who said that no i my arm has a twitch does that bring you joy i know why oh [ __ ] i was gonna answer but you already know all right you tell me because you're feeling guilty you know you shouldn't be eating animals that's not why honestly if you wanted to do it i would say get your own website and allow people to come to that one where it's free media and then the kids can go there if they wanted to see it don't put on tick tock that's a horrible place to put it you're suffering from cognitive dissonance you think you're a good person but on the other hand you pay people to innocent animals a middle-aged gray-haired woman who's 56 and who is a school teacher and a nurse gets shot down she was a school teacher and a nurse she was both you know those are important positions in humanity and they had this woman doing both of them i feel really sorry if the person came to her and was like can i have a flu and she's like kills for mad car disease here's for chicken pox i'm like whoa whoa whoa i didn't say any of that why do you keep doing that you save the animals save the heels for shark disease that's not even a thing can you please stop injecting me this somehow brings you great joy as if you're playing a video game but this is real life oh my god is it weird that i want to see her have a gaming channel and play red dead redemption and see what she does with the animals that vegan teacher please play red dead redemption because they're not real animals so you can shoot them right and you can skin them and eat them because they're virtual animals i'm not really a murderer but when i play gta 5 oh my god i'm like jeffrey dahmer so why is it that you don't know what's going on the biggest reason is that our school system is completely failing us that's one of the reasons that i'm glad to be out of it okay so that's reason number one she got banned from tick tock is because school failed all right oh that is not concerning at all when uh two chances that school's failure one of the things i really didn't like about being a teacher is that i couldn't just trust the kids to go on the internet and look up things oh they look up things trust me it's pornos is what they look up did i need to say that i said it anyway they look upon us i wanted to be able to let them go to see dominion movement but i couldn't do that because i would get in trouble if they accidentally went onto a disturbing site i.e the truth also because i don't think there's such thing as animal studies class you're probably teaching a general class like maths like what two plus two equals and your answer was four four dead cows look it up and people like whoa can you just teach the kids maths what's wrong with our society that we're so scared to tell kids the truth about what's going on here let me break it down for you i didn't think i needed to i assume that you're not teaching in university class i think that you're teaching younger students the problem with showing like a 10 year old dead animals is that their brain isn't fully developed yet and you need to protect them until such time where they can think for themselves in our society right now parents are mere children they've never actually grown up they're just an older version of their kids i learned this now because after being on tick tock and watching the amount of duets that are going on there they're just an older version i'm sorry did you just say parents are children no way next you're going to tell me that your son will one day grow up to be a man but he'll still always be your baby what no yes sir obviously oh my god what do you think they evolved into a different species parents don't have all the answers doesn't necessarily mean they know everything are you what you don't know everything you're 56 you don't know half the [ __ ] you think you know i learned this now because after being on tick tock and watching the amount of duets that are going on there and realizing it's horrifying how uneducated the vast majority of the population is if you think tick tock is the place of education do you you got 13 year olds busting it open to the baby and you think that's the place of education that is a place where you see your baby cousin there and you're like get the [ __ ] off that platform this is the first time i'm watching this video and i assumed that i would be defending this woman see i've never limited myself with who i talk to about how the animals are treated i will talk to a five-year-old a ten-year-old a teenager that's the problem there you're telling the five-year-olds about how the animals are getting i'm sorry and then do you scare the five-year-olds next thing they turn on the tv they're like peppa pig what the [ __ ] and see do you see what i mean don't talk to five-year-olds about this leave it to people over 18 at least i will talk to a new mom a dad i will talk to anybody why why does the mom have to be new if it's an old mom she's she's past i can't hey melanie just get up get up i tried well yeah call me when you have another kid then you'll be a new mom then i can finally open your mind how's your five-year-old son i want to tell him about how peppa pig dies teachers principals doctors therapists oh this please this is the one person you have never talked to as a therapist because if you did the therapist would talk back and be like hey i'm gonna need a lot more sessions with you okay so you're gonna have to pay in advance that's the one person i think you should be talking to his therapist opening up and explaining why you feel this way maybe it'll help you get somewhere we're all trying to help you okay i like veganism i like vegetarianism i like all the isms etc i don't like that one why did i walk into that i very much appreciate your passion for this i just hate how you push it onto other people that's all if a group of teenage boys can gather together and start attacking somebody like me then think of what that same group of kids could do if they actually fought for good you see the problem is that they're just so mixed up they don't actually know who's good and who's evil i think i know what you're saying let me write that down she wants some child soldiers so she can take over the world with veganism that's what you gotta do the children just don't have the right mindset you need to all get them thinking one sort of way sort of like militant and then you just have them take over i think i heard about that in germany in like the 1940s they did that they all had the same mindset and it worked out really well for one group of people great group of people those were how messed up is that hey the camera is there everybody that i seem to talk about has a moment in their life when they get way too close to the camera and just look at it as if i'm going to be like that interrogation face will not work on me because this is the internet all i have to do is click a button and it goes from your face interrogating me to dog fighting and then getting scared at the sound of its own fight that's the incident baby animal rights activists don't stop being animal rights activists i'm never gonna quit you can close down one account you can close down another one i will keep popping up i will still be in front of my house with a sign or in a shopping center protesting but i'll never stop you know i would love to have this lady on our team if she's talking about people of color or something like you know again i still respect that but i feel like she's missing out on like dare i say bigger issues in the world i'm just saying there's some big issues that involve people uh against other people but she's out here like what's your dog doing huh eating meat i'm gonna stand outside rufus you need to stop every time your dog is outside taking [ __ ] on the lawn i'm gonna scare him by being like rufus you need to stop the billions of animals that are so badly mistreated crammed into places that are as horrible as the nazi death camps in fact worse oh no no no she said worse oh god i can't believe what i just heard maybe i'm just biased but there's not much worse than uh the nazi uh concentration camps so i don't know what to say about that i cannot believe she just said that oh i'm cringing so bad i'm gonna write that down the animals have it worse the holocaust never ended for them yes they have it worse that is the thing she actually just said you know what i figured out that vegan teacher's husband he's either very delusional as a human or he loves this woman so much that in spite of her stupid stupid mindset he's still willing to be with her so he's either the best husband in the world or the absolute worst husband in the world there's one or two things i don't know which it is i saw this one girl yelling at the camera and saying you don't understand how can you say that these animals are treated the way that the jewish prisoners were they're not forced into slavery yes they are they're not murdered yes they are they're not put into gas chambers yes they are then are humans i don't know if she said that that would be the point that would be the defining difference point is that humans are self-aware and they are [ __ ] evolved creatures cannot believe i have to say this but humans have evolved to that point where they're self-aware creatures and they understand about their existence in the world and maybe animals do too to a certain degree but it is not the same and for what why did we do that to the jews why did the world let that happen because good people remained silent you dirty dirty sucker thought you were a teacher 1940 germany the world did not have the internet don't know if you knew about that they didn't actually know what was going on because uh nazi germany hid it so well that people didn't have need to investigate until world war ii started then they were like whoa there's some crazy [ __ ] going on go to and don't be cowardly about it don't watch it in a group of people while you talk yeah man don't go to college don't go to a movie theater what the [ __ ] why are you watching in group setting huh why don't you watch it alone that's how because you don't even have friends why don't you just watch it alone huh you're out here watching with all your friends having popcorn don't you know popcorn comes from plots and plants are what animals eat so technically you're eating what an animal eats you dirty sucker you're killing the animals by taking food from them why don't you just die huh maybe erase yourself so an animal can have space on this earth this is how crazy you're sounding at this point there are many cowardly teenagers here on youtube who have said that they watch dominion and it was a joke it seems strange that a 56 year old woman can call a teenager a coward and not expect repercussion the whole point of a teenager is that their brain is malleable and not fully developed yet you understand that right you're a teacher you know that men i think 24 is when they fully develop in woman 21 i believe i don't know um but it's in the 20s not the teens so they're susceptible to change you're 56 it's a different different mindset and yes maybe some of them don't take it as seriously as you but that's no need to name call them you're a teacher do not call people names how about that to them they thought it was funny doesn't that worry you to some degree that psychopaths here have a voice so strong and now you're calling them psychopaths okay well mental health is a big thing in 2021 and our generation faces it calling someone a psychopath not ideal just because you want people to do something that you like doesn't mean you should call people a psychopath i can see why you're not a teacher anymore jesus the problem with our school system is that we haven't taught kids to think and to care those should be the only two criteria to graduating and have you proved to us that you care have we taught you empathy oh hello brandon please sit for this interview i see that you graduated from that vegan teacher school wow prestigious uh anyway can you read this for me uh no i don't know uh what reading is i've never learned how to read or to math but i care about the words over here so yes because if you show that you care you should definitely pass all school that's yup you can just be a doctor by caring hey oh so you have brain tumor huh well i care about you okay great can you remove it if you have a hammer i can try and bang it out i don't know when we start to cheer on people who think that hurting others is okay we are falling into a deep dark black hole well you're hurting people by calling them names and preaching your ideas onto people so by that logic people who care about you are not good and i don't think that's fair i think you should have your free speech honestly but by your logic you should be the one getting cancelled so i don't know if you understand what's happening you seem to think that you're exempt from anything bad i don't know why you think you're this above other people but you're not we're all on the same level and the animals are above us apparently i just thought i'm gonna go for it and somehow i accumulated 1.7 million followers now most of them were there to laugh at me and that's normal when we're trying to change society the first thing that you do is you laugh at people who speak out about against something and you think yourself what the [ __ ] is this yes i remember when martin luther king walked on selma and he said i had a dream and people like mandela came out in south africa to end segregation people like [Music] good one so those guys were hilarious definitely exactly the same parallel i you know what i'm gonna write that down mandela hilarious and then after that the next stage is that because i start to make everyone feel guilty then they get angry yes yes exactly you guilt for people and you use all your manipulation techniques exact yes you get it that's wrong yes we are we on the same page i think we're on the same page carry on i think you finally get it then they put up a shield and then they come after me with a knife and they try to cut my throat well see now now you're just lying is what you're doing nobody comes after you with a knife because we're on the internet and if you stab your iphone you're an idiot today they did that over on tick tock they cut the head off of one of the most um prominent animal rights activists on the app the most hated but the most well known ah there it is there's that ego they cut the head off one of the most prominent biggest um animal rights activists on a tick tock which was me and i am so famous for not eating meat that my husband gets sad because i've never eaten any kind of meat if you know what i mean he's a virgin i feel like her ego is much bigger than she makes it out to be doesn't matter how many people you have isn't it weird that you only go for subscriber fan bases that are big enough to get other people's attention what you're eating is not food it's violence what you're paying for it's not food it's violence what you're doing is immoral and that's why people wanted me removed because i made them feel that guilt okay like you know i've had enough of this [ __ ] oh honestly and i didn't even want to say this but can we talk about by association then because i'm not paying specifically for an animal to be mocked when i'm eating it i don't go to mcdonald's see a living cow and then be like that's the one if you want to talk about association the app that you use to get famous tick-tock not created by a vegan everything you've ever done to get your name out there was by association done by someone who's eating meat so therefore by your own logic you are representing people who eat meat i don't think you can judge people that hard and take the high road on a situation it is very annoying actually don't try to act holier than thou there are plenty of problems in the world that everybody goes through nobody is perfect people will always feel guilty when they hear my name and after i'm dead somebody else will refer to that vegan teacher as another person in the meantime we go on fighting imagine being so up yourself that you already talk about your legacy as if you were dead as if anybody is trying to hurt you physically when i'm dead other people will remember me as that vegan teacher we will feel guilt who wants to be remembered for feeling guilt what which human goes around the planet wanting people not to feel happy jake paul damn it it's always jake paul of what a group of teenage girls could do if they rose up and fought for what's right most often girls can see things that guys can't i just want to write that down it's like 20 minutes into a 23-minute video and she's like yeah by the way i'm a feminist too uh girls can see things guys just cannot with their stupid pea-sized prince but sometimes if they are given the space they have the intellectual capacity and an open heart to be able to see something that men are not able to yes my heart is not open in my mind come on man there's some smart guys out there not me but there's someone oh and there's more than two genders by the way but girls are smart guys are smart everybody's smart just leave us alone okay if you were crying and alone and ripped away from the family that you love would you want somebody like me i don't know where you got those assumptions from you just named a great christmas for me actually ripped away from the family huh how about cancun so join me keep fighting oh my god you should keep fighting on tekken 7 because there's a character called panda and that's an animal and you can beat humans up legally because it's a game you should do that you i'm telling you get a gaming channel i'll watch it you just play as panda and you beat the [ __ ] out of people fine tips this is like ingenious you should thank me you're smarter than that come on boys we're way smarter than that come on guys stop being stupid you know that would be crazy if tick tock was invented by a guy because then the whole platform that you even got relevance on a guy that's stupid let's be vegan from now on when i went to watch this video i had my reservations i thought maybe she would talk more about tick tock the ban and how it's unfair and i was genuinely prepared to listen because like i said i think free speech is necessary what she has proved to me is that maybe we should ban her more often on more platforms because i just cannot believe what i've wrote down today honestly this is what she said in the in the tiktok band video school fails people she needs some child soldiers which i think if you go to somalia maybe i don't i don't know i'm from africa they got that there animals have it worse than nazi concentration camp victims not only had it as bad as them but had it worse she also said that every time you change the world it starts with laughter so mandela was pretty hilarious i guess rosa parks was so [ __ ] funny she was like the ellen of the boss abe lincoln more like abe laugh just a lot of laughs back then she said that when she dies she'll leave this whole legacy that everyone will feel guilty about her to end things on a high note girls see things that guys can't and guys brains are just not they just don't work the same as gold that's a great way to end it a little kick in the proverbial nuts i'm fully going to drop that song and it's a dis song in fun i'm not actually going after anything like that but i definitely feel a little bit easier about doing it after hearing this stuff anyway like i said i am quite sorry that your tick-tock got bad hopefully you do very well on youtube good for you thank you guys so much for watching the video i hope that you guys stay tuned for the song coming up soon and until then fluffs and i will see you later fluffs what do you think about the vegan teacher uh we're not fighting it we're not fighting any war you know what i mean like save that for the military men need a holiday
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 399,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegan teacher, that vegan teacher, that vegan teacher reacts to pancho, that vegan teacher banned, that vegan teacher tommyinnit, that vegan teacher tommyinnit tiktok, tik tok, tik tok banned, tik tok cringe, that vegan teacher cringe, that vegan teacher response, react, response, shocking, funny, cringe, sixteenleo, pancho, isaac butterfield, isaac butterfield vegan teacher
Id: vNqXj29FzI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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