How to use 'Have' / 'Has' / 'Have Had' / 'Had Had' (The EASY Way!) - Learn English Grammar

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This video hits at each level beginner intermediate and advanced so if you're thinking The verb have it's easy. Give me have had that's more difficult then skip to this time, but if you're thinking Have had that's easy. That's like baby stuff Give me had had that ones difficult Then skip to this time or if life is very confusing and you just want to cry. Don't worry. You'll be fine I love you. You're doing great. Just watch from now So the verb have it works like a normal verb like do or go or drink and in the present simple form, it looks like this I you we they Have he she it has? have is usually for possession or actions which collocate linked to the verb have for example, I Have a sister remember for he she it She has a dog hmm with possession in schools they teach you this however with possession it's much more common much more natural to Say it like this. I have got a sister She has got a dog more natural more common is with the contraction I've got I've got a sister she's got she's got a dog. So if you're talking about possession Use have got it's much more common. It's much more natural Have is not just for possession also actions collocate linked with have for example Little sleep is called a nap and we say have a nap. Okay For this let's use present continuous if it's happening now now now It's present continuous Two important things one don't forget the verb be and ING with that verb Secondly, you won't use present continuous or any continuous tense With possessions, for example, I'm having a dog No, but this is an action you can use actions in continuous tenses So I'm having a nap. That's fine. It's happening now Oh a common mistake with have Especially for Latin language speakers when you talk about your age Don't say for example I have 20 years old. No, it's not the verb half you are 20 years old that is a really common mistake. So don't make it. Let's use have in the negative. I you we they Don't have he she it Doesn't have for example You don't have good hair now, I realize I know anyone to judge hair However, I think we can all agree That's not good. But I mean still it's not nice and Of course the form in he she it she doesn't have a heart The common mistake I hear with this is this You haven't good hair. I Haven't a dog. This is really old-fashioned No one says it I don't know why schools teach it these days. Just I guess Stop saying I haven't Okay questions For I you we they it's do pronoun have but remember I said with possessions it's much better much more natural to say have you got Have you got a dog and then for he she it Does he or she or it have a dog but again You can change this. It might sound better might sound more natural to say has he got Has he got a dog so for possessions that sounds better sounds more natural some of you are thinking Hmm. Can I say have you a dog has he a dog? That no, don't do that This is all present tense. Okay, but Had that's the simple past of half. So I you we they had and You will love this. He she it also Had I know i'm sata2. So other actions which collocates would have like interview shower chat when talking in the simple past use had He had a shower it's brilliant it never changes and the question form For all pronouns doesn't change did you I wiII they he she it have breakfast for example and the negative form Didn't have again this doesn't change with any pronoun. I you we they he she it Always didn't have did you have breakfast? No, I didn't have time I told you that for possession have got is the most common form, right? But not in past for past possessions don't say Hadn't got no just say this one. I didn't have have also is an auxilary verb you need this in perfect tenses and It's a little bit more difficult, but don't worry I promise it's not that bad have had this is used in present. Perfect present perfect is about an experience which happened from a time in the past until now usually just an experience from your life so from birth until now, for example, you want to say I in my life Did the IELTS exam I have that experience and this becomes I have done the IELTS test the form for I you we they have or fahisha it has and The past participle or verb 3 you can call it of that verb Do did done have done? verb 3, but remember with present perfect You're not giving specific details about the experience just that you did it Again from a past time until right now So this could include today this week times which are still happening So I have eaten dinner last night No that no because last night is finished, but today today is still happening. For example Have something to eat You want to know hmm? Did they have something to eat? Today from the beginning of today until now it's present perfect. So she'll say Have you had anything to eat today? Remember today that's still continuing. She's asking from the beginning of today until now and her answer can be I've had a cherry you can contract have I've Had so when you see have had it's talking about Something happening from a past time Until now, how about the negative? I Haven't had anything haven't had that's the negative remember. He she it Hasn't had When you start talking about the details, you're talking about specific things specific times Then you change the past simple. For example. Oh my god. Have you been to Brazil? That's present perfect. By the way. Yeah, I've been to Brazil. Oh my god. When did you go? That's past simple. I'm asking about a specific time. Cool. Thanks. I went last year last year Well, that's a specific time. Who did you go with I went with my family You're really weird. So experiences from a past time until now present perfect the specific times and the details past simple and Finally had had it's really not difficult. I promise stay here. Don't don't go any Example question. Where did you go on your holiday last month? That's a specific time So past simple he went to London now. He wants to know was it your first time? And He wants to say no the year before he had a holiday, how does he say that You can say go on a holiday you can also say have a holiday So, why did we use had-had? Well, this is the past perfect. This talks about an experience before a past experience the form Is always the verb had I you we they he she it always had and again the verb three in this case have had had so what he's saying is this last month, I had a holiday to London, but before that I Had had a holiday to London last year So this action? happened before this action and Notice, they're connected. That's it. Those are the two reasons you use past perfect this action happened before a past action and They're connected. That's why we use past perfect. If I show you in a negative it might make more sense Okay, let's imagine that holiday was his first time to London and he Got lost because he doesn't know this city and it can get confusing so Oh Did you like London I got lost because I hadn't been there before this happened in the past anything that relates to before this time and if it's connected Then we use that Past perfect tense, very very importantly. These two should be connected or related somehow this is the reason for this and we know that this happened first and the question form I Went to London Wow, how do you been before so again remember past perfect? It talks about something which happened or didn't happen Before a past event. That's it. Oh and contractions. I Had I'd I'd been before so you'll notice with past perfect often you'll see it with words like before or already Yeah, I'd already been So words like before or already those often go with past perfect because you're talking about something Which happened before a past action? Ok, I want to make this clear for you. So let's put all of those tenses in one situation So a couple asking each other questions We start with a past simple When did you break up with your ex? This is past simple because it's a specific time when? We broke up in September again specific time September Past simple but wait, there's drama He's thinking from a past time September until now We've been together since September Since September until now that's present perfect, and he wants to know what happened first the breakup of Them being together what happened first, he needs to use a past perfect question Had that relationship ended before we got together did this happen first That relationship finished before we got together So because she used past perfect that indicates that happened first So actually we don't need that sentence in Fact we don't even need Before we don't need to say that why Because past perfect already implies that that happened first Had that relationship finished before we got together Yes, it had finished. Oh Yes it had So, okay I hope you understand now how to use had have has Have had and had had so write your own examples positives negatives and questions in the comments I'll correct you and don't worry if this is all very confusing to you It's not just you when I have a class I'll usually do a few lessons on past perfect before moving on So if you're still a bit confused, don't worry watch again take it slow. You will get there. I promise And if you need extra extra English practice You can join this channel as a member or join my patreon page. You'll find a worksheet for this and many other lessons The length of signing up is in the description and I'll see you in the next class
Channel: Learn English with Papa Teach Me
Views: 444,702
Rating: 4.9709291 out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, Papa teach me, Learn English Grammar, Learn English Vocabulary, IELTS, CAE, CPE, aprender ingles, выучить английский язык, English Vocabulary, Phrasal Verbs, ESL, English Teaching, TEFL, TESOL, TOEFL, TOEIC, تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية, present perfect, past perfect, have had had had, had had had had, had had past perfect, how to use have had, the verb have in english
Id: fdxtQpzIpXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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