Phrasal verbs and expressions with "over"

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the word over it can change the meaning of another word it depends if over goes after a word more specifically a verb so a phrasal verb or if it goes before another word making it a prefix so we're going to do this in two segments first we'll look at phrasal verbs and our first phrasal verb is this so to take over something means to take control of something for example when a company buys another company it takes over that company not just with that it could be for general things as well if something takes control of something it takes it over again it's a phrasal verb and this one is separable ah for example despite us have teeth I can't draw spiders I don't know okay that's more like us but that looks nothing like a spider let's imagine him in his apartment there are spiders everywhere and they have taken control of his apartment he could say oh my god spiders have taken over the apartment spiders have control of the apartment now you have three options move out of your apartment burn them with fire or three lucky for him he has a girlfriend so he calls his girlfriend and he says this so sometimes we use a movement verb with over it just adds a friendly way of saying to join someone else at a certain place join them at the house at their office a restaurant wherever they are you add a movement verb and over it's like a way of saying I'll join you so in this case the boyfriend says to the girlfriend can I come over what does it mean can I come to where you are ah fine so he goes over to her house now I said a movement verb Innova you can change the movement verb doesn't have to become or go and how you move for example he could walk over in other words go to her house by walking but then he remembers spiders I have to move fast so his walk becomes his walk becomes a run now he is running over maybe he doesn't want to run maybe he feels a bit fancy dance over to someone's house why not so the main thing is just to remember a movement verb and over run over walk over dance over any movement verb and over it's just a friendly way to say join someone at a place wherever they are so he arrives at his girlfriend's house they're together and she says this uh-oh the one sentence in English that no one wants to hear we need to talk or we have to talk about something that's never good but why did you say talk something over if you save to talk something over it adds the feeling of discussion thinking about something in order to make a decision so it's more common to say we need to talk in this situation but in this case she's saying we need to talk something over and of course she's talking about the relationship what do you think she's going to say she says it's over what does that mean what does be over mean well it means something is finished what is the it it is their relationship the relationship is finished hmm imagine that you're this guy what could you say to her to say think more about your decision you knew it from the previous example he could say oh my god think it over so you remember what that means think about it a bit more in order to make that decision yep it's a difficult situation a hard pill to swallow click here to watch a video explaining that one ah oh it's not a good day for this guy spiders his girlfriend breaks up with him yeah anyway he leaves her house so as he leaves her house as he leaves her house his day gets even worse he falls over in the past fell over it means when you do this you're walking and hood ah this poor guy why does this happen to him why because life isn't fair and love is dead anyway some time passes time passes he's just eating spoonfuls of Nutella because he feels so bad about his relationship he's so sad he cries every day but life isn't bad because after two months as they say time heals all wounds and after two months he feels good again he has recovered from the bad situation how can he say he recovered from a bad situation when you recover from a bad situation for example a relationship you get over the person get over just means recover from a bad situation not just a relationship you can recover from an illness for example I was sick before but I got over it I'm fine now I'm good I have recovered so he feels good now and he says I'm ready to start over what does he mean start over he means don't you just love how phrasal verbs have a million different meanings so to start over or to start something over you're starting again in this case over just means again hmm can I use over with another verb yes in general you could say do something over over means again do something again so this guy super happy now he's ready to start over and in fact he met someone new they fell in love and they're super super happy but then don't don't turn he sees his ex-girlfriend yeah that's awkward but you know him you know he's okay now he got over her so he could say yeah it's okay I'm over her now we've seen this before be over it means something is finished well if you say I'm over a person or a thing it means you're finished with it you don't care anymore yeah I'm over it I don't care for example you might be thinking it English is too difficult you know what I don't care I'm over it so they were all phrasal verbs using over as the preposition for a verb and they had many different meanings but as a prefix before a word it's much much easier don't worry it's regular meaning is something as too much or there's too many of something it just means an excess of something for example it's a romantic night between a boyfriend and a girlfriend what should you do you should go to a restaurant but first you have to book a restaurant so as a good boyfriend you'll call the restaurant to book a table so remember you have to book a table at a restaurant make a reservation right but imagine at that restaurant you call and say hi I'd like to book a table please and this guy says I'm sorry we are overbooked I don't know what accent that was sometimes it happens a restaurant will take too many reservations when a restaurant takes too many reservations or too many bookings it will say we are over booked too many bookings too many reservations hmm so this guy sorry no reservation for you so now it's life it happens right so the boyfriend will have to tell the girlfriend this and it should be fine should be really fine now the restaurant was overbooked we have to find another place so what's a normal reaction to this news okay we'll find another place right but no dis girl crazy what do you mean over books you don't want to go because you became fat so of course this isn't a normal reaction maybe it's too much of a reaction so someone over reacts they react too much just remember as a prefix very easy it just means too much of something so as a sentence she overreacted you're starting to understand how to use over now let's look at another example have you ever met this type of guy when someone gets a bit too close and is all like hey it's got a let's be friends you're thinking oh this guy is too friendly right too friendly too friendly what should go there he is over friendly you're too friendly don't be too friendly it's creepy the key is personal space you could also be maybe you've just finished 12 hours at work a 12-hour shift and maybe you're just super super tired you worked too much what could you say you are you are too much you worked too much he is overworked now he works too much and he's too tired and of course you can use this in a general sense if you overdo something then you do something too much very example I don't know girls have you ever done this she could say I overdid it on the makeup or I overdid my makeup I did my makeup too much but again to overdo something means to do something too much like in another example like maybe you go out tonight and you drink too much in the morning you feel like this your hair is everywhere you feel rubbish you smell like vomit and beer at this point she could say okay last night too much so maybe she overdid the drinking or in general her night was excessive it was too much oh I think I overdid it last night I can't feel my face when I'm with you so those examples were all passed and they were positive well let's use something negative and not past for example summers coming it's beach season soon so everyone usually goes to the gym tries to get in shape but be careful if you go to the gym and you go everyday and you're lifting weights don't overdo it because you might look ridiculous especially if you overdo the top half and forget about legs day never forget legs day thanks for watching our class on over the lesson is almost over but if you didn't understand everything if you're not quite sure about something remember you can watch again and again you can watch it over and over if you like our lessons click here to subscribe you'll never miss a class again or if you want to watch another video right now you can click it or if you want to choose what the next lesson will be yes you can do that and support us at the same time click here see you in the next class goodbye round 2 so the whole sentence it's bound to rain again you want to Satan definitely going to rain it's bound to rain because you know in London one minute sunny the next minute rains how sad
Channel: Learn English with Papa Teach Me
Views: 580,090
Rating: 4.9636817 out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, Learn English Grammar, Learn English Vocabulary, IELTS, CAE, CPE, aprender ingles, выучить английский язык, English Vocabulary, Phrasal Verbs, ESL, English Teaching, TEFL, TESOL, TOEFL, TOEIC, تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية, esl expressions, phrasal verbs over
Id: Xg3Ou6zBda0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2016
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