How many meanings of "GO THROUGH"!?!? - Phrasal verbs with "Through"

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- So yes, I know I didn't have a video for you last weekend, but don't worry, I have come through with an amazing video for you today. Phrasal verbs with 'through'. Also, thank you to sponsor of the today's video Skillshare, you can improve your English in the best way possible, by learning a new skill in English for free, for two months, by using my link in the description or skip to this time in the video to learn more. First, pronunciation, say these words with me and practice. Tough. Though. Through. Thought. Thorough. Throughth. I'm kidding, that's not a word. Let's practice with a sentence. This one. My plan didn't work, I thought it through thoroughly, though! I thought it through thoroughly, though. Now you say it. (upbeat jazz) I'm sure you're perfect. (clapping) That's for you. (upbeat music) Okay, first I need to explain that phrasal verb, you don't know that one. Okay, well this phrasal verb, it's a bit flexible. Basically, basically it means someone really needs something and you give it to them. For example, "Oh, hey! "I heard you needed a phone charger, "so I brought you one from home." "Oh you legend, thank you so much. "What a mate, whenever I need a phone charger, "he always comes through." Or maybe someone really needs your help and you support them. For example, she was very, very sick and her friend brought her soup everyday, really took care of her. So, she really needed his support and he gave her support. He really came through for her. Notice that we used 'for'. She can simply say, "I needed support and he really came through." But, to be specific she's saying, "He really came through for me." So, if you put the person or the receiver of the support, you need 'for', for me, for the person. Also, also, notice this isn't for something small. For example, like we go for coffee and you pay for me, it's very nice, but that's not exactly to come through for me. No, if we go for coffee and I'm like, "Oh my god! I forgot my wallet, "I don't have any money. "Shit, I'm so sorry." I'm worried, I really need some help here and you, because you're amazing, you say, "Don't worry, I've got these coffees "and here's some money so you can get home." In that case, you come through for me because it's something I really, really need. In another context, perhaps more common context, you know when you send someone a message and your WiFi goes down. Your WiFi stops working and you're not sure if your message sent to the person or not. You want to know, hey, did my message send to you? You'll ask this, "Hey! I sent you a message, did it go through?" Did it send, did it go through? But, when you talk about receiving a digital message, text, email, application form. "Huh, no, I didn't receive anything, nothing came through." Go through, it sends. Come through, you receive the message. A really common use of a verb plus 'through', it means movement in the middle of something. For example, (upbeat jazz) "Oh my God, to get here it was so busy. "I walked through the streets and I had to push through "a bunch of people." So, you walk in the middle of the streets, you push in the middle of a bunch of people. You can change this verb and that changes how you move. Run through the streets, walk through the streets, jump through the streets, dance through the streets, if you really want to. (upbeat dance music) Nice and easy, you change this verb, you change the type of movement. Another way that a verb with 'through' works is you want to explain to or show someone what is going to happen. For example, at an event, at a meeting, or you have plans, or a list of things going to happen. You want to explain that to someone. For example, a colleague at work wants to know, what is going to happen at tomorrow's meeting. They might say, "Can you run me through tomorrow's meeting?" In other words, can you explain to me all the things that are going to happen. Other ways you can say this exact same thing. Can you talk me through, can you walk me through or can you go through. In this case with 'go through', don't put me or an object in the middle. So, "Can you go me through tomorrow's meeting?" That doesn't make sense. But can you talk me through, can you walk me through tomorrow's meeting. Again, all of this means can you explain to me or can you show me what's going to happen tomorrow. At the meeting, at this event, for this plan. And you can kind of understand the differences. There are little differences between the verbs. This, from the context, you know it means explain and the verb changes how you explain. For example, 'run me through', that's fast. Okay, so explain quickly. 'Talk me through', explain using your words. 'Walk me through', maybe not necessarily with your words maybe it means show me, show me what's going to happen. 'Go through', that's more general, it could mean talk, it could mean show. Basically, explain to me what's gonna happen. So, he could reply, "Ya, ya, yeah, give me 5 minutes. "I'll go through everything in detail." These next few verbs plus 'through' imply a bad experience, a bad time, a difficult situation. For example, 'to go through'. I know 'to go through' has so many meanings, but in this context, 'go through' means you have a difficult situation. In general, a very bad experience. For example, this person has a bad illness or someone she knows has died. She feels really bad, it's a bad situation. Use 'go through' to describe the situation. For example, "Oof, she's really going through a tough time." Two things, one, 'going through' I have used the continuous, because she is, she is really going through a tough time. Second, 'tough'. It means difficult. Pronunciation, tough. "I feel bad for her, "she's really going through a tough time." "I'm sorry, I'm going through a lot at the moment." She could even be specific about what the bad situation is. For example, you break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend, whatever, you could say, "I'm sorry, I'm really sad, I'm going through a breakup." Now when you hear that someone is going through something, it's not something small like a cold, it's probably something more serious. So just to keep that in mind. So, let's imagine this guy, last year, he was very, very sick. Maybe he had cancer, that's quite serious. We could say, "Last year he went through a lot, "I mean, the man had cancer." But, what happened next? He got better, now he's completely fine. So, when someone had a very serious illness, then they get better and now they're fine, we say, "Yeah, he had cancer last year, he went through a lot but, "whew, he pulled through and he's fine." So to pull through, yeah, it means you had something bad but that's finished and now you're great, you pulled through. And finally, if you cause someone else to have a bad situation then you put them through something. For example, he broke up with his girlfriend, on her birthday, that is terrible, that's terrible! He caused her to have a bad situation, a bad experience. So, her friend will say, "How could you put her through this?" In other words, how could you cause her this bad situation. Actually, this is not always that you cause someone else to have a bad situation, it could mean you create a bad situation for yourself. If this happens, they just broke up, he put her through some heart break but then he's all like, "Oh, take me back, I still love you." And she's like, "yeah, of course, because whatever." I agree. Why? "Ah, you getting back together? "Don't put yourself through this again!" In other words, she is saying, don't give yourself that bad situation again. The next one. You have a plan with your mates, your friends to go on holiday. Then, you are about to book the tickets to fly. Then your mate texts you, "Hey, sorry, I can't go anymore, something came up, bye." So if you have plans but those plans fail, we say that those plans fall through. So, if a friend asks, "Aren't you going on holiday?" "No, not anymore, the plans fell through." Practice this vocabulary in the comments, tell me about a time when you had plans but they fell through. What happened? Why? Who is to blame? Who's the bad friend? The next one. Okay, if you've seen this video, then you already know that 'see through' means when someone lies to you, you understand their lies. You don't believe it for a second. For example, "Yeah of course I love you, I love only you. "In fact, I would never even look at another girl. "I love only you. "You're my angel, my princess." Please, everyone sees through your lies. And finally, my favorite one, 'to sleep through'. Now, you're asleep and some noise is happening, but you don't hear it, you continue to sleep in the middle of this noise. "Oh my God, how did you sleep through that last night? "Those two, they were banging all night." More commonly it's with your alarm. "Oh my god! Oh my god! "I slept through my alarm." Now be careful, we don't separate this. It's not 'I slept my alarm through'. No. We don't separate that. I slept through my alarm, I slept through all the noise last night, I slept through the storm. So also maybe you notice that some of these phrasal verbs have multiple meanings, like 'go through'. That has a few different meanings, but don't worry, with the context, people will understand you. Also, maybe you notice that I like to tell teeny tiny creative stories in my lessons to help you learn the vocabulary better. I think being creative is super important in life and I love anything and anyone who is creative. So, I want to recommend that you take this creative writing course by Yiyun Li. She teaches you how to create character driven short stories that'll really improve, not only your creative writing and creativity in general, but, you're learning a new skill in English. As you know, I only work with brands which I trust and I personally use and like. And the sponsor of today's video, Skillshare is a great way of improving your English in a really natural way by learning a new skill in English. And Skillshare has over 30,000 online classes for you to choose from, covering lifestyle, business, cooking, technology, illustration and animation, that's obviously my personal favorite. And if you use my link in the description, you'll get a two month free trial with access to all of these really great courses. Of course, I know that trust is important, that's why I only promote brands that I trust. So, don't worry, if you don't like it, it's very easy to cancel. But, I think like me, you'll really like it and continue to use it. And to learn a bunch of really cool things while improving your English. So again, let me know in the comments, when has a plan, fallen through for you? If you feel comfortable, tell me about a difficult situation that you went through. How did you pull through? Or, do you often sleep through your alarms? I know I do, I hit that snooze button millions of times. I'm trying though, it's tough! I'll see you in the next class. (upbeat instrumental)
Channel: Learn English with Papa Teach Me
Views: 153,139
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Keywords: Learn English, Papa teach me, Learn English Grammar, Learn English Vocabulary, IELTS, CAE, CPE, aprender ingles, выучить английский язык, English Vocabulary, Phrasal Verbs, ESL, English Teaching, TEFL, TESOL, TOEFL, TOEIC, تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية, phrasal verbs through, phrasal verbs papa teach me
Id: Zfcq0yev5l0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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